Dear Friend and Reader:
One matter I am concerned about is the lack of discussion about our current world situation from a spiritual standpoint. Who is questioning all of this fear we are being subjected to around the clock — and pressuring others to accept? Why are people who are not afraid being made to feel like criminals, or a threat to everyone else? Even if there is a medical issue, is constant anxiety the answer? Who believes that fear protects them?
Jupiter returned to Aquarius a few weeks ago after spending about 14 weeks in Pisces. (That was from May 13 through July 28. It will return to Pisces on Dec. 29, where it will be until it enters Aries on May 10, 2022.) We could say some fluffy and general things about how wonderful this is. Aquarius is cool, but I would say that the heat is on.

Sally Brompton of the New York Post, the astrologer I trust the most, advised this week that Pisces should keep their words simple, so people understand what they’re saying. I will still dare writing a real article about a pressing topic. Put on your thinking cap, as they used to say on Romper Room. Reading this on a computer, or printing it, would be best. Take your time. I’m about to go deep.
Anybody Remember the Jupiter-Saturn Conjunction of Dec. 20, 2020?
If you recall, 2020 ended with a conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn in the first degree of Aquarius (extremely rare, all told), commencing what I’ve been calling the Aquarian Era. This is a kind of 24-year anteroom here at the beginning of the Age of Aquarius — specifically what the term “New Age” refers to.
The Age of Aquarius, though, is not about the positions of the planets. Technically, it’s about the first degree of the zodiac (the Aries Point or Sidereal Vernal Point) moving (precessing) into the constellation Aquarius (still a long way off; and precession advances at the rate of one degree per 70 years).
The Aquarian Age is a misunderstood matter, and has been the subject of much spiritual propaganda. Our current notions about the approaching age of love and light have their origins in various esoteric schools that were active in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. These include Agni Yoga in a work called Leaves of Morya’s Garden. Later Theosophical authors got in the game, often misinterpreting the words of the founder, H.P. Blavatsky.
She offers various platitudes about how wonderful it will be when we no longer have to worry about individuality. In other writing, though, she asserts that where Aquarius is concerned, the only people who can meaningfully take part in a group are self-realized individuals. The rest are masses of people cheering at a football match.

Twenty-First Century: Get Ready for Heaven on Earth
Blavatsky (who did not always present a rosy picture of the New Age) is said to have written, “Earth will be a heaven in the twenty-first century in comparison with what it is now!” Okay, maybe. Blavatsky at least was aware that we are in the Kali Yuga, a much longer age of corruption, decadence and decay.
Second-generation Theosophist Alice A. Bailey had a lot to say. Lately I’ve been reading Bailey’s work Esoteric Psychology, which is all about psychologically preparing humanity for this forthcoming age of truth and peace. She offers various platitudes about how wonderful it will be when we no longer have to worry about individuality. In other writing, though, she asserts that where Aquarius is concerned, the only people who can meaningfully take part in a group are self-realized individuals. The rest are masses of people cheering at a football match.

However, where the Age of Aquarius is concerned, what most of us think of is the super-groovy show tune from the musical Hair. This pushed matters to the depth of profound understanding one might get reading Twitter (back in the day, AM radio).
The movie version of Hair opens with several young hippy men burning their draft cards, which morphs into a dance scene performed to the famous lines, “When the Moon is in the 7th house / and Jupiter aligns with Mars / then peace will guide the planets / and love will steer the stars.”
None of that is true, astrologically: Mars and Jupiter align in a conjunction every two years and an opposition every two years, and the Moon is in the 7th house for two hours each day. So that doesn’t provide much information about a 2,400-year astrological age.
However, we have hints and clues about the Aquarian Age, which is related to the significations of the sign Aquarius. And those, it turns out, have nothing to do with love and light, peace and understanding. If sympathy and trust abound anywhere, it’s in Pisces (the age that is currently drawing to a close, where they were in short supply).
Here are the corrected lyrics (cue bass line, written by Carol Kaye of the Wrecking Crew): “The Earth wobbles on its axis / creating the illusion that the stars are going by very slowly / this movement is called precession / and when the Aries Point gets near the constellation Aquarius / things will start to change / driven by electrical technology.”
Now that’s a dance number!

To use Aquarius well calls for flexibility, particularly of mind, which is one of the more challenging traits for anyone with strong Aquarius to cultivate. One of the most important qualities Aquarius can cultivate is to know when you don’t know.
So What is Aquarius Really About?
My comments in this section are about Aquarius the archetype, not Aquarius the person. All the signs are about equal in how they manifest personally in humanity, with various shades of dark and light, practicality and delusion. Yet we are now under unusual pressure to adapt to Aquarian conditions as a result of both current planetary transits, global conditions and this whole Age of Aquarius business.
At its best, Aquarius allows energy and wisdom to flow through itself, much like this illustration from the Harris/Crowley deck (the Thoth Tarot, at the top of this article). To use Aquarius well calls for flexibility, particularly of mind, which is one of the more challenging traits for anyone with strong Aquarius to cultivate. One of the most important qualities Aquarius can cultivate is to know when you don’t know.
Speaking in practical terms, as a sign ruled by Saturn, Aquarius references structure. This is not so much about buildings or the formal social order (in the style of Capricorn). Rather, it is about the formation of patterns, specifically, of flowing energy (think of waves) and also of social orientations (and the rather large zone where the two meet). Aquarius describes something about the prevailing medium-range and longterm social trends, many of which happen below the level of awareness. Monkey does what monkey sees, or rather, robots do what they are told: wears torn blue jeans, gets an iPod, dresses or speaks like the latest pop star, buys the trendy luxury car, whatever. Jupiter by the way also has this trend-setting property, and now that Jupiter is in Aquarius, the effect is redoubled.
Aquarius is also about the relationship of the individual to the group. Aquarius is often described as “the sign of groups and organizations,” groups are made of people, and the people in them generally must adhere to certain rules and norms (whether Robert’s Rules of Order, the informal but vicious pecking order of the PTA, or whatever). Then there are those with the courage to assert themselves as individuals, and that is part of the Aquarius scenario. Their role is to break consensus, in Chiron style — and Chiron in Aries is an important resource for those few individuals now. It is license to be yourself.

Under the influence of Aquarius and also of electrical technology, things crystallize quickly, and social patterns become rapidly entrenched, and then take up residence as part of the invisible environment we live and breathe in, and get toasted by, and take for granted.
The Electrical Connection
Finally, Aquarius is about electricity. Those little waves in the Aquarius glyph are thought of as water but they are really about patterns. (Aquarius is an air sign, not a water sign.) Electricity, which was coming into common use in the early 20th century, has a tribalizing effect on people (not trail-blazing — that is Chiron). Electrical communication defies our ideas about privacy, which undermines individuality. In fact, it blows privacy apart, along with the notion of the personal, private, inner self. Electricity makes people want to be like everyone else.
There are many examples from the history of communication, though the effect on society itself is not usually seen for what it is. This all happens irrespective of viewpoint or content. Marshall McLuhan, who patiently explained this to us, once said that it’s difficult for people to understand that radio created both Hitler and Gandhi (and for that matter, Pres. Franklin Delano Roosevelt, who was a master of that medium).
Under the influence of Aquarius and also of electrical technology, things crystallize quickly, and social patterns become rapidly entrenched, and then take up residence as part of the invisible environment we live and breathe in, and get toasted by, and take for granted.
In a few words, Aquarius in our time is about how our technology is affecting our social existence and sense of personal reality. (I have covered these topics in depth in the INTELLIGENCE and Aquarian Era readings.) The issue of peer pressure, exerted by society and by the media, is prominent now, verging on hysterical. Aquarius, when it manifests collectively, can be one of the most lockstep signs, and when it takes over all of society, the influence can be totalitarian.
While the Age of Aquarius is not marked by the motions of any planets (which move much too fast to define a 2,400-year age), the presence of planets in Aquarius can tell us about how that sign is manifesting in society and consciousness now. All we need to do is look to society for a reflection, like scrying off of a mirror. Be mindful: Pluto is soon to arrive in Aquarius — that occurs in March 2023, and it will raise the pressure by orders of magnitude. This extended transit will be society’s grow-or-die moment.

“So even if you run into your next-door neighbor in the shopping center…don’t start up a conversation, now is the time for minimizing your interactions with others.”
Hello, Australia: A Blatant Call to Hostility
In my world travels, I’ve always found Australians to be among the friendliest people to encounter (Canadians are up there too). Generally, I find them warm and conversant, with an actual sense of humor. A few weeks ago, a story out of their great continent was picked up by our Covid Bureau: the chief health officer of New South Wales (NSW) gave a press conference telling Australians they shouldn’t “engage in conversation with each other,” even if they’re wearing masks, allegedly to reduce the transmission of the claimed virus.

Dr. Kerry Chant made the remarks after the people of NSW were ordered to comply with yet another lockdown triggered by just a handful of new PCR-positives. These included a man in Cootamundra who visited a Woolworths supermarket, Pizza Hut restaurant, petrol station and Officeworks store.
That’s funny, it’s supposed to be a pandemic, and we can identify people personally, like the winners of Olympic medals. Note, the PCR (the supposed “covid test”) is famous for blowing 100% false positives. The technology has not improved since the 2006 incident; this flaw is now being exploited.
There have been a reported 924 deaths over 18 months in a country with a population of more than 25 million, and a land area of three million square miles. But no matter; do not be friendly to your neighbors. I guess if you’re hostile, the virus does not spread (just like it only spreads in restaurants when you’re standing up).
“Whilst it’s human nature to engage in conversation with others, to be friendly, unfortunately this is not the time to do that,” said Dr. Chant. In other words, please don’t be so human — you could kill someone. This is the whole issue: being human is under attack. And wait — what exactly don’t they want us talking about when we run into our neighbors? How insane their “mitigation” measure are?
She continued: “So even if you run into your next-door neighbor in the shopping center…don’t start up a conversation, now is the time for minimizing your interactions with others, even if you’ve got a mask, do not think that affords total protection, we wanna be absolutely sure that as we go about our daily lives we do not come into contact with anyone else that would pose a risk.”
This story was only topped by health officials in Vancouver last summer telling people to have sex through a glory hole (but not one made of gypsum, as it contains asbestos). A close third-place goes to Paris officials who earlier this year told people not to converse in the Metro (which has only happened once in the 121-year history of the system; I’m not sure why they were so worried).

We might ask in response to what emergency. Whatever may have happened in New York in March and April 2020, on the day of the press briefing last week, only seven people were reported to have died of covid in all of New York State (according to the governor’s press office).
Watch Out, New York. Governor Covid is Coming for You.
In late July, New York’s Gov. Andrew Cuomo said at a press briefing at Yankee Stadium that state officials would be visiting upon anyone who had not had the injection and drive them somewhere they could get the shot.
“We have to get in those communities, and we have to knock on those doors, and we have to convince people, and put them in a car, and drive them, and get that vaccine in their arm,” said Cuomo. “That is the mission.”
We might ask in response to what emergency. Whatever may have happened in New York in March and April 2020, on the day of the press briefing last week, only seven people were reported to have died of covid in all of New York State (according to the governor’s press office). New York has a population of 20 million. Reported deaths that day included one person in all of Manhattan (residential population 1.6 million), one in Staten Island (population 475,000) and two in all of Long Island (population 7.6 million).
New York State’s official lab, the internationally-renowned Wadsworth Laboratory, admits that its test is producing 90% false positives. It is therefore reasonable to cut the above figures by that much — if you believe in science, that is. And if you think a test that is 90% unreliable is also 10% trustworthy.
It’s astonishing that public officials and the media can maintain the current level of fear, and it’s taking a lot of energy to do so. I live upstate, and all over, people are masking up, thanks to 24/7 coverage of the alleged “Delta variant.” However, it would seem that terror, and a culture of state-sponsored terrorism, is the only thing that will motivate people to be so paralyzed, and to do exactly what they are told to do without the meekest curiosity or question.
No drug is for everyone. All drugs have consequences (called “side effects”): depression, suicide, heart attack, stroke, anal leakage, whatever). Some have very dangerous effects for certain people.

No Drug is Safe for Everyone
It’s funny, there is never any actual public discussion of the implications of the all the fear — or so-called vaccine. All drugs have unintended effects. Have you ever watched a pharmaceutical commercial on TV? The second half of any such ad is a litany of all the dangers and contra-indications of the product. No drug is for everyone. All drugs have consequences (called “side effects”): depression, suicide, heart attack, stroke, anal leakage, whatever). Some have very dangerous effects for certain people. Drug conflicts are possible. Americans fill more than 4 billion prescriptions a year. Many people taking these shots are on several different drugs.
All vaccines are warned against if someone or their sibling has had a previous vaccine injury. This is official medical science, not “anti vax” propaganda. Where are these cautions?
There are no official industry-made ads for the “covid” “vaccine.” Everything is being run as a news story, so no warnings are required. They are surely warranted. The federal VAERS database (Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System), where people self-report injuries after a vaccination, has been overrun with reports of injury from these shots.
As of last week, CDC was admitting that the injection was associated with the deaths of 6,340 people in the United States. VAERS is a voluntary self-reporting system and is known to grossly under-count injuries and deaths. Hardly anyone knows about it. Filling out the form is extremely complicated. It is obviously missing reports by an order of magnitude or two. Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. puts the tally a lot higher. How is this getting absolutely no coverage on cable news or in newspapers?
Most people know or at least suspect there is a problem, even if they are not saying anything. nearly everyone I have spoken with has felt pressured to take the injection against their better judgment. Many are silently regretful of having had the injection, so if that includes you, you are not alone. Some took one shot and stopped after they got sick. From what I am reading, the risk of injury goes up with each successive injection. Here is a proper scientific study on the known problems. This link contains about a thousand comments by doctors on adverse events.
In other words, the more barricades one piles on, the more they affirm the threat, and the more likely they are to believe it’s real.

Let’s Check in with A Course in Miracles
We hear so little about the mental and physical effects of a nonstop fear campaign, and the constant obsession with the body as a disease vector. Isn’t that strange? Stress and anxiety are known to cause disease. Where is the spiritual piece of the discussion, even among so many who have said so much about how spiritual they are, and how spiritual we should be? If fear is the opposite of love, then what we are witnessing and experiencing is an attempted attack on respect, trust and affection. The ripping apart of society is a known effect of this campaign.
The effects of fear are covered throughout A Course in Miracles, which is basically a long analysis of how fear holds up the mirage of the world we see. Fear is also the basis of the ego, a false identity which is dissolved by being loving. In other words, fear is totally egotistical, and so too is its cousin, guilt.

“You are not upset for the reason you think. There is only one problem, choosing fear over love,” the Course in Miracles workbook says in one early lesson.
“Only your mind can produce fear. It does so whenever it is conflicted in what it wants, producing inevitable strain because wanting and doing are discordant,” it teaches in another.
Let’s go deeper. Many would agree that the central lesson of the yearlong course of study is Lesson 135, “If I Defend Myself I am Attacked.” It’s one of the most challenging of the lot, right up there with the chapter in the text called “The Illusion and the Reality of Love.”
I always think of this quote when I see masks, plastic dividers and shields, social distancing stickers, general paranoia and terrified eyes peering at me over a concealed face:
“You operate from the belief you must protect yourself from what is happening because it must contain what threatens you. A sense of threat is an acknowledgment of an inherent weakness; a belief that there is danger which has power to call on you to make appropriate defense. The world is based on this insane belief. And all its structures, all its thoughts and doubts, its penalties and heavy armaments, its legal definitions and its codes, its ethics and its leaders and its gods, all serve but to preserve its sense of threat. For no one walks the world in armature but must have terror striking at his heart.”
In other words, the more barricades one piles on, the more they affirm the threat, and the more likely they are to believe it’s real. The same lesson continues:
“Yet it is not the body that can fear, nor be a thing of fear. It has no needs but those which you assign to it. It needs no complicated structures of defense, no health-inducing medicine, no care and no concern at all. Defend its life, or give it gifts to make it beautiful or walls to make it safe, and you but say your home is open to the thief of time, corruptible and crumbling, so unsafe it must be guarded with your very life.”
“These are the thoughts in need of healing, and the body will respond with health when they have been corrected and replaced with truth. This is the body’s only real defense. Yet is this where you look for its defense? You offer it protection of a kind from which it gains no benefit at all, but merely adds to your distress of mind.”

Defend the Body and You Have Attacked Your Mind
One last, longer quote:
“Defend the body and you have attacked your mind. For you have seen in it the faults, the weaknesses, the limits and the lacks from which you think the body must be saved. You will not see the mind as separate from bodily conditions. And you will impose upon the body all the pain that comes from the conception of the mind as limited and fragile, and apart from other minds and separate from its Source.
“These are the thoughts in need of healing, and the body will respond with health when they have been corrected and replaced with truth. This is the body’s only real defense. Yet is this where you look for its defense? You offer it protection of a kind from which it gains no benefit at all, but merely adds to your distress of mind. You do not heal, but merely take away the hope of healing, for you fail to see where hope must lie if it be meaningful.”
The message of Chiron in Aries is that your individual choices matter. Your awareness matters. You matter. Chiron is always a reminder that sometimes it’s necessary to dissent, to stand out, and to be a maverick.
Perhaps this provides a better sense of what’s happening now. There may be no order of difficulty of miracles, though all of our choices have results.
We started with a discussion of Aquarius and electricity. From one point of view, a whole lot of people who have spent the past decade staring into their phones are convinced that the only real function of their body is as a disease vector.
I think we need another purpose. We need another purpose for all this Aquarius, too. What exactly is in these “vaccines” and why can it contain code, like a computer disk?
Remember that Chiron is in Aries. The group of people around you, and society, may be exerting extreme pressure on you right now, to do or believe any number of things without checking whether they are true. The message of Chiron in Aries is that your individual choices matter. Your awareness matters. You matter. Chiron is always a reminder that sometimes it’s necessary to dissent, to stand out, and to be a maverick.
Sure, Chiron in Aries can represent the “wounded self” that cannot assert its intention, needs or desires. It can represent the lack of self-respect that would lead it to succumb to the pressure of others, and that is only ever exerted by insecure people.
Then there is the other Chiron in Aries, the original. Do what is right for you.
With love,