The Gateways to Life

The Gateways to Life AS THE SUN makes its annual apparent trip around the ecliptic, I check in with a book I often mention, called Esoteric Astrology by Alice A. Bailey. I review her notes about the significance of the astrological signs, and then take a few other excursions as curiosity leads — such as … Read more

What Would it Take?

What Would it Take? My father is a communications and media professor, and he likes to make fun of his students for not remembering anything. His latest jab is to tell them they don’t have to worry about Alzheimer’s Disease — because they have no memory to lose. This would be sarcastic, were it not … Read more

The Discomfort Zone

The Discomfort Zone   I woke up Thursday morning to news of the so-called Real ID card being approved by Congress, in a late-night session, with the provision stuck to a multi-billion dollar military appropriations bill. As I understand it, there was no debate at all, and the Senate vote was unanimous. Very nice. A … Read more

The Land that Time Remembered

The Land that Time Remembered It’s easy to think of the story of Apollo’s birth on Delos as a way of explaining how a tiny island, blazing with sunlight, and made of rocks overrun with wildflowers and lots of really intense lizards, became for seven centuries a major cosmopolitan center of worship and trade on … Read more


Dear Readers: Today’s edition of Planet Waves is a milestone: ten years since I began the project. The first edition of this column was published on May 1, 1995 in a newspaper called Free Time in Poughkeepsie, New York, covering the first two weeks of May. If you had told me then that a decade … Read more