We’ll be keeping track of what we determine to be the most relevant updates on the coronavirus situation. New items will go at the top. If you have something to report — news, science news, or a check-in from your local area — please send to editors@planetwaves.net. Stay in touch and help us out by sharing this resource with others. This blog is published by Chiron Return, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation, which is an affiliate of the Pacifica Radio Network.
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FDA refuses to release autopsies of people who died after ‘covid’ injections | September 30
Read more at The Defender
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is refusing to release the results of autopsies conducted on people who died after getting covid-19 vaccines. The FDA says it is barred from releasing medical files, but a drug safety advocate says that it could release the autopsies with personal information redacted.
The refusal was issued to The Epoch Times, which submitted a Freedom of Information Act for all autopsy reported obtained by the FDA concerning any deaths reported to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) following covid-19 vaccination. Reports are lodged with the system when a person experiences an adverse event, or a health issue, after receiving a vaccine.
The FDA and other agencies are tasked with investigating the reports. Authorities request and review medical records to vet the reports, including autopsies. The FDA declined to release any reports, even redacted copies. The FDA cited federal law, which enables agencies to withhold information if the agency “reasonably foresees that disclosure would harm an interest protected by an exemption,” with the exemption being “personnel and medical files and similar files the disclosure of which would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy.”
NYC schools saw striking decrease in math competency during ‘covid’ pandemic | added September 30
Read more at FOX News
New York City schools faced stark drops in math in the first release of state test scores since the covid-19 pandemic, while reading scores remained steady. Results from the city Education Department released on Wednesday showed a 1.6 percentage point rise in English language arts proficiency and a 7.6 point drop in math competency between 2019 and 2022, with just 38 percent of kids in grades 3-8 being proficient in the subject last year, according to data collected from third through eighth grade exam scores.
About 46 percent of students were math proficient before the pandemic and the last time the exams were given to most of the city’s schoolchildren. First Deputy Chancellor Dan Weisberg said in a statement that the results are “complicated by the pandemic,” noting how much of an impact it particularly had on minority students.
“While results are complicated by the pandemic, the results reflect hard work by our students, families and educators during a difficult time,” Weisberg said. “They also reflect opportunity gaps and outcomes in particular for Black and Hispanic students as well as students with disabilities and English-language learners that are unacceptable.”
Australia drops mandatory ‘covid’ isolation rules for most, still applies to employees in vulnerable hospital and senior care settings | added September 30
Read more at The Epoch Times
Mandatory isolation periods for covid-19 have been scrapped following a decision by the national cabinet. Prime Minister Anthony Albanese and state and territory leaders agreed people with covid-19 will no longer be subject to a five-day stay-at-home order following Friday’s meeting at Parliament House.
The changes will come into effect from October 14. The isolation period, however, will still apply to employees in vulnerable settings such as hospital workers and those in aged care. The decision to eliminate the mandatory isolation period will also mean the end of pandemic leave payments for affected workers, with the payments to end from October 14.
The payments that remain for workers in vulnerable settings would be split 50-50 between the Commonwealth and the states and territories. Prime Minister Albanese said the measures would be proportionate and would target the most vulnerable. “We want a policy that promotes resilience and capacity-building and reduces a reliance on government intervention,” he told reporters in Canberra. “It was a unanimous decision by the national cabinet today and had the support of all premiers and chief ministers.”
More fear mongering from NYT: U.S. unprepared to face the new infectious diseases on the way | added September 30
Read more at The New York Times
If it wasn’t clear enough during the covid-19 pandemic, it has become obvious during the monkeypox outbreak: The United States, among the richest, most advanced nations in the world, remains wholly unprepared to combat new pathogens. The coronavirus was a sly, unexpected adversary. Monkeypox was a familiar foe, and tests, vaccines and treatments were already at hand. But the response to both threats sputtered and stumbled at every step.
“It’s kind of like we’re seeing the tape replayed, except some of the excuses that we were relying on to rationalize what happened back in 2020 don’t apply here,” said Sam Scarpino, who leads pathogen surveillance at the Rockefeller Foundation’s Pandemic Prevention Institute.
No single agency or administration is to blame, more than a dozen experts said in interviews, although the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has acknowledged that it bungled the response to the coronavirus. The price of failure is high. Covid has killed more than one million Americans so far, yielding untold misery. Cases, hospitalizations and deaths are all falling, but covid was the third leading cause of death in the United States in 2021 and seems likely to keep killing Americans for years.
Fundraiser for quarantine lawsuit | added September 30
Read more at Uniting NYS
There is much curiosity about whether or not we will bring another lawsuit to fight back against the tyranny, and to restore our rights and freedoms. We would love to bring more lawsuits, and our attorney is already researching a couple of different possible ones. We are having an informational, meet & greet, fundraiser Zoom event on Saturday OCTOBER 29th.
If you are in Western New York, then come in person. Meet our awesome attorney, Bobbie Anne Cox, hear about what our next lawsuit might look like, get details about our historic quarantine case, meet our co-plaintiff Senator George Borrello, bid on auction items, and more.
The antiviral newsletter: the only prescription you’ll need | added September 30
Read more at Antiviral Substack by Mike Stone
I am excited to announce the arrival of a weekly newsletter on Substack that I have titled “Antiviral.” As I often write short pieces breaking down news articles and studies that I come across throughout the week, this newsletter will be a collection of these writings together in one place in a weekly format. The newsletters will contain information that I feel is important but unnecessary to write up as an in-depth article on viroLIEgy.com. Here is the type of content that you can expect:
Highlights and commentary on mainstream articles: Quick breakdown of relevant studies, Spotlights on different voices within the movement, New articles, podcasts, and interviews from the community. Any necessary responses to articles critical of the “No Virus” narrative, Sharable memes and quotes, Inside information on current projects, And even more in the pipeline.
This newsletter will serve as an important compliment to the viroLIEgy.com site. Please support this endeavor by signing up for a monthly donation – that way you will be the first to know about all the latest developments. Not only that but it will help with some very exciting projects in development.
NYC health experts advise masking to slow the next surge despite Biden’s claim “the pandemic is over” | added Sept. 30
Read more at NY 1
New York City is entering its third pandemic winter with the least amount of public health rules in place since covid-19 prompted a citywide shutdown in March 2020. Mayor Eric Adams rescinded the vaccine requirements for private employers and for public school students participating in extracurricular activities. Gov. Kathy Hochul this month ended the mask requirement for public transit.
New Yorkers can largely go about their lives as though, as President Joe Biden said recently, “The pandemic is over.” Yet public health experts, watching cases rise in Europe, are expecting New York City to experience another winter surge in infections. While they expect it to be less severe than last year’s jump in infections, they say they are worried by the city’s near total lack of rules meant to prevent virus transmission.
“The concern is that relaxing the precautions right now is going to make the city a lot more vulnerable to a surge in the coming weeks and months,” said Dr. Bruce Y. Lee, a professor at CUNY’s School of Public Health. While hospitalizations and deaths are low, cases have risen slightly in the city in recent weeks, from a seven-day average of 1,980 new cases on Sept. 4, to 2,132 on Sept. 23, the latest day for which data is available, according to city records. The city’s coronavirus dashboard labels this growth in cases as “stable.”
Fauci and wife’s net worth increased by $5 million dollars during ‘covid’ pandemic as thousands of U.S. residents lost their jobs | added September 30
Read more at The New York Post
Dr. Anthony Fauci and his wife’s net worth grew by $5 million during the covid-19 pandemic as thousands of US residents struggled financially, according to a government spending watchdog group. The combined wealth of the 81-year-old retiring director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases and his bioethicist wife, Christine Grady, soared from $7.5 million in 2019 to $12.6 million at the end of 2021, according to a report from the non-profit OpenTheBooks.
“Despite becoming a figure of controversy, the system has rewarded Dr. Fauci handsomely,” the group’s CEO, Adam Andrzejewski, told Fox News Digital. “While Dr. Fauci has been a government bureaucrat for more than 55 years, his household net worth skyrocketed during the pandemic.”
The couple’s wealth boost was due in part to major salary increases, cash awards and royalties, according to the report. “Fauci’s soaring net worth was based on career-end salary spiking, lucrative cash prizes awarded by non-profit organizations around the world and an ever-larger investment portfolio,” Andrzejewski said. “He is the top-paid federal employee, his first-year golden parachute retirement pension is the largest in federal history, and he’s accepting $1 million prizes from foreign non-profits,” he added.
Forget the blame game on who blew up the Nordstream pipeline | added September 30
Read more at Off Guardian
[September 28, 2022] Last night it was reported that “blasts” had damaged both Nordstream pipelines that carry gas exported from Russia to Germany and other nations across northern Europe. As a result, large amounts of natural gas were leaking into the Baltic sea, and supplies through the pipeline were completely shut off.The alleged incident has caused a furious round of blame tennis, with accusations flying back and forth across what – for the sake of simplicity – we’ll call Iron Curtain 2.0. The European Union has claimed the pipes were “sabotaged”, but doesn’t directly blame anyone in their statement. The Telegraph is already blaming actively the Russians, specifically Western Bogeyman President Vladimir Putin.
Headlining “Why Putin would want to blow up Nord Stream 2, and the advantages it gives him”. On the flip side, the Russians have said the idea they would sabotage their own pipeline is “stupid”. Some Western alternate media have pointed to Joe Biden’s vow to totally shut down Nordstream 2 back in February as a sign the US was behind the alleged attack.
PCR fraud with Eric Coppolino | added September 29
Watch on Rumble
Investigative journalist and expert researcher Eric Francis Coppolino joins Stew Peters to expose how SARS-CoV-2 does NOT exist, and how the PCR tests are LYING to everyone. World governments KNOW that covid is not real, and are using the lies to cause havoc.
Children with vaccine-related aluminum exposure face 36 percent higher risk of asthma | added September 29
Read more at The Defender
A federally funded study released Tuesday reported a “positive association” between “vaccine-related aluminum exposure” and “persistent asthma” in children 24-59 months old. Overall, kids in the study who received 3 milligrams or more of vaccine-related aluminum had at least a 36% higher risk of developing persistent asthma than kids who got less than 3, the study’s lead author, Dr. Matthew F. Daley, told The Associated Press.
Daley was quick to urge caution in the interpretation of the results, telling STAT, “I’m still going to advocate for vaccines as strongly as I did before we had these findings.” The study was published in the medical journal Academic Pediatrics. In addition to Daley, the authors included Dr. Frank DeStefano and other current and former Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) staff.
The authors were careful to not suggest a causal relationship between vaccine-related aluminum and asthma and noted that “additional investigation of this hypothesis appears warranted.” According to the study authors, “Aluminum is integral to many vaccines, enhancing immunogenicity and effectiveness. Aluminum adjuvants have a well-established safety profile, and are used in many vaccines given in early childhood.” The CDC undertook the study in response to a call in 2013 from the Institute of Medicine — now known as the National Academy of Medicine — for more federal research into the safety of childhood vaccines, including their use of aluminum.
Top vaccine expert stirs debate over suggestions not everyone should get latest ‘covid’ booster | added September 29
Read more at Yahoo Finance
One of the country’s top vaccine experts has stirred debate in recent weeks by suggesting that not everyone should get the latest covid-19 vaccine boosters and that the CDC is “overselling” the new shot.
Dr. Paul Offit, director of the Vaccine Education Center at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia and a member of the FDA’s committee of outside vaccine experts, told Yahoo Finance there are three main groups of people who will benefit the most from the bivalent booster based on current evidence — those who are older than 75, have chronic diseases, or are immunocompromised.
For healthier, younger individuals, the vaccine’s impact isn’t as strong, he said. “I just don’t think it’s going to make much of an impact in otherwise healthy young people. We really should focus on those three groups who are most likely to benefit, because the goal of the vaccine is to protect against serious illness. It’s the only reasonable goal, it’s the only attainable goal,” he said.
New ‘covid’ vax study on breast milk prompts serious concerns across social media | added September 29
Read more at The Epoch Times
A new peer-reviewed study in the journal JAMA finding traces of mRNA covid-19 vaccine material in breast milk has created a social media thunderstorm. On one end is what seems to be utter silence—no comments from those who went on public television and urged everyone to get vaccinated. Among those who have been skeptical from the start, this study appears to prove we have a medical disaster on our hands with potentially catastrophic implications.
Even when skeptics have been misled, discriminated against, and marginalized by those in power, it’s crucial to remain rational and clinical. It’s an admittedly difficult task given the understandable feelings of betrayal and exasperation.
The truth is, this study prompts far more questions than it answers. The design was far from comprehensive, leaving extraordinary uncertainty. For one, the sample in the study is incredibly small: a mere 11 women. Anyone with a basic understanding of statistics will know it’s nearly impossible to make definitive population-level extrapolations based on a handful of participants.
World Cup in Qatar confirms mandatory ‘covid’ testing and government-run application that tracks people’s movements and health status | added September 29
Read more at ABC News
GENEVA — Fans going to the World Cup in Qatar must show a negative covid-19 test when they arrive as part of the host nation’s rules to combat covid-19, organizers said Thursday. All visitors aged 18 and over must also download a government-run phone application tracking people’s movements and health status, called Ehteraz.
“A green Ehteraz (showing the user does not have a confirmed case of covid-19) is required to enter any public closed indoor spaces,” World Cup organizers said. Visitors must be able to show a negative result from a PCR test taken in the 48 hours before arriving or from an official rapid test taken within 24 hours. The covid-19 testing policy for visitors aged six and over is “regardless of the individual’s vaccination status,” the Supreme Committee for Delivery & Legacy said in a statement.
Vaccination is not mandatory for the 1.2 million expected visitors for the Nov. 20-Dec. 18 tournament. Rapid antigen tests taken in the previous 24 hours before landing in Qatar will only be accepted if they are from official medical centers and not self-administered. No further tests are required in Qatar if fans do not develop symptoms of covid-19.
Pitching ‘covid’ sci-fi movie in 2018 | added September 29
Watch the video on YouTube
Wait, pretty sure they actually did this in 2019 at Event 201.
Rapper Coolio dead at 59 years-old, cardiac arrest suspected cause of death | added September 29
Read more at US News
“We are saddened by the loss of our dear friend and client, Coolio, who passed away this afternoon,” a rep for Coolio told Us Weekly on Wednesday. “He touched the world with the gift of his talent and will be missed profoundly. Thank you to everyone worldwide who has listened to his music and to everyone who has been reaching out regarding his passing. Please have Coolio’s loved ones in your thoughts and prayers.”
The Grammy Award winner (born Artis Leon Ivey Jr.) was visiting a friend on Wednesday, September 28, when he died suddenly, his longtime manager Jarez Posey told TMZ and Rolling Stone hours later.
Per TMZ, the friend of the Coolio’s grew concerned after the late rapper went to the bathroom and was indisposed for an extended period of time. After the music icon didn’t respond to his name being called, the unidentified friend eventually went in and found Coolio laying on the floor. An ambulance was called and EMTs pronounced the “C U When U Get There” performer dead on the scene. Posey said the paramedics believe Coolio went into cardiac arrest, which they suspect is his cause of death. An official cause of death has yet to be determined.
In memory of all those who died suddenly in U.S., Mexico, Holland and worldwide from Sept.19-26 | added September 29
Read more at Mark Crispin Miller Substack
Musicians in the US, Canada, Mexico, Uruguay, Ireland, Holland, Greece & Italy; “vaxxidents” in the US, Mexico (8), Chile, Argentina, Holland, Germany (10), Italy (7), Russia & the Philippines; & more.
Top television writer-producer Zack Estrin, known for his work as executive producer/showrunner of Lost In Space and co-executive producer on Prison Break, passed away suddenly Sept. 23 in Hermosa Beach. He was 51. Estrin, who was in good health, died of suspected cardiac arrest after collapsing while jogging on the beach. The exact cause of death is unknown pending autopsy.
Born in Woodland, California, and raised in Brooklyn, New York, Estrin graduated from USC and began his entertainment career in features as a producer on films such as Stranger Than Fiction and O, a contemporary adaptation of Shakespeare Othello. He then made the transition to television, launching a writing career that would take him to the top of the showrunner ranks. His early credits included hits Charmed and Dawson’s Creek as well as cult favorite Tru Calling. Most notably, Estrin served as executive producer and showrunner on Netflix’s reimagining of the sci-fi family adventure Lost in Space. At the time of his death, Estrin was developing new projects under his overall deal at Netflix.
Research experts link rise of zoonotic viruses to climate change | added September 29
Read more at NPR
Cases of monkeypox are on the rise in the U.S., with about 67,600 global cases, including about 25,500 in the U.S. Simultaneously, the world is still facing a covid-19 pandemic, despite the number of cases tapering off. Researchers say these types of viruses, known as zoonotic diseases, or ones that spread between humans and animals, will become increasingly commonplace as factors such as the destruction of animal habitats and human expansion into previously uninhabited areas intensify.
Monkeypox was first found in monkeys in 1958 and in humans in 1970, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Elements such as deforestation, population growth and animal breeding have removed the boundaries between where humans and wild animals live, bringing them into closer contact.
Since 1990, about 1 billion acres of forest have been cleared. Deforestation rates have been decreasing, with an average of 25 million acres being cleared each year from 2015 to 2020, down from about 16 million per year in the 1990s, according to a United Nations report. Besides the impact on the climate, deforestation means a loss of habitat that often ends up driving wildlife nearer to people.
John Hopkins University scientist wins this year’s Lasker award for website tracking ‘covid’ cases | added September 29
Read more at FOX News
A Johns Hopkins University scientist who created a website to track covid-19 cases worldwide is the recipient of this year’s Lasker award for public service. The $250,000 awards, announced Wednesday by the Albert and Mary Lasker Foundation, recognize achievements in medical research.
The public service award went to Lauren Gardner, an engineer who studies the spread of diseases. She worked with her lab team to develop the covid-19 tracker as the coronavirus began spreading worldwide in January 2020. The dashboard became a key resource and now tracks global cases, deaths, vaccines and more. Through it all, the team has made the tracker freely available to the public.
The dashboard set “a new standard for public health data science” and helped inform both personal decisions and policy, the Lasker Foundation said in a release. The prize for medical research was awarded to Yuk Ming Dennis Lo, a molecular biologist at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, for creating a prenatal blood test that can check for Down syndrome and other genetic conditions. Lo found that DNA from the fetus was in the mother’s bloodstream, allowing genetic screening to be done with a blood test rather than a more invasive procedure.
Who drives the force behind WHO’s ‘covid’ vax response? Gates or Germany? | added September 28
Read more at The Epoch Times
The idea that Bill Gates is somehow the driving force behind the WHO’s vaccine-centric covid-19 response is very widespread—at least on Twitter. But this notion recently received some unexpected support from a mainstream media source: Politico, the online news service that was started in D.C. in the naughts, launched a Brussels-based European edition in partnership with the German media giant Springer in 2015, and was fully acquired by the German firm last year.
Citing anonymous sources and tossing out astronomic, but largely undocumented, funding figures, a massive, meandering “investigation” by Politico and Springer’s flagship German broadsheet, Die Welt, claimed to show that, just as Twitterers have suspected, it is Bill Gates and his “network” of organizations that have “controlled” the world’s covid-19 response, after all.
The Springer/Politico “investigation” focuses, in particular, on the alleged influence of Gates and his “network” over the WHO—as well it should, since the WHO has, of course, been the main vector of the coordinated, global response to the covid-19 pandemic. But the problem is that an abundance of publicly available information makes unmistakably clear that the driving force behind the WHO’s covid-19 response is in fact none other than Germany and that—surprisingly in light of the furor over Gates—Gates has in fact played only a very minor role.
Large study confirms link between ‘covid’ shots and increased length of menstrual cycle | added September 28
Read more at National Institute of Health
A large international study has confirmed the findings of a previous U.S. study that linked covid-19 vaccination with an average increase in menstrual cycle length of less than one day. The increase was not associated with any change in the number of days of menses (days of bleeding). Funded by the National Institutes of Health, the new study included data from nearly 20,000 people from Canada, the United Kingdom, the United States, Europe and other parts of the world who received any of nine different vaccines. For most study participants, the increase resolved in the cycle following vaccination.
The study’s principal investigator was Alison Edelman, M.D., M.P.H., of Oregon Health & Science University in Portland. It appears in the BMJ Medicine “These findings provide additional information for counseling women on what to expect after vaccination,” said Diana Bianchi, M.D., director of NIH’s Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD). “Changes following vaccination appear to be small, within the normal range of variation, and temporary.”
NICHD and NIH’s Office of Research on Women’s Health funded the study, which was part of $1.67 million awarded to five institutions to explore potential links between covid-19 vaccination and menstrual changes. A change in cycle length of less than eight days is considered within the normal range of variation.
Pediatric nurse of 13 years says she was fired for asking about reporting ‘covid’ vax injuries to VAERS | added September 28
Read more at Evie
A nurse says she got fired for asking doctors, “Why aren’t we reporting these to VAERS?” when she saw children with myocarditis after they received the vaccine. A video on Twitter showed an emotional nurse at the San Diego Board of Supervisors Meeting.
The woman says she worked at Rady Children’s in the intensive care unit but was fired shortly after she asked the doctors why they weren’t reporting the cases of myocarditis in children. The woman believes they got it after the covid vaccine.
“I’m a nurse – or at least I was – at Rady Children’s in the cardiovascular intensive care unit. Until Nathan and his misinformation pandemic caused me to lose my job. I took care of those children who came in with myocarditis after the vaccine, and I talked to the doctors because I was a charge nurse, saying ‘Why aren’t we reporting these to VAERS? Who is going to report these to VAERS?’ It was an unspoken thing that we were not allowed to talk about openly on the unit. I’ve worked for 13 years in this community, taking care of some of the sickest patients.
Doctor who promoted ‘covid’ shots calls for immediate suspension over serious side effects | added September 28
Read more at The Digger
Today, Dr Aseem Malhotra, a doctor who promoted covid-19 vaccines on television, has called for an immediate suspension of all covid-19 vaccines to investigate serious side effects. “There has been a rise in out-of-hospital cardiac arrests and heart attacks linked to Pfizer’s covid-19 mRNA vaccine with plausible biological mechanisms of harm”.
A significant rise in calls to ambulances involving cardiac arrest was seen in England in 2021, an extra 14,000 compared to 2020. Similar data emerged from Israel in the 16–39-year-old age group where there was a 25% increase in heart attacks or cardiac arrests associated with the BionTech Pfizer vaccine administration but not associated with covid-19. Dr Aseem Malhotra believes a link between these additional cardiac arrests and the Pfizer vaccine is credible.
The results of Malhotra’s study, published today, showed “a greater risk of serious adverse events from the vaccines than being hospitalised from covid-19.” It is yet another study published recently which shows the vaccines to be causing more health problems than they are preventing. The paper adds to a chorus of data which strongly suggests the mRNA vaccination program needs to be paused until a proper risk analysis has been done.
Pennsylvania couple given wrong ‘covid’ shot instead of updated booster | added September 28
Read more at Patriot News
Marjorie Beck and her husband are both in their late 50s with medical conditions that make them more vulnerable to getting severely ill from covid-19. That’s why the Lebanon County couple took their earliest opportunity to get the new covid-19 booster, receiving them at a Rite Aid in Palmyra on Sept. 17.
Or so they thought. The next day, Rite Aid called to say they were given standard Pfizer vaccine rather than the new Pfizer booster formulated to protect against the two omicron variants which now account for almost all new cases. Now they must now wait two months before they are eligible for the new booster.
It means the Becks lack the protection they hoped for as they enter the fall season when doctors expect another upturn in covid-19 illnesses. It’s especially significant for them because they both have jobs that expose them to many people and don’t allow them to work at home to lower their risk. Marjorie Beck said the store employee who called said everyone who came to the Palmyra store for a booster on Sept. 17 received the wrong vaccine.
CHD to appeal Rutgers ‘covid’ vax mandate lawsuit dismissal | added September 28
Read more at Children’s Health Defense
An attorney for Children’s Health Defense (CHD) and a group of students who sued Rutgers University over its covid-19 vaccine mandate said he will appeal last week’s decision by a federal judge in New Jersey to dismiss the suit.
U.S. District Judge Zahid N. Quraishi said he accepted Rutgers’ motion to dismiss the lawsuit, finding that the institution was within its legal rights to implement the policy in the name of protecting the student body and wider community. The lawsuit was filed Aug. 16, 2021, against the university, its president, board of trustees and others by CHD and 18 Rutgers students. Six of the students remained anonymous in the complaint.
On Aug. 30, 2021, the plaintiffs filed a motion for a temporary restraining order against the university, which was rejected. The university’s policy resulted in the accounts of unvaccinated students being blocked, barring them from enrollment in classes. This block was reportedly applied even to the students who were exclusively enrolled in remote classes, despite the express terms of Rutgers’ policy, which exempts “fully remote” students from the mandate.
New York spent $250 million dollars on technology to fight ‘covid’ that no one used | added September 28
Read more at Politico
ALBANY, N.Y. — When New York became the U.S. epicenter of the covid-19 pandemic in March 2020, then-Gov. Andrew Cuomo scoured the globe for life-saving equipment as the daily death toll in the state approached 800. Models had estimated that New York would need as many as 40,000 ventilators to aid people suffering the worst symptoms of the virus, he said.
“This is a disease that is a respiratory disease. People are on the ventilators, and the ventilators are a matter of life and death,” Cuomo told MSNBC at the time. Forced into a hectic international competition for goods like many states during the early months of the pandemic, New York never procured anywhere close to what it supposedly needed. But the collection it did manage to build hasn’t done much more than gather dust.
The state acquired 8,555 ventilators at a cost of $166 million and 1,179 X-ray machines for $86.4 million, state officials told POLITICO this month. And now they’re stacked in warehouses across New York with no plans to distribute them or put them to any immediate use; covid treatments have largely moved away from ventilators, and hospitals say they have plenty available to deal with their immediate needs.
Across the pond: United Kingdom health experts warn U.S. of rising ‘covid’ cases | added September 28
Read more at CNN
There are signs that the United Kingdom could be heading into a fall covid-19 wave, and experts say the United States may not be far behind. A recent increase in covid-19 cases in England doesn’t seem to be driven by a new coronavirus variant, at least for now, although several are gaining strength in the US and across the pond.
“Generally, what happens in the UK is reflected about a month later in the US. I think this is what I’ve sort of been seeing,” said Dr. Tim Spector, professor of genetic epidemiology at Kings College London. Spector runs the Zoe Health Study, which uses an app to let people in the UK and US report their daily symptoms. If they start to feel bad, they take a home covid-19 test and record those results.
He says that about 500,000 people are currently logging their symptoms every day to help track trends in the pandemic. Spector says the study, which has been running since the days of the first lockdown in England in 2020, has accurately captured the start of each wave, and its numbers run about one to two weeks ahead of official government statistics.
A look at how the Times reported Mussolini’s rise to power 100 years ago| added September 28
Read more at Mark Crispin Miller Substack
Here’s how the Times (along with all the rest of “our free press”) has framed the news from Italy—in a story using the words “fascism” or “fascist” 27 times: Giorgia Meloni Wins Voting in Italy, in Breakthrough for Europe’s Hard Right, September 25, 2022. ROME — Italy turned a page of European history on Sunday by electing a hard-right coalition led by Giorgia Meloni, whose long record of bashing the European Union, international bankers and migrants has sown concern about the nation’s reliability in the Western alliance.
Results released early Monday showed that Ms. Meloni, the leader of the nationalist Brothers of Italy, a party descended from the remnants of fascism, had led a right-wing coalition to a majority in Parliament, defeating a fractured left and a resurgent anti-establishment movement.
It will still be weeks before the new Italian Parliament is seated and a new government is formed, leaving plenty of time for political machinations and horse trading in a coalition with major differences. But Ms. Meloni’s strong showing, with about 26 percent of the vote, the highest of any single party, makes her the prohibitive favorite to become the country’s first female prime minister.
A farewell to virology with Dr. Mark Bailey | added Sept. 27
Listen on 21st century wire
This week, Patrick connects with special guest, health researcher, Dr. Mark Bailey from New Zealand, for an extended special interview to interrogate ‘The Science’ behind the notorious “Gain of Function” narrative and the debunking the “origins of covid” along with increasingly popular “lab leak” theory (read his latest paper entitled, “A Farewell to Virology“).
Pfizer asks FDA to expand their ‘omicron’ booster shots to 5 to 11 year-olds | added September 27
Read more at ABC News
Pfizer asked U.S. regulators Monday to expand use of its updated covid-19 booster shot to children ages 5 to 11. Elementary school-aged children already received kid-sized doses of Pfizer’s original vaccine, a third of the dose given to everyone 12 and older — two primary shots plus a booster.
If the Food and Drug Administration agrees, they would start getting a kid-sized dose of the new omicron-targeted formula when it was time for their booster. FDA vaccine chief Dr. Peter Marks said last week he expected a decision on boosters for that age group soon. Pfizer and its partner BioNTech also announced a new study of the omicron-focused booster in even younger children, those ages 6 months through 4 years, to test different doses.
Updated boosters made by both Pfizer and rival Moderna rolled out earlier this month for everyone 12 and older. They’re a tweak to vaccines that already have saved millions of lives — a combination or “bivalent” shot that contains half the original recipe and half protection against the BA.4 and BA.5 omicron relatives responsible for most of today’s covid-19 cases.
Hong Kong requires daily ‘covid’ tests for visitors; anyone who tests positive must isolate in community facility for one week | added September 27
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Travelers headed to Hong Kong no longer need to quarantine in a hotel upon arrival. But they will have to submit to a barrage of covid tests. They can go to work, take public transportation and go to supermarkets, but for the first three days, travelers can’t go into “high-risk premises” such as restaurants, bars and gyms.
Visitors who plan an eight-day trip must take 12 tests — four PCR and eight rapid antigen tests — which averages to 1.5 tests per day. Moreover, those who test positive must isolate in a community facility for at least a week. Still, the relaxed rules are welcome news to the city’s residents, who have endured hotel quarantine restrictions of up to three weeks at various points during the pandemic.
The news came the day after Hong Kong lost its No. 3 ranking on the The Global Financial Centres Index, ceding its position to Singapore, which climbed three places — surpassing Hong Kong and Shanghai — to become Asia’s top financial center.
Canada to end all ‘covid’ entry restrictions starting October 1 | added September 27
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From October 1, Canada is removing all remaining covid-19 entry restrictions including testing, quarantine and isolation requirements, officials announced Monday. “The Government of Canada will not renew the order in council that expires on September 30 and will therefore remove all covid-19 border requirements for all travelers entering Canada,” said Minister of Health Jean-Yves Duclos.
“This includes the removal of all federal testing quarantine and isolation requirements as well as a mandatory submission of health information in ArriveCAN,” he said. Fully vaccinated international travelers have been allowed to enter Canada since September 7, 2021. Unvaccinated citizens and permanent residents have been permitted to enter the country but must self-quarantine for 14 days.
“This means that as of October 1 travelers will no longer be required to undergo health checks for travel on air and rail or wear masks on planes and trains,” said Omar Alghabra, Minister of Transport. “Airlines will no longer need to review the vaccination status of foreign nationals, confirm travelers have submitted their required information in ArriveCAN or ensure compliance with the pre-entry testing requirements.”
Brooklyn Nets’ player Kyrie Irving gave up more than $100 million dollars to remain unvaccinated | added September 27
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NEW YORK — Brooklyn Nets guard Kyrie Irving says he turned down a four-year extension prior to the 2021-22 season because of his decision not to get vaccinated against covid-19.”I gave up four years, 100-and-something million deciding to be unvaccinated and that was the decision,” Irving said during Nets media day on Monday. “[Get this] contract, get vaccinated or be unvaccinated and there’s a level of uncertainty of your future, whether you’re going to be in this league, whether you’re going to be on this team, so I had to deal with that real-life circumstance of losing my job for this decision.”
Irving, who is not vaccinated against covid-19 and was forced to miss home games in Brooklyn until late March because of a New York City vaccination mandate, opted into the final year of his contract, a player option worth $36.5 million, prior to the season. The 30-year-old said he felt the decision whether to get vaccinated was like “an ultimatum” from the organization, in regard to his contract. Irving said he was hopeful that he would have the contract terms set prior to last season.
We were supposed to have all that figured out before training camp last year,” Irving said. “And it just didn’t happen because of the status of me being vaccinated, unvaccinated. So, I understood their point and I just had to live with it. It was a tough pill to swallow, honestly.” For his part, Nets GM Sean Marks pushed back on the notion that Irving was given an “ultimatum” regarding his contract. “There’s no ultimatum being given here,” Marks said. “Again, it goes back to you want people who are reliable, people who are here, and accountable. All of us: staff, players, coaches, you name it.
Texas federal court gives CDC four days to release data on adverse reactions to ‘covid’ shots | added September 27
Read more at The Defender
A federal court in Texas is giving the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) until Friday to release the first batch of data on adverse events following covid-19 vaccination collected by the agency via its V-safe app. The order by the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Texas-Austin Division follows a series of lawsuits filed by the Informed Consent Action Network (ICAN), an Austin-based nonprofit “focused on the scientific integrity of vaccines and [the] pharmaceutical industry.”
According to ICAN, the court order requires the CDC to release the first batch of 19 months’ worth of data collected from millions of participants who reported adverse events related to covid-19 vaccination via the V-safe app between Dec. 14, 2020, and July 31, 2022.
In all, the CDC will be required to release more than 137 million health V-safe entries.The CDC describes V-safe as a smartphone app that “provides personalized and confidential check-ins via text messages and web surveys,” enabling users to “quickly and easily share with CDC how you, or your dependent, feel after getting a covid-19 vaccine.”
FDA vaccine adviser suggests young healthy people should not get the latest ‘covid’ booster jab | added September 27
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An adviser to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) during an interview advised young people not to receive the recently approved bivalent covid-19 vaccine booster doses due to a lack of human testing. Dr. Paul Offit, a member of the FDA’s Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee, told CNN this weekend that he isn’t convinced that the new Omicron subvariant-specific boosters will provide any benefit to healthy, younger adults.
“When you’re asking people to get a vaccine, I think there has to be clear evidence of benefit,” he said in an on-air interview. “And we’re not going to have clinical studies, obviously, before this launches, but you’d like to have at least human data [on] people getting this vaccine, you see a clear and dramatic increase in neutralizing antibiotics, and then at least you have a correlate of protection against [omicron subvariant] BA.4, BA.5.
“Because if you don’t have that, if there’s not clear evidence of benefit, then it’s not fair to ask people to take a risk, no matter how small. The benefits should be clear,” Offit said. “A healthy young person is unlikely to benefit from the extra dose.” As for how the updated booster compares with the previous monovalent shot, “we don’t know for sure,” he wrote last week for The Wall Street Journal, “because the Food and Drug Administration authorized the new shot without clinical trials.”
This week in the ‘new normal’ #47 | added September 27
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The Italian parliamentary elections are coming up, the favourite to win is the conservative right coalition led by ex-journalist Giorgia Meloni. The conservative coalition (labelled “far right” by the media, because everything is) has already come under fire from the head of the EU Commission, Ursula Von Der Leyen, who appeared to threaten the presumed incoming government during a press conference at Princeton University a few days ago, making reference to “tools” previously used against the governments Poland and Hungary:
“If things go in a difficult direction, I’ve spoken about Hungary and Poland, we have tools,” Although Meloni says some reasonable things above, she is pro-NATO and pro-Ukraine, and hardly any kind of outsider at all. So, the cynical little voice on my shoulder is telling me this could all just be a manufactured controversy to make the EU look tough, and grant the incoming Italian PM some “anti-establishment” bona fides. It reeks of yet another fake binary.
This week the United States congress passed a new bill into law, one that makes it much, much harder to prevent the rigging of presidential elections. Up until now the US electoral process was legislated by the Act, which dates back 1887. That act stated that all it took was a single representative to question the results of an election in order for it to be put before congress for re-examination.
CDC changes mask guidelines for hospitals and nursing homes outside “high” level covid communities | added September 27
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Outside of communities seeing “high” levels of covid-19 transmission, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has ended a blanket plea for Americans in hospitals and nursing homes to wear masks indoors. The change, one of many published Friday evening to the agency’s guidance for covid-19 infection control for healthcare workers, marks one of the final sets of revisions in a sweeping effort launched in August to overhaul the CDC’s recommendations for the virus.
Since early in the pandemic, the agency had urged “everyone” to wear “source control” like well-fitting masks or respirators while in healthcare settings. Now, the CDC says facilities in just over a quarter of counties can “choose not to require” all doctors, patients, and visitors to mask. “Updates were made to reflect the high levels of vaccine-and infection-induced immunity and the availability of effective treatments and prevention tools,” the CDC’s new guidance says.
Originally, the agency made only a narrow set of exceptions for not masking indoors. For example, Americans visiting patients could “choose not to wear source control” if they were all up to date on their vaccines when alone together in a room. Doctors and nurses who were up to date on their shots could take off their masks when in parts of their hospital not seeing patients, like in a kitchen or staff meeting room.
New York Department of Health launches ‘long-term covid’ website addressing multitude of symptoms; heart palpitations, difficulty breathing and excessive fatigue | added September 26
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ALBANY, N.Y. (WENY) – The New York State Department of Health launched a website today to those who are battling long covid. The information builds on New York State’s ongoing work to fight long covid statewide.
“As we continue to assess the impact of long covid on New Yorkers and support clinical and diagnostic considerations, this new website and materials will help New Yorkers seeking care for long covid symptoms,” State Health Commissioner Dr. Mary T. Bassett said. “Healthcare providers and New Yorkers should know that long covid remains a serious, concerning condition, underscoring the importance of those struggling seeking, and being provided with care.
All New Yorkers should stay up to date with covid-19 vaccinations, as emerging research continues to suggest vaccination is protective against long covid.” Long covid is a condition in which individuals infected with covid-19 continue to experience a wide range of symptoms that can impact their daily lives. Symptoms associated with long covid can range from mild to severe. Symptoms include cardiovascular symptoms like heart palpitations, difficulty breathing and excessive fatigue.
Marilyn’s story: Family links blood clots and mini brain strokes to ‘covid’ vaccines | added September 26
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Up until the fall of 2020, Cathy Nagy’s 84-year-old mother-in-law, Marilyn, was living independently when she began “showing signs of early mild dementia,” Nagy told The Defender. As a result, Marilyn — whose husband only recently had died — started taking turns living in her children’s homes.
In April 2021, Marilyn received her first dose of the Pfizer vaccine. According to Nagy, “about a week-and-a-half later, Marilyn experienced an episode of hallucinations, seeing people outside who were not there.” Nagy told The Defender: “Marilyn’s family attributed [the episode] to her dementia, even though she had not had any prior episodes … [They] did not make a connection to the vaccination.”
But the family’s opinion changed a few weeks later, after Marilyn got her second Pfizer shot and “had a more dramatic reaction,” experiencing “another episode of hallucinations that same day, extreme weakness and pain in her leg,” Nagy said. “She could barely crawl up the stairs to her bedroom. Marilyn seemed to recover from the adverse reaction, but over the coming weeks, she continued to experience occasional hallucinations, and an increased decline in her cognition, Nagy said. “Because of these symptoms, her family made an appointment for a brain scan in preparation for a visit with a neurologist,” Nagy said.
Pfizer CEO tests ‘covid’ positive for second time in two months; experiencing mild symptoms | added September 26
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Pfizer Chairman and CEO Albert Bourla on Saturday said that has tested positive for covid-19 for the second time in less than two months. Bourla, who heads the company that helped to create the widely used Pfizer-BioNTech coronavirus vaccine, said he was feeling well and symptom-free.
“I’ve not had the new bivalent booster yet, as I was following CDC guidelines to wait 3 months since my previous covid case, which was back in mid-August,” Bourla said. “While we’ve made great progress, the virus is still with us,” Bourla added. Bourla previously announced on Aug. 14 that he tested positive for the virus and was experiencing mild symptoms.
“As we head into fall and begin to spend more time indoors, we strongly encourage anyone who is eligible to consider receiving a booster dose with a bivalent covid-19 vaccine to provide better protection against currently circulating variants,” FDA Commissioner Robert Califf said in a statement at the time. The shots, which the FDA is referring to as “updated boosters,” contain “two messenger RNA (mRNA) components of SARS-CoV-2 virus, one of the original strain of SARS-CoV-2 and the other one in common between the BA.4 and BA.5 lineages of the omicron variant of SARS-CoV-2.”
Famous immunologist doctor admits ‘covid’ booster jab may have worsened his cancer | added September 26
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On September 22 of last year, Michel Goldman, a Belgian immunologist and one of Europe’s best-known champions of medical research, walked into a clinic near his house, rolled up his sleeve, and had a booster shot delivered to his arm. He knew he’d need it more than most.
Just a few weeks earlier, Michel, 67, had been to see his younger brother, Serge, the head of nuclear medicine at the hospital of the Université Libre de Bruxelles, where both men are professors. Michel was having night sweats, and he could feel swollen lymph nodes in his neck, so his brother brought him in for a full-body CT scan. When the images came through to Serge’s computer they revealed a smattering of inky spots, bunched near Michel’s left armpit and running up along his neck. It was cancer of the immune system—lymphoma.
Given his own area of expertise, Michel understood this meant he’d soon be immunocompromised by chemotherapy. With another winter on the way—and perhaps another wave of SARS-CoV-2 infections—that meant he had just a narrow window of opportunity in which his body would respond in full to covid vaccination. Having received two doses of Pfizer the prior spring, Michel quickly went to get his third.
Routine PCR testing booths continue to take over China’s cityscapes | added September 26
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BEIJING, Sept 26 (Reuters) – A thousand days since the World Health Organization (WHO) was told of a “viral pneumonia” in central China, many countries have returned to pre-covid-19 life. Not so China itself – in cities big or small, routine PCR testing is the new normal.
On Dec. 31, 2019, the WHO’s office in China was informed of cases of pneumonia of an unknown cause in the city of Wuhan, in Hubei province. Since then, the virus that is now known as SARS-CoV-2 has evolved into the less virulent omicron variant, and most of the world has moved on. After Shanghai was locked down in April and May to contain the highly transmissible omicron strain, regular testing for the virus has become a fact of everyday life to ensure fast detection and quarantine of the infected and close contacts. It’s a policy that has been controversial and also a drain on public finances.
Tens of thousands of kerbside sampling booths where people can be tested day and night have become a permanent feature of Chinese cityscapes. Proof of a negative PCR test once every few days is required to guarantee access to public venues, places of work and mass transit – even when there is no outbreak. Testing booths, typically container-like structures erected in the middle of a pavement, are staffed by a few health workers in hazmat suits ready to take quick throat swabs. Some booths operate 24 hours a day.
‘Covid’ vaccine induced blood clots | added September 26
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This video presents informative data from science journals in regard to vaccine induced blood clots. The presentation compares to an internet site that talks about low platelet count associated with blood clots.
Japan study shows pregnant women pass antibodies from ‘covid’ shots to fetus | added September 26
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Vaccinations in pregnancy have always been a key topic in the medical sector. A research team composed of National Mie Hospital in Japan discovered recently that after a pregnant woman is covid-19 vaccinated, antibodies from the mother can be transferred to the fetus, which helps to protect the mother and newborn at the same time.
According to the Japan Broadcasting Corporation (NHK), the team is composed of Suga Shigeru, vice president of National Mie Hospital, and other experts. They collected and analyzed the blood after the mothers gave birth and umbilical cord blood, and tested the level of the neutralizing antibodies which can inhibit viral activities.
The blood was from 146 pregnant women who received two doses of the Pfizer vaccine. It was found that the level of neutralizing antibodies in the umbilical cord blood was 1.68 times higher than that in the mother’s blood. Therefore it was confirmed that after the pregnant woman was vaccinated, the antibody could be transferred to the fetus through the placenta. The team also found out in the research that pregnant women who received the second dose of the vaccine between 28 and 34 weeks of pregnancy had higher levels of antibodies transferred to the fetus.
WHO develops public health taxonomy for social listening about ‘monkeypox’ conversations | added September 26
Read more at The World Health Organization
The World Health Organization (WHO) has developed a public health taxonomy to support infodemic monitoring and insights generation of monkeypox conversations. The technical document provides an overview of how social listening can be applied to monkeypox conversations which can be used to generate infodemic insights for public health response. Taxonomies are used to better organize and frame analytics, especially when integrating data sources of varying types and quality.
This approach was first used during covid-19, when WHO developed a to integrate multiple online and offline data sources to generate weekly recommendations for action. At the start of the multi-country outbreak of monkeypox in 2022, this same approach was quickly applied and adapted to social listening activities. This technical document was codeveloped in collaboration with field epidemiologists and several country health authorities.
Despite best efforts by health authorities to get information to communities quickly in an acute public health event, the breadth of the exchanges, the diversity of sources and the polarity of opinions in today’s rapidly evolving information environment have sometimes resulted in indiscriminate amplification of both verified and unverified information.
Biden speaks with Jimmy Dore about “good imperialism” | added September 26
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That Vladimir Putin is a real bad guy, looking to impose the Russian will on other countries like some sort of maniacal dictator, Joe Biden tells Jimmy during his call in to The Jimmy Dore Show. Not like the United States, Joe says, which only has the most benign intentions when subjugating foreign peoples at the point of a gun, drone or missile.
French cycling pro has stroke; German football player becomes fourth team member with testicular cancer; Italian rapper catches ‘mysterious illness’ | added September 26
Read more at Mark Crispin Miller Substack
French national road race [cycling] and time trial champion Audrey Cordon-Ragot, who raced in the first edition of the revamped Tour de France Femmes in July, suffered a stroke last weekend. The 32-year-old Trek-Segafredo rider revealed the news in a social media post today, writing that she requires an operation to address the heart condition behind last Sunday’s stroke – which occurred just a week after she finished second overall and won a stage of the Simac Ladies Tour in the Netherlands.
Earlier this week Cordon-Ragot dropped out of France’s elite women’s squad for the upcoming UCI road world championships simply citing medical reasons, but she has now confirmed that she was diagnosed after an MRI scan confirmed the fears of the French team’s medical staff. “Life always has surprises in store for you and this week more than ever, I learned that it is far more important than anything else,” she posted on Instagram and Twitter.
“My non-presence at the next world championships, which many people claimed was down to a whim, fear of losing, lack of respect for the French team… and so on, is due to a stroke, of which I was a victim last Sunday. Not detected right away, I was lucky (yes, I say lucky) to be surrounded by medical staff (thank you Gwenaëlle Madouas, Maryline Salvetat and Mathieu Le Strat) who strongly advised me to carry out an MRI which surely saved my life.”
We have become a “regulation nation” governed by an “administrative state” | added September 26
Read more at Attorney Bobbie Anne Cox Substack
It is clear to me that we have become a “Regulation Nation”. And we are governed by an “Administrative state”. What do I mean by that? I mean that we are being governed by regulations issued by administrative agencies, instead of being governed by laws duly passed by our elected officials.
Why does that matter? Because agencies are run by unelected, government bureaucrats who are beholden to nobody but the person who appointed them. They don’t care what the voters think or want or don’t want. They don’t have to care. They don’t need your vote to stay in power. They only need to appease the politician who appointed them. If they just follow the yellow brick road, they will land on the other side of the rainbow.
Let me give you a few real-life scenarios so it’s easier to digest. For starters, my quarantine camp lawsuit is a perfect example. What happened there is that the NYS Department of Health (DOH) issued an “Isolation & Quarantine Procedures” regulation. The head of the DOH is Commissioner Dr. Mary Bassett. She is appointed by the Governor. Everyone that works for the DOH is unelected.
The spiritual effects of digital media | added September 24
Listen on Planet Waves FM
Quite early Saturday morning, Eric Coppolino was a guest on the Dolores Cahill program on TNT Radio. The conversation focuses on the spiritual effects of digital media and what we can do to help address the psychic and social chaos generated by living under full digital conditions. This is an exciting one-hour conversation.
Now on PWFM: New moon equinox, events in Ukraine and Children’s Health Defense acknowledgment of “The Viral Delusion” | added September 24
Read more at Planet Waves FM from Chiron Return
Dear Friend and Listener:
Tonight’s Planet Waves FM, set between the Libra Equinox and the Libra New Moon, begins with an homage to the current planetary alignments.
We will then continue the discussion of the fundamental issue beneath the crisis of the past three years: is there actually a physical substance called SARS-CoV-2? Surely, the lack of such a thing would leave plenty of unanswered questions. But that is not an excuse for refusing to look at the evidence.
And for that, it has been a most unusual few weeks.
To wit: among many other developments, at long last, after much resistance, the mainstream “covid” truth and vaccine safety organization Children’s Health Defense (CHD), founded by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., has allowed the issue onto its airwaves.
This came in the form of an interview with documentary filmmaker Mike Wallach and biochemist Dave Rasnick. I will play part of that discussion, tell you what I know about how it got onto CHD-TV, and offer a post-game analysis.
Manhattan judge overturns illegal ‘covid’ vax mandate for largest police union | added September 24
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A Manhattan judge on Friday barred enforcement of New York City’s covid-19 vaccine mandate against members of the city’s largest police union. The city vowed an immediate appeal of the ruling by Supreme Court Judge Lyle E. Frank, who said the city Department of Health and Mental Hygiene’s mandate couldn’t be used to fire or put on leave members of the Police Benevolent Association.
In his ruling, Frank wrote that the city’s vaccine mandate is “invalid to the extent it has been used to impose a new condition of employment to current PBA members.” Frank ordered the reinstatement to the NYPD of any PBA member who was “wrongfully terminated” or put on unpaid leave for refusing to get vaccinated.
“This decision confirms what we have said from the start: the vaccine mandate was an improper infringement on our members’ right to make personal medical decisions in consultation with their own health care professionals,” said Police Benevolent Association president Patrick J. Lynch. The union said the Department of Mental Health and Hygiene “exceeded” its legal authority when ordering the mandate, which in its view lacked a “rational basis.”
Researchers say they have found ‘covid’ vax resistance in Russian horseshoe bats | added September 24
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Researchers say they have discovered a vaccine-resistant coronavirus in Russian horseshoe bats. That finding was reported Thursday in the Public Library of Science Pathogens medical journal. According to the report, most sarbecoviruses found in animals do not effect humans, but Khosta-2 has the potential of “using human ACE2 to facilitate cell entry.”
Current covid-19 vaccines are not believed to be effective against Khosta-2. Scientists determined a related virus previously found in Russian bats, Khosta-1, could not infect humans. But a team of researchers led by Washington State University researcher Michael Letko said it discovered through lab testing that human cells could be compromised by Khosta-2.
According to Time magazine, like the SARS-CoV-2 omicron variant, Khosta-2 may have the ability to infect humans, but there’s no early indication it leads to serious illness in most people. Letko can’t say whether Khosta-2 will be a problem for humans, but he is concerned that it has the potential to contribute to a new variant.
Less than two percent of U.S. adults have been injected with new bivalent booster jabs | added September 24
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At least 4.4 million people have received an updated covid booster since the start of the month, according to data released Thursday by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. That number represents around 1.5% of people currently eligible to receive the shots in the U.S. The data does not include people who received updated Pfizer-BioNTech boosters in Idaho and Texas, the CDC said, so it is likely an underestimate. The White House estimates the number to be closer to 5 million doses of the new booster, The Associated Press reported.
The CDC signed off on updated versions of Pfizer’s and Moderna’s booster shots on Sept. 1, and pharmacies and other vaccination sites began administering the new shots around Labor Day weekend. The bivalent shots target both the original coronavirus strain and the currently circulating omicron subvariants BA.4 and BA.5.
Dr. Scott Roberts, a Yale Medicine infectious disease specialist, said the relatively low booster uptake was “demoralizing.” “I would expect a much higher proportion of Americans to have gotten the booster by this point,” he said. Roberts said a lack of public awareness about the shots or the prevailing narrative that the pandemic is ending might have hindered the vaccine rollout.
Fired Washington State football coach speaks on why he didn’t get injected with ‘covid’ vax | added September 24
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Former Washington State football coach Nick Rolovich spoke publicly for the first time since being fired for refusing the covid-19 vaccine during the 2021 season. The website DailyWire+ published an interview with Rolovich on Friday. He said a “lack of answers” and “lack of dialogue” about the effects of the vaccine, along with his religious beliefs, led him to decide against the vaccine, which was mandated for state employees by Gov. Jay Inslee.
ESPN first reported a story based on the interview. “The priest broke it down to me, because he wanted to know why, and I said, ‘This is just how I’m feeling,’ and he says, ‘Well, that’s your conscience talking to you and the Catholic church recognizes your conscience,’ ” Rolovich said in the DailyWire+ interview, according to ESPN. “That was what was speaking to me the whole time. It was real hard because I was unvaccinated, couldn’t meet with the [players]. I’m stuck in my office all day.
It was really unhealthy for me, but I have no regrets on my decision.” This year Rolovich filed a $25 million wrongful-termination claim against Washington State, which fired him for cause with about $9 million remaining on his contract. Rolovich coached 11 games in less than two seasons. Four of his assistant coaches also were fired for not taking the vaccine.
Hospitals overwhelmed not with ‘covid’ but heart failures, diabetes and fluid management | added September 24
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When covid-19 hospitalizations hit 433 in January, hospitals were so desperate for space they treated some patients in hallways and sent others to neighboring states. But even as the number of covid-19 patients has plummeted, hospital beds remain in high demand.
On Sunday, the most recent data available, just 10 percent of regular beds and 20 percent of ICU beds were available in the state, according to the Department of Health and Human Services’ data tracker (covid19.nh.gov/dashboard/hospitals.) In certain parts of the state, those numbers were even lower.
The reasons are many, and the impact varies hospital to hospital. Asked what’s driving high occupancy rates, health care officials across the state cited various factors, from workforce challenges to more local options for specialty care that once required a trip to Boston. One hospital spokesperson cited an increase in behavioral health patients. Notably, the issue that gets the most attention and blame, delayed care, wasn’t on their lists.
CDC releases new VAERS data showing 1.4 million reports of adverse reactions to ‘covid’ shots | added September 24
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The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) today released new data showing a total of 1,418,220 reports of adverse events following COVID-19 vaccines were submitted between Dec. 14, 2020, and Sept. 16, 2022, to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS). That’s an increase of 10,811 adverse events over the previous week.
VAERS is the primary government-funded system for reporting adverse vaccine reactions in the U.S. The data included a total of 31,074 reports of deaths — an increase of 139 over the previous week — and 258,480 serious injuries, including deaths, during the same time period — up 1,253 compared with the previous week.
There were a total of 563 reports of adverse events following the new bivalent booster covid-19 vaccine as of Sept. 16, 2022. The data included a total of 5 deaths and 31 serious injuries. Of the 31,074 reported deaths, 19,934 cases are attributed to Pfizer’s covid-19 vaccine, 8,385 cases to Moderna, 2,704 cases to Johnson & Johnson (J&J) and no cases yet reported for Novavax.
U.S. federal officials express optimism ‘monkeypox’ can be eradicated with shots | added September 24
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WASHINGTON — With monkeypox cases on the decline nationally, federal health officials expressed optimism on Thursday that the virus could be eliminated in the United States, though they cautioned that unless it was wiped out globally, Americans would remain at risk.
“Our goal is to eradicate; that’s what we’re working toward,” Dr. Demetre Daskalakis, the deputy coordinator of the White House monkeypox response team, said during a visit to a monkeypox vaccination clinic in Washington. He added, “The prediction is, we’re going to get very close.”
Dr. Daskalakis was joined by President Biden’s health secretary, Xavier Becerra, and the response team’s coordinator, Robert J. Fenton Jr., who echoed his optimism. The visit to the clinic was intended to spotlight efforts by the District of Columbia to close the racial gap in vaccination against monkeypox — a major goal of the Biden administration.
On how not to go to hell | added September 24
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Taylor speaks on religious constrictions and spiritual intentions. Happy Autumn.
Children’s Health Defense finally acknowledges “The Viral Delusion” | added September 23
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Tune in to “Good Morning CHD” as Mary Holland takes on the controversial subject of whether the existence of the covid virus + other viruses, like the HIV virus – have been thoroughly proven. She brings on two guests, David Rasnick, Ph.D. and filmmaker of the series ‘The Viral Delusion’ Mike Wallach, to discuss this topic and educate viewers on the truth behind ‘public health’ and those in power who control it. Don’t miss this episode.

Healthy Canadian woman drops dead minutes after receiving ‘covid’ booster shot | added September 23
Read more at Western Standard
On September 14, a woman died at a Shoppers Drug Mart (SDM) in Saskatoon right after receiving her covid-19 booster shot. Carol Pearce received the booster and was waiting for the required 15-minute waiting period, but she dropped dead.
Pearce’s daughter, Stephanie Foster, texted with her mother right after she got the booster. “My mom text me right after she got the shot to let me know she was waiting the 15 min and I text her back,” Foster posted on Facebook. SDM told Foster that “she dropped dead before she hit the floor.” “It was right after then that they say ‘she dropped dead before she hit the floor’ in Shoppers Drug Mart!!!!! That is what the docs have told us,” said Foster.
The family says she was healthy and alleges she died from the covid-19 booster shot. “My beautiful Mother’s life was taken yesterday by the COVID BOOSTER SHOT … She was happy and perfectly healthy,” said Foster. “Spent yesterday morning visiting me at my house up until her appointment time. She left for her appointment happy and energetic! She had no medical issues at all!!”
Canada drops mandatory ‘covid’ vaccination and ArriveCan application for people entering country | added Sept. 23
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The federal government has decided to drop the vaccination requirement for people entering Canada, end random covid-19 testing at airports and make the use of the ArriveCan app optional by the end of this month, a senior government source told CBC News.
Earlier this week, sources told CBC that Ottawa was leaning toward ending the measures but a final decision hadn’t been made because it was awaiting the approval of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. The current Covid-19 Emergency Order-in-Council relating to border measures was set to expire on Sept. 30. The government had the option of extending the measures. The government is expected to make an official announcement on Monday, the source said.
The official spoke to CBC on condition of anonymity as they were not authorized to speak publicly on the matter. The government has yet to decide if they will end the current masking requirements for passengers on planes and trains. That topic will be debated in cabinet later on Thursday.
New U.S. study shows ‘covid’ raises risk of long-term brain injuries | added Sept. 23
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CHICAGO, Sept 22 (Reuters) – People who had covid-19 are at higher risk for a host of brain injuries a year later compared with people who were never infected by the coronavirus, a finding that could affect millions of Americans, U.S. researchers reported on Thursday.
The year-long study, published in Nature Medicine, assessed brain health across 44 different disorders using medical records without patient identifiers from millions of U.S. veterans. Brain and other neurological disorders occurred in 7% more of those who had been infected with covid compared with a similar group of veterans who had never been infected. That translates into roughly 6.6 million Americans who had brain impairments linked with their covid infections, the team said.
“The results show the devastating long-term effects of covid-19,” senior author Dr. Ziyad Al-Aly of Washington University School of Medicine said in a statement. Al-Aly and colleagues at Washington University School of Medicine and the Veterans Affairs St. Louis Health Care System studied medical records from 154,000 U.S. veterans who had tested positive for covid from March 1, 2020 to Jan. 15, 2021.
Milwaukee hospital fires unjabbed employees with religious exemption, calling it ‘voluntary resignation’ | added Sept. 23
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Employees of a Milwaukee-based health care provider who citing religious reasons for opting out of a mandated coronavirus vaccination are now required to receive a shot.
The religious exemption expired this week for staff at Froedtert Health. The health care provider said its ending the exemption because of the availability of a protein-based vaccination called Novavax. Froedtert said the option eliminates the conflicts caused by mRNA-based vaccines, like Moderna or Pfizer, because it doesn’t use fetal cell lines for development.
Employees with existing exemptions had until Wednesday to receive their first Novavax dose or be considered “voluntarily resigned.” Taylor Green, who has worked as a histology technician treating skin cancer patients at Froedtert Hospital, has decided to quit her job. Green, a member of the Universal Life Church, says Novavax’s use of moth cells to create a protein is still against her religious beliefs.
GOP lawmaker pushes to end U.S. ‘covid emergency declaration’ after Biden’s remarks the pandemic is “over” | added September 23
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Sen. Roger Marshall (R-Kan.) urged on Sept. 22 for the repeal of the years-long national emergency declaration following President Joe Biden’s recent remarks that the covid-19 pandemic “is over.”
The Republican lawmaker of Kansas introduced on Thursday a privileged resolution that calls for a vote to end the undergoing emergency declaration over the global pandemic, which has been in place since being firstly announced by then-President Donald Trump in March 2020. GOP lawmakers in the House previously attempted in March to end the state of emergency yet failed to scrap the declaration.
The latest move came after Biden made the comments during CBS’s “60 Minutes” interview that aired Sunday night. “We still have a problem with covid. We’re still doing a lot of work on it. But the pandemic is over,” the president said. “Since President Biden used his appearance on 60 Minutes to declare covid is over, he must immediately terminate the covid-19 national emergency declaration and wind down other emergency authorities that his Administration continues to force us to live under,” Marshall said in a Sept. 22 statement.
Yeah, let’s not let this happen. Ok?
CDC director Dr. Rochelle Walensky pushes new ‘covid’ bivalent booster jab despite Biden’s statement the pandemic is over | added September 23
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Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Director Dr. Rochelle Walensky became the latest American to receive the new bivalent covid-19 booster shot on Thursday, telling ABC News that, thus far, “millions” of Americans have now gotten an updated vaccine.
“There have been millions,” Walensky said ahead of the CDC’s official release of the data. Walensky, after receiving her shot of Moderna’s bivalent booster at a CVS location in Brookline, Massachusetts, urged others to join her in getting the vaccine, stressing that it is critical to get vaccinated ahead of the fall and winter, in order to prevent severe disease.
“I’m here getting my updated fall vaccine because I think it’s critically important to do,” Walensky said. “All the data from this new bivalent vaccine have demonstrated that it will protect you against — more likely protect you — against the strains that we have circulating right now, those omicron BA.5 strains, as well as keep you well protected, because we’ve seen that some of that protection can wane over time. So, we are really encouraging everybody to roll up their sleeves and get this updated bivalent vaccine,” she said.
What is a ‘conspiracy’? | added September 23
Read more at Tessa Lena
I would like to accomplish a small task and end the argument about the existence of conspiracies 🙂
My very curious and atypically well-informed inner five-year-old is inquiring: If there is no such thing as conspiracy, why there are classified documents, NDAs, secret treaties, spies, double spies, and RICO? Why are there whistleblowers and military strategies? Why is Assange in jail? How do massacres and genocides come about, including perhaps the largest known genocide in modern history that led to the complete restructuring of the western hemisphere, as well as the cold-blooded murder of the disabled, the Jews, the gypsy, the gays, and the dissidents in the Nazi Germany?
Why the GULAGs? Why did they create the CIA and the KGB? Speaking of the former, why did they bother to popularize the term “conspiracy theory” at a specific time when a shady political circumstance came to the forefront of public attention? What about the story of the “banana republic”—the coup in Guatemala organized by the CIA and the United Fruit Company?
WHO director contradicts Biden’s remark the ‘covid’ pandemic is “over” saying “it is still a long way off” | added September 23
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The World Health Organization on Thursday said that the covid-19 pandemic isn’t over, contradicting controversial remarks from President Joe Biden from earlier this week.
WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said that one of the most frequent questions he has been asked while at the United Nations General Assembly in New York City this week is: “Where do we stand? Is the pandemic over?” “We have spent 2 1/2 years in a long, dark tunnel, and we are just beginning to glimpse the light at the end of that tunnel,” Tedros said at a press briefing. “But it is still a long way off, and the tunnel is still dark with many obstacles that could trip us up if we don’t take care.
We all need hope that we can – and we will – get to the end of the tunnel and put the pandemic behind us. But we’re not there yet.” Tedros’ remarks come after he said last week that the end to the covid-19 pandemic is “in sight.” But Biden in a “60 Minutes” interview that aired on Sunday took it a leap further, saying that the pandemic is “over.”
Louisiana repeals ‘covid’ vax mandate for school children | added September 22
Read more at The Defender
This year, parents and guardians stood together in opposition to the covid-19 vaccine mandate for children attending Louisiana schools. As a result of their coming together, the Louisiana Department of Health rescinded the mandate — the mandate was repealed on Tuesday. In light of this victory for parents and their children, Attorney General Jeff Landry filed a motion to dismiss his lawsuit against Gov. John Bel Edwards (Crews v. Edwards), wherein he sought to have the vaccine mandate enjoined.
In a statement, Landry said: “Today is the culmination of hard work by so many concerned parents throughout Louisiana. This is the direct result of moms, dads, grandparents and guardians fighting for what is right. I thank Rep. Raymond Crews, Health Freedom Louisiana, the Bayou Mama Bears, Town Hall Baton Rouge, Children’s Health Defense, and all those from across Louisiana that stood with us for parental choice.
“Child medical decisions should be made by their guardians, not the government. I hope this health freedom victory reminds everyone what can happen when we all work together. When citizens are engaged and get involved, their government will listen.” In December 2021, I went down to Baton Rouge, Louisiana with the Children’s Health Defense team on short notice to help Health Freedom Louisiana, the physician and nurses’ advocacy group Louisiana for Medical Freedom, Rep. Kathy Edmonston and Landry by supporting testimony opposing the health department’s move to mandate the unlicensed and still experimental Pfizer vaccine be taken by Louisiana school children.
Conspiracy of silences | added September 22
Read more at Planet Waves FM from Chiron Return
IN THE BLACKNESS OF A FREEZING MORNING in December 1991, a driver lost control of her car on an isolated road in upstate New York and slammed into an electric utility pole. This caused an electrical surge.
Two miles away, the power system at the State University of N.Y. campus at New Paltz went haywire. Minutes later, a Westinghouse electrical transformer cooled with supposedly non-flammable polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) exploded and burned, pouring deadly white smoke through Gage Residence Hall. Volunteer firefighters, thinking they were handling a routine electrical fire, searched the dorm for students — all of whom, fortunately, were away on winter break.
The chain reaction continued. Within minutes, PCB transformer explosions, ruptures, and fires rocked six campus buildings, including four residence halls that normally house 1,000 students. Polychlorinated biphenyls and their even-more-toxic by-products, dioxins and dibenzofurans, poured through the buildings and spilled outside, contaminating groundwater, storm sewers, utility manholes, lawns, and roads at levels up to a million times the state’s legal limit.
Taiwan considers an end to required quarantine for arrivals | added September 22
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TAIPEI, Taiwan — Taiwan is considering an end to its quarantine requirement for all arrivals in mid-October, the Central Epidemic Command Center said Thursday. The island has been one of the few places in the world that has held on to a quarantine for all arrivals throughout the course of the pandemic. In recent months, it has steadily reduced the previously 2-week-long quarantine.
Officials with the CECC in charge of the pandemic response announced they were planning to end quarantine and change it to seven days of self-health monitoring. But the change is dependent on the pandemic situation in Taiwan over the next week.
The expected date for the end of quarantine is Oct. 13. Taiwan announced that starting Sept. 12, citizens from Canada, the U.S. and countries in Europe that previously had visa-free arrival could once again visit Taiwan without visas. Under the new scheme, arrivals are still required to stay in a place that has one separate bathroom per person, and will be provided rapid tests upon arrival.
British organization representing ‘covid’ vax injured concerned over Facebook’s censorship of support group with thousands of members | added September 22
Read more at The Epoch Times
A British organisation representing those injured by covid-19 vaccines has expressed concerns that legitimate discussion on social media could be threatened after a BBC investigation triggered Facebook into removing support groups.
On Friday, the BBC reported that in response to one of its stories, Facebook’s parent company, Meta, had removed several vaccine injury support groups, including one which had over 250,000 members. However, members of Vaccine, Injured, Bereaved UK (VIB UK) are worried that they are at risk of being unfairly targeted by censorship on social media as they try to pull together voices and support in regards to covid-19 vaccine damage.
The BBC report looked at Facebook users who were using a carrot emoji to hide “anti-vax content” from the tech giant’s automated moderation tool in groups that it claimed were sharing “unverified claims of people being either injured or killed by vaccines.” Once the BBC alerted Meta, the unnamed groups were removed. “We have removed this group for violating our harmful misinformation policies and will review any other similar content in line with this policy. We continue to work closely with public health experts and the UK government to further tackle covid vaccine misinformation,” Meta told the state broadcaster.
Two sides to every story | added September 22
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Hilarious, but let’s not forget to get the story straight and communicate.
‘Monkeypox’ reported to worsen stigma of inflammatory skin conditions eczema and psoriasis | added September 22
Read more at The Washington Post
A cashier with psoriasis received daily complaints from customers at work. A traveler with eczema was escorted off a flight and questioned by airline employees. A commuter with small, benign tumors on her body was unknowingly filmed and scrutinized on social media. All of them were singled out because people mistakenly believed they had monkeypox.
People with chronic skin conditions say they’ve grown accustomed to stares and questions about their appearance, but the harassment and stigma have gotten worse during the worldwide outbreak of monkeypox. As a result, some people with skin differences say they have started to cover up with sweatshirts and gloves, even in warm weather, or have stopped going out as often.
This summer, Jacqueline Nguyen, 21, who has eczema, boarded a Spirit Airlines plane in Los Angeles, but shortly before takeoff, Nguyen was asked to leave the plane and questioned about their skin. After Nguyen explained it was eczema, the airline asked for proof. Nguyen was only allowed back on the plane after producing a bottle of eczema cream. Nguyen called the experience “embarrassing” and a “nightmare,” and posted videos on their TikTok about the incident. Spirit Airlines did not respond to requests for comment.
Dutch farmers resist billionaires’ takeover | added Sep. 22
Read more at Off Guardian
In recent years, governments have been demonstrating their subservience to their billionaire masters in Big Finance, the Gates and Rockefeller Foundations, BlackRock and the entire gamut of forces in the military-financial-industrial complex behind the ‘Great Reset’, ‘New Normal’ or whichever other benign-sounding term is used to disguise the crisis and current restructuring of capitalism and the brutal impacts on ordinary people.
In late 2019 and early 2020 (due to collapsing financial markets immediately prior to covid) and during covid (via covid-relief packages), trillions of dollars were handed over to elite interests while lockdowns and restrictions were imposed on ordinary people and small businesses. The winners were the likes of Amazon, Big Pharma and the tech giants. The losers were small enterprises and the bulk of the population, deprived of their right to work and the entire panoply of civil rights their ancestors struggled for.
In August 2020, a report by the International Labour Organization stated that covid policies had severely disrupted economies across the world with estimated losses of working hours equivalent to nearly 400 million full-time jobs in the second quarter of 2020.
FDA releases more Moderna booster shots amid short supply | added September 22
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The US Food and Drug Administration has authorized the release of “numerous batches” of Moderna’s updated covid-19 booster amid reports of supply problems in some areas.
Updated boosters from Pfizer/BioNTech and Moderna were made available early this month, soon after the FDA authorized them. However, some pharmacy chains have reported trouble keeping Moderna’s shots in stock. “The government supply of the updated Moderna covid-19 booster is currently limited, causing appointments for the product to vary across the country,” Walgreens said Tuesday. “The updated Pfizer covid-19 booster remains available.”
Rite Aid said Tuesday, “We have received limited supply of the Moderna covid-19 booster and expect to receive additional supply in the coming weeks. We are actively working to increase inventory of covid boosters and have sufficient supply of Pfizer updated boosters in all stores.” FDA spokesman Michael Felberbaum said Tuesday that when the agency authorized the updated boosters, it was in the middle of an inspection of a facility where Moderna’s booster is made, and thus “FDA did not include this facility as an authorized manufacturing facility for the updated covid-19 vaccine booster at that time.”
Queen of Denmark tests ‘covid’ positive after Queen Elizabeth II’s funeral | added September 22
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The Queen of Denmark has tested positive for covid-19 for the second time this year, the Danish Royal Court has confirmed. Queen Margrethe II has cancelled her appointments for this week after the diagnosis on Tuesday evening. The 82-year-old monarch was one of 2,000 guests who attended Queen Elizabeth II’s state funeral on Monday.
She is Europe’s longest-serving head of state following the British monarch’s death. She and Queen Elizabeth were third cousins, both being descended from Queen Victoria. Queen Margrethe has been vaccinated against covid and last tested positive in February this year when she presented mild symptoms. In a statement on the palace website, a spokesperson said she would be recovering at Fredensborg Palace, north of Copenhagen.
Her son and heir, Crown Prince Frederik, and his wife Mary, the Crown Princess, will take her place in hosting members of the government, the Danish parliament, and Danish members of the European Parliament at a reception on Friday in Copenhagen. In recent days, Queen Margrethe was pictured at several events in London to mark Queen Elizabeth II’s death.
Exposed: Vanderbilt deletes transgender clinic website after doctor’s “big money maker” promotion | added September 22
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Vanderbilt University Medical Center (VUMC) has deleted the website of their Transgender Clinic after journalist Matt Walsh detailed a doctor’s promotion of transgender surgeries as a “big money maker” for the institution.
Videos obtained by Walsh also show apparent threats made against VUMC medical professionals who objected to the procedures, even for religious reasons. According to Dr. Ellen Clayton, those with “conscientious objections” are “problematic,” and anyone who opposes the transgender surgery program will face “consequences.”
“If you are going to assert conscientious objection, you have to realize that that is problematic,” said Clayton. “You are doing something to another person, and you are not paying the cost for your belief. I think that is a … real issue.” “I just want you to take home that saying that you’re not going to do something because of your conscientious — because of your religious beliefs, is not without consequences, and should not be without consequences,” she continues. “And I just want to put that out there.”

New Zealand man dies from myocarditis after Pfizer ‘covid’ shot, coroner confirms | added September 21
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The death of Rory Nairn, a New Zealand plumber, was caused by myocarditis stemming from the Pfizer covid-19 vaccine, a coroner confirmed. Nairn, 26, died on Nov. 17, 2021, just 12 days after receiving the first dose of the vaccine.
Coroner Sue Johnson led an inquest into the cause of Nairn’s death and publicly released the findings on Tuesday. “The cause of [Nairn’s] death was myocarditis, due to vaccination with the ComirnatyTM Pfizer-BioNTech covid-19 vaccine,” she said. Johnson used evidence based on expert findings by pathologist Noelyn Hung, who said the direct cause of Nairn’s death was “acute myocarditis,” according to the NZ Herald.
“[Hung] saw that it was not caused by Rory having rheumatic fever or by infection as there was no sign of a bacteria, virus or fungi,” Johnson said. “She also excluded all other known potential causes of myocarditis, for example, certain medicines such as the anti-psychotic medications clozapine and risperidone which can cause myocarditis.”
In memory of all those people who died shortly after ‘covid’ shots | added September 21
Read more at Mark Crispin Miller Substack
Some readers of Stephanie Foster’s post about her mother’s instant death post- “vaccination” (which I put up yesterday) have fretted that it might have been a scam, urging caution that such stories should be “vetted.”
Now, if I were a newspaper, and had the staff to do that kind of thing, I’d surely do it; but, since I only have two hands, I have to go with my gut—which, in this case, tells me that that horrifying story is for real. If someone should discover evidence that it was fake, I’ll put that up—since, unlike, say, the New York Times—I do acknowledge and retract my errors. (I wonder if those fretting that this story might be fake were just as vigilant about the multitude of bogus “covid deaths” hysterically reported throughout 2020 and beyond.)
Meanwhile, here’s apparent evidence of three more quick post-“vaccination” deaths: two bits of surveillance video (one of a child collapsing); and the story of Drene Keyes, whose death within a few hours after her injection made some news way back in January, 2021.
Former Pentagon Chief warns U.S. military is losing recruits based on ‘covid’ mandates, transgender and abortion stances | added September 21
Read more at The Epoch Times
Former Secretary of Defense Mark Esper has issued a warning that the U.S. military is “slowly dying” due to poor recruitment, which puts Americans “in danger.” “The armed services are struggling to meet their recruiting goals like rarely before,” Esper wrote in article published by Fox News on Sept. 19.
“The Army is the most affected, projected to fall short by up to 15,000 soldiers, with a larger deficit expected next year. Experts point to a variety of reasons, such as insufficient pay and benefits, a difficult work-life environment, ‘culture war’ issues, covid-19, and a strong job market.”
While Esper didn’t elaborate on the “culture war” issues, some experts and armed service members have blamed the military’s left-wing lurch in recent years. One active-duty Army soldier, who asked to remain anonymous, fearing reprisals, told The Epoch Times last month that the military leaders “happily encourage mandated vaccines, back the transgender issue, and speak out in opposition to the Supreme Court of the United States in regard to Roe v. Wade—all of which are very political.”
Feds unveil charges against 47 people for siphoning $250 million dollars meant to feed children during ‘covid’ pandemic | added September 21
Read more at USA Today
WASHINGTON – Federal authorities unveiled charges against 47 people Tuesday accused of siphoning $250 million from a coronavirus pandemic relief program designed to provide meals for children in the largest pandemic-related fraud scheme brought so far by the Justice Department.
Prosecutors described “a brazen scheme of staggering proportions” that exploited a federally funded program to serve needy children in Minnesota during the pandemic.
U.S. Attorney Andrew M. Luger, the chief federal prosecutor in Minnesota, said the suspects used a local nonprofit known as “Feeding Our Future” as a cover to claim reimbursements for meals never provided and allegedly used the federal money to buy luxury cars, houses, jewelry and resort property abroad. “I commend the work of the skilled investigators and prosecutors who unraveled the lies, deception, and mountains of false documentation to bring this complex case to light,” Luger said.
China’s 14,000 bed ‘covid’ quarantine center revealed on drone footage | added September 21
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China has built a massive covid-19 isolation center made up of row upon row of temporary buildings over a vast expanse in the country’s south, as officials continue to treat the virus as a threat that needs to be stamped out.
Drone footage shared on Douyin, Tiktok’s twin service in China, shows scores of what appear to be pre-fabricated structures similar to shipping containers lined up in a clearing surrounded by forest. Several social media users said the video showed a covid quarantine facility in Guangan city, Sichuan.
Under China’s Covid Zero policy, everyone infected with the virus and all their close contacts must go into centralized isolation facilities for at least a week. Provinces were told in March to build two to three of the so-called makeshift hospitals as a way of quashing transmission in the community.
CDC announces three tropical island getaways that pose “moderate” ‘covid’ risk | added September 21
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(CNN) — The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on Monday moved three tropical island getaways and one Middle Eastern nation into its “moderate” risk category for covid-19. There were no new additions to its “high” risk category this week.
The four new places now at “moderate” risk, or Level 2, are:
• Fiji (in the South Pacific)
• Kuwait (Middle East)
• Saint Kitts and Nevis (Caribbean)
• Sint Maarten (Caribbean)
Previously, Dutch Sint Maarten had been listed as “Unknown,” which happens when the CDC doesn’t have enough data to make a risk assessment. The other three places dropped down from “high” risk, or Level 3.
Sen. Rand Paul questions Fauci over disregard of natural immunity during ‘covid’ | added September 21
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In 2004 Fauci commented on flu vaccines that, “the most potent vaccination is getting infected yourself”. Senator Paul also questions efficacy of inoculating children with these experimental judge when there is no variable that tests natural immunity.
Let’s not let this happen.
NYC Mayor Eric Adams launches booster campaign to promote another shot; encourages private businesses to make their own ‘covid’ vax policy | added September 21
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NEW YORK – As New York City Mayor Eric Adams received his own covid-19 bivalent booster shot today, he and New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene (DOHMH) Commissioner Dr. Ashwin Vasan announced the launch of a citywide campaign to promote covid-19 boosters this fall. In the next week, print, television, radio, and digital ads will go live across New York City promoting booster shots.
With the recent rollout of bivalent booster shots by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, the new campaign will encourage all eligible New Yorkers to get their booster shot for an added layer of protection for themselves and those around them. In addition to promotion of covid-19 booster shots, the campaign being launched in the next week will promote other annual vaccinations.
Mayor Adams and DOHMH Commissioner Vasan also, today, announced more flexibility for New York City’s businesses by encouraging private businesses to put in place their own vaccine policies after making the private sector vaccine mandate optional. And as New York City’s students head back to school, the city created more flexibility for parents and encouraged families to ensure their children have their primary and, if eligible, booster shots after making vaccines optional for students who participate in extracurricular activities, including, among other activities, New York City’s Public School Athletic League (PSAL).
Patient inoculated for small pox gets diagnosed with ‘monkeypox’ | added September 21
Read more at Medical Life Sciences News
In a recent study published in the Emerging Infectious Diseases journal, researchers at Madigan Army Medical Center assessed the characteristics of monkeypox infection in a patient vaccinated against smallpox.
In Summer 2022, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) initiated an emergency response after the outbreak of monkeypox infections across the US. In addition, on 28 June 2022, the US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) announced a vaccination strategy against the monkeypox virus to be implemented across the country.
In the present study, the team reported a patient residing in Washington, USA, who was infected with the monkeypox virus. However, he was successfully vaccinated against smallpox with the ACAM2000 smallpox vaccine eight years before. The patient was a 34-year-old male who reported having sex with men. He walked into a sexually transmitted infections clinic with a four-day history of malaise, fatigue, and headache with a two-day history of four painless penile lesions.
Evictions across New York ramp up after ‘covid’, causing new affordable housing crisis | added September 20
Read more at City & State NY
“CANCEL THE RENT!” So said the graffiti and bedsheet signs hung all over New York City and state during the peak of the covid-19 pandemic, when many people who were already struggling to make ends meet suddenly found themselves out of work and unable to pay their rent.
In response, the government didn’t exactly cancel rent, but it did a lot to take the heat off cash-strapped tenants. The state passed an emergency law that declared any tenant who filed a hardship claim was shielded against eviction. The federal government poured billions into an Emergency Rental Assistance Program that flowed down to states, and then to landlords, so that back rent could get paid, with about $2.4 billion being paid out in New York state so far.
And notably, filing a request with the state under this program also protected a tenant against eviction. And already available in New York City were one-time payments from the city Human Resources Administration, which provided some tenants with relief. These moves, along with a 2017 New York City law saying that any tenant in an eviction proceeding has a right to a lawyer regardless of their ability to pay, caused a dramatic change in not just actual evictions but new eviction cases, which many landlords, given all the new tenant protections amid the pandemic, declined to even file.
Disease experts debate whether pandemic is “over”, stating ‘covid’ is here to stay as one of the leading causes of U.S. deaths | added September 20
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After President Joe Biden said the coronavirus pandemic was “over” in an interview Sunday, many people were left wondering how to reconcile his comment with the fact that the U.S. is still averaging about 500 Covid deaths every day.
But disease experts said debating whether the pandemic is over overshadows a more important concern: the reality that Covid will remain a leading cause of death in the U.S. indefinitely.”It’s likely, when we think of the causes of death in our society, that Covid’s on the list probably forever,” said Dr. Bob Wachter, the chair of the University of California, San Francisco’s department of medicine.
“Whether we call it a pandemic or not, it’s still an important threat to people,” he added. Covid was the third-leading cause of death in the U.S. in 2020, after heart disease and cancer, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The same was true last year, provisional CDC data shows.
U.S. Health and Human Services Sec. Xavier Becerra: “The president is correct. The pandemic is over” | added Sept. 20
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U.S. Health Sec. Xavier Becerra supported a surprise comment over the weekend from President Joe Biden, who declared the pandemic over. “The president is correct,” Becerra told Yahoo Finance Monday.
“He’s made it clear that Americans are still dying in the hundreds every day from covid, and so we have to stay at this. The vaccines are the most effective way for us to stay protected,” Becerra added. On CBS’s 60 Minutes, Biden said, “The pandemic is over. We still have a problem with covid. We’re still doing a lot of work on it. But the pandemic is over.”
Biden’s comments took senior officials by surprise, according to the Washington Post. And whether or not public health emergency needs are over is something the administration is still weighing, Becerra said. “I think the president was reflecting what so many Americans are thinking and feeling,” Becerra said, noting that with effective vaccines, tests, and treatments, the country is on a better path than earlier in the pandemic.
Studies suggest spike protein from infection and ‘covid’ shots linked to auto-immune disease | added September 20
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On the morning of Jan. 15, 2022, Debbie Botzum-Pearman, who had been a strong healthy woman for 66 years, woke up paralyzed from the chest down. On Sept. 13, 2022, nearly nine months later, she managed to stand up without assistance for 10 seconds. Since then, she has made a steady recovery.
She has regained sensation in her thighs and taken her first steps with a walker. But, a long journey remains ahead of her. Debbie’s symptoms appeared less than a month after her first Pfizer covid-19 booster shot. She had taken the shot in mid-December and felt fine, the same as with her previous covid-19 shots.
Looking back now, Debbie realized that leading up to her sudden paralysis, she had been feeling that her bra was getting too tight. This sensation is also called MS (multiple sclerosis) hug, and some people can experience these symptoms even without MS. The first dominoes toppled on Jan. 14. She was finishing her painting work at her friend’s house when she realized that she could not pee despite having the urge to urinate.
“I was drinking water … could not pee, just could not pee,” she told The Epoch Times.
Federal tribunal rules in favor of Toronto man denied unemployment over ‘covid’ vax mandate | added September 20
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Members of a federal tribunal ruled in favour of a Toronto-area delivery driver denied Employment Insurance (EI) benefits after losing his job for refusing his employer’s covid-19 vaccine policy.
Last summer, Timothy Conlon was dismissed from his job after turning down a request by his employer to get the covid shot — a decision Conlon said was due to concerns over his existing blood pressure and reports of blood clots in some patients, read a press release from the Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms (JCCF) who represented Conlon and others who found themselves in similar situations.
Upon losing his job, Conlon applied for EI but was denied, as the Canada Employment Insurance Commission (CEIC) ruled he was dismissed due to misconduct. “The Claimant disagrees because he was dismissed from his job two days after he was told about the policy,” wrote tribunal member Solange Losier in her decision released Friday.
The Lancet medical journal finally states ‘covid’ may have originated in a lab | added September 20
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The world’s leading medical journal has conceded that the covid pandemic could have been sparked by a laboratory leak and admits that the virus may have been engineered by scientists.
It might seem a statement of the obvious in calling on global bodies to intensify efforts to determine if covid-19 came from a laboratory in the Chinese city of Wuhan or crossed over from animals infected with a bat virus. But this is a remarkable turnaround for the 199-year-old Lancet, which printed an infamous article condemning suggestions of a lab leak as ‘conspiracy theories’.
However, the journal – which says the world should take ‘seriously’ both main hypotheses – has also suggested the virus could be linked to laboratories in the US, provoking fears it is still promoting China’s cause rather than good science. Certainly the landmark report of the Lancet commission into covid-19 raises many issues, including the alleged stifling of scientific debate, the role of experts and the disturbing fear the West may be kowtowing to China’s dictatorship.
Wait, what? ‘Covid’ came from where? | added September 20
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Funny how the story and ‘science’ changes over time.
Moderna’s ‘covid’ shot caused rare brain inflammation in healthy 35 year-old woman | added September 20
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A healthy 35-year-old woman who experienced a seizure two days after her second dose of Moderna’s covid-19 vaccine was diagnosed with limbic encephalitis, a rare form of brain inflammation.
The authors of a recent case study on the patient stated: “We believe that this episode of limbic encephalitis, which occurred quickly after covid-19 vaccination, is an uncommon side effect of the [Moderna] vaccine.”
Limbic encephalitis is an acute condition of noninfectious inflammation of the brain that affects the limbic system. The limbic system is a group of structures involved in processing emotion and memory. It includes the hippocampus, medial temporal lobe, cingulate cortex and frontonasal cortex. The symptoms of limbic encephalitis include amnesia (memory loss), behavioral changes, psychiatric symptoms, seizures and a disturbed level of consciousness.
Isolation discussion: Secrets of virology and “control” experiments | added September 20
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Recently, there was a claim that virologists do carry out properly controlled experiments, which show that the “no virus” position is false.
Could it be that we missed this vital piece of evidence? Let’s have a look at what was presented, break down the scientific method and see if there’s been any shenanigans.
Australia’s oldest man, dies at 110 years-old after contracting ‘covid’ | added September 20
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Frank Mawer, Australia’s oldest man, has died at the age of 110 after contracting covid-19 several weeks ago. Mr Mawer passed away “peacefully” in his sleep in his Central Tilba home on Saturday afternoon on the New South Wales South Coast, according to members of a home care team from HammondCare who were there to support him in his final moments.
Until November last year Mr Mawer lived independently in his own apartment at Gymea in Sydney’s south, before moving to the South Coast to be with his son, Philip, after a fall. Philip and his partner Stuart were his primary carers alongside the staff from HammondCare.
His other son, Barry said his dad contracted covid-19 several weeks ago and it had weakened him. “He lived life to the full even in recent months,” Barry said. “He insisted on sitting up for meals, he did his exercises every day and had plenty of visitors. HammondCare chief executive Mike Baird remembered Mr Mawer as “the most inspiring individual”. “A gracious man and a man of faith,” Mr Baird said
President Joe Biden states the ‘covid’ pandemic is “over”; U.S. troops can now defend Taiwan | added September 19
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President Joe Biden said he believes the covid-19 pandemic is “over” in an appearance on CBS’ “60 Minutes,” but acknowledged the US still has a “problem” with the virus that has killed more than 1 million Americans.
“The pandemic is over. We still have a problem with covid. We’re still doing a lot of work on it. It’s — but the pandemic is over,” Biden said. The US government still designates covid-19 a Public Health Emergency and the World Health Organization says it remains a Public Health Emergency of International Concern. But the President’s comments follow other hopeful comments from global health leaders.
Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, director-general of the World Health Organization, said in a news briefing last week that the end of the covid-19 pandemic was “in sight,” and that the world has never been in a better position to end the covid-19 pandemic. “Last week, the number of weekly reported deaths from covid-19 was the lowest since March 2020,” Ghebreyesus said. “We have never been in a better position to end the pandemic. We’re not there yet, but the end is in sight.”
Regis Tremblay and Mike Stone on the pseudoscience of ‘virology’ | added September 19
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Mike Stone talks about why he believes ‘virology’ is a pseudoscience. His website is an important resource for everything related to ‘covid-19’, ‘SARS-CoV-2’, ‘viruses’, masks, PCR ‘tests’, the contagion myth, and much more.
NYC Department of Education fires another 850 teachers and aides for not complying with mandatory ‘covid’ inoculation | added September 19
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The New York City Department of Education has fired another 850 teachers and classroom aides for failing to comply with a covid-19 vaccine mandate, according to the New York Post. The latest firings bring the total to nearly 2,000 school employees fired for failing to comply with the education workers’ vaccine mandate imposed by former NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio in 2021.
“About 1,300 DOE employees who took a year’s unpaid leave — with benefits — agreed to show proof of covid vaccination by Sept. 5 or be ‘deemed to have voluntarily resigned.’
Of those staffers, 450 got a shot by the deadline and ‘are returning to their prior schools or work locations,’ DOE officials told The Post. They include some 225 teachers and 135 paraprofessionals,” the New York Post reported. Back in February, New York City fired more than a thousand workers who failed to comply with the city’s covid-19 vaccine mandate, the mayor’s office said.
Millions of Americans still suffering from ‘long-term covid’ | added September 19
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Two-and-a-half years into the pandemic, millions of Americans are still suffering from long-term effects of covid-19, otherwise known as long covid. The health impacts are clear, What’s not clear is the impact on the economy and the workplace.
“I’m desperate to get back to work, but I still can’t work at a desk or talk for more than 20-30 minutes without needing to rest for hours at a time,” Charlie McCone, a 32-year-old based out of San Francisco, told Yahoo Finance. “I feel like people read things like that from long covid patients and think it’s an exaggeration, but I wish it were.”
That collective suffering — symptoms include fatigue, “brain fog,” heart palpitations, and autoimmune conditions — is affecting the economy: As many as 4 million individuals with long covid may be out of the workforce because of their symptoms, according to a new Brookings Institution report, suggesting that more than 2% of the U.S. labor force could be sidelined by long covid.
China: Bus crash en route to ‘covid’ quarantine facility kills 27 and injures 20 people | added September 19
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A bus transporting residents to a covid-19 quarantine facility in China has crashed, killing 27 of those on board. The coach overturned on a motorway in the south-western province of Guizhou. Another 20 people were injured. Only two people have died from covid in Guizhou province since the pandemic struck almost three years ago.
The accident sparked anger online from those critical of Beijing’s “zero-covid” policy. The strict policy involves mass testing and tracking. Those who test positive and their close contacts have to isolate at home or in a quarantine facility. Just a handful of cases can spark a city-wide lockdown.
There is no word on the cause of the crash which occurred early on Sunday morning. According to Chinese regulations, passenger buses are not allowed to drive on the highway between the hours of 02:00 and 05:00. However, the accident occurred at 02:40 local time Sunday (18:40 GMT Saturday) after the bus departed shortly after midnight, indicating the bus had violated regulation. A woman who claimed she was the daughter of one of the victims took to social media, where she wrote a note saying she could “not accept” her mother’s death.
What about ‘Rabies’? | added September 19
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Sometimes in the middle of a virus existence debate, someone blurts out, “What about rabies?”Rabies is a terrifying condition that has haunted the human imagination for centuries. I’ll look into the science of rabies and explain why most of us don’t need to worry about it. And get ready for our special guest narrator, who describes the questionable 1930s animal experiments.
CDC admits 5,300 errors in vax doses for children as VAERS shows 155 deaths attributed to shots in 6 month- to 17 year-olds | added September 19
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The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) today released new data showing a total of 1,407,409 reports of adverse events following covid-19 vaccines were submitted between Dec. 14, 2020, and Sept. 9, 2022, to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS).
VAERS is the primary government-funded system for reporting adverse vaccine reactions in the U.S. The data included a total of 30,935 reports of deaths and 257,227 serious injuries, including deaths, during the same time period. Of the 30,935 reported deaths, 19,861 cases are attributed to Pfizer’s covid-19 vaccine, 8,344 cases to Moderna, 2,678 cases to Johnson & Johnson (J&J) and no cases yet reported for Novavax.
Excluding “foreign reports” to VAERS, 865,585 adverse events, including 14,438 deaths and 89,838 serious injuries, were reported in the U.S. between Dec. 14, 2020, and Sept. 9, 2022. Foreign reports are reports foreign subsidiaries send to U.S. vaccine manufacturers. Under U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regulations, if a manufacturer is notified of a foreign case report that describes an event that is both serious and does not appear on the product’s labeling, the manufacturer is required to submit the report to VAERS.
Top Chinese health official sparks online backlash after warning people to avoid skin-to-skin contact with foreigners over ‘monkeypox’ | added September 19
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A top Chinese health official warned people against having skin-to-skin contact with foreigners to avoid contracting monkeypox, spurring a backlash among the country’s dwindling expatriate community.
China reported its first case of the infectious disease on Friday in Chongqing, a municipality in southwestern part of the country. The patient has been isolated and the risk of an outbreak is low, the local health commission said in a statement on its website.
Despite the reassurance, an official at the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention suggested extreme steps to dodge the virus that has caused an onslaught of infections worldwide since an outbreak was reported in Europe last May. “To prevent possible monkeypox infection and as part of our healthy lifestyle, it is recommended that one, you do not have direct skin-to-skin contact with foreigners,” Wu Zunyou, chief epidemiologist at the CCDC, said on his official Weibo page on Saturday
Ten ways our human rights have been violated | added Sept. 19
Read more at Off Guardian
It’s easy to become discouraged about the state of our nation. We’re drowning under the weight of too much debt, too many wars, too much power in the hands of a centralized government, too many militarized police, too many laws, too many lobbyists, and generally too much bad news.
It’s harder to believe that change is possible, that the system can be reformed, that politicians can be principled, that courts can be just, that good can overcome evil, and that freedom will prevail. So where does that leave us?
Benjamin Franklin provided the answer. As the delegates to the Constitutional Convention trudged out of Independence Hall on September 17, 1787, an anxious woman in the crowd waiting at the entrance inquired of Franklin, “Well, Doctor, what have we got, a republic or a monarchy?” “A republic,” Franklin replied, “if you can keep it.” What Franklin meant, of course, is that when all is said and done, we get the government we deserve.
A farewell to Virology by Dr. Mark Bailey | added September 18
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Dr. Mark Bailey writes, “Virology invented the virus model but has consistently failed to fulfill its own requirements. It is claimed that viruses cause disease after transmitting between hosts such as humans and yet the scientific evidence for these claims is missing. One of virology’s greatest failures has been the inability to obtain any viral particles directly from the tissues of organisms said to have ‘viral’ diseases. In order to obfuscate this state of affairs, virologists have resorted to creating their own pseudoscientific methods to replace the longstanding scientific method, as well as changing the dictionary meaning of words in order to support their anti-scientific practices.”
Farewell, Elizabeth II; mass formation psychosis revisited; the group initiation of Pluto in Aquarius | added September 18
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The newest program of Planet Waves FM begins with a discussion of the unusual Venus square Mars pattern that is exact right now. I consider the family material of Elizabeth and her father Artie (King George VI), and consider the idea of mass formation psychosis — and the group initiation of Pluto in Aquarius.
Digital vs. analog people, astrological, sociological and scientific perspectives with Eric Francis Coppolino | added September 18
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I’m thrilled to welcome the man, the myth, the legend, Eric Coppolino of Planet Waves fame. In addition to producing fascinating astrological content, Eric boasts an extraordinary history of exposing everything from science fraud to cover-ups involving environmental pollution. He was among of the first to begin poking holes in the official covid-19 narrative and recently stirred up a veritable firestorm by revealing a darling of the health truth movement to be a total charlatan.
Split in ‘the science’?: Some scientists argue ‘covid’ is just as lethal as the flu while others say it’s not | added September 18
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Has covid-19 become no more dangerous than the flu for most people? That’s a question that scientists are debating as the country heads into a third pandemic winter. Early in the pandemic, covid was estimated to be 10 times more lethal than the flu, fueling many people’s fears.
“We have all been questioning, ‘When does covid look like influenza?”’ says Dr. Monica Gandhi, an infectious disease specialist at the University of California, San Francisco. “And, I would say, ‘Yes, we are there.'”
Gandhi and other researchers argue that most people today have enough immunity — gained from vaccination, infection or both — to protect them against getting seriously ill from covid. And this is especially so since the omicron variant doesn’t appear to make people as sick as earlier strains, Gandhi says. So unless a more virulent variant emerges, covid’s menace has diminished considerably for most people, which means that they can go about their daily lives, says Gandhi, “in a way that you used to live with endemic seasonal flu.”
Over exposure to artificial blue lights linked to early onset of puberty in female rats | added September 18
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Exposure to blue light via regular use of tablets and smartphones may alter hormone levels and increase the risk of earlier puberty, according to data from a rat study presented today at the 60th Annual European Society for Paediatric Endocrinology Meeting.
A longer duration of blue light exposure was associated with earlier puberty onset in the female rats, which also showed reduced levels of melatonin, increased levels of some reproductive hormones, and physical changes in their ovaries. The use of blue-light-emitting mobile devices has previously been linked to disrupted sleeping patterns in children.
However, these findings suggest there could be additional risks for childhood development and future fertility. The escalating use of blue light-emitting devices, such as tablets and smartphones, has previously been implicated in reducing sleep quality in both children and adults. This is thought to be through disrupting our body clock as blue light inhibits the evening rise in levels of the hormone melatonin, which prepares our bodies for rest and sleep.
New York takes ‘covid’ public health data tracking systems offline in schools | added September 18
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The Covid-19 Report Card, a long-running collection of public health data from schools across New York, has been taken offline. Concerned New York City parents noticed this week that the report card’s webpage — schoolcovidreportcard.health.ny.gov — now redirects to the New York State Department of Health’s main page on its covid-19 response.
But the pivot was made over the summer, according to Cadence Acquaviva, a spokesperson for the state health department. The agency also wouldn’t rule out shuttering other covid-19 trackers in the future.
“Since the beginning of the pandemic, we have provided New Yorkers with an unprecedented amount of data in real time on cases, hospitalizations, and fatalities from covid-19,” Acquaviva said via email. “While the Department does not have any immediate plans to change specific covid-19 data trackers, we are constantly evaluating the utility and presentation of data and will continue to update and change our data pages as necessary.”
EU medical regulator supports use of AstraZeneca’s Evusheld as ‘covid’ and common ‘virus’ preventative treatments, despite causing deadly blood clots | added September 18
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LONDON—Europe’s medicines regulator has backed using AstraZeneca’s preventative covid-19 therapy as a treatment for the disease and also endorsed another medicine as preventative option for another common virus.
The regulator’s recommendations are usually followed by the European Commission when it takes a final decision on drug approvals. AstraZeneca said on Friday the European Medicines Agency (EMA) had backed Evusheld as a treatment for adults and adolescents with covid-19 who do not need supplemental oxygen and who are at increased risk of their disease worsening.
Last month, Japan became the first country to approve the long-acting antibody as a treatment for covid-19—making Evusheld the first such therapy authorized for both prevention and treatment of the viral disease. Evusheld had previously had largely secured global approvals, including in Europe, as a preventative therapy for people with compromised immune systems who see little or no benefit from covid vaccines.
Woman speaks on mean treatment by doctors after injuries due to Johnson & Johnson ‘covid’ shots | added September 18
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Sheila Bath, a 60-something chef and life coach from Connecticut, first suspected she’d been injured by the single-dose Johnson & Johnson (J&J) covid-19 vaccine on April 11, 2021 — exactly 14 days after she got the vaccine. In an exclusive interview with The Defender, Bath said her initial symptoms included a burning sensation running from her legs to her spine and numbness in her feet. The symptoms lasted for two months.
“My legs were burning from my ankle all the way up to my lower spine on both sides. Burning, burning, burning,” Bath said. “My feet were numb. It was burning out the nerves in my legs and in my spine.” She said she also sustained “terrible bruising” on her extremities, dry mouth, worsening vision, inability to walk, cysts on her kidneys, gallstones in her bladder, calf cramps, muscle spasms, depression, brain fog and 20 lbs. of water-weight gain.
These are “classical Guillain-Barré Syndrome symptoms,” Beth said. Bath suspected the vaccine triggered the symptoms, but doctors were initially reluctant to draw the same conclusion. Bath told The Defender: “I didn’t know what Guillain-Barré was, but it’s a very well-known thing that you have to go directly to the hospital. And [my neurologist] could have sent me directly to the hospital. The neurologist neglected to follow the protocol of getting me into hospital when they could have cured it.”
At your own risk: Health experts say they are not sure what the side effects will be with new experimental bivalent booster jabs | added September 18
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The omicron-targeted covid-19 booster shots have arrived at pharmacies across the country and in New Jersey. You’re probably wondering if there are side effects from these shots and if the side effects differ from those of earlier boosters and covid-19 vaccinations. Here’s what you need to know.
The retooled shots from Moderna and Pfizer are bivalent, meaning they target the initial covid-19 virus and the omicron BA.4 and BA.5 variants of the virus. Health experts say that side effects should not differ too much from the initial vaccines, even though there are essentially “two vaccines in one shot.”
“We just don’t have any data on this [yet], essentially giving two vaccines in one shot — but biologically, I just wouldn’t expect the side effects, severity or the safety profile of the shots to be different from the current mRNA vaccines and boosters,” Dr. Paul Offit, director of the Vaccine Education Center at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia and member of an independent advisory group to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, told CNBC Make It.
Migrant gets free mansion | added September 18
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Must be nice to live the ‘American dream’, but eventually we have to wake up. Happy Sunday.
England confirms in largest study to date, 100 myocarditis deaths linked to ‘covid’ shots | added September 16
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In the largest study to date on myocarditis deaths related to covid-19 vaccination, researchers found that 100 people in England died of myocarditis soon after receiving a covid-19 vaccine.
The study, published Aug. 22 in the American Heart Association’s journal, Circulation, found more than half (51) of the deaths occurred within 1 to 28 days after receiving a dose of the AstraZeneca vaccine and just under half (49) of the deaths occurred within 1 to 28 days after a dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine.
The AstraZeneca vaccine, not authorized for use in the U.S., uses an adenovirus technology similar to that used by Johnson & Johnson’s (J&J), or Janssen) covid-19 vaccine, which is authorized for emergency use in the U.S. Prior research has underscored the risk of fatal myocarditis associated with the mRNA technology used in the Pfizer and Moderna covid-19 vaccines. This study showed the technology used in AstraZeneca’s vaccine poses a similar risk.
United States Navy quietly ends ‘covid’ vax mandate that denies religious exemptions | added September 16
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The US Navy quietly rolled back Trident Order #12, an order denying religious exemptions for covid vaccinations, a few months after an injunction was issued by the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals in early 2022 as part of an ongoing lawsuit brought by First Liberty Institute. The suit was initiated on behalf of 35 active-duty SEALS and three reservists seeking exemptions to the mandate due to the possibility of covid vaccines being developed using cells and tissues from aborted fetuses.
This information has only become publicly available after a new filing in the case this week. Trident Order #12 made any non-compliant SEALS and other troops impossible to deploy and designated them as medically disqualified. This development runs in tandem with a growing trend among government institutions; they back away from their original draconian mandates but in a manner that reduces media exposure and avoids any admission that the mandates are unconstitutional.
A communication order was circulated by the Navy on May 23 with the subject: “NSWC CLOSEOUT TO TRIDENT ORDER #12 – MANDATORY VACCINATION FOR COVID-19.” NSWC refers to the Naval Special Warfare Command: “This order rescinds reference A,” it states, referring to “Ref A” as “Trident Order #12 on COVID-19 Vaccinations.” The May 23 communication order also said Navy commands “will continue to follow guidance, as appropriate, regarding COVID-19 vaccination, accommodation requests, and mitigation measures.”
How Bill Gates and partners took worldwide control of the ‘covid’ pandemic response | added September 16
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When covid-19 struck, the governments of the world weren’t prepared. From America to Europe to Asia, they veered from minimizing the threat to closing their borders in ill-fated attempts to quell a viral spread that soon enveloped the world.
While the most powerful nations looked inward, four non-governmental global health organizations began making plans for a life-or-death struggle against a virus that would know no boundaries. What followed was a steady, almost inexorable shift in power from the overwhelmed governments to a group of non-governmental organizations, according to a seven-month investigation by POLITICO journalists based in the U.S. and Europe and the German newspaper WELT.
Armed with expertise, bolstered by contacts at the highest levels of Western nations and empowered by well-grooved relationships with drug makers, the four organizations took on roles often played by governments — but without the accountability of governments. While nations were still debating the seriousness of the pandemic, the groups identified potential vaccine makers and targeted investments in the development of tests, treatments and shots.
‘Covid’ linked to increased risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease in people 65 and older | added September 16
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Older people who were infected with covid-19 show a substantially higher risk — as much as 50% to 80% higher than a control group — of developing Alzheimer’s disease within a year, according to a study of more than 6 million patients 65 and older.
In a study published today in the Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease, researchers report that people 65 and older who contracted covid-19 were more prone to developing Alzheimer’s disease in the year following their covid diagnosis. And the highest risk was observed in women at least 85 years old. The findings showed that the risk for developing Alzheimer’s disease in older people nearly doubled (0.35% to 0.68%) over a one-year period following infection with covid.
The researchers say it is unclear whether covid-19 triggers new development of Alzheimer’s disease or accelerates its emergence. “The factors that play into the development of Alzheimer’s disease have been poorly understood, but two pieces considered important are prior infections, especially viral infections, and inflammation,” said Pamela Davis, Distinguished University Professor and The Arline H. and Curtis F. Garvin Research Professor at the Case Western Reserve School of Medicine, the study’s coauthor.
Utah ‘covid’ vaccinations skyrocket with new updated ‘covid’ booster jab | added September 16
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More than 5,000 Utahns have died of covid-19 — including eight children younger than 14 — since the beginning of the pandemic, according to state data released Thursday.
The state crossed this grim threshold after reporting 12 new deaths this week. One of those deaths was a Davis County boy, age 1-14, who died at the end of August. Department of Health and Human Services data also shows that tens of thousands more people got vaccinated against the virus in the last seven days.
Nearly 29,000 Utahns received some form of covid-19 vaccine, driven largely by the availability of the new omicron variant-specific vaccines, DHHS said. More than 12,000 people received a second booster. The seven-day average case count increased slightly from 339 to 360. The state reported 2,487 new cases since last Thursday. Experts have said they aren’t relying on testing data to track covid-19 spread, since the state’s numbers don’t account for people who took at-home tests. Instead, they’re tracking hospitalizations, emergency room visits and how much of the virus is found in Utah wastewater.
‘Monkeypox’ inoculation being offered to pool patrons in Carlsbad who may have been exposed | added September 16
Read more at The San Diego Union Tribune
The county health department is offering patrons of a private swim center in Carlsbad precautionary monkeypox vaccination after an employee working at the facility in early September tested positive.
A public health exposure notice sent to Waterworks Aquatics in Carlsbad says that visitors “between September 1 and September 5, 2022,” can request vaccination if they wish, and Dr. Wilma Wooten, the county’s public health officer, confirmed that her department held an initial vaccination clinic nearby on Thursday.
No additional cases connected to the center have been detected so far. Todd Sarkaria, Waterworks Aquatics’ senior vice president of operations, said Thursday that the company immediately contacted the parents of 140 swimming students — some were siblings — who may have been in contact with the employee who was present in the pool when some swimming lessons were underway.
‘Monkeypox’ is NO JOKE | added September 16
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Sixty seven bananas? Woo Woo HA HA.
In memory of those who ‘died suddenly’ in Mexico, Jamaica, Peru, Argentina, Ecuador, Chile, and Brazil | added Sept. 16
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Two businessmen “died suddenly”:
Alfredo Duclad, general director of Mexican Mass Media, died
September 11, 2022
Businessman Alfredo Duclad, general director of Mexican Mass Media, died this Saturday, September 10. The news was released by Grupo Gluc, also directed by the native of Torreón, Coahuila. Alfredo ‘Güero’ Duclad was CEO of Mexican Mass Media, a company that he inherited from his father Alfredo Duclaud Reguera. Mexican Mass Media represents print, digital, outdoor and radio and television media for a collaboration with advertisers. It has positioned itself as a leading company for more than 35 years. Duclad’s death was lamented on social networks by José Antonio Meade, who described him as a generous, kind, talented and disciplined man.
What really makes you ill? A discussion with renowned authors David Parker and Dawn Lester | added September 16
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Drs Mark and Sam Bailey had the privilege to speak with renowned authors David Parker and Dawn Lester. In December 2019, after 10 years of research they published a book called What Really Makes You Ill? which took the world by storm.
They are both humble, softly spoken and worth listening to.
We discuss their book and:
Their journey of awakening, including other books that influenced them
The nature of reality
Nutrition – plant based vs meat/dairy
David’s experience of vaccination
Myth of the immune system
Rift in the truther movement
and much more!
Quebec professor faces new charges over criticism of ‘covid’ shots for children | added September 16
Read more at The Epoch Times
A Quebec university professor of infectious diseases who was suspended during the summer for calling into question the need to vaccinate children against covid-19 is facing a new disciplinary threat for similar comments he made on a radio show while under suspension.
Patrick Provost, a full professor at the Department of Microbiology and Immunology at Laval University, was suspended for eight weeks without pay in June by his employer for comments he made in December 2021. Provost had said during a public event that the risks of vaccinating children against covid-19 were greater than the benefits.
While on suspension in mid-July, Provost made similar comments during an interview with Quebec radio station CHOI 98.1 Radio X. “The effectiveness of vaccines is negative in Quebec since December 2021 (the government deleted this data from its reporting not long after…). This means you have more risk to get infected if you’re vaccinated,” Provost wrote in a Facebook post commenting on his appearance on the show.
Keeping the truth movement true | added September 15
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Eric Coppolino and Mike Stone, two luminaries in the Terrain-Germ Theory debate, join me today. We will be talking about unity and disunity in the truth movement in general and where to draw the line. You don’t want to miss this.
World Health Organization: An end to the pandemic is in sight | added September 15
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“We have never been in a better position to end the pandemic”, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus told journalists during his regular weekly press conference. The UN health agency’s Director-General explained however, that the world is “not there yet”.
“A marathon runner does not stop when the finish line comes into view. She runs harder, with all the energy she has left. So must we. We can see the finish line. We’re in a winning position. But now is the worst time to stop running”, he underscored.
He also warned that if the world does not take the opportunity now, there is still a risk of more variants, deaths, disruption, and uncertainty. “So, let’s seize this opportunity”, he urged, announcing that WHO is releasing six short policy briefs that outline the key actions that all governments must take now to “finish the race”.
New ‘omicron’ subvariant BA.4.6 gains traction in U.S. and U.K. | added September 15
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London: BA.4.6, a subvariant of the omicron covid variant which has been quickly gaining traction in the US, is now confirmed to be spreading in the UK. The latest briefing document on covid variants from the UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) noted that during the week beginning August 14, BA.4.6 accounted for 3.3% of samples in the UK. It has since grown to make up around 9% of sequenced cases.
Similarly, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, BA.4.6 now accounts for more than 9% of recent cases across the US. The variant has also been identified in several other countries around the world.
So what do we know about BA.4.6, and should we be worried? Let’s take a look at the information we have so far. BA.4.6 is a descendant of the BA.4 variant of omicron. BA.4 was first detected in January 2022 in South Africa and has since spread around the world alongside the BA.5 variant. It is not entirely clear how BA.4.6 has emerged, but it’s possible it could be a recombinant variant. Recombination happens when two different variants of SARS-CoV-2 (the virus that causes covid-19) infect the same person, at the same time.
Federation of State Medical Boards targets physicians involved in ‘covid vaccine misinformation’ | added September 15
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The Federation of State Medical Boards (FSMB) has taken a stand against what it refers to as “the dissemination of covid-19 vaccine misinformation and disinformation by physicians and other healthcare professionals on social media platforms, online and in the media,” going so far as to recommend disciplinary action and state policy changes.
In a July 2021 press release, the FSMB warned physicians they could risk “disciplinary action by state medical boards, including the suspension or revocation of their medical license.” And in a lengthier statement issued in April 2022, the nonprofit — which says it “serves as the voice for state medical boards” — appeared to advocate for laws like the one sitting on California Gov. Gavin Newsom’s desk that would punish doctors who share covid-19 “misinformation” with their patients, with language like this:
“Prohibitions on disseminating misinformation are already expressly written, or implied, in many state statutes regulating the practice of medicine. However, adopting a specific policy on misinformation is encouraged in light of the increased prevalence of, and harm caused by, physician-disseminated misinformation in this ongoing pandemic.”
CDC warns respiratory illness in children could cause polio-like symptoms | added September 15
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The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is warning about the spread of a common childhood virus that can cause muscle weakness or paralysis in rare cases. The CDC issued an alert Friday about enterovirus D68, which most commonly leads to respiratory illness among kids, with symptoms that are often mild but can become severe.
The enterovirus family is large, and polio falls within it; both EV-D68 and poliovirus can invade the nervous system and cause muscle weakness. Occasionally, EV-D68 can result in a condition called acute flaccid myelitis, or AFM, which is characterized by inflammation in the neck region of the spinal cord. Some people who experience AFM have difficulty moving their arms, while others experience weakness in all four extremities.
During a large outbreak in the U.S. in 2014, around 10% of people diagnosed with EV-D68 went on to develop AFM, but the condition is likely rarer than that, since not everyone gets tested for EV-D68. Full recovery from AFM is rare, and although most patients improve to some extent, the process is often difficult, and it requires rehabilitation.
FDA warns ‘monkeypox’ could mutate if antiviral drugs are overused | added September 15
Read more at CBS News
The monkeypox virus is only one mutation away from evading a key antiviral drug being used to treat at-risk patients, federal health officials are now warning — and they’re urging doctors to be “judicious” in prescribing the sought-after treatment.
The new FDA guidance for the antiviral drug known as tecovirimat, or Tpoxx, was published this week online and in updated labeling. The regulator says lab and animal studies, and evidence from a human case of this family of viruses, suggest monkeypox has “several genetic pathways” to evolve resistance to tecovirimat. Many “require only a single amino acid change,” the FDA said.
“Most patients with intact immune systems really need supportive care and pain control, but often do not need to be stepped up to antiviral treatment,” the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Dr. Sapna Bamrah Morris said over the weekend, in a webinar hosted by the Infectious Diseases Society of America. The CDC has been closely tracking mutations in the virus to watch for potential variants that could be resistant to the monkeypox treatment. A portion of positive tests around the country are being forwarded to the agency for genetic sequencing.
Denmark announces no boosters for people under 50 since ‘covid’ shots don’t prevent infection | added September 15
Read more at The Epoch Times
Denmark will not offer those under the age of 50 more covid-19 vaccine boosters, the Danish Health Authority announced this week. “The purpose of vaccination is not to prevent infection with covid-19, and people aged under 50 are therefore currently not being offered booster vaccination,” the agency wrote in a Sept. 13 statement.
The Scandinavian country also explicitly dropped any pretense to halt the spread of covid-19 and announced it will focus on protecting vulnerable individuals, including people with compromised immune systems and the elderly. Those people, it said, are the most at risk of developing severe covid-19 cases.
Instead, the agency has an “aim to prevent serious illness, hospitalization, and death,” the statement said. The Health Authority noted that people under the age of 50 “are generally not at particularly higher risk of becoming severely ill” from the virus. Younger people “are well protected against becoming severely ill” and a “very large number of them have already been vaccinated and have previously been infected” with covid-19, it said.
Study shows organ recipients are rejecting organs from ‘covid’ injected donors due to systemic inflammatory responses | added September 15
Read more at Information Liberation
According to a new study published in the Journal of Clinical Medicine, acute corneal allografts are being rejected by immunized patients who’ve undergone the procedure. Researchers say the underlying cause could be tied to a systemic inflammatory response elicited by the shot post-jab.
The cornea is the outermost layer of a person’s eye. Corneal grafts are used to restore a damaged cornea. The surgery is known to be one of the most successful organ transplant procedures with low rejection rates. It restores vision, reduces eye pain and improves the appearance of the diseased cornea. Japanese researchers compiled data from 23 studies. A total of 23 eyes from 21 patients who had undergone corneal graft procedures were assessed.
Graft rejection occurred anywhere from one day to six weeks after vaccination in all patients–some who underwent the procedure as far back as twenty years ago. Just to be clear, two people mentioned in the study had their corneal transplant rejected post-covid vaccine despite having had the surgery more than 20 years ago.
Heal thyself; become your best doctor | added September 15
Read more at Off Guardian
‘Physicians around the globe….. stop injecting these ungodly agents. Recall that you are homo sapiens – gifted with the power of thought – and return, before it is too late, to the ethics of your once so noble profession.’ — Dr Sucharit Bhakdi
You were once so energised by ideals; you wanted to help others – to make a difference. Recall that alert, inquisitive trainee who dreamt of a medical career; who wanted to care for others, to save lives. Remember your dedication: the hours you laboured; the sacrifices made willingly and your delight in your achievements. You lived by your ideals then – you were your very best self.
You are somehow different now. You know this. Does your mind, your judgement, your sense of reality, seem less certain? Have you noticed that something once valued has dimmed? It as if a dark fog has descended upon you: you seem confused, disoriented – unable to distinguish truth from fiction. It is said that morale has collapsed in your team. There will be breakdowns. You know this. A crime is being committed against you.
Funny how things just “disappear” even funnier when there’s nothing that has actually appeared, i.e. ‘covid’ isolate. Poof! Meow
Dr. Jessica Rose joins Dr. Sam Bailey: “I just told the globalists they’re going to fail” | added September 14
Watch the video on Dr. Sam Bailey
Dr. Jessica Rose is a Canadian researcher with degrees in Applied Mathematics and Immunology. She has a PhD in Computational Biology and Post Doctoral degrees in Molecular Biology and Biochemistry. In 2020, she became sceptical of the developing covid-19 narrative and has been outspoken against many of the responses.
Here is what she said about:
Her greatest passion.
Her observations at the beginning of the covid story.
Her paper on the effects of covid-19 injections and its mysterious “temporary withdrawal”.
The latest findings from the VAERS data.
Canada and the globalists.
What she does to stay centred.
A matter of trust by Mike Stone | added September 14
Read more at Viroliegy
Dr. Stefan Lanka. Dr. Tom Cowan. Dr. Andrew Kaufman. Dr. Sam Bailey. What do these four people, at the forefront of the “No Virus” movement (if we can call it that), have in common besides a tireless quest to present the truth about the fraud of virology? They do not claim to be something or someone that they are not.
Each of these doctors have credentials and work experience that can be easily verified. They have all worked hard to gain our trust by being open and honest regarding their professional backgrounds. In spite of this, each of them have had their names run through the mud by mainstream media outlets and alternative news sites in attempts to discredit and debunk their work.
Fortunately, these professionals have each been able to stand tall in the face of inaccurate, misleading, and erroneous allegations made against them due to the fact that they all have nothing to hide. While they have each faced the adversity and proven their detractors wrong while coming out stronger for having done so, that does not appear to be the case for relative newcomer Poornima Wagh.
American Heart Association journal publishes study that confirms vaccine-linked myocarditis deaths for first time | added September 14
Read more at The Epoch Times
A study published in late August found that 345 people in England died of myocarditis in one year, all vaccinated with one of three covid-19 vaccines. The study, conducted from December 2020 to December 2021, looked at deaths after a hospital stay for myocarditis or with myocarditis listed as a cause of death on a death certificate among 42.8 million vaccinated people in England age 13 and up.
The publication of the study’s findings in the American Heart Association’s journal, Circulation, marked the first time in the medical literature that researchers have confirmed that myocarditis associated with one of the covid-19 vaccines can result in death. The article was published online on Aug. 22 and appears in the journal’s September 5, 2022, issue.
“This is really big, to talk about deaths. CDC keeps saying, ‘generally mild, generally mild,” cardiologist Sanjay Verma, who was not involved in the research, told The Epoch Times. “There’s been a concerted campaign to emphasize that people have not died from myocarditis and that it’s generally mild.” Myocarditis is defined as inflammation of the myocardium, the middle layer of the heart muscle. Although the CDC has acknowledged since the spring of 2021 that myocarditis is a possible side effect of the Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna vaccines, the agency has not publicly spoken about death as a possible outcome of myocarditis.
Leaked video exposes why health officials don’t want independent scientists to test mRNA vaccine vials | added September 14
Read more at The Defender
A 14-minute video (below) that has been overlooked for nearly two years has now resurfaced, exposing stunning information about the covid-19 jabs and why health officials don’t want individual vaccine vials examined by independent scientists.
The reason, it turns out, is because the vials are all different — and the mRNA in the shots “is not intact.” Both of these pose potentially serious problems. In an Aug. 31 Substack article, Steve Kirsch explains: “Even if you are getting 100% intact mRNA which would be really rare, you’re still not getting anything that resembles the virus. So the efficacy as far as PROTECTING you will be next to nothing.
“However, what it will do very effectively, if you got reasonably intact mRNA, is to cause you significant harm. You are playing a game of chance with your immune system and what is in the bottle.” The video notes that members of the European Parliament were only allowed to read the contracts with the drug makers after they’d been heavily redacted. Why the heavy-handed secrecy, even toward legislators?
Metro Health offers San Antonians $100 gift card incentive for booster jabs | added September 14
Read more at News4SA
SAN ANTONIO – Metro Health is giving San Antonians an incentive to get vaccinated against covid-19. Metro Health Clinics and some pop-up vaccination sites are offering a $100 H-E-B gift card to each person who receives any covid-19 vaccination, including the bivalent vaccines.
The original, monovalent, Pfizer boosters are available to children 5 to 11 years of age. To be eligible for the bivalent booster vaccination: After 2 months since completing your primary series or since your last booster. If you never got a booster and are at least 12 years old — this will be a good time to get one. These are available at Metro Health sites. We expect community covid levels to rise in the fall and winter as people gather indoors, especially around holidays.
If you already got one or two boosters — you are eligible for the updated booster two months after your last dose. If you had covid — you will experience stronger and broader protection than anyone else from this shot. CDC says you can wait 3 months after your infection to get the booster. Updated boosters are especially important for people ages 65 and up, whose hospitalizations are as high during omicron as they were during the delta wave.
Study examines how ‘conscientious objection’ to mRNA inoculations is reason enough for refusing experimental drug shots | added September 14
Read more at International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice and Research
In the context of mass vaccination campaigns, the most widely used vaccines in Western countries are based on messenger RNA (mRNA). Some countries have imposed mandatory vaccination and many others have required a vaccination passport to access public transportation and many activities, producing systemic discrimination, social exclusion, segregation, and stigmatization against non-vaccinated individuals.
This paper aims to present several scientific uncertainties on which, conscientious objectors to mRNA injections as a preventive treatment for covid-19, could rely. Scientific data are presented on mRNA vaccines, which consist in mRNAs wrapped in lipid nanoparticles. Never used as a prophylactic drug, artificial mRNAs delivered to our cells forces them to express, against their nature, a biologically active viral protein.
Unlike a drug produced in a pharmaceutical factory and formulated at a known dose and a well-defined protein product profile, the mRNA vaccine acts as a pro-drug encoding for the viral Spike protein of the virus to be produced by our own cells; both the dose and the quality of the proteins produced are unknown. We also ignore the distribution of the lipid nanoparticles carrying this mRNA in our body. We consider that the “conscientious objection” raised by the above considerations is a reason enough to refuse mRNA vaccines or similar technologies as a preventive treatment against covid-19.
CDC admits false claims over monitoring ‘covid’ vaccine injuries; still won’t reveal full data | added September 14
Read more at The Daily Skeptic
The Director of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has acknowledged publicly for the first time that the agency gave false information about its covid-19 vaccine safety monitoring. Dr. Rochelle Walensky admitted that her agency falsely claimed it was carrying out robust safety monitoring in 2021 and that it only actually did so from March 2022 – but it still refuses to release the full data. The Epoch Times has the story.
Dr. Rochelle Walensky, the [CDC’s] Director, said in a letter made public on September 12th that the CDC did not analyse certain types of adverse event reports at all in 2021, despite the agency previously saying it started in February 2021. “CDC performed PRR analysis between March 25th 2022, through July 31st 2022,” Walensky said. “CDC also recently addressed a previous statement made to the Epoch Times to clarify PRR were not run between February 26th 2021 to September 30th 2021.”
Walensky’s agency had promised in several documents, starting in early 2021, to perform a type of analysis called Proportional Reporting Ratio (PRR) on reports submitted to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System, which it helps manage. But the agency said in June that it did not perform PRRs. It also said that performing them was “outside th[e] agency’s purview”. Confronted with the contradiction, Dr. John Su, a CDC official, told the Epoch Times in July that the agency started performing PRRs in February 2021 and “continues to do so to date.”
‘Monkeypox’ cases subside in Europe and North America, still no shots for African countries | added September 14
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ABUJA, Nigeria (AP) — With monkeypox cases subsiding in Europe and parts of North America, many scientists say now is the time to prioritize stopping the virus in Africa. In July, the U.N. health agency designated monkeypox as a global emergency and appealed to the world to support African countries so that the catastrophic vaccine inequity that plagued the outbreak of covid-19 wouldn’t be repeated.
But the global spike of attention has had little impact on the continent. No rich countries have shared vaccines or treatments with Africa, and some experts fear interest may soon evaporate. “Nothing has changed for us here, the focus is all on monkeypox in the West,” said Placide Mbala, a virologist who directs the global health research department at Congo’s Institute of Biomedical Research.
“The countries in Africa where monkeypox is endemic are still in the same situation we have always been, with weak resources for surveillance, diagnostics and even the care of patients,” he said. Monkeypox has sickened people in parts of West and Central Africa since the 1970s, but it wasn’t until the disease triggered unusual outbreaks in Europe and North America that public health officials even thought to use vaccines
Twitter “whistleblower” raises concern that censorship security measures are not strict enough | added September 14
Read more at Off Guardian
A new Twitter “whistleblower” has come forward. Peiter “Mudge” Zatko, allegedly a former hacker and Twitter’s ex-head of security, testified in front of congress today, with dire warnings about the business practices of the social media giant. Did he talk about the company’s egregious attacks on their users’ free speech under the guise of “protecting” the public?
Did he mention the suppression of alternative and independent journalism through practices such as “shadow-banning” and discretely removing followers? Perhaps he told them about how, like all major social media platforms, it is so cross-pollinated with intelligence assets it may as well be considered just another branch of the Deep State.
No, none of that. His main concern is that Twitter’s security is too lax, and that the platform’s “cyber-security failures” leave it potentially open to “exploitation” that can “cause real harm to real people”. According to the write-up of his testimony in The Guardian, “Zatko said Twitter runs out-of-date and vulnerable software on more than half of its data center servers and that in “multiple episodes” the platform was breached by foreign intelligence agencies.”
TERRIBLE ‘covid’ rules with Bill Maher | added September 14
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Bill Maher tells it like it is when it comes to ‘covid’ lies and corruption.
Indian court orders Bill Gates to respond in case filed over woman’s death from AstraZeneca shot | added September 13
Read more at The Defender
An Indian court ordered Bill Gates, the Indian government and the Serum Institute of India — the world’s largest vaccine manufacturer — to provide formal responses relating to a case filed by the father of a woman who died after receiving AstraZeneca’s Covishield covid-19 vaccine.
The High Court of Judicature at Bombay set a Nov. 17 deadline for the responses and scheduled a hearing for the same day. In a lawsuit filed in February, Dilip Lunawat alleged his daughter, Snehal Lunawat, died March 1, 2021, of complications arising from the Covishield vaccine. He is seeking compensation of ₹1000 crores (approximately $126 million).
According to the lawsuit, Lunawat “lost his elder daughter. His loss can neither be explained in words nor can be compensated in terms of money. Only some sort of succour can be done by awarding compensation.” Defendants in the case include Adar Poonawalla, CEO of the Serum Institute; Bill Gates, in his role as partner in the development of the Covishield vaccine; the Indian Ministry of Health and Family Welfare; the Indian State of Maharashtra; India’s drug controller general; the former director of the All India Institute of Medical Science and others.
NY Gov. Hochul ends ‘covid state of emergency’ while urging people to get updated booster jabs | added September 13
Read more at Local SYR
ALBANY, N.Y. (WTEN) — Governor Kathy Hochul is not extending the covid-19 state disaster emergency. The emergency is set to expire at midnight on September 12.
Hochul made the announcement about her covid emergency powers during a gaggle with the media after the National Urban League event Monday morning. “I will not be renewing them this time,” said Hochul. Hochul said the state of emergency was an important tool to fight the pandemic. She said the emergency powers let the state secure covid testing kits and allow the state to send the tests to out-of-state labs.
Hochul also encourages residents to get the new booster shot. She said her team is watching the covid numbers and they have gone down significantly “We’re in a different place now. We’ve been making announcements about taking masks off on public transportation. We have a new booster shot as of a few days ago,” said Hochul.
Ten U.S. states still have ‘covid emergency’ orders in place | added September 13
Read more at The Hill
New York Gov. Kathy Hochul (D) announced Monday that she will end the state’s covidD-19 state of emergency amid falling case numbers and rising criticism. While the covid-19 pandemic has faded as a major concern for much of the American public, there are still 10 states across the U.S. with emergency orders in place.
States first declared public emergencies in March 2020 and governors kept renewing them until around the spring of 2022, when the pandemic eased after a brutal winter surge driven by the omicron variant. Unless renewed, nearly all of the emergency declarations in the remaining 10 states will expire by the beginning of 2023.
Here are the 10 states with orders still in effect, as of Sept. 12.
Gov. Gavin Newsom (D) extended the covid-19 state of emergency in June. But he has also been “responsibly winding down” pandemic executive orders, leaving 5 percent of covid-related provisions in place, according to a June 17 statement from Newsom’s office.
Expectant mothers appear more hesitant to receive experimental ‘covid’ jabs | added September 13
Read more at The Epoch Times
Expectant mothers appear more hesitant to receive covid-19 shots than the general population, as unpublished data show that vaccination rates for this group are much lower than the national average, says a report by the National Advisory Committee on Immunization (NACI).
“The uptake of covid-19 vaccine has been lower among pregnant people compared to non-pregnant people in Canada,” said the report, titled “Updated Guidance On Covid-19 Vaccines For Individuals Who Are Pregnant Or Breastfeeding,” published on Sept. 9, and first reported by Blacklock’s Reporter. “Preliminary unpublished evidence in Ontario indicates that primary series vaccine coverage among pregnant people (71%) was 16 percentage points lower than in the general female population of reproductive age in Ontario by the end of 2021.”
NACI has been recommending pregnant women get vaccinated against covid-19 since May 2021. The report says that since the advisory committee began studying the vaccines for pregnant women “additional evidence has accumulated further supporting the safety of mRNA covid-19 vaccines in pregnancy and breastfeeding.”
Florida Governor Ron DeSantis states medical elites were “wrong” over ‘covid’ shot efficacy | added September 13
Read more at InfoWars
Florida Governor Ron DeSantis (R) put the medical establishment on notice Sunday during a conference in Miami, arguing that they were “wrong” about the “efficacy” of mRNA technology used in the covid vaccines.
During his keynote address at the Miami National Conservatism Conference, DeSantis blasted the health bureaucrats for imposing damaging covid mitigation strategies like lockdowns and vaccine mandates. “We rejected the elites, and we were right. They’re now trying to rewrite history acting like they wanted kids in school all along,” DeSantis told the audience.
“Not only were they wrong about schools, the elites were wrong about lockdowns, they were wrong about epidemiological models and the hospitalization models.” “They were wrong about forced masking,” he continued. “They were wrong when they rejected the existence of natural immunity. They were wrong about the efficacy of the mRNA vaccines, and they were wrong when I said covid was seasonal — now they admit it — but they didn’t when it was obvious that that was the case.”
Yeah, still not sold on climate change causing ‘covid’…
Justin Bieber postpones tour over health; Jane Fonda diagnosed with third type of cancer | added September 13
Read more at Mark Crispin Miller Substack
TV actress Pauley Perrette had “massive stroke” last year; Tulsa anchor Julie Chin had stroke (on TV) last week; QB Sam Hartman was sidelined by blood clots; and an odd 9-car crash in Mission Viejo.
UNITED STATES, Justin Bieber postpones ‘Justice’ world tour, citing exhaustion: ‘I need to make my health the priority right now’, September 6, 2022—Justin Bieber has been forced to suspend the rest of his world tour after suffering a health setback. The 28-year-old pop star announced in a Tuesday post on his Instagram story that he has dealt with exhaustion while trying to get back on tour, and that the effort “took a real toll on me.”
“I realized that I need to make my health the priority right now,” he wrote. “So I’m going to take a break from touring for the time being.” Earlier in the summer, Bieber postponed a series of concerts in New York City, Washington, D.C. and Toronto and revealed he had been diagnosed with Ramsay Hunt syndrome, a rare neurological condition.
NFL player Aaron Rodgers convinced California is failing after draconian ‘covid’ lockdowns killed thousands of small businesses | added September 13
Read more at Yahoo News
NFL player Aaron Rodgers said he’s convinced California is headed down a ruinous path after the state’s Democratic state legislators and governor implemented draconian covid-19 shutdowns and restrictions that killed tens of thousands of businesses.
“The state’s going to s**t, but I’m hanging on. I grew up in a small town, very little cases up in Chico, California, but all the small businesses? F***ing gone,” he said on Bill Maher’s Club Random podcast.
By September 2020, 40,000 small businesses in California were estimated to have closed, according to Yelp data analyzed by the New York Times. A state legislative committee reported in May 2021 that nearly a third of California’s restaurants permanently closed and two-thirds of workers at least temporarily lost their jobs as the first statewide lockdown was imposed a year prior.
‘Covid’ and 9/11 narratives intertwined | added September 13
Watch the video on Off Guardian
In 2021, on the 20th Anniversary of 9/11, Off-Guardian asked 15 experts, including scientists, medical practitioners, journalists and activists, to share their views on 9/11 and the covid-19 narrative.
Perhaps these two narratives have more in common than we realise? A global War on Terror filtering into a global war against a virus, both instrumental in cracking down on personal liberties, both instilling unprecedented fear into world populations. Both, many argue, completely orchestrated.
To mark the 21st Anniversary of 9/11 we present all our 15 experts’ views in a new single cut. As you watch, allow yourself to consider, what can we learn from twenty tangled years of overlapping, overarching agendas? What can we learn when narratives intertwine?
‘Covid’ lockdowns by communist China induces food shortages and online pleas for help | added September 13
Read more at South China Morning Post
The plight of the 4.5 million people in Xinjiang’s Ili Kazakh autonomous prefecture highlights the danger of local governments stretching beyond their limits to enforce an obviously unsustainable zero-covid policy.
It is the fourth time the prefecture has been locked down in the three years of the pandemic and so far it has lasted more than 40 days. The lockdown has induced a food crisis, forcing many people to brave the risk of harsh punishment to vent their grievances and plead for help online.
Beijing has ordered local governments to adopt a nuanced approach to restrictions, saying limits should reflect the risk levels based on the number of cases in a residential compound or a street. And, Ili authorities have not imposed an official prefecture-wide lockdown. But from posts online, many people appear to have been locked in their homes for weeks and grass-roots cadres simply did not have the capacity to carry out the fine-tuned approach Beijing has called for.
‘Covid’ shots destroy natural immunity, shows New England Journal of Medicine study | added September 12
Read more at New England Journal of Medicine
On October 29, 2021, the Food and Drug Administration authorized the BNT162b2 vaccine (Pfizer–BioNTech) for emergency use in children 5 to 11 years of age, on the basis of an immunobridging study and a small efficacy study. Recent case–control studies have shown modest short-term effectiveness of the BNT162b2 vaccine in this age group during the early phase of the period when the B.1.1.529 (omicron) variant of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) was spreading (from mid-December 2021 to mid-February 2022).
We conducted a large cohort study over a 6-month period when the omicron variant was dominant. Here, we report on the protection conferred by the BNT162b2 vaccine and by previous SARS-CoV-2 infection against infection and coronavirus disease 2019 (covid-19)–related hospitalization and death in children 5 to 11 years of age.
The data sources and statistical methods for this study have been described previously, and new details are provided in the Supplementary Methods section in the Supplementary Appendix, available with the full text of this letter at NEJM.org. Among 887,193 children 5 to 11 years of age in the study, 193,346 SARS-CoV-2 infections occurred between March 11, 2020, and June 3, 2022; a total of 309 of the infected children were known to be hospitalized, and 7 were known to have died (Table S1 in the Supplementary Appendix). A total of 273,157 children had received at least one dose of the BNT162b2 vaccine between November 1, 2021, and June 3, 2022.
‘Covid’ illness shrinks U.S. labor force by half a million people | added September 12
Read more at Wall Street Journal
Illness caused by covid-19 shrank the U.S. labor force by around 500,000 people, a hit that is likely to continue if the virus continues to sicken workers at current rates, according to a new study released Monday.
Millions of people left the labor force—the number of people working or looking for work—during the pandemic for various reasons, including retirement, lack of child care and fear of covid. The total size of the labor force reached 164.7 million people in August, exceeding the February 2020 prepandemic level for the first time.
The labor force would have 500,000 more members if not for the people sickened by covid, according to the study’s authors, economists Gopi Shah Goda of Stanford University and Evan J. Soltas, at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. “If we stay where we are with covid infection rates going forward, we expect that 500,000-person loss to persist until either exposure goes down or severity goes down,” said Mr. Soltas. That assumes that some of those previously sickened eventually return to work.
CityMD drops surprise ‘covid’ testing bills on people who thought they were free during pandemic | added September 12
Read more at Gothamist
Over the course of the pandemic, many New Yorkers and New Jerseyans flocked to the nearest CityMD to get a covid-19 test whenever they started to feel sick or wanted to be safe before visiting family. But some of those who braved the long lines at the urgent care chain earlier in the pandemic are now getting billed hundreds of dollars for a service they thought would be free.
CityMD patients have taken to Twitter this summer to decry the recent charges, some of which are for tests that took place as far back as 2020. Some say they are specifically being billed for an “office visit” associated with a covid-19 test, rather than the test itself. It’s unclear how many people are affected by the charges, but CityMD has become ubiquitous in the New York City area, with more than 135 locations across the five boroughs and Long Island as well as in Westchester and Rockland counties and New Jersey.
One of those hit by the “office visit” charge was Paige Perry, an Astoria resident who said she received a $300 bill from CityMD last month. “At first when I got the email, I was like, ‘Is this a scam?” Perry said. “I didn’t know for sure if it was actually from CityMD because I hadn’t been in forever.” Upon closer examination, Perry saw that the bill was for a visit on Dec. 16, 2020, when she remembers getting tested before flying home to Texas to see her family for the holidays.
Americans struggle to make ends meet with failing ‘health-care system’ | added September 12
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WASHINGTON (AP) — When Emmanuel Obeng-Dankwa is worried about making rent on his New York City apartment, he sometimes holds off on filling his blood pressure medication. “If there’s no money, I prefer to skip the medication to being homeless,” said Obeng-Dankwa, a 58-year-old security guard.
He is among a majority of adults in the U.S. who say that health care is not handled well in the country, according to a new poll from The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research. The poll reveals that public satisfaction with the U.S. health care system is remarkably low, with fewer than half of Americans saying it is generally handled well. Only 12% say it is handled extremely or very well. Americans have similar views about health care for older adults.
Overall, the public gives even lower marks for how prescription drug costs, the quality of care at nursing homes and mental health care are being handled, with just 6% or less saying those health services are done very well in the country. “Navigating the American health care system is exceedingly frustrating,” said A. Mark Fendrick, the director of the University of Michigan Center for Value-Based Insurance Design. “The covid pandemic has only made it worse.”
NYC casually ushers in new ‘covid’ booster jab with no emergency response initiatives | added September 12
Read more at Patch
NEW YORK CITY — A new covid-19 vaccine booster tailored to fight coronavirus variants is in New York City, but a massive, government-run rollout isn’t in the cards, the city’s top doctor said. The bivalent booster will be available at just seven city-run walk-in clinics, in addition to 11 public hospitals, health officials announced Friday.
Hundreds of pharmacies and health care providers will instead shoulder the vaccination drive, according to information released by the city’s health department. Indeed, the city’s role in the rollout is significantly stepped down from past covid-19 vaccination campaigns, which saw large-scale sites where people lined up for shots, as health Commissioner Ashwin Vasan acknowledged Thursday.
“I will say clearly that we have seen a pullback of congressional emergency funds, so don’t expect to see an emergency response with popup tents and mass vaccination sites,” he said. “We are leaning on our healthcare system. We are leaning on primary care providers, we are leaning on our hospital systems, and chain pharmacies as well.”
New Zealand scraps ‘covid’ mask and vax mandates declaring it’s “time to safely turn the page” | added September 12
Read more at The Guardian
Jacinda Ardern has declared it “time to safely turn the page” on New Zealand’s covid-19 restrictions, scrapping all but a handful of remaining rules. New Zealand, which once eliminated the virus through the toughest pandemic rules in the world, has made relaxations similar to Australian or European conditions.
Mask-wearing will no longer be mandatory in public places, and the last vaccine mandates will be ditched in two weeks under sweeping changes announced by the prime minister on Monday. However, the government is sticking by a seven-day isolation period for people with virus, defying calls to shorten isolation to five days.
New Zealand suffered a major omicron wave during winter that killed more Kiwis than any other outbreak of the pandemic. The death toll is now 1950 people, growing from about 50 at the turn of the year, and 500 four months ago. However, both case numbers and the government’s key metric – hospitalisations – have dropped sharply in recent weeks, giving the government confidence to move past onerous restrictions.
Climate activists, Indigenous peoples rally against construction of Mountain Valley Pipeline | added September 12
Read more at The Defender
Climate activists from as far away as Alaska, Indigenous peoples and Appalachians rallied in Washington, D.C., Thursday against the construction of the Mountain Valley Pipeline.
The protest — No Sacrifice Zones! — spoke out against concessions to West Virginia Sen. Joe Manchin included in the Inflation Reduction Act that would expedite the pipeline slated to cut through Appalachia, as Sen. Bernie Sanders gave an address on the Senate floor calling it a “disastrous side deal” to the Inflation Reduction Act that undermines climate activism.
We speak with two environmental activists in D.C. who helped organize the protest, Crystal Cavalier-Keck and Russell Chisholm. “We do not want this dirty deal that Senator Joe Manchin is pushing forward,” said Cavalier-Keck. “This project must be stopped, and these extractive industries that create sacrifice zones must also be stopped,” said Chisholm.
Three California hospitals sued for failing to provide informed consent with deadly drug remdesivir | added September 12
Read more at The Epoch Times
Three hospitals in California face lawsuits alleging they treated patients with the controversial antiviral drug remdesivir without receiving informed consent, using a protocol which two attorneys allege led to wrongful death.
Daniel Watkins with Watkins & Letofsky and Michael Hamilton with Hamilton & Associates filed three complaints—one against Saint Agnes Medical Center, Community Regional Medical Center, and Clovis Community Medical Center—in the Superior Court of California in Fresno County on Sept. 7. Clovis Medical Center Community Medical Center, Community Regional Medical Center, and Saint Agnes Medical Center told The Epoch Times that they couldn’t comment on pending litigation.
Watkins and Hamilton discussed the lawsuit the day of the filing at an event called, “Remdesivir Death: Landmark Lawsuit,” where they were joined by medical advocates such as Dr. Peter McCullough, Dr. Bryan Ardis, Dr. Angie Farella, and Dr. Janci Linsay, all of whom have spoken out against the use of remdesivir. Watkins said they filed the lawsuits on the behalf of 14 Fresno-area families who allege that the hospitals engaged in medical deception and failed to provide informed consent in relating the potential side effects, such as kidney failure.
Remembering Queen Elizabeth: What caused her death? | added September 12
Read more at Mark Crispin Miller Substack
At the risk of seeming crass at this Sad Moment (which “our free press” will now embellish with their usual restraint and dignity), I urge that we remember, in the days and weeks to come, that (1) Queen Elizabeth (reportedly) was triple- “vaccinated,” and (2) then, roughly one year later, caught “covid,” which she (reportedly) had trouble getting over (assuming she got over it); and (3) now she’s dead.
I think we should remember those three facts, since “our free press” clearly wants us to forget both (1) and (2), screaming—with their usual lucidity and honesty—that Her Majesty was not killed by her “vaccination.” Here’s the “evidence” that she most certainly was not, as marshaled by the Einsteins at Politifact:
Her son, now King Charles, said in a statement posted on Twitter that he and his family “mourn profoundly the passing of a cherished Sovereign and a much-loved Mother.” He didn’t mention the covid-19 vaccine. Elizabeth and her late husband, Prince Philip, were first vaccinated against covid-19 in January 2021. She tested positive for covid-19 about a year later. News reports then noted that she had been fully vaccinated and received a booster shot by the time of her diagnosis.
Bill Burr, You People Are All The Same | added September 12
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Dare to be different.
Psychologists speak on the need for 9/11 truth
Read more at Planet Waves FM from Chiron Return
Dear Friend and Reader:
In the endless torrent of commentary on the Sept. 11 incident, Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth stands out among them all.
It’s an organization of 3,500 licensed professional skyscraper and building designers who have proven that the official goernment narrative does not work, at all, for every reason.
This is not a theory or a “conspiracy theory,” as Wikipedia proclaims. It’s expert scientific testimony which has yet to be successfully refuted. Paraphrasing one of the engineers who was interviewed in the film, there’s a reason you feel safe standing on a platform 500 feet above the ground. We design them that way.
Taking the Spiritual Angle
Yet in their first documentary, AE911Truth they did something that I admire greatly: they looked at the spiritual angle, in the form of inviting psychologists to comment on the trauma and the need for healing (the link takes you directly to the audio). This presentation will offer some solace to those who are still asking, “Why?”
New Yorkers rally to demand Mayor Eric Adams end ‘covid’ vax mandates for city workers | added September 11
Read more at CBS News
NEW YORK — Dozens of people rallied Friday outside City Hall, asking Mayor Eric Adams to end the covid-19 vaccine mandate for city workers and give them their jobs back. As CBS2’s Andrea Grymes reported, they want him to follow updated Centers for Disease Control guidance.
There were plenty of emotions former New York City employees — from firefighters to educators to police officers. “This is harder than running into a burning building,” ex-firefighter Bernadette Mejia said. “We had the backs of this city and the city turned their back on us,” former Department of Education paraprofessional Joy Amanda said.
“Mr. Mayor, if you care about us, tear down this mandate now,” ex-cop Marjel Kola added. They all spoke out on the steps of City Hall, demanding Adams follow the latest CDC guidance and do away with vaccine mandates for city workers. They said they believe more than 2,000 have been terminated or put on unpaid leave. “Remember when we were told to follow the science? Remember that? Well, what happened to that?” Queens City Councilman Robert Holden said.
Wisconsin Healthcare workers granted ‘covid’ shot medical and religious exemptions now forced to get Novavax in order to keep jobs | added September 11
Read more at The Defender
A Wisconsin hospital this week said it is withdrawing medical and religious exemptions for some employees from the hospital’s covid-19 vaccine mandate, giving those employees until Sept. 21 to get the Novavax vaccine.
Froedtert & the Medical College of Wisconsin, which operates 11 hospitals and more than 45 health centers and clinics throughout the midwest and employs more than 2,000 physicians, in an email said the Novavax vaccine option “eliminates conflicts” for those who originally declined covid-19 vaccination for religious or medical reasons.
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration in July granted Emergency Use Authorization of the Novavax covid-19 vaccine for adults ages 18 and up. While the prior covid-19 vaccines made by Pfizer, Moderna and Johnson & Johnson used fetal cell lines from unborn fetuses in various stages of development and testing, the Novavax vaccine is made differently and does not use human fetal cell lines.
Chinese President Xi to meet Putin for first time since Ukraine war | added September 11
Read more at Aljazeera
Chinese President Xi Jinping and Russian President Vladimir Putin are expected to meet next week in Uzbekistan, as Beijing and Moscow ramp up economic cooperation in the face of Western-led censure and sanctions.
The two leaders are due to meet on the sidelines of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) summit taking place September 15-16, Russian Ambassador to China Andrey Denisov told reporters on Wednesday, according to the Russian state news agency Tass. The meeting is the latest signal of warming ties between China and Russia, which have declared a “no limits” friendship amid mounting economic challenges at home and increasingly strained relations with the United States and its allies overseas.
On Tuesday, Russia’s state-run energy giant Gazprom said it had signed an agreement with China to settle payments for gas in yuan and roubles instead of US dollars — part of a push by Moscow to lessen its reliance on the US financial system after being hit with numerous rounds of sanctions over its war in Ukraine.
WSJ reports that ‘covid’ is still killing hundreds of Americans daily | added September 11
Read more at The Wall Street Journal
Mark Pfundheller promptly got his first two covid-19 shots and a booster, his family said, knowing the disease was a threat related to treatment for an inflammatory disorder that compromised his immune system.
The 66-year-old former aviation consultant for Wisconsin’s Transportation Department caught the virus in April at a family wedding near his home in southern Wisconsin, where many guests were infected. Mr. Pfundheller died in a Madison, Wis., hospital on July 2 after an illness including time on a ventilator.
His was one of nearly 200,000 covid-19 deaths in the U.S. this year, according to death-certificate data. While the virus has become less risky for many thanks in part to immunity from vaccines and prior infections, it is still killing hundreds each day. Most are older people, and many have underlying health conditions and compromised immune systems, doctors said. “I don’t think people realize that this is still a big deal,” Mr. Pfundheller’s daughter Jamie Pfundheller said.
Could climate change really cause new infectious disease? | added September 11
Read more at ABC News
The likelihood of an extreme epidemic, or one similar to covid-19, will increase threefold in the coming decades, according to a recent study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
The researchers used data from epidemics from the past 400 years, specifically death rates, length of previous epidemics and the rate of new infectious diseases. Their calculation is a sophisticated prediction based on known risks and can be a useful guide for policy makers and public health officials. They also found that the probability of a person experiencing a pandemic like covid-19 in one’s lifetime is around 38%. The researchers said this could double in years to come.
The probability of another pandemic is “going to probably increase because of all of the environmental changes that are occurring,” Willian Pan, an associate professor of Global Environmental Health at Duke University and one of the study’s authors, told ABC News. Scientists are looking closely at the relationship between climate changes and zoonotic diseases, like covid-19.
China locks down broadcast journalism students, ‘zero-covid policy’ sparks mass protests | added September 11
Read more at 13 WTHR
Almost 500 students at China’s premier college for broadcast journalists have been sent to a quarantine center after a handful of covid-19 cases were detected in their dormitory. The 488 students, 19 teachers and five assistants at Communication University of China were transferred by bus beginning Friday night.
The move underscores China’s relentless enforcement of its strict “zero-covid” policy, even as virtually every other country has sought to return to normal life with the help of vaccines and medications to fight the virus.
As of last week, approximately 65 million people in China were under lockdown despite just 1,248 new cases of domestic transmission being reported Sunday. The lockdowns have sparked protests and have exacted a major toll on the economy.
Artificial Intelligence expert works to defeat censorship of ‘covid’ jab deaths and injuries | added September 11
Read more at The Epoch Times
Tiago Henriques, a seasoned artificial intelligence expert who noticed that news of adverse reactions to covid-19 vaccines were highly censored in the media, decided to create a Facebook group that lets the vaccine-injured and their loved ones share their stories.
Most Facebook pages on the topic of vaccine side effects and adverse events get removed very quickly by the social media platform, managing to get only a few thousand followers. With technical skills and the use of methods that stay within the confines of Facebook’s terms of service, Henriques and his team managed to keep their page up much longer, getting over 245,000 followers to date.
The Facebook group “Died Suddenly News” was created in late June 2021. Members of the private group share personal stories of people they know who have developed serious medical conditions or even died shortly after receiving the covid-19 shots.
Remembering 9/11: Physics of high-rise building collapses | added September 11
Read more at Off Guardian
Republished as part of our 9/11: From the Archives series, where we revisit some of OffG’s best 9/11 articles over the years for the benefit of our post-covid audience.
* * *
In August 2002, the U.S. National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) launched what would become a six-year investigation of the three building failures that occurred on September 11, 2001 (9/11): the well-known collapses of the World Trade Center (WTC) Twin Towers that morning and the lesser-known collapse late that afternoon of the 47-story World Trade Center Building 7, which was not struck by an airplane.
NIST conducted its investigation based on the stated premise that the WTC Towers and WTC 7 [were] the only known cases of total structural collapse in high-rise buildings where fires played a significant role.” Indeed, neither before nor since 9/11 have fires caused the total collapse of a steel-framed high-rise—nor has any other natural event, with the exception of the 1985 Mexico City earthquake, which toppled a 21-story office building.
Truth matters.
Washington Gov. Joy Inslee announces an end to all ‘covid’ state of emergency orders by Halloween | added September 9
Read more at Komo News
OLYMPIA, Wash. — The remaining covid-19 emergency orders are finally set to expire. Gov. Jay Inslee announced Thursday he is ending the orders and state of emergency by October 31. There were 85 total covid-19 emergency orders Inslee has put into place since the pandemic started, most are already lifted. There are 13 healthcare-related orders, which will end Oct. 27.
The rest, 10 of them, will be lifted Oct. 31. “We’ve come a long way the past two years in developing the tools that allow us to adapt and live with covid-19,” Inslee said. “Ending this order does not mean we take it less seriously or will lose focus on how this virus has changed the way we live. We will continue our commitments to the public’s well-being, but simply through different tools that are now more appropriate for the era we’ve entered.”
However, though Inslee is ending the emergency orders, he and public health leaders want to remind people masks and vaccines will keep the communities safe. “Governor Inslee’s rescission of these remaining emergency orders marks an important transition for the state of Washington, but that does not mean that covid-19 is not in our state anymore,” said Secretary of Health Umair A. Shah, MD, MPH. “We must move forward from a pandemic response to adapting our behaviors to coexist with the covid-19 virus.
Eric joins Issac George for “Crime of the Century (part 1)” on Sunday | added September 9
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Investigative journalist, Eric Coppolino will join Issac George this Sunday at 13:30 EST to discuss the covid crime.
New York City’s MTA mask mandate has finally been lifted; stays in place for health facilities | added September 9
Read more at NBC News
The MTA mask mandate implemented at the start of the pandemic is over, Gov. Kathy Hochul said. The rule also ends in for-hire vehicles, airports, homeless shelters, correctional facilities and detention centers statewide. It takes effect immediately.
Masking requirements remain in effect for adult care facilities and other health facilities regulated by the state Department of Health, she added. “Masks are encouraged but optional on our mass transit across our state of New York,” Hochul said. “If you choose not to have a mask, it’s your own risk assessment. You make your own determination but do not judge your fellow passengers on what their choices are.”
Hochul, a Democrat, had hinted at an imminent end to the transit COVID requirement a day ago, but Wednesday’s expected announcement has been a long time coming. She said in mid-April the mask mandate would remain in effect for the “short-term,” but the emergence of omicron subvariants BA.2.12.1 and BA.2.12 and a corresponding uptick in hospitalizations soon followed. Then came the most contagious covid strain yet in BA.5.
A festival in a field for medical freedom | added September 9
Read more at Uniting NYS
Dallas hospital faces ‘covid’ surge in kids as they head back to school | added September 9
Read more at FOX 4
DALLAS – Parkland Hospital says a surge in the covid-19 positivity rate is directly related to kids going back to school. The hospital’s positivity rate has spiked from 20% one week ago to 30%. It says kids are driving the increase. Dr. Joseph Chang is Chief Medical Officer for Parkland Health. He says the increase is only in kids. In that age group, case numbers have doubled.
“Two weeks ago, we saw the positivity rate go below 20%. We hadn’t seen that in a month and a half. We were all very excited about that, but then last week that number jumped up well above 30%,” he said. “In every age demographic, the number has gone down. There is only one where it is going up, and that is 17 and under.”
Dr. Chang says in addition to kids going back to school, low vaccination rates are to blame. “It’s no coincidence this is the least vaccinated age group, and that’s why it is so important for parents to get kids vaccinated,” he said. The Texas Department of Health and Human Services says fewer than two out of every 100 kids under 5 are vaccinated. “Attention to covid has gone down,” Dr. Chang said. “In some ways, that is good. But it can hurt us with complacency because their kids are still getting sick.”
Excess deaths linked to ‘covid’ shots in Germany goes without investigation | added September 9
Read more at The Defender
Truth was the first casualty in the war on covid-19. Trusted sources of medical information became propaganda outlets and when that wasn’t enough, governments that controlled the raw data on which medical analysis was based withheld and even falsified that data. All along, we have been piecing together indirect evidence.
It paints a picture of a devastating toll from vaccine injuries in the past year. No drug product in the past has come close to causing injuries on this scale. Injuries from the worst vaccines occurred at a rate of about 1/90th of the mRNA vaccines. Thalidomide maimed tens of thousands of European babies, but the U.S. Food and Drug Administration was still protecting us in 1961. Compare this to 1.4 million vaccine injuries and 30,000 deaths in the last year-and-a-half, counting only those that were reported to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System, or VAERS.
The only comparable drug disaster was oxycontin, which led to about 20,000 overdose deaths in its worst year. The evidence is radioactive. No one in government wants to count up the deaths and injuries because of the political ramifications. Most medical researchers, even at universities, depend on money from the National Institutes of Health and the drug industry.
Australia drops mask mandates for domestic and international flights: “No longer proportionate in the current context” | added September 9
Read more at The Epoch Times
People travelling to Australia will no longer be required to wear masks, one week after the government dropped the mask mandate for domestic flights. The move, which takes effect on Sept. 9, comes as covid-19 restrictions continue to be axed across the nation. Federal Health Minister Mark Butler said the mask mandate was removed on the advice of the Chief Medical Officer that it is “no longer proportionate in the current context.”
“The requirement to wear masks on international flights to Australia was first implemented in January 2021 to reduce the risk of transmission of covid-19 on board flights,” he said. “I encourage everyone travelling overseas to be mindful of the continuing risk of covid-19 and to take personal precautions to stop the spread and stay safe.”
Under the new rules, travellers who tested positive for covid-19 with no symptoms will need to isolate for five days. Meanwhile, workers in aged, disability and home care still need to isolate for seven days, regardless of whether they are symptomatic or not. It comes as Australian states and territories will no longer publish daily updates on covid-19 cases, with Health Minister of the Australian Capital Territory (ACT) Rachel Stephen-Smith deeming it “not as important as it was.”
Second U.S. fatality attributed to ‘monkeypox’ reported in California | added September 9
Read more at CBS News
Health authorities are now investigating what role monkeypox may have played in the death of a person diagnosed with the virus, officials in California said Thursday. This is the second known person to die in the U.S. after contracting the virus during the current outbreak.
The announcement comes less than a month after officials in Texas confirmed they were investigating a potential death from the virus. California has tallied 4,140 monkeypox cases, more than any other state in the country. Aside from weeks of excruciating rashes and lesions, authorities have said most cases in the outbreak have gotten better with only minimal treatment. Only a handful of reported cases have faced more dangerous symptoms.
The CDC says young children under eight years old, people who are pregnant or immunocompromised and people with a history of eczema “may be at especially increased risk for severe outcomes” from the virus. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported early data on Thursday suggesting that some people with HIV – who make up a large portion of cases in the outbreak so far – may be at higher risk of being hospitalized with the disease, especially if their HIV was untreated.
FDA has known about the risk of shedding after vaccines according to documents | added September 9
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In 2015 the US Food and Drug Administration (“FDA”) issued guidance on how to conduct shedding studies during the preclinical and clinical development of virus or bacteria-based gene therapy products. Shedding, as described by the FDA, is the excretion or release of a product from a vaccinated person’s body.
The shed gene therapy product may be infectious and so raises safety concerns “related to the risk of transmission to untreated individuals.” Various studies and documents, including a study by Pfizer, indicate vaccine shedding and transmission are occurring. Would you trust anything that’s shed from a covid injection as good for you or anyone around you?
A University of Colorado study published in May provided evidence “for a new mechanism by which herd immunity may be manifested – the aerosol transfer of antibodies between immune and non-immune hosts.” Consistent with the results reported by others, the researchers detected antibodies in both vaccinated people’s saliva and their face masks. “Given these observations, we hypothesised that droplet/aerosolised antibody transfer might occur between individuals, much like droplet/aerosolised virus particles can be exchanged by the same route.”
Gavin Newson’s new bizarre rules | added September 9
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Two weeks to flatten the sun? Well, who would be surprised at this point? Happy weekend.
Federal judge in Big Tech censorship lawsuit gives Biden administration officials 21 days to hand over communications with social media platforms | added September 8
Read more at The Defender
A federal judge on Tuesday ordered top-ranking Biden administration officials — including Dr. Anthony Fauci and White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre — to hand over their communications with five social media giants within 21 days. The ruling stems from a lawsuit filed earlier this year by Missouri Attorney General Eric Schmitt and Louisiana Attorney General Jeffrey Landry alleging the Biden administration colluded with Big Tech firms Twitter, Meta (Facebook’s parent company), Youtube, Instagram and LinkedIn to censor certain viewpoints under the guise of preventing the circulation of “misinformation” or “disinformation.”
U.S. District Judge Terry Doughty in July ordered the Biden administration to swiftly produce records requested by the plaintiffs as part of the discovery process. On Aug. 2, Schmitt and Landry filed discovery requests seeking documents and information from the National Institute of Allergies and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) and its director, Fauci; White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre; Surgeon General Dr. Vivek Murthy; and former Disinformation Governance Board executive director Nina Jankowicz.
Attorneys for the plaintiffs also sent discovery requests to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC); the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency and its director, Jen Easterly; the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS); and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). The requests resulted in a cache of documents revealing more than 50 Biden administration workers and 12 U.S. agencies had been involved in a censorship push over social media.
White House ‘covid’ advisor quips that God gave us two arms, one each for flu and covid jabs | added September 8
Read more at National Review
“I really believe this is why God gave us two arms, one for the flu shot and the other one for the covid shot,” said White House covid response coordinator Dr. Ashish Jha at a Tuesday briefing while pitching the public on new, omicron-specific vaccine boosters. The briefing also featured familiar faces such as Dr. Anthony Fauci of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, Dr. Rochelle Walensky of the Centers for Disease Control, and Xavier Becerra, the secretary of Health and Human Services.
Jha’s quip about the teleology of human anatomy was presented as a joke, but given his company and employer, you could be forgiven for taking Jha literally. Both I and National Review institutionally have been strong proponents of the covid vaccines, which have saved no small number of lives and made a return to some semblance of normalcy possible.
However, the Biden administration’s vaccine advocacy can fairly be described as the product of religious dogma — a conviction that the human body was designed by the Divine Creator himself to accept the coronavirus vaccines as many times as possible — rather than of considered medical research. On July 21, 2021, President Biden declared that “you’re not going to get covid if you have these vaccinations.” Exactly one year later, the White House announced that its occupant — not two, not three, but four inoculations later — had contracted the virus.
Mandates versus Laws | added September 8
Read more at Attorney Bobbie Anne Cox Substack
This is something that seems to confuse a lot of people. Before covid19 was released on our shores, most Americans didn’t really ever give this a second thought. Yet, here in New York, when King Cuomo (as many common-sense New Yorkers dubbed him) forced everyone into lockdown in March of 2020, with the distinctly propagandized cry of “just for 2 weeks… 2 weeks to flatten the curve”, the difference between a law and a mandate became the difference between feast or famine for most.
Literally. As the King (totally illegally) cherry picked who was allowed to leave their homes, go to work, earn a living, move about freely, versus who had to lockdown for months on end and painfully watch their life’s work slip through their fingers, we witnessed the birth of a monarchy here in New York, which has continued to this day some 2.5 years later. Did you know that in just the first few months of the pandemic, bankruptcy filings in NYS surged 40%!?! And in NY and NJ alone, nearly 1/3 of small businesses went out of business in that same time period?!
Let me first say that Cuomo lacked the authority to single-handedly lockdown millions of New Yorkers. Despite Cuomo’s (and now Hochul’s) misplaced fantasies, I mean notions, to the contrary, New Yorkers need to understand that this is not a monarchy, and one man/woman does not get to decide who is “essential” and who is not! Cuomo’s false justification was that it was done in the name of public health and safety. Newsflash… the Constitution is not suspended during times of emergency! The United States Supreme Court has consistently held this time and again.
Scientists at Tel Aviv University demonstrate antibodies against ‘covid’ could eliminate need for shots | added September 8
Read more at SciTech Daily
A scientific breakthrough against covid-19 has been realized by Tel Aviv University. A team of scientists from the university has demonstrated that antibodies isolated from the immune system of recovered covid-19 patients are effective in neutralizing all known strains of the virus. This includes the delta and the omicron variants. This discovery may eliminate the need for repeated booster vaccinations and strengthen the immune system of populations at risk, according to the researchers.
Dr. Natalia Freund and doctoral students Michael Mor and Ruofan Lee of the Department of Clinical Microbiology and Immunology at the Sackler Faculty of Medicine led the research. The study was conducted in collaboration with Dr. Ben Croker of the University of California San Diego (UCSD). Prof. Ye Xiang of Tsinghua University in Beijing as well as Prof. Meital Gal-Tanamy and Dr. Moshe Dessau of Bar-Ilan University also took part in the study. The study was published on August 5 in the Nature journal Communications Biology.
The current study is a continuation of a preliminary study that was conducted in October 2020, at the height of the covid-19 crisis. At that time, Dr. Freund and her colleagues sequenced all the B immune system cells from the blood of people in Israel who had recovered from the original covid strain. They isolated nine antibodies that the patients produced. The scientists have now found that some of these antibodies are exceptionally effective in neutralizing the new coronavirus variants, delta and omicron.
Listen to the kitten…
New ‘covid’ lockdown studies reveal measures did not prevent spread of outbreak | added September 8
Read more at Nature
In March 2021, a doctor in Brazil named Ricardo Savaris published a now-discredited research paper that went viral on social media1. It had been a year since the first wave of the covid-19 pandemic forced governments to apply the desperate measures collectively known as lockdowns — cancelling sporting and cultural events, closing retail outlets, restaurants, schools and universities, and ordering people to stay at home.
At the time, countries were once again dialling lockdown policies up or down, as the Alpha variant of the coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 surged in different places. Lockdown measures did what they were supposed to. When they were enforced rigorously enough to reduce people’s social contacts sharply, they shrank covid-19 outbreaks; several studies had demonstrated this.
But Savaris, an obstetrician and gynaecologist at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul in Porto Alegre, tried a fresh analysis together with three colleagues (who worked in statistics, computer science and informatics). They compared 87 locations around the world, in pairs, to see whether a lower rate of covid-19 deaths correlated with greater time spent at home, assessed using anonymized cellphone data released by Google. In most cases, their paper in Scientific Reports concluded, it didn’t.
China’s Chengdu throws millions of residents into extended lockdown | added September 8
Read more at Reuters
BEIJING, Sept 8 (Reuters) – The Chinese city of Chengdu extended a lockdown for a majority of its more than 21 million residents on Thursday to prevent further transmission of covid-19 while millions more in other parts of China were told to shun travel in upcoming holidays.
Chengdu, the capital of southwestern China’s Sichuan province, was locked down on Sept. 1 after covid cases were detected, becoming the largest Chinese metropolis hit with curbs since Shanghai’s lockdown in April and May. Since last week, Chengdu has mostly reported fewer than 200 new infections a day, a tiny fraction compared with outbreaks in other parts of the world. It found 116 new cases for Sept. 7 versus 121 the day earlier, authorities said on Thursday.
The lockdown had been expected to be lifted on Wednesday but officials said late in the day that the virus still posed a risk in some areas and extended the lockdown for 16 million of the city’s residents. Those under lockdown will be tested every day and anyone who tests positive will be quarantined. Residents in areas deemed high-risk are not allowed out of their homes. Chengdu is aiming for zero new community infections within a week, its covid prevention and control command said in a statement.
Decline in ‘monkeypox’ cases reveals deepening racial disparities | added September 8
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The number of infections is slowing after hitting a high of 870 cases in a single day on Aug. 22. But the decline has revealed deepening racial divides. While cases in white men have dropped in recent weeks, Black people are making up a growing percentage of infections — nearly 38% during the final week of August, according to the latest data available. In the early weeks of the monkeypox outbreak, Black people made up less than a quarter of reported cases.
Latinos are also disproportionately infected, making up roughly a third of infections. That trend means that public health messaging and vaccines are not effectively reaching those communities, said Dr. Amesh Adalja, a senior scholar at the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security.
“That tells you there needs to be a major recalibration in your interventions,” Adalja said. “It’s not as impactful as it should be.” The Biden administration has struggled since the beginning with its response to the outbreak when it was first identified in May. A million doses of the vaccine were awaiting use in the strategic national stockpile, but the U.S. only had 2,000 of those on hand. Shipping and regulatory delays forced a monthslong wait for most of the remaining supply, as men lined up for hours outside clinics in major cities hoping to get the shot.
Funeral director states mysterious blood clots appear in 50-70 percent of deceased | added September 8
Watch the video on The Epoch Times
Embalming is a unique profession that prepares the body of a deceased person for the funeral. Part of this process involves draining the blood from the corpse and replacing it with embalming fluid to preserve the tissues. While draining the blood, embalmers sometimes come across blood clots in the veins and arteries.
Richard Hirschman, an embalmer of 20 years from Alabama, told The Epoch Times that usually he sees blood clots in the deceased between 5 to 10 percent of the time. But somewhere around 2021, maybe even earlier, some embalmers across the United States have been noticing a change in the blood of the deceased. Hirschman said he now sees abnormal clotting 50 to 70 percent of the time.
“In 20 years of embalming, I had never seen these white fibrous structures in the blood, nor have others in my field,” he said. In this episode of Frontline Health, we examine the photos of the mystery clots and have doctors weigh in on the possible causes.
In memory of those who ‘died suddenly’ in U.S. and worldwide from August 29-September 5 | added September 8
Read more at Mark Crispin Miller Substack
Doctors in the US, UK, Germany (2) and Italy (and a med student in Argentina); journalists in the US, Brazil, El Salvador and Italy; clerics in the US, Netherlands, Poland and Benin; and so many more.
Popular Reality Television Star Dies Suddenly
The star of the reality series Texas Flip N Move, Randy Martin, has passed away following a battle with cancer. Randy was just sixty-five when cancer took his life. The reality star was also known as “The Lone Wolf” during his appearances on his reality home renovation series. The death of the star was announced via a Facebook post along with a slideshow of images that showed how much fun Randy had during his work on the show. “We are broken-hearted to let you know that Randy passed away early this morning,” the star’s death statement read. [His wife] Judy told TMZ that her husband passed away from liver cancer after he was diagnosed with the disease in May 2022.
Dear Dr. Verkerk:
I read with great interest your Aug. 31 article on the existence of SARS-CoV-2. Thank you for giving attention to this important issue.
My name is Eric Coppolino and I lead the Chiron Return investigative team. We are the people who publish the comprehensive chronology, Covid19 News, and the journalists who recently wrote the article about imposter double-doctorate Poornima Wagh.
Way at the bottom of your article, you say that you “cut to the chase.” Yet what you wrote is not an accurate assessment of the positions of the people in the discussion.
You could simply say this:
The “no virus” side of the discussion is generally stating that various genetic sequences have been falsely declared as belonging to “SARS-CoV-2” are found only in computer simulations. These are hypothetical “genomes,” called in silico sequences, that have never been shown to match an actual virus or cause disease.
That’s about it. Why are these phony sequences even relevant?
Everyone I have interviewed (among the people you name, which is all of them) takes this position. I do not know of another. I am curious if you interviewed Drs. Bailey, Bailey, Cowan, Kaufman or Yeadon for your article. I do not see any of them quoted. You do not appear to have ever actually sought clarification of their point of view — from them. And this is why you misstate their position.
Read more on Planet Waves FM from Chiron Return
CDC officials acknowledge natural immunity in recommending people with recent ‘covid’ wait before getting ‘omicron’ booster | added September 7
Read more at CNBC
People who recently caught covid can wait a few months to get a new omicron booster, White House covid response coordinator Dr. Ashish Jha said on Tuesday. Studies have found people who caught covid after vaccination have substantial protection against the virus, though the data is based on omicron variants that are no longer circulating in the U.S. and immunity wanes over time.
“If you’ve had a recent infection or were recently vaccinated, it’s reasonable to wait a few months,” Jha told reporters during a new conference Tuesday. Jha said everyone else age 12 or older should get a booster shot as soon as they can, particularly the elderly, people with serious medical conditions and those with weak immune systems.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention last week cleared boosters that target the dominant omicron BA.5 subvariant. People ages 12 and up are eligible for the new shot at least two months after completing their primary two-dose series or their most recent booster with the old vaccines. People who are vaccinated and recently caught covid can wait three months to get their next shot, according to guidance from the CDC. Studies have shown that waiting a few months after an infection to get boosted can result in a stronger immune response from the shot, according to the CDC.
U.S. federal officials say new ‘covid’ boosters could be the last needed for a year | added September 7
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The U.S. has reached an important milestone in the pandemic, according to federal health officials. Going forward, covid-19 could be treated more like the flu, with one annual shot offering year-long protection against severe illness for most people.
“Barring any new variant curve balls, for a large majority of Americans we are moving to a point where a single, annual covid shot should provide a high degree of protection against serious illness all year,” said White House covid response coordinator Ashish Jha at a press briefing Tuesday. The federal government has started rolling out a new round of boosters for the fall — they are updated versions of the Moderna and Pfizer-BioNTech vaccines targeting both the original coronavirus and the two omicron subvariants that are currently causing most infections.
These vaccines could be tweaked again if new variants become dominant in the future, which is how the flu shot works. Every fall, people get a new flu vaccine designed to protect against whatever strains of the virus are likely to be circulating that season. The hope is the covid boosters will act the same way.
Pediatric ‘covid’ cases on the rise as children head back to school, according to new data | added September 7
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As children head back to the classroom for the academic year, new data shows that pediatric covid-19 infection rates have increased for the second consecutive week. Last week, more than 90,600 additional child covid-19 cases were reported, an increase of 14% from two weeks prior, when just under 80,000 cases were reported, according to a new report from the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) and the Children’s Hospital Association (CHA).
The increase comes despite an overall plateauing of covid-19 infections nationally. Overall, totals remain significantly lower than during other parts of the pandemic. Since mid-May, data shows that new cases have plateaued, fluctuating between a high of about 68,000 to 112,000 cases.
However, many Americans who are taking at-home tests are not submitting their results, and thus, experts say daily case totals are likely significantly higher than the numbers that are officially reported. More than 14.5 million children have tested positive for the virus since the onset of the pandemic, and since the beginning of 2022, approximately 6.65 million reported cases have been added. Children represent about a fifth of all reported cases on record.
Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau says increasing ‘covid’ booster jab uptake will reduce need for totalitarian restrictions | added September 7
Read more at The Epoch Times
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau says increasing covid-19 booster uptake among Canadians is important to reduce the need for the type of restrictions imposed in recent years as winter approaches. “If we are able to hit that 80, 85, 90 percent of Canadians up-to-date on their vaccinations, we’ll have a much better winter with much less need for the kinds of restrictions and rules that were so problematic for everyone over the past years,” Trudeau said on Sept. 1 while visiting the St. Boniface University in Manitoba.
While over 85 percent of the population has received at least one dose of a covid-19 injection, just under 50 percent have received a booster dose, according to Health Canada. “Covid is not done with us yet. We might want to be done with it, but it’s still around,” said Trudeau. He added there’s a “real risk” of another wave as the temperature cools and people move indoors.
Health Minister Jean-Yves Duclos announced last week the implementation of a national booster campaign to drive vaccine uptake. “It’s like a phone battery … you recharge your phone battery by plugging into electricity, you recharge your vaccination protection by taking action and getting [a booster],” Duclos said during a press conference.
North Carolina expands ‘monkeypox’ vax eligibility to anyone who has sex with gay men | added September 7
Read more at The News & Observer
To continue slowing the spread of monkeypox, state health officials have expanded eligibility for the vaccine. Beginning Wednesday, anyone who has sex with men who have sex with men can get the two-dose vaccine, according to the state Department of Health and Human Services. This includes women who have sex with bisexual men. As of Tuesday, there were 377 reported cases of monkeypox in the state.
Nearly all of them were in men and just over two-thirds of them were among Black or African American, according to the state health department’s website. More than 11,400 monkeypox vaccines had been administered in the state as of Aug. 31. More vaccine doses are expected to be coming soon, according to a news release.
Other eligible people for the vaccine include: anyone who has had close contact with someone who has been diagnosed with monkeypox in the last two weeks; people who have had sexual contact with gay, bisexual, or other men who have sex with men or transgender people in the last 90 days; gay, bisexual, or other men who have sex with men or transgender people who are sexually active; people living with HIV or taking medication to prevent HIV, also known as PreP; people who were diagnosed with syphilis in the past 90 days.
Microplastics found in homes pose greatest health risks to children, research shows | added September 7
Read more at The Defender
The evidence is clear: microplastics have contaminated every corner of the globe. We can’t escape exposure to these tiny bits of plastic (less than 5mm across) in the environment, which includes the homes where people spend most of their time. Recent research has discovered microplastics in the blood of humans.
However, the question of harm to humans remains unresolved. Despite concerns that some substances in microplastics could cause cancer or damage our DNA, we still have a poor grasp of the true risks of harm. Our study of global microplastics exposure inside homes across 29 countries, published in the November issue of Environmental Pollution, shows people living in lower-income countries and young children are at greater risk of exposure.
But our analysis of the chemical composition of microplastics in the home shows the specific health risk is surprisingly low. The study covered all the continents, including Australia. The current challenge in understanding health risks from microplastics is the very limited data on the toxic effects of the petrochemicals used in plastics production. A recurrent theme in the environmental health research literature is that early concerns about suspect chemicals and related compounds, including those found in plastics, were eventually justified.
N.Y. funding millions of dollars in biodefense research for future infectious diseases | added September 7
Read more at Spectrum Local News
New York state is distributing millions of dollars to help boost biodefense firms to help research and combat infectious diseases. Gov. Kathy Hochul announced Tuesday the state would spend $40 million on distribution to startup companies after an initial $15.3 million round of grant funding. The money is meant to expand the growing life sciences industry across the state and help officials assess potential threats from infectious diseases.
“Thanks to the $40 million Biodefense Commercialization Fund, New York businesses are applying lessons learned from the covid-19 pandemic to spark innovation and grow the state’s economy,” Hochul said. “With this funding, we are leading the fight to combat infectious diseases, bringing significant jobs and investment to New York State, and better preparing for our future.” Companies eligible for funding are developing diagnostics, vaccines or therapeutics to prevent or mitigate harm from infectious diseases.
Grants of up to $4 million will be rewarded. The initial round of funding included grants for the development of antivirals, antibacterials and vaccinations as well as rapid detection of potential threats. “Accelerating innovation in life sciences through the Biodefense Commercialization Fund will further enable our state and those on the front lines of public health to identify and respond to serious infectious disease threats,” said Health Commissioner Mary Bassett. “This investment in the expansion of the life science industry once again demonstrates Governor Hochul’s commitment to further protecting the public health of all New Yorkers.”
Covid fact checks #16: Can an application really detect a virus from the sound of your voice? | added September 7
Read more at Off Guardian
Yesterday, the UK’s Daily Mail published an article about a new app which claims to be able to diagnose covid19 infection just through the sound of your voice. The story was also covered by Sky, The Independent, the Telegraph and many others. The Mail headlined: Could a mobile APP replace lateral flows? Scientists reveal new covid testing software that detects virus through a person’s voice in under a minute – and experts say it can be more accurate than a swab test
The article goes on to explain: The Dutch researchers say coronavirus usually affects the upper respiratory tract and vocal chords, leading to changes in a person’s voice. The team decided to investigate whether it was possible to detect the novel virus in people’s voices. This is not the first app to make this claim, as early in the “pandemic” as May 2020 an EU-funded group based in Cambridge began claiming they could diagnose “covid” just by listening to people cough.
Now, does this make any sense? Is it really possible to diagnose disease just from the sound of someone’s voice? Simply put, almost certainly not. Without seeing the scientists’ actual data it is not possible to rule it out completely, but there are multiple apparent issues. “covid19” is not the only infection which affects the respiratory tract. How could an app differentiate “covid” and “flu”?
Great balls of fire | added September 7
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Ouch. Goodness gracious and it wasn’t monkeypox.
Good morning,
I’ve heard some concerns about why I’m not going after everyone who might lack credentials.
The primary problem with Poormina Wagh was not that she lied about her Ph.D.s. The problem is that she co-opted the virus isolation issue, which I have covered since 2020.
It was not about her, or her credentials. It was that she lied about being part of an isolation experiment and said she personally proved nonexistence. Though many do not understand why, this is the most important scientific question of the past three years.
Had the story been done by a journalist hostile to the question, or to the many honest doctors, scientists and independent researchers who have made progress on the issue, Wagh would have been used to discredit all of them. Therefore, I took action. (Certain people tried to tar them, but it did not work.)
Further, I was troubled by the easy way Wagh had conned her way onto podcasts and an important international panel discussion merely because the presenters were not versed in the science and were wowed by her “double doctorate.”
This is not about her. It is — as I have said repeatedly — about their previously-nonexistent standards and practices, and vetting process. We may be sure that they will up their game going forward. I reckon they don’t want this to happen to them — and what you witnessed is what it takes to make a change.
— efc
Read more on Planet Waves FM from Chiron Return
This week in the ‘new normal’: UK schools missing 100,000 “ghost children” | added September 6
Read more at Off Guardian
A report from Sky News is warning that nearly 100,000 children are “missing” from school registries and not attending school. According to the report many schools across the country are experiencing record low attendance, with some children simply disappearing from the system.
The concern is that some families – especially poor families – are being damaged by not taking advantage of free school meals or other services such as “healthcare advice”, provided by the state.
As you’d expect, MPs are being urged to “take action”.
What action? I’m glad you asked.
It could be as simple and exploitative as fining parents who don’t send their kids to school that’s what James Cleverly the education secretary wants to do. Because arbitrary fines during a recession is absolutely the best way to help out poor families.
Canadian government contributes nearly $200 million in funding first domestic mRNA vaccine production facility | added September 6
Read more at Daily Hive
[May 18, 2021] The federal government is contributing nearly $200 million to help build an mRNA vaccine production facility in Mississauga. Innovation Minister François-Philippe Champagne announced at a press conference Tuesday that the money would go toward a Resilience Biotechnologies Inc. facility, and will support a $400 million project to make Canada more prepared for future pandemics.“The Government of Canada’s top priority is to protect the health and safety of Canadians,” he said in a news release later. “These investments are also creating well-paying jobs and helping to grow Canada’s life sciences ecosystem as an engine for our economic recovery.” Champagne said the investment is part of an initiative to strengthen Canada’s life sciences sector overall to become more competitive internationally.
Once complete, the Resilience facility will be able to produce somewhere between 100 million and 600 million doses of mRNA vaccines per year. Canada currently has no facilities that produce vaccines domestically, and it must import vaccine products from abroad. Tuesday’s announcement follows a partnership with Sanofi that government officials announced in March to build a new $925 million vaccine production facility in Toronto at the sight of former Connaught Laboratories, a public health lab where insulin was discovered.
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation bankrolls development of refillable long-acting implant contraceptive | added September 6
Read more at Fierce Pharma
The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation is bankrolling Celanese’s work to develop a refillable long-acting implant for delivery of a contraceptive drug, committing $625,800 to support the creation of a functional prototype. Celanese’s technology portfolio includes an ethylene vinyl acetate pharmaceutical grade copolymer, branded VitalDose, that enables drug-eluting implants such as intravaginal inserts.
The copolymer has broad solubility characteristics for small molecules and the combination of multiple grades into a single device can achieve specific drug release profiles. The Gates Foundation sees potential for the technology to advance its efforts to give women access to contraceptive options that meet their needs, leading it to back Celanese’s 18-month prototype project.
“We have a long history working in the area of women’s health and are honored by the trust placed in our team through this grant from the Gates Foundation,” Laura Brand, VP of the Celanese medical and pharmaceutical business, said in a statement. “The project concept is based on our VitalDose drug delivery platform, a controlled release technology with decades of commercial use in the U.S. and Europe.”
Whistleblowers allege ‘covid’ inoculations pose serious health threats to pilots | added September 6
Read more at The Epoch Times
A chorus of whistleblowers alleging that covid-19 inoculations may have turned pilots into airborne ticking time bombs seems to be growing louder. Experienced military, medical, and aviation personnel are citing increasing concerns about potential catastrophic side effects of the shots—such as strokes, heart attacks, or pulmonary embolisms—occurring during flights.
The whistleblowers allege that federal mandates ordering the jabs conflict with FAA standards for medications. Under those regulations, pilots are barred from flying when using drugs that earned FDA approval less than a year prior. Covid shots were administered under Emergency Use Authorization, not full FDA approval.
But various American government agencies, such as the FAA and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control, insist that the covid-19 shots are safe and effective. A number of whistleblowers are among those who beg to differ. The latest person to come forward, Federal Aviation Safety Inspector Bruce McGray, went public on Aug. 30 in an online video conference that was organized by an attorney and medical freedom advocate, Todd Callender. The presentation attracted about 2,000 attendees. McGray, who has 55 years of aviation experience and still works at the FAA, asserted that he sees “clear evidence” of danger to pilots and hence to the flying public.
Biden Administration switches ‘covid’ shot distribution to private sector despite extending ‘public health emergency’ | added September 6
Read more at The Defender
The Biden administration Aug. 30 announced it plans to shift distribution of covid-19 therapeutics to the private sector by January 2023 — despite preparing to extend its covid-19 public health emergency.
Specifically, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) said that it expects its supply of covid-19 vaccines and treatments to be depleted in the coming months, and is now preparing for the availability of these products to transition to the commercial market. This announcement comes despite the Biden administration’s purchase of 170 million doses of updated covid-19 booster shots, which are expected to be available to the public sometime in September as part of an autumn vaccination campaign.
The Hill described the announcement as one which marks “a new phase in fighting the pandemic,” adding that it “would be another sign that the administration views the acute emergency phase of the pandemic as ending.” However, HHS, the parent agency of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), indicated in mid-August it will likely extend the covid-19 public health emergency for another 90 days, when the current 90-day period expires on Oct. 15. The public health emergency had previously been renewed on July 15, its tenth extension since initially being declared on Jan. 31, 2020.
India receives first ‘covid’ nasal vaccine developed with Chimpanzee Adenovirus Vector | added September 6
Read more at Indian Express
India’s first intra-nasal vaccine – delivered through the nose instead of a shot in the arm – has received approval from the country’s apex drug regulator for emergency use in adults. The vaccine, which has been developed by Bharat Biotech with technology in-licensed from Washington University-St Louis, has been approved for primary immunisation, meaning it can be given to the unimmunised to protect against covid-19.
“Big Boost to India’s Fight Against COVID-19! Bharat Biotech’s ChAd36-SARS-CoV-S COVID-19 (Chimpanzee Adenovirus Vectored) recombinant nasal vaccine approved by @CDSCO_INDIA_INF for primary immunisation against COVID-19 in 18+ age group for restricted use in emergency situation,” said Union Health Minister Mansukh Mandaviya in a tweet.
With the vaccine being delivered through a nasal spray, it will do away with the need for needles and syringes currently required for all the covid-19 vaccines available. It will also reduce dependence on personnel trained to give shots. The company found the vaccine to be “safe, well-tolerated, and immunogenic” when compared to its own Covaxin in a phase III trial of nearly 3,100 participants across 14 sites in India. The company has also conducted a trial with 875 participants to see whether the vaccine may be used as a booster in those who have received Covaxin or Covishield as their primary vaccine.
Scientists say aerosol ‘covid’ vaccines may be needed to beat ‘omicron’ | added September 6
Read more at Fortune
China’s government approved the world’s first inhaled vaccine against covid-19, the vaccine’s maker Cansino Biologics announced on Sunday. The vaccine, called Convidecia Air, changes the liquid form of the vaccine into an aerosol using a nebuilzer. The vaccine can then be inhaled through the mouth using the nebulizer machine. The needle-free vaccine “can effectively induce comprehensive immune protection in response to SARS-CoV-2 after just one breath,” Cansino said in a statement.
The science appears to back Cansino’s claims. In July, Chinese scientists published a pre-print study showing that people who received one booster dose of Cansino’s inhaled vaccine after two doses of the inactivated jab from Chinese maker Sinovac developed more antibodies than people who received three Sinovac shots. Four weeks after receiving the inhaled booster, 92.5% of people had developed neutralizing antibodies for Omicron.
Those who got three doses on Sinovac’s jab did not demonstrate any neutralizing antibodies for Omicron, either four weeks or six months after getting a booster. Cansino’s stock price jumped 8% in Hong Kong on Monday. Prominent scientists like Scripps Research executive vice president Eric Topol have called on the U.S. government to accelerate efforts to develop inhaled and nasal spray vaccines, believing that they may better target Omicron infections than injected jabs.
Non-fatal oddities: Dr. Dre’s brain aneurysm scare, Tony La Russa has heart issue and more | added September 6
Read more at Mark Crispin Miller Substack
A ferry crash in Canada; a truck careens into a Costco in Nebraska; three badly hurt in weird mishaps in Germany; a Chilean runner goes into cardiac arrest for 22 minutes; and more NON-fatal oddities.
On Sunday, Texas Democrat gubernatorial candidate Beto O’Rourke announced that he would be pausing his campaign after being hospitalized with a bacterial infection. O’Rourke tweeted on Sunday afternoon that he had been feeling “ill” on Friday, and went to Methodist Hospital in San Antonio where he was diagnosed with a bacterial infection. “While my symptoms have improved, I will be resting at home in El Paso in accordance with the doctors’ recommendations.”
“Because of what was going on in my brain, they had to wake me up every hour on the hour for two weeks.” Dr. Dre thought he was going to die after he suffered a brain aneurysm last January. In an interview on the “Workout the Doubt” podcast, the rapper revealed to host Dolvett Quince that his condition was so bad that doctors actually invited his family in to say goodbye.
This changes everything on censorship | added September 6
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After Mark Zuckerberg admitted to Joe Rogan that the FBI told him to suppress any information about the Hunter Biden laptop, and we discover more information about the links between big tech and the secret services, where is this all heading towards?
Eric joins documentary filmmaker Regis Tremblay on investigating Poornima Wagh fraud | added September 5
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Eric speaks about the importance of becoming the media, with critical thinking and checking sources, in the present digital age. This is crucial, considering how the tools of artificial intelligence flood our feeds with an array of information, while medical bureaucracies continue to push experimental procedures on people.
Happy Labor Day and let’s remember to really gain an understanding of what is being proposed, or at least try. Let’s make it a labor of love. To hear, to listen, to know, to become, to be.
China approves emergency use of inhaled ‘covid’ vaccines for boosters | added September 5
Read more at BBC News
Made by CanSino, it has similar ingredients to its injected vaccine, using a harmless adenovirus as a carrier for the genetic code that teaches the body how to fight covid. Inhaled as a fine mist, Convidecia Air can provide good protection after just one breath, the company says. Other researchers, including teams in the UK and the US, have been investigating nasal spray vaccines.
Scientists say these may give added immunity in the lining of the nose and upper airways, where covid typically enters the body. The National Medical Products Administration of China granted CanSino approval for its inhaled vaccine to be used as a booster dose. It can top up protection in those who have previously had a jab, trials suggest.
Meanwhile, the latest covid vaccine booster programme has begun in England, Wales and Scotland. Infections are falling around the UK – but health bosses predict a resurgence of covid and flu this autumn and winter. They are urging those eligible to protect themselves from serious illness by being vaccinated against both.
Parents wary of schools using SmartPass application that tracks students’ every move | added September 5
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In the old days, when a student requested a bathroom visit during classroom time, the teacher handed them a hall pass made of paper or sometimes a wooden block. Now, many schools are taking the hall pass digital with SmartPass, a hall pass application that tracks students and generates weekly reports about trends in their movements.
“Students are getting smarter and sneakier than ever, and you may not know that Betty and Bob have been meeting up every afternoon for the last two weeks, but SmartPass knows,” an advertising video directed at school administrators says, while explaining a new feature called Encounter Detection. “Behind the scenes, we are using artificial intelligence to see which students have passes to similar rooms around the same time, and presenting you with actionable data to start a conversation.”
For example, the data may show that two students from different classrooms asked to go to the water fountain five times last week, and their hall pass time overlapped for a few minutes each time. The weekly report also shows administrators how many total hall passes were generated, a list of student names and profiles ranking students from the highest number of passes used, how many teachers approved passes and how many encounters were prevented.
Freedom Convoy defendants request release of frozen funds for Emergencies Act inquiry | added September 5
Read more at The Epoch Times
Defendants in a Freedom Convoy lawsuit have asked a court to release just over $450,000 in frozen funds so that they can pay for legal representatives in an upcoming public inquiry into the Emergencies Act. The inquiry, which will begin on Oct. 13, seeks to hold the federal government “to account for its decision to declare a public order emergency under the Emergencies Act” against the Freedom Convoy protest in downtown Ottawa this winter.
The protest began on Jan. 29 and ended on Feb. 20. It started out as a demonstration by truck drivers opposing the federal covid-19 vaccine mandates for cross-border travel but grew exponentially when supporters from across the country joined in to call for an end to various other covid-19 mandates and restrictions as well.
The requested amount is part of the over $20 million the Freedom Convoy received through crowdfunding platforms GoFundMe and GiveSendGo in February. More than $5 million of the donations was put into escrow via a Mareva order by the Ontario Superior Court of Justice on Feb. 17—pending the outcome of a proposed class action lawsuit. Convoy organizers Tamara Lich, Chris Barber, and Benjamin Dichter are among the defendants named in the lawsuit filed in the same court by lawyer Paul Champ on behalf of public servant Zexi Li, “downtown residents, businesses and workers.” The plaintiffs hope to seek $306 million in damages.
Israeli government covers up serious adverse reactions to ‘covid’ shots, according to video | added September 5
Read more at The Daily Skeptic
I have been meaning to write about this since Neil Oliver of GB News covered it, and I have tweeted about it several times. But Yaffa Shir-Raz wrote a comprehensive article about it in English on her website, then Etana Hecht covered it in her excellent Substack post, so I figured it was well and covered, and I’m super busy working on something very important. But following a recent twitter thread by Yaffa and Steve Kirsch’s post about it, I was asked by someone to put the key pieces of information down ‘on paper’ as I understand them, so I did. Here they are.
Summary of key points. On August 2nd, the Israeli Ministry of Health (MOH) released a report on adverse events reported following vaccination from December 9th 2021-May 31st 2022 based on a new reporting system. The MOH tasked a team of medical researchers from Shamir Medical Center with experience in pharmacovigilance to analyse the data from the system. Here is a subtitled video with excerpts from the Zoom meeting on this issue.
The Israeli MOH subsequently misrepresented the findings stating that no new adverse events were found, there was no new signal, and the events were not necessarily caused by the vaccine, even though the researchers themselves said the exact opposite. The Israeli MOH artificially minimised the extent of reporting by comparing the number of reports submitted during that period to a much larger number of vaccine doses administered over a longer period of time and a much larger population than the one reporting. The Israeli MOH sat on these results for nearly two months and did not disclose them to the expert committee that met in late June to decide on recommending the vaccine for children under five.
U.S. health officials narrow wastewater surveillance programs to target polio, monkeypox and ‘covid’ | added September 5
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(CNN) Early in the coronavirus pandemic, health officials closely monitored sewage samples for signs of the virus to track where it could be circulating. Now, that technique is being used to detect other infectious diseases: polio and monkeypox.
Some disease detectives in the United States are narrowing their wastewater surveillance efforts to zero in on specific buildings and to identify hot spots for a growing list of diseases. “Some wastewater surveillance is done at the community level, and some is done at the building level, which is a little bit better nuanced in terms of trying to target messaging,” said Lori Tremmel Freeman, chief executive officer of the National Association of County and City Health Officials.
“For example, in some of our jurisdictions, they’ll monitor a large hotel or a prison setting,” she said. “If it pops up there, you can target messaging directly to that building.” A building-level approach to wastewater surveillance is underway at all 11 hospitals within the NYC Health + Hospitals integrated health care system in New York City. The system launched a surveillance program in February to test sewage for coronavirus and flu viruses in wastewater from its hospitals, and the program expanded in August to include testing for polio and monkeypox, according to a company announcement.
China locks down 65 million people during upcoming national holidays | added September 5
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BEIJING (AP) — China has locked down 65 million of its citizens under tough covid-19 restrictions and is discouraging domestic travel during upcoming national holidays. Across the country, 33 cities including seven provincial capitals are under full or partial lockdown covering more than 65 million people, according to a tally published late Sunday by the Chinese business magazine Caixin.
It said that outbreaks have been reported in 103 cities, the highest since the early days of the pandemic in early 2020. Despite a relatively low number of infections, authorities have adhered to a “zero-covid” policy requiring lockdowns, quarantines and the confining of people suspected of being in close contact with any confirmed case.
China recorded 1,552 new cases in the latest 24-hour period across a nation of 1.4 billion people, the National Health Commission reported Monday. Most of the 21 million people in the southwestern city of Chengdu are confined to their apartments or residential complexes, while in the eastern port city of Tianjin, classes have ben moved online after 14 new cases were reported, all but two showing no symptoms.
The personal computer as a viral vector | added September 5
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Global dissemination of a zoonotic virus pandemic narrative by the WHO, government and university scientists, the media, and the general public, has enabled the trialling of a cybernosis, or disease transmitted from a computing machine to humans, amongst a new and relatively large target body. This paper presents the rationale, methodology, initial findings, and limitations of the preliminary trial, and assesses the future potential of this new field of virology.
The widescale dissemination, via government bodies (e.g., SAGE, SPI-B, CDC), NGOs (e.g., WEF, WHO, World Bank, IMF), universities, individuals, and most credible media organizations (e.g., Reuters, Guardian, New York Times, Der Spiegel, BBC), of the Sars-CoV-2 pandemic narrative brought about the anticipated largescale uptake (currently 4.9 billion people) of the new mRNA genetic modification technique.
Whilst the ‘vaccine’ programme has been highly successful (and should soon incorporate most humans above six months of age) as yet it is not universal, requiring ongoing coercive stimuli and alternative rollouts (e.g., polio, smallpox, seasonal influenza). A significant residue of unvaccinated individuals is likely to persist (also anticipated), a cohort that often correlates with narrative scepticism, and even the promulgation of a counter-narrative.
‘Covid’ application that supposedly detects virus in voice requires user to give all medical history | added September 5
Read more at Sky News
Users will be required to give information about their medical history, smoking status and demographics and record some respiratory sounds, such as coughing and reading a short sentence. A mobile phone app can detect covid in people’s voices with “potentially high precision” using artificial intelligence (AI), according to researchers.
An AI model was said to be 89% accurate and is cheap to use, which means it could be adopted in low-income countries where PCR tests are more expensive. Results can be provided in less than a minute and are said to be a “significant improvement” on the accuracy of lateral flow tests, scientists said. Infection normally impacts the upper respiratory tract and the vocal cords and so researchers decided to analyse changes in voices using an AI model to detect covid.
Wafaa Aljbawi, a researcher at the Institute of Data Science at Maastricht University in the Netherlands, said: “These promising results suggest that simple voice recordings and fine-tuned AI algorithms can potentially achieve high precision in determining which patients have covid-19 infection. “Such tests can be provided at no cost and are simple to interpret. Moreover, they enable remote, virtual testing and have a turnaround time of less than a minute.
The Imposter ‘Scientist’: Poornima Wagh and the need for ethics, standards, and practices in new media | added Sept. 3
Here is the new edition of the Planet Waves FM, covering Poornima Wagh pretending to be a virologist and immunologist, who became a cult hero of the covid truth and health freedom movements. In this edition, I play samples of my interview with her last Friday, and listen closely to what she is saying.
This program is based on this week’s investigative feature, CHARLATAN’S WEB.
We also hear from Dr. Kevin Corbett, a retired senior British academic, who, through his doctoral work, shined the light on the horrors of how inaccurate AIDS testing were impacting society.
Dr. Corbett has appeared many times on Planet Waves FM and was key to documenting the lack of scientific or academic credentials of the alleged “Dr. Wagh.”
Special guest appearance tonight by my friends The Yes Men.
‘Omicron’ booster shots now available with no data on how effective they will be | added September 3
Read more at NBC News
The U.S. authorized the first major makeover of the covid-19 vaccines this week in an effort to stem an expected tide of infections and hospitalizations this fall.
But it’s unclear how much protection the new booster shots will provide. The Food and Drug Administration and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention cleared the shots without any data from clinical trials that are testing the reformulated doses in humans. The new boosters, authorized for people ages 12 and older, target the highly contagious and immune-evasive omicron BA.5 subvariant that has caused a wave of breakthrough infections over the summer. The shots also target the original strain of the virus that first emerged in Wuhan, China, in 2019.
The nation’s top health officials acted with urgency this summer to ensure the new boosters would roll out in time for the fall. They are worried that the waning effectiveness of the old vaccines is creating an opening for omicron to cause another wave of hospitalizations this winter as people spend more time indoors where the airborne virus spreads more easily.
Over 1,000 ‘covid’ shot adverse reaction reports concerning children 5 years-old and younger | added September 3
Read more at The Defender
More than 1,000 reports of adverse events have been lodged with U.S. authorities following covid-19 vaccination in children aged 5 and younger. As of Aug. 21, 996 non-serious reports have been entered into the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) for children 4 or younger who received a Pfizer vaccine and children 5 or younger who received a Moderna vaccine, Dr. Tom Shimabukuro said on Sept. 1.
Shimabukuro is a researcher with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), which runs VAERS with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Most of the adverse event reports have been for outcomes designated non-serious, or events that did not include death, a life-threatening illness, hospitalization or prolongation of hospitalization, permanent disability, congenital anomaly or birth defect.
Of the reported events, 19 were designated serious, with nine for children who received a Moderna vaccine and 10 for children who received a Pfizer vaccine. The serious events were not detailed. “Those details should not have been left out of the information released to ACIP [Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices] and the public,” Barbara Loe Fisher, co-founder and president of the National Vaccine Information Center, told The Epoch Times in an email.
Texas doctor critical of ‘covid’ shots face loss of medical license after anonymous patient complaint | added September 3
Read more at The Epoch Times
A Texas frontline doctor who has been critical of covid-19 vaccines could lose her license following an anonymous complaint claiming she endangered a patient. The complaint alleges Dr. Angie Farella, a pediatrician in Webster, Texas, endangered a patient who arrived at a hospital with breathing problems in 2021.
Farella must appear before the Texas Medical Board on Sept. 9. “I think it’s a political hack job,” she told The Epoch Times. “I think someone Googled me and saw that I was outspoken and didn’t like that.” The incident that triggered the complaint began when the patient’s parents weren’t satisfied with the care she was getting at a hospital and called Farella. Farella spoke to the ER doctor who thought the patient could have covid-19, although the patient had tested negative three times.
Farella offered to treat the patient at her facility. The ER doctor agreed and released the patient. Farella believes the hospital wanted to diagnose her patient as having covid-19. However, Farella found the child, who suffered from asthma, had developed pneumonia, which she treated with antibiotics.
A Pennsylvania university mandates ‘covid’ shots for students but not for employees | added September 3
Read more at Campus Reform
Susquehanna University in Pennsylvania released its Fall 2022 covid-19 vaccination protocol, stating that returning students must be fully vaccinated prior to arriving on campus.
In contrast to the student vaccination requirement, employees are only “strongly encouraged” to be vaccinated prior to returning to campus, suggesting that unvaccinated employees should “talk to [their] doctor about the benefits.” Students employed by the university are subject to stricter protocols. Susquehanna University policy states that students may request a covid-19 vaccination exemption for medical, religious, or philosophical reasons, though whether such an exemption will be granted will be considered “on an individual basis through the Student Health Center.”
The university also reserves “the right to require exemption approvals be renewed for each academic year,” leaving students wondering if their exemption would be approved each subsequent year. Susquehanna gives individual instructors the ability to choose to require masks in their classrooms, regardless of any student’s vaccination or booster status.
Detrimental effects of vaccine vultures ignoring the sick and dying | added September 3
Read of Off Guardian
Vultures are birds that seek out wounded animals about to die and then swoop down on them when they are dead (or close to death) and devour them—apocryphally starting with gouging out the eyes.
Vultures are typically not classed in the “warm and fuzzy” anthropomorphic grouping, although they accomplish a great service to the ecology of the planet, such as other animals thrown in the “yuck” bucket of human perception such as flies, spiders, laughing hyenas, and carrion beetles (who knows what a carrion beetle is?—they ARE pretty, so before you know what they do for a living, you might like them).
So are we human vultures when we swoop down on dead or dying people we have heard about to see if they are vaxxed or not and if what they are suffering or dying from is due to the jab? Two? Three, god forbid four? At the beginning of the vaccine madness, I was quite brazen and would unashamedly blurt out when hearing of someone’s misfortune, “were they vaccinated???!!!” I never got brazen enough to ask this to the person suffering (obviously if dead), but did to their friends, or whoever was explaining what was happening.
‘Monkeypox’ linked to heart inflammation in 31 year-old man | added September 3
Read more at BuzzFeed News
This week has offered two stark reminders that monkeypox infections can be more than skin-deep. A person diagnosed with monkeypox died this week in Harris County, Texas, according to the Department of State Health Services. That case could be the first monkeypox-related death in the US. The unidentified resident was described only as a “severely immunocompromised” adult. Local public health officials are working with the CDC to determine the role monkeypox may have had in contributing to the death.
“We know that this patient had monkeypox as a diagnosis. What we do not know for sure is that this patient passed away from monkeypox,” said Dr. Ericka Brown, a local authority from Harris County Public Health, during a news conference.
And in Portugal, doctors are reporting a “potential causal relationship” between monkeypox and a dangerous heart condition. A 31-year-old patient developed acute myocarditis about a week after first showing monkeypox lesions, according to a report published Friday in the American College of Cardiology’s journal, JACC: Case Reports.
Unspent ’emergency covid’ funding from 2021 goes toward unrelated uses | added September 3
Read more at FOX News
What do an armored SWAT vehicle in Pittsburgh, “restorative justice” educational discipline in New York City, racial healing pop-ups in Minneapolis, and school vape detectors in Montgomery, Ala., have in common? They’re all funded by federal taxpayers through the hastily-passed American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Democrats advanced through Congress on a party-line vote in early 2021.
The $1.9 trillion bill was framed as an emergency measure to help the United States dig out of the covid-19 pandemic and its economic consequences. But much money is going toward projects that are seemingly unrelated or barely related to the virus or the recovery from the pandemic. Technically, many such projects are permitted. But it is not how the package was sold.
“For over a year, the American people were told they were on their own. We’ve seen how hard that has been on so many Americans,” Biden said at a White House appearance celebrating Senate passage of the bill in March 2021. “Everything in this package is designed to relieve the suffering and to meet the most urgent needs of the nation and put us in a better position to prevail, starting with beating this virus and vaccinating the country.”
It’s time to end the tyranny, step up New Yorkers and help us #TakeBackNY | added September 3
Read more at Attorney Bobbie Anne Cox Substack
So it’s likely that almost everyone reading this article knows me as the attorney who recently defeated Governor Hochul’s quarantine camp regulation. For those of you who don’t, this post will be particularly enlightening. In the wake of my monumental defeat of Governor Hochul’s illegal forced quarantine reg, I’ve been consumed with media appearances.
This is not because the mainstream media is seeking me out – no, not at all. In fact, the opposite is true… they won’t even cover this story when we reach out to them and ask them to! Instead, the legacy alphabet media is purposely ignoring this epic story, and only “alternative media” is covering it. You really need to ask yourself, “why is that?!” Think about it for a minute, why on earth would the legacy media ignore such a sensational story such as this one?
An unbelievable story about a tyrannical governor and her Department of Health who made a regulation giving themselves the power to lock up any New Yorkers they want, for no reason whatsoever, without any proof you were actually sick (or even exposed to a communicable disease), for however long they want, at a location that they choose, where they can control your every move, and with no way for you to get out?!
Jim Breuer gets silly in San Diego | added September 3
Watch the video on YouTube
Happy Labor Day weekend.
Medical Freedom booth at the Columbia County Fair this Labor Day weekend | added September 2
Hello Friends,
A diverse network of health freedom advocates took the initiative to put a booth together at the Columbia County Fair.
Many local friends have volunteered so that there will always be a team at the booth both day and night throughout the six days of the fair.
Our NYC based Medical freedom allies shared their photos of the diverse, multi-hued beautiful faces of the New York city freedom movement. We have these up on the wall. We have lots of great literature and flyers too. There are some arts and crafts by talented local people, with freedom themes!
After one day, we can already say that its a great experience! So many people have come over to the booth and everyone so far has been interested, appreciative and warm. Several people shared their own stories about vaccine side effects.
So please come and see us at the Columbia County Fair. The fair runs through Monday afternoon.
— DoWeNeedThis?.org
‘Covid’ pandemic causes steep decline in students’ reading and math skills, says Education Department | added September 2
Read more at FOX News
American students’ reading and math skills were severely damaged during the coronavirus pandemic across almost all demographics. A report on the nation’s plummeting test scores was published by the Department of Education on Thursday, showing dramatic losses across the board for students in the U.S. “In 2022, the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) conducted a special administration of the NAEP long-term trend (LTT) reading and mathematics assessments for age 9 students to examine student achievement during the covid-19 pandemic,” the Education Department reported.
“Average scores for age 9 students in 2022 declined 5 points in reading and 7 points in mathematics compared to 2020,” the DOE claimed. “This is the largest average score decline in reading since 1990, and the first ever score decline in mathematics.”
Reading scores saw their largest decrease in 30 years, while math scores had their first decrease in the history of the testing regimen done by the National Center for Education Statistics, a branch of the federal government. The disastrous test results were observed across previously established percentiles, but already lower performing students were hit the hardest. The report explains, “In 2022, reading and mathematics scores for students at all five selected percentile levels declined compared to 2020.
Genvax secures $6.5 million dollars to expand self-amplifying mRNA vax production for animals | added September 2
Read more PORK Business
Genvax Technologies, a startup dedicated to bringing advances in self-amplifying mRNA (saRNA) vaccine production to animal health, has secured $6.5 million in series seed funding. United Animal Health led the financing with participation from Johnsonville Ventures, Iowa Corn Growers Association, Summit Agricultural Group and Ag Startup Engine.
This investor coalition represents animal health, nutrition, feed, meat packers and consumer products in the fight against existing and emerging threats to the food supply chain. “The threat posed to producers and consumers by foreign animal diseases like African swine fever (ASF) and constantly mutating variants of swine influenza is extraordinary,” Joel Harris, CEO and co-founder of Genvax Technologies, said in a release. “The goal is to develop a vaccine that matches 100% to the specific strain when a disease outbreak occurs.”
This funding moves the company a step forward to USDA and international regulatory approval of its vaccines in anticipation of any foreign animal disease outbreak, Genvax said in a release.
“For ASF, Genvax’s vaccine could be an important tool for eradication efforts and may alleviate any concerns with trading partners abroad. In addition, the financial and public support of multiple stakeholders like United Animal Health and others in the food industry is a huge validation of this technology’s promise,” Harris said in a release.
‘Covid’ pandemic caused shortened life expectancy in Indigenous communities | added September 2
Read more at The New York Times
Carol Schumacher, 56, who was raised in the remote community of Chilchinbeto in the Navajo Nation, has lost 42 family members to covid-19 over the last two years. The dead included two brothers aged 55 and 54, and cousins as young as 18 and 19. Ms. Schumacher returned to the Navajo Nation from her home in Wisconsin this summer to grieve with family. She knew what to expect, having grown up on the reservation in Arizona. But what she saw left her reeling.
The nearest hospital was a long drive away on dirt roads, she said, “and there’s no guarantee about the quality of care there even if you make it in time. Some families don’t even have transportation or running water. Imagine dealing with that.”
Now federal health researchers have put a number to the misery that Ms. Schumacher and so many other families in Native communities experienced in the first two years of the pandemic.
In 2020 and 2021, as the coronavirus swept across the United States, life expectancy for Native Americans and Alaska Natives fell by six and a half years — a decline that left the researchers aghast. The comparable figure for all Americans was about three years, itself a terrible milestone not seen in nearly a century. What could have left Native Americans and Alaska Natives so vulnerable to the pandemic? There is no simple diagnosis, nor is there an easy fix, experts say.
Texas confirms first U.S. ‘monkeypox’ death, says adult patient was “severely immunocompromised” | added September 2
Read more at CBS News
Health officials in Texas announced Monday they are investigating what role monkeypox played in the death of a patient who was diagnosed with the virus. State officials said in a statement that the adult patient was “severely immunocompromised.”
The patient’s death is the first publicly reported by health authorities in the U.S. during the current monkeypox outbreak. However, health officials cautioned that it was too early to say for sure exactly what role monkeypox actually played in the death. “This is the first death in an presumed positive for monkeypox that we are aware of. However, the individual had various severe illnesses and until the investigation is complete, it is premature to assign a specific cause of death,” CDC spokesperson Scott Pauley said in a statement.
As of Monday, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention had tallied 15 deaths around the world in monkeypox patients. Local officials said the patient died Sunday in a hospital with “various severe illnesses” in Texas’ Harris County, and that autopsy results are expected “in the next few weeks.” “We are sharing this information to err on the side of transparency and to avoid potential misinformation about this case,” Lina Hidalgo, Harris County’s top official, said in a statement.
California grassroots movement stops bill on vaccinating teens without parental consent | added September 2
Read more at The Defender
A bill that would have allowed California children ages 15 and older to be vaccinated without parental consent went “inactive” Wednesday. State Sen. Scott Wiener (D-San Francisco), who authored Senate Bill 866 (SB 866), announced he will not put the measure up for a vote in the California Assembly because it does not have enough support to pass.
Wiener said in a statement the bill, which would have lowered the age of consent for all vaccines — including the covid-19 vaccine — to 15, was “several votes short of 41” needed to pass, with no “viable path for these final few votes.” He also tweeted his response regarding the outcome of the bill. While Weiner attributed the bill’s failure to a “small” but highly vocal and organized “minority of anti-vaxxers,” many Californians said the bill faced growing bipartisan opposition.
Californians rise up. “The tide has officially turned in California,” Nicole Pearson, attorney and founder of Facts Law Truth Justice, told The Defender in response to Weiner’s announcement. Pearson continued: “What happened Wednesday was not the product of a minority, fringe, extremist group. It was the result of thousands of tireless hours of millions of Californians uniting, educating and empowering each other, and rising up together to take our seats at the political table where we belong and have the right to be.
China’s makeshift hospitals are like ‘concentration camps’ | added September 2
Read more at The Epoch Times
The beds are close to each other with no partition to separate them. A number is written on the bed rail instead of the name of the patient. Men and women, young and old, live together in a crammed space. Some patients don’t have a bed; they lie on the floor. Lights remain on even at night. A woman is seen walking back and forth, holding a baby, trying to help it to get to sleep.
Garbage is scattered on the ground. There are four toilets, also used as showers, for over 100 people. These are some scenarios in two of the makeshift hospitals of Guixi, a city in China’s southeastern Jiangxi Province, as revealed in an online video obtained by the Chinese language edition of The Epoch Times.
‘Concentration Camps’: Mr. Deng (pseudonym) is a resident of Guixi who is isolated in an industrial park in Guixi with his son who tested positive for the covid-19 virus on Aug. 21 but showed no symptoms. They first spent three days in a makeshift hospital in Yingtan, a city in Jiangxi Province. “I felt so pained when I saw what it was like in a makeshift hospital,” Deng told the publication, “The place is like a concentration camp.”
In memory of those who ‘died suddenly’ in U.S. and worldwide from August 22-29 | added September 2
Read more at Mark Crispin Miller Substack
Journalists in the US (3), Canada, Mexico, Spain (2), Italy, Russia & Poland; musicians in the US (2), Jamaica, Brazil, the Netherlands, Czech Republic, Switzerland, Greece, Italy & Lebanon; & more.
UNITED STATES: Joey DeFrancesco, Jazz Musician Died Age 51 And Here Is A Tribute For His Exemplary Career. Joey DeFrancesco, a jazz musician, died unexpectedly on August 25, 2022, at the age of 51. The news of Joey’s passing startled everyone as he died at a young age. His friends and family were devastated to hear the news of Joey’s passing. Joey DeFrancesco was an American jazz trumpeter, saxophone, organist, and occasional singer.
Early in his career, he recorded frequently as a side player with notable artists, including Miles Davis, Houston Person, and John McLaughlin. He has more than 30 albums to his credit. The cause of his death is unknown. However, not much information can be learned at this time until his family releases a statement regarding the situation.
Office for National Statistics releases data showing an excess of non-‘covid’ related deaths since April 23rd | added September 2
Read more at The Daily Skeptic
There have been 15,357 excess non-covid deaths registered in England and Wales in the 17 weeks since April 23rd, according to the latest official data from the Office for National Statistics, released on Wednesday. This is 9.5% more than expected, based on an average of the previous five years.
In the week ending August 19th, the most recent week for which data are available, 10,982 deaths were registered in England and Wales, which is 1,719 (18.6%) above the five-year average for the week. Of these, 551 mentioned covid-19 on the death certificate as a contributory cause and 354 mentioned covid-19 as underlying cause, leaving 1,365 deaths from a different underlying cause.
At the Daily Sceptic we have been following what appears to be a correlation between the spring fourth dose booster rollout among over-75s in England and a wave of now over 15,300 non-covid excess deaths that are currently unexplained. Vaccine researcher Dr. Theo Schetters has highlighted a similar correlation in the Netherlands and raised concerns that the vaccines may be contributing to the deaths.
There are some silly gooses out there | added September 2
Watch the video on YouTube
Whitney admits women can be bat shit crazy, all good. Happy Friday!
FDA authorizes updated ‘covid’ booster jabs that target original “wild type” strain and ‘subvariants’ | added September 1
Read more at CNBC News
The Food and Drug Administration authorized covid booster shots Wednesday that target the omicron BA.5 subvariant as the U.S. prepares for another surge of infections this fall and winter. It is the first time the FDA has authorized an updated vaccine formula since the original shots rolled out in December 2020. Pharmacies are expected to start administering the new boosters after Labor Day weekend.
The U.S. has secured 171 million doses of Pfizer’s and Moderna’s updated shots so far, according to the Health and Human Services Department. Pfizer’s new booster dose is authorized for people ages 12 and older, while Moderna’s new shots are authorized for adults ages 18 and older. The eligible age groups can receive the boosters two months after completing their primary series or their most recent booster with the old shots.
The U.S. will no longer use the original vaccines as booster doses for individuals ages 12 and older now that the the updated shots have been authorized, according to the FDA. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has to sign off on the boosters before pharmacies can give them to patients. The CDC’s independent advisory committee is scheduled to meet Thursday and Friday to review the data and issue its recommendations for health-care providers.
Public health officials believe the redesigned boosters will provide longer-lasting protection against the virus and reduce hospitalizations this fall and winter. The new boosters target both the original strain that emerged in China more than two years ago, which scientists refer to as the “wild type,” and omicron BA.4 and BA.5, which are now the dominant variants in the U.S.
Michigan college student granted temporary reprieve from ‘covid’ vax mandate after Pfizer jab caused a leg blood clot | added September 1
Read more at The Defender
A college student who suffered a blood clot after getting Pfizer’s covid-19 vaccine has been given a temporary reprieve from his school’s covid-19 vaccine mandate. The Michigan State University (MSU) student, 19, was granted a medical deferment until Nov. 24, according to communications reviewed by The Epoch Times.
No reason was given for the reversal, which came after school officials denied a request for a medical exemption and the appeal of that denial. The student, whose name is not being made public at this time, received a Pfizer primary series in the fall of 2021 because of the school’s mandate, according to his vaccination card and his lawyer.
After that, he experienced blood clotting in his left leg, according to medical records reviewed by The Epoch Times. The student, a football and lacrosse player, had to miss time on the field due to the serious issue, lawyer Jenin Younes with the New Civil Liberties Alliance told The Epoch Times. Younes raised the issue on social media this week, saying the school “has denied a medical exemption from its booster mandate to a 19-year-old student who suffered from a blood clot in his leg two months after the second shot that sent him to the ER, put him on crutches, and from which he has not yet fully recovered.”
England faces excess mortality despite a decrease in ‘covid’ death toll | added September 1
Read more at The Epoch Times
Excess deaths in England and Wales have risen to the highest level in three months even as the death toll from covid-19 continues to fall, the latest UK official data shows. According to the Office for National Statistics (ONS), 10,982 deaths were registered in England and Wales in the week ending Aug. 19, which is 18.6 percent above the average for this time of year.
During the week, excess deaths in England and Wales was 1,719, the highest for three months. It was also a significant jump from the 950 excess deaths recorded in the week before. Deaths have been above average almost continuously since the end of March, following a period at the start of the year when no excess deaths were recorded.
The figures remain particularly high for deaths that have occurred in people’s own homes, where deaths registered in the week to Aug. 19 were 29.5 percent above average. While total deaths were abnormally high, those related to covid-19 have fallen. Among the deaths recorded in that week, just 551 mentioned covid-19 on the death certificate, down 7 percent from the previous week, according to the ONS.
UK pilot faints upon take off, Mike Tyson in a wheelchair, five “vaxxidents” in Germany and more questionable health concerns | added September 1
Read more at Mark Crispin Miller Substack
Exclusive pictures obtained by DailyMail.com show Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck arriving at a hospital Friday afternoon as Ben’s mother received stiches after an accident at her son’s Georgia estate. A source told DailyMail.com that Ben’s mother, Christopher [sic] Anne Boldt, fell off a dock and cut her leg at the Riceboro property. Ben reportedly found her and called the ambulance.
J.Lo arrived carrying a Dior bag, downcast and wearing a summer dress after the medical emergency at the property where she and Ben are celebrating their lavish wedding this weekend.
Meanwhile Affleck could be seen pacing and smoking a cigarette outside the building, casually dressed in T-shirt and shorts, his baseball cap worn backwards. His face was partially obscured by a mask and his nails appear to be painted red. A source told DailyMail.com that the incident was ‘not serious.’ But in dramatic scenes witnessed by DailyMail.com, the ambulance sped into the Riceboro property around noon, spending twenty minutes on property before the Liberty County Medical Center vehicle sped north.
The Lancet analyzed the cumulative effect of requiring proof of covid vax in NYC and bribery to get jabbed | added September 1
Read more at The Lancet
Ccovid-19 vaccines have been available to all adults in the USA since April, 2021, but many adults remain unvaccinated. We aimed to assess the joint effect of a proof-of-vaccination requirement, incentive payments, and employer-based mandates on rates of adult vaccination in New York City (NYC).
We constructed a synthetic control group for NYC composed of other counties in the core of large, metropolitan areas in the USA. The vaccination outcomes for NYC were compared against those of the synthetic control group from July 26, 2021, to Nov 1, 2021, to determine the differential effects of the policies. Analyses were conducted on county-level vaccination data reported by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
The synthetic control group was constructed by matching on county-level preintervention vaccination outcomes, partisanship, economic attributes, demographics, and metropolitan area population. Statistical inference was conducted using placebo tests for non-treated counties. The synthetic control group resembled NYC across attributes used in the matching process. The cumulative adult vaccination rate for NYC (in adults aged 18 years or older who received at least one dose of an authorised covid-19 vaccine) increased from 72·5% to 89·4% (+16·9 percentage points [pp]) during the intervention period, compared with an increase from 72·5% to 83·2% (+10·7 pp) for the synthetic control group, a difference of 6·2 pp (95% CI 1·4–10·7), or 410 201 people (90 966–706 532)
New Australian study reports nearly 2,000 children have lost a parent due to ‘covid’ | added September 1
Read more at The Guardian
Nearly 2,000 Australian children have lost a parent to covid-19 during the pandemic, according to new data. A global study by the Australian National University (ANU), based on 2021 data, has estimated that for every 100 covid-related death in Australia, around 13 young people lost one or both of their parents.
ANU researcher Callum Lowe said this was a significant concern and had largely been missing from the nation’s broader conversation regarding mental health during the pandemic. “It’s particularly worse in other countries, but in other countries children tend to have larger extended families than they do in Australia,” Lowe said.
“During Australia’s lockdowns there’s [also] been a greater restriction on children going to school.” The impact of covid-19 lockdowns on people’s mental health has been well documented, especially among young people. In a survey released by the Australian Human Rights Commission, 41% of children said the pandemic negatively impacted their mental health, with most respondents worried about missing school and having less time with their friends and family.
China’s Shenzhen southern region expands ‘covid’ restrictions to over 13 million residents | added September 1
Read more at Reuters
SHENZHEN, China, Sept 1 (Reuters) – The southern Chinese tech hub Shenzhen tightened covid curbs as cases continued to mount on Thursday, with large events and indoor entertainment suspended for three days in the city’s most populous district, Baoan.
At least half of the Shenzhen’s ten districts, home to over 13 million of the city’s residents, have now ordered blanket closures of entertainment venues and halted or reduced restaurant dining. Education authorities have postponed the start of the new school semester, which was largely planned to begin on Thursday.
Officials urged residents not to leave the city unless on urgent matters in a statement issued late on Wednesday. It did not specify how officials would police the new requirement, but demanded government, Communist party authorities and state-owned firms make sure their employees are not making unnecessary trips outside the city.
White House allocates 5,000 monkeypox shots for the weekend of Atlanta’s Black Pride festival | added September 1
Read more at Axios
The White House announced it will allocate up to 5,000 monkeypox vaccines specifically for this weekend’s Atlanta Black Pride festival. You can make an appointment here. Why it matters: Monkeypox infections are seen primarily among men who have sex with men and disproportionately among people of color, according to the Kaiser Family Foundation.
Driving the news: The news is part of the White House’s pilot program to earmark vaccines for specific communities that need them most, following some criticism about the early roll-out not reaching the right Americans. The announcement also includes extra vials for Southern Decadence in New Orleans and Oakland Pride in California.
The big picture: The Fulton County Board of Health said this week that Black people comprise nearly 80% of Fulton residents with monkeypox. As a result of targeted outreach, the county said, it has administered about 70% of its vaccines to people of color so far. What they’re saying: Atlanta Black Pride Weekend organizer Melissa Scott told 11Alive they’ve already held vaccination clinics leading up to the festival and will have testing and vaccination sites at several of the weekend’s events.
Pfizer bars whites and Asians from applying for prestigious fellowship | added September 1
Read more at Information Liberation
From The Washington Free Beacon, “No Whites Allowed: Pfizer Fellowship Flagrantly Violates the Law, Lawyers Say”:
The pharmaceutical giant Pfizer offers a prestigious fellowship that bars whites and Asians from applying. Trumpeted on the company’s website as a “Bold Move” to “create a workplace for all,” civil rights lawyers are characterizing it in a different way: as a blatant violation of the law.
“This Pfizer program is so flagrantly illegal I seriously wonder how it passed internal review by its general counsel,” said Adam Mortara, one of the country’s top civil rights attorneys.
Pfizer’s “Breakthrough Fellowship” offers college students multiple internships, a fully funded master’s degree, and several years of employment at the pharmaceutical giant. It also restricts applications to “Black/African American, Latino/Hispanic and Native American” students, the fellowship requirements state. In a Frequently Asked Questions brochure about the nine-year program, Pfizer asserts that it is an “equal opportunity employer.”