Look! Up in the Sky!

This weekend, while many Americans were watching the Super Bowl, the United States Air Force claimed to be shooting down UFOs. The same Air Force that did not scramble jets on Sept. 11, 2001 was taking to the sky like World War I flying aces ready for dog fights with visitors from another world.

Look! Up in the Sky!

Share This Article with a Friend Dear Friend and Reader: This weekend, while many Americans were watching the Super Bowl, the United States Air Force claimed to be shooting down UFOs. The same Air Force that did not scramble jets on Sept. 11, 2001 was taking to the sky like World War I flying aces … Read more

Under the Moon: Hour of Awakening

This article covers the astrology of the T-Cross or Grand Cross (chart included), the discernment of urgency in a digital age as well as simulation theory and other riveting topics.

Under the Moon: Hour of Awakening

Dear Friend and Reader: E ARE HEADING into an exciting Leo Full Moon, exact Sunday at 1:28 pm EST. This is one of those charts where, in the past, I would be tempted to say that we are looking at some significant collective event. All the markings are there. The Full Moon happens right at … Read more


ARIES | TAURUS | GEMINI | CANCER | LEO | VIRGO | LIBRA | SCORPIO | SAGITTARIUS | CAPRICORN | AQUARIUS | PISCES Planet Waves for January 2023 by Eric Francis Today I have the Planet Waves monthly horoscope for January 2023. This group of 12 readings is Planet Waves and Substack subscriber content. As … Read more