This Week: Full Moon, and Mars Square Neptune

Dear Friend and Reader: Three nearly concurrent events drive the week’s astrology. In the background of everything is the Libra Full Moon. Exact Friday at 7:12 am EDT, the Moon opposes the Sun across the last degrees of Aries and Libra. That has an edgy feeling, and it may also serve as a release point … Read more

Mercury, Neptune and the Full Moon Equinox

Dear Friend and Reader: This week is the equinox: when the Sun enters Aries and spring begins in the Northern Hemisphere. That takes place Wednesday, March 20 at 5:58 pm EDT). Moments after the Sun enters Aries is the Libra Full Moon, making this an unusual equinox with quite a lot of momentum carrying both … Read more

World Within, World About

“These different kinds of pain share a common thread: our lack of healthy connection to each other, our inability to see the full dignity of each other, and the resulting culture of fear, distrust, tribalism, shaming and strife.” — David Brooks in The New York Times Dear Friend and Reader: We live in the age of the … Read more

World Within, World About

Link to original “These different kinds of pain share a common thread: our lack of healthy connection to each other, our inability to see the full dignity of each other, and the resulting culture of fear, distrust, tribalism, shaming and strife.” — David Brooks in The New York Times Dear Friend and Reader: We live … Read more

The Government Shutdown, and the Invisible Environment

Dear Friend and Reader: We are now at the end of day 34 of the federal government shutdown. I am taking this too personally. It’s making me nervous. I feel like the character Tweak in a South Park episode from a couple of years ago, who was freaked out over the Korean nuclear missile thing between Trump … Read more