Scorpio and the Genome

Dear Friend and Reader: While DNA was discovered in the 19th century, it was not until 1953 that James Watson and Francis Crick discovered the double helix configuration that is now recognized as the sigil of life itself. Between 1938 and 1943, Aleister Crowley (1875-1947) and Lady Frieda Harris (1877-1962) created the Thoth Tarot. It … Read more

Welcome to Daily Planets for Friday, July 16.

Friday and Weekend Ahead: First Quarter Moon; Sun Opposite Pluto | July 16-18 The weekend looks set to be rather dynamic with a First Quarter Moon spurring us into action to (consciously) further develop situations that have presented themselves in the past week since the New Moon. There’s some natural tension to this moment (as … Read more

Pisces Full Moon, Conjunct Nessus

Posted on Aug. 31, 2020 | Link to original Dear Friend and Reader: Overnight Tuesday to Wednesday, the Moon reaches full phase in Pisces. The aspect peaks on Sept. 2, at 1:22 am EDT, which will make for an interesting night of dreaming if anyone can get to sleep. We finally have an aspect that … Read more

How to Remember Who You Are

INTELLIGENCE 2020 for Aries Download PDF: A4 / US Letter Introduction: Of Aries and Aquarius The vantage point from which to view our lives from the future is the Jupiter-Saturn conjunction in Aquarius. Reading the charts from the viewpoint of Aries (rising or Sun), Aquarius is the 11th house: the house of hopes and dreams, … Read more