2010 Conferences: Relationships and Astrology

Dear Friend and Reader: Just one more week till the next monthly horoscope. Actually, I am scheduled to finish next Tuesday’s long monthly edition today. I’ve learned to schedule this job over three consecutive days, as opposed to a weekly horoscope, which takes about three hours to write if I have a good wind at … Read more

Aries Full Moon: Relationship News Roundup

Dear Friend and Reader: Overnight Saturday to Sunday is the Aries Full Moon. That’s the Moon in Aries opposite the Sun in Libra. Aries is the sign of “I am” and Libra is the sign of “we are.” This lunation is about the meeting point of individuals and the relationships we encounter. The tune of … Read more

The Mighty Equinox

Dear Friend and Reader: Earlier this week, we experienced the first Libra equinox with Pluto in Capricorn: Sun square Pluto in the cardinal signs. This is the most recent of many firsts associated with this still-new Pluto transit. In a few weeks Saturn will enter Libra and we’ll experience another major event: Saturn in Libra … Read more

Fellowship Among Men and Women

Dear Friend and Reader: This weekend is the 40th anniversary of the Woodstock Festival, which was actually held in Bethel, New York — a town whose name translates to “house of God.” We’ve always paid tribute to Woodstock at Planet Waves, and commemorated the event in some small way almost every year. The original, one … Read more

A Moment of Chiron, or Notes from 6D

Dear Friend and Reader: In my Planet Waves daily diary all week I’ve been commenting about the conjunction of Chiron and Neptune that is now within one degree, in late Aquarius. This is a ‘near-miss’ rather than an exact conjunction but it’s coming in at a nice strength. Neptune in Aquarius, which began in 1998 … Read more