While “my way or the highway” is not a good policy for all of life, every now and then you must declare your autonomy and rulership over your own existence — without guilt or regret, just as a fact of life.
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Aries (March 20-April 19) — The recent Full Moon in your opposite sign Libra has brought many previously out-of-sight circumstances and conditions to light, all hinting toward your need for some peace of mind.
It’s difficult to get that, especially in your relationships, when you’re moving, learning and growing as fast as you are. Yet you cannot be regulated from the outside. You are not a rent-a-truck with a governor on the fuel system that keeps you putting down the interstate at 65 mph (where it takes from Albany to Syracuse to pass another vehicle). There are plenty who would hold you down just for their own edification, though this is not an option.
The only result would be frustration and delay, and you’ve had plenty of that. Ride the energy of the Full Moon and get out of any deadlocks that are holding you back. While “my way or the highway” is not a good policy for all of life, every now and then you must declare your autonomy and rulership over your own existence — without guilt or regret, just as a fact of life.

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I suggest you not rush this process; rather, allow it to happen, and notice all the adventures that are happening to you along the way.

Taurus (April 19-May 20) — There is a new version of yourself taking shape within your innermost psyche, and the time of birth is drawing near. I suggest you not rush this process; rather, allow it to happen, and notice all the adventures that are happening to you along the way.
This is all the result of being pulled in a certain direction; mind first, body second. There is a sort of cosmic magnetism affecting your ideas and your various self-concepts. This may feel like standing in some kind of gust that is pulling you in a specific direction. Over the next two weeks, this sensation is likely to increase, potentially to the point where you’re wondering how you’ll be able to handle it.
At the same time, you may be experiencing the feeling of filling up, though this seems to be happening in an alternate or parallel version of yourself. This begins to merge with your current notion of who you are around the time of the solar eclipse on April 19-20, right before the Sun and Moon enter your sign. Stay awake for this birth process. Skip the sedation or the epidural. Feel this experience for all that it is.
You can be informed by ‘future developments’ right now. This may at first feel like reaching into the dark and the silence, though to access this realm you would use a different kind of perception.

Gemini (May 20-June 21) — Some of the most interesting movements in your chart are taking place behind the scrim of your visible life. Think of the world you see and experience as a curtain with a movie being projected on it, by your mind.
Behind the curtain is another world, and at the moment there’s quite a lot developing there. Your best ideas, for example, are out of the range of normal vision and hearing. But you can feel them, if you want to. You can be informed by ‘future developments’ right now. This may at first feel like reaching into the dark and the silence, though to access this realm you would use a different kind of perception. So here is a thought: it’s not the content of what is there that matters, but rather you learning how to access it.
This involves going beyond yourself, though really, you can see this as realizing that there is more to your being than you imagined. If this sounds like a mere theory, it will not when you see how well it works.
The idea is to draw as much in from the implicate order (potential) into the explicate order (that which you live and express) and make the best use of it. There are a few times in everyone’s life when the tap between them opens up.

Cancer (June 21-July 22) — The Sun and many planets continue to streak across the most visible and energetic angle of your solar chart — Aries and the 10th house. This is a rare moment, where you may actually be able to feel your unlimited potential. In the physical world there are always boundaries, though in concept there are not.
The idea is to draw as much in from the implicate order (potential) into the explicate order (that which you live and express) and make the best use of it. There are a few times in everyone’s life when the tap between them opens up. I reckon a good few people miss these moments, as the experience of actual creative power is often experienced as intimidating and confusing.
Yet you know this is about coming into your own, and you have the confidence to take the universe up on its offer. I was tempted to write “generous offer,” though you are being given access to your white ray of sunlight from a star that is radiating out in all directions. Do not confuse this with unfairly positive treatment, or luck. There is plenty of it to go around, and of course, you have the responsibility of developing your resources.
Therefore, be certain to act that way. The essence is self-discovery in action, in the world.

Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — In many ways, during the past few years we have witnessed the future of the world being stolen, along with much potential that existed previously. I think this is devastating for a whole generation of children who have had their possibilities foreclosed and introduced to a world where most of the adults act like they are terrified.
However, it’s not your fate to be subject to this. For one thing, you’re an adult and you can make up your own mind. For another, you are in possession of a vast reservoir of energy and talent that is now maturing. This all becomes what you make of it.
But you have an abundance of energy and if I am reading things right, your self-confidence should be at a high point. More than that, you can sense that your future is real, and that you have some space to grow and move around. Therefore, be certain to act that way. The essence is self-discovery in action, in the world. This is beyond internal growth; you will make the real discoveries as you change the world and it changes you.
Bear in mind that sometimes the gosh darndest things turn out to have validity and meaning. When you encounter one, it has the potential to insist that you rearrange your concept of reality around it.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) – You are not easily persuaded, but when you discover something real, that is its own proof. Saturn’s presence in your opposite sign Pisces has introduced the Reality Principle to your awareness in a new way, and this has tightened up your filters on what to accept as true and what to set aside as false.
Bear in mind that sometimes the gosh darndest things turn out to have validity and meaning. When you encounter one, it has the potential to insist that you rearrange your concept of reality around it. Mercury and Uranus approaching a conjunction has just such a quality, though you might apply it to everything as a kind of test. “What if this is true?” is a fair question to ask of almost any new information you encounter.
This spares you having to make a judgment, but rather opens you up to ideas and new potentials. Meanwhile, Venus is about to embark on a journey across the career and reputation angle of your chart. The best thing you could be known as is an open-minded person.
You are the judge of what they mean to you. And your assessment shapes your experience of reality, as well as influences others. Be aware that your feelings have more power to shape your environment than you may think.

Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — Thursday’s Full Moon in your birth sign is reminding you that you exist and that your presence makes the world a different place than it would otherwise be.
This is a nice balance to your sensation that the world is doing nothing but condition, shape and alter who you are. Sure, it always does that. And it’s true that the massive, powerful forces lining up in your environment seem much greater than you are. Yet in a sense, reality is receptor-mediated. In other words, you define the nature and meaning of what happens to you. You experience the feelings and witness the goings-on of your environment, always on your own terms.
You are the judge of what they mean to you. And your assessment shapes your experience of reality, as well as influences others. Be aware that your feelings have more power to shape your environment than you may think. You are looked to as an example, even if some people are reluctant to let on. Yet that does not change your impact on them.
You are in an environment where frequent updating is necessary, and where people’s viewpoints may change without much notice. Therefore, ask people how they are doing, and update them on your status.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — It’s essential that you be the guardian of quality communication among the people in your world. Rightly, this should only be about matters of direct concern to you, of which there are good few. You might also include certain community matters, though only if you have direct personal involvement.
I am mostly talking about your intimate relationships. You are in an environment where frequent updating is necessary, and where people’s viewpoints may change without much notice. Therefore, ask people how they are doing, and update them on your status. Do so in the spirit of friendly interchange rather than interrogation. In the world, and your world, people tend to go on about what does not matter so much, and avoid the topics that really make a difference.
There are many reasons people stick to what is irrelevant, one of them being that they don’t want to take any risks, such as that of offending someone. Therefore, it will help if you do take risks, and if you are open-minded about what others say, think, do and feel. Jealousy would not be helpful here.
Underneath what you know are patterns where that knowledge and information are held. What is happening is that the underlying structures are being recreated, and at the same time, your access to entirely new but seemingly chaotic ideas is increasing.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) —Jupiter, the Sagittarius planet, your guiding world, is in rare form right now, and is urging you to be bold. That means curious, expressive and open-minded about who you are. It’s way too easy to get into a fixed concept of your identity or your notion of reality.
Thoughts should be the most flexible thing in all of existence, though they are really one of the most rigid and crystallized. You have extra help from Pluto in Aquarius, which is giving you the power to learn, unlearn and relearn — this is the essential cycle here in the digital age. Unlearning is extremely difficult for most people, who would prefer to have false confidence rather than fertile insecurity.
Underneath what you know are patterns where that knowledge and information are held. What is happening is that the underlying structures are being recreated, and at the same time, your access to entirely new but seemingly chaotic ideas is increasing. Any mental or creative shake ups will help you be free of past ideas so you can allow in what is new, and perhaps a little strange.
You have solid, dependable gifts in all the ways the world functions as a political system and civil society. Yet your understanding of humanity and its purpose is much more about the expression of divine symmetry.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) -Thursday’s Full Moon stands as a reminder of how much more you want to accomplish. What is so interesting about Capricorn, in my reading anyway, is that contrary to the usual perspective of your sign being “all business,” the way you want to make your mark on the world comes down to beauty, balance and a touch of wisdom.
You have solid, dependable gifts in all the ways the world functions as a political system and civil society. Yet your understanding of humanity and its purpose is much more about the expression of divine symmetry. Meanwhile, society and its thought forms continue to unravel and disintegrate. While this happens, do not lose faith in logic and reason. People may tell you that to use your mind somehow lacks spiritual relevance.
However, part of your mission, now and for the foreseeable future, is to lead the way forward with calm logic and rationality. Emphasize what makes sense. This does not rule out sensitivity to beauty or human foible, but rather emphasizes our need for useful ideas to live by. You have a special gift here.
Yours is a fixed sign, so the unlearning process is potentially challenging. Two tools can assist you greatly. One is gaining a sensitivity to when you do not know something.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — In the Sagittarius horoscope above, I began a discussion of learning how to unlearn as an essential resource in our times. Part of this is based on how much is changing how fast, and it’s about how much information we are expected to be able to process.
Most of it is useless, so we need the extra gift of being able to sort out what is relevant and what is not, and that, too, requires constant unlearning. What did not matter yesterday may matter quite a bit today. Yours is a fixed sign, so the unlearning process is potentially challenging. Two tools can assist you greatly. One is gaining a sensitivity to when you do not know something.
The other is to foster your curiosity, which is to you what breath is to a yoga student. Understanding is not collecting facts but rather living and breathing as part of your environment, which includes way too much input. The other essential skill, perhaps the most of all, is pattern recognition. This is different from projection. It’s much gentler, and easier on the eyes.

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You know that to succeed in the monetary sense of the idea, you must take initiative, and not just wait around for things to happen. Though part of that involves using the power of attraction, and of focusing on what you want.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — Jupiter and the Sun continue to make bold moves in your house of finances, Aries. You know that to succeed in the monetary sense of the idea, you must take initiative, and not just wait around for things to happen. Though part of that involves using the power of attraction, and of focusing on what you want.
Yet the true beauty of your financial existence is that it’s collaborative; it’s based on relationships, and these are not merely “all about business.” You succeed the best when you are working with people you care about, and with whom you share some sense of truth, justice and aesthetics.
Thursday’s spectacular Full Moon in this house is reminding you to never lose contact with the human aspect of business, of partnership and of collaboration. It’s not just about stuff, or creative output, but rather about the alchemy of creation. This cannot be faked, though a little goes a long way. Find some nourishment in everyone and in everything. Make sure that profit in all forms is also blended with other fruits of the relationship.