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It’s essential to know your wants and your needs, and there must be impeccable attention to detail. Whatever you are thinking now, you may decide that it verges on irrelevant in just a few weeks, when you have much more exciting, appealing and fruitful options.

Aries (March 20-April 19) — If you must assert your will, do so in a mindful and intellectual way, rather than an emotional or forceful way. How you speak and how you feel when you’re expressing yourself constitute most of the message you are conveying.
There’s something else coming through as well: make sure you know what you want before you ask for it. A diversity of factors, including Mercury retrograde and an eclipse of the Moon in Scorpio, say that your priorities are under re-evaluation. That means you’re very likely to change your mind a few times between now and the end of the month. And then Jupiter leaves Aries and enters Taurus, where it takes on a new life.
Which means you might miss your most important priorities — including really obvious ones. Therefore, take a long pause before making up your mind, especially if the decision is optional and not on an enforced deadline. If you are told you must commit by a certain time, especially before the 16th, then consult with a couple of people who you know to be helpful in the reality-check department. It’s essential to know your wants and your needs, and there must be impeccable attention to detail. Whatever you are thinking now, you may decide that it verges on irrelevant in just a few weeks, when you have much more exciting, appealing and fruitful options.
Therefore, bide your time, which does not mean wait, or make digressions. Rather, it means abide in your time. Use it well, map out your commitments and take any opportunity to disabuse yourself of what is not working for you. This will open up space and energy for what you value, and you will have the freedom to explore it.

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One thing to be mindful of is potentially conflicting values. For example, one cannot be happy while simultaneously wanting to stay up late, get up early, and get lots of sleep all at the same time. At a certain point, you must prioritize being in harmony with yourself.

Taurus (April 19-May 20) — You have been through a long process of chipping, chopping and eroding guilt. By long, I mean that you probably figured this out more than 10 years ago.
This endeavor has taken many forms and has probably had a diversity of names, though the bottom line has been understanding the toxic, wasteful and imprisoning nature of guilt. The source of nearly all of it was religion in some form, even if your family of origin was not observant. The values impregnated into people by religion endure without the trappings and overtly pious beliefs and attitudes. This makes it more difficult, because the emotions do not have labels and there may not be a priest or minister to blame.
The antithesis to guilt is, partly, the study of ethics — having an actual understanding of right and wrong. Yet that only gets you so far. The roots are emotional, and also spiritual. I say all this because if you find yourself in a place and time where you are liberated from people or situations that were causing you pain, you have a right to feel happy about that. And if you find yourself in a place of abundance, with your options open, feeling in any way shameful or resentful, you will miss most of the benefits. And you most surely have a variety of opportunities that are about to open up.
One thing to be mindful of is potentially conflicting values. For example, one cannot be happy while simultaneously wanting to stay up late, get up early, and get lots of sleep all at the same time. At a certain point, you must prioritize being in harmony with yourself. This may take many seemingly little forms. Know your truth and stand by yourself.

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There is a possibility that you feel trapped within the seeming confines of your own mind. That is likely to be the first thing to resolve, with the sensation of something coming loose.

Gemini (May 20-June 21) — There is only one approach to handling your deepest fears, which is a spiritual approach. It’s rare that fear is connected to something you can actually do something about, especially in the short-term.
If you’re afraid of your house burning down, you can check the stove and blow out all the candles, though that may not resolve your anxiety. It’s similar with courage; there is rarely something actually holding back those who summon their will and rise to some occasion — it’s almost always a mental or emotional trip that holds people back.
This month’s lunar eclipse in Scorpio may confront you with your anxieties, particularly material. Mercury retrograde in the same axis of your chart may have you feeling like you cannot influence the direction and flow of your thoughts — or even pin down what you’re thinking. Yet both present opportunities to work out something much deeper, including anxieties that have lingered around for many years. There is a possibility that you feel trapped within the seeming confines of your own mind. That is likely to be the first thing to resolve, with the sensation of something coming loose. At all times, you have the power to make one particular choice, which is whether to listen to the voice of fear or the voice of love.
This is not always easy to work out, because fear is so shrill and demanding of attention. It is relentless, and it’s almost always wrong. Fear needs to be discredited due to its terrible track record of not being at all helpful, though it’s also a habit. The only way to release an old habit is to replace it with a new one — and help is on the way.

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One thing that’s always been true about you is that you’re happiest among people who share your core values. It will help if you know what they are. Some people prefer to associate with others who make as much money as they do, or who have similar advanced degrees.

Cancer (June 21-July 22) — If you are in any way feeling overwhelmed, put it in writing. This will help you process your emotions, and also turn them into a form of inspiration. In a similar way, put into language your ideas and plans.
The common theme is grounding, by which I mean translating into physical form, located in space and time. The free-floating nature of thoughts and feelings finds a fairly easy remedy in written language. Meanwhile, there is good news in that changes to your social environment are on the way. It’s almost as if your circle of friends is molting — shedding its previous container — to make room for something much more nourishing to you.
The past year of Jupiter in Aries has done much to elevate your visibility and even your status in the world. Yet it’s a separate step to experience the benefits. This month’s lunar eclipse in Taurus will remind you of what you do not need or want, and give you the impetus to let go of them. This will free up time and bandwidth for many tangible possibilities. Emphasize the social above all else, because it’s the hub of all good things. One thing that’s always been true about you is that you’re happiest among people who share your core values. It will help if you know what they are. Some people prefer to associate with others who make as much money as they do, or who have similar advanced degrees. Your truth is deeper.
You are making important discoveries about what truly matters to you, and to make that real, being with people you resonate with will be helpful. You will love discovering how little this has to do with appearances. Beauty in all forms emerges from the inside out.
You can only be your own boss, or be equal to others, to the extent that you can hold up your end of any commitment — which means on mutual terms.

Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — You’re undergoing a series of shakeups and shakedowns in your professional life, and while that is happening, you would be wise to stay in close contact with the people you report to, and to whom you are responsible.
Be impeccable in your communications, and respect the chain of command. If you cannot do that with happiness and a clear conscience, you may have the wrong job. Events early in the month will help you confirm whether a situation is working for you or not. One good thing about the world right now is how many people are looking for reliable, knowledgeable help. This is bad news for those who take no pride in their work product, but good news for you.
Still, honoring communication is essential, and I suggest you take up the entire burden of that task. Jupiter’s arrival in the professional and reputation angle of your chart will magnify everything: your assets as much as your weaknesses. This is why you must be devoted to working out any issues you may have, especially with authority. You can only be your own boss, or be equal to others, to the extent that you can hold up your end of any commitment — which means on mutual terms.
That all said, Jupiter is about to spend a year in one of the most solid, productive angles of your chart. Yet before you jump on any possibilities, go through a soul-searching process where you invest the time and thought, and figure out what is right for you. Get as many new experiences as you can. It’s possible that one year from now your professional life will look and feel very different than it does today. Let that work out slowly, carefully and in the tangible, physical world.
You are about to experience an opportunity to let go of some old, entrenched beliefs. You’ve been trying to do this for a while. They have been kicking up dust, and one effect has been a crisis of faith, as if you struggled to figure out what’s real but didn’t know it; it just felt like extreme confusion or anxiety.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) – Belief, not the truth, is for most humans the final arbiter of reality. Few have acknowledged how dangerous this is, for individuals and for all of us. The result is that persuasive people — rather than honest ones — usually get their way.
Of course, the most readily available mode of persuasion is fear, and we’ve all witnessed how that works out. You are about to experience an opportunity to let go of some old, entrenched beliefs. You’ve been trying to do this for a while. They have been kicking up dust, and one effect has been a crisis of faith, as if you struggled to figure out what’s real but didn’t know it; it just felt like extreme confusion or anxiety. When that happens, it’s good to check for a mistaken belief, though if you discover one, you will need to use an essential skill for our time, which is the ability to unlearn.
By that I mean acknowledging an error of understanding (or not understanding) without thinking your whole world is going to collapse. An upcoming eclipse of the Moon in Scorpio will provide you with an opening to make some corrections. That may lead to a wider re-evaluation of where you place your faith, what you believe and how that came to be. Generally, 99% of what we know is wrong, but the only remedy for that is curiosity and joy in discovery. I suggest you dial that up.
What is true and correct will be much more helpful than what is incorrect, outdated or based on propaganda you were infused with when you were a kid. You have a parallel situation to your fellow earth sign Taurus (see above) in that a deep source of chaos is religious values that were not identified as such, as they may have been covert or presented in a secular context.
You are entering territory where you will know what is right, though you may doubt and second-guess yourself. But intuition is not guessing. It is knowing without a specific, conscious reason to know, or it’s where the available clues lead, if you’re not resisting them.

Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — How many times have you violated your own intuition, only to regret having done so? I would reckon a good few. You are entering territory where you will know what is right, though you may doubt and second-guess yourself. But intuition is not guessing.
It is knowing without a specific, conscious reason to know, or it’s where the available clues lead, if you’re not resisting them. There are a few issues here, particularly in our mentally cluttered times. Intuition is quiet; many other voices squawk, screech or scream, so it’s difficult to actually know what you know. Intuition is also not instinct; that is more like the feeling of needing to scratch an itch. It is not belief; that is based on old information, usually incorrect.
The wider purpose here is knowing how to handle people in financial transactions. The eclipse in Scorpio on May 5 will rearrange and accelerate matters you considered settled, and bring you closer to understanding your professional goals. The astrology is now focused in Taurus, which is the angle of your chart where resources are shared, contracts are made, and obligations are fulfilled. There is way too much happening there right now to make any decisions that work out well for you. Retrograde Mercury describes missing information and potentially some form of deception. And Jupiter entering Taurus on the 16th will inform you of resources and advantages that you aren’t aware of yet.
So if my intuition as an astrologer is worth anything, postpone making any commitment that can wait, and work carefully to find out what you do not know. Be patiently observant — and do that rare and beautiful thing called noticing. Observing. Paying attention to what one thing means in the context of another. Ahh, the beauty.
The truth is, you know where you stand; you understand your situation; you know how you feel about the people involved in any question. I suggest you make your decisions before they are made for you.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — The upcoming eclipse of the Moon in your birth sign may represent your changing attitudes and values about a relationship. There is a good chance you’ve been involved in this evaluation for more than a year.
Maybe read some of my prior horoscopes for Scorpio from 2022 and see how I was calling those aspects. They all involved coming to terms with various forms of self-deception and wishful thinking. By the time an eclipse in your sign rolls around, you’re at a point where your hand will be forced by a factor that seems outside of your control. You probably have an idea what I am talking about, though I’m not privy to the specifics. The astrology has been bold. Humanity must come to terms with the issue of denial, one person at a time.
There is good news here. Whatever may be changing, waning, or departing from your life, many beautiful developments are in the offing. To say that you have possibilities is a vast understatement. And this — as a therapist or life coach knows — can be daunting: yes, many are afraid of good things happening, because they come with the need for change, and there is the natural fear that they may not work out. Finally, if you don’t feel like you deserve positive developments, you may reject them in some way.
However, get ready for a kind of celestial speedup associated with the May 5th eclipse, where you will need to catch up with yourself emotionally. The truth is, you know where you stand; you understand your situation; you know how you feel about the people involved in any question. I suggest you make your decisions before they are made for you.
Your best revelations are likely to occur by what seems like chance, though really it’s no such thing. There is nothing random about setting about work every day, but not knowing what you might learn. Hang loose, and let one thing lead to another.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — Back at the dawn of Planet Waves, we had a joke about a new sign called “Saggitaurus,” the fusion of Sagittarius and Taurus (a mistyping by our first developer, and which I thought was perfect).
However, now that Jupiter (the ruler of Sagittarius) is entering Taurus, you are about to have the direct experience. Yours is one of the most ethereal signs. Taurus is one of the most grounded. Its position in your chart is in the house of getting things done (the 6th). Before this happens, there are a few shuffles to be aware of. One of them involves Mercury stationing direct on the 14th.
Until then you may be hustling to get previously-committed work done — that would be an excellent idea. You want your slate as clean as possible as you enter the Jupiter-in-Taurus era. This will last about one year and one week, ending in late May 2024. And there is a plan involved, which involves working toward a goal that may arrive as a breakthrough, not something you specifically intended. Therefore, your real work is part-inventor, part-discoverer. Your best revelations are likely to occur by what seems like chance, though really it’s no such thing. There is nothing random about setting about work every day, but not knowing what you might learn. Hang loose, and let one thing lead to another. Sure, there will be practical goals to fulfill, though don’t let them interfere with your exploration of the nature of reality.
In Taurus, that would be tangible, physical reality. Jupiter’s message is to keep your priorities and your activities as close to physical, material, analog reality as you can. Start everything on paper, in clay or on your acoustic guitar. In the first instance, skip the iPad. You’ll get there eventually.
It’s likely that you have some natural ability that you have carried forward from when you were much younger. And the thing to do with that gift, no matter how modest, is something fun for its own sake.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) – The creative bug must seem like a swarm of butterflies or maybe even grasshoppers right now. With many other influences out of the way, the dominant energy of your chart is coming in through your house of art and adventure, which also happens to be the house of financial speculation.
This is all in your fellow earthy sign, Taurus, your solar 5th house — which is potentially undeveloped territory for you. Not only is there no escaping now; I cannot imagine why you would want to. Except for one thing, and this deserves a whole article. Society is deeply biased against matters of the 5th. Kids are talked out of doing the things they love, or are told they will be a failure.
Success is measured only in money, not satisfaction with life. Creative endeavors — from opera to grants for artists — are cut out of government budgets like they are a total waste. In fact, our lives would be terrible without the work of people who somehow overcome this extreme bias and contribute many forms of beauty. By the time most people are adults, they have either given up, or their lives are so full of commitments that they have no sense they could ever learn to express what is uniquely their own, from the inside out. Getting in contact with this drive, need, impulse or desire used to have a name — inner child work.
It’s an essential form of self-therapy to get in touch with your inner kid and make sure he or she has some room to explore. It’s likely that you have some natural ability that you have carried forward from when you were much younger. And the thing to do with that gift, no matter how modest, is something fun for its own sake.
You may get the idea that you want more out of life: such as a nicer home, or better food to eat, or perhaps even a sense of inner peace. Pluto’s side of this dialog is saying that you must change the patterns of your life in order to have this.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — When Jupiter enters Taurus in a couple of weeks, it will activate your chart several ways, making a bold aspect to Pluto, newly in your sign. This will influence you a number of ways, and remind you of the change of emphasis that Pluto in your sign represents.
Let’s explore the dialog between Jupiter and Pluto and see what ideas emerge. Pluto is a driving force; Jupiter is about expansion and benefit. You may get the idea that you want more out of life: such as a nicer home, or better food to eat, or perhaps even a sense of inner peace. Pluto’s side of this dialog is saying that you must change the patterns of your life in order to have this.
With Aquarius, this is almost always about a shift of mental posture or thought patterns. And while this gets more challenging with each passing day, Pluto is here to assist you with the one thing you need the most, which is setting yourself free from existing thought patterns: a diversity of crystallized expectations, motives, habits and beliefs that you mistake for “your mind.” Jupiter will remind you that you need room to maneuver, and to grow. Pluto will never let you forget that you must be flexible, and perceive your reality in the moment you are living it rather than your concepts about life entirely being a product of the past.
Jupiter in Taurus will remind you that you must stay in contact with the Earth you live on and that sustains you — not from above, but from below. With much else happening in Taurus, including retrograde Mercury, you may feel like you can have the comfort you want without updating your ideas about yourself and about life. But why?

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Too often, people confuse the challenge of making something marketable with something not having actual worth. This can be a source not just of frustration but of a real struggle with self-esteem.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — Your ruling planet Jupiter is about to join the Sun and Mercury in the angle of your chart associated with buying and selling. The fact that Taurus is located here says you have something of value to offer, and Jupiter will remind you of that in some bold new ways.
Yet there is always a translation to get your wares to the market, and to establish their worth in a commercial context. That sentence includes one of the most important themes of the coming year of Jupiter in Taurus. Too often, people confuse the challenge of making something marketable with something not having actual worth. This can be a source not just of frustration but of a real struggle with self-esteem.
And many of the sublime qualities of life that are of value to Pisces people are taken for granted by much of the world. It’s a lot easier to sell a guitar than it is to sell a song. And even the people who are great at selling songs and can fill a whole theater must make their profits selling tee-shirts and programs. Had you and I invented the world, we would not have done things this way. However, that is the way they are. One of the deciding factors between commercial success and failure is cooperation. And this, too, is a value that is under a lot of stress, as too many among us fall for some new version of “every man for himself.”
You must rely on yourself as much as possible, and winnow down your associations with others to those who support you creatively, or facilitate your financial success — and not waste your time on the rest. Thankfully, taskmaster Saturn is in your sign and on your side right now, and will help you make any difficult decisions.