Your June Monthly Horoscopes (and planetary details)

This edition includes the June monthly horoscope as well as details of the astrology in late May through the solstice of June 21 — Mars square Pholus and Mars conjunct Chiron among them. Horoscope is based on Mercury direct chart. An article about the chart for monkeypox is published separately.

Covid19 News from Planet Waves — April 2022 entries

We’ll be keeping track of what we determine to be the most relevant updates on the coronavirus situation. New items will go at the top. If you have something to report — news, science news, or a check-in from your local area — please send to Stay in touch and help us out by … Read more

Mercury Retrograde: Your Round Tuit

Mercury retrograde is a time to review and complete, and in the process, do some preparation for what you want to happen after Mercury returns to direct motion. It is an invisible condition of the environment that we astrology fans have the ability to use in our favor.

Mercury Retrograde: Your Round Tuit

Mercury retrograde is a time to review and complete, and in the process, do some preparation for what you want to happen after Mercury returns to direct motion. It is an invisible condition of the environment that we astrology fans have the ability to use in our favor. Think of Mercury as representing tidal motion, in the world of commerce, technology and communication. 

Albion New Moon in Taurus

Read the Horoscope Associated With This Article Saturday, the Moon and Sun form a conjunction with the minor planet Albion, formerly known as 1992 QB1. Audio Presentation on this Event from STARCAST Dear Friend and Reader: Has anyone heard of the planet Abion? Anyone? Raise your hand if you have. Hmm, not seeing any. … Read more