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WHO claims under-diagnosis of HIV in Europe has resulted in hundreds of thousands of people not getting ‘care they need’ | added November 30
Read more at World Health Organization
Under-diagnosis of HIV in the European Region means hundreds of thousands are not getting the care they need when they need it, new data shows. A new report to be launched on World AIDS Day, jointly published by the WHO Regional Office for Europe and the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC), shows that since at least 2018 and through 2021 more people were infected with HIV in the European Region than had been diagnosed.
In contrast, in the European Union/European Economic Area (EU/EEA), there were slightly more diagnoses than HIV infections during the last decade, indicating that the number of people living with undiagnosed HIV is likely decreasing in many of those countries. Still an estimated 1 in 8 people living with HIV in the EU/EEA remains undiagnosed.
“We should all be deeply concerned by the data on HIV testing, treatment and care in Europe and central Asia. Continuing, widespread stigma around HIV is deterring people from getting tested and is steering us dangerously off course from meeting our 2030 goal of ending AIDS. “If we are to deliver on our promise, we must make access to HIV services equitable. We must work together to make sure that no one feels afraid of getting tested, nor shame, despair or isolation about their status. Everyone, everywhere should be able to get the services and respectful care they need,” said Dr Hans Henri P. Kluge, WHO Regional Director for Europe.
Trust your instincts. “Hell is empty, all the devils are here.”
G20 signs declaration for a mandatory international digital vaccine passport | added November 30
Read more at Mercola
As noted by former U.S. Rep. Dr. Ron Paul in the video above, World Economic Forum (WEF) founder Klaus Schwab and other globalist leaders substitute truth with their own opinions. They decide what’s right and wrong; they decide what’s right for everyone. They dictate what’s “true” on any given day. Anyone who disagrees with them is an “enemy of the state” — they being “the state” or, more accurately, the Deep State, the hidden power behind the apparent power of official government.
Who are the members of this cabal? There’s no official membership list, but over time many of the individual players have become discernible. The globalist cabal includes but is not limited to government heads, bankers and members of nongovernmental organizations (NGO’s) and liberal think tanks around the world. One way in which the cabal hides its undemocratic influence is by having its members in dozens of different organizations.
When several organizations agree on an issue, it makes it appear as though there’s a majority view, a consensus. But in reality, it’s the same small group of individuals asserting their agenda. The G20, a group of 19 nations — including the U.S. — plus the European Union, recently held their annual business meeting (B20) in Bali, Indonesia, where they declared that digital vaccine passports, standardized by the World Health Organization, will be part of international pandemic prevention and response moving forward.
‘Long covid’ could be the ‘next public health emergency’ as people struggle with digital sensitivity; migraines from prolonged screen time and headphones | added November 30
Read more at CNBC News
Sam Norpel used to present regular financial updates to C-suite executives. Now, unpredictable bouts of broken, staccato speech make that impossible for the former e-commerce executive. Despite being up to date with vaccines and boosters, Norpel, 48, got covid-19 in December 2021, when the highly transmissible omicron variant was fueling record U.S. caseloads. She never got better — and in fact, feels worse, with a range of debilitating symptoms that make it impossible to work.
Her halting speech can be triggered by something as innocuous as cold water or cool air on the skin. Extreme noise sensitivity requires her to wear noise-canceling headphones all day. She’s also endured a low-grade migraine for nearly a year, which can flare up after prolonged screen time.
When it comes to her body and mind, “the computer is just slow,” said Norpel, who lives with her family outside Philadelphia. “Right now, for me, 48 [years old] feels like 78.” Norpel is one of millions of Americans with long covid, also known as long-haul covid, post-covid or post-acute covid syndrome. While definitions vary, long covid is, at its core, a chronic illness with symptoms that persist for months or years after a covid infection.

China dispatches ‘covid riot police’ to break up massive protests against mandatory quarantines | added November 30
Read more at The Epoch Times
Chinese riot police in white hazmat suits clashed with people in southern China’s Guangzhou city on Tuesday night, according to online videos seen by Reuters. In one Twitter video, dozens of riot police holding shields advanced in formation over what looked like torn-down lockdown barriers, while objects were thrown in their direction. Later, police were seen escorting people in handcuffs away from the site.
Another video showed people throwing objects at the police. Finally, a third video showed people running away after a tear gas canister landed among them and spewed fumes. The videos were filmed in Guangzhou’s Haizhu district, Reuters stated, but the news agency could not determine the sequence of events or what might have sparked the clashes.
Social media posts said the clashes were sparked over local lockdown restrictions, according to Reuters. Haizhu District was the site of a major protest in mid-November, when over 1,000 residents took to the streets in protest against prolonged local lockdown measures. They wanted greater access to food, essential supplies, and medical treatment.
Halberd team submits peer reviewed article on plant-made monoclonal antibody that enhances protection against ‘covid’ | added November 30
Read more at Yahoo Finance
Covid research has led to a scientific article titled, “A Novel Plant-Made Monoclonal Antibody Enhances the Synergetic Potency of an Antibody Cocktail Against The SARS-Cov-2 Omicron Variant.” The article has been peer reviewed and accepted for publication, but has not yet been published.
The paper describes the Halberd sponsored research which resulted in an effective monoclonal antibody which has been shown to improve the potency of a commercially available antibody in a cocktail against the SARS Cov-2 omicron variant from 65% to over 94% effectiveness.
Dr. Mitchell S. Felder, Halberd’s Chief Technology Officer and a board-certified attending neurologist stated, “The ability of our antibody to boost the effectiveness of other antibodies in cocktail against covid-19 is a significant achievement as witnessed by the acceptance for publication of this peer reviewed article.”
West Virginia to end ‘covid’ state of emergency on Jan. 1, 2023 | added November 30
Read more at WCHSTV News
CHARLESTON, W.Va. (WCHS) — A proclamation signed by Gov. Jim Justice will officially end West Virginia’s state of emergency regarding the covid-19 pandemic at the end of the year. The proclamation, signed on Nov. 12, will terminate a state of emergency declared on March 16, 2020, regarding the covid-19 pandemic beginning on Jan. 1, 2023, according to the document.
The proclamation by Justice acknowledges that there are still issues surrounding the virus, but said the time to move out of the emergency phase is now. “Certain challenges resulting from the pandemic surely remain, but the time for emergency response has ended and the time for all parties to come together, to pull the rope together, and to overcome these remaining challenges together under non-emergency processes is upon us,” the proclamation said.
Under the declaration, all executive orders issued and related to the covid-19 pandemic will also end at the beginning of the year. More than 600,000 positive cases and 7,600 virus-related deaths have been reported in the Mountain State since the start of the pandemic, according to the West Virginia Department of Health and Human Resources.
Immensa lab mistakes in ‘covid’ testing could have killed 23 people with ‘negative covid results’ | added November 30
Read more at BBC News
Staff mistakes in a private laboratory may have caused 23 extra deaths from covid-19. The UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) made the claim in a report into errors at the Immensa lab in Wolverhampton. It said as many as 39,000 positive results were wrongly reported as negative in September and October 2021.
The mistakes led to “increased numbers of [hospital] admissions and deaths”, the report, published on Tuesday, concluded. Thousands of people, many in the South West, were wrongly told to stop testing after their results were processed by Immensa. The Wolverhampton laboratory was used for additional testing capacity for NHS Test and Trace from early September 2021, but testing was suspended on 12 October following reports of inaccurate results.
Experts said high case rates in some areas were down to people unwittingly infecting others when they should have been isolating. UKHSA experts said the mistakes could have led to as many as 55,000 additional infections in areas where the false negatives were reported. “Each incorrect negative test likely led to just over two additional infections,” the report said. “In those same geographical areas, our results also suggest an increased number of admissions and deaths.”
Fired NBA referees who refused ‘covid’ jabs speak out over discrimination | added November 30
Read more at The Defender
It’s “deeply offensive” that people who apply for a religious exemption from the covid-19 vaccine are “subjected to the Inquisition” and must “prove” the sincerity of their religious beliefs, Megyn Kelly told viewers of “The Megyn Kelly Show.” Kelly, a journalist, lawyer and political commentator, interviewed former National Basketball Association (NBA) referees Ken Mauer and Jason Phillips who, along with Mark Ayotte, sued the NBA for firing them because they refused the covid-19 vaccine.
All three applied for, and were denied, religious exemptions. According to the lawsuit, “The NBA’s lawyers, after a pointed interrogation” of the plaintiffs that lasted 30 minutes, “adjudged plaintiffs’ beliefs to be illogical, unorthodox, and/or not entirely religious and therefore insufficient to satisfy the ‘high standard’ of a sincerely held religious belief.”
Kelly told viewers she took issue with this notion of a “high standard” of religion and “the absurdity of them making you prove it” by showing them “just how good a Catholic you are” and how deep your objection runs. “When it comes to asserting a religious belief, you have to be subjected to the Inquisition.” She added: “You’ve got to sit in front of people [in this case, a Jewish NBA lawyer] who don’t even share your religion and try to persuade them that you’re a true believer [by saying], ‘I swear I’m a real Catholic. I really do object to abortion. It affects my feelings about these vaccines.’
Referee Gerhard Weng has heart attack mid-game, folk singer Kazım Çiriş has heart attack mid-show | added November 30
Read more at Mark Crispin Miller
Vanessa Feltz, 60, revealed on Instagram today her daughter had become “terribly unwell”. The This Morning star explained her daughter had been in hospital and on a drip since Thursday, as she issued an urgent plea to her 228,000 followers. And it turns out that what she’s got is pure and simply flu.
It’s influenza,” Vanessa continued. “It’s the flu bug that all the doctors warned us was probably coming this winter and she’s got a particularly virulent, horrible, horrible case of it. And guess what? She has been vaccinated. And what they’ve all said – all the specialists – is that if she hadn’t been, she would be even worse. And believe me, even worse honestly doesn’t even bear thinking about.”
Vaccine-injured victim speaks on shots: I’m 29. I have an underlying brain injury and I’m paralysed from the chest down. I use a powered wheelchair. Because of my condition it seemed sensible to have the vaccine. I had AstraZeneca due to allergies. When I went for the booster I explained why I’d had the AstraZeneca vaccine but was told Pfizer would be ok. I wish I’d trusted my instincts on October 9, 2021. I now have 34 symptoms affecting all of my body: 24/7 headache, tachycardia, photophobia, unable to eat much, tinnitus, chronic infections, mast cell issues and lung damage.
Dismantling the South African ‘covid’ virus propaganda and unnecessary fear | added November 30
Read more at Off Guardian
Bloomberg and various news outlets recently reported that a South African laboratory study warned a new strain of the covid-19 virus “could” emerge and “could cause worse illness than the current predominant omicron strain.”
This story is not so much a cautionary tale against a pending pathogenic event as it is an illustration of an extensive propaganda apparatus that seeks to keep the public in a constant state of hysteria for the express purpose of enriching powerful entities. The reader is forewarned that this version of the C19 virus in South Africa “could” – “might” – “may” be worse than the original omicron.
You can never be too certain of the lurking dangers in the ever-shifting landscape of Virus Mania I suppose. The headline reads, “Next Covid-19 Strain May be More Dangerous, Lab Study Shows”, telling us all once again and always- be afraid- be very afraid. Omitted from this narrative is the fact that the initial incarnation of omicron was deemed, by the South African Health Minister, to be of little concern.
Australia drops 33,000 fines for breaking ‘covid’ rules after top court rules offenses “too vague” | added November 29
Read more at CBS News
Sydney — Australia’s most populous state scrapped 33,000 fines issued for breaking covid-19 rules Tuesday, after a top court ruled they were invalid. New South Wales authorities were forced to retract more than half their pandemic-era fines, which were found to be too vague in describing the offense.
Revenue NSW said that because of the “technical” breach it would withdraw “fail to comply” penalties believed to be worth tens of millions of dollars. “Fail to comply” fines were issued for a range of alleged offenses from carpooling to public gathering.
They varied in severity but included fines of between $1,000 and $3,000 (US$670 and US$2,000) a piece. Those who have already paid the fines will be reimbursed, Revenue NSW said. “This case is about more than just two people’s fines. It is about the need to properly adhere to the rule of law, even during a pandemic,” center solicitor Samantha Lee said before the ruling. The group alleged that the fines were also disproportionately issued to people living in poorer neighborhoods and regions.
New study reveals ‘covid’ killed more vaccinated people than unvaccinated | added November 29
Read more at Fierce Healthcare
Getting vaccinated against covid-19 is the best way to stay out of the hospital and to stay alive, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and most medical experts. That hasn’t changed. Further, the CDC encourages people to get the new bivalent vaccine against omicron’s sub-variants, though uptake of that vaccine has been slow, with a little more than 11% of Americans getting it.
Vaccination matters even as it comes to light that more people who’d been vaccinated against covid-19 died in August than those who’d not been vaccinated, according to an analysis by Cynthia Cox, vice president at the Kaiser Family Foundation (KFF). Cox undertook the analysis for The Health 202, which is published by The Washington Post.
The newspaper reports that 58% of coronavirus deaths in August occurred in people who’d been vaccinated against SARS-CoV-2. Experts stress that despite this finding, an individual’s chances of dying from covid-19 is much greater if they’re unvaccinated. The fact that more vaccinated people die from covid than unvaccinated is partly because 80.7% of the population in the U.S. has had at least one dose of vaccine, according to the CDC. Actuarially, that would drive higher numbers of covid fatalities among the vaccinated.
China announces progress in increasing ‘covid’ booster jabs to prevent serious illness | added November 29
Read more at CNBC News
BEIJING — Mainland China announced significant progress Tuesday in getting covid-19 booster shots for people “over age 80.” As of Monday, 65.8% of that age category had received booster shots, an official told reporters. That’s up from 40% as of Nov. 11, according to prior disclosures.
China also announced a new push to get its elderly population further vaccinated for covid-19. An official said at a press conference that vaccination is still effective in preventing severe illness and death, and that the elderly are among the biggest beneficiaries. The document did not provide specific details on how authorities would go about vaccinating more people.
Analysts have said that getting a greater share of the population vaccinated would help put China on the path to reopening. Only China-made vaccines are locally available so far. The covid vaccination rate for older people in China is generally below that of the U.S. and Singapore. Tuesday’s announcement and press conference followed a weekend of unrest as pockets of people in cities across China vented their frustration with covid policy.
Chinese health officials target seniors for inoculation in ‘covid’ vax drive | added November 29
Read more at The Guardian
Chinese health officials have announced a drive to accelerate vaccinations of older people against covid-19, as police patrolled major cities to stamp out protests against the country’s strict zero-covid policy. The low vaccination rate among older people is one of the major hurdles to easing the zero-covid policy, which has eroded economic growth, disrupted the lives of millions, and sparked three days of unprecedented protests.
At a regular press conference on Tuesday, officials said just 76.6% of people over 80 had received two vaccine doses, compared with more than 90% of the general population, and only 65.8% had received a booster jab.
Under a new plan for “strengthening coronavirus vaccination of the elderly”, the National Health Commission (NHC) said it would target more vaccinations at people older than 80 and reduce to three months the gap between basic vaccination and booster shots for elderly people. Local authorities were ordered to improve vaccine promotion and delivery to older age groups, who have been far more averse to vaccination than younger generations.
Under Elon Musk’s new ownership, Twitter will no longer enforce ‘covid’ misinformation policy | added November 29
Read more at CNN
Twitter said it will no longer enforce its longstanding covid misinformation policy, yet another sign of how Elon Musk plans to transform the social media company he bought a month ago. In 2020, Twitter developed an extensive set of rules that sought to prohibit “harmful misinformation” about the virus and its vaccines.
Between January 2020 and September 2022, Twitter suspended more than 11,000 accounts for breaking covid misinformation rules and removed almost 100,000 pieces of content that violated those rules, according to statistics published by Twitter. The policy received acclaim from medical professionals: In an advisory to technology platforms, US Surgeon General Dr. Vivek Murthy cited Twitter’s rules as an example of what companies should do to combat misinformation.
Twitter did not appear to formally announce the rule change. Instead, some Twitter users Monday night spotted a note added to the page on Twitter’s website that outlines its covid policy. “Effective November 23, 2022, Twitter is no longer enforcing the covid-19 misleading information policy,” the note read. Musk has promised to restore many previously banned Twitter accounts as soon as this week. It is possible that among the restored accounts will be some of the 11,000 banned under Twitter’s former covid misinformation rules.
The best article I’ve read about Fauci | added November 29
Read more at Planet Waves FM from Chiron Return
Most things that fill a thick book with narrow margins would make a much better article. Such is demonstrated by my twin-sister investigative reporter Celia Farber’s 1,600-word comment on Fauci, posted to Planet Waves FM one year ago.
It’s called America’s Doctor: It’s Not Just That He’s So Boring, and it’s all you really need. In case you’re curious, here is my interview with Celia from earlier this year, which was more like a therapy session (for me). I still have lots of other questions — maybe she’ll come back onto the program.
Celia has been watching Major League Virus antics from the dugout since the mid-1980s when she was a student at NYU and an intern for the rock magazine SPIN. By some karma, dharma, miracle or mishap, she emerged as one of the very few wholly sincere, full-time reporters on the story. (She was not in the press box watching from afar; she was near many of the major players and had direct access.)
The truth about fevers | added November 29
Watch the video on Dr. Sam Bailey
Fever – this has to be one of the most misunderstood topics that all of us have to deal with at some point in our lives.
I’ll explain why the medical system doesn’t appreciate the significance of fevers or how to manage them. In fact, in many cases doctors hinder the body’s healing processes which can lead to long term health problems.
Let’s find out some of the most important things you need to know about fevers.
U.S. Right to Know files three FOIA lawsuits against federal agencies over ‘covid’ origins | added November 29
Read more at The Defender
U.S. Right to Know (USRTK) last week filed three new Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuits against federal agencies as part of an ongoing effort to uncover what is known about the origins of covid-19, leaks or mishaps at biosafety labs and the risks of gain-of-function research. The nonprofit investigative public health group has filed more than 90 state, federal and international public records requests since July 2020, seeking information related to the origins of SARS-CoV-2.
The group filed the three new lawsuits after federal agencies failed to respond to several FOIA requests, instead withholding documents and information that potentially shed light on the origins of covid-19 and related issues. “The public and global scientific community have a right to know what data exists about these matters,” USRTK said.
USRTK filed a lawsuit against the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and the National Library of Medicine (NLM) after they ignored USRTK’s request, submitted in June, for information about Basic Local Alignment Search Tool (BLAST) inquiries made before the start of the covid-19 pandemic. Researchers commonly use BLAST to compare potentially new genetic sequences to a database of known sequences. The lawsuit seeks to uncover whether anyone was using BLAST to align a nucleic acid or amino acid sequence identical to parts of the SARS-CoV-2 genome before the pandemic.
A look at the blood of ‘covid’ vaccinated people and the unlisted ingredients contained in the shots | added November 29
Read more at The Epoch Times
More than 12.7 billion doses of the covid-19 vaccine have been administered since the treatment became available nearly two years ago. Some have received one or two doses, while others have had multiple doses. Yet many don’t know what these shots actually contain.
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) website provides ingredient lists for curious consumers to consider. For example, vials from Moderna and BioNTech/Pfizer famously contain messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA). This is a genetic sequence designed to program your cells to manufacture a spike protein, thereby training the immune system to guard against the signature spike of the covid-19 virus in the wild.
Less well-known ingredients include a different mix of lipids (fats). Pfizer’s shot, for example, contains 4-hydroxybutyl, and Moderna’s contains SM-102. These shots also include polyethylene glycol, cholesterol, a few salts (such as potassium chloride and sodium chloride), and sucrose (sugar). Johnson and Johnson’s (Janssen’s) vaccine doesn’t contain mRNA but instead features as its main mechanism of immune system training a recombinant, replication-incompetent adenovirus expressing the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein.
Home invaders | added November 29
Watch the video on YouTube
Not every alarm is a threat.
Pfizer CEO found guilty of spreading ‘covid misinformation’ while pushing shots on children | added November 29
Read more at Reclaim the Net
If you’re tired of censorship, cancel culture, and the erosion of privacy and civil liberties subscribe to Reclaim The Net. Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla, last year at the Atlantic Council, called people who spread covid-19 vaccine misinformation “criminals,” in his calls for censorship of misinformation online.
However, this year, Dr. Bourla is himself found responsible by the UK’s pharmaceutical regulator of making “misleading” statements about vaccination of children. Last December, in an interview with the BBC, Dr. Bourla said that “there is no doubt in my mind that the benefits, completely, are in favor of vaccinating children between the ages of five and 11.
He continued to say that “Covid in schools is thriving.” “This is disturbing, significantly, the educational system and there are kids that will have severe symptoms.” The interview was conducted before the vaccine was approved for children between the ages of five and 11 in the UK.

Covid 19 news reaches 1,000 days of coverage | added Nov. 28
A Holistic Investigation
Dear Friend and Reader:
[Nov. 27, 2022] Good evening. Tomorrow is a milestone in my work on what I consider the most significant and urgent story of my journalism career. If you have a moment, I’d like to share something about that with you.When I began publishing Covid19 News on March 3, 2020 — a daily news blog devoted to building the record of the newly-unfolding crisis — I was concerned that I was getting a late start on the issue. Then the voice of experience responded: it won’t seem like a late start for long.
So I gathered my colleagues at Planet Waves and explained how we would be doing the story: thoroughly. And we would be focusing on the PCR, which we were being told was a test for a virus. And so we did.
Many of you reading have made our work possible through your contributions of money, ideas, references, work, graitude and goodwill. Thank you.
As of Sunday, Nov. 27, we began one thousand days ago: that’s 143 weeks, 24,000 hours, or 1.44 million minutes. I have not worked on the issue all of those hours and minutes, but most of them, and every single day. My diary of what I learned is called Day 1,000: A Holistic Investigation.
Read more at Plant Waves FM from Chiron Return
Fauci states over weekend we are “certainly” still in the middle of ‘covid’ pandemic | added November 28
Read more at CNBC News
The nation’s top infectious disease expert, Dr. Anthony Fauci, said the U.S. is “certainly” still in the middle of a covid-19 pandemic and he is “very troubled” by the divisive state of American politics. “As a public health official, I don’t want to see anyone suffer and die from covid,” he told NBC’s “Meet the Press” on Sunday. “I don’t care if you’re a far-right Republican or a far-left Democrat, everybody deserves to have the safety of good public health and that’s not happening.”
Fauci said between 300 and 400 people are still dying from covid every day, and the uptake of the latest vaccine booster has been less than 15%. “I think the idea that forget it, this is over — it isn’t,” he said. The 81-year-old became a household name during the covid-19 pandemic, battling back against misinformation — sometimes from the highest levels of government. He challenged former President Donald Trump on everything from the use of hydroxychloroquine to mask mandates, and his steadfast commitment to science made him a quasi-celebrity.
White House covid-19 Response Coordinator Dr. Ashish Jha said Sunday he knows it has been a long two years for Americans, but that it is still “incredibly important” to get vaccinated ahead of the holiday season. “We understand that people want to move on,” Jha told ABC News’ “This Week,” “The good news is, they can move on if they keep their immunity up to date.”
White House’s ‘covid’ coordinator Dr. Ashish Jha alleges booster jabs will help people “move on” from the pandemic | added November 28
Read more at ABC News
With the Biden administration urging people to get both a covid-19 booster and a flu shot as soon as possible, the White House’s Dr. Ashish Jha said Sunday that updated vaccinations will help people “move on” from the pandemic.”It’s been, obviously, a long two and a half years for Americans, and we understand that people want to move on,” Jha, the White House covid-19 coordinator, told ABC “This Week” co-anchor Martha Raddatz of the virus that has killed more than 1 million people in the U.S. “The good news is people can move on if they keep their immunity up to date.”
Covid-19 deaths are still averaging more than 2,000 per week and only about 11% of the country has gotten the latest booster compared to 80% of people who completed the primary course of vaccination that was rolled out in 2021, according to data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). “We’ve talked about this so many times: People aren’t listening,” Raddatz said of the federal government’s push for vaccinations while low booster rates remain the norm.
“What do you do?” she asked Jha. He reiterated that the vaccines give crucial protection and he said he believes uptake will increase in the coming weeks: “Historically, people tend to get their flu shot in November and December and to January.” “We think it’s incredibly important as we head into the holidays for people to update their immunity, get the new covid vaccine, get the flu shot. It’s a great way to stay safe and healthy this holiday season,” he said.
Chinese police clash with outraged protestors as ‘zero-covid policy’ grows across the country | added November 28
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Chinese protesters are clashing with police across the country as outrage against the Chinese Communist Party’s zero-covid policy grows. China’s covid-19 authorities have relocated tens of thousands of people to camps after testing positive,and imposed draconian lockdown measures, going so far as to weld some people’s doors shut.
Widespread protests are rare in China’s repressive political environment, and police are cracking down harshly on students and workers who dare to demonstrate. Social media footage appears to show police hauling away protesters in cities across China. In Guangzhou, numerous officers were filmed tousling with a group of protesters before pulling one man away and wrestling him to the ground.
Other officers were photographed dragging another protester away by his hands and feet in Shanghai. The protests themselves often reference China’s efforts to quash dissent, with demonstrators holding up blank pieces of paper to symbolize their inability to speak freely. Officers reportedly used pepper spray to disperse an initial rally in Shanghai, but soon began making arrests when protesters returned. Authorities filled a bus with those they arrested, according to the Toronto Sun.
CDC reveals new ‘covid’ variant XBB won’t cause a deadly surge | added November 28
Read more at CBS News
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention revealed Friday it is now tracking a new covid-19 variant of concern around the U.S. known as XBB, which has grown to make up an estimated 3.1% of new infections nationwide. The strain’s prevalence has grown furthest so far in the Northeast, according to the agency’s weekly estimates.
More than 5% of infections in the regions spanning New Jersey through Maine are linked to XBB, in this week’s “Nowcast” from the CDC. XBB is behind a vast swath of infections across some South Asian countries and has made up an increasing share of reported virus sequences from around the world and in arriving international travelers. Earlier this month, the CDC offered preliminary estimates suggesting XBB is potentially doubling in proportion about every 12 days.
That could be faster than the current pace of the BQ.1 and BQ.1.1 variants now dominant across the country. However, the Biden administration’s top covid officials and experts say they do not think XBB will pose a new threat on the scale of when the omicron variant first emerged a year ago. “Where we’ve seen surges, they’ve seen mostly it be driven by seasonality, people coming inside, spending more time around one another, but not being specifically being driven by the emergence of a new variant,” the CDC’s Ian Williams told a meeting of the CDC’s emergency response and preparedness advisers earlier this month.
Fauci accuses China of not cooperating with probe into ‘covid’ origins | added November 28
Read more at The Epoch Times
The outgoing director of the U.S. National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) and President Joe Biden’s chief medical adviser, Dr. Anthony Fauci, has accused China of failing to cooperate with an investigation into the origins of covid-19.
Speaking on CBS’s “Face the Nation” on Sunday, Fauci was asked whether he has seen any of the data that Beijing has handed over after being asked to do so by the United States as part of a probe. The health official explained that he had yet to see such data, before accusing China’s ruling Chinese Communist Party (CCP) of acting secretive and raising suspicions throughout the globe that they may have covered up the origins of the pandemic.
“No,” Fauci responded when asked if he had seen any of the data. “You know, one of the problems is that—and this is historic, it goes way back to bird flu, the H5N1, the H7N9, the original SARS-CoV-1—is that the Chinese, not necessarily the scientists that we know and we have dealt with and collaborated with productively for decades, but the whole establishment of political and other establishments in China, even when there’s nothing at all to hide, they act secretive, which absolutely triggers an appropriate suspicion of like, ‘What the heck is going on over there?’”

The EPA fails to take action against factory farms spewing manure into U.S. waterways | added November 28
Read more at Children’s Health Defense
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is charged with protecting important waterways from pollution, but manure from concentrated animal feeding operations, or CAFOs, continues to harm waterways — and only one-third of the largest facilities have a federal permit. EPA permits require CAFO operators to tell the agency how much waste the animals will produce and how the manure will be disposed of.
States are largely responsible for issuing these permits, but that has resulted in patchy oversight, despite CAFOs being known environmental dangers. In some states with hundreds of large CAFOs, including Indiana, Idaho and Arkansas, zero facilities have a federal permit. Large CAFOs are defined by the EPA as housing the equivalent of 700 dairy cattle, 2,500 swine or up to 125,000 chickens.
A single CAFO can produce millions of gallons of manure per year. When the waste enters waterways, the nitrogen and phosphorus present in the manure can make water dangerous to drink and produce harmful algae blooms. The Clean Water Act of 1972 mandated the EPA to protect “waters of the U.S.,” a much-debated term that currently includes interstate rivers and wetlands and the smaller bodies of water that flow into or otherwise impact those interstate waters.
MSM: “Tripledemic” that’s overwhelming hospitals calls for masking over the holiday season | added November 28
Read more at NBC News
Entering the holiday season last year, surging covid-19 cases overwhelmed hospitals. This year, hospitals have been overwhelmed by a combination of covid, respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) and the flu. Along with RSV, the record number of flu cases pushing pediatric hospitals near to capacity is a worrisome signal that the current flu season will be the worst in years. Facing a particularly acute crisis, pediatric hospitals have called upon President Joe Biden to declare an emergency to provide more resources to respond to the current surges.
This “tripledemic” of flu, covid and RSV is a reminder that even as the pandemic ends, the threat of seasonal respiratory viruses remains. Thankfully, our toolkit for tackling them is similar to what works to suppress covid alone, starting with the most basic and flexible level of protection: masking. When and where respiratory viruses are surging, mask mandates should be reinstated. Masks work and, critically, they don’t need to work perfectly to have a positive impact.
A recent study found that Boston school districts that had lifted mandates averaged 45 more covid cases per 1,000 students and staff than those with mandates. Other evidence has suggested that masks are effective against influenza as well, with some scientists suggesting that widespread masking during the first two years of the pandemic contributed to the historically low rates of flu and RSV observed in those years.
KIX drummer has heart attack onstage, Argentina’s president collapses on state trip, football player Oscar Garré suffers cardiac arrest | added November 28
Read more at Mark Crispin Miller
KIX drummer Jimmy “Chocolate” Chalfant was carried off stage after suffering a suspected heart attack during the band’s concert Friday night. The incident took place at KIX‘s concert at the Tally Ho Theater in Leesburg, Virginia, with one source telling Metal Sludge: “He (Jimmy Chalfant) was carried off and we’re waiting on a final word from paramedics.”
The source also added: “It happened right after his drum solo, and the band was about to start ‘Cold Blood‘. It was crazy. The ambulance was there within two minutes.” Some of those who were in attendance shared videos to social media, with one person writing: “Please keep Jimmy from KIX in your thoughts. He just collapsed at the KIX show encore at the Talley Ho. No pulse and lots of CPR etc. Amazing show tonight.
I hope it wasn’t his last.” This would not be the first time Chalfant has had cardiac issues. Back in September 2021, the drummer suffered a heart attack at his home and was rushed to the hospital where he underwent immediate lifesaving surgery.
Differential diagnosis? A look at the history of testing to ‘diagnosing’ a disease | added November 28
Read more at Mike Stone Antiviral
I imagine most of us have “fond” memories of going to the doctor when feeling unwell and getting subsequently poked and prodded in order to determine a “cause” for the illness. Beyond checking for a fever with a thermometer, the examination performed usually involved a listen to the lungs and heart with the stethoscope, the use of a thick wooden popsicle stick pressed to the tongue to examine the throat, a look into the nose and ears with the otoscope, and a feel of the glands around the neck to check for inflammation and swelling.
Unless a strep test (which consisted of a long q-tip being swirled in the back of the throat) was called for and came back positive, more often than not, we were sent home without any testing or medications with the sage advice that “it’s only a viral infection and it just needs to run its course.” Essentially, the only purpose of the examination was to get the written doctors note for school the next day.
We were left with the warm and fuzzy feeling that the doctor had absolutely no idea what was going on and the best cure was Grandma’s timeless remedy: bed rest, chicken noodle soup, and ginger ale. A 2015 article reprinted in The Washington Post by Chad Hayes, a resident physician in pediatrics in Greenville, S.C., discussed this very common scenario. In his article, Hayes admitted that in most cases, testing is not performed as there are no differences in the treatments given for any of the resulting symptoms assumed to be caused by different “viruses.”

Dr. Fauci bids farewell at last White House press briefing while urging Americans to get ‘covid’ booster jabs | added Nov. 24
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Zero Hedge — Fauci only ended up answering three questions – including one about House Republicans taking the majority in Congress and potentially investigating him. Multiple GOP lawmakers have signaled they would call him to testify over the origins of the covid-19 virus and his agency having provided funding to a third party to carry out controversial research in Wuhan, China.
The longtime federal official said that he has testified “hundreds of times” and would comply with Republicans if he is asked. Regarding questions about the origin of covid-19, Fauci did not answer Tuesday. -Epoch Times. “I’ll let other people judge the value or not of my accomplishments, but I would like people to remember about what I’ve done, is that every day for all of those years I’ve given it everything that I have and I’ve never left anything on the field,” Fauci said.
He then called on people to get updated covid-19 booster shots. “Whether you’re a far-right Republican or a far-left Democrat, it doesn’t make any difference to me,” he said. “I look upon it the same way as I did in the emergency room in middle New York City when I was taking care of everybody who was coming in off the street.”
Fourteen year-old Irish teen dies three weeks after Pfizer’s ‘covid’ shot | added November 24
Read more at The Defender
The death last year of a 14-year-old Irish teen three weeks after he received Pfizer’s covid-19 vaccine has sparked an investigation that could take years, officials involved in an inquest into the teen’s death said this week. As part of the “considerable investigation,” authorities said they will request safety information about the vaccine from Pfizer.
Joseph McGinty, a secondary school student from Achill Island, Ireland, received the Pfizer vaccine on Aug. 20, 2021. On Sept. 1, 2021, he was hospitalized overnight at Mayo University Hospital and discharged the following day. On Sept. 8, 2021, McGinty revisited the hospital for review. He died at home on Sept. 13, 2021.
Patricia McGinty formally identified her son’s remains on the day of his death but “has very little recollection of the morning in question,” the family’s attorney, Rita Kilroy, told the court. The coroner involved in the case, Pat O’Connor, called McGinty’s death “a matter of significant public concern.”“The circumstances of Joseph McGinty’s death is that covid vaccination was administered to him [and] that there appears to have been either a reaction or a significant change in his medical circumstances following the administration of the vaccine and that subsequently, unfortunately, Master McGinty died,” O’Connor said in Monday’s hearing.
China expands lockdowns as daily ‘covid’ case numbers reach record high | added November 24
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BEIJING (AP) — Pandemic lockdowns are expanding across China, including in a city where factory workers clashed this week with police, as the number of covid-19 cases hits a daily record. Residents of eight districts of Zhengzhou, home to 6.6 million people, were told to stay home for five days beginning Thursday except to buy food or get medical treatment. Daily mass testing was ordered in what the city government called a “war of annihilation” against the virus.
During clashes Tuesday and Wednesday, Zhengzhou police beat workers protesting over a pay dispute at the biggest factory for Apple’s iPhone, located in an industrial zone near the city. Foxconn, the Taiwan-based owner of the factory, apologized Thursday for what it called “an input error in the computer system” and said it would guarantee that the pay is the same as agreed to and in official recruitment posters.
In the previous 24 hours, the number of new covid cases rose by 31,444, the National Health Commission said Thursday. That’s the highest daily figure since the coronavirus was first detected in the central Chinese city of Wuhan in late 2019. The daily caseload has been steadily increasing. This week, authorities reported China’s first covid-19 deaths in six months, bringing the total to 5,232.
Majority of American ‘covid’ deaths are among the vaccinated, according to new analysis | added November 24
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For the first time since the beginning of the pandemic, a majority of Americans dying from the coronavirus were at least partially vaccinated, according to a new analysis of federal and state data. The waning efficacy of covid-19 vaccines and increasingly contagious strains of the virus being spread to elderly and immunocompromised people have resulted in more deaths among those who have taken at least one vaccine dose, a Washington Post analysis published Wednesday finds.
“Fifty-eight percent of coronavirus deaths in August were people who were vaccinated or boosted,” the Post reported. The paper described a “troubling trend” as the share of deaths of people who were vaccinated has been “steadily rising” over the past year. “In September 2021, vaccinated people made up just 23 percent of coronavirus fatalities. In January and February this year, it was up to 42 percent,” the Washington Post’s Fenit Nirappil and Dan Keating wrote.
“We can no longer say this is a pandemic of the unvaccinated,” said Kaiser Family Foundation vice president Cynthia Cox, who conducted the analysis on behalf of the Post. Top health officials have repeatedly urged Americans to complete their primary vaccine series and get boosted to maximize vaccine protection against covid-19. At a press briefing Tuesday, White House Coronavirus Response Coordinator Dr. Ashish Jha unveiled the Biden administration’s new “six-week sprint” campaign to get Americans vaccinated this holiday season.
TV presenter Jonnie Irwin has 6 months to live; actress Genevieve Florence’s health destroyed | added November 24
Read more at Mark Crispin Miller Substack
BRAZIL — Former Big Brother Brazil Eliezer is diagnosed with rare heart syndrome. In stories, the influencer reported that he discovered the heart problem after experiencing severe chest pains and difficulty breathing. Former BBB (Big Brother Brazil) Eliezer, 32, used Instagram this Sunday afternoon to tell his followers that he was diagnosed with a rare heart syndrome. “I went to the hospital and there I found out that it’s a matter of the heart. It is rare and I am taking care not to become serious”, explained the former BBB.
“I am already medicated, and being cared for by the best doctors. These days I have to be quieter, that’s why I’m gone around here. Don’t worry, I’m home, out of danger and anything serious like a heart attack, stroke has already been ruled out. The pain and shortness of breath are already much better. I’ll be right back”, concluded Eli.
UNITED KINGDOM — A Place in The Sun’s Jonnie Irwin diagnosed with terminal cancer and given 6 months to live. Jonnie has been diagnosed with cancer and has been given six months to live. TV presenter Jonnie Irwin has been diagnosed with terminal cancer and says that he hopes sharing his diagnosis will inspire others to “make the most of every day”. The 48-year-old, who presents Channel 4 ’s A Place In The Sun and the BBC ’s Escape To The Country, revealed his lung cancer had spread to his brain, saying: “I don’t know how long I have left.”
New study of American veterans suggest Vitamin D supplements could have prevented over 110,000 ‘covid’ deaths | added November 24
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A study of American veterans suggests that nationwide distribution of vitamin D supplements could have prevented over 110,000 covid-19 deaths and millions more infections from the virus. The lack of vitamin D in the human body has long been linked to poor immunity, which makes people more prone to viral infection. Several studies have shown that those with vitamin D deficiency are at higher risk of getting covid-19 and experiencing severe symptoms.
However, not much light has been shed on whether vitamin D treatment can reduce the risk of death from covid-19. The study, published earlier this month in Scientific Reports, a sub-journal of Nature, looks into the relationship between vitamin D2 and D3 supplementation and the risk of dying from covid-19 within 30 days following infection.
Using data provided by the U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs (VA), the research team conducted an analysis of 199,498 veterans who were treated with vitamin D3 and 33,216 veterans treated with D2 between the pre-pandemic period from Jan. 1, 2019 to Dec. 31, 2020, and during the pandemic from March 1, 2020 to Dec. 31, 2020. Each patient was matched one-on-one with an untreated VA patient as control. The researchers also conducted a subgroup analysis based on race and gender. It is known that people with darker skin typically have lower vitamin D levels than those with lighter skins, since more melanin reduces people’s ability to synthesize vitamin D from the sun. Women have also been found to have greater vitamin D blood levels than men.
Fauci predicts “we’re not going to see a repeat of what we saw last year at this time” with surge of ‘covid’ | added Nov. 24
Read more at The New York Times
Federal health officials expressed optimism on Tuesday that the nation was better prepared to weather a surge of covid-19 infections this winter compared with a year earlier, and they renewed their pleas for Americans to get an updated booster shot ahead of the holidays.
While the trajectory of the virus remains uncertain, Dr. Anthony S. Fauci, President Biden’s chief medical adviser, said the administration was hopeful that the combination of infections and vaccinations had created “enough community protection that we’re not going to see a repeat of what we saw last year at this time” when a brand-new variant, omicron, emerged seemingly out of the blue.
As families gather for Thanksgiving, the coronavirus appears to be less of a threat to most Americans than it was a year ago, when omicron began spreading infection at an alarming rate. At the time, Mr. Biden banned travel from eight African nations and warned Americans not to panic, and he later dispatched military medical workers to hospitals that officials feared would be overrun with patients. Now, Dr. Ashish K. Jha, the White House’s covid-19 response coordinator, said he was confident about the holiday season as long as Americans continued to get vaccinated and boosted.
Oregon hospitals overwhelmed with ‘covid’ hospitalizations and other respiratory diseases as cases rise by 35 percent over previous week | added November 24
Read more at Oregon Live
Covid-19 hospitalizations climbed 35% last week to reach 311 hospital beds occupied by coronavirus patients, the most hospitalizations at a time since August. The increase appears to buck the trajectory forecasted by Oregon Health & Science University, which most recently predicted hospitalizations would stay flat before declining slightly.
Incorporating the new numbers into OHSU’s model still does not indicate a “large surge” is here, nor does the larger-than-anticipated growth appear to carry implications for waning immunity or transmissibility of new strains, analyst Peter Graven said in an email. The Oregon Health Authority was not immediately available for comment.
Concerns about a fall surge of the coronavirus have to some extent been subsumed by concerns about RSV, another respiratory virus that is flooding pediatric hospitals with young patients in need of specialized care. As of Wednesday, each of Oregon’s three hospitals with pediatric intensive care beds switched to “crisis standards of care,” allowing them to triage patients and loosen staffing standards to be able to care for more patients with fewer staff.
United Kingdom: Excess non-‘covid’ related deaths approach 25,000 as rise in heart-related deaths spike with new booster rollout | added November 24
Read more at The Daily Skeptic
The excess deaths crisis continues, with 795 excess deaths – 7.4% above the five-year average – registered in England and Wales in the week ending November 11th, according to the ONS. Of these, 434 were attributed to an underlying cause other than covid-19, bringing the total excess non-covid deaths since the wave began in April to 24,820. There has been a lot of attention given to cancer deaths in the past week, which have been elevated in recent months.
This is clearly something to be concerned about, and likely to get worse. However, cancer deaths are only a small portion of the recent excess deaths, with 900 registered above average since the start of September. In that time there have been around 11,000 excess deaths in total, meaning cancer deaths account for around 8% of the excess deaths this autumn. The rest of the excess deaths are largely heart and circulatory system related.
The current preferred explanation for the thousands of above average deaths in the U.K. is the NHS crisis and backlog. Certainly this can’t be helping, though by itself it doesn’t explain why a similar phenomenon is happening internationally. Others argue that post-covid effects are resulting in many premature deaths, particularly heart related. However, such a phenomenon remains contested and the recent British Heart Foundation report dismissed it, saying “Covid infection is no longer a driving force behind the excess [cardiovascular disease] death rate”.

Fauci says he will cooperate with Republican House investigation into ‘covid’ origins | added November 23
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White House chief medical advisor Dr. Anthony Fauci said Tuesday that he will fully cooperate with House Republicans if they launch an investigation into the origins of the covid-19 pandemic. GOP lawmakers vowed in August to open such a probe and call on Fauci to testify if they won a majority in the House of Representatives in the midterm elections. They won that majority earlier this month.
“If there are oversight hearings I absolutely will cooperate fully and testify before the Congress,” Fauci told reporters Tuesday during a briefing at the White House. “I have no trouble testifying — we can defend and explain everything that we’ve said.” Fauci became the face of the U.S. pandemic response as the nation’s top infectious disease expert under the Trump and Biden administrations.
He has repeatedly clashed with congressional Republicans over whether the virus that causes covid arose naturally or escaped from a research lab in Wuhan, China. Fauci has maintained that it is much more likely that the virus spilled from animals into people. U.S. intelligence agencies under the Biden administration, in an assessment published in August 2021, were split about the most likely origin.
New updated ‘covid’ booster jabs offer limited protection, not as effective as ‘original covid jab’, according to first real-world study | added November 23
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Updated covid-19 boosters that carry instructions to arm the body against currently circulating omicron subvariants offer some protection against infections, according to the first study to look at how the boosters are performing in the real world. However, the protection is not as high as that provided by the original vaccine against earlier coronavirus variants, the researchers say.
Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, called the new data “really quite good.” “Please, for your own safety, for that of your family, get your updated covid-19 shot as soon as you’re eligible to protect yourself, your family and your community,” Fauci said at a White House briefing Tuesday.
Uptake of the bivalent boosters, which protect against the BA.4/5 subvariants as well as the original virus strain, has been remarkably slow. Only 11% of eligible Americans have gotten them since they became available in early September. The new study found that the updated boosters work about like the original boosters.
Investigative reporter reveals Massachusetts death certificates show excess mortality could be linked to ‘covid’ vaccines | added November 23
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In this article, I highlight the work of independent investigator John Beaudoin, Sr., who analyzed nearly seven years of Massachusetts death certificates he obtained through a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request. Beaudoin’s findings demonstrate that the covid-19 death toll in Massachusetts was largely confined to a short window of time in 2020, and that covid-19 deaths in 2020 resulted from pulmonary causes — in contrast to covid-19 deaths in 2021, which were more closely linked to illnesses of the heart and blood.
There is no reasonable way to explain how SARS-CoV-2 dramatically changed the way it attacks and kills human beings and why it did so at precisely the time the experimental mRNA inoculations were deployed. Beaudoin’s analysis also suggests that medical fraud and negligence may have been in play on a scale yet to be definitively determined.
Beaudoin is a fellow resident of Massachusetts. Just down the road from us sit some of the most renowned hospitals and centers for medical research. None seem interested in validating or refuting the devastating implications of Beaudoin’s findings. Boston was home to the infamous Biogen conference held in March 2020. The event was considered to be one of the first “super spreader events” in the country.
They’re doing it again | added November 23
Watch on Dr. Sam Bailey
The covid-19 narrative is running out of fresh material, so they are starting to do re-runs. And just like “The Love Boat”, the stories aboard the Princess Cruise ships are just as fictional.
Let’s have a look at the latest episode!
Prime-age mortality among Americans remains elevated even as alleged ‘covid’ deaths fall | added November 23
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More Americans aged 18–49 are dying than in years before, even if covid-19 deaths are excluded. Such excess deaths reached their zenith during summer and fall last year. They have since subsided, but still remain in the thousands each month.
As The Epoch Times previously reported, the excess deaths are likely attributable to increases in drug overdoses, alcoholic diseases, and homicide as well as overlooked covid-19 deaths, delayed consequences of the disease, and possible side effects of the covid-19 vaccines. Last year, some 96,000 more prime-age Americans died when compared to 2018 and 2019, adjusted for population change. Less than half of those were attributed to covid-19 in death certificate data published by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
This year, between January and August, there have been more than 40,000 such excess deaths with less than 28 percent attributed to covid-19. That leaves more than 54,000 non-covid-19 excess deaths in 2021 and more than 29,000 such deaths this year until August in the 18–49 age group. The death certificate data is preliminary and has a lag of eight weeks or more, the CDC says on its website.
Remembering JFK assassination: Fifty nine years of lies buried in the truth | added November 23
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“The rights of every man are diminished when the rights of one man are threatened.” — JFK
President John Fitzgerald Kennedy was not assassinated with three shots from the book depository fired by Lee Harvey Oswald. And almost all of us know it. In opinion polls going back to November 29th 1963, just a week after the shooting, at least a sixty-percent majority has rejected the official line every single time.
In short, regarding JFK, the “crazy conspiracy theorists” make up two-thirds of the population, and always have done. This is a good thing. A victory for truth in the face of stark odds, overcoming fifty-nine years of propaganda. It doesn’t matter what you think of JFK the man – whether you believe he was trying to change things, or hail from the Chomsky school of “he was just like Obama” – the simple facts reflect he was killed by state agencies of his own government.
It was a coup. We don’t need to go into the details, it has been endlessly written about, on this site and a million others. Suffice it to say, nothing about the “official story” has ever made sense. You have to leave rationality behind to believe it. Much like mask-usage and the “safe and effective” vaccines during the “pandemic”, embracing the mainstream story of the “lone gunman” and his “magic bullet” has passed beyond the realm of thoughts and opinions and become a tenet of a modern-day religion.
A healthy distrust of authority is allowed and so is not abiding to the rules and going along anyway.
San Diego appeals court rules against school ‘covid’ vax mandate | added November 23
Read more at The San-Diego Tribune
An appeals court ruled Tuesday against San Diego Unified’s covid-19 student vaccine mandate, which has been on pause for the past half year. The Fourth District Court of Appeal agreed with a lower court’s ruling from last December that school districts cannot impose their own vaccine requirements on students and that only the state can require a vaccine for school attendance.
“This is a great win for children and the rule of law and ensures consistency statewide,” said Lee Andelin, attorney for Let Them Choose, an offshoot of Let Them Breathe that sued San Diego Unified over its student covid-19 vaccine mandate last year. San Diego Unified is examining the appeals court ruling and “will consider its next steps,” district spokesperson Mike Murad said in an email.
The appeals court rejected San Diego Unified’s several defenses of its student vaccine mandate, including that the mandate is in line with the district’s responsibility to keep students safe and healthy, that school districts can create programs to “meet local needs” and that the district’s vaccine mandate is not actually a mandate because it allows students to do at-home independent study if they don’t want to get vaccinated.
Hong Kong workers at iPhone factory clash with police over strict ‘covid’ mandates | added November 23
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HONG KONG— Workers at the world’s biggest iPhone assembly plant clashed with police after protests erupted at the factory in central China, where the sprawling facility employing more than 200,000 people has been under strict covid-19 controls for weeks.
Videos circulating on workers’ chat groups Tuesday showed chaotic scenes at the factory in Zhengzhou where Foxconn Technology Group assembles most of the world’s latest iPhone models. One video shot near the factory buildings on the northeastern side of the site showed more than a dozen police officers and men in white protective suits surrounding and repeatedly punching a man and beating him with batons.
Employees at the plant said protests started in a dormitory area near the factory on Tuesday evening, after they learned expected bonuses would be delayed. Protests spread to at least one other dormitory district as videos of the incident circulated, workers said. Workers pulled down tents that had been set up outside and the glass entrance doors of a building were smashed, videos showed.
Rapper and actor Ice Cube confirms $9 million dollar movie deal was denied over refusing ‘covid’ shot | added November 23
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Ice Cube confirmed a 2021 report over the weekend claiming he lost a $9 million movie deal because he chose not to get a covid-19 vaccine. In a Nov. 20 episode of the Million Dollaz Worth of Game podcast, the artist and actor said his refusal to get vaccinated led to Sony taking away his opportunity to co-star in comedy “Oh Hell No” with Jack Black.
“I turned down a movie because I didn’t wanna get the motherf*****g jab,” he said. “I turned down $9 million because I didn’t want to get the jab. F*** that jab and f*** y’all for trying to make me get it.” Ice Cube then said he doesn’t know how Hollywood feels about him at the moment. Shortly after that statement, he clarified that he didn’t turn the gig down, but it was taken from him because he denied the producers’ vaccination request.
“Them mother******s wouldn’t give it to me because I wouldn’t get the shot,” the former N.W.A rapper said. “I didn’t turn it down. They just didn’t give it to me.” Ice Cube also said he never caught covid-19, so he didn’t need the vaccine. An earlier Fox News report stated that Ice Cube was a “strong proponent” of mask advocacy throughout the pandemic.
World premiere of “Died Suddenly” | added November 22
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Why do we never believe them? For centuries, the global elite have broadcast their intentions to depopulate the world – even to the point of carving them into stone. And yet… we never seem to believe them. The Stew Peters Network is proud to present DIED SUDDENLY, from the award winning filmmakers, Matthew Skow and Nicholas Stumphauzer. They are the minds behind WATCH THE WATER and THESE LITTLE ONES, and now have a damning presentation on the truth about the greatest ongoing mass genocide in human history
Mother’s ‘covid’ vax status excluded in study on unnatural neonatal death spike in Scotland | added November 22
Read more at The Last American Vagabond
Scotland witnessed an unprecedented and unnatural spike is neonatal death reported between September 2021 and March 2022. According to the National Institute of Health (NIH), neonatal death is defined as “the death of a live born infant, regardless of gestational age at birth, within the first 28 completed days of life.”1
In May of 2022, the BBC reported that Scotland saw a total of 18 neonatal deaths in March of 2022, which averaged out to 4.6 deaths per 1,000.2. The BBC also reported that this alarm was first sounded in September of 2021 when the spike reached 4.9 deaths per 1,000. This was an increase from 2.1 deaths per 1,000 in 2020. According to this BBC article:
Long-term trends show neonatal mortality has reduced by 10.2% in Scotland, from 1.66 per 1,000 live births in 2013 to 1.49 deaths per 1,000 live births in 2019. Deaths of newborn babies have fallen steadily in recent decades with the mortality rate per 1,000 births dropping from double figures in the 1970s to 2.1 in 2020.
Eric Adams destroys Elon Musk | added November 22
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PSA from Mayor of New York, Eric Adams.
Biden administration launches six-week campaign to get more Americans boosted with updated ‘covid’ jabs | added Nov. 22
Read more at CNN
The Biden administration is launching a critical, six-week push aimed at stepping up Americans’ covid-19 booster vaccinations heading into the holiday season. “With winter and holiday gatherings right around the corner, more Americans getting their updated vaccine will help avoid thousands of preventable covid-19 deaths.
The six-week campaign will focus on reaching seniors and the communities that were hardest hit by covid-19 through making it more convenient to get vaccinated and increasing awareness through paid media,” a fact sheet shared first with CNN said.
Biden’s chief medical adviser, Dr. Anthony Fauci, kicks off the campaign during Tuesday’s White House press briefing, which will likely be his last appearance from the briefing room podium ahead of his expected December retirement. Fauci, who has served under seven US presidents and became a household name in the early days of the pandemic, will detail the urgency of getting vaccinated as public health officials have expressed concern about the confluence of covid-19, RSV and the flu this season.
Sixty-six doctors and clinicians urge against inoculating pregnant women with ‘covid’ jabs | added November 22
Read more at The Daily Skeptic
Obstetricians and gynaecologists in the U.K. have put their faith in and adjusted their practice according to guidance from their Royal College (RCOG). However, recent advice from the RCOG has been in complete contradiction to everything that it itself and academic institutions have been teaching about evidence-based medicine. This advice is that: covid-19 vaccines are not only safe but strongly recommended for pregnant women.
Such advice is not grounded in robust data based on ethically conducted research – and anyone who is medically and academically trained should take serious issue with this. Clinical researchers, especially when conducting trials to investigate pharmaceutical products, are required to update themselves every two years on the principles of Good Clinical Practice, which incorporate the Nuremberg Code and the Declaration of Helsinki.
According to those principles, it is unethical to violate a study protocol by under-reporting adverse events, by removing subjects with adverse events from the study and by unblinding study participants prematurely with the purpose of administering the product under investigation to everyone and therefore effectively ending the trial – as have all happened in the covid-19 vaccine trials.
Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla says ‘covid’ jabs will remain “free for all Americans” | added November 22
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Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla said the company’s covid-19 vaccine will be “free for all Americans” because insurance companies and other groups will pay the cost, although critics have said his claims aren’t true. “Americans will see no difference,” Bourla told STAT Summit last week. STAT is a health care publication. The vaccine, he added, will “be free for them to get, regardless of the insurance they have.”
However, Bourla did not mention whether uninsured Americans would have to pay for the vaccine. Currently, the federal government is paying Pfizer $30 per dose of the mRNA vaccine and has been distributing it to the public.
The drug giant announced in October that it would raise the price of its vaccine to $130 per dose after the federal government uses up the vials it has purchased and the vaccine goes on the open market in 2023 when the U.S. public health emergency expires. David Mitchell, co-founder of advocacy group Patients for Affordable Drugs, said in a recent interview that Bourla’s comments were not truthful. Speaking to the Daily Mail, he said that taxpayers, patients, consumers, and others would eventually foot the bill for the vaccine.
Decline in children’s social, mental and emotional health due to ‘covid’ mitigation measures revealed in peer-reviewed journals | added November 22
Read more at The Defender
Detriments to children’s social, mental and emotional health weren’t considered as the U.S. and other parts of the world plunged into lockdown mode in early 2020. Only now, years later, are we beginning to see the negative effects play out in the form of historic learning setbacks, falling test scores and developmental delays.
Keeping millions of children away from school and isolated from normal social interactions for periods of weeks, months and years was an unprecedented experiment. As were mask mandates that forced children to cover their faces for entire schooldays — during a time in their lives when observing facial expressions is key to social and emotional development.
In December 2021, a systematic review of peer-reviewed journal articles revealed one precise reason why covid-19 measures like mask mandates shouldn’t have happened — no one knows how they affect crucial elements of childhood, including psychological development, language development, emotional development, social behavior and school success. The data that are coming in, however, are alarming.
This week in the ‘new normal #53: Overpopulation and climate change, euthanasia for the homeless | added November 22
Read more at Off Guardian
The big population news, reported late last month, is that we just crossed 8 billion humans on the planet (the fact the media happily population is still steadily growing despite the huge mega death disease is a piece of doublethink to analyse another time).
This week, to coincide with the COP27 and G20 meetings, this news was parlayed into a climate change narrative. DW asks “How can 8 billion people sustainably share a planet?” while Reuters reports that a population of 8 billion makes “climate justice harder”.
As usual, the most brazenly anti-human nonsense comes from the Guardian, whose environmental editor has a long piece headlined: “It should not be controversial to say a population of 8 billion will have a grave impact on the climate”.
Which includes this paragraph: So of course the rich must change their behaviour. But making climate breakdown all about consumption has become an excuse for countries to do nowhere near enough to reduce their populations.
Beijing shuts down all parks and museums as more cities resume mass testing for ‘covid’ | added November 22
Read more at The Guardian
Beijing shut parks and museums on Tuesday, and more Chinese cities resumed mass testing for covid-19, as China fights a fresh nationwide spike in cases that has deepened concerns about its economy. China reported 28,127 new local cases nationally for Monday, nearing its daily infection peak in April, with cases in the southern city of Guangzhou and the southwestern municipality of Chongqing accounting for about half of the total. In the capital, Beijing, cases have hit a fresh record high, prompting calls for more residents to stay put.
There were two new deaths attributed to covid-19, compared with three over the weekend, which were China’s first since May. The latest wave is testing recent adjustments China has made to its zero-covid policy, which asks authorities to be more targeted in their clampdown measures and steer away from the widespread lockdowns and testing that have strangled the economy and frustrated its citizens.
Beijing on Monday warned that it was facing its most severe test of the pandemic so far and tightened rules for entering the city, requiring arrivals from elsewhere in China to undergo three days of covid testing before they are permitted to leave their accommodation. Many museums have been closed and on Tuesday, venues such as the Happy Valley amusement park and the city’s vast Chaoyang Park, a popular spot with runners and picknickers, said they would shut due to the outbreak.
China continues to face ‘record-high covid cases’, disrupting global supply chains | added November 22
Read more at Financial Times
Covid-19 cases in China are spiralling towards record highs, forcing officials to again lock down large swaths of the country. The world’s second-biggest economy reported almost 28,000 new covid cases on Tuesday, with outbreaks in Beijing, the southern manufacturing hub of Guangzhou and the southwestern metropolis of Chongqing continuing to grow.
The country’s battle to suppress the virus has battered China’s economy, disrupting global supply chains and threatening world growth. Almost three years after covid first hit the city of Wuhan, vaccination rates among vulnerable sections of China’s population lag those in many rich countries, while its continued use of lockdowns as a primary method of disease control has made it an international outlier.
Officials in Beijing shut most non-essential businesses in the city’s largest district, Chaoyang, which has a population of 3.4mn, and have closed restaurants and other entertainment venues in much of the city, while telling residents to work from home. “China is seeing a record level of lockdowns,” said Ting Lu, chief China economist at Nomura. “It’s even a bit worse than during the [spring] Shanghai lockdown because so many cities are partially locked down.”

Health officials say the factory-made ‘covid’ monoclonal antibodies treatment are losing effectiveness | added Nov. 21
Editor’s Note: An interesting pretty green color to paint the wall considering how plants are humans’ external organs. Without plants we would cease to exist. If more people ate green chlorophyll rich foods, like leafy greens, perhaps we would see fewer unhealthy people and animals. — mmd
Read more at NPR
Monoclonal antibodies were once the star of covid-19 outpatient treatments. Since they first became available in 2020 – even before the first vaccines – more than 3.5 million infusions of the factory-grown proteins have been given to patients in the U.S. to help reduce risk of hospitalization.
But one by one, different monoclonal treatments have lost their efficacy against new variants of the coronavirus. The rise of Paxlovid antiviral pills earlier this year, further dented their appeal. Now, a new wave of omicron subvariants that are the best yet at evading the immune system’s current defenses have taken over in the U.S. They’re expected to knock out bebtelovimab, the last monoclonal antibody treatment standing against the coronavirus.
Soon, it’ll join bamlanivimab, casirivimab, sotrovimab and others in the graveyard of monoclonals that once targeted past covid strains until they were outflanked by variants that evaded their protection. “Monoclonals had their day, like the Model T or the biplane,” says Carl Dieffenbach, director of the Division of AIDS at the National Institutes of Health, and lead of the NIH’s Antiviral Program for Pandemics, “Now it’s time to move on.”
Hospitals across the U.S. reported to be overwhelmed from RSV, flu, ‘covid’ and staff shortages | added November 21
Read more at The Washington Post
When Christina Anderson’s mother started having chest pains in October, they rushed to the nearest emergency room in their hometown of Ottumwa, Iowa. Because of her mother’s ovarian cancer diagnosis, Anderson assumed they would be seen within a reasonable time. Instead, their trip became a nine-hour odyssey.
“When we first walked in, it was packed and unlike anything I’ve ever seen,” Anderson said. “I saw people laying across the chairs; some slumped over who had been there for hours before we arrived, and some even got frustrated and left because they couldn’t wait anymore.” Anderson’s story is not an isolated episode. Patients nationwide are facing similar experiences.
Hospitals across the United States are overwhelmed.
The combination of a swarm of respiratory illnesses (RSV, coronavirus, flu), staffing shortages and nursing home closures has sparked the state of distress visited upon the already overburdened health-care system. And experts believe the problem will deteriorate further in coming months. “This is not just an issue. This is a crisis,” said Anne Klibanski, president and CEO of Mass General Brigham in Boston.
China’s National Health Commission reports two ‘covid’ deaths as millions continue to lockdown | added November 21
Read more at CNN
China has reported its first deaths of covid-19 patients in nearly six months as the country struggles to contain a surge in cases across multiple cities that’s testing the limits of its tough zero-covid strategy.
On Monday, China’s National Health Commission reported two deaths of covid-19 patients in Beijing for Sunday, following the death of an 87-year-old man in the capital on Saturday. It comes as the country faces a surge of cases, with 26,824 new infections reported on Sunday, according to the National Health Commission – the highest daily number since mid-April and the sixth consecutive day over 20,000.
Before this weekend, China’s most recent covid-19 related death was on May 26 in Shanghai, which was locked down for two months until June over a major outbreak. China is the world’s last major economy still enforcing strict zero-covid measures, which aim to stamp out chains of transmission through border restrictions, mass testing, extensive quarantines, and snap lockdowns on neighborhoods or entire cities – sometimes for months on end.
Special kind of MRI test reveals brain changes in patients six months after ‘covid’ | added November 21
Read more at Yahoo News
Using a special type of MRI, researchers have uncovered brain changes in patients up to six months after they recovered from covid-19, according to a study being presented next week at the annual meeting of the Radiological Society of North America (RSNA). About one in five adults will develop long-term effects from covid-19, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Neurological symptoms associated with long covid include difficulty thinking or concentrating, headache, sleep problems, lightheadedness, pins-and-needles sensation, change in smell or taste, and depression or anxiety. However, studies have found that covid-19 may be associated with changes to the heart, lungs or other organs even in asymptomatic patients. As more people become infected and recover from covid-19, research has begun to emerge, focusing on the lasting consequences of the disease.
For this study, researchers used susceptibility-weighted imaging to analyze the effects that covid-19 has on the brain. Magnetic susceptibility denotes how much certain materials, such as blood, iron and calcium, will become magnetized in an applied magnetic field. This ability aids in the detection and monitoring of a host of neurologic conditions including microbleeds, vascular malformations, brain tumors and stroke.
Doctors say getting inoculated in the morning with good sleep after boosts ‘covid’ shot efficacy | added November 21
Read more at ABC News
With winter fast approaching, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says it’s never too late to get a flu shot and a covid-19 booster. Now, doctors are sharing tips on how to make your vaccine go the extra mile. According to several studies, sleeping well after vaccination, getting vaccinated in the morning and not pre-medicating with new over-the-counter medications could help boost immunity.
But the most important thing, doctors say, is to get vaccinated no matter the circumstances because vaccines will still work to dramatically reduce the risk of severe illness. For those who are able, doctors say there are a few tricks that may give an extra small immunity boost after a shot.
Sleep is associated with a stronger immune system. One study showed that sleep after Hepatitis A vaccination doubled the number of immune cells formed in response to the vaccine. “People with chronic sleep loss have higher levels of inflammation and are relatively more immunosuppressed,” said Dr. Peter Chin-Hong, an infectious disease physician at the University of California San Francisco. “Getting a vaccine regardless of sleep is better than not getting a vaccine at all.”
Unvaccinated woman denied life-saving organ faces ‘covid’ shot coercion in order to save her life | added November 21
Read more at The Epoch Times
An extreme pessimist would say that the only thing one learns from history is that one learns nothing from history. In support of that argument, the extreme pessimist could point to the massive daily violations of the Nuremberg Code, which was created by the Nuremberg Military Tribunal in the case of United States v. Karl Brandt et al., one of the trials to bring National Socialists to justice after the Second World War.
German doctors were found guilty of conducting horrific medical experiments on concentration camp inmates without their informed and voluntary consent. While the Nuremberg Code is not binding law in any country, it was an ethical code developed as part of the court’s verdict in the trial. The Nuremberg Code’s first principle includes the following: “The voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential … without the intervention of any element of force, fraud, deceit, duress, overreaching, or other ulterior form of constraint or coercion.”
Nicole Bogart of CTV has argued that “[t]he Nuremberg Code is specifically about experimentation, which means its principles are no longer relevant once a vaccine has been through a clinical trial and approved for use” by Health Canada. Ms. Bogart’s thesis is pure balderdash. The inhumane and deadly experiments that concentration camp prisoners were forced into were also approved by the National Socialist government of the day.
Keep having a sense of humor at just how ridiculous life can get, but to each his/her own… if this makes people feel safe, so be it. But, not everyone is this cautious and that’s okay too…. happy Moonday
Al Roker suffers blood clots, Bruce Arians discusses health scare “like two knives going in”, Clint Black and Lisa Hartman cancel tour due to medical emergency | added November 21
Read more at Mark Crispin Miller
For those who’ve wondered why they haven’t seen Al Roker’s smiling face on TODAY recently, the weatherman-and-more has just revealed the reason for his absence. On Friday, Nov. 18, he shared on Instagram that he’s currently in the hospital. “So many of you have been thoughtfully asking where I’ve been,” he wrote. “Last week I was admitted to the hospital with a blood clot in my leg which sent some clots into my lungs. After some medical whack-a-mole, I am so fortunate to be getting terrific medical care and on the way to recovery.” He added a note of thanks “for all the well wishes and prayers” he’s received and said that he hoped to see everyone again soon. That’s just what his TODAY family hopes for, too. Shortly after he shared the news with his followers on social media, his fellow anchors chimed in about the man they miss.
Fans in Appleton, Wisconsin were met with disappointment after Clint Black and Lisa Hartman were forced to cancel their performance in the area on Friday (November 18th) due to a medical emergency within their band. Black took to Instagram to share a statement about the situation. “Due to a medical emergency with an essential, longtime band member, tonight’s Clint Black concert, featuring Lisa Hartman Black (11/18/22) at Fox Cities Performing Arts Center has been POSTPONED.”
New York Federal Reserve Bank launches 12-week project to test digital dollar pilot program | added November 21
Read more at Federal Bank of New York
The Federal Reserve Bank of New York today announced that its New York Innovation Center (NYIC) will participate in a proof-of-concept project to explore the feasibility of an interoperable network of central bank wholesale digital money and commercial bank digital money operating on a shared multi-entity distributed ledger.
This U.S. proof-of-concept project is experimenting with the concept of a regulated liability network. It will test the technical feasibility, legal viability, and business applicability of distributed ledger technology to settle the liabilities of regulated financial institutions through the transfer of central bank liabilities. “The NYIC looks forward to collaborating with members of the banking community to advance research on asset tokenization and the future of financial market infrastructures in the U.S. as money and banking evolve,” said Per von Zelowitz, Director of the New York Innovation Center.
As part of this 12-week project, the NYIC will collaborate with a group of private sector organizations to provide a public contribution to the body of knowledge on the application of new technology to the regulated financial system. This project will be conducted in a test environment and only use simulated data. It is not intended to advance any specific policy outcome, nor is it intended to signal that the Federal Reserve will make any imminent decisions about the appropriateness of issuing a retail or wholesale CBDC, nor how one would necessarily be designed.
Online alternative retail site launches for health freedom advocates just in time for holiday season | added November 21
Read more at Curtis Cost Newsletter
World famous attorney Leigh Dundas and businessman Jason Sisneros, explain their new business venture geared especially for Health Freedom Advocates across America and around the world. Their company is called Nobleus and their website is nobleus.com.
The company is meant to be an alternative to the big online retail companies. One of the goals of Nobleus is to create a place where people can shop that is more aligned with their values. Both Dundas and Sisneros describe the importance supporting companies that have high ethical standards especially given all of the changes that the public has been put through over the past few years.
Nobleus already has a half million products available and they expect that to reach a million products very shortly. The company will be open in time for the Christmas shopping season. In addition, those who are interested in selling their products on Nobleus, Leigh Dundas explains how they can do that for free. There are also opportunities for investors who are interested in growing with the company.
‘Sickness behavior’ and the effects of ‘covid’ shot-induced spike proteins on the brain | added November 19
Watch on CHD TV
Russell Blaylock, M.D. appears on this week’s “Doctors and Scientists” for an in-depth conversation about the effects of spike proteins on the body. He shares shocking discoveries about the neurological damage, cancer rates, cardiac arrest and other exacerbating health issues as well as their connection to mRNA technology.
Pfizer and Moderna announce they will begin long-term studies of cardiac safety with ‘covid’ shots | added November 19
Read more at The Children’s Health Defense
Pfizer and Moderna are launching clinical trials to track long-term health issues following a diagnosis of vaccine-associated myocarditis and pericarditis in teens and young adults. Myocarditis and pericarditis are heart problems that multiple medical studies have shown to be associated with mRNA covid-19 vaccination, particularly among young men.
Studies also show that the risk of myocarditis — which can cause permanent damage to heart muscle — increases with the number of boosters a person has taken and can in some cases cause death. Health officials contacted by NBC News did not suggest that official guidance on covid-19 vaccination will change while the studies of long-term health issues from vaccine-related heart problems are underway.
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) declined to comment on Pfizer’s and Moderna’s studies, but an agency official told NBC News the chance of having myocarditis occur following vaccination is “very low.” Commenting on the news, Dr. Peter McCullough — internist, epidemiologist, cardiologist and leading expert on covid-19 treatment — said in a Nov. 16 Substack post:
“Now two years after public release and mounting cases of fatal myocarditis published in the peer-reviewed literature, both Pfizer and Moderna have announced they will begin studies of cardiac safety that the FDA required in their 2021 Biological Licensing Agreement letters from the FDA.”
CDC estimates that ‘omicron’ decedents BQ.1 and BQ.1.1 make up nearly half of U.S. ‘covid’ cases | added November 19
Read more at Reuters
The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimated on Friday that omicron subvariants BQ.1 and BQ.1.1 account for nearly half of the covid-19 cases in the country for the week ending Nov. 19, compared with 39.5% in the previous week. The proportion of the two variants, which are descendants of omicron’s BA.5 sub-variant, have risen to 49.7% of circulating coronavirus variants, around two months after they were initially detected.
BQ.1.1 made up nearly of 24.2% of circulating variants and BQ.1 was estimated to make up 25.5% of circulating cases in the week of Nov. 19, the U.S. CDC said. There is no evidence yet that BQ.1 is linked with increased severity compared with the circulating omicron variants BA.4 and BA.5, the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control said, but warned it may evade some immune protection, citing laboratory studies in Asia.
New variants are monitored closely by regulators and vaccine manufacturers in case they start to evade protection offered by current shots. The BA.5 subvariant that drove the covid-19 cases earlier in the year is estimated to make up 24% of cases, compared with nearly 33.8% in the week ended Nov. 12.
Fired religious employees at a major Massachusetts pharmaceutical company sue employer over refusal of ‘covid’ vax exemption | added November 19
Read more at Yahoo News
Religious employees at a major pharmaceutical company have filed suit in Massachusetts, claiming their employer instructed them to be vaccinated against their beliefs. Norm Pattis, an attorney who represents controversial political commentator Alex Jones, filed a lawsuit Thursday representing employees of Takeda Pharmaceuticals alleging their employer discriminated against their religious beliefs, which are protected under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, when they refused the covid-19 vaccine.
“In response to the global pandemic caused by the spread of various strains of covid-19, the defendant, a pharmaceutical company, elected to create a company-wide policy requiring vaccination against potential infection by covid-19 of current and prospective employees,” reads the complaint filed with the U.S. District Court of Massachusetts.
According to the complaint, the company offered its employees an opportunity to request an exemption from receiving the vaccine but ultimately denied warranting one. “The defendants created a companywide vaccination policy with a multi-tiered process to claim a religious exemption. All field employees were required to get vaccinated and submit proof of vaccination to Takeda by November 1, 2021,” it reads.
“The View” host urges third booster jab after Whoopi Goldberg tests ‘covid’ positive | added November 19
Read more at Mark Crispin Miller
November 15, 2022: “The View” hosts turned to their audience members [sic] Tuesday and asked if they got their third covid-19 booster shots after announcing co-host Whoopi Goldberg had tested positive for the virus. Co-host Joy Behar wished Goldberg well and co-host Ana Navarro said covid-19 was “coming back.”
“It’s coming back, another friend of mine got it, too. I mean we have to be careful again,” Behar said. Co-host Sunny Hostin noted it was “interesting” because a lot of people weren’t getting the “new booster.” “Clap if you had your third booster,” Behar said to the masked audience. The audience applauded loudly in response.
Behar said they were “smart” and Hostin told them it was “worth it.” The hosts then went on to discuss their first “Hot Topic,” Donald Trump’s upcoming potential announcement that he will be running for president in 2024.
Meanwhile, scientists are not so sure ‘covid’ booster jabs will prevent ‘another wave’ | added November 19
Read more at The New York Times
As winter looms and Americans increasingly gather indoors without masks or social distancing, a medley of new coronavirus variants is seeding a rise in cases and hospitalizations in counties across the nation. The Biden administration’s plan for preventing a national surge depends heavily on persuading Americans to get updated booster shots of the Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna vaccines. Now some scientists are raising doubts about this strategy.
Older adults, immunocompromised people and pregnant women should get the booster shots, because they offer extra protection against severe disease and death, said John Moore, a virologist at Weill Cornell Medicine in New York.
But the picture is less clear for healthy Americans who are middle-aged and younger. They are rarely at risk of severe illness or death from covid, and at this point most have built immunity through multiple vaccine doses, infections or both. The newer variants, called BQ.1 and BQ.1.1, are spreading quickly, and boosters seem to do little to prevent infections with these viruses, as they are excellent evaders of immunity.
Protect the Public’s Trust calls on authorities to investigate CDC officials who spread misinformation on child ‘covid’ deaths | added November 19
Read more at The Epoch Times
U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) officials who spread misinformation about child covid-19 deaths should be investigated for violations of the agency’s scientific integrity policies, a watchdog group says.
Drs. Katherine Fleming-Dutra and Sara Oliver both claimed that covid-19 deaths among children were higher than they actually were, and refused to correct the misinformation after they were told the correct figures, the complaint says, citing reporting from The Epoch Times. The CDC’s scientific integrity guidelines say that the agency holds accountability and integrity as core values, stating in part that “all information products authored, published, and released by CDC for public use are of the highest quality and are scientifically sound, technically accurate, and useful to the intended audience.”
Protect the Public’s Trust, the watchdog that filed the complaint, urged the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) inspector general to investigate the apparent violations. The CDC is part of the HHS. “Ideally, they would investigate the incident and what happened and determine whether or not certain officials within the CDC violated the agency’s scientific integrity policies. We believe that that they have,” Michael Chamberlain, director of Protect the Public’s Trust, told The Epoch Times.
‘Fully-vaxed’ climate summit attendee John Kerry tests ‘covid’ positive, is “experiencing mild symptoms” | added Nov. 19
Read more at CNN
With just hours left to go to reach an international climate agreement, US climate envoy John Kerry has tested positive for covid-19 at the United Nations’ COP27 climate summit in Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt, his spokesperson Whitney Smith said.
Smith said in a statement that Kerry is “experiencing mild symptoms” and self-isolating at the summit. As the talks hit a critical stretch, he is “working with his negotiations team and foreign counterparts by phone to ensure a successful outcome of COP27.” It is bad timing for the chief US climate negotiator to fall ill; the final Friday at the annual summit is always crunch time for negotiators to reach a deal that nearly 200 nations can agree to.
But this year the issues are particularly thorny – the US represents a major holdout on the critical issue of a loss and damage fund, which would help the world’s developing and most vulnerable countries recover from climate disasters they did little to cause. Loss and damage is not the only outstanding issue. World leaders at COP27 are also frantically trying to hash out a deal that would safeguard the goal of limiting global warming to 1.5 degrees above pre-industrial levels.
Why I am thankful for ‘covid’ | added November 19
Read more at Antiviral Substack by Mike Stone
I’ve always been the type of person who wants to try and find the silver lining of a bad situation. I strive to be an eternal optimist with a strong belief that better days are ahead of us, no matter how difficult the road before us may appear to be. While I may not always be successful, I believe that, while we must acknowledge and learn from the bad, it is best to focus on and embrace the good.
With that in mind, I want to take a moment in order to carve through the last few years to find the positives that have occurred as a direct result of these unfortunate events. I want to be upfront, however, that this post is in no way intended to minimize the hardships that we have witnessed and endured over these last few years. I wholeheartedly wish that no one had ever been terrorized by the fictional entity known as “SARS-COV-2.”
I want nothing more than to erase from the memories of our future generation the fear and psychological scars brought about by the quarantines, lockdowns, social-distancing, sanitizing, masking, etc. I would give anything to wipe away the needless deaths of those subjected to invasive treatments, lack of adequate care, and deadly toxic cocktails masquerading as vaccines. However, the reality is that these events happened and want as we might, we can not change what has already come to pass.
Hear, listen, know, become, BE the change you wish to see. Happy weekend. 🙂

Patients struggling to treat ‘long covid’ — brain fog, depression and fatigue | added November 18
Read more at NPR
Medical equipment is still strewn around the house of Rick Lucas, 62, who came home from the hospital nearly two years ago. He picks up a spirometer, a device that measures lung capacity, and takes a deep breath, though not as deep as he’d like. Still, he has come a long way for someone who spent more than three months on a ventilator because of covid-19. “I’m almost normal now,” he says. “I was thrilled when I could walk to the mailbox.
Now we’re walking all over town.” Rick is one of the many patients who, in his quest to get better, found his way to a specialized clinic for those suffering from long covid symptoms. Many big medical centers have established their own programs, and a crowd-sourced project counted more than 400 clinics nationwide. Even so, there’s no standard protocol for treatment, and experts are casting a wide net for cures, with very few ready for formal clinical trials. In the absence of proven treatments, clinicians are doing whatever they can to help their patients.
“People like myself are getting a little bit out over my skis, looking for things that I can try,” says Dr. Stephen Heyman, a pulmonologist who treats Lucas at the long covid clinic at Ascension Saint Thomas in Nashville. It’s not clear just how many people have suffered from symptoms of long covid. Estimates vary widely from study to study, often because the definition of long covid itself varies.
Researchers call for study of menstrual cycle changes during vax trials, given reports of heavier-than-normal bleeding | added November 18
Read more at NBC News
When women started reporting longer periods and heavier-than-normal bleeding after getting covid vaccines last year, there was little data to back it up. Although they made up around half the participants in covid vaccine trials, women were not asked about any menstrual changes as part of that process. Since then, several studies have revealed that covid vaccines can indeed induce short-term changes in menstrual cycles.
So a growing chorus of researchers is calling for further study of vaccines’ effects on menstruation. Collecting this type of data during the covid vaccine trials, they say, could have prevented distress among those who experienced abnormal changes to their cycles and assuaged fears about the shots at a time when misinformation abounded. “Because we had no data and people weren’t paying attention to it, individuals who started reporting it just got blown off.
People feel like they were gaslighted around coming in and having these concerns,” said Alison Edelman, a professor of obstetrics and gynecology at Oregon Health and Science University. In an editorial published Thursday in the journal Science, Dr. Victoria Male called on future trials to ask people about period changes and to take respondents seriously if they report such side effects.
G-20 leaders promote a proof of vax global standard for international travel | added November 18
Read more at The Children’s Health Defense
Leaders of the Group of 20 (G-20) have issued a joint declaration promoting a global standard on proof of vaccination for international travel and calling for the establishment of “global digital health networks” that build on existing digital covid-19 vaccine passport schemes. The joint statement followed the conclusion of the G-20 summit held in Bali, Indonesia, where leaders discussed global challenges and coordinating policies in response, including to future pandemics.
The G-20 joint declaration reads: “We acknowledge the importance of shared technical standards and verification methods, under the framework of the IHR (2005), to facilitate seamless international travel, interoperability, and recognizing digital solutions and non-digital solutions, including proof of vaccinations.”
The International Health Regulations, or IHR (2005), is an instrument of international law developed under the auspices of the World Health Organization (WHO) that lays down a global framework for responding to the international spread of disease. The WHO-backed standard, which entered into force in 2007, required countries to strengthen surveillance capacities at border crossings and introduced a series of health documents, including international certificates of vaccination.
More unusual ‘covid’ symptoms reported in mainstream media and jokingly normalized: hairy tongues, ringing ears, hair and sense of smell loss | added November 18
Read more at The New York Times
By this point in the long slog of the pandemic, many people know the telltale symptoms of a covid-19 infection: a ragged ache in your throat, a pernicious cough, congestion, fever and full-body exhaustion. But a tiny subset of people also develop less common symptoms, ones that can sound like hexes from a children’s story: hairy tongues, purple toes, welts that sprout on their faces.
“Every infectious disease has common and uncommon manifestations,” said Dr. Mark Mulligan, an infectious disease specialist at NYU Langone Health. And as we learn more about the coronavirus, he said, we may better understand the underlying causes behind these infrequent symptoms — but until then, it’s largely guesswork.
Confounding symptoms have been a component of covid since the start of the pandemic — the loss of taste and smell has become a disturbing sign of the disease. Covid also has the potential to disrupt menstrual cycles, a side effect some women also reported after vaccination. A study of over 60,000 people who tested positive for covid and reported their symptoms found that a small percentage experienced ringing in their ears, sore eyes, rashes, red welts on their faces or lips, hair loss and unusual joint pains.
Investors ignore the China ‘covid’ crisis that has locked down millions of people | added November 18
Read more at Reuters
HONG KONG, Nov 18 (Reuters Breakingviews) – The blistering relief rally underway in Chinese equities is understandable. President Xi Jinping had implemented a mixture of harsh policies targeting covid-19, technology entrepreneurs and real estate developers that kept equity indexes in the basement and aggravated capital flight – roughly $101 billion was pulled out the country, reading between the lines of official balance of payments data for the first six months of the year. Tentative relaxations on all the main fronts have investors cheering; the Golden Dragon index (.HXC) of New York-listed Chinese companies is up 37% since late October.
Yet biology could ruin this party yet. Most of China’s trading partners have moved on to living with the virus, but Xi still aspires to keep it out. Unfortunately, highly contagious new strains took advantage of the travel surge during the October national holiday week to go on a tour around the country. Surveys by consultancy Dragonomics logged over 200 cities per day reporting outbreaks in November, more than double the number seen during the traumatic lockdown in Shanghai in April.
New cases have officially multiplied from roughly 1,000 per day in October to 25,353 on Thursday. There are reasons to suspect the real numbers are higher. Some cities reported suspiciously low case figures which were belied by severe quarantine polices. Others want to accelerate away from zero-covid to relieve their local economies, as the city of Shijiazhuang in Hebei tried to do, which could lead to underreporting.
U.S. vaccine-related bills filed in state legislatures reach record-high as nonprofits continue to monitor and advocate for medical freedom | added November 18
Read more at Mercola
More vaccine related legislation has been filed in state legislatures across the country in 2022 than in any other year. The covid-19 pandemic has proven to be an historic opportunity to inspire active citizen involvement in the law making process and educate state legislators about the urgent need to protect the human and legal right to exercise voluntary, informed consent to vaccination.
After more than a decade of grassroots organizing and focused public education efforts in the states, this year NVIC’s 2022 Annual Report on U.S. State Vaccine Legislation provides evidence the tide is finally turning in our 40-year mission to prevent vaccine injuries and deaths through public education and secure vaccine informed consent protections in U.S. public health policies and laws.
The nonprofit educational charity National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC) reports that during the 2022 legislative session, NVIC analyzed, tracked and issued positions on an unprecedented 875 vaccine related bills in 44 states and the District of Columbia (D.C.) through the NVIC Advocacy Portal. This was the highest number of bills monitored in the history of NVIC’s state-based legislative advocacy program, which was established in 2010, and it is close to four times the number of vaccine-related bills proposed in a single year in state legislatures.
Massachusetts residents file class action lawsuit against state for allowing Google to install ‘covid’ spyware on 1 million devices without consent | added November 18
Read more at The Epoch Times
The Massachusetts Department of Public Health (DPH) is facing a class action lawsuit for allegedly working with Google to install “spyware” onto the Android devices of a million state residents without their knowledge during the covid-19 pandemic. Plaintiffs Robert Wright and Johnny Kula were among 1 million Massachusetts residents who had the state’s “Covid Exposure Settings: US-MA” app auto-installed without their consent, according to the New Civil Liberties Alliance (NCLA), the nonpartisan civil rights group that filed the lawsuit (pdf) on Tuesday.
The app, once automatically installed, didn’t appear on the device’s home screen as newly-installed apps typically do. Instead, it was invisible and could only be found by opening “settings” and using the “view all apps” feature, according to NCLA. This meant that many device users were unaware of its presence. Many have decried this as an invasion of privacy.
The NCLA declared the action a “brazen disregard” of civil liberties, saying in a statement the app was installed “without obtaining any search warrants, in violation of the device owners’ constitutional and common-law rights to privacy and property.” Plaintiffs Robert Wright and Johnny Kula were among 1 million Massachusetts residents who had the state’s “Covid Exposure Settings: US-MA” app auto-installed without their consent, according to the New Civil Liberties Alliance (NCLA), the nonpartisan civil rights group that filed the lawsuit (pdf) on Tuesday.
New study reveals sperm count drop, raises global concerns over mens’ health | added November 18
Read more at Sputnik International
A study published in the Human Reproduction Update journal collected data from more than 57,000 men over 223 studies across 53 countries, making it the largest meta-analysis ever conducted on the topic. Worldwide average sperm counts are “falling at an accelerated rate after halving over the last 40 years,” according to a new study led by Israeli epidemiologist Hagai Levine.
Sperm counts are not only an indicator of fertility but also of male health in general: a low count may indicate an increased risk of chronic diseases, testicular cancer, and a decreased lifespan, researchers said. “Overall, we’re seeing a significant worldwide decline in sperm counts of over 50% in the past 46 years, a decline that has accelerated in recent years,” Levine told reporters.
Despite the decrease, the average sperm concentration is currently 49 million, still in the range considered “normal” by the World Health Organization – between 15 and 200 million sperm per milliliter. Nonetheless, the study has found that it is dropping at a rate of around 1.1 percent a year. Levine suggested that endocrine-disrupting chemicals or other environmental factors may play a role on this drop, acting on the fetus in the womb.
Twenty-two states petition U.S. Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services to drop ‘covid’ shot mandates for health care workers | added November 18
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Attorneys General from 22 states have petitioned the U.S. Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) to eliminate the covid-19 vaccine requirement for health care workers. CMS instituted the mandate last December, requiring that all health care personnel that enter a care setting or come into contact with patients, families or caregivers be vaccinated for covid-19.
The rule requires 100% compliance, with providers subject to monetary penalties, potential denials of payment, or, as a last resort, termination of their participation in Medicare or Medicaid. CMS does allow exemptions for health-related or religious reasons. The states now contesting the rule cited health care workforce shortages and costs in their petition.
“The emergency [interim final rule (IFR)] intensified existing staffing shortages, especially in rural and frontier states. The result was a double-edged sword,” the petition said. “On one side, the IFR modestly reduced patients’ risk of contracting covid. But on the other side, the IFR significantly limited many patients’ access to needed medical care. The IFR imposed substantial costs on patients and health care workers without any corresponding benefits.”
Ari Shaffir — JEW | added November 18
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To be or not to be, that is the question… we have all been fed a set of traditions, rules and expectations. It’s funny how Shaffir recaps his orthodox Jewish upbringing and how he just wasn’t buying it and that’s okay. Let’s keep it real.
Senate votes to end federal government’s ‘covid’ pandemic emergency declaration | added November 17
Read more at The Wall Street Journal
WASHINGTON—Senate lawmakers voted on Tuesday to end the federal government’s emergency declaration on the covid-19 pandemic, a status that has given the Biden administration tools to combat the coronavirus. The Senate voted 62-36 to end the emergency declaration nearly three years after it was invoked. It’s unclear if the House will take up the measure.
President Biden threatened to veto any congressional efforts to end the national emergency declaration’s status, said the Office of Management and Budget in a statement. Ending the declaration would weaken the federal government’s ability to respond to covid-19 surges, OMB said. “Preserving our ability to respond is more important than ever as we head into the winter, when respiratory illnesses such as covid-19 typically spread more easily,” the statement said. “Strengthened by the ongoing declaration of national emergency, the federal response to covid-19 continues to save lives, improve health outcomes, and support the American economy.”
The emergency status, first declared in March 2020 by then-President Donald Trump, gave the administration access to executive powers available under the National Emergencies Act to suspend the payment deadlines for student loans, close ports of entry and extend customs deadlines, among other efforts. Under federal law, Congress has the power to ask for periodic votes to terminate that status. The issue was put before Senate lawmakers on Tuesday by Kansas Republican Sen. Roger Marshall who called for a vote to end the declaration in September shortly after Mr. Biden said on CBS‘s “60 Minutes” that “the pandemic is over.”
Radiologist says swollen lymph nodes after ‘covid’ inoculation is ‘common’ and ‘harmless’ | added November 17
Read more at FOX 5 Atlanta
ATLANTA – When your radiologist pours over your mammogram, Dr. Henry Krebs says, they are looking for a change. “We’re looking, is this different from what the patient looked like last year, is this different from what they looked like a couple of months ago,” Krebs says. Back in early 2021, after the first Americans started getting vaccinated against covid-19, Krebs, a radiologist at Cancer Treatment Centers of America in Newnan, Georgia, says they began noticing a change: swollen lymph nodes in the armpits of patients who had been recently vaccinated.
“Some of them were clinically palpable, meaning you could feel them in their armpits,” Dr. Krebs says. “Lymph nodes are one of those signs that say, ‘Hey, there could be cancer there.’ I mean, there are a lot of different reasons why nodes get enlarged and are abnormal. But, certainly in the back of our mind, ruling out cancer is always number one.”
So, he says, the swollen nodes often lead to more follow-up tests. “They were scary looking, and a lot of patients, unfortunately, got biopsied,” Krebs says. “Now, thankfully, they were normal, but we hate putting patients through invasive procedures when they really don’t need it.” With time, Dr. Krebs says, they realized the covid-19 vaccine and other vaccines can cause the lymph nodes to temporarily swell, usually in the arm where the injection was given.
Fired referees sue NBA over “jab or job ultimatum” as unjabbed tennis star Djokovic is cleared to play in Australian Open | added November 17
Read more at The Defender
Three former National Basketball Association (NBA) referees this week sued the NBA alleging the league fired them for refusing to receive covid-19 vaccines on religious grounds. In their complaint, filed Monday in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York, Mark Ayotte, Ken Mauer and Jason Phillips — who have a combined 71 years’ worth of NBA officiating experience — accused the NBA of violating federal civil rights law and New York State and New York City human rights laws.
The lawsuit alleges the “jab or job ultimatum” instituted by the league for the 2021-2022 season — and which was not applicable to players — led to their suspensions for that season. Then, despite the NBA’s decision to rescind the mandate for the 2022-2023 season, the league fired them. The plaintiffs are requesting a jury trial, compensatory damages and punitive damages for front and back pay, emotional pain and suffering, reputational damage and attorneys’ fees.
Meanwhile, one prominent athlete who was barred from several high-profile competitions this year due to his unvaccinated status reportedly will be allowed to compete in next year’s edition of one such competition. Serbian tennis star Novak Djokovic, who previously held the world’s No. 1 ranking, was barred for three years from entering Australia just prior to the 2022 Australian Open because he refused to get the covid-19 vaccine.
Startup biotech companies say mRNA jabs still have a delivery problem | added November 17
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While billions of vaccine doses administered during the pandemic have generated reams of data about the safety and effectiveness of mRNA, they haven’t answered one of the field’s biggest questions: How do you send messenger RNA exactly where it needs to go in the body?
That’s because, for mRNA-based covid-19 vaccines like those developed by Pfizer/BioNTech and Moderna, a shot in the arm did the trick. But in cases where mRNA is harnessed for other uses — such as targeting a specific set of tumor cells in a part of the body that’s hard to access — delivery won’t be so straightforward. Much of the field is convinced the answer lies with chemical tweaks to lipid nanoparticles, or LNPs, the blubbery balls used to encase mRNA and to shield these fragile molecules from destructive enzymes that would otherwise chop them up before they could be absorbed by cells.
LNPs are already great at trafficking to the liver when administered systemically, as explained in a new STAT Report on mRNA, and companies are working on versions that could one day efficiently reach everywhere from bone marrow to the central nervous system. But a few biotech startups are taking a completely different tack. “At the end of the day, I actually don’t care where the messenger RNA goes,” said Jacob Becraft, co-founder and CEO of Strand Therapeutics. “I care where it is expressing.”
Rebound ‘covid’ cases appear highest in people who took Paxlovid pills, shows new study | added November 17
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Cases of covid-19 rebound following treatment with the antiviral medication Paxlovid – where infections rev back up again after people complete their five-day course of the medication – appear to be at least twice as common as doctors previously knew, a new study suggests. Covid-19 rebound also seems to be more common in people who take Paxlovid compared with those who don’t take the antiviral, although it can happen in either circumstance.
In the past few months, instances of covid-19 rebound have peppered headlines. President Joe Biden, first lady Jill Biden, as well as Dr. Anthony Fauci, who advises the president on pandemic strategy and Dr. Rochelle Walensky, director of the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, have all revealed that their covid-19 infections returned after they finished taking Paxlovid.
“Worst. Sequel. Ever,” quipped comedian Stephen Colbert on Twitter after his rebound case in May. These high-profile cases have led to social media speculation that the rebound might not be as infrequent as some studies have concluded. So far, studies have suggested that around 5% of people who take Paxlovid will experience a rebound.
China urges local authorities to use ‘scientific’ testing and avoid “irresponsible loosening” of restrictions | added November 17
Read more at South China Morning Post
China’s State Council has urged local authorities to avoid “irresponsible loosening” of covid-19 measures, after refinements to the strict zero-covid policy released last week led to a rush in some areas to abandon mass testing and other requirements. National Health Commission spokesman Mi Feng told a press briefing on Thursday that “[we must] continue to rectify the practice of excessive measures such as lockdowns and oppose the irresponsibility of evading a solution by loosening up”.
At the same briefing, plans were unveiled to build stronger capacity to handle severe cases in designated covid-19 hospitals, a sign that China is preparing for worse waves of infections ahead. The strengthened hospitals could also potentially play a major role in the country’s pivot away from zero-covid.
“The designated hospitals are required to allocate sufficient beds for treatment according to the size of the local population, while the construction of intensive care units, or ICUs, should be strengthened, and the number of ICU beds should reach 10 per cent of the total number of beds,” said National Health Commission official Guo Yanhong. Guo said more fever clinics should also be built for the early detection of cases.
BA.5 subvariant takes a backseat to two brand new ‘omicron’ strains | added November 17
Read more NBC News
Two new omicron subvariants have overtaken BA.5 as the prevailing versions of the coronavirus in the U.S. BA.5 became dominant in July, then consistently accounted for the majority of new covid infections until last week. But data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention published Friday showed that the new subvariants — called BQ.1.1 and BQ.1 — have taken over. The two together make up around 44% of new Covid infections, whereas BA.5 makes up just 30%.
“BA.5 is essentially declining quickly, probably soon to be gone,” said Dr. Dan Barouch, director of the Center for Virology and Vaccine Research at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center in Boston. BQ.1.1 and BQ.1 cases are also rising in the U.K. and elsewhere in Europe. The two subvariants made up around 18% of new infections in the European Union from Oct. 17-30, and the European CDC expects that share to jump to more than 50% this month or next.
Both of the subvariants are considered part of the BA.5 family — they’re sublineages that evolved from BA.5. But preliminary data suggests they are better at evading immunity from covid vaccines, including the new bivalent boosters, or a previous covid infection than past versions of omicron. That may give these subvariants higher transmissibility, which could fuel a rise in cases this winter.
Largest meat producer in U.S., Tyson Foods, lifts ‘covid’ vaccine mandates for all employees | added November 17
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Tyson Foods, the largest meat producer in the U.S., ended its covid-19 vaccine mandate for all employees on Oct. 31. “While covid-19 remains a public health concern, it no longer presents the same level of threat as it did 15 months ago when we made the decision to have a vaccinated workforce as a safety measure for our team members and our work environment,” a Tyson Foods spokesperson told Fox Business.
“The risk of severe infection has decreased significantly, with many resources readily available including vaccines and boosters, testing, and improved treatment options.” Tyson Foods announced the mandate in August 2021, saying that office employees must be vaccinated by Oct. 1, 2021, and all employees across the board must be vaccinated on Nov. 1, 2021. In a filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission on Monday, the company said that the mandate “generally improved our ability to operate our business effectively in fiscal 2022.”
Meat processing plants were hit hard by coronavirus at the beginning of the pandemic, forcing Tyson to shut down multiple plants throughout the country in 2020. The Supreme Court struck down a vaccine mandate for companies with more than 100 employees in January 2022 that was issued by President Biden, but businesses can still require workers to wear masks or get vaccinated.
Africa’s CDC chief urges more testing due to a rise in ‘covid’ cases over the past week | added November 17
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AMPALA, Uganda (AP) — The head of Africa’s top public health institute is urging authorities across the continent to step up covid-19 testing amid a concerning rise in new cases in some countries. The continent of 1.3 billion people saw a 37% rise in new cases over the past week, Ahmed Ogwell, acting director of the Africa Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, said Thursday.
Over the last four weeks there’s been an 11% rise in new cases, he said. “Covid is still very much here with us and, in fact, when we look at the numbers we see that there are some member states that are actually going into a new wave and we are monitoring that closely,” he said. “When we have a clear analysis, next week we will be able to report to you if the new waves are holding or if those have been quickly brought under control.”
He did not mention which countries face a new wave of infections, but South Africa is one of them. Africa’s most advanced economy has been the most affected by covid-19, the source of the bulk of confirmed cases and deaths. Covid-19 has infected 12.1 million people across Africa’s 54 nations, accounting for 2% of cases globally, and at least 256,000 have died, according to figures from the Africa CDC.
“We will never forget” …. Control Groups.
Discussion: Doctors for Covid Ethics with Eric Francis Coppolino and German Member of Parliament, Christine Anderson | added November 16
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Investigative reporter Eric Francis Coppolino joins Doctors for COVID Ethics (D4CE) to discuss the ‘covid’ pandemic and PCR testing fraud.

Federal judge approves $58 million dollar settlement in response to dozens of ‘covid’ related deaths at Massachusetts veterans home | added November 16
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SPRINGFIELD, Mass. (AP) — A federal judge has approved a nearly $58 million settlement in a class-action lawsuit filed in response to the deaths of dozens of veterans who contracted covid-19 at a Massachusetts veterans home.
“It was with heavy hearts that we got to the finish line on this case,” Michael Aleo, an attorney for the plaintiffs said Tuesday, the day after the settlement was approved by a judge in U.S. District Court in Springfield. The coronavirus outbreak at the Soldiers’ Home in Holyoke in the spring of 2020 was one of the deadliest outbreaks at a long-term care facility in the U.S.
Attorneys for the plaintiffs said 84 residents died and roughly the same number were sickened. A total of 164 plaintiffs include veterans who tested positive for the disease and survived as well as the families of those who died. Several of the veterans who survived covid-19 have died of other causes since the lawsuit was filed, Aleo said. “The families are thankful that we’ve been able to bring this case to a conclusion,” Aleo said. “Trying the case would have taken years.”
Discrepancies in India’s ‘covid’ vaccine trial data raises troubling safety and efficacy questions, according to internal documents | added November 16
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As the covid-19 pandemic spread across the world two years ago, one of India’s leading biotech companies was racing to develop a vaccine with crucial backing from the Indian government. The shot engineered by Bharat Biotech was, in part, an important effort to create a home-grown product that could bolster the fortunes of the Indian pharmaceutical industry.
However, a STAT review of documents detailing the steps taken toward government approval found that regulators endorsed the vaccine, called Covaxin, despite discrepancies in the number of clinical trial participants. Moreover, questionable changes were made to the trial protocols — which are established procedures for testing a vaccine or medicine — to expedite the approval process.
For instance, the number of people enrolled in the Phase 1 portion of the trial differed from what was later published in a medical journal. There were also important changes made to the protocol for Phase 2 testing, when immunogenicity data from the previous Phase 1 stage were not yet available. In addition, the protocol for Phase 3 was approved while Phase 2 was still underway and the final vaccine candidate was selected without Phase 2 data, according to protocol documents and minutes of meetings held by an expert committee that reported to India’s Central Drugs Standard Control Organization (CDSCO), the national regulator responsible for approving medicines.
Part III: Uncovering the corona fraud | added November 16
Read more at Antiviral Substack by Mike Stone
If I had to guess, I would think that March 2020 was the first month where the majority of the people started to realize that this “Coronavirus” thing wasn’t going to go away quietly in the night like so many “viruses” before it. I know for myself, March was a huge wake-up call. I remember the exact moment. It came on March 17th.
I was planning on taking my son to see the new Sonic The Hedgehog movie that he had been begging me to take him to for weeks. We were just getting ready to go out the door when my mother called to see what we were doing. I told her that we were going to the movies and she said “guess again.” I checked the news and this is what I saw:
Gov. Kim Reynolds prohibits gatherings of more than 10 people, limits restaurants, closes theaters, casinos, bars: “Gov. Kim Reynolds on Tuesday ordered the closure of many businesses and recreational facilities in Iowa for two weeks, a substantial pause on both Iowa’s economy and cultural life as state officials seek to mitigate the spread of the coronavirus.”
White House ‘covid’ coordinator Ashish Jha predicts ‘covid’ surge won’t be severe this holiday season | added November 16
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Ashish Jha, the White House Covid-19 coordinator, predicted Tuesday that the United States will not be heading toward another covid-19 surge driven by holiday gatherings akin to the omicron wave in 2021.
“We are in a very different place and we will remain in a different place,” said Jha, who noted that roughly 90% of Americans have received at least one covid-19 vaccine and “a large chunk of Americans have gotten infected.” Jha, who was speaking at the STAT Summit in Boston, added the caveat that there’s always a possibility the virus could significantly mutate – like it did with the omicron variant – but “I believe we are in a way better place no matter what Mother Nature throws at us.”
Jha also emphasized that the concept of major covid-19 restrictions are largely off the table at this stage in the pandemic. “We are now at a point where I believe if you’re up to date on your vaccines, you have access to treatments … there really should be no restrictions on people’s activities,” Jha said. “I’m pretty much living life the way I was living life in 2019.”
Mainstream media news reports ‘covid’ deaths and hospitalizations are falling across the U.S. | added November 16
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As the flu and RSV (respiratory syncytial virus) have spread rapidly this fall — inundating and overwhelming hospitals and their staff across the country — covid has not. In fact, covid-related deaths and hospitalizations have fallen in recent months, despite the emergence of new omicron subvariants that evade immunity from previous infections and vaccination.
According to NBC News data, covid deaths have fallen consistently since Aug. 31, when the seven-day average of daily covid deaths was at 571. A month later, on Sept. 30, the number fell to 475. By Halloween, 365 were dying per day, on average, from covid. As of Nov. 14, the number had fallen to 316. This week, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is expected to release new data on covid-related mortality, finding that death rates began to decline in March 2022.
The overall hopeful sign of declining deaths could indicate yet another new covid phase, doctors suggest. Fewer people sick enough to be hospitalized with covid means that fewer people are dying of the illness. The average number of covid hospitalizations per day has decreased by 27.9% since Aug. 28, according to NBC News data. Even better, covid, it seems, is no longer sending a majority of patients into intensive care units.
Australian health officials reject third ‘covid’ booster jab for all ages | added November 16
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Australian health officials said they will not make any changes to their existing recommendations for covid-19 boosters — meaning they won’t recommend a third booster (fifth dose) for any age group, despite rising case and hospitalization numbers.
In a press conference today, Health Minister Mark Butler said the Australian Technical Advisory Group on Immunization (ATAGI) largely based its decision on evidence from a recent covid-19 wave in Singapore, where severe disease and death were rare among people who received at least two vaccine doses.
Butler noted that cases in Australia have risen 47% in the last week, but remain 85% below the previous peak in July. He added that “any reduction in transmission by adding a fifth dose to the system would, in their [ATAGI’s] words, likely be minimal.” ATAGI Chief Medical Officer Paul Kelly supported the decision, stating the Singapore case suggested the current wave would peak quickly and then cases would drop off.
Montreal’s assessment on ‘covid’ response includes negative ‘collateral impacts’ on population — surveillance systems should be used in future | added November 16
Read more at The Epoch Times
The covid-19 pandemic and the health measures brought in to limit it caused widespread collateral impacts that disproportionately harmed the most vulnerable, Montreal’s public health director said Tuesday. Mylène Drouin presented a report on the city’s covid-19 management that includes 11 recommendations to help it respond to future health crises more efficiently and equitably.
One of her key recommendations is to develop a surveillance system to monitor the collateral impacts of health measures and find ways to reduce them, especially on the most vulnerable. “We’re not all equal when faced with health emergencies,” she told reporters via video conference.
“People’s exposure to risk is different, their capacity to put in place protective measures, and their capacity to recover is determined by their vulnerability,” she added. Drouin said of all the regions in Quebec, Montreal felt the greatest impact from covid-19, both in terms of deaths and in the imposition of strict health measures.
Near fatal heart attacks and “vaxxidents” happening around the world | added November 16
Read more at Mark Crispin Miller Substack
FRANCE: Victim of cardiac arrest, a 22-year-old young man was resuscitated by a witness
November 2, 2022 — Victim of cardiac arrest, a 22-year-old young man was resuscitated by a witness, Monday, October 31, 2022, in Saint-Brice-sous-Forêt (Val-d’Oise). The facts occurred around 10:30 p.m., in an indoor football hall in the town, reports La Gazette du Val-d’Oise. While playing a match, the player lost consciousness and collapsed.
A person who witnessed the scene noted that the victim was in cardiopulmonary arrest. She therefore gave him a cardiac massage while waiting for the arrival of help. When the firefighters intervened, the victim had resumed cardiac activity, indicate our colleagues. The rescuers drove her in absolute urgency to the Argenteuil hospital.
A 50-year-old jogger has a serious heart attack
November 5, 2022 — The emergency services intervened this Saturday around 5:30 p.m. in Claix when a 50-year-old jogger had just become unwell on avenue de Belledonne. Witness to the scene, a nurse who was nearby began the first aid gestures and in particular began a cardiac massage.
“I’m stuck with you” parody | added November 16
Watch on YouTube
To all the people who voted for a candidate who didn’t get elected… hang in there.
Warning: Flouride in water | added November 15
Watch on Dr. Sam Bailey
Fluoridation of water is promoted as a health measure when the science indicates multiple toxicities. I spoke with one of the unsung New Zealand heroes, Kane Titchener who has volunteered his time to combat the authorities’ attempts to poison our water supplies.
Here is what he said about:
The relationship of fluoridation to vaccination
The effects of fluoride on the brain and IQ
Why your typical doctor or dentist doesn’t know much about fluoride
How to protect yourself against fluoride toxicity
What kind of toothpaste is best for your family
and much more!
Ten year-old boy dies of cardiac arrest a week after Moderna’s ‘covid’ shot, according to recent VAERS data | added Nov. 15
Read more at The Defender
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) today released new data showing a total of 1,458,322 reports of adverse events following covid-19 vaccines were submitted between Dec. 14, 2020, and Nov. 4, 2022, to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS). VAERS is the primary government-funded system for reporting adverse vaccine reactions in the U.S.
The data included a total of 31,961 reports of deaths and 265,274 serious injuries, including deaths, during the same time period.There were a total of 7,783 reports of adverse events following the new covid-19 bivalent booster as of Nov. 4, 2022, with 45% attributed to Moderna’s booster and 55% attributed to Pfizer/BioNTech’s booster. The data included a total of 61 deaths and 434 serious injuries. As of Nov. 10, 31.4 million people have received the updated bivalent booster dose.
Of the 31,961 reported deaths, 20,381 cases are attributed to Pfizer’s covid-19 vaccine, 8,696 cases to Moderna, 2,773 cases to Johnson & Johnson (J&J) and no cases yet reported for Novavax. Excluding “foreign reports” to VAERS, 894,850 adverse events, including 15,096 deaths and 93,362 serious injuries, were reported in the U.S. between Dec. 14, 2020, and Nov. 4, 2022. Foreign reports are reports foreign subsidiaries send to U.S. vaccine manufacturers.
Pakistan Prime Minister Marriyum Aurangzeb tests ‘covid’ positive for the third time | added November 15
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Information minister Marriyum Aurangzeb asked the nation in a tweet on Tuesday to pray for the 71-year-old leader’s quick recovery. Sharif travelled earlier this month to the Egyptian Red Sea resort of Sharm el-Sheikh, where he participated at the annual United Nations climate summit, known as COP27, and from there went on to London on a private trip to see his older brother, former Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif.
The elder Sharif was disqualified from running for office by the country’s Supreme Court in 2017, and has been convicted of concealing assets abroad and sentenced to 10 years. He has been living in exile after a Pakistani court released him on bail and allowed him to leave the country in 2019 for medical treatment abroad.
His daughter, Maryam Nawaz, was sentenced to seven years in the same case, over charges connected with the purchase of luxury apartments in London. The daughter, who is also the vice president of the ruling Pakistan Muslim League, was acquitted of all charges by an appeals court in September.
Biden does not mention ‘covid’ pandemic, origins of ‘virus’ or quarantine measures in meeting with Chinese President Xi Jinping | added November 15
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President Biden and Chinese President Xi Jinping did not discuss the covid-19 pandemic or the origins of the virus that originated in China during their private meeting Monday during the G-20 Summit in Indonesia, according to the White House.
The White House said Biden emphasized in his three-hour meeting with Xi the need for their countries to work together on issues such as climate change, debt relief, food security and health security. Biden also reiterated the U.S. “One China” policy that acknowledges Taiwan is a part of China, but raised objections to Xi’s aggressive action in the region in recent months, according to the White House readout.
Biden also did not discuss the pandemic or the origins of the covid-19 virus in his public speech prior to his private meeting with Xi. The White House did not respond to Fox News Digital’s request for comment on why covid-19 or its origins was not discussed between the two leaders. The origin of covid-19, which first spread in Wuhan, China, is still unknown. A Republican-led Senate investigation concluded in October that a lab leak is the most likely origin.
White House pushes another $10 billion round of ‘covid’ funding | added November 15
Read more at ABC News
The White House will return for another round of the fight for covid-19 funding. After multiple failed attempts this past winter and spring to secure more money to address the pandemic, the White House plans on requesting $10 billion during the lame-duck session of Congress before newly elected lawmakers begin in January, sources familiar with the discussions confirmed to ABC News.
It could potentially be one of the last chances for Democrats to receive additional covid funding if there is a divided government next year, but it also comes at one of the lowest points of public concern over the entire pandemic. In a recent poll from Quinnipiac University that asked voters about the most urgent issues ahead of the midterms, only 1% said the pandemic.
The Washington Post first reported the impending request. People familiar with the budget discussions told ABC News that that $10 billion request would go toward the “research and development of next-generation vaccines and therapeutics” — which has been a major priority for the administration — as well as research into long covid and global efforts to combat the virus.
Cambodian Prime Minister leaves G20 early after testing ‘covid’ positive | added November 15
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NUSA DUA, Indonesia (AP) — Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen said Tuesday he has covid-19 and is leaving the Group of 20 meetings in Bali, just days after hosting President Joe Biden and other world leaders for a summit in his country’s capital.
The diagnosis came as the heads of the G-20 leading economies and other nations began a two-day meeting on the Indonesian resort island. In a posting on his Facebook page, the Cambodian leader said he tested positive for the coronavirus Monday night and an Indonesian physician confirmed the diagnosis on Tuesday morning. He canceled his meetings at the G-20 as well as the upcoming APEC economic forum in Bangkok to return home.
The White House said Biden tested negative Tuesday morning and is not considered a close contact as defined by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The two leaders spent considerable time together Saturday, and were at a joint meeting but not seated together as recently as Sunday. Hun Sen said it was fortunate that he arrived in Bali late Monday and was unable to join a dinner with French President Emmanuel Macron and other leaders.
China: Guangzhou residents revolt over ‘covid’ lockdown mandates | added November 15
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Residents under covid lockdown in China’s southern manufacturing hub of Guangzhou have torn down barriers meant to confine them to their homes, taking to the streets in defiance of strictly enforced local orders, according to video and images circulating on social media. Some of the images show large crowds cheering and surging across toppled barriers and filling streets after dark in the city’s Haizhu district, which has been under an increasingly restrictive lockdown since November 5, as the epicenter of the city’s ongoing covid outbreak.
The clanging sound of metal barriers falling reverberates across the neighborhood and mingles with cheers in the footage, in scenes multiple social media users said took place late Monday evening on district streets. In one video, covid workers in protective medical wear can be seen standing on the sidelines as barriers fall, while trying to speak with people on the streets.
“They’re revolting,” a woman’s voice is heard saying in the background of one of the videos. CNN has geolocated the images to Haizhu district, but could not independently confirm them. It is not clear how many people were involved in the protest, or how long it lasted. Related posts were swiftly scrubbed from the Chinese internet by censors. When CNN reached the phone line of the Haizhu District government office, a phone operator said that the area was still “largely closed off”.
My Body, My Choice — no matter what
Moderna claims tweaked ‘covid’ bivalent jab strengthens immune system against subvariants | added November 15
Read more at The New York Times
WASHINGTON — A new study by Moderna suggests that its updated coronavirus booster strengthens a key component of the immune system’s defense against the omicron subvariant that accounted for most infections in the United States in recent months.
The company announced the findings in a news release on Monday. The underlying data has not yet been published or peer-reviewed, but it has been reviewed by federal regulators. The data indicates that Moderna’s new booster generates significantly higher levels of neutralizing antibodies against the subvariant, BA.5, and another omicron subvariant, BA.4, than the previous booster, the company said.
The federal government replaced the original boosters from Moderna and Pfizer-BioNTech with updated shots in September. The study is the largest to date of one of the new shots, comparing hundreds of people who received either the updated booster or the original one. While federal officials said they were heartened by the findings, the data underscored the problem in chasing a virus that invents new defenses against immunization faster than vaccine manufacturers can design and produce modified shots.
New Canadian democrats call for an independent review into ‘covid’ pandemic response | added November 15
Read more at The Epoch Times
It’s time for Canadians to find out how well the federal government handled covid-19 with a public inquiry into Canada’s pandemic response, says the NDP. With the final federal public-health restrictions having been lifted in September, NDP health critic Don Davies said it’s about time for the government to look back at whether appropriate actions were taken to manage the crisis.
“It’s time to have a proper, comprehensive, full examination of the federal preparedness and response. And the only way to do that is by calling an official inquiry,” he said in an interview. Davies said it was clear at the onset of the pandemic that Canada was not well-equipped to handle the strain caused by covid-19. He said a public inquiry can answer questions about everything from the early detection of the virus to personal protective equipment shortages and domestic vaccine production capabilities.
“It’s to hold those who made decisions accountable, to learn from this unprecedented experience and to be better prepared for the future,” he said. The first cases of covid-19 were detected in Canada at the end of January 2020, and the World Health Organization declared a global pandemic two months later in March.
A scientific community claims ‘covid’ effects people differently due to DNA while also claiming unvaxed people are at higher risk | added November 14
Read more at Science News
Since the beginning of the pandemic, the mercurial nature of the coronavirus has been on display. Some people get mild, cold-like illnesses or even have no symptoms when infected, while other people become severely ill and may die from covid-19.
What determines that fate is complicated and somewhat mysterious. Researchers are looking at a wide variety of factors that may play a role — everything from demographics to preexisting conditions to vaccination status and even genetic clues. Researchers know that older people are more likely to have severe complications of the disease. The unvaccinated, too, have an increased risk of hospitalization and death compared with people who have gotten their covid shots.
Unvaccinated people age 50 and older were 12 times as likely to die from covid-19 as vaccinated people who had gotten two or more booster shots, August data from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention indicate. For instance, among the unvaccinated there were 5.46 deaths per 100,000 people on August 28, compared with 0.49 per 100,000 for those with two-plus boosters.
Evidence shows how ‘covid’ jabs can reactivate the ‘virus’ | added November 14
Read more at The Epoch Times
New evidence in the scientific community indicates that there is a strong correlation between covid-19, its related vaccines, and the reactivation of other viruses which have previously infected the host. This article will dive deeper into the nuances. How Can Viruses Be Reactivated?
In the number of years I spent in the military as a microbiologist, I’ve always been quite impressed with how shrewd viruses can get. During viral infections, viruses have to deal with the defense of the immune systems. If the immune system has the upper hand and defeats the viruses, viruses might develop mechanisms to stay dormant and become inactivated.
One such mechanism is to insert their viral DNA into cells’ chromosomes, staying in latency without active replication. Other mechanisms might involve promoting epigenetic silencing of the viral genome, meaning they stay “muted” in activity, but present and lying in wait. Host cells will then reproduce cells still carrying the viral genetic information. Then, viruses might come back years, or even decades later, reactivating the viral replication when the immune system degrades.
NYT columnist Paul Krugman blames Gov. Ron DeSantis for “unnecessary covid deaths” | added November 14
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New York Times columnist Paul Krugman faced backlash for claiming that Gov. Ron DeSantis, R-Fla., caused 20,000 “unnecessary deaths” because of his coronavirus polices in what many viewed as “disinformation.”
On Sunday, Krugman put out a lengthy Twitter thread on the possibility of DeSantis running for president in 2024 after he won a second term as governor in a historic landslide. Rather than discuss DeSantis’ election prospects, Krugman focused primarily on attacking the governor for thousands of “excess” deaths from the coronavirus pandemic.
“Can Ron DeSantis effectively challenge Trump? I have no idea. But one thing I hope doesn’t get forgotten in the horse-race coverage is DeSantis’ major achievement as governor: the unnecessary death of around 20,000 Floridians,” Krugman wrote. He claimed that he found the number by comparing covid-19 deaths by state since Jan. 2021 based on when vaccines were widely available as well as adjusting for population.
Taiwan lowers ‘covid’ quarantine to five days and lifts workplace vax mandates | added November 14
Read more at CNA English News
Taipei, Nov. 14 (CNA) Taiwan’s covid-19 isolation period was reduced from seven to five days and a three-shot vaccine mandate for workers in several high-risk fields was lifted after new policies took effect on Monday, according to the Central Epidemic Command Center (CECC).
Under the new isolation policy, known as “5+n,” the quarantine for those with covid-19 has been shortened to five days, after which people will be able to resume their normal activities with a negative test result. People who continue to test positive after five days will not be required to quarantine, but should follow self-initiated epidemic prevention protocols until they test negative, or for a maximum of seven days, according to the CECC.
Also on Monday, the CECC canceled a regulation requiring workers in 24 high-risk fields to receive at least three doses of a covid-19 vaccine. The requirement originally applied to teachers, workers in correctional facilities, and funeral homes, and people in categories 1, 2, 3, and 7 on the government’s covid-19 vaccine priority list, which includes health and epidemic prevention workers, airport staff, and soldiers.
How big pharma, mainstream media and experts lied to push vax mandates on the masses | added November 14
Read more at The Brownstone Institute
We now have the data in black and white from Pfizer itself: already when the vaccines were launched, it was known that they would not protect from the spread of infection. And yet, millions of people have taken the vaccine, mainly because of the heavy social pressure felt through the solidarity argument. Therefore, they have also risked dire side effects, while those responsible all of a sudden deny that this absolute argument never really was crucial.
This was just a confirmation of what we already knew. Still, when Dutch MEP Rob Roos asked a yes/no question to Pfizer’s representative Janine Small, it was nonetheless a historic moment. Had the vaccine been tested before it was launched to see whether it protected against the spread of covid-19?
The answer was ”No,” followed by an awkward laugh and a word salad: ”We had to really move with the speed of science to understand what is taking place in the market…” Let that sink in. Pfizer has known all along that these injections have no greater proven effect on the spread of infection than an ice lolly. Once again, this is nothing new. Peter Doshi, one of the editors of the British Medical Journal informed us already two years ago that the vaccine manufacturers’ clinical trials were not designed to answer the most relevant questions.
England and Wales register non-‘covid’ related excess deaths topping 23,000 | added November 14
Read more at The Daily Skeptic
The excess deaths crisis continues, with 1,232 excess deaths – 12.3% above the five-year average – registered in England and Wales in the week ending October 28th, according to the ONS. Of these, 804 were attributed to an underlying cause other than covid-19, bringing the total excess non-covid deaths since the wave began in April to 23,287.
However, the high excess deaths – many of which are heart-related – continued throughout the summer and didn’t drop off as the booster campaign finished. This may be due to a delayed effect of vaccine injury, or other causes may be involved. A current favoured explanation, as set out in a recent report from the British Heart Foundation, is that lack of access to healthcare during the pandemic and NHS backlogs are primarily to blame. However, many medics and scientists suspect side-effects of the vaccines are playing an important role, particularly as this phenomenon is being seen across Europe and further afield, not just in the U.K.
This week I spoke to Julia Hartley-Brewer on Talk TV on this topic. I said that it is generally accepted, including by regulators, that the vaccines are associated with heart problems and blood clotting problems, though the official line is these are rare. We also know from studies, including from Pfizer, that the vaccine does not stay at the injection site but travels throughout the body.
A look inside the Biden administration’s new “biodefense strategy” | added November 14
Read more at Off Guardian
The Biden administration recently released its 2022 National Biodefense Strategy in response to “a need to prepare for future pandemics and biological threats. Building on its September Executive Order on Advancing Biotechnology and Biomanufacturing, the Biden administration maintains that this latest program – what it calls ‘Biodefense’ – will be based upon the “lessons learned from the ongoing covid- 19 pandemic.”
The opening paragraph of the plan states: Today, the Biden-Harris Administration fulfills a commitment that President Biden made on his first day in office: to review existing national biopreparedness policies and develop recommendations for how the Federal Government should update them, based on lessons learned from the ongoing covid-19 pandemic and other biological threats our Nation faces.”
It seems the President forgot that just a month earlier on 60 Minutes he plainly declared the pandemic was over. He also seems to be ignoring the fact that there are profound disagreements on what lessons were actually learned from the raft of disastrous covid-19 policies enacted over the past two and a half years.
New study shows how respiratory diseases are linked to industrial farming | added November 14
Read more at Children’s Health Defense
Rural populations in the U.S., a new study finds, are particularly at risk for agriculture-related exposures associated with respiratory diseases and other kinds of airway inflammation.The exposures include those to pesticides, livestock facilities, smoke from biomass burning, agricultural dust and endotoxin. The study paper also looked at potential protective roles for dietary docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), a polyunsaturated omega-3 fatty acid, and for raw milk consumption (early in life).
Beyond Pesticides has regularly covered the relationships between pesticide exposures and asthma (including the outsized risks for children), chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and other respiratory anomalies. Published in Immunology and Allergy Clinics of North America, and authored by a team from the Division of Allergy and Immunology at the University of Nebraska Medical Center in Omaha, the study used data from the past five years plus literature reviews of research on asthma and respiratory issues in rural populations.
The team notes that multiple studies have suggested that “farming-related exposures as an adult increase the risk of asthma or asthma-like symptoms development,” adding that agricultural workers are exposed to “a complex working environment with associated disease outcomes dependent on the interplay of many factors, including genetics, gender, history of atopy [predisposition to immune response against a variety of antigens and allergens], duration of exposures, livestock diet and pesticide exposures.”
China appoints new public health expert as communist country eases ‘covid’ restrictions | added November 14
Read more at South Morning China Post
China’s Communist Party has appointed a public health expert to take up its top municipal job in Beijing, just as the world’s second-biggest economy starts to ease covid restrictions in place for more than two years.
Yin Li, 60, one of the 24 members of the Politburo, was previously party secretary of Fujian province and has been replaced by Zhou Zuyi, a 57-year-old geophysicist, according to state news agency Xinhua. The appointments announced on Sunday reflect a shift towards technocrats in the top ranks of the party, with experience in science and technology becoming more common among cadres in senior posts as the country tries to counter pressure from the West.
Apart from his time in Fujian, Yin also served as the governor of Sichuan province, and studied public health in Russia and the United States. His experience in public health is expected to be a major asset in his Beijing assignment, with the city registering 170 new covid-19 cases on Sunday, a record high since the start of the pandemic.
New edition on PWFM: Investigative reporter Professor Karl Grossman | added November 13
Read more on Planet Waves FM from Chiron Return
The new program has been published on the program’s website well ahead of its 10 pm EST scheduled time. I will begin with a discussion of Mars retrograde square Neptune, picking up on the theme of last night’s article: the desperate quest for relevance in the digital age.
Those familiar with the nuclear issue — any or all of them, from nuclear power to the Cassini Space Probe — know about the work of Prof. Karl Grossman, my friend, colleague and steadfast advocate. Author of many books and enough investigative news reports to build a paper maché city, Karl has been a steady light on critical environmental issues for two generations.
On this program, we cover the 50 years of environmental crisis (and even some resolutions) during which Grossman has been a journalist at the front of the wave. He tells the story of exposing the United States having a “defensive” bioweapons program in 1971 — the first time this fact was publicly acknowledged. (We get into the Plum Island situation in detail.) I’ll include players with my previous interview with Karl from 2012, on Project Paperclip and the history of nuclear power.
Princess cruise ship allegedly has at least 800 ‘covid’ positive cases and docks in Australia | added November 13
Read more at USA Today
A cruise ship carrying at least 800 passengers infected with covid-19 has docked in Sydney, Australia, multiple outlets reported. The Majestic Princess, which returned from New Zealand, was carrying more than 4,000 people aboard, according to the Australian Broadcasting Corp.
Princess Cruises, the cruise line, said in a statement that all guests onboard the holiday cruise took a rapid antigen test within less than a day of disembarking and passengers who had tested positive would exit separately and not take public transport, the Washington Post reported Saturday.
“Our onboard medical team will continue to support guests until they disembark,” the cruise line said in a statement. The cruise line did not say whether guests who had tested positive could isolate onboard until they recovered, the outlet reported, though the company said it would help guests access accommodation for isolation.
‘Covid’ vaccine-induced myocarditis research study launches to understand long-term effects | added November 13
Read more at NBC News
In October 2021, Da’Vion Miller was found unconscious in the bathroom of his home in Detroit a week after receiving his first dose of Pfizer’s covid vaccine. He had known something was wrong: Then 22, he had started experiencing chest pain two days after getting vaccinated, followed by fatigue, shortness of breath and dizziness.
Miller was rushed to Henry Ford West Bloomfield Hospital, where he was diagnosed with myocarditis, an inflammation of the heart muscle, and pericarditis, an inflammation of the outer lining of the heart. His doctor advised him not to receive a second dose of either the Pfizer or the Moderna vaccines. “I was like, that’s crazy,” Miller said, noting that he knows the heart inflammation condition following vaccination is extremely rare.
Miller is one of a very small group of people in the United States who have experienced myocarditis following vaccination with the Pfizer-BioNTech or the Moderna covid vaccines based on mRNA technology. Myocarditis is a condition that has long been linked to a number of viral infections, including influenza, coxsackieviruses, as well as covid.
Chinese city investigates increase of miscarriages due to ‘covid’ lockdowns | added November 13
Read more at South Morning China Post
As cities across China follow up on Beijing’s newly relaxed covid policies, the southwestern metropolis of Chongqing is investigating reports that a woman had a miscarriage after coronavirus restrictions resulted in treatment delays.
The woman reportedly required medical care but was not allowed to leave her locked-down compound in Jiulongpo district on Saturday, leading to the miscarriage. In an official notice on WeChat on Sunday, the district government vowed to “investigate and punish those involved according to law”. The incident in Chongqing is the latest high-profile case of a person not receiving essential medical care because of covid-19 lockdowns or delays.
Two similar cases of miscarriage were reported in the city of Xian in December and January, and a 32-year-old man in Beijing reportedly died after waiting for an ambulance in May. The Chongqing case occurred just a day after Beijing announced relaxation of the country’s covid-19 restrictions.
Biden administration expected to extend ‘covid’ public health emergency | added November 13
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The Biden administration is expected to extend the covid public health emergency. A record amount of 5 million covid-19 booster shots were administered last week. The newest updated booster released in September has been slow to catch on. The Biden administration is encouraging residents to get the updated booster ahead of the holiday travel season.
This comes as the White House faces a deadline whether or not to lift the covid public health emergency that has been in place since January 2020. The current health emergency expires Jan 11., but state officials require a 60 day notice before ending the emergency. Since no notice has been given so far, it is a signal from the White House that it will be extended.
If it were to end, some Americans could be forced to pay for the shot. The U.S. has spent trillions of dollars during the pandemic developing vaccines, treatments and providing free testing, but the funds are running out. The Biden administration has requested more covid-19 funding to replenish its supplies of tests and treatments.
A ‘covid’ breakthrough | added November 13
Read more at Mike Stone Antiviral Substack
1. a sudden advance especially in knowledge or technique
2. an act or instance of moving through or beyond an obstacle
Almost three years ago, we were sold a scarytale about the fearsome new “virus” that was quickly approaching from a far off distant land. This new threat was coming to claim our elderly, our children, and our sickly for its rapidly rising death toll. Temporary “protective” measures were put into place as barriers to defend us from the outside invader. However, we were told that, even though they were meant to flatten an imaginary curve in only a few short weeks, these restrictions would not be enough to contain the threat and would only slow it down.
In order to save ourselves and those we love, it was imperative that we submit to a rushed experimental injection that would infuse each individual with a protective shield known as immunity. We were told that as more people willingly submitted themselves to these hastily thrown together mystery injections and we reached a certain threshold, the protective shield would expand and create a super barrier known as herd immunity. We were ensured that this selfless act would afford our community protection, immunity, and stop the transmission of this deadly foe in its very tracks.
University of Missouri scientists claim to have discovered ‘monkeypox’ mutations behind outbreak | added November 13
Read more at St. Louis Public Radio
A team of researchers at the University of Missouri has discovered viral mutations that are behind this year’s monkeypox outbreak. Like the coronavirus, monkeypox evolves over time to become more hardy and infectious. Viruses can mutate through interactions with medications or the environment.
The team studied how different strains of the monkeypox virus had changed over decades. Most mutations fizzled out, but some were still present in viral sequences from 2022 “We need to know the problem before we can solve it,” said professor Kamal Singh, who specializes in molecular biology and pathology. After studying the monkeypox timeline, the scientists used a computer model to map where mutations were located in the virus. Some virus mutations are close to where a vaccine or antibody would interact with the virus, and that could make some treatments less effective.
“Drugs go and bind a certain part of the protein, a certain part of the enzyme. That’s how they interfere with function,” Singh said. Studying mutations and where they’re located can help scientists make better monkeypox vaccines and treatments, he said. Two of the three drugs used to treat monkeypox bind close to that mutation. “And obviously, that mutation will affect the binding of these two drugs,” Singh said. “And that is one reason the drugs may not be as effective as we think.”
Mary Holland and Polly Tommey discuss latest big Pharma fraud and the ‘end of science’ | added November 13
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This week, Mary Holland, Children’s Health Defense (CHD) president, and Polly Tommey, CHD.TV programming manager, covered the latest headlines on covid-19, Big Pharma and other issues, including news that based on a new preprint analysis by professor John Ioannidis, there’s no reason for anyone to live in fear anymore, regardless of age, as the risk of dying from covid-19 is — and always was — minuscule across the board.
Polly and Mary also discussed how it’s becoming ever more clear that the most influential health authorities around the world are now blatantly lying to the public, given the current status of scientific and medical information. Plus, an essay by Emily Oster, Ph.D., published Oct. 31 in The Atlantic suggesting we “need to forgive one another for what we did and said when we were in the dark about covid” is fanning the flames of fury among those whose lives were destroyed by ad hominem attacks, de-platforming, delicensure, demonetization, demonization and debilitating vaccine injuries.
Also on tap this week: Rutgers Robert Wood Johnson Medical School has been selected as a clinical trial site for the global Pfizer-BioNTech research study to evaluate the safety and efficacy of the bivalent covid-19 vaccines in children under age 5.
Confining healthy people during ‘covid’ | added November 13
Read more at The Epoch Times
Covid-19 represents the first time in the history of pandemics that we confined healthy populations. While the ancients did not understand the mechanisms of infectious disease—they knew nothing of viruses and bacteria—they nevertheless figured out many ways to mitigate the spread of contagion during epidemics. These time-tested measures ranged from quarantining symptomatic patients to enlisting those with natural immunity, who had recovered from the illness, to care for the sick.
From the lepers in the Old Testament to the plague of Justinian in Ancient Rome to the 1918 Spanish flu pandemic, lockdowns were never part of conventional public health measures. The concept of lockdowns arose in part from a public health apparatus that had become militarized over the previous two decades. We now routinely hear of “countermeasures,” but doctors and nurses never use that word, which is a term of spycraft and soldiering.
In 1968, while an estimated one to four million people died in the H3N2 influenza pandemic, businesses and schools stayed open and large events were never cancelled. Until 2020 we had not previously locked down entire populations, because that strategy does not work. In 2020 we had zero empirical evidence that lockdowns would save lives, only flawed mathematical models whose predications were not just slightly off, but wildly exaggerated by orders of magnitude.
Daylight Saving the movie | added November 11
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What time is it? Happy weekend.
Polio is used to convince Americans about the need to vax children for ‘covid’ | added November 11
Read more at Stat News
As pediatricians, epidemiologists, and professors of public health — as well as mothers — we are often asked if we recommend covid vaccines for children. Those asking are often skeptical about the benefits and make the point that relatively few kids have died from covid-19.
There’s also some institutional confusion: the American Academy of Pediatrics and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have urged families to get their children vaccinated, but some doctors now say the boosters may not be necessary. A new survey suggests that levels of vaccine hesitancy, even among primary care doctors, may be higher than expected: About one in ten physicians who responded to the survey said they did not believe the vaccines were safe and about 8% said they did not think the covid-19 vaccines were important.
We strongly recommend that children receive both the initial covid-19 vaccination series and any necessary boosters. We base that on lessons learned in dealing with polio.
Justice Sotomayor rejects request to block NYC public sector ‘covid’ shot mandate | added November 11
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Justice Sonia Sotomayor on Thursday rejected a request that the Supreme Court block New York City’s public sector covid-19 vaccine requirement as it applies to employees with who have religious objections to the vaccine. The emergency application from the New Yorkers for Religious Liberty was filed with Sotomayor, who supervises the lower courts that have ruled in the case.
Her order rejecting it did not indicate that she had put the matter before the full court. The challengers argued that they have been forced to choose between the mandate and their public sector jobs. Plaintiffs include firefighters, teachers, and police officers. They say that the city has set up a process for individualized exemptions but still denies most exceptions based on religious liberty concerns.
“President Biden’s pronouncement that the pandemic is over has done little to reverse the ongoing constitutional nightmare in New York City,” John Bursch, a lawyer for the challengers, argued. “Moreover, it has been widely reported that a ‘tripandemic’ may loom ahead this winter, greatly increasing the likelihood that the Mandates will remain in place or new ones will replace them,” he argued.
A look at how the FDA and CDC are hiding ‘covid’ shot dangers | added November 11
Read more at Mercola
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention jointly run and, allegedly, monitor the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) for safety signals. Both agencies have been blatantly derelict in their duties in this regard, as the safety signals in VAERS have been screaming for attention since the first quarter of 2021. Yet both the FDA and CDC claim they’ve found nothing of concern. Nothing at all.
They’re so unconcerned they even added the covid jabs to the childhood vaccination schedule, with the first jab series to be given to toddlers and babies as young as 6 months. Meanwhile, data from around the world, including data in VAERS, V-Safe and the Defense Medical Epidemiology Database (DMED), suggest these shots are the deadliest in the history of vaccines. No other product comes even close.
CDC Invents Facts to Drive a Narrative. In the video above, Megyn Kelly interviews Robert F. Kennedy Jr. about the difficulty in determining how many lives may have been saved by the covid shots, versus how many lives have been lost because of them, and highlights some of the outright false statements issued by the CDC.
Oil prices increase as China eases some ‘covid’ quarantine measures and testing mandates | added November 11
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Oil prices were climbing on Friday after China eased some covid-19 restrictions, with support for the commodity also stemming from relief surrounding U.S. inflation data that weighed on the dollar. Crude is still poised for weekly declines, however.
West Texas Intermediate crude for December CL.1, +3.05% CLZ22, +3.05% delivery jumped $2.05, or 2.3%, to $89.02 a barrel, after Thursday’s close of $86.47 a barrel on the New York Mercantile Exchange. U.S. crude was looking at a drop of 4.3% for the week as of Thursday, according to FactSet data.
January Brent crude BRNF23, +2.77% BRN00, +2.77% the global benchmark, climbed $2.08, or 2.2%, to $95.73 a barrel, after settling up 1.1% to $93.67 a barrel on ICE Futures Europe on Thursday.
Back on Nymex, December gasoline RBZ22, +2.49% prices rose 2.3% to $2.6264 a gallon, while December heating oil HOZ22, +2.69% % rose 1.6% to $3.6299 a gallon. December natural gas NGZ22, +0.38% was flat at $6.245 per million British thermal units. Lifting hopes for a boost to demand for commodities such as oil, China announced Friday that it was cutting quarantine time for incoming travelers to five days from seven, with 3 days of home isolation. Those travelers will also now be allowed to enter with one negative PCR test taken within 48 hours of traveling, down from two.
CHD attorney moves forward with Rutgers lawsuit as the university announces a trial with Pfizer’s ‘covid’ jab for children under 5 years-old | added November 11
Read more at The Defender
The attorney representing Children’s Health Defense (CHD) and 13 Rutgers University students in a lawsuit challenging Rutgers’ covid-19 vaccine mandate policy said the District Court of New Jersey didn’t follow the legal standard when it dismissed CHD’s case.
In an interview this week with The Defender, Julio C. Gomez of Gomez LLC, lead counsel in the case, said U.S. District Judge Zahid N. Quraishi’s argument for granting the university’s motion to dismiss “failed to accept the facts as alleged in the plaintiffs’ complaint as true,” as required under the legal standard on a motion to dismiss.
CHD on Oct. 19 appealed the decision and on Monday filed a summary of its appeal. Gomez also spoke with The Defender about Rutgers’ Nov. 4 announcement that it is partnering with Pfizer on a new clinical trial to evaluate the safety and efficacy of the bivalent covid-19 vaccine in children under age 5. “Rutgers should be keenly aware that so far, the studies that are being used to support covid-19 vaccination of children are deeply flawed and that the risks of experimental vaccination are too great for children who face negligible risks from covid-19, especially when so many are already naturally immune,” Gomez said.
U.K. research data show deaths from ‘covid’ remain “extremely rare” in people under 20 years-old | added November 11
Read more at The Epoch Times
Deaths from covid-19 remain “extremely rare” in people under the age of 20, according to a study of follow-up data in the UK. Between March 2020 and December 2021, while there were 185 deaths in England among children and young people (CYP) within 100 days of a lab-confirmed covid-19 infection, fewer than half died directly because of the virus, the study found.
The peer-reviewed study, published on Nov. 8 on the PLOS Medicine Journal website, was conducted by researchers from the UK’s Health Security Agency (UKHSA). Studying the 22-month follow-up data on all 6,790 under-20s deaths, the team corroborated findings from a number of previous analyses that looked at data from a shorter period of time.
Excluding two stillbirth/intrauterine deaths, 81 (43 percent) deaths were attributed to covid-19. It accounts for 1.2 percent of all-cause CYP deaths, with a covid-19 infection fatality rate of 7 per million (using estimated infections number) and an overall mortality rate of 6 per million (estimated CYP population).
New England Journal of Medicine publishes a study that shows schools that lifted mask mandates had higher numbers of ‘covid’ cases | added November 11
Read more at WGBH
Massachusetts school districts that lifted mask mandates immediately after the state relaxed its requirement in February saw far more covid-19 cases than districts that retained the policy voluntarily, according to a new study published Wednesday in the New England Journal of Medicine.
The new research from authors at Harvard University, Boston University and the Boston Public Health Commission provides evidence for supporters of mask mandates as they call for school districts to enact protections against future surges. But requiring kids to wear masks in schools remains hotly debated, and opponents of mandates say the new study failed to consider the negative impacts that masks can have on children.
The study’s authors say their results clearly show masks prevent transmission of covid-19 in classrooms. “This just wasn’t one week or two weeks after spring break, or a fluke,” said Dr. Tori Cowger of the Harvard TH Chan School of Public Health, the journal article’s lead author. “There were 15 weeks. And in 12 of those weeks, we saw a significant increase in cases in these school districts. And so it wasn’t just a one-time thing. And those cases add up.”
While Trudeau gains support for vax mandates his lawyer suddenly keels over | added November 11
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Public hearings of the Public Order Emergency Commission continue in Ottawa. The commission, led by Paul Rouleau, is studying the federal government’s use of the Emergencies Act in February 2022 to declare a public order emergency. The declaration of emergency came in response to protests, at a number of Canada–U.S. border crossings and in downtown Ottawa, opposing the government’s covid-19 public-health measures. The Emergencies Act requires an inquiry to be held following any declaration of emergency, with the mandate of examining both the circumstances of the declaration and the measures taken under it. Drew Dilkens, mayor of Windsor, and Jason Crowley, acting deputy chief of the Windsor Police Service, appear as witnesses.
FDA advisory committee votes against Veru’s ‘covid’ drug | added November 11
Read more at Fierce BioTech
Veru has lost a split decision at its FDA advisory committee meeting, with experts voting eight to five against the known and potential benefit-risk profile of VERU-111 in hospitalized moderate to severe covid-19 patients who are at high risk for acute respiratory distress syndrome.
The chances of Veru securing a clear win at the meeting took a hit when the FDA published its briefing document. While the agency acknowledged that Study 902 met its primary endpoint of all-cause mortality at Day 60, it “identified a number of uncertainties with the data” from the “small trial,” including high placebo arm mortality rate, potential for unblinding events and baseline imbalances in standard of care.
Those uncertainties shaped the discussion at the advisory committee. Ultimately, the vote went against Veru by eight experts to five, but the comments revealed uncertainty on both sides of the fence, as Brigham and Women’s Hospital’s Lindsey Baden, M.D., articulated in the explanation of his vote. “I agree with all of the previous voters, both yes and no. We’re all on the edge of how do we weigh the efficacy signal and the absence of a safety signal, but the absence of safety data?” Baden said.

China’s Guangzhou locks down over 5 million residents due to increasing ‘covid’ outbreak | added November 10
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China’s southern metropolis of Guangzhou has locked down more than 5 million residents, as authorities rush to stamp out a widening covid outbreak and avoid activating the kind of citywide lockdown that devastated Shanghai earlier this year. Guangzhou reported 3,007 local infections on Wednesday, accounting for over one third of new cases across China, which is experiencing a six-month high in infections nationwide.
The city of 19 million has become the epicenter of China’s latest covid outbreak, logging more than 1,000 new cases – a relatively high figure by the country’s zero-covid standards – for five straight days. As the world moves away from the pandemic, China still insists on using snap lockdowns, mass testing, extensive contact-tracing and quarantines to stamp out infections as soon as they emerge.
The zero-tolerance approach has faced increasing challenge from the highly transmissible omicron variant, and its heavy economic and social costs have drawn mounting public backlash. The ongoing outbreak is the worst since the start of the pandemic to have hit Guangzhou. The city is the capital of Guangdong province, which is a major economic powerhouse for China and a global manufacturing hub.
Residents clash with authorities over enforcement of ‘covid’ quarantine restrictions and mandates | added November 10
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Police in northeastern China said that seven people have been arrested following a clash between residents and authorities enforcing covid-19 quarantine restrictions. The violence comes as China reports new cases nationwide, with 2,230 cases reported Tuesday in the southern manufacturing and technology hub of Guangzhou.
While the numbers remain relatively low, China has relentlessly pursued its strict “zero-covid” policy of quarantines, lockdowns and daily or near-daily compulsory testing. A news release from the police department in the Shandong city of Linyi said public security would take strong measures against those who “illegally violated the legal rights of personal protection of citizens.”
Anti-pandemic measures have prompted backlashes across the country, forming a rarely seen challenge to Communist Party authority. It wasn’t immediately clear who was arrested after the clash. News of the arrests appeared on social media Tuesday morning, but were erased by the country’s censors before noon. Chinese leader Xi Jinping has made “zero-covid” a hallmark of his administration, which gained a boost last month after he was granted a third five-year term in power and promoted loyalists to top positions.
WHO chief Ghebreyesus claims a nearly 90 percent drop in recent global ‘covid’ deaths since February | added Nov. 10
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The World Health Organization chief on Wednesday said a nearly 90% drop in recent covid-19 deaths globally compared to nine months ago provides “cause for optimism,” but still urged vigilance against the pandemic as variants continue to crop up.
Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said that last week just over 9,400 deaths linked to the coronavirus were reported to the WHO. In February of this year, he said, weekly deaths had topped 75,000 globally. “We have come a long way, and this is definitely cause for optimism. But we continue to call on all governments, communities and individuals to remain vigilant,” he said at a virtual news conference from the WHO’s Geneva headquarters.
“Almost 10,000 deaths a week is 10,000 too many for a disease that can be prevented and treated.” The WHO chief said testing and sequencing rates remain low globally, vaccination gaps between rich and poor countries are still wide, and new variants continue to proliferate.
Previous ‘covid’ infections and jabs allegedly don’t offer enough protection against new variants, according to Columbia University’s AIDS Research Center | added November 10
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New lab data suggest that vaccines and prior infections may not offer enough protection against several new covid-19 variants cropping up in the U.S. and around the world.
Dr. David Ho, director of Columbia University’s Aaron Diamond AIDS Research Center (ADARC), and his team reported the results from a set of studies at an ADARC symposium. They showed how well some of the latest variants—BQ.1, BQ.1.1, XBB, and XBB.1, which were all derived from omicron—are evading both vaccine-derived and infection-derived immunity.
These new variants all have mutations in the region that binds to cells and infects them, which means that they’re highly transmissible, as prior omicron variants were. BQ.1 is growing steadily in France, according to the public database of SARS-CoV-2 variants GISAID. By mid-November, European health officials expect the variant to account for 50% of cases in Europe, and to become the dominant strain in that region by early 2023. XBB is growing quickly in Singapore and India.
Pfizer seeks to inoculate pregnant women with an approved RSV vaccine by end of year | added November 10
Read more at The Defender
On Nov. 1, Pfizer issued a press release about an investigational vaccine for pregnant women the company said will protect babies from respiratory syncytial virus (RSV). Not coincidentally, RSV is the latest viral bugaboo to hit the headlines, with frantic news accounts of “overwhelmed” hospitals sounding eerily reminiscent of the early coronavirus fear-mongering.
Buoyed by the successful global marketing of its covid-19 jabs — an estimated 49% of pregnant women worldwide reportedly views the vaccines favorably and almost 1 in 4 pregnant women in the U.S. took them — Pfizer is hoping to hit another home run with the RSV vaccine. The vaccine maker said it intends to seek U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approval by the end of the year.
The FDA, meanwhile, has been busy handing out “Breakthrough Therapy” designations to Pfizer as if they were papal dispensations, signaling a regulatory willingness to speed up approval not only for Pfizer’s RSV vaccine but also for a maternal Group B Streptococcus (GBS) vaccine the company is developing. To this expedient end, the FDA allowed Pfizer to “stop the [RSV] study short,” halting enrollment at about 7,400 participants — though the trial was supposed to involve 10,000 pregnant women.
Ontario children’s hospital opens second intensive care unit to treat unprecedented number of ill babies, according to CHEO | added November 10
Read more at The Epoch Times
An Ontario children’s hospital has opened a second intensive care unit to treat what it says is an unprecedented number of critically ill babies and young children. The Ottawa-based Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario, or CHEO, says the peak viral season has arrived early, sending kids to the hospital at levels “never before seen” in its history.
Dr. Lindy Samson, chief of staff at CHEO, says provincial funding made it possible for the hospital respond to the crisis, as the hospital sees more than double its normal volume of young patients who are arriving sicker than usual. The new ICU is made up of five more beds temporarily reassigned from the hospital’s surgical day unit, with clinicians trained in critical care reassigned from other areas to staff it.
CHEO says it is also hiring and reassigning staff to patient-facing roles in emergency, acute and critical care. Samson renewed calls for the people of Ottawa to wear masks indoors to reduce the spread of viral illnesses like covid-19.
“Just in case” road rage Wednesday | added November 10
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I don’t understanda why? why why why?
Here is why Paxlovid is a fraud: when will it be taken off the market? | added November 10
Read more at Mercola
So far, all of the drugs developed against covid-19 have been disastrous in one way or another. Remdesivir, for example, which to this day is the primary covid drug approved for use in U.S. hospitals, routinely causes severe organ damage and, often, death.
Another notable one is Paxlovid, which was granted emergency use authorization to treat mild to moderate covid-19 in December 2021. While not showing signs of being deadly like remdesivir, Paxlovid has become so widely associated with rebound infection that the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has even issued a warning about it. According to the CDC’s health advisory:
“Recent case reports document that some patients with normal immune response who have completed a 5-day course of Paxlovid for laboratory-confirmed infection and have recovered can experience recurrent illness 2 to 8 days later, including patients who have been vaccinated and/or boosted.” The CDC and Pfizer have suggested that sometimes covid-19 naturally comes back after a person tests negative, implying that covid-19 rebound is spontaneous and not necessarily linked to Paxlovid. However, research by Dr. Michael Charness of the Veterans Administration Medical Center in Boston refutes this notion.
Toronto’s board of public health asks city’s top doctor to consider reinstating mask mandates to curb increase of viral illnesses | added November 10
Read more at City News Everywhere
Toronto’s board of health asked the city’s top doctor Tuesday to consider reinstating mask mandates amid a surge in viral illnesses that’s sending children to hospital at alarming rates. The request came a day after the chief of staff at an Ottawa children’s hospital urged a broad return to indoor masking as the flu, covid-19 and a childhood virus circulate, saying the public has to play a part in protecting the youngest members of the community.
In Toronto, the public health board passed a motion asking Dr. Eileen de Villa to “urgently explore all avenues toward re-issuing mask mandates, starting with schools.” “I think we really need a renewed sense of urgency,” board member Kate Mulligan said. The request was aimed at reducing the spread of viruses and preventing strain on health-care services for kids. Mulligan recalled a recent “terrifying” experience of taking her young child to the resuscitation room of a local ER, and expressed concern about such resources becoming unavailable if children’s health services are stretched too thin.
She asked public health to look at mask mandates as parents of sick children stare down the threat of a particularly harsh viral season. Toronto public health asks top doctor to ‘urgently explore’ return of mask mandates at schools. De Villa said Toronto Public Health is currently following provincial guidelines — which do not require masks in most settings — but said the city could change course if the situation calls for it.
In memory of those who ‘died suddenly’ in the U.K. and Ireland from Oct. 31-Nov. 2 | added November 10
Read more at Mark Crispin Miller Substack
Treatment delays are causing an extra 33 people to die from heart disease every day, a charity has warned. Long waits for ambulances and potentially life-saving hospital tests and procedures are resulting in an additional 230 deaths a week, according to analysis by the British Heart Foundation (BHF).
Some 30,000 people have died needlessly from heart problems since the start of the pandemic, they estimate. Experts warned the worrying trend in excess deaths since covid will continue unless the NHS can get to grips with the growing backlog of care. Dr Charmaine Griffiths, BHF chief executive, called for an urgent heart strategy to prevent more heartbreak and needless loss of life, adding there was ‘not a moment to lose’.
She said: ‘It is devastating that the ongoing and extreme disruption to heart care has meant that 30,000 more families have lost a loved one. Today many hundreds of thousands of people fear that their heart condition could get worse before they get treatment – potentially stopping them from working or enjoying a full life. Many more are completely unaware they now have a condition putting them at a greater risk of early death from a heart attack or stroke.’
Southern California declares first RSV state of emergency, prompting Pfizer and GSK to manufacture an approved vaccine | added November 9
Read more at The Defender
Southern California’s Orange County Health Department this month declared a local health emergency over concerns around the rising number of pediatric cases of Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV). County officials also declared a Proclamation of Local Emergency, allowing them to access state and federal resources in response to the spread of RSV.
The news came amid media warnings of a looming “tripledemic” of RSV, influenza and covid-19 and news that Pfizer and GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) are close to securing regulatory approval for their RSV vaccine candidates — including Pfizer’s RSV vaccine for pregnant women. RSV was first identified in 1956, and frequently affects children, with a majority of childhood cases occurring before age 2. For most children, symptoms are similar to those of the common cold, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
It can, however, cause serious symptoms in the very young and the elderly, although childhood deaths are infrequent, according to CDC data. According to California attorney Rita Barnett-Rose, there’s no evidence to support claims that Orange County hospitals are overextended, or to justify a state of emergency.
U.S. research center in Antarctica shuts down travel due to ‘covid’ outbreak | added November 9
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A covid-19 outbreak has hit a U.S. station in Antarctica, despite being in one of the most remote areas of the world. According to the National Science Foundation, which manages McMurdo Station — the largest base on the continent — at least 98 people have tested positive since the beginning of October out of 993 workers.
Of the cases, 64 are active. The NSF said most of the employees have mild symptoms and are isolating in their rooms. It’s unclear how the outbreak began. To contain the outbreak, the NSF is pausing all inward travel to Antarctica for the next two weeks except for essential travel required for health and safety reasons.
In a statement, the foundation said this is “to lower the density of the population to reduce the possibility of transmission” during which time it will “reassess the situation.” It’s unclear if the travel pause will affect any research projects. It comes as many scientists head down to the continent for their summer field season, where they work for two to three months.
Majority of Canadians would support a return to mask mandates, according to a Nanos Research survey conducted for CTV News | added November 9
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Most Canadians say they would support or share some support for the return of face mask mandates this fall in indoor public space if deemed necessary by officials, according to a new survey conducted by Nanos Research.
The poll conducted for CTV News found seven in 10 Canadians said they would support the return of face masks mandates to some extent. Fifty-two per cent said they would support the return of such mandates, 17 per cent said they would “somewhat support” them, while 22 per cent would be against them. Eight per cent would be “somewhat” opposed to the idea.
At a national glance, Canadians across the provinces evenly agreed to the idea of the mandate, with respondents from most provinces reaching over 60 per cent in agreement. British Columbia reported the highest support with 72 per cent, followed by 71.4 per cent in Ontario, 71.3 per cent in the Atlantic, 65.3 per cent in Quebec and 62.9 per cent in the Prairies.
Canada’s University of Waterloo reinstates mask mandates as ‘covid’ hospitalizations rise | added November 9
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With signs of increasing covid-19 in the community and a desire to minimize disruptions to upcoming exams, the University of Waterloo has ordered students and staff to be masked for all indoor academic activities beginning Wednesday. The policy applies in such settings as lectures, seminars, labs, tests and exams, and will last until the end of the fall term.
“Recently, we have seen increases in local covid-19 hospitalizations, and there are emerging trends from test positivity and wastewater that suggest increasing levels of covid in the community now and in the near future,” Waterloo said in its announcement Tuesday. “These trends mean we need to act now to minimize disruption to the end-of-term exam season and to protect the most vulnerable people in our community.”
Waterloo exams begin Dec. 9 and end Dec. 23. The announcement came on a day when Toronto’s public health board asked the city’s top doctor, Eileen De Villa, to “urgently explore” reissuing mask mandates, beginning with schools, and an Ottawa children’s hospital implored the community to return to indoor masking.
Monkeypox can be life threatening in untreated HIV patients, according to a CDC study | added November 9
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Monkeypox, though often mild, may be severe and even fatal in immunocompromised individuals, particularly those with untreated AIDS, according to a Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) study in Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report. The study described a group of patients recently treated for severe monkeypox.
The majority were Black, HIV-positive, and not receiving treatment. Many were also facing homelessness. The authors urged HIV testing for all sexually active individuals with suspected monkeypox. Early or prolonged monkeypox treatment may be necessary, they concluded.
Co-author John T. Brooks, MD, called the study “a real call to action.” “If we want to reduce cases of severe monkeypox, we need to reduce the number of persons with HIV who are undiagnosed and not treated,” said Brooks, a medical epidemiologist who is chief medical officer of CDC’s multinational monkeypox response. Brooks also leads the Epidemiology Research Team in CDC’s Division of HIV/AIDS Prevention.
Israeli study concludes short-lived immunity to Pfizer’s ‘covid’ jab requires evaluation of boosters | added November 9
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An Israeli study has concluded that the short-lived immunity and rapid waning of the Pfizer BioNTech covid-19 vaccine necessitates the reevaluation of future covid-19 vaccination campaigns. The authors said that while the vaccine was effective in decreasing morbidity and mortality, “its relatively small effect on transmissibility of omicron … and its rapid waning call for reassessment of future booster campaigns.”
The peer-reviewed paper was published on Nov. 7 in Nature Communications. The retrospective analysis examined the waning effect of protection from the vaccine, which the authors said had not been thoroughly analyzed before in terms of cycle threshold and infectivity. The cycle threshold value stands for the number of cycles it takes a polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test to detect a virus.
PCR testing was a widely used test during the pandemic to determine if people had caught SARS-CoV-2, the coronavirus that causes the covid-19 disease. Cycle threshold negatively correlates with viral load which is a major factor of infectivity. So a higher cycle threshold value reflects lower infectivity. The study compared cycle threshold levels of individuals that were unvaccinated, vaccinated with two, three, or four doses, with individuals who had recovered from covid-19 and had not been vaccinated.
Hang in there New Yorkers, let’s stay positive. Regardless of what side we are on, let’s agree we are not “apostles” of this governor.
Utah’s chief scientist claims nearly 30 percent of ‘covid’ cases are due to “nasty” pair of variants known as BQ.1 and BQ.11 | added November 9
Read more at Deseret News
Nearly 30% of Utah’s covid-19 cases are likely being caused by what the state’s chief scientist called a “nasty” pair of fast-spreading and treatment-resistant descendants of an omicron subvariant that’s dominated in the United States since mid-year. Known as BQ.1 and BQ.1.1, the latest versions of the virus are even more transmissible than their predecessors, said Kelly Oakeson, chief scientist for next generation sequencing and bioinformatics for the Utah Department of Health and Human Services.
“Anytime you see a variant start to grow in proportion over other variants, that means it’s better at infecting you. So, yeah, the ‘BQs’ are more effective,” Oakeson said, also noting they don’t respond well to monoclonal antibody treatments, often used for those at high risk of hospitalization or death.
What’s troubling, too, is that the pair are among several versions of the virus vying to topple the BA.5 omicron subvariant now believed to be responsible for less than 40% of covid-19 cases in the region that includes Utah, according to the latest forecast from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Maryland’s Montgomery County monitors wastewater for ‘covid’ claiming the virus can spread in feces of asymptomatic person | added November 9
Read more at WTOP NEWS
In Maryland’s Montgomery County, wastewater is now being monitored to detect covid-19, with the aim of getting ahead of any winter surges. “Wastewater surveillance will be a game changer for our efforts to better predict outbreaks and prevent them from happening,” said County Executive Marc Elrich, in a news release.
“With winter around the corner, we want to be prepared if there is another surge in covid-19 cases and this surveillance system helps us do that.” The county first announced plans for the surveillance in March. The county is collecting water samples twice a week at five sites and sending them to the University of Maryland for analysis. The data then goes to the Montgomery County Department of Health and Human Services.
The sites are at the following locations:
Reddy Branch – 2611 Brighton Dam Road, Brookville, Md. 20833
Arcola – 2001 Henderson Ave., Wheaton, Md. 20855
King Farm – 315 Pure Spring Crescent, Rockville, Md. 20850
Hoyles Mill – 15001 Hoyles Mill Road, Boyds, Md. 20841
Wexford – 21225 Seneca Crossing Drive, Germantown, Md. 20876
People who have covid-19 shed the virus in their feces, even if they do not have symptoms.
Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer mocked over audio malfunction when asked about disastrous ‘covid’ lockdown measures | added November 9
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Michigan Democratic Gov. Gretchen Whitmer was mocked for a purported audio malfunction that allowed her to avoid answering a question from TV anchors about her covid-19 lockdown measures.
“Governor, when it comes to your handling of the pandemic, we all know the critics over the past few years, do you have any regrets and…?” FOX 2 Detroit anchor Josh Landon asked Whitmer on Monday morning.
Whitmer, appearing remotely, interjects, “I’m sorry …” appearing to clasp at her earpiece. Someone off-camera with the governor is heard saying, “Oh, s—, I think we lost…” Landon says, “Go ahead, governor.” Whitmer does not respond as she glances at the camera and down again, holding her earpiece. “Did I do that when I touched the ear thing? It started to fall out,” she says.
Attention flat earthers! | added November 8
Read more at Planet Waves Fm from Chiron Return
Dear Friends and Readers:
SEVERAL PEOPLE I CONSIDER OF HIGH INTELLIGENCE accept that the Earth is flat. As an astrologer, I can’t make that notion work out against the table of houses, sidereal time, right ascension, declination, longitude and latitude, eclipses, occultations, precessional movement, time zones, seasons, the International Date Line (where it’s easier to get a date), navigation by the stars (and by sextant), and other minor issues.
However, I am curious what some of the tangible non-spherical Earth beliefs or perceptions are. If you know where to circulate this post to get the attention of Flat Earthers, please help out by posting it there.
Here is a partial list of my questions; if you have others, please add them in the comments.
What is the motive for official powers keeping the non-spherical Earth a secret? Were Galileo, Sir Isaac, and Kepler in on the coverup? Who profits from any potential psyop about the Earth being spherical?
Virologie nights | added November 8
Watch the video on Dr. Sam Bailey
The “Gain of Function” narrative is reaching all new heights. Boston University claimed they engineered a “virus” with an 80% lethality rate. But what actually killed these poor mice?
Let’s have a look at some of the “fear-porn” promoters of these stories and why they are leading people astray with pseudoscience.
China’s ‘zero-covid policy’ continues to negatively effect the economy | added November 8
Read more at NBC News
BEIJING — China’s covid situation is only getting worse, preventing the country from stamping out the virus and relaxing controls. The daily case count surged to six-month highs over the weekend. Guangzhou indefinitely delayed its auto show that was supposed to kick off next week. And schools in Beijing are waffling over whether to shift classes online, according to social media.
As of Monday, China’s covid controls negatively affected 12.2% of national GDP — up from 9.5% a week ago, according to Nomura’s model. The Japanese bank said more than one-fifth of China’s population was subject to some kind of control measures.
The southern province of Guangdong is the hardest hit, with cases mostly concentrated in one district. Recent covid infections have been reported in more than 20 of China’s 31 province-level regions. “One thing is very clear, a lot of business events have been cancelled and postponed,” Klaus Zenkel, vice president at the EU Chamber of Commerce in China and chairman of its South China chapter, said Tuesday.
Scientists believe antiviral Paxlovid pills can reduce risk of ‘long-term covid’ | added November 8
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It’s well-documented that Paxlovid — a 5-day course of antiviral pills from Pfizer — can reduce the risk of hospitalization in covid-19 patients who are more likely to develop severe illness. Now, researchers from the Veterans Health Administration find that taking the medication may also reduce the risks of later developing long covid, according to a new study that was posted online this weekend and has not yet undergone peer review.
“We’ve already known for some time now that Paxlovid reduces the risk of acute problems,” says Dr. Ziyad Al-Aly, chief of research and development at the VA Saint Louis Healthcare System, and co-author of the study, “Now we are adding the observation that Paxlovid also reduces the risk of long covid.”
The drug, which has been available in the U.S. for almost a year, is provided for free by the federal government at pharmacies across the country. It requires a prescription, and patients with covid-19 must start it within five days of symptom onset.
Lexington, KY news station sued by two employees who were fired over ‘covid’ vax status | added November 8
Read more Lexington Herald Leader
Two former employees of Lexington-based news station WKYT and parent company Gray Media are suing both the station and the company after they were allegedly fired for not getting vaccinated against covid-19. DeAnn Stephens Cox and Ashley Landis filed the lawsuit in U.S. District Court last week. Cox held a variety of positions at WKYT for 27 years.
Landis is a former national sales manager for the company. Cox and Landis allege in the suit that the media outlet violated the Title VII Civil Rights Act for sex and religious discrimination, the American Disabilities Act, the Kentucky Civil Rights Act and the Kentucky Wage and Hour Act after both women were fired in October 2021.
A representative for WKYT did not respond to a request for comment Monday. Gray Media required staff to get the coronavirus vaccine through a mandate issued in August 2021, according to the lawsuit. Stephens said due to medical issues, her doctor had advised her not to get vaccinated. According to court documents, Cox sent in an ADA medical questionnaire and exemption form which was signed by her medical provider.
Mainstream doctors and scientists who expressed dissenting ‘covid’ views were censored by media and medical authorities, shows recent study | added November 8
Read more The Epoch Times
Mainstream doctors and scientists who expressed dissenting covid-19-related views reported censorship and suppression by media and medical authorities in a recent study. The study found “significant involvement of the media and the medical establishment in censorship and suppression of dissenters.”
The qualitative study, published by four Israelis and an Australian on Nov. 1 in the academic journal Minerva by Springer, included the subjective perceptions of 13 doctors and scientists from 7 countries: the United States, Canada, the UK, Australia, Germany, Israel, and the Czech Republic. Nine participants hold an MD or a Ph.D. degree, and four hold both. Most of them are well-known in their fields, with proven research backgrounds and many academic publications.
The participants remained anonymous. The study found that covid-19 censoring of doctors and researchers with flawless resumes and even senior academic or medical positions “has become a regular phenomenon.” “The message is that no one is exempt from censorship and no academic or medical status, senior as it may be, is a guaranteed shield against it,” according to the study.
Is the risk of myocarditis-related deaths after ‘covid’ shots higher than public health officials claim? | added November 8
Read more at The Defender
The disingenuous perfunctory refrains of “safe and effective,” “rare side effects” and “generally mild” are presented by public health officials as unquestionable truisms about covid-19 vaccines, requiring no scientific data to justify them.
In the CDC’s intermediate-term (minimum 90 days) follow-up of myocarditis reports in VAERS published Sept. 21 in The Lancet, the CDC reports, “To our knowledge, no deaths occurred during follow-up among the patients eligible for the survey.” In public testimony to Congress (at 1:51:52) regarding deaths following covid-19 vaccination reported in VAERS, CDC Director Dr. Rochelle Walensky stated, “Every one of those [deaths] is adjudicated.”
In the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) Oct. 19 presentation, once again the CDC relied on VAERS data alone (which are known to underestimate the risk of myocarditis by 3-4 times), reporting that the risk of myocarditis was “rare.” Using old data from its February ACIP presentation for the Oct. 19 meeting, the ACIP reported, “Most individuals with myocarditis/pericarditis have fully recovered at follow-up.”
Most U.S. Disney shows drop ‘covid’ shot mandates for productions | added November 8
Read more at Deadline
Disney no longer requires vaccinations for the casts of all of its U.S. productions, as well as those who come into contact with them on set. I hear the majority of Disney-produced series have now lifted the mandate, including ABC’s Grey’s Anatomy and Station 19 and Fox’s 9-1-1 and 9-1-1: Lone Star.
According to sources, a few U.S.-based series produced/co-produced by various Disney divisions are keeping the requirement in place, including ABC’s The Rookie and The Rookie: Feds, whose lead studio is eOne. SAG-AFTRA President Fran Drescher revealed the development in a TikTok video captioned “@disney pulls the plug on vaccine mandates! Way to go Mickey!!!!”
“I must applaud Disney for taking the position not to vaccine mandate their sets any longer,” Drescher said. Disney, as well as Netflix, were the biggest studios to implement a blanket policy on their U.S.-based productions last year, mandating vaccinations for everyone working in “Zone A,” which consists of the actors and those who come in close proximity to them.
Ohio lawmaker introduces bill that would prohibit all schools from enforcing ‘covid’ shot mandates | added November 8
Read more at News 5 Cleveland
COLUMBUS, Ohio — A bill introduced by a Republican lawmaker in Ohio would prohibit schools from enforcing a covid-19 vaccine mandate, one that does not currently exist and legally wouldn’t be able to take place in public institutions anyway.
The pandemic divided Ohioans and exacerbated an already growing movement against vaccinations. “I don’t think anybody should lose their job because what we put into our bodies should be our choice,” Northeast Ohio mom Amy Martinez said. Martinez and her kids are all unvaccinated — for not just covid, but all education-required vaccines like MMR. To her, vaccine mandates are an infringement on personal freedom.
“No institution or governmental institution or employer should be able to tell us what we should or should not put into our bodies,” she said. She is a registered Republican and had supported a similar yet much more strict bill that was being heard in 2021. That bill never passed. Damon Buckwalter and his kids are all vaccinated. He believes Ohioans need to stop treating mandates like they are a new phenomenon.
National Security Council took over ‘covid’ response in March 2020 with preplanned lockdowns, according to evidence | added November 7
Read more at The Daily Skeptic
In previous articles I discussed the probability that Deborah Birx, the White House Coronavirus Task Force Coordinator, was not a representative of the public health agencies but, rather, was appointed by the National Security Council. I now have proof that this was, indeed, the case. I have also uncovered documents that show:
As of March 13th 2020 the National Security Council (NSC) was officially in charge of the U.S. Government’s covid policy. Starting on March 18th 2020 the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) under the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) was officially in charge of the U.S. Government’s covid response.
On March 11th 2020, at a Heritage Foundation Talk, Trump’s National Security Advisor, Robert O’Brien when discussing what the White House and NSC were doing about the virus, confirmed that the Covid Task Force Coordinator was brought in by the NSC. He said: We brought into the White House Debi Birx, a fantastic physician and ambassador from the State Department. We appreciate Secretary Pompeo immediately moving her over to the White House at our, well at the President’s, request. (min. 21:43-21:56)
Dr. Meryl Nass on how the FDA and CDC are breaking the law | added November 7
Watch the video on The Defender
U.S. health regulatory officials are “deliberately reneging on what their mission is,” according to Dr. Meryl Nass, an internist and biological warfare epidemiologist. In an interview with Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., on “RFK Jr. The Defender Podcast,” Nass said the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and “who knows how many other federal agencies are just making things up as they go along.”
“These are not mistakes,” said Nass. “This is malfeasance.” Nass, a member of the Children’s Health Defense scientific advisory committee, said that presumably, some federal health regulatory officials have taken an oath to obey the law — “but they are not.”
Nass told Kennedy: “I’d like to tell your listeners that I will never take another vaccine as long as I live because God knows what’s in them. You can’t rely on the fact that anyone is testing them or that the FDA is looking over anybody’s shoulder to make sure that what’s supposed to be in them is really in them.”
America still requires non-citizens to show proof of ‘covid’ shot in order to enter country until January | added November 7
Read more at The Daily Mail UK
The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) has extended the rule, which only applies to non-US citizens, until at least January 8 next year to ‘limit the risk of covid-19, including variants of the virus’.
But there has been a growing acceptance among experts that covid vaccines – while highly effective at preventing severe illness – do not stop infections very well. Dr Rochelle Walensky, director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), admitted earlier this year that shots ‘can’t prevent transmission anymore’. Yet since November 2021, non-US citizens entering America have had to provide proof of covid vaccination.
The CDC defines fully vaccinated as having had an accepted single-dose vaccine, or both doses of an accepted two-dose series, at least two weeks ago. A booster dose is not needed. Most major Western nations such as the UK, France and Germany, have already dropped these types of recommendations. The countries still requiring covid vaccination to enter are: China, Angola, Libya, Ghana, Cameroon, Liberia, Yemen, Indonesia, Pakistan, Azerbaijan and Turkmenistan.
Apple announces iPhone production for latest products are delayed over China’s lockdown | added November 7
Read more at BBC News
Itching to buy the latest iPhone 14 Pro or iPhone Pro Max? Apple says you should expect longer wait times to receive its new products. The tech giant announced its assembly factory in China is now operating at a significantly reduced capacity. Officials locked down a district home to Foxconn’s iPhone factory – the world’s largest – on 2 November for seven days.
Apple’s news comes as China reiterates its commitment to zero covid. “As we have done throughout the covid-19 pandemic, we are prioritising the health and safety of the workers in our supply chain,” said a statement from Apple, which launched its new iPhone line in September.
“We continue to see strong demand for iPhone 14 Pro and iPhone 14 Pro Max models. However, we now expect lower iPhone 14 Pro and iPhone 14 Pro Max shipments than we previously anticipated and customers will experience longer wait times to receive their new products.” The announcement will likely disappoint investors who were hoping China would lift its covid restrictions in the near future. Chinese stock markets rose sharply on Friday on the back of rumours of an end to covid lockdowns.
Australia reports a new ‘covid’ wave with over 40,000 cases in the past week | added November 7
Read more at COSMOS
Australia’s new covid-19 wave has arrived. Over 40,000 new cases were reported in the past week, representing a nationwide new case jump of roughly 20%. It comes amid an increase of new sublineages of the SARS-CoV-2 detected in cases and wastewater sampling around the country.
Those include omicron variants like BQ and XBB, which could account for at least 15% of cases based on sampled sequences. Overall, these and other new versions of the virus are on the rise in Australia, while the progenitor BA.4 and BA.5 strains are declining. “We’re starting to see an increase in covid cases, and changes in the variants circulating in New South Wales, which tells us that we’re entering the next covid wave,” NSW chief health officer Dr Kerry Chant said in a pre-recorded message released by the state’s health department this week.
“By looking at all the local information we have and what’s happening overseas, we believe covid cases will rise in the coming weeks.” Hybrid immunity – a combination of antibodies from vaccination and prior infection – should leave most healthy adults in a strong position to fight off a subsequent infection, although more vulnerable groups such as those with underlying health conditions, elderly and immunocompromised.
Pfizer says a study is underway to combine ‘covid’ boosters and flu jab into one vaccine | added November 7
Read more at Deseret News
With covid-19 booster shots expected to become as routine as an annual flu vaccine, a single shot combining both is currently being tested. Pfizer announced a study is underway by its German partner, BioNTech, of a combination of the companies’ updated covid-19 booster shot that became available in the United States in early September and a Pfizer flu vaccine that’s in development. Both products utilize mRNA technology.
The aim is to efficiently “address two severe respiratory diseases with one vaccine,” according to a news release from Pfizer. “The flexibility and manufacturing speed of the mRNA technology has demonstrated that it is well-suited for other respiratory diseases,” Annaliesa Anderson, Pfizer senior vice president and chief scientific officer, vaccine research and development, said in a statement.
The company thinks a combination vaccine “could simplify immunization practices against these two respiratory pathogens, potentially leading to better vaccine uptake for both diseases,” Anderson said, noting that the flu causes thousands of deaths and hospitalizations worldwide every year. Americans have been urged to get both an annual flu shot and an updated covid-19 booster shot known as a bivalent vaccine because it’s targeted at the currently circulating versions of the omicron variant of the covid-19 in addition to the original strain of the coronavirus.
Canadian government used ‘covid’ pandemic to increase long-term spending | added November 7
Read more at The Epoch Times
In response to the pandemic, governments in Canada launched an unprecedented wave of spending. In Ottawa, the federal government has sought to make that wave permanent. In 2020/21, federal spending increased by 73 percent to $644.2 billion before declining 21 percent to an estimated $508 billion in 2021/22. Total provincial government spending rose 9.2 percent in 2020/21 to an expected $504.4 billion, and a further 5.6 percent to $532.9 billion in 2021/22.
As a result, between 2019/20 and 2020/21, the federal deficit-to-GDP ratio (an indicator of a jurisdiction’s ability to pay its debt) went from -1.8 percent to -13.2 percent, while the collective deficit-to-GDP ratio of the provinces went from -0.8 percent to -1.9 percent. Consequently, the federal net debt-to-GDP ratio rose from 33 percent in 2018/19 to reach nearly 50 percent by 2021/22, while the collective provincial ratio went from 29 percent to approximately 31 percent.
At the provincial level, budget deficits appear positively correlated with the intensity of the pandemic impact in terms of per-capita case counts by province, although this is not so obvious at the federal level. Indeed, federally, about half the deficit incurred during the pandemic related to covid-19 for either health transfers or income support to people and businesses, while the remainder was due to spending independent of the pandemic, representing a permanent, long-term ramping up of federal expenditure.
What we could learn about the upcoming election from what happened on Nov. 22, 1963 | added November 7
Read more at Mark Crispin Miller
Here’s Dan Rather, on November 25, 1963, solemnly telling the American people what he had just seen (or so he claimed) in the Zapruder film. If you haven’t watched this video, the crucial moment is at 2:12, when Rather says, concerning JFK’s physical reaction to the (alleged) third shot, “ “His head could be seen to move violently forward”.
Now here is the Zapruder film, included to remind you—or, if you happen not to know it, show you—that JFK’s head, at that catastrophic moment, certainly did not “move violently forward,” but jerked violently back, as it exploded. This is no trivial matter, since Rather’a bald misrepresentation of that crucial film affirmed the CIA’s false claim— which “our free press” had pounded into every heart-and-mind in the US, and much of the whole world (and which the New York Times continues to support)—that JFK had been assassinated by Lee Harvey Oswald, acting all alone, and stationed up behind the presidential limousine, on the sixth floor of the Texas School Book Depository building: a Big Lie that Dan Rather powerfully corroborated.
It was not until March 6, 1975, when the film itself was broadcast to the national audience (on Geraldo Rivera’s late-night show on ABC, thanks to Robert Groden and Dick Gregory), that the American people could, at last, see for themselves the evidence that Rather had misreported some twelve years before, and realize that that fatal shot had been fired from the front.
Severe ‘covid’ linked to underlying chronic kidney disease, claims investigations | added November 7
Read more at EurekAlert
Orlando (November 5, 2022) — Individuals with chronic kidney disease (CKD) are vulnerable to developing severe forms of covid-19, and acute kidney injury is a common complication of covid-19. A recent analysis examined the temporal effects of pre-existing CKD and other medical conditions on covid-19 outcomes by waves throughout the pandemic. The findings will be presented at ASN Kidney Week 2022 November 3–November 6.
Investigators identified 64,246 covid-19 cases during 4 waves at Columbia University Medical Center in New York City, with 8% being severe and 18% requiring hospitalization. Among the major findings: The risk of severe covid-19 was associated with pre-existing CKD, heart disease, diabetes, and hypertension in most waves; and lung disease, obesity, and cancer in at least one wave.
Acute kidney injury occurred in 49% of severe cases and 35% of hospitalized ones. The risk of acute kidney injury was associated with heart failure, obesity, diabetes, and cancer in most waves; and CKD, coronary artery disease, hypertension, and stroke in one or two waves. “Pre-existing CKD was one of the most consistent clinical predictors of covid-19 severity, complications, and poor outcomes across multiple pandemic waves,” said lead author Ning Shang, PhD.
What’s a skeleton’s favorite snack? | added November 7
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Day 1,000: A holistic investigation by Eric F. Coppolino
Read more at Planet Waves FM from Chiron Return
I DID NOT BEGIN MY COVERAGE OF ‘COVID’ as an investigative reporter. I began as a homeopath.
This month, I arrive at day 1,000 as an investigative editor and reporter covering the grief that we are told began in early 2020. Nearly 33 months ago, on March 3, 2020, I started a daily publication devoted to tracking the crisis, called Covid19 News (currently more popular than my horoscope column). The same day, I initiated a project of building a chronology backward in time, as far back as necessary to get to the origins of the situation.
And I understood that I would be investigating and unraveling the “covid” test, which is the very heart of the matter — the whole matter — of whatever was being claimed and whatever response society came up with.
But I did not start there. Because the crisis was presented as the potential for people to get sick (that’s what a pandemic is supposed to be), I responded by gathering the information and medications necessary to prevent and treat the disease that was being described — as well as possible, anyway, based on the sketchy descriptions.
I committed myself to helping anyone in my personal circle or community who was stricken, including in my small apartment if necessary, despite my considerable public responsibilities and the claim of a deadly, contagious disease.
NYC firefighters, teachers, police officers and sanitation workers fired over ‘covid’ vax mandates appeal to Supreme Court over discrimination | added November 5
Read more at WFIN
New York City firefighters, teachers, police officers, sanitation workers and others who lost their jobs after the city rejected their request for a religious exemption to the covid vaccine mandate are appealing to the Supreme Court, and say the city discriminated against them while letting unvaccinated strippers and athletes keep their jobs.
In a Wednesday night legal filing to the court’s emergency docket, the workers argued New York City violated their right to “freely exercise their faith by forcing them to choose” between keeping their jobs or taking the vaccine against their “sincere religious beliefs.”
Lawyers from the Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF), a civil rights law firm representing the workers, said in their filing that while they await a decision from the Second Circuit, their clients “are suffering the loss of First Amendment rights, are facing deadlines to move out of homes in foreclosure or with past-due rents, are suffering health problems due to loss of their city health insurance and the stress of having no regular income, and resorting to food stamps and Medicaid just to keep their families afloat.”
Four reasons why the ‘covid’ narrative is crumbling, from ‘safe vaccines’ to obvious evidence | added November 5
Read more at The Defender
It’s becoming ever more clear that the major, most influential health authorities around the world are now blatantly lying to the public, given the current status of scientific and medical information.
Why do I say this? The answer is simple: because the most influential health authorities are communicating to the public, both in words and in actions, the view that covid-19 “vaccines” are “safe and effective” when the totality of available evidence suggests otherwise. Let me explain. Shouting from the webpage of what is the world’s largest “health system,” the U.K.’s National Health Service, is the statement below, in bold text, declaring the safety and effectiveness of covid-19 “vaccines.”
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, like so many others, parrots the same information, using bold text for emphasis in the new, lockstep tradition. It is widely acknowledged that the proportion of proven cases of injury from covid-19 vaccines is currently very small compared with the total number of doses administered. But this metric is not sufficient to declare a product as safe. After all, society seems quite happy to deem a children’s toy unsafe even if there is just a theoretical risk of injury — let alone a demonstrated one that has led to death or permanent injury.
Investors feel better after hospitals announce they are still overwhelmed with ‘covid’ | added November 5
Read more at The Wall Street Journal
America’s hospital chains faced unprecedented strains during the pandemic and are pleading poverty. The view from Wall Street is more upbeat. Just last week, industry lobbyists asked Congress for more aid in a letter that painted a dire picture: “America’s hospitals and health systems,” the American Hospital Association wrote to Senate and House leaders, “are facing crushing financial challenges.”
The group said 2022 is expected to be the most financially difficult year for hospitals since the start of the pandemic, citing a report from consulting firm Kaufman Hall that was prepared at AHA’s request. But here’s the thing: covid-19 was far from a washout for many hospitals.
True, few industries got lashed by the pandemic like hospitals. Not only did providers feel the direct impact of covid-19 as hospitalizations surged, but they also grappled with the delay of lucrative, voluntary procedures such as joint replacements while facing unprecedented staffing shortages after almost a fifth of America’s healthcare workforce quit.
U.N. Security Council votes down bio lab probe in Ukraine | added November 5
Read more at Zero Hedge
The United Nations Security Council (UNSC) has voted down a Russian proposal to establish a commission to investigate claims of a joint US-Ukraine “military biological” program. Going back to at least March, Moscow has alleged Ukrainian biolabs have been studying and stockpiling deadly pathogens like anthrax and cholera at US-sponsored labs, saying further this is a violation of the 1972 international convention on biological weapons.
At Wednesday’s security council vote, US Ambassador Linda Thomas-Greenfield said the United States and its ally the Ukrainian government have been “through Russia’s allegations in Geneva, point by point, and debunked every single one.” US, Britain, and France voted against Russia’s proposal – but crucially China backed it, while ten rotating council members abstained, among the 15-nation body.
“The United States does not have a biological weapons program. There are no Ukrainian biological weapons laboratories supported by the United States,” Thomas-Greenfield countered. Instead of military biolabs, Washington has presented the following narrative on its program in Ukraine: During a series of U.N. meetings prompted by the Russian allegations, the U.S. has described the non-military biological labs it has supported in Ukraine since the 1990’s, including one called the “Biological Threat Reduction Program” that was created to disassemble the former Soviet Union’s programs, to “reduce legacy threats from nuclear, chemical, and biological weapons left in the Soviet Union’s successor states.”
The ‘twindemic’ is coming | added November 5
Read more at Mike Stone Antiviral Substack
Over the last few seasons of this lovely little game of “pandemics” we’ve found ourselves in, every fall leading into winter there have been whispers and murmurs about the coming of the “Twindemic.”
We have been warned of the potential threat of facing not only the dreaded army of “SARS-COV-2” and its variants-of-concern but also the re-emergence of the forgotten bastard son known as influenza and its mutant army. Together, they will attack the population, with “covid” targeting the unvaccinated while the flu cleans up the vaccinated who somehow ignorantly destroyed their own prior influenza defenses by wearing a mask.
“When people began isolating, social distancing and masking to slow the spread of covid-19 in early 2020, flu all but disappeared in the US. As a result, most people haven’t been exposed to influenza for a few years, meaning immunity against flu viruses could be low and underscoring the need to get vaccinated.” The delicious irony is that the very measures used to “protect” us from “covid” and scattered the flu back into oblivion are now coming back to haunt us.
Pfizer and BioNTech claim new booster jabs more effectively target ‘covid’ variants | added November 5
Read more at The New York Times
WASHINGTON — A new study by Pfizer and BioNTech suggests that their updated coronavirus booster is better than its predecessor at increasing the antibody levels of people over age 55 against the most common version of the virus now circulating.
Federal officials are hoping that the encouraging results will improve what has so far been a dismal public response to the retooled shots. Only about 8 percent of Americans ages 5 and up have received the new boosters from Pfizer and Moderna since they were introduced in September.
Pfizer and BioNTech announced the study results in a news release on Friday. The companies said that one month after getting the new booster, clinical trial participants over 55 had antibody levels that were about four times as high as those who received the original booster. The study measured the levels of neutralizing antibodies against two sister subvariants of omicron known as BA.4 and BA.5.
Iain Davis’s “BBC unvaxed” takedown | added November 5
Read more at Off Guardian
Off-Guardian recently published Iain Davis’s takedown, The BBC’s “Unvaccinated with Professor Hannah Fry“ parts one, two and three, some all-round brilliant journalism which we thought was worth re-highlighting. We also wanted to give Kari Butler a shout-out for her sterling work audio-narrating this series.
Kari Butler has been doing some other audio-narration for OFFG, helping to make our content as accessible as we can. We think Kari’s work on Iain’s series is particularly noteworthy, an excellent accompaniment in style and tone, and we warmly invite you all to have a listen, or a re-listen, and share them widely.
Reawakening pandemic whisperings are inevitably in the air at this time of year, they come in waves (if you’ll excuse the pun). Perhaps such whisperings are merely the product of a past, shared trauma response. Perhaps they are seeded deliberately, a quiet warning to behave ourselves as heating bills rise, increasing numbers of shopfronts are boarded up and supermarket shelves become even more bare.
An end to ‘covid’ shot mandates | added November 5
Read more at Politico
[Oct. 28, 2022] Once touted by federal and state officials as essential to ending the covid-19 pandemic, vaccine mandates are fading away. Backing off: New York City health officials voted this week to end the first-in-the-nation private-sector mandate former Mayor Bill de Blasio ordered 10 months ago, as well as the city’s requirement that students in “high-risk” extracurricular activities, such as sports, band, chorus, orchestra and dance, be vaccinated.Current Mayor Eric Adams announced in September his plan to end the requirements, which de Blasio had called the city’s “best defense” against the disease. NBC New York reported that the health officials’ votes to end the mandates were unanimous, but that the city’s requirement for municipal employees remained in place.
Not necessarily: New York state Judge Ralph J. Porzio also ruled this week that the city must rehire a group of sanitation workers it fired in February for refusing the shots and give them back pay. Reason magazine pointed out that Porzio embraced the workers’ argument that the vaccine mandate was arbitrary and capricious since Adams exempted some in the sports and entertainment industry from the city’s private-sector mandate in March. Adams’ move allowed unvaccinated Brooklyn Nets point guard Kyrie Irving to take the court.
Let’s be brave hearts and do what we feel is right. Have a great weekend.
China announces the highest number of ‘covid’ cases in 6 months | added November 4
Read more at Yahoo Insider
China on Friday reported the highest daily count of new local covid cases in six months as outbreaks widened, pushing policymakers to walk an even finer line between holding the virus at bay while keeping a lid on social and economic angst.
New locally transmitted cases rose to 3,871 on Thursday, according to regular data released by the National Health Commission, the highest since early May when Shanghai was fighting its worst outbreak and Beijing was scrambling to contain one. Almost three years into the pandemic, China has stuck to a strict covid-19 containment policy that has caused mounting economic damage and widespread frustration. Curbs and lockdowns became more frequent with the spread of the highly transmissible omicron strain. China’s borders remain largely shut.
Bloomberg News reported on Friday that China was working on plans to scrap a system that penalises airlines for bringing virus cases into the country, citing people familiar with the matter, saying the effort was a sign authorities were looking for ways to ease the impact of its covid policies. China has yet to describe when or how it will begin to exit from its current approach. Earlier this week, Chinese shares jumped after rumours that China was planning a reopening from strict covid curbs in March.
Fauci says ‘covid’ deaths are still too high as new ‘omicron’ subvariants emerge | added November 4
Read more at CNBC News
White House chief medical advisor Dr. Anthony Fauci on Thursday said the U.S. is at a crossroads in the covid-19 pandemic as new omicron subvariants are gaining ground across the country. Fauci, in a radio interview Thursday, said the pandemic has clearly eased since last winter, but deaths, which average more than 2,600 per week, remain far too high. At the same time, the new omicron variants are knocking out key tools used to protect the most vulnerable.
“We’re really at a point that may be a crossroads here. As we’re entering into the cooler months, we are starting to see the emergence of sublineage variants of omicron,” Fauci said on the “Conversations on Health Care” radio show.
Natural infection from the BA.5 subvariant or vaccination with the new boosters should provide protection against these subvariants for healthy people, Fauci said. But U.S. health officials are concerned the subvariants will basically knock out antibody treatments such as Evusheld that play a key role in protecting people with severely compromised immune systems, he said.
Hong Kong Rugby Sevens back in action with high demand despite ‘covid’ rules | added November 4
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The Hong Kong Rugby Sevens tournament kicks off Friday for the first time since covid-19 hit. While the city’s pandemic regulations remain strict, Chris Brooke, chairman of the Hong Kong Rugby Union, claimed demand to attend the event remains high.
“I think people are looking forward to a fun weekend. Those restrictions are there but I don’t think it takes away from the key ingredients of the Sevens — which is great rugby, entertainment and a fun weekend,” Brooke said.
The tournament will be held at the 40,000-seat Hong Kong Stadium, but the government has capped seats at 85% capacity, allowing only up to 34,000 spectators each day. Brooke said about 26,500 tickets have been sold and a majority of attendees are likely to be Hong Kong residents. Before the pandemic, the three day sporting event could easily draw a total of 120,000 spectators. In 2019, overseas visitors accounted for half of attendees and the tournament contributed approximately 400 million Hong Kong dollars ($50 million) to the city’s economy, according to Reuters.
The pediatric perils of toxic polyethylene glycol (PEG) found in MiraLAX and ‘covid’ jabs | added November 4
Read more at The Defender
On Oct. 20 — the very same day the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) crooked vaccine advisory committee members voted to add covid-19 shots to the Child and Adolescent Immunization Schedule — Indonesia’s Ministry of Health took a bold step in a different direction: It banned the sale and prescription of pediatric cough syrups and other liquid medications, at least temporarily.
The ministry linked the cough syrups to kidney injuries that recently killed almost 100 Indonesian children and nearly 70 children in The Gambia in West Africa, and it voiced the suspicion that those numbers could be the tip of a much larger iceberg. After the rash of West African deaths, the World Health Organization issued a medical product alert for four brands of cough syrup manufactured in India and imported into The Gambia through a U.S. company — warning of the products’ possibly global distribution and calling for the substandard products’ removal from circulation.
As it happens, the covid-19 shots promoted by the CDC and the syrups prohibited by the Indonesian ministry have one glaring commonality — both contain the chemical polyethylene glycol (PEG). Several months before the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) granted Emergency Use Authorization to Pfizer and Moderna for their PEG-containing mRNA covid-19 shots, Children’s Health Defense (CHD) put the FDA on notice about PEG’s life-threatening anaphylactic potential — and sure enough, anaphylaxis was among the very first adverse events reported.
Study reveals how big tech censored doctors and scientists during ‘covid’ pandemic | added November 4
Read more at Springer Link
The emergence of covid-19 has led to numerous controversies over covid-related knowledge and policy. To counter the perceived threat from doctors and scientists who challenge the official position of governmental and intergovernmental health authorities, some supporters of this orthodoxy have moved to censor those who promote dissenting views.
The aim of the present study is to explore the experiences and responses of highly accomplished doctors and research scientists from different countries who have been targets of suppression and/or censorship following their publications and statements in relation to covid-19 that challenge official views. Our findings point to the central role played by media organizations, and especially by information technology companies, in attempting to stifle debate over covid-19 policy and measures.
In the effort to silence alternative voices, widespread use was made not only of censorship, but of tactics of suppression that damaged the reputations and careers of dissenting doctors and scientists, regardless of their academic or medical status and regardless of their stature prior to expressing a contrary position. In place of open and fair discussion, censorship and suppression of scientific dissent has deleterious and far-reaching implications for medicine, science, and public health.
EUA of new booster jabs still in effect despite provoking same immune response as older ones | added November 4
Read more at The Epoch Times
Two new studies that showed the updated covid-19 boosters provoked an immune response similar to the one triggered by the old boosters will not have an effect on the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s emergency use authorizations, a top regulator says.
Dr. Peter Marks, head of the FDA’s Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research, told The Epoch Times via email that the studies were based on “small numbers of individuals” and that data from larger studies are expected to be available soon. “FDA continues to encourage eligible individuals to consider receiving an updated vaccine to help protect against the currently circulating covid-19 variants and the wave of covid-19 that appears to be coming,” he added.
The FDA in August granted emergency authorization to updated boosters from Moderna and Pfizer that target the BA.4 and BA.5 omicron subvariants, despite no clinical data being available. The agency said at the time that data from mice experiments and safety and effectiveness data from the old shots indicated the new boosters would provide better protection.
Unvaccinated are now a hazard to themselves not anyone else | added November 4
Read more at The Los Angeles Times
For almost two years, covid-19 vaccine holdouts have been the objects of earnest pleading and financial inducements, of social-media shaming and truth campaigns. They’ve missed weddings, birthday celebrations and recitals, and even forfeited high-stakes athletic competitions. Until last month, they were barred from entering the United States and more than 100 other countries.
Now the unvaccinated are suddenly back in the mix. They’re dining in restaurants, rocking out at music festivals and filling the stands at sporting venues. They mingle freely in places where they used to be shunned for fear they’d seed superspreader events.
It’s as if they’re no longer hazardous to the rest of us. Or are they? “Clearly, the unvaccinated are a threat to themselves,” said Dr. Jeffrey Shaman, an infectious disease specialist at Columbia University. As recently as August, their risk of dying of covid-19 was six times higher than for people who were fully vaccinated and eight times higher than for people who were vaccinated and boosted, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
In memory of those who ‘died suddenly’ in the U.S. from October 24-31 | added November 4
Read more at Mark Crispin Miller Substack
Julie Powell, the food writer best known for her wildly popular memoir “Julie & Julia,” has died suddenly at the age of 49. The best-selling author passed away at her home in Olivebridge, New York, last Wednesday after going into cardiac arrest, according to the New York Times. She is survived by her husband, brother and parents.
Powell became a literary sensation in 2005 following the release of “Julie & Julia: 365 Days, 524 Recipes, 1 Tiny Apartment Kitchen” — a humorous account of her attempt to re-create every recipe from Julia Child’s classic cookbook “Mastering the Art of French Cooking.” The tome sold more than one million copies, and led to a 2009 film adaptation directed by Nora Ephron and starring Meryl Streep. Oscar nominee Amy Adams played Powell in the hit movie, which grossed almost $130 million at the box office.
“She had so much talent and emotional intelligence,” Powell’s editor, Judy Clain, told the New York Times. The publication was the first to report the writer’s tragic death on Tuesday. The writer’s sudden death was met with shock on Twitter, where thousands of fans flocked to pay tribute.
Payback is a b*&%$ | added November 4
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Keep making your friends laugh. Happy Friday
Drug overdoses in New York spiked 68 percent during the ‘covid’ pandemic, according to a new report | added Nov. 3
Read more at ABC News
Drug overdose deaths in New York state spiked during the covid-19 pandemic, according to a report from the state comptroller’s office. The analysis, published Tuesday, found that fatalities surged by 68% between 2019 and 2021. Additionally, the more than 5,800 deaths statewide from drugs in 2021 surpassed the previous peak in 2017 by more than 1,700.
“Too many New Yorkers have died from the misuse of drugs, but the jump in these numbers is alarming,” comptroller Thomas DiNapoli said in a statement. “It is a tragedy that devastates families and impacts our communities in countless ways.” The report also found that the number of deaths linked to opioids has skyrocketed. In 2021, the rate of opioid overdoses was 25 per 100,000 in New York, a spike from five per 100,000 in 2010.
Additionally, the report found there were disparities in drug overdose fatalities across racial and ethnic groups. During the pandemic, death rates rose fivefold for Black residents and quadrupled for Hispanic residents. White New Yorkers also saw a rise in drug overdose deaths, with rates tripling during the pandemic. “The data shows our battle against drug overdose deaths is far from over,” DiNapoli’s statement continued. “State leaders must ensure an ongoing commitment of public resources and strategies, including new funding from legal settlements, and innovative, evidence-based solutions for the fight against this deadly epidemic to be effective.”
One man’s story of 10 days in a secret Chinese ‘covid’ detention center | added November 3
Read more at Financial Times
The call came from a number I did not recognise. “You need to quarantine,” a man on the other end of the line said in Mandarin. He was calling from the Shanghai Municipal Center for Disease Control and Prevention. “I’ll come and get you in about four or five hours.”
I dashed out of my hotel to stock up on crucial supplies. Based on advice from colleagues and my previous experience of quarantine in China, these included: tinned tuna, tea, biscuits, three types of vitamin, four varieties of Haribo sweets, Tupperware, a yoga mat, a towel, cleaning equipment, an extension cable, a large number of books, eye drops, a tray, a mug and a coaster with a painting of the countryside surrounding Bolton Abbey in North Yorkshire.
Four to five hours later, I received another phone call. This time it was a woman from the hotel’s staff. “You are a close contact,” she said. “You can’t go outside.” “Am I the only close contact in the hotel?” I was, she told me and added “the hotel is closed”, meaning locked down. I went to the door of my room and opened it. A member of staff was standing there. We both jumped. “You can’t go outside,” she said, mid-jump. “Will the staff be able to leave?” I asked apologetically.
Scientists studied 12 masks and found a common human carcinogen when inhaled | added November 3
Read more at The Defender
The face masks that were supposed to protect your health may turn out to be detrimental to it, as increasing evidence points to toxins within their fibers. Titanium dioxide is one such toxin, one that’s particularly troubling in face masks because it’s a suspected human carcinogen when inhaled.
Not only have adults been unwittingly exposed to this likely cancer-causing substance due to widespread mask mandates put in place during the pandemic, but so too have children, whose bodies are especially vulnerable to toxic influences. Coupled with evidence suggesting that mask mandates and use did not lower the spread of covid-19, forced mask mandates become all the more atrocious.
The International Agency for Research on Cancer classifies titanium dioxide as a Group 2B carcinogen, which means it’s “possibly carcinogenic to humans” by inhalation. Prior to the pandemic, this occurred primarily in occupational settings during the production of titanium dioxide powders or in the manufacture of products containing the substance. There’s also been some concern about spray-on (aerosolized) sunscreens, hair color sprays and cosmetic powders containing microscopic particles of titanium dioxide that could be inhaled.
U.S. federal funding for ‘covid’ treatments like tests and jabs is about to run out | added November 3
Read more at VOX
Federal funding for covid-19 response measures like tests, treatments, and vaccines is drying up just as cases are poised to rise again, raising another barrier for some of the most vulnerable Americans. Several key factors are different in this go-around, however: The vast majority of people in the US have already been infected or vaccinated, so most have at least some protection from the disease. There are also several effective treatment options, like the antiviral drug Paxlovid, so even those who do get sick have a way to get better.
But most public health measures to limit infections in the first place like wearing face masks and social distancing are gone as well. Tracking the pandemic is getting harder too, with most covid-19 tests now occurring at home and going unreported. Last month, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention announced it was shifting from daily to weekly reports of cases and deaths. Currently, more than 2,600 people in the US are dying per week from covid-19.
Now the government is turning over some of the covid-19 response to the private sector. Throughout the pandemic, the federal government spent billions of dollars on these measures and provided them for free to the public under its public health emergency powers. The emergency declaration has to be renewed every 90 days, and the current round expires in 2023.
New UK studies claim ‘monkeypox’ may have spread through asymptomatic people | added November 3
Read more at CNN
Editor’s Note: Claims of viral isolation of “monkeypox” are unfounded, therefore variants cannot exist. We are publishing this article to note that the claim is being made. But that doesn’t make it true. — efc
More than half of monkeypox cases in the current outbreak may have been passed to others before symptoms appeared, according to a new modeling study from the United Kingdom. The study, which was led by disease modelers at the UK Health Security Agency, is contrary to current public health guidance about how monkeypox spreads.
It also has important implications for how to contain outbreaks of the infection, particularly those that spring up within sexual networks. The research is published in the medical journal The BMJ. Bill Hanage, an epidemiologist with the Harvard T. H. Chan School of Public Health, says the new study gets to the heart of a question that public health officials have been trying to answer for months: How, exactly, is the virus spreading?
In countries where the virus routinely spreads, such as the Democratic Republic of Congo, most of those who get it are children living in rural hunting villages. Much of what we know about the virus comes from those settings, where transmission occurs in families living in close quarters. In countries now having outbreaks due to imported cases, nearly all of those infected are men having sex with other men, and routes of transmission have changed.
NYC hospitalizations are allegedly on the rise with the spread of new ‘covid’ subvariants | added November 3
Read more at Market Watch
Editor’s Note: Claims of viral isolation of SARS-CoV-2 are unfounded, therefore variants cannot exist. We are publishing this article to note that the claim is being made. But that doesn’t make it true. — efc
Hospitalizations are rising again in New York City with the spread of new covid-19 subvariants that are better at evading immunity. Cases of flu and respiratory syncytial virus, or RSV, are also increasing.
State data show about 1,100 patients hospitalized with covid as of Oct. 24, up from 750 in mid-September, as the New York Times reported. Case numbers have held steady, although with many people testing at home where data are not being collected, those numbers are not reliable.
Data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention show that the omicron sublineages named BQ.1 and BQ.1.1 accounted for 42.5% of all cases in the New York region in the week through Oct. 29, up from 37% the previous week. That was more than the BA.5 omicron subvariant, which accounted for 35.7% of new cases in the New York region in the latest week. The two sublineages were not even registering as recently as three weeks ago, demonstrating just how fast they are spreading.
A new ‘covid’ variant ‘BQ’ that started in New York has landed in California | added November 3
Read more at Fortune
Editor’s Note: Claims of viral isolation of SARS-CoV-2 are unfounded, therefore variants cannot exist. We are publishing this article to note that the claim is being made. But that doesn’t make it true. — efc
When it comes to covid, New York is experiencing a wave of highly transmissible, immune-evasive BQ infections—and it’s the epicenter of a national wave, experts say. BQ variants represented a third of reported New York cases as of Monday—and 15% of cases in California, according to data from GISAID, an international research organization that tracks changes in covid and the flu virus.
With testing and viral sequencing at all-time lows, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that the BQ family actually composes a greater share of covid cases—nearly 43% in the New York region, and nearly 23% in the California region.
Combined, BQ variants now account for the largest portion of identified cases in California, making it an “emerging hotspot” for the variant, Raj Rajnarayanan, assistant dean of research and associate professor at the New York Institute of Technology campus in Jonesboro, Ark., tells Fortune. With the family of variants now trending on both the East and West Coasts, experts say it’s only a matter of time before the wave engulfs the rest of the country.
Supreme Court allows TSA to issue mask mandates on planes, trains and other forms of transport | added November 3
Read more at Forbes
[Oct. 31, 2022 ] On Monday the Supreme Court left in place a ruling that allows the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) to issue mask mandates on planes, trains and other forms of transport, as it had for more than a year during the peak of the covid-19 pandemic. The Supreme Court denied a California attorney’s request to overturn a U.S. Court of Appeals ruling in the D.C. Circuit from December, which found no merit in his claim and affirmed that the TSA does have the authority to maintain security and safety within the transportation system, including imposing the masking requirement.California attorney Jonathan Corbett had claimed that the TSA did not have the authority to mandate masks on airlines and other types of transportation during the covid-19 pandemic. The Court of Appeals had disagreed, ruling that the agency “plainly has the authority” to address transportation safety and security.
“Because we find no merit in Corbett’s claim, we deny the petition for review,” the Court wrote. “The covid-19 global pandemic poses one of the greatest threats to the operational viability of the transportation system and the lives of those on it seen in decades.” The TSA stopped enforcing the mask mandate in April, hours after a federal judge struck down the federal mask mandate for public transportation, which had been due to expire weeks later.
U.S. appeals court divided on ‘covid’ vax mandates issued for federal workers | added November 3
Read more at Reuters
A U.S. appeals court panel seemed divided on Wednesday over whether a civilian Navy employee can challenge President Joe Biden’s covid-19 vaccine mandate for federal workers in court or must first go through an administrative process. A three-judge panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit heard arguments in a bid by the worker, Jason Payne, to revive his lawsuit claiming the requirement to receive the vaccine or face termination violates federal employees’ constitutional rights.
Biden last year required about 3.5 million government workers to get vaccinated if they did not qualify for a religious or medical exemption, or face discipline. The White House has said that more than 97% of federal workers complied with the mandate. A federal judge in Washington, D.C., ruled in May that because Payne’s claims related to workplace conditions, he was required to go through an administrative complaint process for federal civil servants before taking the case to court.
Payne’s lawyer, Gene Hamilton of conservative group America First Legal, said during Wednesday’s arguments that in order to go through the complaint process, Payne would first have to be disciplined or fired. Circuit Judge Judith Rogers sounded skeptical. She noted that Payne has claimed that he was humiliated for not receiving the covid-19 vaccine and was unable to carry out all of his job duties, while also arguing that he had not suffered any concrete harms that would trigger an administrative complaint.
Oh father forgive them, for they do not know what they do
Twilight Zone parody | added November 2
Watch the video on YouTube
Sometimes I feel like I am living in the Twilight Zone for real…
RSV cases on the rise and outweighing ‘covid’ cases, according to public health officials | added November 2
Read more at NPR
Temperatures are dropping and the risk of covid-19 and influenza are up. And for the last few months, patients with a different malady — respiratory syncytial virus, known as RSV — have been overwhelming hospitals. Public health officials warn that come winter there could be a “tripledemic.”
The unusually high number of RSV infections so early in the year are already pushing hospitals to capacity. In normal years, RSV sends thousands of children to the hospital over fall and winter, but for the second year in a row experts have seen an unprecedented spike in the number of cases beginning during the summer months.
Children’s hospitals grapple with a nationwide surge in RSV infections. While RSV mostly manifests as a mild illness with cold-like symptoms in adults, it can cause pneumonia and bronchiolitis in very young children. It can be life-threatening in infants and older adults.
A farewell to virology with Mark Bailey | added November 2
Listen on Planet Waves FM
Dr. Mark Bailey writes, “Virology invented the virus model but has consistently failed to fulfill its own requirements. It is claimed that viruses cause disease after transmitting between hosts such as humans and yet the scientific evidence for these claims is missing. One of virology’s greatest failures has been the inability to obtain any viral particles directly from the tissues of organisms said to have ‘viral’ diseases. In order to obfuscate this state of affairs, virologists have resorted to creating their own pseudoscientific methods to replace the longstanding scientific method, as well as changing the dictionary meaning of words in order to support their anti-scientific practices.
D.C. Council votes to delay enforcement of ‘covid vax mandate for students | added November 2
Read more at WTOP News
The D.C. Council voted Tuesday to delay enforcement of the covid-19 vaccination mandate for some students to the next school year. That means that families of D.C. students will not need to have their children vaccinated against the coronavirus by Jan. 3, 2023, or risk having their kids pulled out of school per the city’s “no shots, no school” policy.
At-large Council member Christina Henderson presented the proposal to the council on Tuesday, saying that delaying the enforcement would be in the “best interest” of D.C. students. The vote was the latest in a back-and-forth between council members and city officials over how to approach the requirement.
Few school districts in the U.S. require students to be vaccinated against the coronavirus, and at a hearing on the city’s policy last month, city officials said the council had to decide the fate of the requirement. Henderson introduced the legislation that called for students 12 and older to be vaccinated against the coronavirus, but school leaders expressed concerns about the number of students who may not be allowed to attend classes because they are not up-to-date on vaccines.
Fordham University’s new ‘covid’ booster shot mandate sparks major outrage on campus as students pursue legal action against school | added November 2
Read more at The New York Post
Fordham University’s new covid-19 booster shot requirement has sparked outrage on campus — even prompting some students to pursue legal action against the school, their attorney told The Post.
The Jesuit university’s policy — one of the strictest in the country — went into effect Tuesday, and applies to all staff, students and visitors. It is one of just a handful of colleges nationwide to require the fourth dose, citing guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Students and faculty were allowed to apply for medical or religious exemptions until last Friday.
“If all of America was getting this (booster), and every school in America was doing this, then it would be different,” said Zachary Visconti, a sophomore who was granted an exemption on religious grounds. “But it’s not the norm — a lot of the world has gotten back to normal,” Visconti said.
Do you like OffG? They need your funding help to keep going | added November 2
Read more at Off Guardian
Hi all. So here’s the deal.
Last December we lost our Patreon and with it a huge percentage of our income. About 60%. Since then we have been running on a shoestring. Following our covid19/11 series we had further video and podcast projects we were forced to cancel because we could not afford to pay our video editors for their time.
All our income since then has been going on simply keeping the site ticking over. To make matters worse we are now reliant on PayPal for almost all of our remaining income. With PayPal’s planned “new conditions” regarding “misinformation that may cause harm”, we could soon be banned from there also. If that were to happen now we would essentially be dead in the water.
So, we are making some major changes in the way we can be funded. Below you can find our new simplified donation form powered by Donorbox and Stripe, which will appear at the bottom of each new article. We’re also now on two Patreon alternatives, Ko-Fi and SubscribeStar. But this means nothing without your support.
Pfizer announces a 400 percent price increase in ‘covid’ jabs after CDC adds to childhood vax schedule | added November 2
Read more at The Defender
On Oct. 20, the CDC’s ACIP unanimously (15-0) voted to add unlicensed covid-19 shots to the U.S. childhood, adolescent and adult vaccine schedules. By adding the shots to the vaccine schedule, the CDC is securing Pfizer’s and Moderna’s permanent liability shield so that no one can sue them for damages for injuries and deaths occurring as a result of the shots.
It also opens the door for states to mandate the jab for school children. The very same day, Pfizer announced it will raise the price on its covid-19 jab by about 400%, from $303 per jab to somewhere between $110 and $130 once the current U.S. purchase program expires.
While in direct opposition to how capitalism normally works, Reuters claims significant price hikes were predicted by Wall Street analysts “due to weak demand for covid vaccines, which meant vaccine makers would need to hike prices to meet revenue forecasts for 2023 and beyond.” As noted by comedian Jimmy Dore in the video below, normally, in a free market economy, when demand goes down, prices are reduced. Not so in this case, though.
Endocrinologist predicts spike protein-induced disease from ‘covid’ vax | added November 2
Read more at The Epoch Times
Dr. Flavio Cadegiani, a Brazilian endocrinologist, suspects that the worst has yet to come for spike protein-induced diseases in the endocrine system. The endocrine system, colloquially known as the hormone system, is critical for our health. It regulates growth and development, mood, metabolism, reproduction, immunity, and functions of other organs through the secretion of hormones.
Hormones are one of the three biggest messengers in the body. Compared to the two other messengers—neurotransmitters and cytokines—hormones are slower in responding, and have systemic functions across the body rather than localized actions. While cells can usually respond to neurotransmitters in milliseconds and cytokines in minutes to hours, cells that respond to hormones can take hours or even weeks.
Since hormones can have slow and systemic actions, a dysfunctional or damaged endocrine system will generally be slow in its symptom onset and recovery. Studies have shown that spike proteins from covid-19 infection and the vaccines can damage endocrine glands, including pituitary, thyroid, and adrenal glands, as well as reproductive organs, and many more.
Catch me if you can: Bobbie Anne attends fundraiser event to defray ‘quarantine camp’ lawsuit costs | added November 2
Read more at Attorney Bobbie Anne Cox Substack
This weekend I was up in Western New York for a fundraiser event that a lovely couple hosted for me in order to help defray the costs of my “quarantine camp” lawsuit that I have been handling pro bono all year. It was a terrific afternoon of informative speeches followed by a panel discussion style Q&A session.
Joining me on the stage was my lead plaintiff in the lawsuit, Senator George Borrello, Mayor Deb Rogers (who stood up to the quarantine regulation with her village while I was fighting it in court), Assemblyman Steve Hawley (the local Assemblyman for that district who supports our case and came to welcome the crowd), and Assemblyman Dave DiPietro who is also a supporter of our suit.
The speeches were terrific – replete with keen insights into what goes on behind the scenes in our government, and particularly in the halls of the capitol building in Albany. One thing that really struck a cord with me was something that Assemblyman Dave DiPietro said, and so I will share it with you, in a moment.
The Atlantic under fire after suggesting amnesty for ‘covid’ pandemic dictators | added November 2
Read more at Zero Hedge
The Atlantic, founded in 1857, has come under fire for suggesting that all the terrible pandemic-era decisions over lockdowns, school closures, masking, and punishing an entire class of people who questioned the efficacy and wisdom of taking a rushed, experimental vaccine – for a virus with a 99% survival rate in most, should all be water under the bridge.
“We need to forgive one another for what we did and said when we were in the dark about covid,” writes Brown Professor Emily Oster – a huge lockdown proponent, who now pleads from mercy from the once-shunned. “Let’s acknowledge that we made complicated choices in the face of deep uncertainty, and then try to work together to build back and move forward,” she continues.
Except, they weren’t “in the dark” about covid. There were numerous sources pointing out the actual science that ran contrary to the mandate claims, and they were deliberately silenced by a vast media campaign. Evidence suggests that media platforms worked in tandem with Big Tech, the CDC and the Biden Administration. It was not a simple matter of overreaction, there was collusion to remove all counter-information.
Nice try, Emily.
The toxicology taboo with Jim West | added November 1
Watch the video on Dr. Sam Bailey
Jim West is a legendary researcher and author, although he tends to keep a low profile. You may have seen his work, but not known where it was from. He has uncovered a massive amount of evidence to support his hypothesis that persistent pesticides caused The Great Polio Epidemic, post-WWII.
Much of his research has led to the same conclusion that viruses are being used as a cover story for the real causes of disease. Jim ties together science, psychology and spirituality and I could listen to him all day.
With no political or career conflicts of interest, he is able to critique the professional medical establishment in areas of scientific truth that most people are too afraid to go near.
Here is what he said about:
His journey of discovery and greatest influences
The virology scam
The Polio/DDT charts
The corruption of the medical establishment
The health freedom movement – virus promoters vs no virus group
History of germ theory and the need to protect industry (going back to the Bible)
Political vs Scientific Truth
What individuals can do to combat medical tyranny
and much more!
Shanghai Disney locks visitors inside park after a single ‘covid’ positive case | added November 1
Read more at CNBC News
Shanghai’s Disney Resort abruptly suspended operations on Monday to comply with covid-19 prevention measures, with all visitors at the time of the announcement directed to stay in the park until they return a negative test for the virus.
The resort said at 11:39 a.m. local time (03:39 GMT) it would immediately shut the main theme park and surrounding areas including its shopping street until further notice to comply with virus curbs. The Shanghai government said on its official WeChat account the park was barring people from entering or exiting and that all visitors inside the site would need to await the results of their tests before they could leave.
Anyone who had visited the park since Oct. 27 would need to test for covid-19 three times in three days, it said. The theme park continued to operate rides for visitors stuck in the park during the closure on Monday, social media users reported. A Shanghai Disney Resort spokesperson said the resort was still operating “limited offerings” and that they were following measures in line with guidelines from Chinese health authorities.
Uncovering the ‘covid’ fraud, part 2 | added November 1
Read more at Mike Stone Antiviral Substack
Things started to really accelerate on the “Corona” front as it entered its second month. There was a purposeful ramping up of the notion that the “virus” was a potential threat to the world due to a rising surge in “cases.” We were told about the origin of the “virus” jumping from animal to man, supposedly from a bat even as there was no evidence to make such a conclusion.
As the fear of the “virus” spread, insane ideas on how to contain the outbreak flooded the media. Illogical “cures” and entirely toxic and unproven treatments were called upon to combat an unknown “virus.” A vaccine for a “viral” family which had never had a successful vaccine in its entire history was somehow said to be ready and awaiting testing. There was a clear push to get as many people on the toxic pharmaceutical treatments as possible to fight this invisible invader from the get-go.
This month also saw the beginnings of the stories centered around creepy injection-obsessed megalomaniac Bill Gates, starting with his oddly accurate pandemic “predictions” nailing exactly where the outbreak would occur. We got our first taste of the Gates Foundation/Johns Hopkins collaboration Event 201 which ran a “coronavirus” simulation that predicted key components of the “pandemic” six weeks before it officially began.
CDC Director Rochelle Walensky tests ‘covid’ positive again after taking antiviral Paxlovid pills | added November 1
Read more at The Hill
Rochelle Walensky, director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), has tested positive for covid-19 again after completing a round of the coronavirus antiviral treatment Paxlovid. Walensky tested positive for covid-19 earlier this month, going into isolation and taking “appropriate action” for her health.
On Monday, the CDC said Walensky had experienced “mild symptoms” during her infection and eventually tested negative for the virus after completing a round of Paxlovid. “On Sunday, Dr. Walensky began to develop mild symptoms and has again tested positive. Consistent with CDC guidelines, she is isolating at home and will participate in her planned meetings virtually,” the agency said.
This apparent case of Paxlovid rebound is not surprising. White House chief medical adviser Anthony Fauci and President Biden both tested positive for covid-19 again following a round of Paxlovid. A similar phenomenon has been observed in the Merck and Ridgeback coronavirus antiviral molnupiravir. Covid-19 rebound can also occur when antivirals are not administered.
Pfizer forecasts a $2 billion dollar raise in ‘covid’ vax sales, easing investor worries | added November 1
Read more at Reuters
Pfizer Inc (PFE.N) on Tuesday raised its forecast for annual sales of its covid-19 vaccine by $2 billion to $34 billion on demand for omicron-targeted boosters, helping allay some investor worries over growth for the vaccinations.
The U.S. drugmaker’s shares rose 4.3% to $48.55 in premarket trading as its third-quarter profit beat estimates, mainly due to better-than-expected sales of the vaccine. Sales of the covid-19 vaccine have eased from pandemic highs on soft demand for the original shots, sparking concerns over demand over the next few years. n response, Pfizer plans to roughly quadruple the price of the vaccine, which it sells with German partner BioNTech , in the United States once the government stops buying doses and shifts to a private market.
“Our covid-19 franchises will remain multi-billion-dollar revenue generators for the foreseeable future,” Chief Executive Officer Albert Bourla said in prepared remarks ahead of a conference call. Meanwhile, Pfizer is also expected to face the loss of patents for some key drugs between 2025 and 2030. The company has turned to deals such as its recent $5.4 billion acquisition of Global Blood Therapeutics Inc and its $11.6 billion purchase of Biohaven to beef up its pipeline.
First-time seizures reported after administered ‘covid’ shots | added November 1
Read more at The Defender
A 56-year-old roofing contractor and friend of the family had his first-ever seizure while working on the rooftop of a hotel building. His coworker used all his might in a harrowing rescue maneuver to keep the helpless seizing man from falling further over the edge to his death many stories below.
As a result of this neurological event, the contractor had a prolonged severe concussion, broken ribs and underwent countless x-rays and scans during a hospitalization and follow-up clinic visits. He went on temporary disability and his small business was shut down. Months later he had difficulty controlling high blood pressure and felt weak and dizzy. After an exhaustive diagnostic evaluation, there was no explanation for the seizure.
He reached out to ask, “could this have been caused by my covid-19 vaccine?” Earlier this year, in a case study published in the National Library of Medicine, researchers from Taiwan reported a 22-year-old man who had his first seizure six days after the second Moderna shot. Comprehensive testing including repeated spinal taps demonstrated indirect evidence of the spike protein produced by the mRNA vaccine within the brain.
Son of man who died during initial Wuhan ‘covid’ outbreak is threatened by Chinese Communist Party over ‘inappropriate’ social media posts | added November 1
Read more at The Epoch Times
Zhang Hai, a Wuhan native living in Shenzhen who has been trying to hold the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) authorities accountable for his father’s death during the initial covid-19 outbreak, was recently threatened by CCP police.
Zhang told The Epoch Times on Oct. 29, “The police came to my home after 10 p.m. last night and said that I made inappropriate remarks on Twitter and WeChat. But they did not specifically say what I said that was inappropriate.” Zhang’s posts on WeChat and Twitter were mainly about the covid-19 pandemic.
“This incident makes me feel that they know that they are guilty of concealing the initial outbreak in Wuhan and very sensitive about it. Otherwise, why would the police come to my door at night?” he said. Zhang and his father were living in Shenzhen at the start of the pandemic. But on Feb. 1, 2020, because they were unaware of the outbreak in Wuhan, Zhang took his father to Wuhan to seek medical treatment. As a result, his father contracted covid-19 in a Wuhan hospital and passed away from covid-19 soon after.
Christina Applegate needs a walking stick, Kathy Griffin’s voice damaged by lung cancer | added November 1
Read more at Mark Crispin Miller Substack
Christina Applegate is preparing to reenter public life. The 50-year-old actress took to Twitter on Thursday to share a photo of the walking sticks she’s planning to use at her first public event since her multiple sclerosis diagnosis last year. “I have a very important ceremony coming up. This will be my first time out since diagnosed with MS,” Applegate wrote alongside a pic of five walking sticks.
“Walking sticks are now part of my new normal.” Applegate first went public with her MS diagnosis — which, per Mayo Clinic, is “a potentially disabling disease of the brain and spinal cord” — in August 2021.
Kathy Griffin has revealed she’s continuing to regain her original voice, after her vocal cords were damaged during surgery following her lung cancer diagnosis. The comedian, 61, announced that she was diagnosed with the disease in August 2021, before then revealing in November that she was cancer-free. Over the past several months, she has expressed fears that her voice may never go back to what it was, after it was altered to a higher pitch than usual as a result of her treatment.
Massachusetts Department of Public Health offers $75 dollar gift cards for ‘covid’ booster jabs | added November 1
Read more at WWLP
SPRINGFIELD, Mass. (WWLP)– The Massachusetts Department of Public Health (DPH) is looking to motivate people who still haven’t received a covid-19 vaccine or booster shot by providing a monetary incentive. DPH will be sponsoring free, family oriented covid-19 vaccination clinics across the state offering shots for both primary vaccine and boosters for qualified residents over 5-years old.
All of the clinics will offer the updated “bivalent” covid-19 boosters, including those just recently authorized for children ages 5 and older, providing the best protection against the omicron variant and its subvariants, currently the most prevalent strains of covid-19 in the United States. A $75 gift card will be given for each dose to residents of Springfield getting vaccinated at clinics scheduled through the end of November.
“We’d like to see as many people vaccinated as possible and so we are offering these community-based covid vaccination clinics – including a $75 gift card incentive at select locations – to make it easier to protect your whole family against covid-19,” said Massachusetts Public Health Commissioner Margret Cooke. “These boosters are tailored to the most common variants of the virus and have been proven safe and effective for adults and children. If you’ve been thinking about getting the vaccine, now is the time.