Dear Friend and Reader:
Before introducing this month’s article and monthly horoscope, I want to thank the people who paid for it: our Core Community members, the Planet Waves term for “subscriber.”
As I write this, five people are proofreading, fact-checking and coding the lead article page — all of them paid by our Core Community. The jazzy Planet Waves artwork appearing everywhere, and all of the images in the article, were paid for by our Core Community.

Our editors are working on the page on our new website, which is paid for by our Core Community. All of Planet Waves rose above its foundations in the early 2000s thanks to our Core Community. This has funded an entire genre of independent journalism, which continues to the present moment.
A development team in Kansas City is, in these very weeks, working on the back end to the new site, so that you will finally have a smooth experience purchasing and getting access to your readings and newsletters — paid for by our Core Community.
I’m looking into an iMac powered by electricity, both courtesy of our Core Community. I’m sitting in a nice little office, paid for by our Core Community. My canine companions just had a yummy dinner, paid for by our Core Community.
To Our Core Community: Thank you.
Thank you for making sure that Planet Waves is a professionally researched and edited publication, able to publish dependably. Thank you for having the insight and the generosity to sponsor Planet Waves.

To my other readers: if you love my work, if you love our work, please do your part. You will feel better; you want to be part of what you love, and to ensure its health and longevity. You want to affirm and endorse and sponsor our devoted work; our 24/7 labor of love.
If you were a subscriber a long time ago, please re-join our Core Community. We take no advertising. We are loyal only to you and our values. That is special in this world, especially right now.
If I’ve ever annoyed you with something I’ve written, be grateful. It’s proof that you can count on my being an honest journalist.
Here are your Core Community options.
Here is a discount monthly membership option; here is a sliding scale option.
And Now For Our Program: March Horoscope and Coronavirus Astrology
I have covered the scientific, social, spiritual and astrological elements of the coronavirus situation, in an article called A Pandemic of Panic, and your March monthly horoscope.
The horoscope covers Saturn ingressing Aquarius, Jupiter conjunct Pluto, the Aries equinox and the end of Mercury retrograde. Chiron gets a voice too. More detailed coverage of those aspects in an article soon.
Thank you for reading and please pass this letter forward.
With love,
PS — The Readings Channel is back.
PPS — If you missed my recent letter, We Are Journalists First, there you have it.
PPPS — You may subscribe by phone, by calling (845) 481-5616.