Scorpio New Moon
LUNA AND SOL are about to conjoin at 28+ Scorpio. This is the Scorpio New Moon, and it occurs Monday evening across the Americas and the United Kingdom, late morning Tuesday in Oz and early Tuesday in Europe and Asia. The lunation occurs less than a degree from Jupiter, which is at the very end of its journey through Scorpio.
Mercury direct and Mars are also in Scorpio. Mars is still in a separating square to Neptune, and is tryine the lunar nodes. Mercury is now applying in a trine aspect to Uranus in Pisces. A lot of emotional energy is moving and many things that have existed below the surface are about to manifest. How well we fare has everything to do with how we handle Sagittarius energy.
The New Moon comes at an opportune time, at the end of a Mercury retrograde, at the conclusion of the solar journey through Scorpio, and also of many cycles in Scorpio. The challenge presented by this lunation is that it stands in the late degrees of a sign, emphasizing closure, inner searching and enforced growth. These degrees emphasize the processes that necessarily churn, brew and exert pressure behind the scenes of what we call our beliefs. What is revealed here is the extent to which beliefs have little to do with facts and much more to do with what feel like involuntary emotions.
Mercury Direct
IN THE first three weeks after any Mercury station direct, we move through the second ‘shadow’ phase, which I call the ‘echo’ phase. It’s really a review. Mercury, which stationed direct on Saturday, is now crossing the territory where it had been retrograde, between 9+ and 25+ degrees of Scorpio. Echo phase ends about Dec. 5, and not before Mercury makes its third square to Neptune, providing another litmus test for integrity and truth.
However, as Mercury crosses this cosmic terrain, planets are beginning to move into Sagittarius. Venus is already there. By Dec. 10, we will have Mercury, Mars, Jupiter, the Sun, Pluto and Venus all in Sagittarius. Venus will be conjunct the Galactic Core (exact Dec. 8-9).
Multiple Sagittarian influences often occur around this time of year, because Venus and Mercury always follow so close to the Sun. What makes the current setup special is that Mercury retrograde in Scorpio was accompanied by Mars in Scorpio, hence, Mars is also nearby. Mars does not stay close to the Sun because it’s beyond the orbit of the Earth (Mars and the Sun can be in any aspect, whereas Venus and Mercury and Sun can never even make squares to the Sun. They only make aspects smaller than a square.)
It is unusual to have so many planets in one sign. Jupiter is also in the neighborhood, about to change signs from Scorpio (where it’s been for a year) to Sagittarius. Jupiter is returning to one of its home signs (the other is Pisces, but Sagg brings out the adventurous side of Jupiter).
The Sun enters Sagittarius Nov. 22, Jupiter on Nov. 24, Mars on Dec. 6, and Mercury on Dec. 8. There is a spectacular conjunction of Mars, Mercury and Jupiter in early Sagittarius on Dec. 10 and 11. This also involves a parallel aspect between Mercury and Jupiter, which is to say that both line up on the same plane of space (referred to as declination) near the time they form a conjunction (a meeting by longitude).
All these planets join Pluto and Ixion, which are long-term residents of Sagittarius. To Ixion, a Pluto-like planet discovered in 199_, I give the delineation, ‘everyone is capable of everything’. Most remarkable about the current Sagittarius season is how close Pluto is to the Galctic Core, where it has not been in two and a half centuries — not since before the American Revolution. Pluto made a close pass late last year, and is now set to make its first of three conjunctions
Suffice it to say this is another unusual rush of energy, only Sagittarius-styled: bigger, hotter and more extroverted, a bit more impetuous and blatant. Unlike Scorpio, where a lot happens inside but the expression can be subtle, encrypted into the feelings and often difficult to see (but effective nonetheless), Sagittarian energy likes obvious results, to go places, to accomplish things and to think in ideas that may be brilliant today and different tomorrow. With any and all things Sagg, there is always room for another idea, a new approach to the question and more knowledge. Otherwise, life would be a big waste of space, and not nearly as much fun.
Sagittarius emphasizes the idea that life is a quest. Scorpio takes us on the inner journey, and Sagittarius brings the story into the world, the galaxy, the cosmos. Pluto on the Galactic Core merges the inner and outer journeys. We are heading for yet another an unusual moment. Aren’t they all — but lately, more unusual than usual.
Saturn Storm
Earlier in the month, NASA published a picture of an enormous storm on Saturn, which was taken by our old friend the Cassini Space Probe. This is said to be the only cyclonic (spiral shaped) storm known to exist off planet Earth. We are, so far, having a relatively calm year for hurricanes (it’s about time), but I think that as Pluto approaches the Galactic Core we will see more and more news, art, science and other imagery of things involving spiral shapes.
In the microcosmic world, the cell is the basic unit of life. In the macrocosmic world, the galaxy is the basic unit of life. We live surrounded by billions of spiral galaxies, and we live aboard one as well. Spirals appear in DNA and in many forms of life (particularly in the oceans) — and we tend to be fascinated by them.
The image of the storm on Saturn appearing just days after the mid-term elections upset the established power structure in the United States is fitting imagery.
Scorpio Solar Returns
This is the fifth and final installment in the Scorpio birthday series. The last five or so days of Scorpio birthdays are under the influence of Mercury direct, which is a metaphor for saying we are heading beyond what we have known previously — while still having do address it directly.
What needs to be considered most carefully are contracts and agreements that you have with others — particularly the long-standing ones that you consider important (or that you considered important at one time). This is because Mercury rules Gemini, the 8th solar house of Scorpio — the house of agreements, shared resources and the merging of the ideas and values of two different people. Mercury personifies the subject matter of this house, and at the moment is a powerful planet in your chart.
This may not be a comfortable review, but any discomfort you may feel will prod you to live by your own rules first and foremost, and see who is willing to play along. Consider the astrology. Mercury, the planet that for you represents agreements with others, will be moving through your 1st solar house (your identity). This is something of a question. The question is, do you identify with your old commitments? Now, you have a basis for comparison, and this will help you discern.
So many planets plunging into your 2nd solar house (Sagittarius) is describing a deep inquiry into your values system. You may be under the influence of someone you have just met and who is deeply important to you. This is potentially a new relationship that will have significant influence on you in the long run. However, so many other planets about to arrive in Sagittarius suggests that you are quickly developing your own extremely original ideas about what you need at this time in your life.
The not-so-subtle hint is that the you will find it easy and worthwhile to contrast your newly discovered sense of self-awareness with the past agreements that you have. These can include both business and personal relationships, particularly those where money is a factor. It is worth stating that nobody whose values around money you consider repugnant is worthy of your attention and energy.
Values go deeper than attitudes about money, however, and your 2nd solar house emphasizes two points: self-esteem and its basis in cosmic or spiritual awareness. More important than other people ‘believing what you believe’ is that the people around you have an open mind; that something you both agree is worthwhile be worthwhile to them. Meetings with others, it would appear, will persist to the extent that they have the same basis in values.
Perhaps this is typically easy to overlook. Humans tend toward the superficial in our era of history; deep is scary. But beneath the layers of what we say is important, or think is important, often resides what counts the very most. Go there, and be willing to accept what you perceive as the truth — and keep going until you find a truth you can live with.
Weekly Calendar
Monday, Nov. 20 – Moon > Sagittarius
Scorpio New Moon, right on the edge of the Sagittarius line. This is one of many New Moons that will occur at the very end of a sign, for the next few seasons. Uranus stations direct in Pisces at 11 degrees, and will be so until June 24, when it stations retrograde at 19 degrees of the last zodiac sign. We are now at the midpoint of the seven-year trek of Uranus in Pisces.
Tuesday, Nov. 21
The last day of the Sun in Scorpio; the Sun would be void of course (a designation usually used for the Moon but meaningful in solar terms as well), but is not because it’s in an exact conjunction to Jupiter. Jupiter, for its part, is getting ready to move into Sagittarius.
Wednesday, Nov. 22
Do we ever forget that Nov. 22 is the anniversary of the Kennedy assassination? Perhaps it’s easier if you’re not American, but it was one of those days that shook the world, and all the decades that followed. The Sun ingresses Sagittarius today, something of a homecoming, as the Sun is now on course for he Galactic Center — the central Sun and core of the spiral of the Milky Way, which we don’t call home often enough. Mercury trines Uranus and semi-squares Pluto — two planets associated with deep movements, progress and growth. Together, they can be a revolutionary pair. It’s time to take back Nov. 22.
Thursday, Nov. 23 – Moon > Capricorn
The Cap Moon keeps things cool and calm as Jupiter has its foot deep down on the clutch.
Friday, Nov. 24
At long last, Jupiter transits into Sagittarius. This yearlong transit will be helpful, signaling a time of optimism and a mini-New Age. We may also experience the magnification — perhaps out of proportion — of all the religious insanity of the past decade, as Jupiter tends to make everything bigger, or at least seem bigger. No major aspects, but Venus is fast approaching a square to Uranus.
Monthly for Flaut Magazine, November 2006
Monthly horoscopes are delivered to subscribers one each Monday beginning with the first Monday that the Sun is in the new sign. We have four different ones. If there are five Mondays while the Sun is in a sign, there is no horoscope the fifth Monday.
Aries (March 20–April 19)
You have more secrets than you think, but the really good news is, so does everyone else. Rather, they have more secrets than they think. This is the best month in the last 5,125 years to play truth or dare, twenty questions or spin the bottle.
Taurus (April 19–May 20)
Others may make no sense at all this month. You may fear that people are lying when you ask them what time it is. But they really are telling you the truth, at least as best they know it today. Just accept the fact that for the time being, the truth is mutating on a regular basis.
Gemini (May 20–June 21)
Knowledge is power and power takes responsibility. At the moment, you have the ability to see through walls and maybe even walk through them. Just be careful with what you learn. If you are not blind and deaf, it will be a heck of a lot more than you bargained for.
Cancer (June 21–July 22)
Creativity is not a straightforward process. In fact, it’s a trip along the curvy back roads, where there are all kinds of strange hillbillies living and wild beasts roaming around and where the folk have odd habits and…well you get the picture. Do your thing, even if it’s really weird.
Leo (July 22–August 23)
You are generally someone who is fairly emotionally stable. But with Mercury currently doing a dance routine in your house of feelings and security that would make Fred Astaire dizzy, you may be feeling a little different than usual. Be careful with heavy machinery.
Virgo (August 23–September 22)
Aaah yes, your friends. Who are these people, and why do they so often seem so contradictory, perplexing, out of your reach or off your wavelength? The beauty of the moment is that, for now, you get to be on their wavelength for a while. Enjoy it while it lasts.
Libra (September 22–October 23)
Money, that thing you hate to love. Money is the ‘medium of exchange’ and this implies something that happens between people. This is particularly true in your life, and if you aspire to wealth or abundance, go for deeper bonding with people, as chaotic as it may be for a while.
Scorpio (October 23–November 22)
Your suspicions are usually wrong. When you trust someone, you’re usually right. That does not stop you from being suspicious, and typically it does not make you any more trusting. I suggest you go for a change of attitude on this subject.
Sagittarius (November 22–December 22)
Whoever you meet this month is more important than you think. Whether this manifests by Christmas or in five years is not possible for me to say, but on a related note, you may recognize the value of a person from your past who is deeply important to you right now.
Capricorn (December 22–January 20)
You have been pulled, pushed, stretched, and had the great rewards of life dangled in front of your face. Now you know what you’re capable of, and I daresay you have learned something of your value to others. But if your friends get flaky this month, give them time and space.
Aquarius (January 20–February 19)
Career stuff has been all over the map the next few weeks, but if you’re careful and shrewd, which you’re usually not, you can consolidate your gains and learn a great deal from your errors. This is not the time to take anyone at face value, but rather to peel back a few layers.
Pisces (February 19–March 20)
You are what you believe, so choose wisely. Beliefs have power whether they are true or false; smart or dumb; sensible or outrageous. This month you will get to make some decisions about what to do when you notice any of those factors are present. Think in manual mode, not automatic. Please.