I suggest, though, that you keep your awareness focused on the interior world as much as you can: quiet time, minimizing external commitments and even taking it easy on your own to-do list.
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Aries (March 20-April 19) — The Sun’s journey through Pisces is often a mysterious time for you, when your attention is drawn inward. It’s helpful to take some time for reflection in the weeks before the Sun enters your sign (or crosses your ascendant if you are Aries rising). However, Venus enters Aries on the 20th, and that will have you inclined toward getting attention from the world around you.
I suggest, though, that you keep your awareness focused on the interior world as much as you can: quiet time, minimizing external commitments and even taking it easy on your own to-do list. The world is way over-busy right now, and we are all paying a high cost spiritually. That cost is the loss of inner awareness, which takes actual discipline to maintain.
However, the soft, spacious, colorful world of your imagination is calling you, and even if you are needed by someone every day, make sure that every day you take time to yourself — the more the better, whole days if possible.
Get your full reading for Aries here. Use promo code: q5dvcv2t
When are you someone’s friend? When is someone your friend? What expectations or responsibilities does that put on the situation?
Taurus (April 19-May 20) — With the Sun entering Pisces this week, your social opportunities are likely to open up. I probably don’t need to say keep things in-person, because that’s what you usually do anyway. I’ve noticed that a great many people are experiencing digital burnout.
This is an excellent time to consider the true meaning of friendship. While this word has become co-opted by “social” media, it’s an essential piece of what it means to be human. When are you someone’s friend? When is someone your friend? What expectations or responsibilities does that put on the situation? It’s often true that we consider the deepest friends those for whom we have done the most; we love people for what we do for them, more so than what they do for us.
This would be an excellent moment to consider the generosity of those who serve you and are aware of your needs — and who actually help. Having Pisces on the 11th house of friendship means you benefit immensely from those who care about you. Keep it real, and let the energy flow in all directions.
Get your full reading for Taurus here. Use promo code: b6dcs89e
Looking back over your life, you’ve been in many situations where you knew you needed to make a decision but then found yourself deferring to someone else’s influence, or doing what was convenient in the moment.
Gemini (May 20-June 21) — Is there a situation in your life where someone seems to be holding power over you? Is there something you feel like you just cannot get out of? The emotional character of this may be something along the lines of “change or die.” Well, given those options, what would you do?
Looking back over your life, you’ve been in many situations where you knew you needed to make a decision but then found yourself deferring to someone else’s influence, or doing what was convenient in the moment. Often people are quite old before they figure out that this is no way to live, and finally take up their own power of decision.
There may be a diversity of smaller issues that are distracting you and which seem to be as important as something that is much more central, urgent and necessary to address. This may come down to whether you feel like you’re in a position to say anything, because you’re afraid of the effect it will have. You’re not usually the type to be silenced, though only you can silence yourself.
Get your full reading for Gemini here. Use promo code: wxw7q39m
Your view of these things has been fogged over by Neptune for more than a decade, and before long, Saturn will be showing up. While at first, this may have the feeling of dimming or curtailing your idealism, you will benefit from taking a more grounded and realistic approach to what you want.
Cancer (June 21-July 22) — The Sun’s entry into your fellow water sign Pisces this weekend will open up your sense of the possibilities. Called the 9th place (or house), this is the region in your chart where you have the most room to maneuver; where you can sense your future; and where you can allow yourself to dream of what is possible when you get out of your own way.
Your view of these things has been fogged over by Neptune for more than a decade, and before long, Saturn will be showing up. While at first, this may have the feeling of dimming or curtailing your idealism, you will benefit from taking a more grounded and realistic approach to what you want. While “planning” does not have such a good track record, it can be helpful to take a structured approach to your agenda, making the best use of your time, and prioritizing.
Now is the moment to put your aspirations through a real-time test run, even if in miniature. Saturn says: take actual steps. The Sun’s presence for the next few weeks, leading up to Saturn’s arrival, will help light your way.
Get your full reading for Cancer here. Use promo code: 8rayzb88
I recognize this may have been a time of isolation, and of relationships seeming to fall away, fail, or have their purpose entirely redefined. It’s been a long road, deciphering and seeking an understanding of the nature of commitment.
Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — You have been through a test of your relationships, and your attitudes and values about them, over the past three years of Saturn moving through your opposite sign Aquarius. This is the time to consolidate your learning, which is to say, distill and remember what you have learned.
I recognize this may have been a time of isolation, and of relationships seeming to fall away, fail, or have their purpose entirely redefined. It’s been a long road, deciphering and seeking an understanding of the nature of commitment. You have been thrown back on yourself so many times that you now understand that there is no commitment possible that does not emerge from a deep place within you; that is not based on some promise that you have made to yourself.
This will give you solid ground to stand on as you move forward. As the Sun and then Saturn make their way through Pisces, you will get to clear yet another layer of fog and confusion. Keep going: using this method, what is left standing is probably real and true.
Get your full reading for Leo here. Use promo code: 86tp9bxv
Your idea of love and companionship needs to reflect your actual world, rather than the one you wish were true. It’s possible to build, but only on what is real and tangible for you now.
Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) – The Sun’s journey through your opposite sign Pisces will illuminate some of the questions you’ve been having about intimate relationships and what they mean. However, you will begin to see the light in a much more grounded and practical way when Saturn enters your opposite sign in a few weeks. This is a long-term transit lasting a couple of years that will help you sort out fact from fiction in your relationships.
You need to know the difference, which is becoming increasingly blurred as the whole world moves deeper into a fantasy replica of itself. You will be a lot happier when you can step away from idealistic visions of what could be and what should be, and start with the basics of what your life is about day-to-day.
Your idea of love and companionship needs to reflect your actual world, rather than the one you wish were true. It’s possible to build, but only on what is real and tangible for you now. It is possible to make changes, if you start in the present. And it’s possible to have help, if you know the help you need.
Get your full reading for Virgo here. Use promo code: 354xs8fs
The key thing here is your creativity, which works best when you’re flowing rather than pumping. Just because you can go hard on yourself does not make that the best approach; it’s one that you can pull out when you need it.
Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — The slow, steady approach to what you want to accomplish remains the best one to take, particularly as the Sun makes its annual journey across Pisces for the next few weeks. Work slowly and persistently enough to appreciate what you’re doing, rather than having to rush or conduct yourself under pressure.
Stay ahead on whatever you can, and that will ease your sense of urgency. While you can certainly perform when the screws are on you, this is not your ideal mode of existence. It’s much better for you to step up your energy when you want to, and when you’re ready. And under current influences, that will require pacing yourself.
The key thing here is your creativity, which works best when you’re flowing rather than pumping. Just because you can go hard on yourself does not make that the best approach; it’s one that you can pull out when you need it. So for now, do what you can to maintain a steady pace, rather than a sprint.
Get your full reading for Libra here. Use promo code: wer4txju
It’s true that you’re about to enter a much more disciplined time in your life, where you will need to set better boundaries on your emotions, your space and your time.
Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — The Sun’s ingress into your fellow water sign Pisces will encourage you to have more fun and to express your creative side. However, this is about moving with the tides and the weather more than it is about directing your energy like a Kung Fu master. You need situations in your life where you don’t have to be the one in control.
And that does not amount to being controlled, either. It really comes down to stepping back from psychological analysis and into the space of allowing, including allowing yourself the space to breathe and flow. Your life has a story of its own, and that story flows over the landscape like a river, rather than cutting through it like a glacier.
It’s true that you’re about to enter a much more disciplined time in your life, where you will need to set better boundaries on your emotions, your space and your time. For now, appreciate the experience of overflowing your own shores and fertilizing the floodplain.
Get your full reading for Scorpio here. Use promo code: scorpio33
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If you are feeling focused, motivated and 100% can-do, the more power to you. Just be certain there is not something you are neglecting, particularly on the home front, or as relates to a certain mystery in a relationship.
Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — The Sun’s ingress into Pisces, followed immediately by the New Moon, describes an important time of inner focus. These movements are an invitation to look carefully at your home situation, and who and what you consider your family. You have lived on a set of assumptions for a long time, and you may be in the first stage of questioning whether they are true.
You don’t need an answer now, you only need to define a few central issues, most of which relate to how you feel day-to-day. If you can relate to feeling tapped out, or like you’re merely treading water to stay afloat, ask yourself what the issue really is. You may know, and if you think you do, then go one level deeper and define your situation in a more useful way.
If you are feeling focused, motivated and 100% can-do, the more power to you. Just be certain there is not something you are neglecting, particularly on the home front, or as relates to a certain mystery in a relationship.
Get your full reading for Sagittarius here. Use promo code: SagStudio33
The mental approach best suited to your sign is intuitive and creative, no matter how rigorous it may seem. This is why you can find solutions to problems that nobody else can; you come up with something that has not been tried before, and which may even work.
Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) – The Sun’s ingress into Pisces in a few days will give you the time and space to think the way you prefer to — without rules. While Capricorn is ruled by boundary-oriented Saturn, your preferred method of contemplating reality is to gaze at the ocean, re-pot your plants, or take a walk — and not think about that thing — then you get your idea.
The mental approach best suited to your sign is intuitive and creative, no matter how rigorous it may seem. This is why you can find solutions to problems that nobody else can; you come up with something that has not been tried before, and which may even work. You can trust this method, though of course there are still steps that you must take in order to manifest a result.
Yet once you have your concept, you are all set. This is the thing to remember. Particularly where writing or even public speaking is concerned, once you have just one really good sentence, the rest follows naturally.
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While the past five years may not have exactly been anarchy, I am sure you would like greater power to put first things first. That implies knowing what they are, and also de-prioritizing certain other matters or tasks which may seem important.
Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — When the Sun is in Pisces, that’s your opportunity to pull some focus on your priorities. While the 2nd place (or house, for you, Pisces) is usually regarded as the house associated with money, it also includes self-respect, what you hold as important, and the order in which you attend to the challenges you may face, or what you want.
That’s what “priorities” really means — what comes first. Now, this has been a point of challenge during the years of Neptune in Pisces (starting in 2011) and especially challenging once Chiron left Pisces (starting in 2018). While the past five years may not have exactly been anarchy, I am sure you would like greater power to put first things first. That implies knowing what they are, and also de-prioritizing certain other matters or tasks which may seem important.
You can afford to take this at a moderate pace, however. Saturn is about to leave your sign and Pluto is about to enter. And that is a whole new world arising, so keep your eye on the horizon.
Get your full reading for Aquarius here. Use promo code: AquaStudio33
You will benefit greatly from the structure that Saturn provides, and will continue to offer throughout the rest of Neptune’s journey through your sign.
Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — It’s always a great relief when the Sun enters your sign. For all the world’s oceans, this planet is an alien place to most people born under the sign Pisces. The conflict, the refusal of so many people to help when they could easily do so, and many other facts of life here constantly remind you that you’re a kind of visitor to an alien planet.
And yet you’re here, and you’re here now, and the Sun in your sign helps you feel more welcome. This is always so short-lived — just one month. During this birthday season there is another benefit coming, which is Saturn arriving in your sign on March 7. I know that other astrologers are not so optimistic about this one, though I take a different view.
You will benefit greatly from the structure that Saturn provides, and will continue to offer throughout the rest of Neptune’s journey through your sign. Saturn will give you something you can climb up on and appreciate the view — and many other practical resources that will help you manage your time and energy.
Get your full reading for Pisces here. Use promo code: PiscesStudio50