There comes a time — sometimes, not always — when people declare that their existence is their own. It’s a bold step, until you look back and see it was the only thing to do.
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Aries (March 20-April 19) — This week’s total eclipse in the last degree of your birth sign is saying that it’s time to wrap up old business. This will involve coming to closure with certain people, claiming what is yours, and “getting your records back” as people used to say (meaning LPs, but it could pertain to financial documents).
There comes a time — sometimes, not always — when people declare that their existence is their own. It’s a bold step, until you look back and see it was the only thing to do. And often, those who do not do so slowly grow old and wonder where their life has gone. Within solid, healthy marriages, there is respect for the individual autonomy of the people in the commitment.
On one level you may feel like you’re courting total chaos, but really, you are tapping into a kind of raw power that will help you keep your perspective. The debate about whether people are “doers” or “deciders” is settled in the lives of those who declare themselves inventors of their existence.

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Think of a home arranged around a hearth, or around the kitchen. At the core of Vesta is a central organizing principle. As the pace of your life begins to pick up, you will need whatever this is.

Taurus (April 19-May 20) — Vesta enters your sign this week, just ahead of a total solar eclipse on the Aries/Taurus cusp. Vesta’s message is: make space for yourself and your purpose. This is sometimes symbolic space, or mental space, though with Vesta, physical space is essential.
Think of a home arranged around a hearth, or around the kitchen. At the core of Vesta is a central organizing principle. As the pace of your life begins to pick up, you will need whatever this is. Your idea or your personal center will shift gradually, though you still need it as a point of orientation. It’s your reminder of what to come back to, and potentially of your point of origin. If you are feeling scattered, I would propose that this is the thing missing.
If you have the sense that you don’t know why you’re here on Earth, it will help you to find your focus. This does not contain all the answers, though it will provide you with a reliable resting place where you can contemplate what you need to know. A real question is more valuable than the answer.
A priority is what you have decided is supposed to come first. People may have other ideas about you, and they certainly have many opinions, but this is not you, and it’s not even about you.

Gemini (May 20-June 21) — What to do with anger is an essential question of being incarnated, at least on Earth. Equally challenging for most people is what to do with motivation and desire, which can easily turn to anger (when blended with fear). The theme of your chart is learning how to tap into this source of core power and use it creatively.
In fact, that is creativity. We mistake creativity for someone with oil paints and an easel set up next to a pond and a willow tree. Actually, it is the conversion process of all available human emotions and sensations, from confusion to pain to bliss, into a source of nourishment and healing. This is almost always a conscious choice, though it may also come with the sensation of no choice but doing something that heals you. One way this can manifest is following what you know are your priorities.
A priority is what you have decided is supposed to come first. People may have other ideas about you, and they certainly have many opinions, but this is not you, and it’s not even about you.
You have exceeded your potential on one level, and must go to another if you want continued success and engagement. You are being guided there, slowly, steadily and now rapidly. Where you are going or have recently arrived, the rules are different.

Cancer (June 21-July 22) — The approaching total solar eclipse in the career and reputation angle of your chart is offering you the opportunity to consolidate many gains of the past ten years. These may not seem like much, each on their own. Some may seem like scraps you have saved, or little things you’ve learned, or seemingly minor achievements.
Really, there is a lot more than that, and you have not recognized the value and meaning of certain accomplishments that seem to have faded in their value, or not been so important. Everything counts, yet this is about a lot more than small things adding up to a lot. You have exceeded your potential on one level, and must go to another if you want continued success and engagement. You are being guided there, slowly, steadily and now rapidly. Where you are going or have recently arrived, the rules are different.
There is no getting away with anything. Your views and much that would normally be considered private are nearly all public. There is, therefore, no space for hypocrisy (the main tool of all social criminals). This would terrify many people; I reckon it will thrill you.
Investigate the extent to which these feelings may be something passed down to you through your mother. The astrology looks like this: whatever happens late in the 9th house but not quite in the 10th should be investigated as the “hidden psychological legacy of mother.”

Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — It may sound like an aphorism or a cliche, though it remains true for those in line with their purpose: action is the fruit of knowledge. Your chart right now is pivoting on the line between the two. However, I suggest you note any insecurities and anxieties that come up for you, which might lead you to hesitate, doubt yourself, or feel like you might lack the respect you have earned.
Investigate the extent to which these feelings may be something passed down to you through your mother. The astrology looks like this: whatever happens late in the 9th house but not quite in the 10th should be investigated as the “hidden psychological legacy of mother.” A truly great teacher handed me that coin, and it’s served me and my clients well for many years. So, ask the question, however difficult. Take her off of the pedestal, and subject her values and ideas to the sniff test. Consider anything she told you that undermined your faith in yourself.
Figure out where this might have come from. The idea is not to have a “balanced view” or give her the benefit of the doubt, but rather to remove some spiritual glass from your foot.
Many attempt to have the second without having the first; to be ‘wise’ without the direct experience of profound upheaval and questioning of existence. However, right now, much of your life could be described as a questioning of existence.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) – In a few days, you will experience an unusual eclipse of the Sun just before it enters your fellow earth sign Taurus. The eclipse is on the line between your 8th and 9th place, or house. One represents the deepest transitions and transformations, and the next represents a place of spiritual aspiration, journeying and learning.
Many attempt to have the second without having the first; to be ‘wise’ without the direct experience of profound upheaval and questioning of existence. However, right now, much of your life could be described as a questioning of existence. The astrological picture of your psyche is like new elements being blended and formed under tremendous pressure, and the result is a depth of self-discovery that is new for you in this lifetime.
Remember this primarily involves the formation of an identity that is not dependent upon relationships for its validity. That is, you are learning to recognize yourself as an independent entity. Proceed in that spirit and the profound self-discoveries will continue to unfold.
It would be best to keep your expectations to a minimum and proceed with an open mind. Once you get a sense of where you are, you will start to understand why you are here.

Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — There comes a point where relationships must be consummated if they are to be real. That might involve sex, or a payment, or a contract entered into. Sometimes an unspoken bond has formed, and then there is an opportunity to demonstrate that. Certain important situations are rapidly moving in this direction.
Think of it as all the ingredients and constituents necessary for a reaction being present, and the timing being right. In some ways your situation may feel like a stretch, or like you’re not quite ready, though you can be certain that you are. There comes a point where it’s essential to let go and allow a change to take place, and to welcome your new circumstances or situation with a spirit of curiosity and faith. From there, you are living in a new reality with new boundaries and conditions.
It would be best to keep your expectations to a minimum and proceed with an open mind. Once you get a sense of where you are, you will start to understand why you are here.
From the look of your solar chart, this may be true — and in that case I suggest you take the opportunity to prioritize. Certain things require your attention; some do not. There are certain people you’re interested in, and others that you are not.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — You probably feel like you have way too much, and too many people, to keep track of. From the look of your solar chart, this may be true — and in that case I suggest you take the opportunity to prioritize. Certain things require your attention; some do not. There are certain people you’re interested in, and others that you are not.
This would be a good starting point. Also, there are matters that are either fully resolved or which are not going anywhere; some of them can safely be left behind. This will involve an active process of decision-making that will be aided and abetted by the forthcoming solar eclipse. For you, this potent meeting of the Moon and the Sun will urge you to get real about what you know, and to respect your own limits.
This also means understanding where you place your emphasis and why. Most of what you experience does not deserve much focus. But certain things and certain people deserve quite a lot. Make a daily yoga out of recognizing who and what those are.
That risk feels something like letting go of something about you, and entering an unknown experience. You may feel like you’re into something that demands more talent than you have; rise to the occasion.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — You may have the feeling that to take a chance on a creative project or endeavor may in some way mislead you. That would only be true if the leading were into some form of conflict and not a peaceful activity. That leaves a lot of room for you to explore, as long as you are cautious of any form of, “Let’s take this battle over in that direction. Follow me.”
That is easy to recognize. Meanwhile, in order to tap that magic or miracle which is sometimes considered the creative flow, it’s essential that there be a risk involved, otherwise it’s just more basket-weaving. That risk feels something like letting go of something about you, and entering an unknown experience. You may feel like you’re into something that demands more talent than you have; rise to the occasion.
This is how talent is cultivated, grown and established. Many people we consider “the greats” were in over their heads at the beginning. However, what makes them who they are is that they summoned all of their inner resources and fully engaged the situation. This is an invitation.
As that time approaches, you may feel like you’re on the brink of something big, but also as if you cannot quite get yourself there. That will resolve itself if you take a planned approach to Mercury retrograde rather than the usual haphazard one that most people take.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) -Many forces are conspiring to liberate you from your insecurities and guide you toward confidence in your abilities. Which abilities would those be? The ones you worry about the most. And also some that you may indulge in frequently, yet still doubt yourself. You have a natural gift for investment, and you may have some ideas about how to proceed. However, I suggest you take a long-range view and hedge your bets for now.
After Mercury is direct and Jupiter lands in your fellow earthy sign Taurus, you will be on more solid ground. But there is plenty you can do between now and then. Mercury retrograde, which begins April 21, is great for testing the waters, conducting experiments, and figuring out what you don’t know. As that time approaches, you may feel like you’re on the brink of something big, but also as if you cannot quite get yourself there. That will resolve itself if you take a planned approach to Mercury retrograde rather than the usual haphazard one that most people take.
Remember that more than anything, Mercury retrograde is about your awareness of what you know and do not know; and these days, it’s about systems of organization. However, take some time to play in the dirt, even if that means repotting your plants.
You may travel a long way to get there, but you don’t stay there — you go somewhere else. So the question is, where did you arrive, and what do you do when you get there? Sadly, most of what passes for thought is merely prejudice.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — The most important thing you can learn is how to unlearn. I know I keep saying that — and it cannot be said enough. It’s especially crucial for anyone with strong Aquarius in their chart. Unlearning is about patterns of thought, not merely about facts. It’s about restructuring the method by which you get to your conclusions, and what you do when you arrive. A conclusion is like a bus terminal.
You may travel a long way to get there, but you don’t stay there — you go somewhere else. So the question is, where did you arrive, and what do you do when you get there? Sadly, most of what passes for thought is merely prejudice. Most of what passes for creativity is borrowing an idea. And most people “go with their gut,” which usually means, “I didn’t bother to think about it much.” You will benefit from making friends with not knowing, or with being wrong about things you thought you knew. To do this, it helps to have a sense of humor.
That lightens up the mental burden of discovery. However, I’ve noticed that most people don’t know when they lack this capacity. There is something funny about everything. Maybe try that on for size.

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Take the time to get your physical spaces organized, and clear the runways. You are also in a good position to collect on old debts and call in favors. You will get maximum value from this retrograde if you stay close to your core activities, and close to home, and make your life more manageable.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — Astrology is moving from Aries to Taurus, which is your reminder to make your ideas and your values tangible. That is to say, take steps going from concept to action. Both the solar eclipse in Aries and Mercury slowing down in Taurus are saying that it’s time for a review of what you’ve started in the past six months or so.
Use this Mercury retrograde (which starts April 21) to sift through what you’ve planned or begun, and make some decisions about what you want to do. Take the time to get your physical spaces organized, and clear the runways. You are also in a good position to collect on old debts and call in favors. You will get maximum value from this retrograde if you stay close to your core activities, and close to home, and make your life more manageable.
There exists a diversity of ways to do this, though because Taurus is involved, I suggest you stick to the physical world of actual objects and genuine 3-D spaces. You will make many, many discoveries along the way — some of them more valuable than you could have anticipated.