Hey, kids, shake it loose together
Dear Friend and Reader:
This letter includes a new horoscope column, published below. I also offer a detailed reading of the next seven days of astrology on STARCAST, which includes the new Planet Waves TV on the same page.

We are at a slight lull in the astrology for a few days. For about two weeks we’ve been living through Mercury retrograde on steroids. If you recall, last week’s Libra New Moon conjunct Mars was followed by a triple conjunction of retrograde Mercury, Mars and the Sun on Saturday.
All three remain in Libra, and Mercury stations direct on the 18th, which is likely to come with a new set of revelations, personal and collective.
This is a lot — of turbulence, of pressure, of anxiety, of decisions made under less-than-ideal circumstances. It’s the astrology at a point of no return. There is nobody I know who is not going through some unusual pressure, drama or circumstances, and the world is in rough shape. Perhaps you are among those who are monitoring whether the people around you have any interest in confronting reality, or at least taking a look at it.
Because I learned astrology first in a newsroom, from a newspaper editor in New Jersey (when I was about 24), I’ve long had my pulse on the relationship between public developments and planetary movements. Given what we’ve experienced the past two weeks, Mercury direct is promising to be, let’s just say, unusual.

One Hundred Years of Solitude (and Amnesia)
I got a renewed sense of the power of Mercury retrograde during February and March 2020, when the whole world changed in three weeks — during Mercury retrograde in Pisces. It has yet to change back; we have yet to go forward. I am confounded that people can stand this level of uncertainty for so long. We are living through a time so unusual, I have nothing to compare it to.
Well, except maybe the scene in One Hundred Years of Solitude when the entire town gets amnesia and the role of the tarot card reader is to look at the cards and tell people what happened in the past.
Through all of this, we are being being driven apart from one another. The fundamental theme of this Libra astrology is that all the big, big Capricorn and Aquarius astrology is coming home to roost in our most private lives. But we don’t quite know that we don’t have private lives anymore, otherwise, we would think it somewhat more perplexing that the county sheriff is involved in the discussion of the Thanksgiving dinner guest list.
In one sense, Mercury retrograde, Mars and the Sun in Libra continue to splinter certain people from one another and groups. And on another level, this is driving new unity and allegiances. There have been tens of thousands of firings the past two weeks for people refusing to get the injection, including medical workers who already survived what they were told was a pandemic.

Southwest Pilots Walk Off the Job
Southwest Airlines pilots received orders to get the injection on Oct. 4. Since Saturday (the day of the retrograde Mercury-Mars-Sun conjunction), the Dallas-based airline has canceled more than 2,400 flights, according to Flight-Aware, the flight tracking website, peaking with more than 1,100 cancelations on Sunday. The airline blamed bad weather in Florida for the cancellations, which mysteriously did not affect any other carriers.
What is strange is that anyone thinks this is strange. Pilots are pilots thanks to their extreme technical expertise and unusual mindfulness. They have taken notice of 778,683 reported covid injection related health events, and that 75,607 people have landed in the hospital. This is according to the official Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) tally, reported by a project called OpenVAERS. This is the vaccine injury and death reporting system set up by the federal government in 1990 that is said to capture just 1% of total incidents. HHS is aware of more than 16,000 reported deaths from the covid injections, more than the past 30 years combined.
Nobody likes hearing this. Some like it less than others, and some are angry — for two different sets of reasons. Some want to pretend it’s not happening. Some are outraged that such a thing is possible proceeding unchecked. When medical doctors, nurses, hospital personnel, school teachers and airline pilots refuse to do something, you cannot say it’s because they are stupid.

C-Span Video of a Business Planning Meeting Surfaced Last Week
Last week, a one-hour C-Span video from October 2019 surfaced, wherein Anthony Fauci, and an official from the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS, which oversees him) and other top vaccine promoters from the nonprofit sector, planned a revamp of the image of the flu and the flu shot. This meeting sounds a lot like a meeting of marketing executives planning their next rollout.

This took place at the Milken Institute in Washington, DC, named for convicted felon and junk bond huckster Michel Milken.
In his presentation, Anthony Fauci told the panel, audience members and viewers that influenza needed to be rebranded as something as dangerous as AIDS or cancer.
Everyone agreed that a next-generation mRNA “universal flu shot” would achieve better market saturation than the 23% saturation of the existing flu shot made from eggs. Participants said that there flu shot had to be made “sexier,” and the HHS rep — Fauci’s boss — compared it to making a brand new carrot cake that was the best you ever ate in your entire life, but really about the same as the old one.
Nobody was talking about wellness, or keeping people healthy, or nutrition. In late 2019, the discussion of the “universal flu shot” was about how to roll out mRNA technology and how much money they would make.
I have covered this in a new article and on last Friday night’s program. A Planet Waves reader who works as a stenographer in the federal courts has prepared a transcript of the discussion. My program opens with Fauci’s quote about convincing the public that the flu is as bad as AIDS or cancer.
Mercury Stations Direct Oct. 18 (above, “I’m the Man,” dedicated to the crew at the Milken Institute)
After a series of events I discuss on STARCAST, peaking with the Sun square Pluto, Mercury finally stations direct in Libra at 11:17 am EDT on Oct. 18, 2021.
Mercury direct can enhance the feeling of “the truth revealed,” as previously concealed information can percolate out of the ethers and manifest in front of us. This works for the most personal and the most public situations.
I would say fasten your seatbelt, but what I mean is, minds are like parachutes. They only function when open.

Pre-Order Scorpio Astrology Studio for Sun & Rising Sign
Eric is now working on Scorpio Astrology Studio. We plan to have it in your hands in time for your birthday by Oct. 23. You may preorder for the best price here. This reading makes a great gift for the cuddly Scorpio in your life!
“Any good astrology in our time must include stress counseling, and I will do some of that,” Eric wrote tonight. Yet as for the signs and planets, and what they are doing: Scorpio has been working from behind the scenes, or by proxy: much of what’s happened in the world has involved the Scorpionic planet Pluto, making its way through Capricorn. What is the parallel dimension in your own life? What is changing behind recognition?
“In what ways are your old thought forms being challenged, or demolished, to make room for a new approach to your existence? In my usual plain-talk version of astrology, I will introduce Pluto entering Aquarius in 2023, and cover the forthcoming Jupiter-Neptune conjunction in Pisces.”
You may preorder for the best price here. This reading is included with the Backstage Pass. Or if you sign up for a full year of Planet Waves (or extend your membership one year), we will include it free. If you have questions, please call us at (845) 481-5616. We will get right back to you if we don’t pick up.
Thank you for your business and your trust.
Planet Waves for Oct. 12, 2021 by Eric Francis
We live within one shared environment, and it’s only so possible to partition your life off from the world around you.

Aries (March 20-April 19) — The dust is still settling after a series of upheavals in an important partnership or aspect of your personal life. You may not be sure that the quakes are over, and there may be a few aftershocks. What you are experiencing are the effects of a much wider reality coming home to your most intimate life. We live within one shared environment, and it’s only so possible possible to partition your life off from the world around you. In truth, you may discover that the less you build up walls and barriers to keep away some seeming other reality, the more energy you have, and the less threatened you feel. In other words, defenses themselves are the source of most psychological threat, which is the type most commonly experienced. Your ruling planet Mars still transiting your opposite sign Libra is a reminder to notice when you are projecting onto someone or something. This is a condition that has soaked the planet, with most people seeing the fear within their mind as some existential danger outside. Perception is not reality, but it sure can be convincing.
You don’t need your notion of how anyone may feel about you to add to your own insecurities.

Taurus (April 19-May 20) — Venus is now making its way across Sagittarius, which may have lightened up the atmosphere of your life somewhat, and drawn you closer to someone whose affection and attention you want. Be careful, however, about investing too much of your self-value in how anyone else may feel about you. You have enough doubts for one person to handle. You don’t need your notion of how anyone may feel about you to add to your own insecurities. And remember — such ideas are almost always from your own mind. That said, there are plenty of opportunities for collaboration and cooperation over the next few weeks. You would be well served by investing your energy in what is measurably productive, rather than what is good in some abstract sense of the notion. Create projects where others are directly involved, and feel the quality of your relationship in the experiencing of building, repairing or creating your shared life and perhaps some aspects of the wider environment. As your spiritual practice, focus on truth and sincerity. There is no other.
You may find yourself solving problems you didn’t even know you had, and working out the kinks and the weak links in long-neglected situations.

Gemini (May 20-June 21) — The current Mercury retrograde has thrown some real curves, though these phases (which occur three times a year) tend to be easy for people who maintain their lives with care and a sense of precaution. One positive thing is that most problems or situations that arise are showing themselves to be responsive to creative solutions. You may find yourself solving problems you didn’t even know you had, and working out the kinks and the weak links in long-neglected situations. At the same time, use creative means to keep your state of mind in a productive and positive place. Try approaches you have not done in the past, and be open to experimenting — with everything but fixing computers, that is. You are getting a good lesson in the various routine tasks you need to maintain to keep your life in good working order when the weather blows in. We are indeed in the midst of a series of disruptions, and these can provide excellent creative opportunities if you use them as such.
You are fortunate in that your main orientation is “taking care,” whether of yourself, of your brood, or of the world.

Cancer (June 21-July 22) — If you’re not convinced the world is going to unravel in the next 15 minutes, you’re in great shape. The past week has come with a series of jolts and seeming threats to your confidence and your security, so I can understand if it hasn’t exactly been smooth sailing. However, one true advantage you have is that you tend to keep on moving through and beyond where others get stuck. You are fortunate in that your main orientation is “taking care,” whether of yourself, of your brood, or of the world. This affords you a useful and dependable point of orientation, which (if you follow it) does not allow much in the way of needless interference to disrupt you. That you are capable of focusing on necessities means that you’re able to establish your priorities. This, in turn, helps keep other people focused, and in total, we are looking at an excellent example of dharma. One problem we are facing as a society right now is that a lot of people are giving up: on themselves, on the future, on hope, on their potential, and worst of all, on reason. Thankfully for us all, in no way do you find this even vaguely appealing.
You are the ambassador both to and from the wider reality that we all share.

Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — Leo is ruled by the Sun. This makes you a member of the galactic community of stars, rather than merely of the local community of planets. You are the ambassador both to and from the wider reality that we all share. As a fully-fledged star, you provide your own gravity, heat and light, and are powered by your own fuel. You also have the responsibility, and the gift, for holding things together, demonstrated by your position at the center of our Solar System. If the turbulence of the past few weeks has taught you a few things, it’s to take things in stride, and to be bigger than your seeming problems. All those other planets are there to help you. The Sun is moving into a trine aspect with Jupiter, which will provide you, the Leo (the worldly Sun in human form), access to resources where and when you need them. Partners of various kinds are likely to open up a bit more, and you will also gain some access to collective assets as Jupiter stations direct next week. Remember this concept: “collective assets.” The “community chest.” The concept of charity: moving resources where they need to go, be they financial, intellectual or energy in other forms. You are directly involved.

Slow Motion Flash Sale! Planets in Motion 2022
What’s happening in your astrology right now? What year were you born? That says as much about you as your Sun, Moon and rising sign. Your year of birth is the true focus of your growth process and the opportunities that you have.
Dear Friend and Reader:
My approach to astrology is based on what is happening right now. I have just completed Planets in Motion, an e-Book that covers about 20 transits happening to people ages 1-84. This is an easy introduction to using astrology in practical ways. I write in clear language and bring your astrology to life. It comes with an audio introduction to the topic to help you get oriented and learn the value of transits.
Thank you for your business and your trust.
While you are reminded to keep your house in order at all times, the more important thing is motivation.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — You may be experiencing some form of financial turmoil, or something doing an excellent impersonation of it. This is the product of much movement through Libra, your house of personal finances and your private resources. While you are reminded to keep your house in order at all times, the more important thing is motivation. In one of my rare, precious conversations with Lois Rodden, founder of Astrodatabank, she said, “The old astrologers have it all wrong when they say Mercury is the planet of money. It’s really Mars, because financial success takes drive.” You have that drive right now, and I suggest you work with it. Separate this in your mind from greed and ambition, or success for its own sake. As a Virgo, you are good at things being for the sake of something else that is vital and critical. You know that your success facilitates the success of others. Over the next few days as the Sun and Mars make contact with Jupiter, Pluto and other planets, you have the opportunity to focus your ideas, and to connect with others in a way that will help move Earth and even a little bit of Heaven. You were born with your talents for a reason.
You have access to certain details that pertain to facts, timing and the context of events, that others are ignoring or failing to notice.

Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — The past week has been extraordinary, particularly due to astrology that has unfolded in your own sign and continues to evolve rapidly. You are in an unusual position to test your seeming limits and stretch your boundaries. It is vital that you stay fully engaged in what is happening and what is developing both within you and around you. You have access to certain details that pertain to facts, timing and the context of events, that others are ignoring or failing to notice. Pay attention and do one of the things you do best: make sense of things. This should not require any force or special effort, but rather, the thoughtful sorting out of information that comes your way. Toxic mental chaos and the abandonment of basic reasoning has taken over the planet. The prevailing belief is, if it’s terrifying, it must be true. Well, you don’t need to be Einstein to see where this would lead, and how fear can always be escalated. If the past week or two has brought one lesson, it’s that fear starts in your mind, and is perpetuated by your mind. This is true all the time, even under “scary” circumstances.
This is often about the lack of attention to patterns, and a misunderstanding about what it means to be committed to deep healing.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — You may be experiencing some unusual apprehension about making the same mistake twice or repeating it perpetually. If so, I suggest you investigate, as this would be good information to have. Injuries and errors tend to repeat themselves. This is often about the lack of attention to patterns, and a misunderstanding about what it means to be committed to deep healing. This is not a casual activity. Much of what it involves is being aware of the aspects of your awareness and your motivations that others tend to ignore about themselves. What is sometimes called being unconscious is really an invitation to dark motives that might drive your life. Plenty of those are available right now. Anyway, the “therapy question” associated with repeated errors or injuries is, what purpose do they serve? It may be to distract you from some greater challenge. It may be that they conceal a healing project under the assumption that there is no such thing. You may be acting out the anxieties and frustrations of someone else, though to spot that, you will need to pay careful attention to your thoughts and feelings. Most of what you struggle with is not your own property, though you do need to sort that out, and Return to Sender what is not your own.
In our current environment, those who know the least are speaking the most loudly; it would seem to ensure that nobody figures out they are clueless.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — Your ruling planet Jupiter turns to direct motion in a few days. This is an invitation to be bolder and more assertive about your ideas, and your ideals. Yet it will help if they are in tangible form and in clear language. You are also on notice to be cautious about the opinions of others, in whatever form they may take. In our current environment, those who know the least are speaking the most loudly; it would seem to ensure that nobody figures out they are clueless. You need to be strong. You need to use your discernment and your intelligence. It is essential that you live your knowledge and experiment with it, rather than accept popular views, or allow others to flog you into submission. Nobody would ever claim it was possible this could happen to a Sagittarius, though we both know better. Part of standing up for yourself involves attempting to prove yourself wrong, so that you have tested every possible counter-argument to what you may believe or suspect is true. Remain circumspect and treat false clarity as the enemy of humanity that it is.
Exaltation is akin to the highest expression of an idea.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — You may feel like you’re being blown here and there, and have no idea how to orient. If you filter out your less important priorities, you will find it easier to keep your sense of direction. So to focus this point, your quest is about keeping a pulse on what is actually important — and to be sure, there is plenty that you will need to tune out or downgrade in priority. Here is how the astrology expresses the idea (key words and phrases will go in italics): Mars, the planet that is exalted in your sign, is now in your solar 10th house, which is inherently associated with your sign. Exaltation is akin to the highest expression of an idea. You can think of it as the true essence of what you want to achieve. Think less in terms of the form, and more in terms of the feeling, and the resulting expression. Consider how your idea or intent manifests in relationships, which are the only thing in the universe that actually exists. Relationships mean how people relate to one another, how they feel about one another, and most of all, whether they trust one another. Therefore, aspire to sincerity and trust, above all else, as the highest principles.
If a concept is preserved in myth and folklore, you can presume it to have some validity: entire societies can fall under charms, spells, and what are called (in modern terms) mass formations.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — Jupiter is about to turn to direct motion in your sign. Jupiter is an ambassador of two other areas in your chart: Sagittarius (the public realm) and Pisces (your most private priorities, values and ideals). So it plays two crucial roles in your life, or rather, one role, which is to be the place where the values and views of others influence you, and where your views and values may have a role in teaching others what is right and what is true. Jupiter in your life serves as a vast intersection between the public and the private. It is currently in Aquarius, where everyone has come under the thrall of a collective spell that has rather thoroughly taken over the whole kingdom. If a concept is preserved in myth and folklore, you can presume it to have some validity: entire societies can fall under charms, spells, and what are called (in modern terms) mass formations. My question is: what if you figure out that nearly everyone has gone insane? Do you say anything? What if you figure out you’ve been believing lies, under someone’s spell, or buying into that mass formation thing? What do you do? Sink, or swim? Spit, or swallow?
Notice the ways your attitude, approach and mental/emotional environment influence your seemingly outer reality.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — Jupiter, your ruling planet, turns to direct motion on the 18th. This is meaningful to you for many reasons, including how it will make its way across late Aquarius and enter Pisces at the end of the year. This begins a whole new adventure for you, as you are soon to experience the Jupiter-Neptune conjunction in your own sign. Though this takes place April 12, I suggest you consider it a present reality. This is a major event, though due to the fast motion of Jupiter, it will be somewhat fleeting. And it will have a tendency to conceal itself due to the involvement of Neptune, the David Copperfield of planets (which can make nearly anything disappear or drop beneath awareness). Get a grip on your inner reality. Notice the ways your attitude, approach and mental/emotional environment influence your seemingly outer reality. It is true that people tend to force their own perceptions onto the world around them, or see things through their own filters, failing to notice what else may be happening. I am suggesting that you use this power consciously, by being impeccable about your inner truth, staying in a positive frame of mind (not always easy, I know), and being circumspect. Look at everything from every angle, especially the ones you tend to avoid. The financial angle will be a helpful teacher.
Thank you so much for these wonderful horoscopes, dear Eric. I really needed to read my Cancer horoscope right now – bless you. <3
So happy to be BACK, made it out of the QuickSand?