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Sunday, January 31 — The Day of Poetic Song
If today is your birthday: You have a vision for your life, and you always have. You may experience it more as an idea of how you want to feel at some time in the future: for example, the idea, “When I am successful, I will be relaxed and I’ll have time for who and what I love.” That, however, cannot be the secondary goal. Whatever notion you may have about how life ought to be, whether in the front of your mind or the back, take a step to make it real, every day. Maybe that’s for 15 minutes. Maybe it’s for an hour. Maybe you devote your mornings to creating the life that you want. Maybe you will make it your primary vocation and let everything else slip off to the side. — Eric Francis
Listen to a sample of the Aquarius reading on the player below.
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February 2021 Monthly Horoscope for Aquarius

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — Fire your public relations team and speak for yourself. Forget your identity and be yourself. The turning point moment of your life is an experiment for which you must be flexible and spontaneous, though you’re also in line to learn the art of follow-through. You may start many things now that you don’t ultimately complete, so be careful that you develop your best ideas. The great virtue of Aquarius is its ability to have a new concept. The pitfall of Aquarius is a struggle with being adaptable, willing to learn, and willing to be wrong. Think of intelligence as being more about curiosity and less about certainty. With Mercury retrograde in your sign, that translates to curiosity about yourself. You may be investing time and energy into learning different systems of self-knowledge, which can be beneficial. Yet the thing you want to understand above all else is what motivates you. Notice what pushes you to make choices, take action, and to prefer certain people and things over others. Notice your habits. This is an excellent time to be shifting the ways you are habituated, and rather than form new fixed patterns, form new flexible ones. Place your life into manual mode rather than automatic. This is not going to be as easy as it seems, as we are being conditioned to think and conduct ourselves like the robots who dominate our lives. Far from being a conscious process, this has soaked us from the bottom, with phrases like “rewired,” “hard wired,” “reprogramming,” “rebooting,” and even “system upgrade” being used to refer to humans. Natural biological beings have no wires or operating systems, and that includes you. Invest in your humanity and nothing else.
Read all 12 signs here!
Saturday, January 30 — The Day of Take Charge
If today is your birthday: In order to know what anyone else thinks, or wants, or is willing to offer, you must know those things about yourself. However, you may have a tendency to project those needs onto others, such as with the idea, “When he gives me a clear sense of what he wants, I will respond accordingly.” Yet now is not the time for that; now is the time to step up and be wholly present for your own reality. You will know you’re doing this when you feel like you’re facing the impossible, but somehow have to do it. Being present for yourself is no small matter, and implied is showing up for everything and everyone to whom you have made a commitment. If you want to get out of any previously-made promise, you will need to negotiate — and to do so soon. — Eric Francis
Listen to a sample of the Aquarius reading on the player below.
Get instant access to the full reading here.
Friday, Jan. 29 — The Day of the Compassionate Competitor
If today is your birthday: You have more freedom than you recognize. It is true that this whole notion of being natural and free is under assault throughout much of the world, though there is plenty that’s under the radar, and which people don’t care about. So there you have many options that you likely have not considered, and others you’ve been mulling over. Part of the freedom that’s been lost is something of first-rate urgency for Aquarians: being together with other people. You may find yourself needing to make new friends. That’s true of a lot of people, so you can be sure that others are looking. This time, choose wisely. Choose people with whom you agree on important underlying issues, not just what seems interesting today. Your friends are your foundation. — Eric Francis
Listen to a sample of the Aquarius reading on the player below.
Get instant access to the full reading here.
Thursday, Jan. 28 — The Day of Outstanding Achievement
If today is your birthday: The Full Moon on your solar return is an invitation to accomplish great things, and you may feel like this is fully within your power. I suggest, though, that you set modest goals first, and see whether you attain them. Notice what gets in the way: what personal tendencies, hangups, fears, and complications, seem to block your path. Those are the same things that will come up when you’re working on a larger scale with more at stake. The purpose of experimenting — consistently, and thoughtfully — in a small theater is to be ready for a bigger one. Therefore, bring your full talent to everything, and let that be your quest. — Eric Francis
Listen to a sample of the Aquarius reading on the player below.
Get instant access to the full reading here.
Approaching the Leo Full Moon
This week is the run-up to the Full Moon. That takes place in the sign Leo at about 2:16 pm EST on Thursday, Jan. 28. Even in calmer times, where people have fewer worries, Full Moon week can be a source of drama. This is particularly true now that every last thing in existence has been turned into a controversy, right down to breathing.

I am still in shock over the fact that people carry their own water around (at least those who drink the stuff). So to make breathing controversial, here in the 304th year of the science of virology, is almost more than I can handle.
But yes, I regret to say that breathing normally is now a considered a crime some places.
Part of the drama is a false confrontation (ongoing, and seemingly perpetual) between the individual and what thinks of itself as the “collective.” The solution is not to suck it up and do what other people think you should do; that solves nothing. And it opens up no longterm plan, nor does it point the direction forward.
This is a big Full Moon, as the Sun will be exactly conjunct Jupiter in Aquarius. But the Moon in Leo seems to be on its own, on the opposite side of the sky. That is power for those who choose to stand in their truth, particularly if that truth is different from what everyone else seems to be obsessed with. These are times when people must stand apart from the groups they previously identified with, if those groups push you to go against your values.
That said, most people do not know much about their values, and they tend to find out when people push back against them. Then it’s easy to just buckle under instead of standing up for yourself. That is no way to build a nation, a life, a relationship or a career.
Wednesday, January 27 — The Day of Precocity
If today is your birthday: You must be cautious not to let the problems of other people become your own. It would be nice if we lived in a world where everyone took care of their stuff, though that’s not the prevailing situation. So I suggest doing two things: one is being highly self-reliant, which goes well with Saturn in your sign; and then setting a boundary when others in any way try to make their issues yours. You might help, to a point, though I suggest steering clear of anyone who is not willing to help themselves in the first instance. It’s one thing to be a good person and it’s another thing to allow that to be used to your detriment. — Eric Francis
Listen to a sample of the Aquarius reading on the player below.
Get instant access to the full reading here.
Tuesday, January 26 — The Day of Striking Deeds
If today is your birthday: Take every advantage you have, early on in any particular experience of working, to get the job done. That means acting quickly to set goals, get organized and consciously avoid problems. Get important tasks out of the way fast, and pave the way for success. This way, when challenges arrive, you are prepared in advance, and you have the energy and the bandwidth to address them. You must be a taskmaster within your own life, and let nobody else be responsible for your success or your failure. This includes taking care of yourself so that you’re prepared to face the rise to the special opportunity and adventure of each new day. — Eric Francis
Listen to a sample of the Aquarius reading on the player below.
Get instant access to the full reading here.
Monday, January 25 — The Day of Destiny
If today is your birthday: You may be thinking one thing and feeling another. If your ideas about someone or something were not concealing your deeper reality, you would be in accord with yourself, and able to carry through on a coherent plan of action. I am drawing a distinction between what you believe and what you know. As soon as you discover that a belief is untrue or not serving you, that is a form of knowledge, and then you’re responsible for acting on what you know. For you, responsibility is a good thing — not just good, the best. Saturn is in your sign. Your commitments are your best friend. Choose them wisely. — Eric Francis
Listen to a sample of the Aquarius reading on the player below.
Get instant access to the full reading here.
Sunday, January 24 — The Day of the Aloof Icon
If today is your birthday: The intention to ‘live for truth’ or even to ‘be real’ often drowns in personality foibles: insecurity, worries about inconvenience, and the fear of what might happen if you say something real, or ask a significant question. That can work for a while, though it won’t work for you for long. To be real means to be willing to confront the results of being so. After a while, you will count on that a source of strength. And if you repel others, you will find out who did not belong in your life, and you will gradually attract those who do belong. Ultimately, you can only be true or untrue to yourself. — Eric Francis
Listen to a sample of the Aquarius reading on the player below.
Get instant access to the full reading here.

Warming up a topic —
Sun passing through the Fixed Square
The Sun has joined many other planets in Aquarius, and is now heading for a conjunction first to Saturn, then to Jupiter. This will have a way of making it a little more obvious what this new astrological pattern is about. These new constellations do not form often, and it’s easy to take them for granted after a short time.

Right now we all need every opportunity and resource we can have available, and we need to use them well.
What is especially interesting is that Saturn is gradually making a square to Uranus involving the fixed signs Taurus and Aquarius.
This aspect (whatever the sign) is a rare event happening every 22 or so years (the Sun making a conjunction, square, opposition or square to Uranus occurs about every 11 years, as part of an approximately 44-year cycle of these two planets).
And we are at one of those turning points right now. This is a one-time aspect — there will be no repeats due to the retrograde effect. Earlier this week, Jupiter was square Uranus, which is part of a shorter cycle — about 13 years.
These squares of the two largest planets (Jupiter and Saturn) to revolutionary, destabilizing Uranus is perfectly illustrative of our moment. It’s also exciting and loaded with potential for those who are not clinging to their reality. That gets a little harder to do every day. We do need some stability, but the feeling of the moment is change and movement: lots and lots.
The one thing to know about any major aspect involving Uranus is they are unpredictable. First keyword, and last.
Saturday, January 23 — The Day of Character
If today is your birthday: Face it. There’s just something different about you. And circumstances of your life are revealing this as a genuine asset. Despite much pressure to hide your eccentricities, there are new social structures emerging to support your individuality — those whose patterns you must have a hand in creating. Though it may seem like a revolutionary idea, honor the urge to welcome friends into your personal space. Grounded in this way, you remind others what self-actualization looks like within a group. Stand up for everyone’s choice to live the way they feel called to live. Encourage those in your circle to be themselves. And be generous in your vision of who you are becoming. Others will be liberated as much as you liberate yourself. — Anna Ball
Listen to a sample of the Aquarius reading on the player below.
Get instant access to the full reading here.
Friday, January 22 — The Day of the Vortex
If today is your birthday: Fire is born of friction. Without fire life as we know it would be impossible, yet using it constructively requires strict guidelines. Extremely powerful currents of energy are at your disposal this year, which can be focused toward positive action that takes you very far. And like fire, these currents will require a high degree of self-awareness to utilize effectively. Desires are strong and that’s essential for creation. Like a fire-wall, conditions in place might feel frustrating and irritating, however — those desires have a lot of history behind them fuelling their intensity. Yet what feels like a limitation is in truth an asset, if you learn how to use it. The path of least resistance is the path to success this year: careful planning, self-control, and commitment to your ideals. In a word, integrity. This is the long-game and yours to win. — Victoria Emory
Listen to a sample of the Aquarius reading on the player below.
Get instant access to the full reading here.
Thursday, January 21 — The Day of the Frontrunner
If today is your birthday: Pushing things may get you what you want, but don’t be surprised if you get a little push-back. And maybe that’s not all bad. There’s something to be said about friction and conflict helping to define one’s sense of self. The risk, however, is that of going too far. Therefore, easy does it. You may feel the need to shake things up, or reshuffle your cupboards (and your entertainment center, and your partner’s side of the shared closet). But try to exercise some restraint, and make a practice of letting go — both will add a touch of gracefulness to all of the changes you feel inspired to enact. — Spencer Stevens
You may preorder your Aquarius reading here. This is a 75-minute audio reading, offering the opportunity for an extended, personal meditation on your life, and featuring original music by Vision Quest.
Wednesday Notes | Mars Conjunct Uranus
On Wednesday, the day of the presidential inauguration, Mars is conjunct Uranus in Taurus for the first time in this century and many decades before. This is high-impact astrology that many people will feel; beware of short tempers, bad decisions, and power equipment. If you want to learn how to swallow fire or juggle chainsaws, Wednesday is not the day.

Reaching into the memory hole of astrology, the past two Mars-Uranus events were on Feb. 26, 2017 (rather spectacular, conjunct both Uranus and Eris to the degree).
The most recent was on Feb. 13, 2019 (almost as impressive, in the last degree of Aries — the degree the Moon will be for the exact moment Biden takes office, and where Mars was during the phony “siege” of the Capitol Building.
This is astrology that says things like “shock to financial markets,” “earthquake,” “aggression,” “terrible decision” or maybe “great idea.” Mostly it is restless and hot; it’s physical and horny and wants some action. In a time of total frustration for many: that’s the odd combination. That’s the problem.
It’s also the most exact aspect in an already loaded chart for what is at once the chart for the presidential inauguration and (soon on its heels) the presidential impeachment. By the way, impeaching a president who does not hold office falls in the category of aggression and terrible decision.
I am no fan of Donald Trump, though this has nothing to do with him. It’s merely about punishing him and his supporters, which is in turn merely about further dividing an already divided nation and beleaguered world. We can do better and we must do better. — Eric Francis
Wednesday, January 20 — The Day of the Freewheeler
If today is your birthday: No matter how confident you may feel, you are subject to shocks of insecurity. Yes, everyone is, though you must be especially careful. These can just as easily be thunderbolts of power. As an Aquarian in our era, going back many years, it’s been easy for you to lose your sense of perspective and your priorities. That is what you must focus on. Everything in your life — every decision, every intention set, every choice made — must come back to a check against your priorities. These cannot and must not be unconscious. This is the time to be fully awake. The remedy to insecurity is moral courage. This is not something that is widely supported, and those who display any guts are often said to be crazy. Don’t fall for that. — Eric Francis
You may preorder your Aquarius reading here. This is a 75-minute audio reading, offering the opportunity for an extended, personal meditation on your life, and featuring original music by Vision Quest.
Tuesday, January 19 — The Day of Dreams and Visions
If today is your birthday: You were born to build something of lasting value, and the only way to do that is to do something different, and to do it some other way than has been tried in the past. There are rather few new ideas, and the world has a profound need for them. There are many occasions to take an existing idea and give it an original role that has not been tried before. These things are your calling and your purpose. And they will call for the best you have to offer: all of your intelligence, your commitment, your honesty and your willingness to try and fail if you must. For that is the only way to succeed. — Eric Francis
You may order your Capricorn reading here. This is a 70-minute audio reading featuring original music by Vision Quest. This reading is ready and available for instant access.
Monday Notes, Sun in Aquarius| Aquarian ideals? Discipline, Flexibility, Collaboration. Peace and Love? Not So Much.
The Sun enters Aquarius at 3:40 pm EST on Tuesday, Jan. 19. Our culture has a misunderstanding of Aquarius based on pop culture of the 1960s. Back then, we were sold the Age of Aquarius as the time of peace, love and understanding. That would be nice, though it’s not what Aquarius is about. That is more like Pisces.
In classical and Vedic astrology, Aquarius is ruled by Saturn. That has nothing to do with rock concerts, unless you’re talking about the people who built the stage. In the style of Saturn, the primary quality of Aquarius would be maturity, attained through discipline and inner authority.

Were such a state of being attained by many people, society would be in great shape, and people would get along. So maybe in an indirect way, that makes Aquarius the sign of brotherhood, though we’re not yet at that moment.
Current astrology is an invitation, with an urgent spin: if we don’t get it together, life is going to look a lot like the novel 1984, where things like sex and keeping a diary were crimes against the state.
That is because if you don’t get in cahoots with your inner authority, then outer authority moves on you like a bitch. Most of the time, it’s either a petty tyrant or an actual one. And people seem to like this, or at least they can be seduced by the false promise of having no responsibilities.
Most people go to work so they can get paid, not to do the work they do — and therein lies the difference between inner and outer authority, on a good day.
Today the Sun joins Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn and the asteroid Pallas in Aquarius, which will light up the Aquarian Era planetary configurations. This is a reminder we have to get our business in order on the level of the Social Contract, the one between society and citizens.
That’s the one about how in a free country, we are presumed and entitled by law to be free. Scary though that notion may be those who do not like or trust their neighbors, it is a moral and legal fact. The Constitution is not a stuffed eagle in the courtroom display case. It is a set of principles that were enacted particularly to confer protection from the government in a time of emergency, whether claimed or real.
They are the bottom line of society Monday to Friday, weekends, holidays and Leap Day. You may find reading this an enlightening investment of half an hour of your life.
If Aquarius is not specifically about smoking pot and playing guitar, it is about the qualities that would make it possible: actually caring about ourselves, our civic life, and how we take part in it. The dark side of Aquarius is total control: mandatory participation in medical experiments, being tracked and monitored around the clock, having everyone in the world able to access our biometrics, not the meekest notion of security or personal boundaries possible.
That’s not so groovy. So it’s time to make some decisions.
Monday, January 18 — The Day of Childlike Fancy
If today is your birthday: The universe does conspire to bring about what we desire, but knowing why we desire something makes that a lot easier. A good place to start is understanding what we believe the fulfilled desire will feel like, which usually starts with knowing what we don’t want, and that’s also a feeling-state more than anything. This is an inward journey very much worth taking, now. If you crave greater freedom, perhaps in terms of financial security or creative autonomy, the cards are in your favor. Yet even the best hand requires a sense of timing and strategy in order to win. Risk is part of life, but the wise player acts with deliberation and takes time to assess all relevant factors. — Victoria Emory
You may order your Capricorn reading here. This is a 70-minute audio reading featuring original music by Vision Quest. This reading is ready and available for instant access.
Here’s the replay of Sunday night’s livestream about the chart for the inauguration and impeachment.
Weekend Notes | Mars, Jupiter, Uranus Square Pattern in the Fixed Signs: Think Strategically
The astrology through the weekend is about thinking big and fast — so big and so fast you could really screw things up. In fact the pattern of Mars conjunct Uranus square Jupiter is the perfect astrology for bad decisions. Therefore, slow down, scale back and — most significantly — think strategically.

Strategy means thinking several moves ahead. Said another way, every time you are faced with a decision, consider what might happen, from several different perspectives. I am not saying “give yourself anxiety attacks.” Using a programming metaphor, if you need to delete 2,000 accounts from a sales system, ask yourself if it’s going to crash the server and whether maybe you should not do that all at once.
I am saying find out how much time you really have to complete something and make other arrangements if you don’t have enough. Do not act in haste, in anger, or out of jealousy: such is likely to blow up in your face.
In all respects, make a thorough check and find out what you don’t know. Even people who are thorough in their planning process can miss obvious clues and need to check in with people who know more, or who have a different perspective.
Mercury in Aquarius is famous for not knowing when you don’t know. Mercury is fortunately conjunct Pallas Athene, the goddess of strategy. Use that influence to get yourself to slow down and take one step at a time. Know when any step cannot be reverted. Know when you are at a point of no return. Think like a chess player, and suss out what might be happening three moves from now.
This is the appropriate use of the concept of time. Humans have a gift they rarely use (or often burn as pointless anxiety), which is foresight. Yes we live in times where the prevailing attitude is “who gives a toss.” But the law of unintended consequences still exists, and is in full force right now.
— Eric Francis
Curious about my audio readings? Listen to prior ones from 2020 for free on this player. Your 2021 reading is now ready. Find out more.
Listen to astrology readings by Eric Francis any time.
Sunday, January 17 — The Day of the Heavyweight
If today is your birthday: Genius is patience, to borrow from fellow Capricorn Isaac Newton. Big ideas are available to you now, and you’re naturally wired for the patience and discipline necessary to bring them to fruition. Yet that might be put to the test, as inspiration may strike together with an uncharacteristic, impulsive urgency to bust right through whatever feels like a constraint on your creative freedom. Sudden breakthroughs are, indeed, possible; seeds for far-reaching projects that lead to the liberation you seek could appear out of nowhere. These are too good to waste and yours for the planting, if you trust that what you imagine can be made real. It can. Seeds require proper cultivation, however. Therefore, welcome whatever may feel like a drag on your speed, for it will offer an opportunity for essential focus and planning, to channel your enthusiasm into solid achievement that lasts. — Victoria Emory
You may order your Capricorn reading here. This is a 70-minute audio reading featuring original music by Vision Quest. This reading is ready and available for instant access.

Listen to a sample here —
.Capricorn astrology for 2021, is ready, complete with a careful reading of the remaining years of Pluto in Capricorn, centaur Chariklo in Capricorn, and both of those points square Eris in Aries. Preorder for best price. This positive, motivating and insightful 75-minute astrology reading is available for instant access. — Eric Francis
Saturday, January 16 — The Day of Fulfillment
If today is your birthday: Pressure has been building for some time. If you relax and engage with your curiosity, you may give yourself opportunities to hang loose and let go of some of the stress you and the rest of society have been carrying. This is a situation where one thing will lead to another and where small moves will mean a lot. Be on the lookout for a seemingly minor event that engages you in a big way, especially where old family patterns are involved. Many forces are guiding you to let go of those, and have been for a long time, though one of them had best not be alcohol. Be especially mindful of your personal and family history with that stuff; it has more influence than most people think, and exploring the topic in detail will reveal many secrets you will benefit from knowing. — Anna Ball & Eric Francis
You may order your Capricorn reading here. This is a 70-minute audio reading featuring original music by Vision Quest. This reading is ready and available for instant access.
Friday, January 15 — The Day Of Heroic Inevitability
If today is your birthday: You must work with the chaos factor rather than against it. Lately there is an abundance of disorganized energy, clashing intentions and general mayhem. All of this — all of it — is the result of fear, guilt and greed. Subtract those three states of being and the world turns into a garden. So you might start by embarking on a program to remove them from your life. That is known as the spiritual path, or the healing path. Most therapy does not go deep enough to actually address these matters, though you can if you want. First you would need to notice them, and admit that they are disruptive. Then you move onto deciding you don’t want these feelings, and don’t want to get dragged along when others are on a bender. How do you do this? Ah, well, you just do. — Eric Francis
You may order your Capricorn reading here. This is a 70-minute audio reading featuring original music by Vision Quest. This reading is ready and available for instant access.
Available Now! Learn about your 2021 reading here.
Available Now! Learn about your 2021 reading here.
Thursday, January 14 — The Day of the Integrator
If today is your birthday: Significant changes sometimes seem to occur at the last minute. In reality, actual transformation results from sustained, if underground, tectonic shifts — after years of pressure and upheaval, suddenly the earth moves and whole continents are rearranged. That kind of immense momentum and power is at your disposal this year, to re-create fundamental aspects of your life as you desire. This has been building for years, and now is the time. You might not realize just how much force you’re radiating, and it’s very important that you focus on reforms that serve a higher purpose. That means whatever supports your ability to fulfill your true dharma, which is never about oneself alone. Much of this might require tossing out or tearing down accumulated crap from the past, whether literally or figuratively. It could get messy at times, but doing so will free up even more energy to direct toward the rebirth you’ve envisioned for a long time. — Victoria Emory
You may order your Capricorn reading here. This is a 70-minute audio reading featuring original music by Vision Quest. This reading is ready and available for instant access.
Wednesday, January 13 — The Day of Upward Mobility
If today is your birthday: Time marches on — but not for everyone. Be grateful for progress; be grateful that you are learning how to leave the past behind, which is a challenge for those with strong Capricorn in their chart. It takes practice to look at the world with fresh eyes every day, though like all skills built over time, you will get a result that you recognize. To look at the past is to look at a fictional version of the world. To look at the present reminds you that you’re alive and that you have a future. This is more than some can bear; it’s too much reality, and too much responsibility. But you have asked for a genuine challenge and you have said you want to do something that’s actually worth doing. This particular moment will never come again. Get it while it’s hot. — Eric Francis
You may order your Capricorn reading here. This is a 70-minute audio reading featuring original music by Vision Quest. This reading is ready and available for instant access.
Monday Notes, by Eric: Intro to Kala Sarpa Yoga
We are headed into a memorable New Moon, nearly as potent as the last one, which was a total solar eclipse. The Capricorn New Moon conjunct Pluto takes place overnight Tuesday to Wednesday. The New Moon is also square Eris and sets off the longstanding square between two of the slowest moving planets, Pluto and Eris.

There is a lot of energy and chaos in this New Moon, in a time when it seems very easy to stir up the population, which means to mess with us, with people, with individuals who are trying to live their lives. We think all this drama is normal, typical, and ‘the way things are’. But that is not true: it is being created.
The New Moon is part a truly unusual event as all of the planets — classical, modern, centaurs and several important asteroids — are grouped to one side of the lunar nodes.
While not recognized by Western astrology, in Vedic or Jyotish astrology this is an extraordinarily rare condition called Kala Sarpa Yoga. The effect is drive and determination, that anyone can tap into. The energy of total commitment is available to those who want it. Everyone else will have to deal with those who pick up the vibe and go with it.
The thing to remember is this: commitment invokes karma. Therefore, this is the time to act as if to hold the world together.
How the energy moves
Think of the nodes as a vortex running through the chart — like an energy jet, now coursing between Gemini (the North Node) and Sagittarius (the South Node). Imagine it’s so intense that it glows, like a beam of light directed from one side of the sky to the other. This is creating different levels of pressure on what seem like two sides of reality.
One is packed with planetary energy and many events. The other has very little going on; it may feel like empty space. This is like having one half of your head in a pressurized chamber, and the other side in a vacuum. It’s unsettling and disturbing. On nearly every topic, we live in two seeming universes at once.
It’s not that people have differences in opinion. That’s so 20th century. It’s as if reality itself has fractured, with each of us right in the middle. Remember, in astrology WE ARE the sky, it’s not outside of us. It’s crucial to not take on the split in reality. If you are feeling it, at least acknowledge what you feel — that is always the starting place.
Full Coverage Here — And Your Weekly Horoscope

Now that the annual recordings are done, I’ll be taking a new look at Capricorn astrology for 2021, including a careful reading of the remaining years of Pluto in Capricorn, centaur Chariklo in Capricorn, and both of those points square Eris in Aries. Preorder for best price. I should be able to do that reading this week. — Eric Francis
Tuesday, January 12 — The Day of the Wild Call
If today is your birthday: All people are animals in captivity. But some feel the call of the wild and some do not. Some feel it and assume that they’re going to lose control or turn into a savage they listen and follow. But you will not; you will do yourself a tremendous favor by letting yourself cut loose, particularly in your ability to love. There is no point guarding your feelings. Be real. Be affectionate. Be sexual. Be who you are and keep being it. That means being far more expressive than you usually are. And also more honest and less reserved when it comes to speaking from your heart. Yes, there are risks in involved, though these are in no way diminished by holding back. That has even greater risks, which are never counted. — Eric Francis
You may preorder your Capricorn reading here. This is a 70-minute audio reading, offering the opportunity for an extended, personal meditation on your life, and featuring original music by Vision Quest.
Monday, January 11 — The Day of Evaluation
If today is your birthday: Many who desire to accomplish something of service and merit fall short because they don’t want to ‘give up their life’ to do it. Yet if you study the history of any notable achievement, the very thing done was to devote one’s whole being to the endeavor. It’s not about giving up anything: it’s about the use of your time, your energy and your personal power — for something you want to create. This will come naturally to you this year, though you must let go into the experience and not wish you were doing something else. It’s true that you have many interests and many talents, though you now have the chance to invest them into one goal. Remember, it’s not about what you create, it’s about who you become. — Eric Francis
You may preorder your Capricorn reading here. This is a 70-minute audio reading, offering the opportunity for an extended, personal meditation on your life, and featuring original music by Vision Quest.

Sunday, January 10 — The Day of the Hard Look
If today is your birthday: Many are acting is if the world is ending. You might feel some relief, though, in knowing that certain things you’ve encountered are indeed ending, or working themselves out. In such times of change, it’s difficult to know what to trust. If you’ve been feeling the world is going down the river a handbasket, dial it back for just a moment. The perceived chaos of events that seem oh-so-much bigger than you may simply mirror tensions at home, or coiled within you. That tension is set to unfold, and dissipate, if you allow it. And when it does, your outlook on your life, and the world at large will be that much brighter. — Spencer Stevens
You may preorder your Capricorn reading here. This is a 70-minute audio reading, offering the opportunity for an extended, personal meditation on your life, and featuring original music by Vision Quest.
Saturday, January 9 — The Day of Ambition
If today is your birthday: Concentration is hard to come by these days, what with the internet, satellites, broadcast towers, and the like. Just to be clear, that is not an endorsement for tin foil hats — simply an observation that there is a lot vying for our attention. And yet you are being presented with the capacity to hone your focus, and apply a clear, logical thinking process to the problems in your life — particularly around what is of value to you. Here is a clue: how can you add more joy to your life? Put on your rose-colored glasses and get to solving. — Spencer Stevens
You may preorder your Capricorn reading here. This is a 70-minute audio reading, offering the opportunity for an extended, personal meditation on your life, and featuring original music by Vision Quest.

A New Constellation | Weekend Notes

This is the beginning of a discussion on the new constellation, which I take up in last Friday’s Planet Waves FM. That goes up at about 10 pm EST Friday evenings.
Note how many planets are in the early degrees of signs. This is always an immediate sea-change, though it’s aided by many much slower moving planets early in their signs. Mercury, Venus and Mars have all changed signs within the past day or so and are aligned in the first degree (shown by a double-zero, which is not zeroeth but first).
This is a sparky dynamic, particularly with fast-moving Mercury making an action-oriented square to Mars. Let’s focus that for a moment and I’ll be back with more on the program. Mercury to Mars in a square aspect can represent anger, decisions made without full information, and lurching into action. Mercury in Aquarius inherently cautions to know when you don’t know (it does not, so often).
Mars adds the dynamic, “If I’m angry, I’m right.” We will find out if whatever Mercury represents is “right” when it makes a conjunction to Saturn on Saturday. And we’ll see whether that even matters.
Venus square Mars in the Earth signs offers a different, more reserved approach, led by Venus in Capricorn. More in this week’s program.
Friday, January 8 — The Day of the Big Bang
If today is your birthday: Are you ready to give a piece of your mind? Sharing is indeed caring, and you may be just as communal as they come. But now’s the time to lend some thought to how you manage your resources. When you have a clear idea of what’s being distributed where, it won’t feel like such a big deal to devote yourself to pursuing what you’re passionate about. And it’s high time for that. That sense of love and wonder — beyond the current madness of the world — that’s “out there” in that big, wide universe: it’s also within you. And sharing it with others starts with sharing it with yourself. — Spencer Stevens
You may preorder your Capricorn reading here. This is a 70-minute audio reading, offering the opportunity for an extended, personal meditation on your life, and featuring original music by Vision Quest.
Thursday, January 7 — The Day of Unusual Interests
If today is your birthday: Follow your desire. That sounds simple enough. But it’s in those calm moments, after a little homesteading and settling in, when it can start to seem difficult to parse out what it is you truly desire. And it’s all too easy for it to get lost in the undertow of emotion when you’re socializing with friends, or for it to be muted under the weight of responsibility. But, again, follow your desire. Pull back, and evaluate what it is you value — what serves your pleasure? Your birthday may be the day of unusual interests, but it’s perfectly fine if, at most, you feel like sitting on the couch, and reading a book with a hot drink. You like what you like, and that’s fine as it is. — Spencer Stevens
You may preorder your Capricorn reading here. This is a 70-minute audio reading, offering the opportunity for an extended, personal meditation on your life, and featuring original music by Vision Quest.
Wednesday, January 6 — The Day of Substantiation
If today is your birthday: Think back to six months ago. It’s possible you’ve spent an extended period wrestling with your desire for security — perhaps even battling it. Get real about who you’ve become as a result of this dynamic inner work, because you’re stepping into the ability to direct your energies more constructively. This review at your base of operations has helped with progress in self-confidence, and you’re likely to now have the urge to play, seek pleasure, or distinguish yourself by expressing what you’ve learned. It might not have been easy, but you’ve discovered the impressive endurance you’re capable of. Finally, you can give form to your desires; don’t miss the chance to create something of this valuable experience. How will you celebrate your own healing power? This is where the next stage of self-mastery awaits you. — Anna Ball
You may preorder your Capricorn reading here. This is a 70-minute audio reading, offering the opportunity for an extended, personal meditation on your life, and featuring original music by Vision Quest.

Jupiter and Mercury in Aquarius: Focus on Chiron
Dear Friend and Reader:
Jupiter and Saturn in Aquarius shuffle all the dynamics of the world and of our lives. The current astrology is an excellent example of this. Chiron is now in early Aries, which is a distinction of our moment. It’s something that many people are feeling and in some way experiencing, whether they give it a name or not. Said simply, it’s the crisis of individuating: of becoming a whole person, unto yourself.
We could offer a few other ways to describe Chiron in Aries, which include the crisis of individuality; peeling back the layers of who you are not, to reveal who you are; learning that you are more than what you ‘identify with’; and standing up to those you consider part of your group (whatever form that may take, including your family).
Over the past few years, many planets have made squares to Chiron, mostly from Capricorn, and in particular Jupiter and Saturn. You can think of squares as enforced growth, and responding to an imminent crisis.
Now that Jupiter and Saturn have entered Aquarius, they are making sextiles to Chiron, which is more about having strength and traction. A sextile is more about free choice than a square is. It might represent a decision you make voluntarily rather than are forced into making. What this is about is described by the signs involved: Aries and Aquarius, the signs of the individual and the group, respectively.
Where the Individual Meets the Group
In our time, we have come to expect immediate rejection from any group with which we have any disagreement or personality clash. There is the expectation of no tolerance whatsoever of individuality.
While a good few people manage to get beyond this and express themselves, a great many are silenced, or silence themselves. This is a more total submission than may seem obvious: the exact opposite of “being yourself,” “being real,” “authenticity,” and all those other woke-type states of being.
Life has become a game of how little we can reveal so we are not cast off, beheaded or otherwise canceled. A common excuse is to respect the comfort zones of others — as if it’s possible to live one’s life with the intent of making absolutely nobody uncomfortable. I keep wondering what happened to this spirit:
Yet this is exactly what we are being conditioned to do: to shrink so others feel safe. I’ve heard so many people say it doesn’t matter of they are actually safer; all that matters is that they personally don’t make anyone feel insecure. Which would be taking a lot of credit. Most insecure people work hard to be that way.
The Need for Aspiration
Humans need something to aspire to. Life is full of ups and downs. It’s aspiration which keeps us going: some notion of growing, becoming, or exploring the world around us. For some, it’s about meeting people, for others, it’s about true love, and for others living simply does the trick. And all of those things started as aspirations, desires or needs.
Now they are being stripped away, in exchange for the prospect of everyone doing the same thing and being the same and confronted by the same limited possibilities. Note that there are some for whom this comes as a relief. I don’t think it will be for long.
In states that are locked down, it’s depressing to have nowhere to go, nothing to do, and no way to express yourself among others except through digital, which for most means social media.
Yet Chiron in Aries is calling for asserting your individuality boldly. The forthcoming Aquarian alignment of Mercury and Jupiter provides the context.The context is about us. There is no point being who you are if you can only do it alone. There’s no point being together if we all have to act the same, think the same, and suppress our personal reality.
The Healing Agenda
Where Chiron goes, it brings a healing agenda. That always begins with becoming aware of your situation.
To Be Continued
Tuesday, January 5 — The Day of Recovery
If today is your birthday: Built-in to your nature is the core need for your work in the world to reflect your true identity. Who you are and what you do must be integrated, so ambition and self-mastery go hand-in-hand. A tall order? For you, it’s a major key to fulfillment, and this year the tides are in your favor to achieve along these lines. You’re ready to be more visible. Opportunities to strengthen material security and enjoy more creative fulfillment through your profession are clicking into gear, so prepare to give it your all. Practical strategies and creative visualization go hand in hand right now, so focus on what you want and let that momentum carry you. — Victoria Emory
You may preorder your Capricorn reading here. This is a 70-minute audio reading, offering the opportunity for an extended, personal meditation on your life, and featuring original music by Vision Quest.
Monday, January 4 — The Day of the Formulators
If today is your birthday: Mercury alignments in your birthday chart indicate that your words carry extra weight in the year ahead: use them wisely. You seem eager to get to the bottom of things, and ready for some no-nonsense, deep conversations. If family or domestic issues factor in, be aware that what you’re after might not be easily won if you come on too strong. You can be extremely persuasive now; you can lead the way toward resolution quite effectively, as long as you temper your intensity with sensitivity to where others are coming from. Take time to get clear about exactly what changes you want to achieve; what it is that you want to feel as a result. With this as your guide there is little you cannot accomplish. — Victoria Emory
You may preorder your Capricorn reading here. This is a 70-minute audio reading, offering the opportunity for an extended, personal meditation on your life, and featuring original music by Vision Quest.
Sunday, January 3 — The Day of Total Involvement
If today is your birthday: How are things at home? Whether or not you’ve recently ventured far from your place of residence, educating yourself has a way of broadening your experience beyond your own four walls. Reading the Bhagavad Gita, or teaching yourself small engine repair are both forms of growth, in their own way. And learning how to grow is a study all on its own. That said, if your home life begins to call out for more of your attention, take any friction that arises as a prompt to look inward; this too can be used to further your personal growth and transformation. Though do take care not to overthink any potential conflict, or your role in it. Instead, look to your dreams for solutions — those sweet ones of far off places that linger and leave you smiling. — Spencer Stevens
You may preorder your Capricorn reading here. This is a 70-minute audio reading, offering the opportunity for an extended, personal meditation on your life, and featuring original music by Vision Quest.

January 3 is J. R. R. Tolkien’s 129th birth anniversary
Many have heard of The Hobbit and The Lord of The Rings. Fewer have heard of a short book called Akallabeth: The Downfall of Numenor. This is a version of the Atlantis myth. It is rather apropos of our times, and I’m sharing a reading of the audio with you today. The story is read by Martin Shaw.
Janus: The Door to the Present
Dear Friend and Reader:
Usually the thing considered on New Year’s Day is the future. Yet the future is only accessed from the present. Finding the present is a kind of exercise; it must be done consciously if it’s going to be meaningful. The Roman god Janus is the namesake of January. His name means door. There is a god for everything.

Notice how Janus is looking in both directions.
Rather than taking this time to plan the future, I suggest you consider where you are at in life. This is the method I use with astrology clients: bring them up to date. Make a timeline, and journal out some of the big stops along the way.
I can give you some suggestions that will work for many people. First topic: what happened between late 2017 and late 2020? Focus on 2018 as a “before and after moment.”
Second, what changed in 2008-2009? In other words, if you use 2008 as a “before and after moment” what do you come up with? Think long range: at least five years on either side.
Third, what was 2011 about for you? That IMO was the biggest year up until 2020. What were you doing? Were you taking an interest in world events at the time? That was the year of Occupy Wall Street.
Three points of journaling is enough for now. I suggest you do these on paper, with a pen or pencil. If you got some result that opens your eyes a bit, you may email it to me at Please put the word JANUS in the subject header!

Saturday, January 2 — The Day of Self-Requirement
If today is your birthday: Messages are coming to you about how to offer yourself to the world. That light of yours is burning beautifully already, though you could do more to share its warmth. Notice the opportunities you have to nourish your individuality, and to express who you truly are to those closest to you. While you get centered, trust your self-expression to heal any grief you might feel. There are benefits to be reaped if you devote yourself to reexamining old beliefs, especially those you’ve come to identify with. You’re in the midst of a personal creative project, letting your deeper sense of being shine through the face you present to others. Bring your intelligence and your desire to serve, and the rest will come naturally. This is about your unique drive for significance, so listen within. — Anna Ball
You may preorder your Capricorn reading here. This is a 70-minute audio reading, offering the opportunity for an extended, personal meditation on your life, and featuring original music by Vision Quest.
Friday, January 1 — The Day of the Emotional Organizer
If today is your birthday: You have been through quite a lot the past year, and you may be wondering whether you trust the process of your own life. Yet you’ve been through challenging patches like this in the past and have done quite well. The key is using any form of challenge or crisis as a kind of lever and as motivation to focus your efforts and make the changes that you need to make. It’s important to recognize how much has changed in your world, and within you personally. Said simply, it’s not last year. It’s very much now — and now calls on you not responding or reacting to events, but rather focusing on being aware of your needs, your goals and your priorities. What is important to you? What matters most? Ask yourself that for a few days, and listen to what comes back. — Eric Francis
You may preorder your Capricorn reading here. This is a 70-minute audio reading, offering the opportunity for an extended, personal meditation on your life, and featuring original music by Vision Quest.