The Queer Frontier

Dear Friend and Reader: I had a great time listening to the arguments surrounding both same-sex marriage and the Defense of Marriage Act (or DOMA) last week before the U.S. Supreme Court. It was like the “personal is political” World Series, hearing some of the most intimate human topics being debated in what is arguably … Read more

Hugo Chavez: A Voice From Long Ago

Dear Friend and Reader: Hugo Chavez, the president of Venezuela, died this week. A towering figure on the global scene, many are grieving his loss and yet I just heard one American commentator say she hoped he was burning in hell. Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper got in some trouble when he offered his condolences … Read more

Moonshine Horoscopes — Pisces New Moon Edition

Aries (March 20-April 19) — Over the Pisces New Moon next week, I suggest taking some time to reflect on your Dad’s emotional state when you were a child and how it affected your ability to feel like the ‘real you’. Information is becoming available that will help you connect the dots concerning his emotional experience … Read more

The Royal Scam

Dear Friend and Reader: It’s been a surreal or perhaps even dadaist week in the news and in astrology. Starting with the sky, there are currently six planets, the Sun and some asteroids in Pisces right now, with one of the highlights being retrograde Mercury. This is astrology that is bending notes, blending colors and … Read more

Moonshine Horoscope — Virgo Full Moon Edition

Aries (March 20-April 19) — Mars, the ruler of your Moon sign, is powering its way through Pisces. As it moves through this water sign it will run into another quick-moving planet, Mercury, which stations retrograde Feb. 23. You can think of this as a steam engine moving forward at full speed going down a wormhole … Read more