All Eight Justices of Supreme Court Recuse Themselves

Dear Friend and Reader: Today all eight remaining members of the Supreme Court disqualified themselves from ruling on whether the phone records of the ‘DC Madam’ should be released to the public. Deborah Jeane Palfrey, who ran an escort service that catered to the Washington elite, amassed thousands of clients, 812 of whom are listed … Read more

Our Extraordinary Pisces Moment

Dear Friend and Reader: On March 8 (8:55 pm EST or 01:55 UTC on March 9) there will be a total eclipse of the Sun in Pisces. These don’t happen often. The eclipse cycle passes through each sign about once per decade, and there’s no assurance of total eclipses during any one encounter with a … Read more

Postcard from the Edge: Evidence Points to Big, Undiscovered Planet

By David Rosen & Eric Francis Coppolino It’s not every day that a new planet announces its existence, but that depends on what you mean by planet. Moons, asteroids, centaurs, comets and dwarf planets are discovered relentlessly. Nearly a million are known and catalogued, all objects orbiting our Sun. The great majority have been spotted … Read more

The Vision Quest Begins

Aries: Opening the Doors of Perception First Two Sentences: To find your true vision, you don’t need to do need to much besides get your outmoded concepts out of the way of your thought process. This is a time-honored spiritual method involving the clearing of perception. A Few of the Topics Covered: Uranus conjunct Eris: … Read more

Group Initiation: Ceres in Aquarius

Dear Friend and Reader: Ceres, the dwarf planet and former asteroid, made its way into Aquarius on Tuesday. Earlier in the year it made a long retrograde through early Aquarius and late Capricorn; now it’s back in Aquarius to stay for about three months. This conjures up some interesting scenarios. I will admit that despite … Read more