Dear Friend and Reader:
The Sun is now in Aquarius, the sign of groups, and also the sign of individuality within groups. If Aquarius represents the in-group, it also represents the out-group. If it’s about individuality within such an arrangement, it can also be about lockstep ideological conformity.

In that sense, it may be the most dangerous sign, but is necessary for any form of community life. We have also been misled by the writers of a Broadway show tune. They told us that Aquarius is exclusively the sign of peace, harmony and understanding.
That is not a given; it is up to us, and the choice is going to come into focus as Pluto makes its way into Aquarius one year from now.
When doing astrology, it’s best to keep the essential themes of the signs in mind. This is among the basic pocket knives of the work. With Aquarius, the first theme is social patterns, and energy patterns generally. This relates to the more commonly known notion of associations between people who have something in common.
Aquarius is not the crowd at a rock concert or football game. That is Pisces. Think of Aquarius as your friends and their friends, whom you may meet at a social event of some kind. Currently, there is a paucity of such events, as many people are terrified of the air.
This is described by Saturn in Aquarius (Saturn, among other things, represents what we are afraid of, whether it is true or not; Aquarius is an air sign.) We are also being conditioned nonstop to be afraid of one another. How convenient for anyone who wants people not to get together and solve the problems being brutally imposed upon us.
With Saturn in Aquarius, there is the demand for honesty and for setting limits (such as on mass-hysteria, unbridled greed, and prejudice).

Saturn: Lord of Boundaries, Limits and Time
Saturn also represents boundaries. Oh, those.
There are two in particular that come to mind: one is reality. Saturn in Aquarius is considered one of the most powerful forces in all of classical astrology. Long holding the outer boundary of the solar system, it is the taskmaster, and the enforcer of truth. Saturn is also the lord of chronological time, which is precious here in the Kali Yuga, as each year gets shorter and more stressful.

I will come back to that soon; it is a central topic of our era — all this destruction of everything that society has built up for many generations.
With Saturn in Aquarius, there is the demand for honesty and for setting limits (such as on mass-hysteria, unbridled greed and prejudice). Right now, we have been forced into a least-common-denominator situation where society is being led, on the social level, by those who are the most frightened.
These emotions are being stoked by an around-the-clock cortisol overdose on every cable channel, mainstream news site and network.
We are reminded nonstop of threats, of whatever kind. (I would suggest that you don’t really believe anything; you have been beaten into thinking something is true, and that any alternative viewpoint is the work of Satan.)
In the face of this, the alleged new mortal sin is courage, which is right up there next to the alleged offense of asking questions. They are related. Many who lack the courage to face life and death also lack curiosity, and seem intent on inflicting misery on those who have some.
Who has the courage to admit that they were fooled? That they were wrong? That they acted on incorrect information — which they had a reason to question? That they hurt someone by forcing or coercing them to do something they didn’t want to do?
Deep in the heart of Aquarius there is a humanitarian theme. But it is not casual; it is not groovy; it is the bottom line of dharma: acting as if to hold the world together.

The New Religion is Fear
If I may state explicitly the tenets of this new religion, they go a little like this:
“You must be as afraid as I am. My fear will protect me, and your courage will kill me or someone else (as I recall, grandma). Therefore, you must cow down to my level. And if you do not, I will punish you, for your own good.”
This is a spiritual condition. It is not a medical condition, unless you count psychiatric (which means spiritual). It is not a political condition; rather, it leads to one.
Deep in the heart of Aquarius there is a humanitarian theme. But it is not casual; it is not groovy; it is the bottom line of dharma: acting as if to hold the world together. If Aquarius is about patterns, that is the pattern we need, though for some, it’s a little like mining for bitcoin: they must extract their humanity over time, and learn how to use it.
I don’t know of a single person who has died of “covid” at home. Do you? Every last person dies in the hospital, usually on a vent, usually after being given remdesivir.

Society was in Rough Shape in 2019
To have arrived here, our society had to be in rough shape ahead of all of this — and it was. How happy were people in 2019, really? The lockdown was, if nothing else, a moment of relief from the rat race. That was the bait, along with the promise of safety.
Along the way to 2019, many people had sickened their minds with boredom and compromise, and their bodies with eating chemical food, and immersing themselves in constant fear, and the persistent use of alcohol and prescription drugs. How many people were in denial of their pain and confusion, unwilling to seek help?

They were the most vulnerable to being “rescued” by the cult of lab coats, masks and needles, which has abandoned every opportunity to actually treat sick people in such a way that they survive.
Are you aware that multiple organ shutdown blamed on a virus is the result of something called remdesivir, the FDA-approved, federally-mandated drug that causes the kidneys to die and the lungs to fill with water?
I don’t know of a single person who has died of “covid” at home. Do you? Every last person dies in the hospital, usually on a vent, usually after being given remdesivir. What does that tell you?
What it tells me is to stay away. By the way, this has all happened before, in the 1990s, presided over by the same Tony Baloney who also tortures beagles.
The terror orgy we are witnessing and experiencing is not new; it is the eruption of something long stuffed down. The meanness you are feeling projected at you is not new. It’s just suddenly socially acceptable or even fashionable. Venting rage at your neighbors is the new woke.
Society has not split along the lines of right and wrong; vax versus anti-vax. It has split along the lines of those who are allowing themselves to be led by leaders, and those who want to think for themselves.

Living Under Full Digital Conditions
So far as I can tell, the root environmental cause of all of this chaos (and the death-threat conformity) is digital conditions. The real confusion is about who we are. The explosive quality of digital, blowing everything inside out, makes people immune to logic, to context, and terrified of rational thought. It inoculates people against using what they know.

Society has not split along the lines of right and wrong; vax versus anti-vax. It has split along the lines of those who are allowing themselves to be led by leaders, and those who want to think for themselves. It has split along the lines of the hunters and the hunted. It has split along the lines of those who aspire to misery and those who aspire to contentment.
Society is divided among those who deny, and those who bear witness.
Every day, I am astounded at the corporate media coverup of CDC data saying that 21,000 people died and one million were seriously injured after getting the “covid” injection — more than double the number of those who died the past 30 years from all other vaccine products combined.
We may rationalize this, or explain it away, or deny it, at our soul’s peril. The utterly astonishing thing about this is that debate and discussion are all but banned.
Meanwhile, new data released by the British government confirms what we have long known in the United States: numbers of what are called “covid” deaths are exaggerated by tenfold. This has come out over and over again, from sources ranging from private studies to the CDC.
If you imagine things are interesting now, get ready for Pluto in Aquarius. This will be our real grow-or-die moment — as individuals and as a species.
In fact, war has been declared upon us. No war can be waged on drugs, poverty, terror, terrorism, ideology, cancer or a virus. It can only be waged upon people.

The Alleged Rumblings of Imminent Civil War
Talk of civil war in the United States is now as mainstream as Yahoo News. Actually, this has been going on for a while.
For years, we were primed with mental images of yahoo Republicans roaming the woods and cityscapes with semiautomatic rifles, in a Hatfield-McCoy hunger game. Mass shootings — wherever they came from — are a form of civil war. We took this all so casually, all those years.

In fact, war has been declared upon us. No war can be waged on drugs, poverty, terror, terrorism, ideology, cancer or a virus. It can only be waged upon people.
In the American style of war (whether in Japan, Korea, Vietnam, Chile, Nicaragua, East Timor, Iraq, Yemen, etc.), collateral damage is the way of things: a lot of people get killed and injured. Many more get displaced, relocated, robbed and made into refugees. The war has come home — everywhere.
Yet this is a strange kind of war. As Marshall McLuhan said in 1968, “World War 3 is a guerrilla information war with no division between military and civilian participation.” His grandson Andrew called this out in March 2020, when he noticed the speed of technological “innovation” that was being pushed on the population at unprecedented speed.
My client today survived the Argentine civil war and said she recognized covid-as-war by the feeling in her body, which reminded her of her childhood.
Dr. Mark McDonald, the psychiatrist who came up with the term mass delusion psychosis, said recently he knew something was wrong when walking out his front door reminded him of entering a locked mental ward when he was a young resident physician.
Aah finally, the cure for the common cold.
The United States is also in its fifth Chiron return — right at the same time. With Chiron in Aries, is the massive, collective identity crisis we are experiencing, which shakes out as something like, “Am I human, or a robot?”

The U.S. Pluto Return is Upon Us
For those readers not in the United States, please bear with this next discussion; it is relevant to you, since the United States is the central to the concept of “the free world.” As I have written many times, the “covid” crisis seems destined to go on longer here because it’s conflated with the crisis of the U.S. Pluto return. This is the return of Pluto to its position at the time of the American Revolution, good for all three major charts for that event (1775, 1776, or 1777).

The United States is also in its fifth Chiron return — right at the same time. With Chiron in Aries, is the massive, collective identity crisis we are experiencing, which shakes out as something like, “Am I human, or a robot?” Well, a robot is what a robot does. And one thing it does not do is feel, and you are being taught by all the robots in your life to be numb, and swipe left when something or someone stirs up your sympathy.
If you are wondering why people seem so immune to feeling the plight of others, consider that we become like our tools, and except for your eggbeater and facecloth, nearly all of our tools are robots, conditioning us to be like them. It helps (the robots and their masters) that we call them things like “my phone” or “Google” or “Instagram,” “my news feed,” or “my toothbrush.”
Society is divided now, and it’s divided by fear. Saturn is giving us a chance to learn the lesson of responding to fear voluntarily. Pluto will make it mandatory or enforced, due to the circumstances. Society will go one of two ways: succumbing to a Black Mirror world of psychological and technocratic terror, or learning, together, that we the people are who society is and what it is for.
Pluto in Aquarius could represent the technology-obsessed, plutocratic overlords making claim to everyone and everything (which is now underway — entirely by the eternally Aquarian internet); or it could represent the group ensoulment process that helps us contact and embody our humanity. It will probably be some form of both, though what we want is what we get. How we respond determines our outcomes.
I am witnessing spiritual awakenings of people who are remembering the basic need for love and honesty, and their training to be sincere teachers. They are committed to listening to their children, to feeling their pain and honoring their wisdom and insights.

The Branching of the Road
I imagine somewhere there is a book-burning ceremony going on right now, packed with people throwing onto a huge bonfire their copies of all that Caroline Myss wrote, and Marianne Williamson, and Hugh Prather and Carlos Castaneda and the Dalai Lama and Starhawk and Eckhart Tolle and Don Miguel Ruiz and The Artist’s Way.

At that same fire, people are burning their notes from the Omega and Esalen institutes, and all the intensives and trainings they did all those weekends and every copy of Jonathan Livingston Seagull, Be Here Now and A Course in Miracles they can find in a used bookstore.
Who needs all that puff when you can drop to your knees and worship at the altar of fear?
I also know of real places where people get together and eat food and solve community problems, learn about health and biology, and organize schools and summer camps for kids where they don’t have to gag on masks.
I know of places where people take absolutely no injections and trust their bodies to interact with the environment. I am witnessing spiritual awakenings of people who are remembering the basic need for love and honesty, and their training to be sincere teachers.
They are committed to listening to their children, to feeling their pain and honoring their wisdom and insights.
We are now in a moment when we must grapple with reality, and accept the truth of who we are and why we are here. We always have the power to choose the direction we take, even if we forfeited it over and over in the past.
We always have the option to wake up gently, or to go kicking and screaming to love and forgiveness. And we have the option of believing what is not true, at our own peril.
Yet sooner or later, everyone reaches the branching of the road. You know when you get there. You cannot go straight ahead; you must go one way or the other.
You realize that how you made your way to that point does not matter. You are at a place where you must make a conscious choice about what you want, rather than having the choice be made for you. At that place, you may choose to open up to the truth of who you are, and listen.
One way is love. The other way is fear. It is suddenly obvious. Suddenly meaningful. Suddenly a real choice.

I was …….so delighted and spiritual moved to read that, like me, many years ago was lead to The Course in Miracles……after 25 years I have been drawn to work it again…..I’ve never lost my reverence for this spiritually channeled life changing lessons and work…..but coming to it again is helping me see how in the interval between, I’ve matured spiritually…..it’s truly a gift from God……I’m downsizing everything in my life …..so I can make more space in me time here for my true purpose of this incarceration …..reconnecting with The Creator…..”nothing real can be extinguished, nothing unreal exists”…..it’s always a joy to feel that others are also on the same path…..my life at the moment is very much “a Martha and Mary “ existence …..I feel I have a foot in both worlds.
Thank you, Mary