If Your Birthday is Saturday, Feb. 8
The Day of Precognition | Order the Aquarius Astrology Studio | All Other Signs
Prepare for the volume of activity in the coming year to be set on ‘high’. Your birthday occurs on the verge of an extra fiery Full Moon, and the chart describes an emphasis on communication and relationships. You’re well-positioned to understand hot-button partnership issues from a higher perspective, if you can step back enough to tune in. You have an opportunity here to become more conscious of how you’ve approached emotionally loaded power dynamics, disappointment or jealousy in the past. It holds the potential for ah-ha moments that strengthen your spirit.
— by Victoria Emory
Daily Astrology for Saturday, Feb. 8
I’ve given a detailed reading of the Leo Full Moon in the Friday reading. This happens overnight tonight, and is exact Sunday, Feb. 9, at 2:33 am EST / 7:33 am GMT. One thing about the Full Moon is that it’s a time for ritual and celebration.

Your 2020-21 Aquarius Astrology Studio is now available for instant access. The Astrology Studio is a perfect complement to the Respect annual edition, and a great birthday gift for yourself or the Aquarius you love. You may order it here.
One exciting aspect in the chart is Venus conjunct Chiron, which is itself exactly aligned with the minor planet Salacia. This is some juicy sexual energy, which might find expression combined with the Full Moon. At the same time, Venus-Chiron can bring up old emotional and sexual pain. Chiron says: go through the pain consciously to take advantage of the healing qualities that are available.
Get outside if you can, get together with some people you care about, make some noise, eat some food, dance around, make some love. If you’re the kind of person who likes to cast divination, this is a good time to do it. However, leave the reading out on your altar and let it develop; let it stand and represent a divination for the rest of the season.
This is the lunar event associated with the Midwinter holiday — the tipping point between the Capricorn solstice and the Aries equinox. So this is the moment that the season shifts, and the new season begins to take hold.
I’ll have more to say on Planet Waves FM, which I’m posting early, in time for the Full Moon. The last two programs are up; look for the new one Saturday evening.
— by Eric Francis Coppolino
Almanac: The Moon is in Leo, and enters Virgo on Feb. 9 at 6:39 pm ET.