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Upcoming live summit debunking the ‘monkeypox’ virus | added May 31
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On behalf of BESOVEREIGN.com, The Way Forward presents a live summit to dissect and debunk the monkey business surrounding both monkeypox and the theory of pathogenic viruses at large.
CDC praises anti-viral pill Paxlovid regardless of rebound ‘covid’ side effects | added May 31
Read more at CBS News
As covid-19 cases continue to rise, Paxlovid is being prescribed to try to keep high-risk patients out of the hospital. But the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is warning of potential “covid-19 rebound” after a five-day course of the treatment.
“If you take Paxlovid, you might get symptoms again,” CDC director Dr. Rochelle Walensky told CBS News. “We haven’t yet seen anybody who has returned with symptoms needing to go to the hospital. So, generally, a milder course.”
After a patient recovers, rebound has been reported to occur two to eight days later. Still, the CDC says the benefits of taking Paxlovid far outweigh the risks. Among unvaccinated people at high risk for severe disease, it reduced the risk of hospitalization and death by nearly 90%, according to the CDC.
Shanghai eases strict ‘covid’ restrictions after two months of lockdown | added May 31
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BEIJING — Shanghai authorities say they will take some major steps Wednesday toward reopening China’s largest city after a two-month covid-19 lockdown that has throttled the national economy and largely bottled up millions of people in their homes.
Full bus and subway service will be restored as will basic rail connections with the rest of China, Vice Mayor Zong Ming said Tuesday at a daily news conference on the city’s outbreak.
Schools will partially reopen on a voluntary basis for students and shopping malls, supermarkets, convenience stores and drug stores will continue to reopen gradually with no more than 75% of their total capacity. Cinemas and gyms will remain closed.
Post ‘covid’ pandemic: Overstressed health care workers, nurses face growing mental health crisis | added May 31
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[May 6, 2022] Last week’s tragic suicide of a nurse at a Kaiser hospital in Santa Clara, California, has highlighted the heavy emotional burdens which have been placed on health care workers for more than two years of the covid-19 pandemic. The growing mental health crisis among overworked and traumatized healthcare workers is reflected in the mass exodus of nurses from the profession.Olivia, a California intensive care unit (ICU) travel nurse whose name has been changed to protect her identity, has spent the past two years of the pandemic in some of the most over-stressed locations across the state.
“I’ve seen pictures of me from a long time ago. I’m happy,” she said. “That person is no more. “We’ve been under a lot of stress. I can’t think straight. I have post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). I have anxiety. I can barely leave my house. I have an 8-year-old I have to care for.”
Unprecedented ‘monkeypox’ virus outbreak sets stage for Big Pharma vax profits | added May 31
Read more at The Defender
As an unprecedented outbreak of monkeypox spreads throughout the west, questions continue to swirl around the origin of the outbreak, the risk it poses to the public and the measures that may or may not be required to contain the virus.
Some also wondered how unexpected the outbreak was after learning about a March 2021 tabletop simulation of a hypothetical deadly outbreak of monkeypox predicted to occur in May 2022. The Nuclear Threat Initiative and the Munich Security Conference — entities closely connected to the World Economic Forum (WEF), the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security — conducted the tabletop exercise.
Some analysts suggested the outbreak may have resulted from gain-of-function research or similar experiments involving the virus, while others floated the theory that malign actors, perhaps related to the conflict in Ukraine, intentionally released the virus.

UK man dies from blood clots two weeks after AstraZeneca shot | added May 31
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A UK man died as a result of blood clots two weeks after receiving an AstraZeneca jab, which he may have refused had he been given updated info on the risks, an inquest heard this week.
Redditch resident and automotive design graduate Jack Hurn, 26, received AstraZeneca’s covid vaccine on May 29, 2021, after being told there were no Pfizer jabs in stock. Within days, Hurn began suffering headaches and had to undergo emergency surgery at Birmingham’s Queen Elizabeth Hospital.
After Hurn’s death on June 11, doctors informed his family he’d sustained numerous “catastrophic” blood clots in his brain. According to area coroner Emma Brown, Hurn was “told the risk was 1 in 250,000,” however, experts say the actual risk of blood clots is closer to 1 in 100,000.
Mastercard launches new facial recognition technology for biometric payment methods | added May 31
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Mastercard is piloting new technology that lets shoppers make payments with just their face or hand at the checkout point. The company on Tuesday launched a program for retailers to offer biometric payment methods, like facial recognition and fingerprint scanning.
At checkout, users will be able to authenticate their payment by showing their face or the palm of their hand instead of swiping their card. The program has already gone live in five St Marche grocery stores in Sao Paulo, Brazil. Mastercard says it plans to roll it out globally later this year.
“All the research that we’ve done has told us that consumers love biometrics,” Ajay Bhalla, Mastercard’s president of cyber and intelligence, told CNBC.
Scientists say monkeypox is not like covid nor created in a lab | added May 31
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While fears about the monkeypox outbreak are understandable, scientists say this virus is not like covid, and most experts think its spread will be limited.
It is much harder to pass on than covid, we already have available vaccines and treatments, and people appear to be infectious only once symptoms appear – making it easier to spot and isolate. So restrictions such as lockdowns or mass vaccinations are “really not going to be the way to respond to this”, says Prof Peter Horby, director of the Pandemic Sciences Centre at the University of Oxford.
Instead, isolation measures and vaccines are currently being targeted at infected people or their close contacts. Dr Rosamund Lewis, of the World Health Organization (WHO) Emergencies Programme, confirmed there was no need for mass vaccination, and the WHO has also recommended against any travel restrictions.
Breaking free from mass formation with Mattias Desmet | added May 31
Watch on Off Guardian
Mattias Desmet is a Professor of Clinical Psychology at Ghent University in Belgium. His theory of mass formation during the coronavirus crisis has become widely known and widely misunderstood since gaining mainstream attention.
He joins James Corbett to discuss his new book, The Psychology of Totalitarianism, which lays out what mass formation is, how it develops, how it leads to totalitarianism, and what we must do to change the conditions that makes these mass formation events possible.
The sequel of ‘covid’ and transphobia in this week’s update | added May 31
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George W. Bush took a break from being forgotten about, monkeypox is here, Bill Maher is transphobic, fat is sexy, and more in this week’s news update.
George Soros speaking at World Economic Forum 2022 on the potential collapse of civilization through World War III draws audience laughter | added May 30
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Since the last Davos meeting the course of history has changed dramatically. Russia invaded Ukraine. This has shaken Europe to its core. The European Union was established to prevent such a thing from happening. Even when the fighting stops as it eventually must, the situation will never revert to what it was before.
The invasion may have been the beginning of the Third World War and our civilization may not survive it. That is the subject I will address this evening. The invasion of Ukraine didn’t come out of the blue. The world has been increasingly engaged in a struggle between two systems of governance that are diametrically opposed to each other: open society and closed society. Let me define the difference as simply as I can.
In an open society, the role of the state is to protect the freedom of the individual; in a closed society the role of the individual is to serve the rulers of the state.
Some universities and public school systems reimpose indoor mask mandates due to rising ‘covid’ cases | added May 30
Read more at The New York Times
As coronavirus cases have increased across the United States, some universities and public school systems have reimposed indoor mask mandates on their campuses, a sign that while the academic year may be coming to a close, the pandemic is still not.
The University of Hawaii’s mandate was expanded Wednesday on its 10 campuses, requiring masks in all indoor spaces except when working alone or where social distancing is possible. The university said it took the action because nearly the whole state was now in the high-risk category for community transmission under Centers for Disease Control and Prevention guidance.
The University of Delaware cited rising new-case reports and hospitalizations both in its home state and across the nation when it announced its mask mandate would once again include all indoor spaces, effective Tuesday. President Biden, an alumnus, is scheduled to give a commencement address at the university on Saturday.
NYC pauses enforcement of ‘covid’ vax mandates for New York Police Department employees | added May 30
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New York City paused its covid-19 vaccine mandate for New York Police Department (NYPD) employees so the department can retain roughly 5,000 police and other employees who have not received the vaccine.
The May 19 announcement came one day after Magistrate Judge Vera M. Scanlon issued an order allowing depositions to be taken in a class-action lawsuit on behalf of NYPD and municipal employees alleging the city violated their religious and constitutional rights through widespread discrimination.
According to city officials, 91% of the NYPD uniformed cops and other employees are vaccinated, leaving approximately 4,659 NYPD unvaccinated employees despite a deadline to get the jabs by Oct. 29, 2021.
World Health Organization confirms 257 ‘monkeypox’ cases worldwide | added May 30
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The World Health Organization has received reports of 257 confirmed monkeypox cases and about 120 suspected cases in 23 nations where the virus is not endemic as of Thursday, it said in a Sunday update.
In the United States, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has reported 12 cases in eight states as of Friday afternoon. In five African countries where monkeypox is commonly found, the WHO said it has received reports of 1,365 cases and 69 deaths due to the virus. These illnesses were reported in various periods ranging from mid-December to late May.
No deaths have been reported in nonendemic countries. “Since 2017, the few deaths of persons with monkeypox in West Africa have been associated with young age or an untreated HIV infection,” the WHO said in Sunday’s report.
Bill Gates speaks at Davos 2022 on vaccine passports, faults U.S. data collection system | added May 30
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Bill Gates on a panel at the annual Davos meeting: “The idea of checking if people are vaccinated, you know if you have breakthrough infections, what’s the point?”
Father records daughter taking first steps after ‘covid’ vax injury | added May 30
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In this video, a father proudly records his daughter take her first steps without a walker, after being unable to walk because of the covid jab. She was once athletic, but her second Pfizer shot disabled her for two months.
Memorial day weekend: U.S. ‘covid’ case count six times higher than last year at this time, according to John Hopkins research | added May 30
Read more at The Hill
As the US marks Memorial Day weekend and the unofficial start of summer, the seven-day average for covid-19 cases in the U.S. are more than six times what they were a year ago. The Johns Hopkins Coronavirus Resource Center showed a seven-day average of 119,725 cases as of Saturday. That figure held at 17,887 cases on May 28 of last year.
Despite the rising infection rate, covid-related deaths were down from last year, a sign of increased immunity through vaccines and prior infections, along with wider availability of treatments.
The seven-day average of 470 deaths reported on Friday marked a decrease from 637 on the same day last year. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has said that about 54 percent of the U.S. population is experiencing low covid-19 community levels, though some areas are seeing medium and high levels.
Woman’s avatar sexually assaulted in Facebook’s Metaverse | added May 30
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A woman’s avatar in Facebook parent Meta’s new Horizon Worlds platform was sexually assaulted, according to advocacy group SumOfUs’ report.
The 21-year-old woman, who works for SumOfUs as a researcher, was in a virtual room on Horizon Worlds, a metaverse platform released last December in the U.S. and Canada. She was in the room with two male avatars that were making obscene comments to her, and one of them was very close to her. SumOfUs included a clip of the event in its report this month focused on sexual violence, hate speech and content moderation issues at Meta.
Sexual harassment has been an ongoing issue that SumOfUs is researching. Earlier this year, another woman named Nina Jane Patel reported being “virtually gang raped” within a minute of logging onto Horizon.
This week in the new normal | added May 30
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1. Gun control back in the news: America has been a dangerous place this past month – even more so than usual. A couple of weeks ago we had the Buffalo shooting, where a young man allegedly stormed into a supermarket and shot several patrons in the name of “protecting the white race”. Apparently, there was a manifesto.
This week, a “loner” teenager stormed an elementary school where he shot 19 pupils and 2 teachers. The story is that police let him run rampant inside the school for almost an hour for fear they might “get shot”.
Just yesterday, a man allegedly opened fire on a high school graduation with an AR15, only to be in-turn shot by a woman with a pistol. We’re all familiar with the tropes. “Loner” suspects on psychotropic medications who are “known to the FBI”. Violent video games, improbable timelines, constantly shifting, mutually contradictory story points and inexplicable finances.
Leaked information: Wuhan lab can delete data | added May 30
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A bombshell legal agreement shows that a Wuhan lab can delete data in an arrangement with a U.S. lab – that doesn’t sound like it’ll help us understand covid’s origins.
Eric Francis Coppolino interviews science writer Mike Stone | added May 28
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In this Planet Waves FM/TV interview, Eric Francis speaks with Mike Stone, author of the http://www.viroliegy.com/ website that exposes the scientific fraud committed by virologists and public health officials. We discuss the PCR test for monkeypox as well as the history of testing fraud involving the covid scandal — and ask the question of the hour: do viruses exist?
Florida approves release of billions of experimental GMO mosquitoes without sufficient data on human health and environmental effects | added May 28
Read more at Sustainable Pulse
[May 5, 2022] Overlooking potential public health risks, lingering scientific questions, and deficient public data, the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (FDACS) approved the extension of Oxitec’s two-year field trial on Wednesday, which includes releasing several billion more genetically engineered (GE) mosquitoes into the Florida Keys — one of Florida’s most ecologically sensitive areas.FDACS’ approval comes on the heels of U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) granting the British biotechnology company Oxitec a two-year extension for its Experimental Use Permit for the release of a GE version of the species Aedes aegypti across Monroe County, Florida.
“FDACS should have required Oxitec to cease claiming as ‘confidential business information’ their data on the human health and environmental effects of the release of the mosquitoes,” said Jaydee Hanson, Policy Director at Center for Food Safety. “In Spain, when Oxitec withheld the data, the Spanish government told Oxitec to make public the health and environmental safety effects of their genetically engineered insect.
Moderna dumps 30 million ‘covid’ shots, Pfizer CEO blames ‘misinformation’ | added May 28
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The producers of the two leading covid-19 vaccines are experiencing a “big demand problem.” At the World Economic Forum meeting in Davos, Switzerland, on Thursday, Moderna CEO Stephane Bancel said his company is “in the process of throwing 30 million doses in the garbage because nobody wants them.”
“We have a big demand problem,” he said, the Washington Examiner reported. Bancel said Moderna has contacted leaders in several countries to see if they want the vaccines, but there is no interest.
“And so, the challenge we have right now is very different to the one we had two years ago,” he said. “Referencing the United States in particular, he said the issue in many countries is that people don’t want vaccines.”
World Economic Forum stakes ‘leadership role’ in building the ‘metaverse’ | added May 28
Read more at Reclaim The Net
The World Economic Forum (WEF) is on track to be at the center of defining what the future metaverse will look like by inserting itself in the metaverse’s creation early on.
WEF’s “multistakeholder initiative” wants to assume a leadership role in defining and building the metaverse, Facebook (Meta) President of Global Affairs and former British Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg has announced.
The initiative, laid out in a post on the Davos event’s website, is ambitious: it seeks to provide guidance on creating “an ethical, inclusive, economically viable metaverse,” and represent the link between businesses, regulators, civil society, and academia from both the private and public sectors.
CDC panel recommends ‘monkeypox’ shot for certain lab and health workers | added May 28
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The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has put out its first vaccine guidance related to a recent outbreak of monkeypox cases across the U.S. and Europe – with health workers and others responding to the uptick in cases first in line to get the shots.
The Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP), the CDC’s leading experts on vaccines, issued the recommendation Friday, and it will include lab workers who research orthopoxviruses, people who work in lab testing environments, and health care personnel who are treating infected patients.
The JYNNEOS vaccine in question is tailored to both smallpox and monkeypox – just as many other smallpox drugs are also believed to be effective against the rare virus. Certain laboratorians and health care personnel can be exposed to orthopoxviruses through occupational activities,’ ACIP wrote in its report.
One hundred thousand Chinese officials hold emergency meeting to recover ‘covid’ hit economy | added May 28
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Hong Kong (CNN Business) China’s cabinet held an emergency meeting with more than 100,000 participants on Wednesday, according to state media, as top leaders urged new measures to stabilize an economy battered by the country’s stringent covid-19 restrictions.
The unexpected video teleconference by the State Council was attended by officials across provincial, city and council levels, according to a report in the government-owned Global Times. High-ranking Chinese officials were also present, including Premier Li Keqiang, who urged authorities to take action in sustaining jobs and reducing unemployment.
The world’s second-largest economy has suffered across various sectors since a covid wave spread in March, prompting lockdown measures in many major cities — most notably the financial hub Shanghai, where many have been unable to leave their homes or neighborhoods for a month and a half.
Judy Mikovits on the implantation of lab-made cancer viruses in humans | added May 28
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Dr. Judy Mikovits joins Alex Jones live via Skype to break down how essentially all vaccines are tainted with a variety of viruses by a group of eugenics scientists who want to change human DNA.
Latest VAERS data shows young boy died of myocarditis after Pfizer shot while CDC pushes third dose for children ages 5-11 | added May 28
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The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) today released new data showing a total of 1,277,980 reports of adverse events following covid-19 vaccines were submitted between Dec. 14, 2020, and May 20, 2022, to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS). That’s an increase of 9,972 adverse events over the previous week.
VAERS is the primary government-funded system for reporting adverse vaccine reactions in the U.S. The data included a total of 28,312 reports of deaths — an increase of 171 over the previous week — and 232,694 serious injuries, including deaths, during the same time period — up 2,330 compared with the previous week.
Excluding “foreign reports” to VAERS, 820,788 adverse events, including 13,045 deaths and 82,974 serious injuries, were reported in the U.S. between Dec. 14, 2020, and May 20, 2022.
Scientists predicted the continuing increase of ‘monkeypox’ outbreaks in 1988 | added May 28
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Back in 1988, scientists in London almost seem to have had a crystal ball. Writing in the International Journal of Epidemiology, they made a bold – and surprisingly prescient – prediction about monkeypox: Over time, “the average magnitude and duration of monkeypox epidemics will increase,” they wrote.
At the time, monkeypox was an extremely rare disease. Health-care workers detected only a few cases a year in West and Central Africa. People caught the disease almost exclusively from rodents or primates and then spread the virus to only a few people. Transmission between people was limited.
But the foresighted scientists warned that, over time, these sporadic outbreaks would grow in size and spread geographically. “In every monkeypox paper on previous outbreaks, there’s always a warning about how we need to prepare for more outbreaks in the future,” says infectious disease doctor Boghuma Titanji of Emory University. “That prediction has actually borne out.”
Release is spelled wrong and so is blaming gay men again like AIDS…
Planet of the vaccine pushers | added May 27
Editor’s Note: We are as stunned as anyone to be covering a second “pandemic” while the first one is still on the front page of The New York Times. Apparently, though, not everyone is experiencing the element of surprise. The current monkeypox rollout was planned for this month during a pandemic war-game exercise held in March of 2021. — efc
Read more on Planet Waves
Dear Friend and Reader:
We are as stunned as anyone to be covering a second “pandemic” while the first one is still on the front page of The New York Times. Apparently, though, not everyone is experiencing the element of surprise. The current monkeypox rollout was planned for this month during a pandemic war-game exercise held in March of 2021.
Drs. Samantha and Mark Bailey have excellent coverage of this; the planning event happened, and now we all know it. If you don’t see this fact being reported on CNN, maybe that’s because it was co-sponsored by Ted Turner, the founder of the network.
Forget that there is no medical documentation of human-to-human transmission; they predicted it would happen — exactly in mid-May 2022 — and by golly, it did. For alternate coverage, check with the Brownstone Institute.
Scientists warn the ‘ghost of omicron past’ may cause more harm than original strain | added May 27
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The coronavirus mutant that is now dominant in the United States is a member of the omicron family but scientists say it spreads faster than its omicron predecessors, is adept at escaping immunity and might possibly cause more serious disease.
Why? Because it combines properties of both omicron and delta, the nation’s dominant variant in the middle of last year. A genetic trait that harkens back to the pandemic’s past, known as a “delta mutation,” appears to allow the virus “to escape pre-existing immunity from vaccination and prior infection, especially if you were infected in the omicron wave,” said Dr. Wesley Long, a pathologist at Houston Methodist in Texas.
That’s because the original omicron strain that swept the world didn’t have the mutation. The omicron “subvariant” gaining ground in the U.S. — known as BA.2.12.1 and responsible for 58% of U.S. covid-19 cases last week — isn’t the only one affected by the delta mutation. The genetic change is also present in the omicron relatives that together dominate in South Africa, known as BA.4 and BA.5.
White House pushes more of Pfizer’s Paxlovid anti-viral drug pill for ‘covid’ patients | added May 27
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White House officials said on Thursday that they were introducing new models for distributing Paxlovid, the covid-19 oral medication made by Pfizer, in an effort to get the treatment to more people and keep coronavirus death rates relatively low even as cases increase.
The federal government will start reimbursing a clinic in Providence, R.I., for evaluating patients who test positive and immediately prescribing Paxlovid to those eligible for it — the first of what the White House said would be a series of federally supported sites, with others set to open in New York and Illinois.
Federal workers are also being sent to state-run testing sites in Minnesota, transforming them into “test-to-treat” locations, the White House said. “Fundamentally, what we’re trying to do is get to a point where covid deaths are largely preventable, and I think we’re pretty close to there,” Dr. Ashish K. Jha, the White House covid-19 response coordinator, said in an interview Wednesday evening. “Deaths from this disease really should become increasingly rare.”
Eighteen major airlines, Federal Aviation Administration and Department of Transportation face possible lawsuits for imposing medical mandates | added May 27
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The lawyer representing plaintiffs in a lawsuit filed earlier this month against Atlas Air said he plans to file similar lawsuits against the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) and 18 major airlines over their covid-19 vaccine mandates.
California attorney John Pierce alleges the mandates “imposed by these agencies on the airlines’ employees infringed on their constitutional, religious, and medical liberties,” The Epoch Times reported. Pierce filed the first lawsuit on behalf of the Atlas Air employees and U.S. Freedom Flyers (USFF), an advocacy group opposing airline vaccine and mask mandates.
Atlas Air is one of the largest air cargo carriers in the aviation industry and the world’s largest operator of Boeing 747 aircraft. The lawsuit was filed May 12 in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Florida with the participation of more than 100 plaintiffs, most of whom are unvaccinated pilots and flight attendants.
New York State to hand out ‘robot caretakers’ for roughly 800 elderly adults | added May 27
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New York state is distributing robot caretakers to some 800 elderly adults in an effort to combat a burgeoning epidemic of loneliness, the New York State Office for the Aging announced in a press release on Wednesday.
Manufactured by Israeli company Intuition Robotics, the ElliQ bots being distributed to New Yorkers’ households are said to “foster independence and provide support for older adults through daily check-ins, assistance with wellness goals and physical activities, connection to family and friends, and more.”
The program is supposedly aimed at combating loneliness, which a growing body of scientific studies has shown has detrimental health effects as bad or worse than smoking and obesity. Noting the loneliness epidemic has only gotten worse with social distancing and other devastating government responses to covid-19, the press release hails ElliQ as more human-like than other “smart technologies,” describing how the robot “proactively suggests activities and initiates conversations” rather than simply responding to commands.
Senator Rick Scott proposes bill to stop WHO from imposing tyrannical medical mandates | added May 27
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Today, Senator Rick Scott introduced a bill to ensure that the World Health Organization (WHO) cannot unilaterally impose public health restrictions on the United States and violate America’s national sovereignty.
The legislation comes as the World Health Assembly meets to consider a “pandemic treaty” that would aim to direct the public health decisions of U.S. states and localities, giving unprecedented power to the World Health Organization. Senator Rick Scott said, “The WHO’s radical ‘pandemic treaty’ is a dangerous globalist overreach.
The United States of America must never give more power to the WHO. The WHO is a puppet for Xi Jinping, controlled by the Chinese Communist Party, and helped Beijing cover up the origins of covid-19. We must quickly pass this bill to ensure that public health matters in the country remain in the hands of Americans, not globalist puppets working for Communist China.”
WHO says no need for monkeypox vax so long as isolation and contact tracing is used to contain spread | added May 27
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World Health Organization (WHO) officials have said there is no need for mass vaccination campaigns against monkeypox but called for ramped-up efforts to contain its spread in non-endemic countries.
“We think if we put the right measures in place now we can contain it easily,” Sylvie Briand, WHO’s director for global infectious hazard preparedness, said on Friday. Early detection and isolation of cases, as well as contact tracing, were key to curtailing the virus, she told a technical briefing to member states at the UN health agency’s annual assembly in Geneva.
Member states should also share information about first-generation stockpiles of smallpox vaccines which can be effective against monkeypox, Briand said. “We don’t know exactly the number of doses available in the world and so that’s why we encourage countries to come to WHO and tell us what are their stockpiles,” she added. A slide on her presentation described global supplies as “very constrained”.
The installation of monkeypox mania | added May 27
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Lock yourselves down inside your homes! Break out the masks and prophylactic face-shields! Switch off what’s left of your critical faculties and prepare yourselves to “follow the Science!”
Yes, that’s right, just as the survivors of The Simulated Apocalyptic Plague of 2020-2021 were crawling up out of their covid bunkers and starting to “build the world back better,” another biblical pestilence has apparently been unleashed on humanity! This time it’s the dreaded monkeypox, a viral zoonotic disease endemic to central and western Africa that circulates among giant pouched rats, squirrels, dormice, and other rodents and has been infecting humans for centuries, or millennia.
Monkeypox causes fever, headaches, muscle aches, and sometimes fluid-filled blisters, tends to resolve in two to four weeks, and thus poses absolutely zero threat to human civilization generally. The corporate media do not want to alarm us, but it is their duty as professional journalists to report that THE MONKEYPOX IS SPREADING LIKE WILDFIRE!
Man develops blood clot after AstraZeneca shot | added May 27
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Seventeen days after getting the AstraZeneca vaccine, 43-year-old Shaun Mulldoon underwent surgery after he developed a blood clot in his abdomen. Over 6 feet of his small intestines had to be removed, and he also developed clots in his spleen, liver and lungs.
Woke consultations on how to go broke | added May 27
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Do you own a business that is making too much money? If so, you need the Woke Corporate Consultants! We will help introduce all the woke virtue signals that your business needs to lose market share. Let’s not spend money on monkeypox decorations, ok?
Henry Kissinger on the Ukraine war and ‘living in a new era’ | added May 26
Editor’s Note: Still on the planet. — efc
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The FT’s US national editor, Edward Luce, talks to former US secretary of state, Henry Kissinger, about Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Ukraine and the spectre of nuclear war.
Update: “Uniting NYS” lawsuit against Gov. Hochul’s medical mandates gains momentous support | added May 26
Read more at Uniting NYS
Our attorney, Bobbie Anne Cox, went to Albany, and she met with the group of Legislators who are supporting our lawsuit: Petitioners: Senator George Borrello, Assemblyman Chris Tague, Assemblyman Mike Lawler and Amici Curiae: Assemblyman Andy Goodell, Assemblyman Joe Giglio, Assemblyman Will Barclay.
Our attorney was formally introduced on the NYS Assembly floor. She also met with additional Legislators who are in support of our lawsuit. We are gaining momentum!
We are looking for people to head-up an election integrity initiative. We want to join forces with a couple of groups that are already working to help make sure our upcoming elections are “clean”. This is a BIG election year in NYS. The governor and every single NYS Senate and Assembly seat are up for grabs. We have the opportunity to wipe the slate clean and elect patriots who value our Constitution and our freedoms. BUT we need to ensure the elections are “clean”.
Vaccines found inefficient for protection against long-term ‘covid’, according to researchers | added May 26
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The covid vaccines, while holding up strong against hospitalization and death, offer little protection against long covid, according to research published Wednesday in the journal Nature Medicine.
The findings are disappointing, if not surprising, to researchers who were once hopeful that vaccination could significantly reduce the risk of long covid. Compared to an unvaccinated individual, the risk of long covid in a fully vaccinated individual was cut by only about 15 percent, the study found.
“The vaccines are miraculous at doing what they were designed to do” — that is, prevent hospitalization and death, said Dr. Ziyad Al-Aly, a clinical epidemiologist at Washington University in St. Louis and the lead author of the study. But they “offer very modest protection against long covid,” he said.
Eight year old suffers seizures after Pfizer shot, accused of “drug-induced hallucination” | added May 26
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After 8-year-old Ryleigh received the Pfizer vax, she experienced seizures and fainting; when she was taken to the hospital, her condition was listed as “drug-induced hallucination” — even though she never did any drugs. And what’s worse, the hospital called child protective services (CPS) on her mother.
Fauci’s NIAID approved 1.8 million taxpayer dollars for puppy drug experiments, according to new documents | May 26
Read more at The Defender
A division of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) run by Dr. Anthony Fauci allocated $1,836,453 in taxpayer dollars to test an experimental hay fever drug on dogs, rats and mice, according to documents released Monday by the White Coat Waste Project.
The nonprofit organization, whose stated goal is to end taxpayer-funded experiments on animals, obtained the documents through the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA).
The FOIA documents show five separate dog experiments are planned — including tests on 6-month-old puppies. Some dogs could be force-fed large doses of the drug for months, the Washington Examiner reported. Fauci is the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), the division of the NIH that commissioned the experiments.
Pfizer CEO predicts ‘covid waves will be constant’ due to complacency and politics | added May 26
Read more at Business Insider
The world is likely to suffer from “constant waves” of covid-19, the CEO of Pfizer said Wednesday. Albert Bourla pointed to complacency around the virus, the politicization of the pandemic, and diminishing immunity from vaccines and prior infections, the Financial Times reported.
People are also growing tired of covid-19 safety regulations, said Bourla, who was speaking at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, where world leaders and members of the business elite are gathered for an annual summit.
While covid-19 cases are falling globally, they’ve been gradually rising in the US since early April, according to data from Johns Hopkins University. In the week that ended Sunday, the US reported 790,000 new cases, more than three times as many as were reported in the last week of March.
“Guaranteed Income Programs” launch in 40 U.S. cities as part of ‘smart pandemic response’ for low-income Americans | added May 26
Read more at CBS News
The financial upheaval caused by the covid-19 pandemic for millions of Americans is spurring a rise in a form of charitable giving that has proved highly effective in helping people navigate calamity: Giving them money with no strings attached.
So-called guaranteed income programs have launched in 40 cities across the U.S. under which individuals and families living near the poverty threshold receive monthly stipends that they can spend however they want.
“The pandemic really showed people the existing economic arrangement was just not enough,” said Michael Tubbs, formerly the mayor of Stockton, California, and founder of Mayors for a Guaranteed Income. “With folks not being able to get to work because their businesses were shut down, it showed a guaranteed income is a form of economic resilience and a smart pandemic response.”
In memory of all those who “died suddenly” in Uganda, Ghana, Israel, Bahrain and Russia | added May 26
Read more at Mark Crispin Miller Substack
A movie star in Ghana, a hotelier in Uganda, a 10-year-old Israeli boy, a popular Bahraini chef, and, in Russia, two artists, a hospital’s chief doctor, a wrestling champion, and all too many more.
UGANDA — Maria Flo Hotel proprietor found dead in hotel. May 22, 2022 Business. Masaka, Uganda – A prominent businessman in Masaka City, Atanansi Bazzeketta is dead. Bazzeketta, the proprietor of Maria Flo Hotel, one of the traditional hotels Masaka town and the sub region, was found dead in one of his hotels.
Bazzeketta’s body was discovered on Saturday morning in one of the rooms at Maria Flo Hotel after his staff got concerned that he was not getting out of the room and not picking phone calls. Ivan Nakibinge, the Hotel Manager says his boss suddenly died in his sleep, and the body was recovered after they broke into his hotel room.
Jerusalem: Mandatory isolation no longer enforced for those living with ‘covid’ positive person | added May 26
Read more at The Jerusalem Post
People living in the same space as a person who has tested positive for covid-19 will no longer be required to isolate, according to a Wednesday morning Knesset Health Committee announcement.
The Health Committee, headed by acting chairman MK Elina Bardach-Yalov (Yisrael Beytenu), approved the amendment first introduced last Monday removing the isolation requirement for people living with covid-19 positive people.
The decision applies to anyone living with a covid-19 patient, regardless of whether or not they themselves have previously been infected or whether or not they are vaccinated. However, in case of close contact with a severe strain of the disease, or if they work or frequent a place considered high risk (such as a hospital or healthcare environment) they might still be required to isolate.
The hypocrisy that is ‘covid’.
Health officials speculate about the cause of mysterious liver damage cases in children around the world | added May 25
Editor’s Note: Seriously? Health officials are baffled by mysterious liver damage in children around the world? How ignorant do they believe the masses are? The liver is a master detoxification organ of the body that filters out toxins found in our environment. Is it such a wonder they are damaged in children who, by the way, receive liver cells from the mother in the womb? This damage is the result of decades of genetic material being passed down over the generations and it’s time we stop putting a mask on everything. Check out Medical Medium liver saving protocols that have initiated the healing process for millions of people around the world. — mmd
Read more at AP News
NEW YORK (AP) — Health officials remain perplexed by mysterious cases of severe liver damage in hundreds of young children around the world.
The best available evidence points to a fairly common stomach bug that isn’t known to cause liver problems in otherwise healthy kids. That virus was detected in the the blood of stricken children but — oddly — it has not been found in their diseased livers. “There’s a lot of things that don’t make sense,” said Eric Kremer, a virus researcher at the Institute of Molecular Genetics of Montpellier, in France.
As health officials in more than a dozen countries look into the mystery, they are asking: — Has there been some surge in the stomach bug — called adenovirus 41 — that is causing more cases of a previously undetected problem? — Are children more susceptible due to pandemic-related lockdowns that sheltered them from the viruses kids usually experience?
Monkeypox likely spread by sex at recent raves in Europe, says WHO adviser | added May 25
Read more at AP News
LONDON (AP) — A leading adviser to the World Health Organization described the unprecedented outbreak of monkeypox in developed countries as “a random event” that appears to have been caused by sexual activity at two recent raves in Europe.
Dr. David Heymann, who formerly headed WHO’s emergencies department, told The Associated Press that the leading theory to explain the spread of the disease was sexual transmission at raves held in Spain and Belgium. Monkeypox has not previously triggered widespread outbreaks beyond Africa, where it is endemic in animals.
“We know monkeypox can spread when there is close contact with the lesions of someone who is infected, and it looks like sexual contact has now amplified that transmission,” said Heymann.
CDC claims one in five ‘covid’ survivors under 65 years may experience long term symptoms | added May 25
Read more at The New York Times
One in five adult covid survivors under the age of 65 in the United States has experienced at least one health condition that could be considered long covid, according to a large new study by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Among patients 65 and older, the number is even higher: one in four.
In an indication of how seriously the federal health agency views the problem of long covid, the authors of the study — members of the C.D.C.’s Covid-19 Emergency Response Team — recommended “routine assessment for post-covid conditions among persons who survive covid-19.”
Long covid is the term used to describe an array of symptoms that can last for months or longer after the initial coronavirus infection. The researchers identified post-covid health problems in many different organ systems, including the heart, lungs and kidneys. Other issues involved blood circulation, the musculoskeletal system and the endocrine system; gastrointestinal conditions, neurological problems and psychiatric symptoms were also identified in the study.
CDC recommends re-isolation should patients experience ‘covid’ relapse symptoms after taking Pfizer’s drug Paxlovid | added May 25
Read more at Reuters
Patients who experience recurrence of covid-19 symptoms after completing treatment with Pfizer’s (PFE.N) drug Paxlovid should isolate again for five days, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said in an advisory issued on Tuesday.
Dozens of individuals have reported rebounding covid symptoms on social media or to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration after taking Paxlovid, but Pfizer suggests the experience is rare. A recent rise in covid cases has driven up use of therapeutics in the country.
The CDC said in its advisory that case reports suggest that recurrence results in mild symptoms, and there have been no reports of severe disease so far. The agency still continues to recommend the oral antiviral drug as a treatment, despite the possibility of recurrences.
Filthy industrial farms, not wild birds to blame for avian flu EA H5N1 | added May 25
Editor’s Note: We know that scientists have been using eggs to grow whatever so-called ‘virus’ and/or the vaccine to combat the ‘virus’ for years now. When animals live in filth and are subjected to numerous antibiotics and immoral conditions, how can we not expect to see disease? — mmd
Read more at The Defender
We’re in the midst of the largest-ever outbreak in North America. But it’s not covid-19. And it’s not monkeypox. It’s avian influenza EA H5N1. This highly pathogenic virus, news outlets across the U.S. and around the world report, is the deadliest seen in domestic birds in the last seven years in America — and may well be the worst ever documented in wild birds.
Since the start of 2022, avian influenza EA H5N1 has broken out in at least 30 U.S. states and many other countries. More than 37 million birds have died in the U.S. alone, PBS NewsHour reported earlier this month.
The virus is affecting aquatic birds, such as gulls, terns and shorebirds; wild waterfowl, such as ducks, geese and swans; and raptors, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the U.S. Department of Agriculture.
U.S. Navy desertions soar amid mental health crisis in the service | added May 25
Read more at Zero Hedge
A troubling new statistic shows U.S. Navy desertions are soaring and may point to an even more significant issue of an emerging mental health crisis in the service.
NBC News reports the Navy has 342,000 active sailors. In 2021, there were 157 deserters, compared with 98 in 2020 and 63 in 2019. The total number of deserters who remain at large last year increased to 166 from 119 in 2019. Most of them were under the age of 25.
An expert who reviewed the federal statistics obtained by NBC described the trend as shocking. Navy officials couldn’t explain what was causing the desertion rate to skyrocket. They pointed to “many different stressors” in the service.
Germany to loosen ‘covid’ entry requirements over the busy summer traveling season | added May 25
Editor’s Note: So, let me get this straight. ‘Covid’ is on a summer vacation away from Germany until end of August? I wonder where it will spend the time? — mmd
Read more at ABC News
BERLIN — Germany’s health minister says the government plans to suspend a pandemic rule requiring people to show proof of vaccination, a negative test result or recent recovery from covid-19 to enter the country over the summer.
Health Minister Karl Lauterbach told the Funke newspaper group in comments published Wednesday that the rule, which applies to everyone age 12 and above regardless of where they are traveling from, will be suspended from June 1 to the end of August.
Germany has not had any countries on its list of “high-risk areas” for the coronavirus since early March. Confirmed coronavirus case numbers have declined steadily in Germany in recent weeks, and most restrictions have been lifted.
National Health Service just edited their monkeypox description to instill more fear | added May 25
Read more at Off Guardian
A few days ago the UK’s National Health Service (NHS) edited their Monkeypox page to alter the narrative in a few key ways. Firstly, they removed a paragraph from the “How do you get Monkeypox?” section.
Up until a few days ago, according to archived links, the Monkeypox page said this, regarding person-to-person transmission: It’s very uncommon to get monkeypox from a person with the infection because it does not spread easily between people.
…this has now been totally removed. Secondly, they’ve removed this paragraph, which was present up until at least November of 2021 (and maybe much more recently, there are no archives between November and May): [Monkeypox] is usually a mild illness that will get better on its own without treatment. Some people can develop more serious symptoms, so patients with monkeypox in the UK are cared for in specialist hospitals.
U.S. in the process of releasing monkeypox vaccine stockpile for ‘high risk’ people | added May 25
Read more at CNN
The United States is responding to a request for the release of monkeypox vaccine from the nation’s Strategic National Stockpile as a global outbreak of cases is under investigation. There is one confirmed case of monkeypox and four suspected cases in the United States, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said Monday.
“I can report that there has been a request for release of the Jynneos vaccine from the National Stockpile for some of the high-risk contacts of some of the early patients, so that is actively happening right now,” Dr. Jennifer McQuiston, deputy director of the Division of High Consequence Pathogens and Pathology within the CDC’s National Center for Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases, said Monday.
McQuiston said the United States has a “good stock” of vaccine because it has been preparing for the possibility of needing to use doses for smallpox.
The word influenza originated from the world influence, because the disease was said to be influenced by the stars.

Here’s what we have on monkeypox, the latest thing you’re supposed to freak out about | updated May 23
By Eric F. Coppolino
Research by Cindy Tice Ragusa
We are tracking the “monkeypox” situation that emerged last week, seemingly out of nowhere. It has not; it has a long history. We’re following both mainstream news developments, as well as our reliable sources, and reaching out to our scientific contacts for specific information related to the nature of the test.
The claim of “viral spread” of monkeypox is really the spread of the PCR “test,” which generates positives out of thin air. The “virus” will “spread” as fast as the PCR codes can be set up. However, if you look at the scientific literature, you find there is no evidence of human to human transmission. There is no sequence of viral isolate.
This story emerged May 7, just as New York was bringing back “mask” recommendations. Nobody has been talking lockdown, yet; we wonder if that much terror or sense of phony civic duty could be mustered up a second time. However, they are trying to ruin the first seemingly normal summer festival scene since 2019.

We’ve learned something covering “covid” for two years, which includes what angles to look for, who we can rely on for accurate information (and who we cannot).
One novelty of this story is that it’s being associated with gay and bisexual men. Well, that’s not really a novelty — that claim was last made about the “human immunodeficiency virus” in the early 1980s. In hindsight, that was obvious homophobia. Assuming they exist, viruses don’t discriminate based on sexual orientation, nor do they stop at the end of a Zip code (as did claimed HIV infections).
The new gay virus reminds me of The Onion‘s video about the world’s first openly-gay race horse (whom you would never know was gay), but it’s not as funny. Did monkeypox come from…a gay monkey?
What is also not funny is people falling for the same lie two or three times. Young people are being told to stay away from music festivals this summer to “stop the spread.”
Monkeypox is a production of Gates, the World Health Organization (WHO), and all the people who brought you Event 201. As Cindy Ragusa (who researched this entire presentation) succinctly put it, “They must live in a bubble where they just do whatever they want. It’s got $$$$ printed all over it, so they can’t see out, and they think we’re all too dumb for it to matter.”
That is probably true. But maybe not for you. If you don’t want to terrify yourself, but rather be informed, let’s start with two helpful news sources.
Polly documents an Event 201-like monkeypox pandemic planning event in 2021. In many years of covering terrorist attacks and mass shootings, one reliable giveaway for a false flag incident is the drill or planning event ahead of, or concurrently with, the claimed incident.
Please Watch the Video: Amazing Polly Documents the History of Monkeypox and the 2021 Planning Event
Polly St. George in Canada is someone we consider an impeccable investigative journalist – working out of her spare room. I have never seen a factual error or issue with her analysis.

She has pulled together the history of monkeypox and its associated “gain of function” or “dual purpose” research — that is, the claim of viral enhancement, usually for military use.
This was going on for years with bat coronaviruses — it was big business, as we have documented in our chronology — and the existence of these bioweapon programs clouds the issues: is the virus claim real, or not? Is it lab-released, or is it natural? Note that the mere potential for a lab release argues that the virus is a real threat. (We have looked carefully and see no evidence for a lab release of the claimed “SARS-CoV-2” virus.
In her report, Polly documents an Event 201-like monkeypox pandemic planning event in 2021. In many years of covering terrorist attacks and mass shootings, one reliable giveaway for a false flag incident is the drill or planning event ahead of, or concurrently with, the claimed incident.
Had I known about Event 201 at the outset of the “covid” crisis, I would have been much more skeptical. Event 201, sponsored by Gates, the World Economic Forum and Johns Hopkins Health Security Center, drilled the first-ever zoonotic coronavirus pandemic just eight weeks ahead of a “real” one breaking out.
One of the signs that marked the Covid ‘pandemic’ as a psy-op from an early stage was the sheer speed with which the hysteria spread. Far from learning from their mistakes, the powers-that-be have decided to go even faster this time.
Coverage from Off-Guardian
We have come to trust and admire Off-Guardian in the UK as another impeccable source. They just published a roundup story on the issue.

“To be clear, ‘monkeypox’ (whatever that even means in this context), is NOT a Russian bio-weapon. It’s not a Western bio-weapon either. Or Chinese bio-weapon. It’s just another scare story. And a rushed, half-hearted one at that.
“One of the signs that marked the covid ‘pandemic’ as a psy-op from an early stage was the sheer speed with which the hysteria spread. Far from learning from their mistakes, the powers-that-be have decided to go even faster this time.
“Despite ‘cases’ numbering barely in the dozens, the World Health Organization has called an emergency meeting, a strange thing to do when their annual Assembly starts literally tomorrow. But I guess when your launching a new product you need to do everything you can to get the hype going.
“Despite just two “cases” in the entire United States (and indeed the fact they still don’t work), New York is bringing back mask recommendations.”
Now, once you’ve watched Polly and read OffGuardian, you’re ready for mainstream terrorist propaganda…to wit. Let’s begin with Misfortune.
From Fortune:
The lone U.S. case was confirmed in an adult male who had recently traveled to Canada, the Massachusetts Department of Public Health said in a news release. The department is completing contact tracing, and the man is hospitalized in good condition, the agency said.

Also late Wednesday, the CDC informed Fortune that the United Kingdom had notified the U.S. of eight individuals who may have been seated near an infected U.K. traveler when they flew from Nigeria to London from May 3-4. Of the eight, one is no longer in the U.S. and another was not a contact, the health agency said.
“The remaining six are being monitored by their respective state health departments,” the CDC said in a statement. “None of these six travel contacts have monkeypox symptoms, and their risk of infection is very low.”
More from Fortune:
The order will convert existing smallpox vaccines, which are also effective against monkeypox, into freeze-dried versions, which have a longer shelf life. The converted vaccines will be manufactured in 2023 and 2024, the company says.
Bavarian Nordic has worked with the U.S. government since 2003 to develop, manufacture and supply smallpox vaccines. To date, it says, it has supplied nearly 30 million doses to the Department of Health and Human Services. The U.S. isn’t the only country stocking up on the vaccine. On Thursday, Bavarian Nordic said an unidentified European country had secured a contract to obtain the vaccine.
Massachusetts government keeping us safe:
Clinicians should consider a diagnosis of monkeypox in people who present with an otherwise unexplained rash and 1) traveled, in the last 30 days, to a country that has recently had confirmed or suspected cases of monkeypox 2) report contact with a person or people with confirmed or suspected monkeypox, or 3) is a man who reports sexual contact with other men.
The Massachusetts Department of Public Health (DPH) today confirmed a single case of monkeypox virus infection in an adult male with recent travel to Canada. Initial testing was completed late Tuesday at the State Public Health Laboratory in Jamaica Plain and confirmatory testing was completed today at the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
DPH is working closely with the CDC, relevant local boards of health, and the patient’s health care providers to identify individuals who may have been in contact with the patient while he was infectious. This contact tracing approach is the most appropriate given the nature and transmission of the virus. The case poses no risk to the public, and the individual is hospitalized and in good condition.
Russian Television chimes in, it’s another “gay virus”:
The case is the first to surface in the US this year and comes on the heels of an alert by the Spanish authorities of a potential outbreak of the virus among 23 people in Madrid. While typically spread by respiratory transmission, a spokesperson for Madrid’s regional health department said the local outbreak was driven by “fluid contact,” noting that eight of the suspected cases were found in gay men.
Around 20 suspected cases of monkeypox also surfaced among young Portuguese men in and around Lisbon this week, and a number of similar cases have been confirmed in the UK. Of the seven UK cases confirmed as of Monday, four of the most recent were in gay or bisexual men, and the first involved a person who had recently been to Nigeria, where the infection was likely contracted.
From The Guardian: Monkeypox alert in Spain after 23 people show symptoms
Health ministry says cases yet to be confirmed and come after the viral infection detected in UK and Portugal.
Health authorities in Spain have issued an alert over a possible outbreak of monkeypox after 23 people showed symptoms compatible with the viral infection, which has already been detected in the UK and Portugal. The health ministry cautioned that the suspected cases – all in the Madrid region – had yet to be confirmed, but said a nationwide alert had been issued “to guarantee a swift, coordinated and timely response”.
Madrid’s regional health department said the suspected cases were being analysed by the National Microbiology Centre to obtain a definitive diagnosis. “Generally speaking, monkeypox is spread by respiratory transmission, but the characteristics of the 23 suspected cases point towards transmission through mucus during sexual relations,” it said in a statement.
From Sky News: don’t gather at summer festivals to prevent the spread
Eight countries in Europe, including Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Portugal, Spain, Sweden and the UK, have reported cases. The WHO said most are mild, but warned the disease can be more severe, especially in young children, pregnant women, and individuals who are immunocompromised.
Monkeypox cases in the UK have more than doubled, with 11 more announced today. It brings the total number reported in the country to 20 – although there are concerns many cases are going undetected.
Confirming the news, Health Secretary Sajid Javid said: “This morning I updated G7 health ministers on what we know so far. “Most cases are mild, and I can confirm we have procured further doses of vaccines that are effective against monkeypox.”
Introduction to monkeypox with an overview and resources | added May 24
Read on Planet Waves
Since I figured you were wondering, we’ve pulled together an overview of the monkeypox issue. First, a question: before the past week or so, had you ever heard of this? I had not. I guess there is a “pox” for everything and everyone, but news of the monkey edition had not reached my news desk.
In 26 months of covering this stuff seven days a week, we have developed a short list of very reliable sources, all of whom are contributing to our coverage. The commercial media is pushing this hard and fast. Belgium is said to have imposed a quarantine. One distinctive angle to the monkeypox scenario is that the World Health Organization is spreading the story that this started at a rave in Belgium — therefore, beware of sexual contact, and especially with gay and bisexual men. Really? Again? That is so 1983.
There was an Associated Press story about this today. This version of events is absurd on its face. Raves are not sex parties, and why single out men? We have prepared an overall summary of the issues, though we have new information since we published this Sunday.
Discussion: Did the DOD commit fraud? An interview with Matthew Crawford | added May 24
Watch the video on Tessa Lena Substack
This story is about my conversation with Mathew Crawford, whom I had the pleasure of interviewing for my podcast. Mathew, a talented “numbers guy” and a very original, soulful thinker whom I love to read, has looked into very obscure DoD medical reports and discovered what potentially looks like a medical data fraud by the DoD.
If Mathew’s theory is correct, the most logical explanation for quietly changing historical data would be an attempt to cover up vaccine injury in the military. In other words, a tragedy and a scandal.
The plot is very convoluted. It took me some reading and a long conversation with Mathew to understand it. Once I got it, it all started to make sense, so I am breaking it down for simplicity. (Note: Mathew’s discovery adds a crazy twist to the whistleblower data that came out in relation to Tom Renz’s DoD lawsuit.)
Airline pilot suffers cardiac arrest after landing, believes it was connected to mandatory J&J ‘covid’ shot | added May 24
Read more at The Epoch Times
Robert Snow, a pilot for American Airlines, one of the top 3 largest airlines in the country, has 31 years of commercial airline experience and additionally seven years of experience as a U.S. Air Force pilot.
Snow says that he might not be able to fly again after he suffered a cardiac arrest only 6 or 7 minutes after landing a plane he piloted from Denver to Dallas Fort Worth (DFW). He still had two more flights scheduled on April 9.
He believes that his cardiac arrest is connected to the Johnson and Johnson COVID vaccine he was forced to take in order to keep his job on Nov. 4, 2021, even though he already had natural immunity from previously contracting the virus. Dr. Peter McCullough, a world-renowned cardiologist, told Newsmax that Snow’s case fits a “pattern.” “There is no other explanation,” McCullough said about Snow’s case since Snow has no coronary disease.
The Freedom Convoy and the collapse of Canadian liberalism | added May 24
Read more at Off Guardian
“At any given moment there is an orthodoxy, a body of ideas which it is assumed all right-thinking people will accept without question. It is not exactly forbidden to say this, that or the other, but it is “not done” to say it, just as in mid-Victorian times it was “not done” to mention trousers in the presence of a lady. Anyone who challenges the prevailing orthodoxy finds himself silenced with surprising effectiveness. A genuinely unfashionable opinion is almost never given a fair hearing, either in the popular press or in highbrow periodicals.” — George Orwell, “Freedom of the Press”
Recently, a friend told me she’d taken part in a webinar conducted by the Council of Canadians. The webinar included First Nations people speaking about RCMP mistreatment of indigenous peoples on reserve. It was contrasted with the peaceful disbursement of freedom convoy protesters in Ottawa on February 18th.
The webinar narrative was partially true, likely informed by mainstream news reports. RCMP policing among First Nations people needs to be repaired. But, the Trucker Freedom Convoy in Ottawa wasn’t broken up peacefully. Just ask Candice “Candy” Sero.
World Health Organization conducted a monkeypox pandemic simulation in March 2021 | added May 24
Editor’s Note: Let’s not forget the WHO also coducted a ‘covid’ simulation before the ‘pandemic’ hit. Watch here how the plandemic was facilitated with eerie similiarities of exactly what happened (and is still happening) in 2020. — mmd
Read more at The Defender
The World Health Organization (WHO) on Friday held an emergency meeting to discuss the outbreak of monkeypox after more than 100 cases were reported across 12 countries.
Days before the WHO convened, the Biden administration placed a $119 million order for monkeypox vaccines after the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) confirmed six people in the U.S. were being monitored for the viral infection, and one person had tested positive.
Belgium on Sunday became the first country to introduce a compulsory 21-day quarantine for monkeypox patients after reporting four cases of the disease in the last week, Politico reported. The 100 newly reported cases, or suspected cases, garnered attention because many of them do not appear to be linked to travel to Africa, where in some regions, monkeypox is endemic.
‘Covid’ minted new billionaires nearly every day, according to a recent analysis | added May 24
Read more at CNN
The covid-19 pandemic has been good for the wallets of the wealthy. Some 573 people have joined the billionaire ranks since 2020, bringing the worldwide total to 2,668, according to an analysis released by Oxfam on Sunday.
That means a new billionaire was minted about every 30 hours, on average, so far during the pandemic. The report, which draws on data compiled by Forbes, looks at the rise of inequality over the past two years. It is timed to coincide with the kickoff of the annual World Economic Forum meeting in Davos, Switzerland, a gathering of some of the wealthiest people and world leaders.
Billionaires have seen their total net worth soar by $3.8 trillion, or 42%, to $12.7 trillion during the pandemic. A large part of the increase has been fueled by strong gains in the stock markets, which was aided by governments injecting money into the global economy to soften the financial blow of the coronavirus.
More fear mongering as third case of suspected monkeypox arrives in Florida | added May 24
Read more at Daily Mail
A third case of monkeypox may have been found in the United States – with health authorities in Florida running tests on a patient who they believe may have contracted the virus.
The case in Broward County, Florida, is ‘related to international travel,’ the U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and the Florida Department of Health said in a statement on Sunday. They added that ‘the person remains isolated’ near Fort Lauderdale.
The results of tests conducted by the CDC are expected soon. No other cases have been identified in the state, the release said. The first monkeypox case in the United States was reported in Massachusetts on May 18. The following day, the second case was reported – in New York City.
D.C. Attorney General sues Mark Zuckerberg over failure to protect Facebook users’ privacy | added May 24
Read more at Politico
D.C. Attorney General Karl Racine on Monday announced he is suing Mark Zuckerberg, the CEO of Facebook’s parent company Meta, for failing to protect Facebook users during the Cambridge Analytica privacy scandal.
Zuckerberg so far has avoided facing personal legal repercussions over his involvement in various Facebook scandals. The lawsuit, filed in D.C. Superior Court, alleges that Zuckerberg oversaw discussions that allowed Trump-aligned consultancy firm Cambridge Analytica to improperly obtain the personal information of tens of millions of Facebook users.
“The evidence shows Mr. Zuckerberg was personally involved in Facebook’s failure to protect the privacy and data of its users leading directly to the Cambridge Analytica incident,” Racine said in a statement. “This unprecedented security breach exposed tens of millions of Americans’ personal information, and Mr. Zuckerberg’s policies enabled a multi-year effort to mislead users about the extent of Facebook’s wrongful conduct.”
Airbnb quits China rentals as “zero-covid policy” continues with enforced medical mandates | added May 24
Read more at BBC News
All listings for homes and experiences in the country will be removed from the company’s website by summer, a source familiar with the matter told the BBC.
Stays within China made up only 1% of Airbnb’s revenue over the last few years. The company is expected to instead focus on Chinese residents traveling abroad to other destinations. Before the pandemic, Chinese travellers heading abroad had tripled in less than a decade, reaching 155 million journeys in 2019, according to the United Nations World Tourism Organisation.
But since 2020, China has had some of the toughest covid restrictions in the world, making travel into and around the country extremely difficult. Airbnb set up its business in China in 2016. Since then, some 25 million guests have booked stays there through the online home rental company.
Al Pacino abducted by aliens | added May 24
Watch the video on YouTube
Al Pacino and Jimmy discuss alien life forms from another planet and being abducted. It’s pretty wild just how much artificial intelligence can sound like the real thing. Key word: can.
Sign the World Freedom Declaration to oppose IHR’s planned medical tyranny | added May 23
Read more at Off Guardian
The Health Freedom Defense Fund – a US-based non-profit – has published an open declaration opposing the planned amendments to the International Health Regulations.
Kit broke down the proposed changes in detail in yesterday’s article. Suffice to say, they amount to a massive threat to both individual liberty and national sovereignty.
You can read the full text of the HFDF declaration here, or a (slightly) abridged version below. The declaration has already been signed by almost 30,000 people, including Robert Kennedy Jr, Dr Sucharit Bhakdi and Naomi Wolf. To see the full list of signatories, and add your own signature you can click here.
Belgium becomes first country to enforce compulsory 21 day ‘monkeypox’ quarantine | added May 23
Read more at Daily Mail
Belgium has become the first country to introduce a compulsory 21-day monkeypox quarantine – as 14 countries now confirm outbreaks o f the viral disease and doctors warn of a ‘significant rise’ in UK cases.
Those who contract the virus will now have to self-isolate for three weeks, Belgian health authorities have said, after three cases were recorded in the country. The infections, the first of which was recorded on Friday, are all linked to a festival in the port city of Antwerp.
It comes as doctors have warned that the UK faces a ‘significant’ rise in infections and the government’s response is ‘critical’ in containing its spread. Dr Claire Dewsnap, president of the British Association for Sexual Health and HIV, has also said the outbreak could have a ‘massive impact’ on access to sexual health services in Britain. It comes as Dr Susan Hopkins, a chief medical adviser to the UK Health Security Agency, today also warned that monkeypox is spreading through community transmission in the UK with more cases being detected daily.
WHO attempts to explain the benefits of contact tracing and surveillance for ‘monkeypox’ virus | added May 23
Editor’s Note: The claim of “viral spread” of monkeypox is really the spread of the PCR “test,” which generates positives out of thin air. The “virus” will “spread” as fast as the PCR codes can be set up. However, if you look at the scientific literature, you find there is no evidence of human to human transmission. There is no sequence of viral isolate. — efc
Read more at World Health Organization
Since 13 May 2022, cases of monkeypox have been reported to WHO from 12 Member States that are not endemic for monkeypox virus, across three WHO regions. Epidemiological investigations are ongoing, however, reported cases thus far have no established travel links to endemic areas. Based on currently available information, cases have mainly but not exclusively been identified amongst men who have sex with men (MSM) seeking care in primary care and sexual health clinics.
The objective of this Disease Outbreak News is to raise awareness, inform readiness and response efforts, and provide technical guidance for immediate recommended actions.
The situation is evolving and WHO expects there will be more cases of monkeypox identified as surveillance expands in non-endemic countries. Immediate actions focus on informing those who may be most at risk for monkeypox infection with accurate information, in order to stop further spread.
Pharma giants, Pfizer and BioNTech claim three ‘covid’ drug shots produce strong immune response in children ages six months to five years | added May 23
Read more at CNN
Three child-size doses of the Pfizer/BioNTech covid-19 vaccine appeared to be safe and showed a strong immune response in children ages 6 months to 5 years, the companies said Monday. The vaccine makers said they will finish submitting the trial data to the US Food and Drug Administration this week.
The Phase 2/3 trial included 1,678 children who received a third dose during the period when the omicron coronavirus variant dominated. Antibody levels tested one month after the third dose showed the vaccine produced a similar immune response as two doses in 16-to-25 year-olds, the companies said in a news release. The data has not yet been peer-reviewed or published.
Midtrial results found vaccine efficacy of 80.3% against symptomatic covid-19 in this youngest age group. The companies identified 10 symptomatic cases at least seven days after the third dose. However, the efficacy rate won’t be finalized until at least 21 symptomatic cases are found in the vaccine group and then compared with the number of symptomatic cases in the placebo group.
‘Monkeypox’ distraction and what’s to come with 5G activation | added May 23
Editor’s Note: The claim of “viral spread” of monkeypox is really the spread of the PCR “test,” which generates positives out of thin air. The “virus” will “spread” as fast as the PCR codes can be set up. However, if you look at the scientific literature, you find there is no evidence of human to human transmission. There is no sequence of viral isolate. — efc
Read more at Mark Crispin Miller’s Substack
In this video, after an 8-minute trailer for Plandemic 3, Dr. Buttar launches into a harrowing prediction, based on tips from trusted insiders, of what’s to come.
Since he’s been right so far (early on, he took a world of heat for doubting that “the virus” had passed naturally from bats to humans), we should listen carefully to what he’s saying now: that the “vaccines” contain sleeper cells, set to be awakened (sometime this year, he estimates) by three 60-second 5G signals, which will activate the Marburg virus, and other pathogens that will kill “vaccinated” people by the millions, whereupon the WHO and CDC will move to “save” the rest of us by taking over totally and (they intend) forever.
What to do? Having long shouted himself hoarse to warn as many people as might hear him not to get injected, as the toll of “vaccination” keeps on spiking, Dr. Buttar is by now too bitter to waste any further tears on those who got the jab, and is focusing instead on the “unvaccinated,” and the urgent need for them to keep their immune systems strong, since they are at far less risk than those who have rolled up their sleeves as ordered.
“The Great Fascist” reset: A conversation with journalist and philosopher, Paul Cudenec | added May 23
Read more at Tessa Lena Substack
This story is about my conversation with a very talented journalist, writer, and philosopher Paul Cudenec, aka Winter Oak, who currently lives in France. I became familiar with Paul’s work about two years ago when both of us were writing about the Great Reset, and I have felt great camaraderie ever since (with Paul, not with Klaus Schwab … just thought I’d clarify 🙂
Paul has written a great number of superbly extensive articles about the Great Reset, Global Shapers, Prince Charles, and so many other things. If you start anywhere on his website, you can stay there for days! Recently, he published a book called “Fascism Rebranded” and made the PDF available for free. You can also find his work on Nevermore Media.
An interesting fact: Paul is an anarchist. I am not. And yet our conclusions about what’s going on today are very similar, and we agree on a great number of things.
Biden sounds alarm on the proposed ‘monkeypox’ threat as CDC alerts American doctors | added May 23
Editor’s Note: The claim of “viral spread” of monkeypox is really the spread of the PCR “test,” which generates positives out of thin air. The “virus” will “spread” as fast as the PCR codes can be set up. However, if you look at the scientific literature, you find there is no evidence of human to human transmission. There is no sequence of viral isolate. — efc
Read more at The Epoch Times
President Joe Biden claimed Sunday that “everybody” should be concerned about an increase of monkeypox cases in Europe and the United States, although the president admitted that he hasn’t received information from his advisers on the disease yet.
Speaking to reporters before leaving for Japan and South Korea, Biden said that his health advisers “haven’t told me the level of exposure yet, but it is something that everybody should be concerned about,” adding, “We’re working on it hard to figure out what we do and what vaccine, if any, may be available for it.”
“But it is a concern in the sense that if it were to spread, it’s consequential. That’s all they have told me,” Biden continued. As of May 21, more than 80 cases of monkeypox have been reported in Australia, the United States, Canada, and Europe. In a statement the day before, the World Health Organization (WHO) said it is working to investigate another 50 suspected cases, warning that more could be reported in the near future.
FDA officials plan to decide on new ‘covid’ inoculation designs by early July | added May 23
Read more at ABC News
Federal regulators are expected to decide on a new covid-19 vaccine design in early July, which would allow vaccine companies to begin production for rollout this fall and winter, a top official told ABC News.
Food and Drug Administration vaccine chief Dr. Peter Marks said the decision would likely come from the FDA shortly after its advisory committee meets on June 28 to review data from the vaccine companies about the versions of next-generation vaccines they’re testing.
The FDA will then make a decision on which type of vaccine the companies should go ahead with, an estimation they’ll base on what could offer the best protection even in the face of new variants this fall and winter, similar to how the flu vaccine is concocted ahead of flu season.
Autopsy reveals: ‘The covid shot killed my dad’ | added May 23
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Nita Shanon says her dad was hesitant to get the covid shots, but because he wanted to travel, he was advised by his doctor to get vaccinated. Two days after getting the booster, he passed away.
Latest B.S. we are expected to believe | added May 23
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The latest from “We Lie to You News”. Bill Gates invests in Frankenstein breast milk as the country faces shortages. How convenient…
Dozens of Georgians exposed to toxic chemical sodium azide in at home ‘covid’ tests | added May 21
Read more at WSB-TV 2
The covid-19 test kit you may have in your home likely contains a toxic chemical. The Georgia Poison Center tells Channel 2 Action News in recent months, they’ve taken dozens of calls on children and adults accidentally exposed to the substance. The government has sent out hundreds of millions of free covid test kits, which are also widely available in stores. It’s a quick 15-minute nasal swab test to check if you’ve got covid.
But in most tests, the active ingredient that helps determine the result is sodium azide, a toxic chemical. Channel 2′s Tom Regan talked to a mother who said she is careful doing tests, especially with her kids. “They know not to touch me when I’m doing a covid test. That’s serious business,” said Erin Dawson, a mother of two.
“This product can be dangerous. In some cases, if enough is ingested, it can cause your blood pressure to drop… The other thing we know, sodium azide can irritate the gut, irritate the stomach,” said Dr. Gaylord Lopez, executive director of the Georgia Poison Center. He said in recent months, they’ve handled dozens of calls of accidental ingestion of sodium azide.
Latest VAERS data shows new ‘covid’ shot-related deaths and injuries while CDC urges another jab | added May 21
Read more at The Defender
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) today released new data showing a total of 1,268,008 reports of adverse events following covid-19 vaccines were submitted between Dec. 14, 2020, and May 13, 2022, to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS).
VAERS is the primary government-funded system for reporting adverse vaccine reactions in the U.S. The data included a total of 28,141 reports of deaths — an increase of 173 over the previous week — and 230,364 serious injuries, including deaths, during the same time period — up 1,887 compared with the previous week. There were 6,859 additional total adverse events reported to VAERS over the previous week.
Excluding “foreign reports” to VAERS, 817,538 adverse events, including 12,961 deaths and 82,544 serious injuries, were reported in the U.S. between Dec. 14, 2020, and May 13, 2022. Foreign reports are reports foreign subsidiaries send to U.S. vaccine manufacturers. Under U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regulations, if a manufacturer is notified of a foreign case report that describes an event that is both serious and does not appear on the product’s labeling, the manufacturer is required to submit the report to VAERS.
Messenger RNA ‘covid’ shots significantly linked to deadly blood clots, shows major new study | added May 21
Read more at The Daily Skeptic
Blood-clotting condition cerebral venous thrombosis (CVT), which can cause serious neurological damage, is significantly associated with mRNA covid vaccination, a major study in leading medical journal Vaccines has found. The research team analysed 1,154,023 adverse event reports from more than 130 countries logged with VigiBase, the World Health Organisation’s global deduplicated database, and found a “potential safety signal for CVT occurrence after covid-19 mRNA vaccination”.
The authors note many reports were in younger people and the conditions were serious: “CVTs were commonly reported in patients aged 18-44 and 45-64 years, more frequently in women, and mainly in Europe and America… More than 90% of the patients were in serious condition, and 33% did not recover or died.”
The researchers take into account under-reporting to produce estimates of increased risk above a baseline: around 3.5 times greater risk for mRNA vaccines and seven times greater risk for AstraZeneca. This means the CVT risk from mRNA vaccines, while high, is around half that of AstraZeneca.
Woman begins to walk again after severe ‘covid’ shot adverse reaction | added May 21
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It started with numbness in her legs, which ended up in paralysis from the waist, down. After 150 days, and “aggressive [physical] therapy,” she was no longer paralyzed, but still experienced paresthesia (prickling sensation) and pressure on her legs. Eventually, she regained her ability to walk.
A look at how ‘covid’ death numbers are misleading and inaccurate | added May 21
Read more at The New York Times
It’s difficult to comprehend and convey the toll of the coronavirus pandemic, so it may not be surprising that there’s no single way that federal agencies, newsrooms or universities have arrived at such an immense number as one million known U.S. coronavirus deaths.
Even the White House has acknowledged that there was no consensus method for tallying coronavirus data. When Jen Psaki, then Biden’s press secretary, was asked last week how the administration would recognize the milestone, she said in part that “We look at the C.D.C. data and the Johns Hopkins data, and different news organizations evaluate it differently.”
Two days later, President Biden anticipated the moment at his second covid-19 summit. “We mark a tragic milestone here in the United States: one million covid deaths, one million empty chairs around the family dinner table — each irreplaceable,” Mr. Biden told the summit, which was held virtually. That came more than a week after NBC News said the mark had been reached, but before some other tallies had crossed the threshold, including that of The New York Times, which did so on Thursday.
CDC urges another ‘covid’ booster shot for elderly and immune compromised adults | added May 21
Read more at ABC News
Following the nation’s latest covid-19 resurgence, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention announced on Thursday that it is “strengthening” its recommendation for Americans over the age of 12 who are immunocompromised, and those over the age of 50, to receive their second booster shot.
“Over the past month we have seen steady increases in cases, with a steep and substantial increase in hospitalizations for older Americans. While older Americans have the highest coverage of any age group of first booster doses, most older Americans received their last dose (either their primary series or their first booster dose) many months ago, leaving many who are vulnerable without the protection they may need to prevent severe disease, hospitalization, and death,” the CDC wrote.
“Whether it is your first booster, or your second, if you haven’t had a vaccine dose since the beginning of December 2021 and you are eligible, now is the time to get one,” officials said. During the meeting of the CDC’s independent advisory committee for immunization recommendations on Thursday, CDC director Dr. Rochelle Walensky also re-emphasized the importance of older Americans getting boosted, given concerns over waning immunity amid the nation’s latest covid-19 surge.
Mainstream media pushes ‘covid’ drug shot as a political issue | added May 21
Read more at NPR
Even with widely available vaccines and newly effective treatments, residents of counties that went heavily for Donald Trump in the last presidential election are more than twice as likely to die from covid-19 than those that live in areas that went for President Biden. That’s according to a newly-updated analysis from NPR, examining how partisanship and misinformation are shaping the pandemic.
NPR examined covid deaths per 100,000 people in roughly 3,000 counties across the U.S. from May 2021, the point at which most Americans could find a vaccine if they wanted one. Those living in counties that voted 60% or higher for Trump in November 2020 had 2.26 times the death rate of those that went by the same margin for Biden. Counties with a higher share of Trump votes had even higher mortality rates.
The scale of the preventable loss of life is staggering. According to a recent analysis by Brown University, nearly 320,000 lives nationwide could have been saved if more people had chosen to get vaccinated. The Brown analysis also shows a partisan split in how those preventable deaths are distributed. States that went most heavily for Trump – including Wyoming and West Virginia – have among the highest rates of preventable deaths, while states that voted heavily for Biden – such as Massachusetts and Vermont – had among the lowest.
Congress must investigate tax payer funded Ecohealth Alliance’s Wuhan Lab coverups | added May 21
Read more at The New York Post
[May 8, 2022] Dangerous, taxpayer-funded gain-of-function animal experiments are at the center of the debate about covid’s origins. Members of Congress are calling for a new investigation into what they call the “mice death cover-up” by the shady nonprofit EcoHealth Alliance and the Wuhan Institute of Virology.Documents the White Coat Waste Project obtained via the Freedom of Information Act revealed last year that in 2016, staffers at the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases expressed concerns about EcoHealth’s proposed coronavirus engineering experiments on humanized mice at WIV. NIAID, Dr.
Anthony Fauci’s division of the National Institutes of Health, worried that EcoHealth’s animal experiments ran afoul of the government’s moratorium on gain-of-function research — the practice of manipulating viruses to make them more transmissible, more lethal and more dangerous.
Along for the pride? | added May 21
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It’s okay to ask questions about something that’s very new and involves children.
N.Y. records ‘covid’ hospitalizations at a ‘three month high’ as ‘fifth wave’ intensifies | added May 20
Read more at NBC News
New York state covid hospitalizations are now nearing 3,000, more than doubling in the last month as an omicron subvariant believed to be the most transmissible strain yet fuels soaring infection rates across the country, health department data shows.
The statewide admission total stands at 2,705 as of Gov. Kathy Hochul’s latest report, the highest number since Feb. 18, when the total was 2,745. It was just earlier in May that hospitalizations topped the 2,000 mark for the first time since late February. More than half (52.5%) of patients currently hospitalized for covid across the Empire State, though, didn’t have that diagnosis listed as a primary reason for admission, which Hochul’s office says suggests those cases are typically milder.
While the current hospitalization count is less than five times what it was at omicron’s January peak — and a shred of the nearly 19,000 hospitalized with covid across the state at the height of the pandemic in April 2020, public health and elected officials are closely monitoring the data even as they continue to stress there’s no cause for alarm.
California cardiologist reports ‘covid’ vax blood clot issues maybe in the hundreds, heart complications in the thousands | added May 20
Read more at The Epoch Times
Dr. Sanjay Verma, an adult cardiologist practicing in Coachella Valley, California, sees a few hundred patients a month, and since last summer, he has seen “possibly a dozen” patients whose heart conditions might be connected to the covid vaccines.
“I can only say possibly—not definitively—because we do not yet have any diagnostic test that 100 percent says ‘this caused this.’ What we do is what’s called a process of exclusion. We look for common associations like coronavirus, influenza virus, other infections, atherosclerosis or coronary artery disease, alcohol, recreational drugs, and if everything keeps coming back negative or normal, then by default and process of exclusion, vaccine-associated heart injury is a probability.
“Usually we don’t even see that many [heart problems] in a year,” Verma said. Adding that prior to the pandemic it would be “much less than that per year.” Verma is puzzled as to why the media has given more attention to covid vaccine blood clot issues when there have been many more cases of myocarditis, according to his observation.
In memory of all those who “died suddenly” in East Asia and Australia | added May 20
Read more at Mark Crispin Miller Substack
A Chinese bishop, a Thai riding a moped, a 16-year-old Malaysian, a Korean movie/TV star, an actor in the Philippines, the daughter of a top Australian doctor, and all too many more.
Chinese bishop dies from heart attack at 59
May 12, 2022
Catholic Bishop Peter Wu Junwei of Yuncheng in Shanxi of northern China died from a heart attack on May 10 at the age of 59. He was ordained a priest in 1990 and consecrated bishop of Yuncheng (Xinjiang) Diocese on Sept. 10, 2010, with approval from both the Vatican and the Chinese government. Bishop Wu has been hailed for his efforts in evangelization, maintaining church-owned property, construction of places for worship, and catechism training for Catholics during his tenure.
North Korea’s suspected tally of ‘covid’ cases reaches over two million without PCR testing | | added May 20
Read more at ABC News
SEOUL — North Korea reported 2.24 million people “sickened with fever” as of Thursday evening — a big jump from last week when the secretive nation acknowledged its first suspected cases of covid-19.
North Korean’s state-run Korean Central News Agency is still not referring to the outbreak as covid-19, likely because there are no test kits to diagnose patients. South Korea-based analysts who have been closely monitoring the North for the last few decades suggest that the tally revealed by the reclusive regime each day may not be accurate, due to a lack of testing capabilities.
“There is no evidence that North Korea is using PCR test kits to determine covid-19 patients, so no one outside can say for sure if it’s just fever or covid-19 symptoms,” Philo Kim, associate professor at Seoul National University’s Institute for Peace and Unification Studies, told ABC News on Thursday evening.
U.S. records one case of rare and unusual monkeypox virus, prompts concern from health professionals | added May 20
Read more at USA Today
The U.S. has now recorded one case of monkeypox, in Massachusetts on Wednesday, and a suspected case in New York City on Thursday. The rare disease is typically found in central and west Africa. A small number of confirmed or suspected cases have also been reported recently in the United Kingdom, Portugal, Spain, Italy and Sweden.
The sudden surge of cases has prompted concern from public health professionals.“Monkeypox usually does not occur globally,” Dr. Anne W. Rimoin, a professor of epidemiology at the UCLA Fielding School of Public Health, told USA TODAY. Rimoin, who has extensively studied monkeypox and other infectious diseases in Central Africa, said such outbreaks are “rare and unusual occurrence.”
Although most people recover from the virus, it can be dangerous and fatal, though typically far fewer than 1% of cases in areas with high-quality medical care, said Dr. Aaron Glatt, a fellow of the Infectious Diseases Society of America.
U.S. signs $119 million dollar deal for vaccines against the monkeypox virus after one case reported | added May 20
Read more at RT News
The US health authorities have signed a deal for $119 million in vaccine doses against the monkeypox virus, after a Massachusetts man was diagnosed with the rare but potentially serious illness earlier this week. The Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA) – a government agency devoted to combating pandemics and bioterrorism – signed the multi-million-dollar contract with Danish pharma firm Bavarian Nordic on Wednesday, the company announced in a statement.
The $119 million deal is one in a series of contract options which could ultimately reach a total value of $299 million if exercised, in exchange for around 13 million freeze-dried doses of the Jynneos vaccine. It was originally created for smallpox, but was approved for use against monkeypox by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in 2019, just months before the first cases of covid-19 were detected in China.
Initial deliveries for the Jynneos shot won’t come until 2023, the company said, noting that the full 13 million doses are expected to be ready sometime between 2024 and 2025 should BARDA agree to extend the contract. The first monkeypox case in the US was confirmed on Wednesday in a man who had recently traveled to Canada. Federal health officials have since said they are monitoring six others after they came into close proximity to an infected traveler during a flight from Nigeria to the UK earlier this month, while another possible case is being investigated by the New York City Health Department.
World Health Organization is changing their ‘international health regulations’ once again and it’s not good | added May 20
Read more at Off Guardian
May 22nd is the start of the World Health Organisation’s 75th annual World Health Assembly, in Geneva. Funnily enough, that’s the same day the World Economic Forum’s DAVOS summit begins over on the other side of Switzerland.
A coincidence, to be sure. In the run-up to these big days on the globalist calendar, there’s been a lot of discussion of the WHO’s proposed “pandemic treaty”. Everyone from Russell Brand to GBNews has been talking about it, and that’s good. The treaty represents a huge threat to national sovereignty and individual liberty, with proposed clauses including international digital IDs and even incentivizing third-world nations to exaggerate or even create a future “health emergencies”.
So, you can’t have too much awareness…but it also shouldn’t be our exclusive focus. The treaty is only in the very early stages, with even the earliest draft version not expected until August, and likely no vote on it until 2024. But what’s expected to be voted through next week is the US mission’s proposed amendments to the International Health Regulations (IHR). This is what should currently be our major focus.
Indiana attorney general calls out the CDC over ‘covid’ misinformation | added May 20
Read more at The Defender
The U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s (DHS) Disinformation Governance Board is on hold following criticism of the newly formed board and Wednesday’s resignation of its executive director, Nina Jankowicz, The Associated Press reported.
In an interview Wednesday with Chris Hayes on MSNBC’s “All In with Chris Hayes,” Jankowicz said, “Frankly, it’s kind of ironic that the board itself was taken over by disinformation when it was meant to fight it.” MSNBC reported: “Nina Jankowicz found herself on the receiving end of a concerted campaign by the very same forces [of] disinformation her office would face.”
Since the Biden administration on April 27 announced the creation of the board — likened by some to the “Ministry of Truth” depicted in George Orwell’s novel “1984” — the board has come under fire for its “somewhat ominous name and scant details of specific mission,” The Washington Post reported.
Healthy young woman after ‘covid shot, “my body told a different story” | added May 20
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Chelsea is a 33-year-old, physically active woman who loves life, but everything changed when she got the covid vax in March 2021. Because of involuntary muscle contractions, weakness and shaking, she could barely walk down the stairs. After countless tests and doctor visits, there’s still no clear diagnosis on her condition.
Baby yoda’s alter ego on being “spiritual” | added May 20
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Getting into spicy guacamole, ayahuasca, crystals, and weed may not necessarily mean you are “spiritual”. Let’s try to be compassionate and loving in the face of adversity. Although it can be challenging, perhaps that’s where the real work lies…
Retired neurosurgeon, Russell L. Blaylock on the ‘covid’ deception and what is truth? | added May 19
Editor’s Note: Bravo Blaylock for recapping in a nutshell the mass manipulation of ‘covid’ that is still happening. It is important we put into context just how a medical bureaucracy was able to get away with mandating experimental treatment measures so that we can stop it and find justice.— mmd
Read more in the National Library of Medicine
The covid-19 pandemic is one of the most manipulated infectious disease events in history, characterized by official lies in an unending stream lead by government bureaucracies, medical associations, medical boards, the media, and international agencies.[3,6,57] We have witnessed a long list of unprecedented intrusions into medical practice, including attacks on medical experts, destruction of medical careers among doctors refusing to participate in killing their patients and a massive regimentation of health care, led by non-qualified individuals with enormous wealth, power and influence.
For the first time in American history a president, governors, mayors, hospital administrators and federal bureaucrats are determining medical treatments based not on accurate scientifically based or even experience based information, but rather to force the acceptance of special forms of care and “prevention”—including remdesivir, use of respirators and ultimately a series of essentially untested messenger RNA vaccines.
For the first time in history medical treatment, protocols are not being formulated based on the experience of the physicians treating the largest number of patients successfully, but rather individuals and bureaucracies that have never treated a single patient—including Anthony Fauci, Bill Gates, EcoHealth Alliance, the CDC, WHO, state public health officers and hospital administrators.
Depression, loneliness tied to higher ‘covid’ hospitalizations, according to new survey | added May 19
Read more at the National Institute of Health
People who reported in a survey that they felt worried, depressed or lonely had a greater chance of being hospitalized after a covid-19 diagnosis, suggests a study funded by the National Institutes of Health. The study, which analyzed survey data from more than 54,000 female nurses and their offspring, was conducted by Andrea L. Roberts, Ph.D., of the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, Boston, and colleagues. It appears in Psychological Medicine.
Between April 2020 and April 2021, slightly more than 3,600 study participants tested positive for SAR-CoV-2 infection. Those who reported chronic (long-term) depression before the pandemic were 72% more likely to be hospitalized after their diagnosis for covid-19.
Those who scored high on likely indicators of depression (probable depression) when they began the study were 81% more likely to be hospitalized than those who did not. Being very worried about covid-19 was associated with a 79% increase in risk for hospitalization. Moreover, those who reported persistent feelings of loneliness were 81% more likely to be hospitalized than those who did not. Feelings of anxiety and stress were not associated with a higher risk for hospitalization.
North Korea sends three cargo planes to China during ‘covid’ outbreak, unknown what was on board | added May 19
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Seoul, South Korea (CNN) Three North Korean cargo planes flew to China and back on Monday, as the country battles a fast-spreading outbreak of covid-19, according to a South Korean government official with knowledge of the matter.
The planes traveled to Taoxian International Airport in Shenyang, in China’s northeast Liaoning province, the official said. It’s unknown what the planes were carrying, but the rare trip came after China pledged to help North Korea with its covid outbreak, which experts have warned could cause a major humanitarian crisis in the isolated and impoverished nation.
North Korea officially confirmed its first ever covid cases last week. It had not previously acknowledged any cases, and has kept its borders tightly shut since January 2020. Since May 12, North Korea has reported nearly two million “fever” cases, with state media calling it a “major national emergency” and authorities scrambling to respond. All cities have been placed under lockdown, and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un has mobilized the military to help secure the supply of medicine in the capital Pyongyang.
Biden’s health officials warn of an upcoming surge of ‘covid’ cases | added May 19
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WASHINGTON — Federal health officials warned on Wednesday that a third of Americans live in areas where the threat of covid-19 is now so high that they should consider wearing a mask in indoor public settings. They cited new data showing a substantial jump in both the spread of the coronavirus and hospitalizations over the past week.
Dr. Rochelle P. Walensky, the director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, said that the seven-day average of hospital admissions from covid rose 19 percent over the previous week. About 3,000 people a day were being admitted with covid, she said, although death rates, a lagging indicator, remained low.
More than 32 percent of Americans now live in counties with medium to high levels of virus transmission, compared with about 24 percent the previous week. Dr. Walensky said that local leaders and individuals in those regions should adopt — or at least consider — prevention strategies, such as masking in indoor public settings and more frequent testing.
Lawmaker blames baby formula crisis on corporate greed, seeks 28 million dollars to ease shortage | added May 19
Read more The Defender
Rep. Rosa DeLauro (D-Conn.) on Tuesday introduced legislation calling for $28 million in emergency funds to help the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) address the nation’s infant formula shortage.
In a House briefing, DeLauro said there are two parts to the nationwide shortage: safety and supply, and “parents should not have to choose between these two things.” DeLauro, Democratic chair of the House Appropriations Committee, said her legislation addresses the “here and now” issue of the shortage, a crisis she blamed on industry monopolies.
“The shortage was caused in large part by corporate greed and consolidation,” DeLauro said. “There are only four manufacturers of infant formula in the United States.” In this case, DeLauro said, it was Abbott Nutrition that “put profits and production over people, and due to what is a disgraceful lack of oversight is now causing parents and caregivers to struggle to feed their kids.”
CDC investigates 180 cases of sudden severe hepatitis in children | added May 19
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The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is now investigating 180 cases of children who suddenly developed severe hepatitis across 36 states and territories, an increase of 71 cases since the public health agency’s last update earlier this month.
The CDC, in a statement Wednesday, said the vast majority are not new cases of hepatitis. Rather, the number of patients under investigation have increased as the agency looks more closely at data that goes back to October of last year.
Hepatitis is an inflammation of the liver that is commonly caused by hepatitis viruses A, B, C, D and E. The cases the CDC is investigating are unusual because the children have not tested positive for those viruses and they have suffered severe symptoms, with 9% requiring liver transplants, which is rare.
Biden and Department of Homeland Security suspend plans for a federal “disinformation” governance board after major push back | added May 19
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After a flood of protests likening his plans for a federal “disinformation” governance board to the “Ministry of Truth” and “thought” police of the dystopian novel, “1984,” President Biden and the Department of Homeland Security have put the idea on hold.
According to reports published Wednesday, May 18, 2022, by The Washington Post, the decision came in the wake of what the administration said were “coordinated online attacks” against the board’s proposed director, Nina Jankowicz.
While the Biden administration has steadfastly claimed Jankowicz is highly qualified for the position, critics — including state and federal lawmakers — pointed to her dismissal of parents’ concerns about critical race theory being taught in schools as “disinformation for profit.” They also pointed out that she’d called the now-confirmed as true Hunter Biden laptop stories as a conspiracy theory.
Biden proposes dictatorial “amendments” to WHO Pandemic Treaty | added May 19
Read more at Mark Crispin Miller Substack
The Biden regime has proposed “amendments” to the so-called WHO Pandemic Treaty—changes granting that supremely dirty global body dictatorial control over health policy in 194 countries.
Should those “amendments” be approved at the WHO’s upcoming conclave next week (May 22-28), the WHO will have the quasi-legal power to declare pandemics, and then impose on all the world whatever “measures” they deem necessary to “keep us safe,” whether you like it or not, and, if you don’t (as you definitely won’t), there will be no way for you to vote them out.
As “our free press” has whited out this urgent story, we need to spread the word about it far and wide, and, in so doing, remember that the WHO hailed the CCP’s draconian lockdowns back in early 2020; shifted, for no scientific reason, to the CCP’s mask policy a few months later (after having rightly urged that healthy people not wear masks); hailed New Zealand’s emulation of the CCP’s crackdown approach to covid; recommended China’s lethal ventilator protocol to all the world; and, throughout these last two months of living hell for millions of the Chinese people, uttered not a peep of protest over Xi Jinping’s atrocious lockdowns of Shanghai and other areas, notwithstanding their extreme brutality, and scientific groundlessness.
Pentagon officials show unclassified videos of Unidentified Aerial Phenomena, “do not have explanation for spherical object” | added May 19
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Pentagon officials on May 17 showed lawmakers two videos of Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP), more colloquially known as UFOs, in the first open congressional hearing on the subject since 1966.
The testimonies before the House Counterterrorism, Counterintelligence, and Counterproliferation Subcommittee showed two videos recorded by U.S. military personnel. The first video, shot in 2021 by military personnel through the window of a U.S. Navy aircraft, showed a white-ish reflective spherical object flying past the aircraft.
“I do not have explanations for what this specific object is,” said Scott W. Bray, deputy director of naval intelligence involved in the UAP Task Force (UAPTF), the Pentagon body responsible for UAP investigations, at the hearing. The second video, shot by an SLR camera via a night vision google, showed a triangular-shaped object moving in the sky while emitting light. This time, Bray is “reasonably confident” that these triangles were drones flying in the area. “The triangular appearance is a result of light passing through the night vision goggles and then being recorded by an SLR camera,” Bray explained.
Pronunciations with Papa Rodio | added May 19
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Calvin Klein, or Cows can climb? Amber Heard or Hamburger? The two just don’t add up, kinda like the “pandemic”. How many times we gotta repeat it?
FDA approves ‘covid’ booster drug shot for children 5-11 years-old | added May 18
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The Food and Drug Administration on Tuesday authorized a booster dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech covid-19 vaccine for children ages 5 to 11. Children in the age group can get a booster shot at least five months after they’ve received the primary two-dose series, the FDA said in a statement.
The booster shot is 10 micrograms, the same dosage as the primary series for the age group and a third of the dosage given to people ages 12 and up.
The FDA’s decision will now go to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, which will make a recommendation about how the boosters should be used for the age group.
Biden administration makes eight additional free at-home tests available | added May 18
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The Biden administration is opening CovidTests.gov for a third round of orders while reiterating its calls on Congress to act on additional covid response funding.
US households are now able to order “an additional eight free at-home tests at covidtests.gov—bringing the total number of free tests available to each household since the start of the program to 16,” the White House said in a fact sheet on Tuesday. The tests were first made available on Monday.
The government first launched the website to allow for the order of free tests in January, and Americans were able to order their second round of tests in March. During both rounds, people could order a maximum of four tests per household. This third round doubles that.
Current inefficient ‘covid’ shots against variants call for future investments of new vax, say experts | added May 18
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For more than a year now, the original covid-19 vaccines have held up remarkably well — even miraculously so — against a Greek alphabet of new variants: alpha, beta, gamma, delta.
But now experts say something is changing. Since the start of 2022, the initial version of omicron, known as BA.1, has been spinning off new sublineages — BA.2, BA.2.12.1, BA.4, BA.5 — at an alarming pace.
Earlier variants did this too. But it never really mattered, because their offshoots “had no functional consequence,” according to Eric Topol, founder of Scripps Research Translational Institute. “They did not increase transmissibility or pathogenicity.”
Mom swallows ‘covid’ test and undergoes emergency surgery | added May 18
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A UK mother feared for her life after accidentally swallowing a covid-19 test throat swab — which ended up traveling all the way down toward her intestines.
“It was really scary . . . It could have ended up fatal,” Bobby Lee, 31, told South West News Service of the stomach-churning case. The mother of one had opted to take an at-home covid-19 rapid test after feeling sick following a night shift, but when she tried to swab her throat, the implement wouldn’t come out.
“When I swabbed the back of my throat, I sort of gagged,” the petrified parent described. “The stick twanged in my mouth and got stuck at the back of my throat, with the swab down my throat and the end stuck in the roof of my mouth at the back.
NYC raises ‘covid’ alert to “high”, strongly recommends masks in public indoor settings | added May 18
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New York City entered the “high” covid-19 alert level Tuesday, and health officials are strongly recommending wearing masks in public indoor settings.
Health officials say there is high community spread, and pressure on the health care system is increasing. “New York City has transitioned to a high covid alert level, meaning now is the time to double down on protecting ourselves and each other by making choices that can keep our friends, neighbors, relatives and coworkers from getting sick,” Health Commissioner Dr. Ashwin Vasan said.
“As a city, we have the tools to blunt the impact of this wave, including distributing tests, masks and promoting treatments. Getting back to Low Risk depends on everyone doing their part and if we follow guidance, our forecasts anticipate this wave’s peak will not last long. What we do now can make all the difference.”
FDA reveals more Pfizer documents that show reports of adverse vax reactions “unrelated” to shot | added May 18
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The latest release of Pfizer-BioNTech covid-19 vaccine documents raises questions about how frequently adverse events experienced by clinical trial participants were reported as “unrelated” to the vaccine.
The 80,000-page document cache released May 2 by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) includes an extensive set of Case Report Forms (CRFs) from Pfizer trials conducted at various locations in the U.S. The documents also include the “third interim report” from BioNTech’s trials conducted in Germany (accompanied by a synopsis of this report and a database of adverse events from this particular set of trials).
The FDA released the documents, which pertain to the Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) of the vaccine, as part of a court-ordered disclosure schedule stemming from an expedited Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request filed in August 2021.
Dogs accurately sniff out ‘covid’ comparable to PCR nose and throat swab tests | added May 18
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TUESDAY, May 17, 2022 (HealthDay News) — Dogs’ ultra-sensitive noses can detect illegal drugs and even cancer, and a new study suggests they may also be able to sniff out covid-19 in airline passengers.
Not only that, these trained canines can do so with an accuracy comparable to a PCR nose and throat swab test, the researchers noted. “Our preliminary observations suggest that dogs primed with one virus type can in a few hours be retrained to detect its variants,” Anu Kantele and colleagues reported in the May 16 issue of the journal BMJ Global Health. Kantele is a professor of infectious diseases at Helsinki University Hospital and Faculty of Medicine, Finland.
Dogs have a superb sense of smell. They can detect a scent at levels as low as one part per trillion, far surpassing any available mechanical methods, the authors said in background notes.
Kim Jong-un acknowledges China’s “success” in fighting ‘covid’, urges government to follow lead | added May 18
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SEOUL — When North Korea’s leader, Kim Jong-un, acknowledged an outbreak of covid-19 last week, he ordered his government to learn from China’s “success” fighting the virus. What he did not say is that an attempt to follow China’s pandemic response could send his impoverished country toward catastrophe.
China has used strict lockdowns, mass testing and vaccinations to keep cases low throughout the pandemic. North Korea — which by its own admission is experiencing an explosive outbreak of the virus — lacks the basic therapeutics and food supplies that China has mobilized to enforce the extreme restrictions seen in cities like Wuhan, Xi’an and Shanghai.
Now, public health experts are warning that Mr. Kim’s desire to follow the Chinese model will only worsen the impact of a fast spreading disaster. Already the number of new suspected patients in North Korea has soared from 18,000 last Thursday to hundreds of thousands a day this week, though it is impossible to know the true scale of the outbreak.
Big pharma funds paper that would tax people unvaxed against ‘covid’ | added May 18
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A new paper published by Oxford University’s Center for Business Taxation discusses – and in the end supports – the idea of a special tax levied on those who decline to be “vaccinated” against “covid19”.
The paper’s authors argue that a vaccine-related tax would be “justified” because “Taxes on behaviour that is considered undesirable are nothing new“. And that even if the “vaccines” do cause serious harm to some people…
“some states do adopt policies that can lead to serious harm in exceptional cases when they consider that the benefits outweigh the costs“ Yes, you did read that right. They go on to suggest all sorts of ways of correcting this “undesirable behaviour”, from straight taxation to tax credits for those who have been vaccinated, to vaccine mandates and compulsory covid insurance for the unvaccinated (which is just another way of saying “taxation”).
NYC urges indoor masking as ‘covid’ cases rise but will not push unlawful mandates | added May 17
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Citing high community transmission and rising hospitalizations from a fifth wave of coronavirus cases, New York City health officials on Monday strongly recommended that all individuals wear medical-grade masks in offices, grocery stores and other public indoor settings citywide.
The new recommendations, issued in a health advisory by the city health commissioner, came as the city approached the orange, or “high” alert level for covid-19, a benchmark it expects to hit in the coming days. The new advisory also called on those who are at increased risk for severe illness, including unvaccinated children under 5 and people over 65, to avoid nonessential indoor gatherings and crowded settings.
The recommendations are not mandates, however. Mayor Eric Adams, who rolled back school masking regulations and vaccination checks at restaurants and theaters months ago, has not signaled a willingness to return to mandates, though he has said he is watching the situation closely.
Federal government orders third round of free at home ‘covid’ tests for American households | added May 17
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The federal government started taking orders Monday for a third round of covid-19 test kits to be mailed to any U.S. household. A Department of Health and Human Services website said Monday that all U.S. households were eligible to order a third round of tests. Each order now contains eight rapid antigen tests, the U.S. Postal Service website says. Previously, four tests were sent out at a time.
A spokesperson for the White House said Monday night that more details were expected to be released Tuesday. President Joe Biden in December announced a plan to ship free at-home tests to people across the country, and the website with the first tests went live in January.
A second round was announced in March. The number of new covid cases has been increasing in recent weeks, although whether that factored into the latest round of tests was not immediately clear.
Investigation is launched on the unprecedented spike of newborn deaths in Scotland | added May 17
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An investigation is under way after a spike in the number of newborn baby deaths in Scotland was recorded for the second time in six months. At least 18 babies under four weeks old died in March, a rate of 4.6 per 1,000 births.
Infant death rates vary widely from month to month, but the increase is larger than expected from chance alone. It comes after at least 21 babies under four weeks old died in September, a rate of 4.9 per 1,000 births. A preliminary investigation later found the spike was not linked to covid.
The spikes in September and March are the first to be detected since monitoring of this nature began in July 2017. The average mortality rate among newborns is just over two per 1,000 births. While all child deaths are investigated, The Herald newspaper reported that this wider inquiry was triggered when the mortality rate passed an “upper control” threshold of 4.4 per 1,000 births.
Bayer pressured researchers to omit defective insecticide-treated seed, according to U.S. Right to Know | added May 17
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Agrichemical giant Bayer helped fund a study by university academics, then pressured them to omit photos that implicated a defective insecticide-treated seed product as a threat to bees, according to communications obtained by U.S. Right to Know.
Several seed and insecticide companies, including Bayer, paid Ohio State University researchers to determine how much their insecticide-coated seed products affected bees during corn planting season in 2014 and 2015. After the researchers presented their preliminary results to “stakeholders,” which included funders, a Bayer official asked that their final report exclude photos of insecticide-coated corn seeds in which the product appeared defective.
He also urged the researchers to qualify statements in the final report that discussed threats to bee health in ways that benefited Bayer’s corporate interests. Although the photos and all the researchers’ conclusions ultimately made it to the final publication, internal emails show the seed and chemical industry funders intensely scrutinizing the researchers’ findings during pre-publication presentations.
Anthony Fauci reveals what he would do if Trump was elected in 2024 | added May 17
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White House covid-19 adviser Anthony Fauci revealed what he would do if former President Donald Trump wins the presidency in 2024. Speaking to CNN on Sunday, when asked if he would stay around under a new Trump administration, Fauci said he would not.
“Uh, well, no,” Fauci replied, laughing. When asked by CNN if Fauci would “not serve with Trump again,” Fauci replied: “Right, for sure. Yeah.” Fauci was also asked about the Trump administration’s response to the pandemic.
“I think just history will speak for itself about that. I don’t need to make any further comments on that … It’s not productive,” he said. There have been more covid-19-related deaths under the Biden administration than under the Trump administration. In about 10 months under the final period of the Trump administration, data suggests there were about 425,000 deaths in the United States. Under President Joe Biden’s first year, there were about 455,000 covid-19 deaths, according to federal data.
An exit from the ‘covid’ pandemic could include more drugs, nasal and oral vaccines that are variant proof | added May 17
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As the virus accelerates its evolution, the humans capitulate. For two and a half years, covid-19 has been outrunning our response, getting more and more transmissible, reaching a level of infectiousness that few pathogens have ever attained. Instead of taking a stance of getting ahead of the virus, and outsmarting it, people have succumbed.
In recent months, we experienced a striking jump in transmissibility when the omicron (BA.1) variant became dominant, with at least a threefold increase in reproductive number beyond delta. Despite the hope that this might be reaching the upper limit of the virus’s spreadability, we quickly transitioned to a BA.2 wave, with at least another jump of about 30% transmissibility, and now we are heading, in the United States, to a dominant subvariant known as BA.2.12.1, which is another 25% more transmissible than BA.2 and already accounting for close to 50% of new cases.
This surely constitutes a meaningful acceleration of the virus’s evolution. There have been thousands of variants over the course of the pandemic, but only five major variants, affecting large populations of people, received Greek letter designations (alpha, beta, gamma, delta and omicron).
CDC places popular African destination on ‘high risk’ for ‘covid’ | added May 17
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The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has placed a popular African destination in its “high” covid-19 risk category for travelers. South Africa — renowned for its stunning vistas, wildlife, wineries and culture — is now at Level 3. In total, the CDC moved up four destinations to the “high” risk column on Monday:
• Antigua and Barbuda
• Lesotho
• South Africa
• Taiwan
The CDC recently overhauled its ratings system for assessing covid-19 risk for travelers. The Level 3 “high” risk category is now the top rung in terms of risk level. Level 2 is considered “moderate” risk, and Level 1 is “low” risk.
Athlete collapses due to cardiovascular complications after Pfizer shot | added May 17
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Richard Harward, the senior center of BYU’s basketball team, collapsed during an exhibition game due to cardiovascular complications, and had to be carried out of the court. Reports say he got the Pfizer shot less than two weeks before this incident.
Alert: The WHO ‘pandemic treaty’ and why we the people must refuse it | added May 17
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The following recommendation is from the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE)—an organization allegedly empowered to protect human rights. (The judges for the European Court of Human Rights are selected by this body.)
Scroll down for Dr. Mercola’s analysis of this dystopian proposal. Beating covid-19 with public health measures. Recommendation 2222 (2022) | Provisional version.
Author(s): Parliamentary AssemblyOriginAssembly debate on 27 January 2022 (7th sitting) (see Doc. 15444, report of the Committee on Social Affairs, Health and Sustainable Development, rapporteur: Mr Stefan Schennach). Text adopted by the Assembly on 27 January 2022 (7th sitting).2.2 support reform of the World Health Organization (WHO) and the proposal to draft and negotiate a convention, agreement or other international instrument under its Constitution to strengthen pandemic prevention, preparedness and response.
Is this a joke? | added May 17
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Last week’s White House Correspondents’ Dinner is now being labelled a “superspreader event” after a growing number of attendees tested positive for covid. As usual, it’s OK when they do it.
WHO global pandemic treaty proposal that violates human rights and how to stop it | added May 16
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The globalists that brought us the wildly exaggerated covid pandemic in an effort to cement a biosecurity grid into place are now hard at work on the next phase of this New World Order.
The World Health Organization has started drafting a global pandemic treaty on pandemic preparedness that would grant it absolute power over global biosecurity, such as the power to implement digital identities/vaccine passports, mandatory vaccinations, travel restrictions, standardized medical care and more.
In “The Corbett Report”, above, independent journalist James Corbett reviews what this treaty is, how it will change the global landscape and strip you of some of your most basic rights and freedoms. Make no mistake, the WHO pandemic treaty is a direct attack on the sovereignty of its member states, as well as a direct attack on your bodily autonomy.
Former Pfizer vice president admits mandatory universal vaccines are a crime against humanity | added May 16
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Former Pfizer VP Michael Yeadon maintains that since the infection fatality ratio of covid-19 has not been high, the vaccines should not have been mandated. Moreover, he heavily blasted the corporate media mantras that designate these as safe, effective, and necessary to end the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) virus pandemic.
Yeadon is a big pharma veteran with 32 years in the industry. He worked as the head of allergy and respiratory research at Pfizer from 1995 to 2011 and is the former founder and CEO of Ziarco, a biotech company acquired by Novartis. Furthermore, he has a doctorate in respiratory pharmacology and holds a Double First Class Honors degree in biochemistry and toxicology.
A shocking 1,223 deaths and 42,086 adverse events were reported to Pfizer from the first day of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine rollout on Dec. 1, 2020, to Feb. 28, 2021.
Kim Jong Un orders North Korea’s military to stabilize ‘covid’ drug distribution for outbreak | added May 16
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SEOUL (Reuters) -Leader Kim Jong Un has ordered North Korea’s military to stabilise distribution of covid-19 medicine in the capital, Pyongyang, in the battle against the country’s first confirmed outbreak of the disease, state media said.
Last week brought the North’s first acknowledgment of an “explosive” outbreak, with experts warning it could devastate a country with limited medical supplies and no vaccine programme. Drugs procured by the state were not reaching people quickly or accurately, Kim told an emergency politburo meeting on Sunday, before visiting pharmacies near the capital’s Taedong River, state news agency KCNA said.
Kim ordered immediate deployment of the “powerful forces” of the army’s medical corps to “stabilise the supply of medicines in Pyongyang City”, it added. Although authorities had ordered distribution of national reserves of medicine, pharmacies were not well-equipped to perform their functions smoothly, Kim added, the agency said.
Young woman dies from brain aneurysm after AstraZeneca booster shot | added May 16
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In this video, Joyce Culla shared her initial side effects after getting the AstraZeneca booster shot, such as pain at the injection site, muscle pain and back pain. Weeks later, she suddenly died from a ruptured brain aneurysm. Why did this happen?
Pharma giant Pfizer’s analysis finds without its ‘covid’ shot there would be more deaths | added May 16
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In the wake of the tragic milestone of 1 million official covid-19 deaths in the United States, a new analysis found that without vaccines, the virus would have likely claimed more than 100,000 additional lives in 2021.
The analysis, sponsored by Pfizer, estimated that the Pfizer vaccine alone likely saved more than 110,000 lives in 2021, the first year of the vaccination campaign. Though Pfizer sponsored the analysis, experts interviewed by ABC agreed it was reasonable, echoing prior estimates that the death toll would have been more than three times in 2021 in the absence of effective vaccines.
“With this model, I don’t see the numbers falling out of range and I do suspect that they are a reasonable representation of what could’ve happened in the absence of covid-19 vaccines,” Dr. Amesh Adalja, FIDSA, infectious disease specialist at the Johns Hopkins University Center for Health Security, told ABC News.
White House admits it lied about ‘covid’ vaccine distribution | added May 16
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As rampant inflation continues to kick Americans in the teeth, the Biden administration can’t stop doing victory laps over how much they’ve ‘accomplished’ – by taking credit for things that were already in motion.
On Thursday, the White House patted itself on the back once again – bragging about ‘8.3 million jobs’ and ‘the fastest decline in unemployment to start a President’s term’ in history — the natural reaction to the government’s job-killing pandemic restrictions being lifted.
For starters, Biden himself was vaccinated before taking office. In fact, more than one million doses per day were being administered when Biden took office under the Trump administration’s ‘Operation Warp Speed.’ And while the admin can count on Twitter not to label their tweet ‘false or misleading’ – as they so frequently did during the last administration, the lie was so blatant that CNN even called them out on it – and they issued a correction the next day (it wasn’t a lie, they simply ‘misstated’ a fact).
This week in the “new normal” — inoculating teenagers without parental consent | added May 16
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1. California law allows 12 year olds to be vaccinated…without parental consent
All the information you really need is right there in the title. On Thursday California lawmakers voted in favour of bill SB886, which lowers the age of consent for all vaccinations to 12. Clearly, this includes covid “vaccines”.
In fact the whole point of the bill – proposed by Democrat State Senator Scott Weiner – was to “circumvent” parents who were denying their children access to covid “vaccines”. Now, instead of having to convince parents to give their children experimental mRNA shots, they simply have to flood the schoolrooms of impressionable kids with propaganda, and then herd them all off to the gym to get their shots.
FDA will allow controversial Abbott facility to reopen amid baby formula supply shortage | added May 16
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As parents across the U.S. are scrambling to find baby formula because of supply disruptions, the Food and Drug Administration announced Tuesday it would allow some formula products from the shuttered Abbott facility in Michigan to be released on a “case-by-case” basis.
In February, the FDA warned parents not to use certain popular powdered infant formulas manufactured at Abbott’s Sturgis plant after receiving four reports of infants who were hospitalized with bacterial infections after consuming formula from the facility. Two of the infants died.
Abbott subsequently issued a recall of all potentially affected products manufactured at the facility and the FDA later shut down the plant after federal safety inspectors found Abbott failed to maintain sanitary conditions and procedures at the facility.
Saudi Aramco and big oil companies report record breaking profits as gas prices surge around the world | added May 16
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Saudi Aramco has posted its highest profits since its 2019 listing as oil and gas prices surge around the world. The state-owned energy giant saw an 82% jump in profits, with net income topping $39.5bn (£32.2bn) in the first quarter.
In a press release, the firm said it had been boosted by higher prices, as well as an increase in production. The invasion of Ukraine has seen oil and gas prices skyrocket. Russia is one of the world’s biggest exporters but Western nations have pledged to cut their dependence on the country for energy.
Oil prices were already rising before the Ukraine war as economies started to recover from the covid pandemic and demand outstripped supply. Other energy firms including Shell, BP and TotalEnergies have also reported soaring profits as a result, although many are incurring costs exiting operations in Russia.
Alex Stein speaks to city council as a transgender swimmer | added May 16
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Sometimes you just have to laugh at the absurdity of life on planet Earth 2022…
Now on Planet Waves FM:: Carol van Strum on the secret history of chemicals and how the ‘covid’ “truth” movement deceives us | added May 14
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I have a long-anticipated interview: with Carol van Strum of Tidewater, Oregon. I was a pretty good reporter before I met Carol in 1992.
Then she taught me the art of document collecting. I know it looks like she collects donkeys who are friends with a horse, which is true — though she is in truth an American heroine, having spent 45 years taking on some of the most horrid polluters in the world. Read a bit about her in The Intercept.
In our conversation, she tells the story of how she went “back to the land” and bought a farm in Oregon, then three months later, her children and dog were sprayed by a roadside truck dumping Agent Orange into the land and local river. That day her life changed forever. We discuss her journalistic standard of preparing every article for the judge and jury.
Nearly 30,000 deaths reported to VAERS after ‘covid’ shots, according to CDC data | added May 14
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The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) today released new data showing a total of 1,261,149 reports of adverse events following covid-19 vaccines were submitted between Dec. 14, 2020, and May 6, 2022, to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS). VAERS is the primary government-funded system for reporting adverse vaccine reactions in the U.S.
The data included a total of 27,968 reports of deaths — an increase of 210 over the previous week — and 228,477 serious injuries, including deaths, during the same time period — up 1,774 compared with the previous week. There were 5,794 additional total adverse events reported to VAERS over the previous week.
Excluding “foreign reports” to VAERS, 815,384 adverse events, including 12,899 deaths and 81,830 serious injuries, were reported in the U.S. between Dec. 14, 2020, and May 6, 2022.
Woman shares Pfizer shot side effects from hives to palpitations | added May 14
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“My whole body was itchy,” in this video call, a young woman shares how she developed hives and intense itching all over her body after getting her second Pfizer dose. From living her best life, she now suffers from constant fatigue and other adverse effects.
South Africa ‘covid’ surge due to ‘omicron’ strains, claims health experts | added May 14
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The BA.4 and BA.5 strains of omicron – which appear to be very much like the original strain of omicron – make up the majority of the new cases, according to Professor Marta Nunes, a researcher at Vaccine and Infectious Diseases Analytics at Chris Hani Baragwanath Hospital.
“The majority of new cases are from these two strains. They are still omicron … but just genomically somewhat different,” she told The Associated Press, noting that there is a small increase in hospitalizations and “really very few deaths.”
The average of new cases have risen from around 300 per day in April to about 8,000 per day last week – though experts posit that the actual number of cases is much higher. The sub-variants appear to infect people who have immunity from earlier covid-19 infections and vaccinations, and Nunes said they cause generally mild disease.
New JAMA study shows Pfizer’s booster jab efficacy against ‘covid’ wanes in just weeks | added May 14
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The SARS-CoV-2 omicron variant of concern1 (VOC) is highly resistant to vaccine-induced antibody neutralization2 and associated with a decline in vaccine efficacy within the first 3 months following the primary 2-dose regimen of the SARS-CoV-2 BNT162b2 (Pfizer/BioNTech) mRNA vaccine3,4 and from 10 weeks after a third BNT162b2 dose.4
To associate omicron-specific neutralizing antibody levels with reported vaccine efficacies, we performed a temporal analysis of virus neutralization responses against an ancestral strain (D614G), the Delta VOC, and the Omicron VOC (BA.1) following 2 or 3 doses of the BNT162b2 vaccine.
This cohort study includes Danish adults who received 2 or 3 doses of BNT162b2 between January 2021 and October 2021 or were previously infected prior to February 2021 and then vaccinated. In the latter group, given the timeframe, individuals became infected with ancestral SARS-CoV-2 strains before VOCs became dominant in Denmark. We determined 50% serum neutralization titers using a live virus microneutralization assay5 (eAppendix in the Supplement).
Teacher recommends sending in child services after parents resist secretive transgender push by school | added May 14
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If Erin Lee had known what her 12-year-old daughter would be exposed to during an afterschool “art club” last May, she would have never allowed her to go. It began innocently enough. Lee received a text from her daughter asking if she could stay late for an “art club” at Wellington Middle School near Fort Collins, Colorado. What happened next, though, would change their lives forever.
The “art club” was actually a meeting of the school’s Genders & Sexualities Alliance (GSA) club, a group dedicated to supporting homosexuality, transgenderism, and other nontraditional ideas about gender and sexuality.
When the leader told Amanda (name changed to protect the minor) she must be “queer” if she didn’t feel sexually attracted to anybody, and that she must be “transgender” if she didn’t feel fully comfortable in her own body, the shy little girl suspected something wasn’t right.
New York urged to mask up again regardless of vax status amid rising ‘covid’ cases | added May 14
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Almost three-quarters of New York state under the CDC’s high-risk designation for covid is being urged to wear face masks in indoor settings, regardless of vaccination status. The new recommendation came from the State Department of Health Friday afternoon and falls in line with CDC guidance.
The health commissioner is urging everyone in the state’s 45 counties considered high-risk to don a face mask again. New York City remains at a medium or low-risk level. Almost 150 U.S. counties now meet the CDC’s threshold for a high-risk community level covid alert, marking a nearly three-fold increase in less than two weeks and a 79% increase since Monday, according to Friday’s federal data — and just one county of New York’s 62 fit the health agency’s low-risk standard at this point.
That county, some may be surprised to learn, is the Bronx, the New York City borough with the second-lowest full vaccination rate of the five, behind only Brooklyn (74% vs. 72%), according to city health department data.
Air pollution linked to ‘covid’ risk among young adults, according to one Swedish study | added May 14
Read more at Science Daily
[April 20, 2022] Residential exposure to ambient air pollutants is linked to an elevated risk of SARS-CoV-2 infection, an observational study of young adults in Stockholm, Sweden shows. The study was conducted by researchers from Karolinska Institutet and is published in JAMA Network Open.Since pollutants in outdoor air can increase the risk of respiratory infections such as influenza and SARS, the covid-19 pandemic aroused fears that they could also contribute to the risk of SARS-CoV-2 infection. Studies have also shown that areas of poor air quality have more cases of covid-19.
Researchers at Karolinska Institutet have now studied this more closely by examining the link between estimated exposure to air pollutants at home addresses and positive PCR tests for SARS-CoV-2 in young adults in Stockholm, Sweden.
In memory of all those who died suddenly in Africa, Russia, India, China, and throughout Asia | added May 14
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NIGERIA: ‘He wasn’t sick, he slept and never woke up”, Nollywood actor Sir David Osagie dies suddenly
May 4, 2022 — Barely few days after the entertainment industry mourned the demise of actress, Chi Bernards, another Nollywood actor, Sir David Osagie has died suddenly. In a new development, actress Ezeh-Bosah Ngozi Florence has taken to Instagram to announce the death of Sir David Osagi, who died suddenly while sleeping without any form of illness, according to the actress.
Another actress Ibiwari who confirmed the news said he filmed yesterday and went back to rest hoping to resume shoot today but never woke up. Actress Ibiwari wrote: “This can’t be explained oh, he filmed yesterday and went back to rest hoping to resume shoot today but never woke up. Another king role interpreter is gone. What is this oh God.”
Why not a move to Florida? | added May 14
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Home is where the heart is. Let’s choose wisely… everyday.
North Korea reports six deaths after admitting first ‘covid’ outbreak | added May 13
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SEOUL, South Korea (AP) — Six people have died and 350,000 have been treated for a fever that has spread “explosively” across North Korea, state media said Friday, a day after the country acknowledged a COVID-19 outbreak for the first time in the pandemic.
North Korea likely doesn’t have sufficient COVID-19 tests and said it didn’t know the cause of the mass fevers. But a big coronavirus outbreak could be devastating in a country with a broken health care system and an unvaccinated, malnourished population.
The North’s Korean Central News Agency said of the 350,000 people who developed fevers since late April, 162,200 have recovered. It said 18,000 people were newly found with fever symptoms on Thursday alone, and 187,800 are being isolated for treatment.
Metro officials consider mask only railcars as ‘covid’ cases rise across the U.S. | added May 13
Read more at FOX 5 DC
FOX 5’s Perris Jones says Metro is actively looking into having mask-only railcars. The transit agency is trying to see how feasible it is. One of their biggest concerns, Jones says, is how they would enforce it.
Metro riders we spoke with for the most part agreed with the idea of designating some railcars as mask only while others told us it should depend on case count.
The idea of mask only railcars was discussed during Thursday’s Special Board of Directors meeting. Metro officials say they were already considering the option. The concern, they say, is about how to enforce it and how it could possibly create conflict among some riders.
NY Health officials warn new ‘covid’ subvariant is most contagious strain yet | added May 13
Read more at NBC New York
The COVID-19 subvariant estimated by New York state health officials to be substantially more contagious than the first descendant of the potent omicron strain now accounts for up to 73.3% of all virus circulating in the region that encompasses the Empire State, according to new CDC data released Tuesday.
Prevalence of BA.2.12.1, which health officials say appears to be at least 25% more transmissible than BA.2 (which is said to be more 30% more contagious than its predecessor, omicron), in the agency’s New York region has been increasing at a far faster rate than nationally, the latest weekly update shows.
The CDC puts it at 66.3% (at least) of COVID cases in the New York region, which for its purposes also includes New Jersey, Puerto Rico and the British Virgin Islands, though says BA.2.12.1’s share of cases could be higher.
Big oil plans to drop 200 ‘carbon bombs’ worldwide that could unleash 646 billion tonnes of CO2 emissions | added May 13
Read more at The Defender
A new investigation published Wednesday reveals that some of the largest fossil fuel corporations in the world — from Exxon in the U.S. to Gazprom in Russia to Aramco in Saudi Arabia — are planning or currently operating nearly 200 “carbon bombs,” massive oil and gas projects that could unleash 646 billion tonnes of CO2 emissions and doom efforts to rein in planetary warming.
Research shared exclusively with The Guardian ahead of its formal publication identifies at least 195 “carbon bombs” that are either in the process of being built or already in place across the globe as scientists warn that fossil fuel use must be quickly phased out to prevent catastrophic climate outcomes.
Led by Kjell Kühne from the University of Leeds in the United Kingdom, the research specifically defines carbon bombs as “projects capable of pumping at least 1 billion tonnes of CO2 emission
Professor and ‘covid’ lock down advocate admits scary negative impacts were never considered | added May 13
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Britain relied too much on ‘very scary’ SAGE models to decide on lockdowns, according to the man behind some of those very projections.
Just months after SAGE predicted 6,000 deaths per day and called for a Christmas lockdown in response to Omicron, Professor John Edmunds said the models were only supposed to be ‘one component’ of decision-making but were leaned on too much by ministers.
He accepted the models failed to account for the economic harm and the knock-on health effects that lockdowns caused. Professor Edmunds admitted that these harms ‘in principle’ could have been factored into models ‘but in practice they were not’.
Is a social credit system coming for us? A look at what is happening in Bologna | added May 13
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The city administration of Bologna, Italy, is piloting a program that brings the beast of the Fourth Industrial Revolution straight to the citizens. It’s an early reiteration of Klaus’ Schwab’s Fourth Industrial Revolution, the honey moon, so to speak — so it comes to the citizens wrapped in gift paper, with balloons, prizes, and party language. But make no mistake: underneath, there is cruel man-eating machine that wants to mine your data and control your behavior!
So, what exactly is happening in Bologna? The administration is “digitizing” their relationship with the citizens. For starters, they are launching an app — with a catch — that will provide an interface to get access to various local services. Without saying it, the they are implementing the “digital governance” aspect of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. Quoting the Italian source:
“We will give citizens services based on their needs – says the Mayor – and this will allow us to personalize their experience. People will be able to find everything the administration will do on their mobile phones or computers. The physical branches, however, will not disappear.
California bill advances that allows teens to get inoculated without parental consent | added May 13
Read more at Jefferson Public Radio
California lawmakers pass a bill to allow youths 12 and older to get vaccines without parental consent, despite lots of controversy.
California kids 12 and older are one step closer to being able to get vaccinated without parental consent after a key legislative committee on Thursday passed a controversial bill on a 7-0 vote despite hundreds of people expressing fierce opposition.
Just five of the eight bills introduced this year by a vaccine working group of Democratic lawmakers are still alive — and state Sen. Scott Wiener of San Francisco’s proposal to allow kids ages 12 to 17 to receive FDA-approved vaccines without a parent’s permission is by far the most contentious.
Call To Action: New International Health Regulations being proposed by WHO, you have just hours to make yourself heard | added May 13
Read more at Off Guardian
Back in January, the United States mission to the World Health Organisation submitted a draft proposal to the general assembly.
The proposal amends the International Health Regulations (IHR) – the legislation which empowers the WHO to act – adding new clauses and removing some old ones. We will be breaking down the most concerning changes in another article, but it’s no exaggeration to say they represent a major threat to national sovereignty.
You can read the draft proposal here. These amendments are set to be subject to a vote at the 75th World Health Assembly, beginning on the 22nd of this month. The US Department of Health and Human Services has thrown this process open to public consultation via a “listening session”, scheduled for 10am-12pm today.
‘Covid’ ghosts found lingering in the gut, according to oncologist and geneticist Ami Bhatt | added May 13
Read more at Nature
In the chaos of the first months of the coronavirus pandemic, oncologist and geneticist Ami Bhatt was intrigued by widespread reports of vomiting and diarrhoea in people infected with SARS-CoV-2. “At that time, this was thought to be a respiratory virus,” she says.
Bhatt and her colleagues, curious about a possible link between the virus and the gastrointestinal symptoms, began to collect stool samples from people with COVID-19. Thousands of miles away from Bhatt’s laboratory at Stanford Medicine in California, gastroenterology internist Timon Adolph was puzzled by accounts of gut symptoms in infected people.
Adolph and his colleagues at the Medical University of Innsbruck in Austria started to assemble specimens, too — gastrointestinal-tissue biopsies. Two years into the pandemic, the scientists’ foresight has paid off: both teams have recently published results1,2 suggesting that pieces of SARS-CoV-2 can linger in the gut for months after an initial infection.
Road rage over astronomical gas prices | added May 13
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We know it can be frustrating to see how expensive things are getting, but lets remember to support local and prioritize community as best we can…
United Kingdom joins U.S. on holding social media companies responsible for hate speech and “disinformation” posted by users | added May 12
Read more at The Defender
The European Union’s Digital Services Act (DSA) and the U.K.’s proposed Online Safety Bill are among the latest government policies designed to hold social media companies responsible for hate speech and “disinformation” posted by users.
Experts interviewed by The Defender expressed concerns about the potential slippery slope of regulations — in the U.S. and overseas — which, under the guise of “combating disinformation,” stifle the spread of information deemed inconvenient for governments and other powerful actors.
As reported by The Defender, in the U.S., these proposals include a government “disinformation board” and a bill pending before Congress, the Digital Services Oversight and Safety Act. The EU’s new regulations, experts said, may have far-reaching impacts beyond Europe.
North Korea imposes first ever ‘covid’ nationwide lock down due to outbreak | added May 12
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SEOUL, South Korea (AP) — North Korea imposed a nationwide lockdown Thursday to control its first acknowledged covid-19 outbreak after holding for more than two years to a widely doubted claim of a perfect record keeping out the virus that has spread to nearly every place in the world.
The outbreak forced leader Kim Jong Un to wear a mask in public, likely for the first time since the start of the pandemic, but the scale of transmissions inside North Korea wasn’t immediately known. A failure to slow infections could have serious consequences because the country has a poor health care system and its 26 million people are believed to be mostly unvaccinated.
Some experts say North Korea, by its rare admission of an outbreak, may be seeking outside aid. However, hours after North Korea confirmed the outbreak, South Korea’s military said it detected the North had fired three suspected ballistic missiles toward the sea
Biden administration will urge Congress to pass additional ‘covid’ funding for future pandemics | added May 12
Read more at CBS 58 News
(CNN) – The Biden administration will forcefully urge Congress to pass additional covid-19 funding during Thursday’s virtual Global Covid-19 Summit, according to two senior administration officials.
The summit, the officials said, is aimed at “redoubling” efforts to control covid-19 and preparing the world for future variants of the coronavirus or the next deadly pandemic. On Thursday, the White House mourned the loss of 1 million American lives to covid-19, though other official tallies have placed the figure a bit short of that mark.
Thursday’s summit, which is co-hosted by the White House along with Germany, Indonesia, Senegal and Belize, will call for countries to invest in the new Global Pandemic Preparedness and Health Security fund at the World Bank, and the United States will be announcing that its pledge will increase to $450 million, up from the initially promised amount of $250 million.
Global governments to meet on next ‘covid’ response steps with emphasis on inoculating the planet | added May 12
Read more at WHO
This week, world leaders will gather to consider crucial next steps in the global covid-19 response. We applaud the co-hosts of the Second Global Covid-19 Summit – the United States, Belize, Germany, Indonesia and Senegal – for bringing together governments from across the globe to make concrete commitments to vaccinate the world, save lives now and build better health security.
Recent WHO estimates show the death toll associated with covid-19 in 2020 and 2021 was just under 15 million, a sobering reminder of the human cost of this pandemic. With reported cases falling globally, it is tempting – but misguided – to think the crisis is over. This is the moment to intensify efforts, not to ease off. This summit gives leaders the opportunity to write the closing chapters of the pandemic – an opportunity they cannot afford to miss.
It is imperative that leaders seize this opportunity to mobilize the funding and political will required to achieve global targets for covid-19 vaccination coverage, testing rates and access to treatments, including oral antivirals and oxygen. Achieving these targets is essential to ending the pandemic, by reducing transmission and protecting everyone from the harms of covid-19.
In memory of all those who died suddenly in France, Ireland, UK, Germany, Netherlands, and Spain | added May 12
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Coronation Street cast heartbroken after sudden death of boss who kicked off all of their careers on soap
May 6, 2022
Heartbroken soaps stars have been left shocked by the sudden death of a boss who kicked off their careers on Coronation Street and Emmerdale. Actors have been paying tribute to “star-maker” David Johnson who was the director of Oldham Theatre Workshop.
David Johnson died suddenly yesterday.
Announcing his friend’s passing, Antony Cotton tweeted: “Just heard the saddest news. David Johnson who was the director of the phenomena that was Oldham Theatre Workshop, has died. He put so many of us on the map, and kick started so many careers, both on stage and off.”
Biden orders flags half staff to commemorate the loss of one million Americans in ‘covid’ pandemic | added May 12
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President Biden marked the loss of 1 million Americans to the covid-19 pandemic Thursday. Biden released a written statement Thursday morning and is expected to issue a presidential proclamation ordering flags to half-staff later in the day. The milestone comes the same day that Biden is scheduled to lead the 2nd global covid-19 summit.
“Today, we mark a tragic milestone: one million American lives lost to covid-19. One million empty chairs around the dinner table. Each an irreplaceable loss. Each leaving behind a family, a community, and a nation forever changed because of this pandemic,” Biden wrote. “Jill and I pray for each of them.”
Biden went on to urge Congress to sustain funding for additional covid-19 tests, vaccines and treatments. “May God bless the one million American lives lost and their loved ones left behind,” he concluded.
“I was disabled after taking the vaccine”, says Alexa Quinter | added May 12
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Alexa Quinter got the vaccine so she can start traveling for work again. Weeks after she got the shot, she started feeling strange symptoms, and was blacking out. She dismissed the problems as fatigue and anxiety — until she landed in the hospital one night.
High concern over University of North Carolina’s fluoride water experiment on infants in low income communities | added May 12
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EXETER, N.H., May 11, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — A University of North Carolina (UNC) dentist is recruiting infants from Lenoir County, NC, for an experiment exposing them to fluoride, which has been shown in dozens of studies to lower IQ, according to the Fluoride Action Network (FAN).
The study, named waterBEST and led by dental researcher Dr. Gary Slade, would give bottled water with fluoride to infants starting at age 3–6 months and continuing to age 4 years. It is intended to test whether fluoridated water reduces cavities. The study’s Informed Consent document, that parents must sign, fails to mention the risk of lowered IQ.
National Institute for Health guidelines for human medical experimentation require that participants be fully informed of risks, and that risks do not outweigh potential benefits. FAN detailed how the waterBEST study violates these requirements in a formal Letter of Concern to the UNC Institutional Review Board (IRB) that is responsible for monitoring the ethics of human research.
Some Maine school districts bring back mask mandates and remote learning as ‘covid’ cases rise | added May 12
Read more at WGME 13 News
PORTLAND (WGME) – Some Maine school districts are making changes amid a rising number of covid-19 cases. All students, staff and visitors at Portland Public Schools will be required to wear a mask indoors and on school buses starting on Thursday, according to Superintendent Xavier Botana.
Botana says they decided to bring back masks based on rising covid-19 cases and CDC recommendations. “We’ve been very clear since the beginning that we would follow the guidance that we receive from our medical team,” Botana said.
Portland schools are doubling down on the basics too. That means stay home if you are feeling sick. Covid cases have also been on a rise at the private school Waynflete in Portland’s West End. They had 55 new cases last week compared to the 10 cases they had the entire first semester. They will be delaying performances, bringing back a mask mandate, and moving more activities outdoors.
How to get along with people in the modern world when you disagree | added May 12
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Can’t we all just get along… and if not respectfully disagree.
‘Covid’ shots for kids won’t have to meet 50 percent efficacy for EUA, says FDA official | added May 11
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The U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) top vaccine official told a congressional committee on Friday that covid-19 vaccines for kids under 6 will not have to meet the agency’s 50% efficacy threshold required to obtain Emergency Use Authorization (EUA).
The FDA is reviewing data from Moderna’s two-shot vaccine for infants and toddlers 6 months to 2 years old, and for children 2 to 6 years old. The agency is awaiting data on Pfizer and BioNTech’s three-dose regimen for children under age 5 after two doses of its pediatric vaccine failed to trigger an immune response in 2-, 3- and 4-year-olds comparable to the response generated in teens and adults.
According to Endpoints News, Dr. Peter Marks, director of the Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research at the FDA, told the House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Crisis the agency would not withhold authorization of a pediatric vaccine if it fails to meet the agency’s 50% efficacy threshold for blocking symptomatic infections.
‘Covid’ deaths growing among vaxed, boosters shots still recommended to fight disease | added May 11
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Since covid-19 vaccines became widely available, there has been a wide gap in deaths between the vaccinated and unvaccinated. But recent covid deaths are much more evenly split as highly transmissible variants take hold, vaccine protection wanes and booster uptake stagnates.
Breakthrough infections have become more common in recent months, putting vulnerable populations at increased risk of severe disease or death as more and more transmissible variants continue to spread. This seems to be especially true for seniors in the United States, who were among the first to get their initial vaccine series.
In the second half of September — the height of the Delta wave — less than a quarter of all covid-19 deaths were among vaccinated people, federal data shows. But in January and February, amid the omicron surge, more than 40% of covid-19 deaths were among vaccinated people.
Oligarch Bill Gates tests positive for ‘covid’ with mild symptoms, “fortunate to be vaxed and boosted” | added May 11
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Microsoft co-founder and philanthropist Bill Gates announced that he has tested positive for covid-19. The 66-year-old tech giant wrote in a tweet Tuesday that he is experiencing mild symptoms and is “following the experts’ advice” by isolating himself until he’s healthy.
“I’m fortunate to be vaccinated and boosted and have access to testing and great medical care,” Gates tweeted. In a tweet, Gates said the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation planned to meet Tuesday for the first time in two years. Gates says he will join via Microsoft Teams as he thanks the foundation for its hard work.
“We will continue working with partners and do all we can to ensure none of us have to deal with a pandemic again,” Gates tweeted. In 2015, Gates gave a TED talk about global pandemics, warning us that the world was not prepared to handle one.
Teams enter Shanghai residents’ homes to ‘disinfect’ amid tense “zero-covid policy” | added May 11
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BEIJING (AP) — The city of Shanghai is doubling down on pandemic restrictions after a brief period of loosening up, frustrating residents who were hoping a more than monthlong lockdown was finally easing as the number of new cases falls in China’s financial center.
On Tuesday, service was suspended on the last two subway lines that were still operating, marking the first time the city’s entire system has been shut down, according to The Paper, an online media outlet.
Teams in white protective suits have begun entering the homes of coronavirus-infected people to spray disinfectant, prompting worries among some about damage to clothes and valuables, and about leaving their keys with a community volunteer when they are taken to quarantine — a new requirement so disinfectant workers can get in.
Historic ruling bans major tech company from selling massive collection of face recognition images | added May 11
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Facial recognition startup Clearview AI has agreed to restrict the sale of its massive collection of face images to settle allegations that it collected people’s photos without their consent. The settlement was reached in a case alleging the company violated Illinois’s Biometric Information Privacy Act (BIPA), considered the strongest data privacy law in the country.
The company in a legal filing Monday agreed to permanently stop selling access to its face database to private businesses or individuals around the U.S., putting a limit on what it can do with its ever-growing trove of billions of images pulled from social media and elsewhere on the internet.
The settlement — which must be approved by a county judge in Chicago — will end a 2-year-old lawsuit brought by the American Civil Liberties Union and other groups over alleged violations of Illinois’ data privacy law.
Parents worry 21 year-old daughter may still have blood clots after Pfizer shot | added May 11
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Kim and Rob are concerned parents who share their worries after their 21-year-old daughter developed a blood clot after getting the Pfizer covid vaccine. They say the clot has disappeared — but now they fear it may reappear in another part of her body.
A moratorium on mRNA ‘vaccines’ is needed | added May 11
Read more at Dr. Byram W. Bridle via Canadian Covid Care Alliance
“Do you remember when public health and government officials assured everyone that the mRNA ‘vaccines’ function like traditional vaccine technologies? …meaning that they largely remain in the shoulder muscle where they are injected, with some portion going to the draining lymph nodes where an immune response is initiated.”… Now take a closer look at Pfizer’s full report of the biodistribution study with the expert guidance of vaccinologist, Dr. Bridle.
Well, back in May 2021, I, along with some international colleagues, looked at a document that Pfizer had submitted to the Japanese health regulatory agency. It was a pre-clinical biodistribution study. This means it was an experiment done with an animal model to predict where the vaccine formulation might go when injected into people.
What I saw was startling. Most of Pfizer’s vaccine spread throughout the body instead of staying at the injection site. This also meant there was the potential for toxicities that would never occur with traditional vaccines that largely remain at or close to the injection site. To ensure people could make a fully informed decision about whether to take the jab I went public with this information in a radio interview.
Call to action: Support HR419, no taxpayer funding for the WHO | added May 11
Read more at Stand For Health Freedom
Did you know that a declaration of public health emergency by someone at the World Health Organization could be used by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to justify detaining and examining Americans suspected of being ill, even without the declaration of an emergency under U.S. law?
The CDC updated regulations for quarantine on the last day of the Obama administration (2017) to add a definition of public health emergency. The term was not defined in the law passed by Congress, even though the law authorized the Secretary of Health and Human Services to declare an emergency. It’s not unreasonable that a regulation defined a term yet to be determined under law. But what is deeply troubling is that the definition expanded to include declarations by unelected officials in an international organization.
In response to alarmed commenters in the Federal Register, the CDC defended itself: “We note first that the definition of public health emergency is not limited to those emergencies declared by the HHS Secretary.” Who else would declare a public health emergency in the United States other than the Secretary of HHS as designated by Congress?
Why an unlawful ‘covid’ vax mandate may not happen for NYC school children in the near future | added May 11
Read more at The New York Times
Teachers at New York City public schools are required to be vaccinated against covid-19. Children involved in after-school activities that have a higher risk of spreading the virus — including many sports, as well as chorus and band — must be vaccinated, too.
But while New York City Mayor Eric Adams and New York Gov. Kathy Hochul have both said they support making covid vaccination for all public school children mandatory, that does not necessarily mean it is happening soon. Momentum on the issue, both in New York and across the country, has stalled, lawmakers and experts say.
In part, this is because the F.D.A. has not yet granted full approval to a covid-19 vaccine for children under 16. Another problem is the disappointing efficacy of the current Pfizer vaccine against preventing infection in children under 12. (The F.D.A. has granted emergency authorization for children 5 to 16.)
Is this a joke? He can’t be serious | added May 11
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Bill Gates has called for a global surveillance team to spot future pandemic threats – and potentially enact lockdowns – and by coincidence, he’d be in charge. No issues there then.
Twenty attorneys general threaten legal action if Biden administration does not disband “Orwellian” Disinformation Governance Board | added May 10
Read more at The Defender
Attorneys general (AGs) in 20 states last week threatened legal action unless the Biden administration immediately disbands its newly formed Disinformation Governance Board, which the group described as “Orwellian.”
In a May 5 letter to U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, the AGs demanded DHS “cease all efforts to police Americans’ protected speech.”
They wrote:
“The Disinformation Governance Board, by its very existence, and almost certainly by design, threatens to ‘enforce silence’ when Americans wish to express views disfavored by the Administration.
“It is therefore already chilling free speech and impeding the political process in Virginia and every other State. This is unconstitutional, illegal, and un-American.”
Shanghai tightens extreme anti-virus restrictions despite falling ‘covid’ cases | added May 10
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BEIJING (AP) — Authorities in Shanghai have again tightened anti-virus restrictions, just as the city was emerging from a month of strict lockdown due to a covid-19 outbreak.
Notices issued in several districts said residents were ordered to stay home and are barred from receiving nonessential deliveries as part of a “quiet period” lasting at least until Wednesday. The tightened measures could be extended depending on the results of mass testing, the notices said.
“Thank you for your understanding and cooperation. Together we can lift the lockdown at an early date,” said one notice issued in the city’s Huangpu district and posted online.
Two journalists flip out when Dominique Taugeon explains why ‘covid’ shots are not necessary | added May 10
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It wasn’t journalistic acumen that got them hired to jabber on TV, but—on the contrary—blind faith in official statements, and the impulse to attack all those who disagree. Thus they violate the spirit of both science and democracy.
FDA admits Americans should start treating ‘covid’ like the flu | added May 10
Read more at The Epoch Times
Several top Food and Drug Administration (FDA) officials, including Commissioner Robert Califf, admitted that Americans will now have to accept covid-19 as another respiratory virus, comparing it to influenza.
Califf, Principal Deputy Commissioner Janet Woodcock, and top vaccine official Dr. Peter Marks wrote for the Journal of the American Medical Association that covid-19 will be around for the foreseeable future while suggesting that it will require yearly vaccines targeting the most threatening variations of the virus.
“Widespread vaccine- and infection-induced immunity, combined with the availability of effective therapeutics, could blunt the effects of future outbreaks,” the officials said, referring to another name for the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) virus. “Nonetheless, it is time to accept that the presence of SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes covid-19, is the new normal.”
Israeli study shows a 25 percent increase in emergency heart disorders among “fully vaxed” young adults | added May 10
Read more at Natural News
In 2021, the government of Israel colluded with Pfizer to oppress the Israeli population with vaccine passports, segregation, deprivation of rights and unlawful detainment. After forcefully experimenting on the population with multiple doses of spike protein mRNA, the Israeli government ultimately caused great suffering and death, while infections continued to surge in the vaccinated.
The latest data out of Israel shows that the covid-19 vaccination was “significantly associated” with a 25 percent spike in emergency medical services for heart problems in young adults (16-39 years old). The 2021 EMS data was compared to years 2020 and 2019 and was peer-reviewed by researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).
The study investigated a unique data-set from Israel’s National Emergency Medical Services (EMS). The data set includes cardiac arrest and acute coronary syndrome EMS calls for ages 16-39 for the years 2019, 2020 and 2021. Using negative binomial regression models, the study found that weekly emergency call counts were significantly associated with the administration of the first and especially the second covid vaccines.
Grieving father says of son who died unexpectedly, “all he wanted to do was play hockey” | added May 10
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Sean Hartman was so eager to go back to playing hockey that he agreed to get the covid Pfizer shot so he can be allowed back on the ice. He went to the hospital for a “bad” reaction to the jab, and was sent home with a prescription for painkillers. Days later, Sean’s mother found him lying dead in his bedroom — watch his heartbreaking story in this video.
Predominantly black historic college to shut its door due to ‘covid’ economic hardships and cyber attacks | added May 10
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After more than 150 years, Lincoln College in central Illinois is closing its doors after significant challenges from covid-19 and complications stemming from a recent cyberattack.
The college is a predominantly Black institution, as designated by the U.S. Department of Education, and according to the Lincoln Heritage Museum, was the only college named for Abraham Lincoln while he was still living. It opened in 1865.
“Lincoln College has survived many difficult and challenging times — the economic crisis of 1887, a major campus fire in 1912, the Spanish flu of 1918, the Great Depression, World War II, the 2008 global financial crisis, and more, but this is different,” part of a statement posted to Lincoln College’s website read.
Major retailers begin rationing baby formula amid U.S. shortage | added May 10
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Major retailers in the US have begun rationing baby formula amid soaring out-of-stock rates, according to media reports on Sunday. Some pharmacies and supermarkets are limiting shoppers to three infant and toddler formula products per purchase in stores and online, USA Today says, quoting the retailers.
“Due to increased demand and various supplier challenges, infant and toddler formulas are seeing constraint across the country,” the publication quotes Walgreens Boots Alliance spokesman Steve Cohen as saying.
Between November and April, the out-of-stock rate for baby formula – a manufactured breast milk substitute made mostly from cow milk – jumped from single digits to nearly 40% nationwide and even exceeded 50% in some states, according to the latest figures from market data analysis company Datasembly.
NYC public school students will not have to be ‘covid’ vaxed in order to attend prom and graduation, reversing a previous mandate | added May 10
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New York City public school teenagers won’t need to be vaccinated against covid-19 to attend their proms this spring, Mayor Adams announced Monday.
The announcement reverses a previous Education Department rule requiring proof of inoculation in order for city teens to attend their end-of-high-school dances.
That policy had drawn criticism from some elected officials and students who argued that if kids are allowed to go to school unvaccinated, the same rule should apply to prom. Students will also be allowed to attend graduation ceremonies regardless of vaccination status, Adams said.
‘The Ministry of Truth’ and what to know | added May 10
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The Biden Administration has launched the Disinformation Governance Board – AKA the Ministry of Truth. Watch this video to learn everything you need to know about Nina Jankowicz and the exciting new powers that the government will be exerting on free speech.
#143: New global food system | added May 9
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In this week’s podcast we deep dive into Corey’s latest report, ‘NEW Controlled Food System Is Now In Place And They Will Stop At Nothing To Accelerate Their Control.’ Plus, additional connections made after the report published. Don’t miss it.
‘Fully vaxed and boosted’ Governor Kathy Hochul tests positive for ‘covid’ with no symptoms | added May 9
Read more at ABC News
NEW YORK — New York Gov. Kathy Hochul tested positive for covid-19 on Sunday, saying she will isolate and work remotely this week. “Thankfully, I’m vaccinated and boosted, and I’m asymptomatic,” Hochul, 63, tweeted. “A reminder to all New Yorkers: get vaccinated and boosted, get tested, and stay home if you don’t feel well.”
A day earlier, the Democratic governor had tweeted a photo from the Olana State Historic Site outside Hudson, New York, which she visited to thank park volunteers.
Hochul is at least the 18th U.S. governor to test positive for covid-19, according to an Associated Press tally. Several U.S. governors have tested positive in recent months, with Connecticut’s Ned Lamont and Maine’s Janet Mills testing positive in April. New York City Mayor Eric Adams tested positive on April 10, his 100th day in office.
Officials fear a repeat HIV crisis as poor nations seek expensive anti-viral ‘covid’ pills | added May 9
Read more at The New York Times
WASHINGTON — A devastating virus was laying waste to nations that lacked medicines available to Americans. The pills were patented and pricey. Poor countries lacked refrigeration to store them, the thinking went, and patients would not be able to follow the complex dosing regimen.
The year was 2002, the virus was H.I.V., and the president, George W. Bush, secretly sent his top health advisers to Africa to investigate what activists were calling “medical apartheid.” In the 20 years since, the United States has led the way in building a global infrastructure for H.I.V. testing and treatment, saving an estimated 21 million lives.
Now, with that history in mind, global health agencies and the Biden administration are working to bring coronavirus tests and expensive antiviral pills to low- and middle-income nations. This week, President Biden will emphasize “global test to treat” at his second international covid-19 summit, a virtual gathering of world leaders aimed at injecting new energy into the international pandemic response.
‘Covid’ shot contributes to man’s devastating and unexpected death | added May 9
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[Mar. 17, 2022] SIOUX FALLS, S.D. (Dakota News Now) – A Sioux Falls family is still coming to terms with the unexpected death of their son, Joseph. The Keating family said an autopsy was conducted to investigate what happened to their 26-year-old son. The report found the covid-19 vaccine was one of the contributing factors to Joseph’s death.On their website, The Centers for Disease Control representatives say that they are monitoring the safety of the covid-19 vaccine more than any other immunization in history. There are some very rare but concerning side effects.
Joseph’s parents Bill and Caleen Keating say they are still coming to terms with the fact that they lost their son, who was trying to stay safe in the midst of the pandemic.
Lawsuit filed against President Biden and other top officials for censoring Hunter, ‘covid’ related data | added May 9
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Two GOP-led states filed a lawsuit against President Biden, White House press secretary Jen Psaki, Dr. Anthony Fauci and other top administration officials alleging that they “pressured and colluded” with Big Tech social media companies to censor and suppress information on the Hunter Biden laptop story, covid-19 origins and security of voting by mail during the pandemic.
Missouri Attorney General Eric Schmitt and Louisiana Attorney General Jeff Landry filed the lawsuit Thursday in U.S. District Court for the Western District of Louisiana. The suit accuses top ranking government officials of working with the giant social media companies Meta, Twitter and YouTube “under the guise of combating misinformation” in order to achieve greater censorship.
The lawsuit names Nina Jankowicz, the head of the Department of Homeland Security’s (DHS) new “Disinformation Governance Board,” which has received severe backlash from both Democratic and Republican lawmakers for limiting free speech.
Senator Ron Johnson demands CDC explain why it tracked Americans during ‘covid’ pandemic | added May 9
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WASHINGTON — Republican Wisconsin Sen. Ron Johnson is calling on the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to address why it tracked Americans throughout the coronavirus pandemic — and what other departments may have tracked the movements of United States citizens as well.
“It remains unclear why the CDC tracked millions of Americans during the pandemic and whether it continues to do so,” Johnson told the CDC in a Thursday letter first obtained by The Daily Wire. “In response to covid-19, the CDC should have been prioritizing the development of treatments, effective testing, and vaccine safety rather than tracking Americans’ daily lives.”
Johnson called on the CDC to explain if its use of location data was “the only mechanism it employed to monitor Americans during the pandemic,” which official or officials at the CDC approved the “use and subsequent purchase of location data,” what companies supplied the CDC with this data, and whether the CDC shared this location data with any other federal, state, or local agencies.
Ireland’s government considered mass dystopian surveillance system to combat the ‘covid’ pandemic, upcoming book reveals | added May 9
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In an effort to combat the coronavirus, Ireland’s government considered a “dystopian surveillance system,” that could have included the monitoring of phone, CCTV, and financial transactions, an upcoming book will reveal.
An upcoming book, titled “Pandemonium: Power, Politics and Ireland’s Pandemic,” by journalists Jack Horgan-Jone of the Irish Times and Hugh O’Connell of the Irish Independent, will reveal, among other things, that the government considered a dystopian surveillance system to fight the pandemic.
The book describes the plan as “Orwellian,” considering it violation of privacy just to make sure the Irish people obeyed the nation’s covid measures, which were, at time, the strictest in the globe. “What emerged was an almost Orwellian plan, bizarrely dubbed 1 Government Centre (1GC),” the book says.
Here’s why the ‘covid’ military medical mandates are illegal | added May 9
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The covid-19 vaccines granted Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) are voluntary products that cannot be administered to military personnel and civilians without informed consent.
In the military, this voluntary consent requirement for investigational drugs was upheld in the anthrax vaccine case, Doe v Rumsfeld (2003), which determined that in the absence of a presidential waiver, the U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) can legally mandate vaccines only if they are FDA-approved.
The voluntary consent requirement for covid-19 EUA vaccines remains in place, despite false reports that the currently available EUA Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna products have a Biologics License Application (BLA) and are FDA-approved. Comirnaty had an expired marketing date on the FDA-approved BLA when the DOD mandated it, and Pfizer is not distributing Comirnaty in the U.S.
Revelation of the information war method | added May 9
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CIA Director, William Casey is reputed to have said to Ronald Reagan ‘We’ll know our disinformation is complete when everything the American public believes is false.’
Fast forward thirty years, and there’s no piece of fiction the masses will not swallow. From Woke to covid to the war in Ukraine, people no longer make their own ideological pilgrimages to the truth – the truth is served oven-ready by their political betters.
Nowadays, there’s little distinction between the two hemispheres: reality and illusion. It’s not so much that people have been robbed of their ability to decipher between these two, it’s that facts have been reoriented into fiction and fiction into facts. It’s a degradation of epistemology so momentous, that people don’t even know that they don’t know that they don’t know what’s happening. To quote one former anarchist.
Let’s not forget… the science says masks are killing our environments by contaminating the waters with lead, nanoplastics, antimony, and copper to name a few. Why are people not concerned about our planet becoming diseased? Antimony for instance has been shown to cause lung and heart disorders. Read more here on Science Daily.

Special Edition: Interview with Documentary The Viral Delusion Director Mike Wallach | added May 7
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This is a special edition of Planet Waves FM, featuring an interview with documentary filmmaker Mike Wallach. Mike directed The Viral Delusion, which looks not just at the viral theory of SARS-CoV-2, but also the history and use of virology itself.
University of Michigan prepares for Fauci’s arrival amid planned protests against medical mandates | added May 7
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The nation’s top medical adviser, Dr. Anthony Fauci, is the featured speaker next week at a University of Michigan commencement, prompting mixed feelings among some graduates and a planned protest.
U-M is hosting two commencement ceremonies this year at Michigan Stadium: Maria Shriver, a journalist and former first lady of California, will speak Saturday to this year’s graduates, while Fauci will address a May 7 “comeback ceremony” for 2020 and 2021 graduates whose commencements were curtailed due to the pandemic.
Rick Fitzgerald, a U-M spokesperson, said the university is aware of the planned Fauci protest and will take measures to ensure the commencement is safe but would not discuss them “because to do so would make the event less secure.”
Willie Nelson, Melissa Etheridge cancel New Orleans Jazz Fest due to band members testing positive for ‘covid’ | added May 7
Read more at The New York Post
NEW ORLEANS — Willie Nelson is cancelling an upcoming performance at the New Orleans Jazz & Heritage festival and postponing other shows after a positive case of the coronavirus in his band.
The 89-year-old musician posted on his band’s website on Friday that “due to a positive covid case in the Willie Nelson Family Band” two upcoming shows scheduled to happen May 6 and May 7 would be postponed and that Nelson’s Sunday performance at Jazz Fest would be cancelled.
Nelson was slated to close the Gentilly Stage — the same stage where his son Lukas Nelson is performing earlier in the day with his band the Promise of the Real. No replacement for the elder Nelson has yet been announced.
What do the newly released Pfizer ‘covid’ files really tell us? | added May 7
Read more at Off Guardian
The latest batch of Pfizer’s covid vaccine files just dropped. 80,000 pages of patient files and “trial data” and so and so on. You can read them all here. The question is, do they really tell us anything we don’t already know?
The big revelation doing the rounds at the minute is that the vaccines were never trialled with, and were specifically not recommended for, pregnant women.
But is this new information? When governments started “recommending” the covid vaccine to pregnant women in the Summer of 2021, everybody who had been paying attention knew that position was not backed up by any data at all. OffG got temporarily banned from twitter for pointing this out.
Man suffers neurological disorder after AstraZeneca ‘covid’ shot | added May 7
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Kevin Street demonstrates what the first AstraZeneca covid jab did to him: He could barely stand up, and his legs kept wobbling unsteadily. It’s been a year since his symptoms began, and he is still recovering. In one post, he says, “It can happen to you too.”
Under the ‘charity’ guise, Gates Foundation pushes deadly pesticides and GMOs on small farmers in Africa | added May 7
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The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF) spent about $6 billion on agriculture over the past 17 years. The money was earmarked to help small farmers in Africa and the rest of the global south.
Instead, the money wound up in the hands of institutions in the U.S. and Europe, according to “Money,” the third video in the three-part series “Rich Appetites: How Big Philanthropy Is Shaping the Future of Food in Africa.”
The film series, developed by the Uganda-based Alliance for Food Sovereignty in Africa (AFSA) and AGRA Watch, explains why exporting the U.S. industrial agribusiness model to Africa is a “grave mistake.” The three short films are “Foundations” (covered here), “Seeds” (covered here) and “Money.”
White House warns fall and winter ‘covid’ surge could infect 100 million people | added May 7
Read more at CNN
Washington (CNN) The Biden administration is issuing a new warning that the US could potentially see 100 million covid-19 infections this fall and winter, as officials publicly stress the need for more funding from Congress to prepare the nation.
The projection of 100 million potential infections is an estimate based on a range of outside models that are being closely tracked by the administration and would include both the fall and winter, a senior administration official told CNN. Officials say this estimate is based on an underlying assumption of no additional resources or extra mitigation measures being taken, including new covid-19 funding from Congress, or dramatic new variants.
The White House is sharing these estimates as officials renew their push to get Congress to approve additional funding to combat the virus and as the nation approaches a coronavirus death toll of 1 million. Officials have said the White House will commemorate the moment when the US surpasses 1 million deaths from covid-19.
“We didn’t understand that covid is kind of like the flu,” says Bill Gates | added May 7
Read more at Mark Crispin Miller Substack
Note his logic: “We didn’t know then that covid’s really just a flu; so it was pretty scary that the world, including the United States, didn’t go on alert nearly as fast as it needed to.” (Not “as fast as we thought it needed to,” but “as fast as it needed to,” suggesting some crossed wires inside “Bill’s brain.”)
And yet, funnily enough, Dr. Fauci, of all people, did know that covid is ‘kind of like flu,” as he noted in February, 2020. So Gates’s “experts” weren’t in touch with Dr. Fauci?
If there’s any justice in the world, this mass-murdering predator (who went to Epstein’s island 37 times) is hiding out, surrounded by his bodyguards, and flinching every time he hears an unexpected noise. And if there’s any justice in the universe, Bill Gates will spend eternity in that condition.
Hollywood modifies medical mandates where locations have “low covid hospitalizations” | added May 7
Read more at The Hollywood Reporter
The entertainment industry’s major studios and guilds modified its covid-19 Safety Agreement, loosening certain requirements in areas such as testing and masking, in parts of the United States and Canada with “low” covid hospital admissions.
The modifications apply only to areas that have confirmed “low” covid hospital admissions — the initial announcement doesn’t specifically identify that threshold — and apply to both vaccinated and unvaccinated cast and crew. According to the announcement, pre-employment testing is still required, but with modifications to the types of tests allowed.
Testing will still be required on a weekly basis during production for Zones A and B, but reduced in frequency. And masking will not be required in “most” settings, with an exception being in shuttle vans.
Jimmy Dore weighs in on the pandemic among the ‘covid’ vaxed | added May 7
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Since the advent of the omicron variant, an ever increasing percentage of the deaths from covid in the United States have been among the vaccinated. It’s funny how “scientific data” has been compiled for a virus that has not been proven to exist.
Hey all,
This will soon appear on Planet Waves FM but I want to send it to you now.
Carol van Strum of Tidewater, OR, is the person who taught me how to be a document collector and to do my investigative reporting to the standard of going before a judge and jury. She tells the story of exposing some of the most serious elements of the dioxin scandal — something you hear nothing about now. We did not get to how that story was permanently suppressed; I go into it somewhat in my upcoming interview with Mike Wallach of the virus documentary.
Here is the recording — unedited, no decorations.
I have been keeping her up to speed on covid and PCR fraud — she has not been involved; she’s taking care of her donkeys and her garden. I am now the working end of her stick.
And some resources:
Here is an article about her from The Intercept (accurate):
Here is coverage of IBT Labs – we all need to know this issue. Parts one and two included. The last honest articles by Keith Schneider, who soon after joined flipped sides.
Here is Negligible Risk: Premeditated Murder?
Here is Chiron: Key to the Gemstone File
— efc
FDA restricts J&J ‘covid’ shot after reassessing the data on increased risk of blood clots | added May 6
Read more at CBS News
U.S. regulators on Thursday strictly limited who can receive Johnson & Johnson’s covid-19 vaccine due to the ongoing risk of rare but serious blood clots.
The Food and Drug Administration said the shot should only be given to adults who cannot receive a different vaccine or specifically request J&J’s vaccine. U.S. authorities for months have recommended that Americans starting their covid-19 vaccinations use the Pfizer or Moderna shots instead.
FDA officials said in a statement that they decided to restrict J&J’s vaccine after taking another look at data on the risk of life-threatening blood clots within two weeks of vaccination. In December, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommended prioritizing Moderna and Pfizer shots over J&J’s because of its safety issues. Previously, U.S. officials had treated all three vaccines similarly because they’d each been shown to offer strong protection.
FDA rebukes Pfizer’s advice to keep taking anti-viral pills if patients experience a ‘covid’ relapse | added May 6
Read more at Fierce Pharma
The FDA rebuked Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla’s proposed solution to reports that some patients experienced a relapse of covid-19 symptoms after treatment with the company’s antiviral Paxlovid.
After reports said some patients who took Paxlovid rebounded and started feeling symptoms again, the CEO told Bloomberg that patients can take another course, “like you do with antibiotics.” “Paxlovid does what it has to do: It reduces the viral load,” Bourla, Ph.D., told Bloomberg in an interview. “Then your body is supposed to do the job.”
The FDA isn’t on board with the suggestion. “There is no evidence of benefit at this time for a longer course of treatment … or repeating a treatment course of Paxlovid in patients with recurrent covid-19 symptoms following completion of a treatment course,” John Farley, M.D., director of the Office of Infectious Diseases, said in a post.
NIH investigates why patients rebound after taking Pfizer’s anti-viral ‘covid’ pill, Paxlovid | added May 6
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National Institutes of Health (NIH) researchers said they will investigate how often and why coronavirus levels rebound in some patients who complete a five-day course of Pfizer’s covid-19 antiviral pill, Paxlovid.
“It is a priority,” Clifford Lane, deputy director for clinical research at the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, told Bloomberg. It’s “a pretty urgent thing for us to get a handle on.” Lane said the agency is discussing with scientists at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention possible epidemiological and clinical studies to examine post-Paxlovid rebound.
In response to reports of patients relapsing after taking Paxlovid, Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla on Tuesday suggested they take more of the treatment, contrary to the established protocol. Bourla’s comment prompted a U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) official on Wednesday to contradict Bourla, FiercePharma reported.
“Uniting NYS” Attorney, Bobbie Anne Flower Cox discusses suing New York Gov. Hochul on illegal medical mandates | added May 6
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Attorney Bobbie Anne Flower Cox is interviewed by Steve Gruber, host of Real America’s Voice, to discuss her groundbreaking lawsuit to stop quarantine camps.
The ILLEGAL “regulation” that New York Governor and her Department of Health created gives them the power to force people to isolate or quarantine:
– wherever they say (which can include a quarantine detention center)
– for however long they want
– and they don’t even have to prove that you actually have a disease or pose a health threat!
So, Attorney Bobbie Anne Flower Cox is suing New York Governor Kathy Hochul, DOH Commissioner Bassett, the Department of Health, and the Public Health & Health Planning Council on behalf of the citizens’ group, Uniting NYS, together with NYS Senator George Borrello, Assemblyman Mike Lawler, and Assemblyman Chris Tague.
New study suggests Moderna predicted a pandemic among the ‘covid’ vaccinated | added May 6
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A new study suggests recipients of Moderna’s covid-19 vaccine may be more likely to suffer repeated infections, perhaps indefinitely. The study, still in preprint, found participants in Moderna’s adult trial who received the vaccine, and later were exposed to the virus, did not generate antibodies to a key component of the virus as often as did those in the placebo group.
The authors’ findings, which are corroborated by U.K. data that demonstrate the rates of infection are significantly higher in the vaccinated, suggest Moderna knew of this safety signal in 2020 when the vaccine maker was conducting its trials. The authors of “Anti-nucleocapsid antibodies following SARS-CoV-2 infection in the blinded phase of the mRNA-1273 Covid-19 vaccine efficacy clinical trial“ wrote:
“Among participants with PCR-confirmed covid-19 illness, seroconversion to anti-N Abs at a median follow up of 53 days post diagnosis occurred in 21/52 (40%) of the mRNA-1273 vaccine recipients vs. 605/648 (93%) of the placebo recipients (p < 0.001).”
CDC tracked millions of Americans to ensure they complied with ‘covid’ lock downs | added May 6
Read more at VICE
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) bought access to location data harvested from tens of millions of phones in the United States to perform analysis of compliance with curfews, track patterns of people visiting K-12 schools, and specifically monitor the effectiveness of policy in the Navajo Nation, according to CDC documents obtained by Motherboard.
The documents also show that although the CDC used covid-19 as a reason to buy access to the data more quickly, it intended to use it for more-general CDC purposes. Location data is information on a device’s location sourced from the phone, which can then show where a person lives, works, and where they went.
The sort of data the CDC bought was aggregated—meaning it was designed to follow trends that emerge from the movements of groups of people—but researchers have repeatedly raised concerns with how location data can be deanonymized and used to track specific people. The documents reveal the expansive plan the CDC had last year to use location data from a highly controversial data broker.
April 26 – May 2: In memory of all those who died suddenly in Asia | added May 6
Read more at Mark Crispin Miller Substack
A passer-by collapsed and died on the sidewalk in Berdsk on May 1.
May 2, 2022 — The tragedy occurred in Berdsk on May 1. At house number 92 on the street. Krasnoarmeiskaya died an elderly Berdchanka, who was dressed in red. It is reported by Berdsk-Online with reference to AvtoBerdsk. Passers-by, who became unwitting witnesses to the death, called the police and doctors to the scene of the emergency. It turned out that the deceased was walking from the side of the street Rogacheva and suddenly fell on the sidewalk. The true cause of death will be determined soon.
May 2, 2022 — A man died in an accident on the Yalta-Sevastopol highway, the Ministry of Internal Affairs reported. According to the agency, on May 2, at about 15:15, a man was driving from Sevastopol towards Yalta in a ZAZ Lanos car. Suddenly, he drove into the lane of oncoming traffic, where he collided with a Nissan car, which was moving along its lane to Sevastopol.
Xi Jinping warns critics of “zero covid-policy” as China enforces strict medical mandates | added May 6
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Xi Jinping has confirmed there is no intention to turn away from China’s zero-covid commitment, in a major speech to the country’s senior officials that also warned against any criticism or doubting of the policy.
Addressing the seven-member politburo standing committee, China’s highest decision-making body, specifically about the Shanghai outbreak, the president said China’s response was “scientific and effective”. He told officials to “unswervingly adhere to the general policy of dynamic zero-covid”.
“We have won the battle to defend Wuhan, and we will certainly be able to win the battle to defend Shanghai,” he said, according to a translation by Sinocism’s Bill Bishop.
Dave Chappelle attacked on stage | added May 6
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What is happening to our culture? It is important that we respect different perspectives and freedom of speech in non-violent ways….
Walgreens tracking data shows troubling trend of high positive ‘covid’ cases among “fully vaxed” | added May 4
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Those vaccinated twice with booster shots have highest covid positivity, vs. those unvaccinated showing the least positive cases, according to Walgreen’s tracking data in the US
Covid case data now comes without the politics from a surprising source, Walgreens. And the truth is, we are no longer in a pandemic of the unvaccinated. Check out this shocking data.
European Commission announces it will ban thousands of toxic chemicals for “zero-pollution goal” | added May 4
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Thousands of the most notorious chemicals will be rapidly banned in Europe, the European Commission announced last week, as part of the zero-pollution goal in the European Union’s (EU) Green Deal.
The European Environmental Bureau (EEB) welcomed the move. If implemented, the action will be the largest-ever regulatory removal of authorized chemicals anywhere and covers chemicals that environmental, consumer and health groups have fought against for decades.
The plan announced today, called the Restrictions Roadmap, is a political commitment to use existing laws to ban all flame retardants, chemicals that are frequently linked to cancer, and all bisphenols, widely used in plastics but which disrupt human hormones.
Moderna’s mRNA ‘covid’ sales triple first quarter profit expectations | added May 4
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Moderna sold $5.9 billion of its covid vaccine in the first quarter, blowing out revenue and profit expectations. The biotech company’s shares soared by more than 7% in premarket trading on Wednesday. Moderna maintained its full-year guidance of $21 billion in Covid vaccine sales.
The sales guidance is based on signed agreements with governments and does not include any orders from the U.S., so the final number could come in higher. Moderna’s first-quarter vaccine sales more than tripled over the same period last year, when it reported $1.7 billion in sales shortly after the shots first rolled out.
The covid vaccine for adults ages 18 and over, Spikevax, is the company’s only commercially available product. Moderna reported $3.66 billion in net income for the quarter, a threefold increase over the $1.2 billion it reported in the same period last year.
The seen and unseen detriments of Intellectual Property Laws on medicine | added May 4
Read more at Mises Institute
Perhaps the greatest lesson to be learned in economics is that public policies have seen and unseen effects. The mastery of such a lesson is what separates the good from the bad economist.
“The bad economist,” writes Henry Hazlitt, “sees only what immediately strikes the eye; the good economist also looks beyond. The bad economist sees only the direct consequences of a proposed course; the good economist looks also at the longer and indirect consequences. The bad economist sees only what the effect of a given policy has been or will be on one particular group; the good economist inquires also what the effect of the policy will be on all groups.”
The same economic reasoning should be applied to intellectual property laws. By joining together not only the seen, but also the unseen consequences of intellectual property laws, we can achieve a solidly ironclad understanding of its impacts on humanity.
Spike in deaths correlated to ‘covid’ shots in Cyprus still not investigated, study concludes | added May 4
Read more at The Daily Skeptic
Authorities should “comprehensively” investigate a spike in deaths in Cyprus during 2021 that is not explained by covid-19 but occurred concurrently with the vaccination campaign, a study has concluded.
The peer-reviewed study in the journal Cureus analysed information reported by the Cyprus Ministry of Health to the European Statistical Office (Eurostat), which includes weekly all-cause mortality for 2016-2021, and data collected by the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control regarding daily reported covid-19 infections and deaths.
The researchers observed an increase of 9.7% in all-cause mortality in Cyprus in 2021 compared to 2020, with an overall mortality increase of 16.5% in 2021 compared to the mean mortality of the previous five years. In particular, they found a sharp increase over the third and fourth quarters of 2021 – see charts above, on which I have highlighted the key areas.
Severe liver damage cases reported after Pfizer BioNTech ‘covid’ shots | added May 4
Read more at ACG Case Reports Journal
Effective vaccines are essential to stop the novel coronavirus diseases 2019 (covid-19) pandemic, and administration of over 4 billion vaccine doses since December 2020 is an unprecedented effort. Large-scale vaccination resulted in the discovery of rarer side effects that were previously not reported during clinical trials.
We present 2 cases of drug-induced liver injury (DILI) without features of autoimmune hepatitis after administration of the Pfizer BioNTech COVID-19 mRNA vaccine. A 38-year-old woman with asthma and no prior history of liver disease or allergies received her first dose of the Pfizer BioNTech covid-19 mRNA vaccine on March 4, 2021.
Six days after vaccination, she noted jaundice, tea-colored urine, and generalized itchiness. She denied consumption of alcohol, drugs, over-the-counter medications, or herbal supplements.
Pilot gets ‘covid’ vax and suffers heart attack days after shot | added May 4
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Bob Snow, a pilot of 31 years, had no choice but to get the covid vaccine —“Get the shot, or you’re fired,” he was told. Days after the shot, he suffered a heart attack after landing his plane. Due to his condition, he most likely will never be able to fly an aircraft again.
Numerous ‘covid’ positive cases emerge after White House Correspondents’ Dinner | added May 4
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A handful of coronavirus cases have emerged among people who attended the White House Correspondents’ Dinner over the weekend, the president of the correspondents’ association said on Tuesday.
Steven Portnoy of CBS News Radio, who leads the White House Correspondents’ Association, said the cases he knew of so far numbered in the “single digits.”
Among those who tested positive after the gala — an annual event that skipped two years because of the pandemic — was Steve Herman, a chief national correspondent for Voice of America. Jonathan Karl, ABC News’s chief Washington correspondent, also tested positive, according to a person familiar with the matter.
We need to stop harming our children by indiscriminately testing for ‘covid’ | added May 4
Read more at Newsweek
There is a pervasive notion in the United States that doing more to fight any disease is always better. It’s a sentiment that’s only grown during the pandemic. In truth, we live in a world of tradeoffs with downsides to most medical interventions—which means that the ability to test is not always a reason to test.
We do not, for example, regularly test everyone for HIV; it’s clear in that case that the burdens can quickly outweigh the benefits. And yet, while most intuitively understand that we can’t regularly test everyone for every disease, acknowledging that there are tradeoffs is something many seem to be struggling with when it comes to covid-19.
Screening school children for covid-19 is an obvious example of intervention where the harms appear to clearly outweigh the benefits. Screening asymptomatic children for covid-19 whether they have been in contact with someone with covid or not has not been shown to reduce viral spread or improve child or community health. What is has been shown to do is result in unnecessary school days lost and excessive burdens on school districts and working families.
Animal trials of Pfizer, J&J ‘covid’ vax show bioaccumulation of lipid nanoparticles in major organs | added May 3
Read more at The Defender
Judicial Watch today announced it received 466 pages of records from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) regarding biodistribution studies and related data for the covid-19 vaccines that show a key component of the vaccines developed by Pfizer/BioNTech, lipid nanoparticles (LNPs), were found outside the injection site, mainly the liver, adrenal glands, spleen and ovaries of test animals, eight to 48 hours after injection.
Pfizer/BioNTech’s mRNA-based covid-19 vaccine relies on LNPs as a delivery system. Pfizer said in a Jan. 10, 2022 press release that Acuitas Therapeutics LNP technology is used in Comirnaty, the Pfizer/BioNTech covid-19 vaccine.
Judicial Watch also received 663 pages of records from HHS regarding biodistribution studies and related data for covid-19 vaccines, which show that Johnson & Johnson relied on studies showing that vaccine DNA particles and injected virus particles were still present in test animals months after injection.
When will NYC’s new nonsensical ‘covid’ risk alarm end for good? | added May 3
Read more at The New York Post
When will New York City’s insane covid alarmism end? According to health czar Ashwin Vasant, the city has now reached “medium” risk, per the Centers for Disease Control’s “community levels” metric.
So he wants New Yorkers to exercise “greater caution” in the name of “slowing the spread” — and start wearing masks again indoors in public even if vaccinated. Utter nonsense. Covid deaths in the city are about as low as they’ve ever been, averaging four per day for the past four weeks, while hospitalizations average 46 a day. And both, per the data gathered by the city health authorities, are trending even lower.
Cases are ticking up slightly, but nowhere near the recent peak we saw with the first omicron wave. Also, the whole selling point of the CDC’s new metric was that it supposedly pays more attention to actual bad covid outcomes than raw case numbers. So why all this concern over a modest rise in infections when ultra-low deaths and hospitalizations show the opposite?
New York considered new hot spot for rising ‘covid’ cases, says CDC | added May 3
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New York state is now a hot spot for rising covid-19 cases from a variant called BA.2.12.1. The state is home to 37 out of the 54 U.S. counties the Centers for Disease Control says have high levels of community transmission.
“We should be preparing right now for a potential surge this summer across the southern United States, because we saw it in 2020 and we saw it in 2021,” former White House coronavirus response coordinator Dr. Deborah Birx told “Face the Nation” on Sunday.
“We have to make it very clear to the American people that your protection against infection wanes,” she continued. “So if you’re going to go see your grandmother, or someone that has metastatic breast cancer, or someone under treatment for Hodgkin’s disease, or a family member with Down syndrome, you need to test before you go if that area is in a surge.”
Beijing prepares new hospital facilities for ‘covid’ despite low case numbers | added May 3
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Beijing is preparing new hospital facilities to deal with a possible spike in covid-19 cases, even though the numbers of new cases remain low. State media reported Tuesday a 1,000-bed hospital at Xiaotangshan in the northeastern suburbs built for the 2003 SARS outbreak has been refurbished in case it’s needed.
City officials on Saturday also announced they were setting up a 10,000-bed quarantine facility in the sprawling China National Exhibition Center to house those who have tested positive and their close contacts.
However, no more has been said about such plans and the reports have largely disappeared, a possible sign officials are seeking to avoid spreading additional fears in a city already on edge.
Cocktails of pharmaceutical drugs found in fish is contaminating the planet on a massive scale | added May 3
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Nicknamed “grey ghosts” for their lustrous silver scales, remarkable stealth and speed, bonefish can swim at up to 40mph. This species, protected by catch-and-release laws in the US, is revered by anglers around the world, many of whom visit Florida to seek the elusive fish.
But evidence points to a steep drop in bonefish numbers in south Florida. Populations have fallen more than 50% over four decades, according to estimates by researchers.
Dr Jennifer Rehage, a fish ecologist and associate professor at Florida International University (FIU), has spoken to many anglers about the fish’s disappearance from Florida’s seagrass flats: “They’ve said to me: ‘I’ve fished [bonefish] all my life and I can’t find them. I haven’t seen a bonefish in five years, and it’s freaking me out’.”
Doctors blame woman’s DNA for Pfizer ‘covid’ vax side effects | added May 3
Editor’s Note: Mercola website has a video posted of Charlene Lin suffering from numbness in both legs after the Pfizer shot. — mmd
Read more at The Straits Times
[January 1, 2021] SINGAPORE – The Singapore General Hospital (SGH) has found no evidence that one of its patients’ symptoms are linked to the covid-19 vaccine.In a Facebook post on Sunday (Jan 31), the hospital said its doctors have conducted multiple tests on the woman to date. “So far, there is no evidence that her signs and symptoms are related to the vaccine she received recently,” the hospital wrote. “We take a cautious approach and will continue to monitor her condition and conduct tests as needed.”
Ms Lin, who works in the food and beverage industry, said she had felt dizzy after receiving the vaccine, and suffered weakness in her legs. She said she had never experienced any allergies to medication in the past and asked how to apply for the Ministry of Health’s (MOH) vaccine injury financial assistance programme.
Vice President Kamala Harris tests negative for ‘covid’ after taking antiviral drug pills, will continue wearing a “well-fitted mask” | added May 3
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WASHINGTON (AP) — Vice President Kamala Harris tested negative on Monday for covid-19, six days after she tested positive for the virus, and has been cleared to return to the White House on Tuesday.
Harris press secretary Kirsten Allen said Harris, who was prescribed the antiviral treatment Paxlovid last week, was negative on a rapid antigen test. Allen said Harris would continue to wear a “well-fitting mask while around others” in accordance with Centers for Disease Control and Prevention guidelines until through her tenth day after her positive test.
CDC guidance allows people to leave isolation on the sixth day after they tested positive, as long as they wear a mask around others. The White House exceeds those guidelines, requiring a negative rapid test before people who have been infected are allowed to return to the complex.
CDC hesitant of fourth ‘covid’ jab efficacy despite FDA approval | added May 3
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Countries are beginning to offer a fourth dose of the covid-19 vaccine to vulnerable groups, but medical professionals are undecided on whether it would benefit the wider population.
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has so far authorized a fourth shot only for those aged 50 and above, as well as those who are immunocompromised. And the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention was skeptical of the need for a fourth dose for healthy adults in the absence of a clearer public health strategy.
Those decisions came as a study from Israel found that although a fourth dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine offers protection against serious illness for at least six weeks after the shot, it provides only short-lived protection against infection, which wanes after just four weeks.
International Energy Agency demands worldwide lockdowns to alleviate climate crisis | added May 3
Read more at Daily Expose
To be blunt, the ordinary, hardworking man and woman is being brainwashed to believe that the planet is heading for disaster, it is their fault, and they must change their behaviour in order to save the world. But this couldn’t be further from the truth.
Humanity could most certainly be kinder to nature and the other living things that inhabit Earth, but the argument that the world will essentially end as we know it if we don’t get to carbon zero by the year 2050 or earlier is propaganda. It is a tool being used by the elites to shape the future through fear, just as they have done with the alleged covid-19 crisis, and as they are now doing with the war in Ukraine.
One example of this lie is that ordinary men and women are the reason plastic is polluting our seas. As you’ll have now encountered if you’ve visited a Mcdonalds, you are now forced to use one of the worst inventions ever to grace our planet – the paper straw.
I thought I was dying before the pandemic | added May 3
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Careful what you search for. “What you seek, is seeking you.” — Rumi
‘Covid’ deaths no longer highest among unvaxed as elderly toll rises | added May 2
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WASHINGTON — Unvaccinated individuals accounted for the overwhelming majority of deaths within the United States all through a lot of the coronavirus pandemic. But that has modified in latest months, based on a Washington Post evaluation of state and federal knowledge.
The pandemic’s toll is no longer falling virtually solely on those that selected to not get photographs, with vaccine safety waning over time and the elderly and immunocompromised – who’re at best threat of succumbing to covid-19, even when vaccinated – having a tougher time dodging more and more contagious strains.
The vaccinated made up 42% of fatalities in January and February through the extremely contagious omicron variant’s surge, in contrast with 23% of the useless in September, the height of the delta wave, based on nationwide knowledge from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention analyzed by The Post. The knowledge relies on the date of an infection and restricted to a sampling of circumstances through which vaccination standing was identified.
United Kingdom’s General Medical Council updates “Hippocratic Oath” to restrict doctors from spreading ‘misinformation’ | added May 2
Read more at Reclaim The Net
The UK’s General Medical Council has updated the Hippocratic Oath to reflect current censorial times. The updated draft will prohibit doctors from spreading “misinformation” online. “Good medical practice is the bedrock that helps guide ethical practice and supports doctors to provide the best possible care in a world of increasingly complex medicine,” said GMC’s CEO Charlie Massey via The Telegraph.
“There is a lot of evidence of the damage bad workplace cultures can do to patient safety and, ultimately, to the UK’s ability to retain the healthcare professionals it needs. “Toxic cultures can also spread online, undermining public trust in the medical profession.”
“We’ve had feedback that doctors want more clarity on using social media. We are already clear that doctors must be honest and trustworthy in their communications, and are now emphasizing that this applies to all forms of communication. The principles remain the same whether the communication is written, spoken or via social media,” he added.
Amazon cuts ‘covid’ paid leave for workers who test positive | added May 2
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Amazon is cutting paid time off for front-line U.S. workers who test positive for covid-19, effective Monday. All U.S.-based Amazon workers who test positive for covid-19 will now get up to five days of excused, unpaid leave, the company told workers in a notice sent Saturday. A spokesperson told CNBC workers are still able to use their sick time off if needed.
In Saturday’s notice, Amazon added that workers waiting for covid test results will no longer have time off excused since rapid tests are now widely available.
The e-commerce giant has slowly pulled back its covid policies as vaccines have become more widely available and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention changed its guidance. The company initially offered up to two weeks of paid time off for any employees diagnosed with covid-19 or placed into quarantine. In January, the company reduced paid leave time to one week, or up to 40 hours.
Oligarch Bill Gates warns ‘covid’ pandemic is “far from over” | added May 2
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The coronavirus pandemic is far from over, Bill Gates has warned, saying there could still be a variant which is “even more transmissive and even more fatal”.
“We haven’t even seen the worst of it,” he said in an interview. While not wanting to be a “voice of doom and gloom”, the risk of a more virulent variant emerging is “way above 5%”, the Microsoft co-founder and philanthropist told the Financial Times.
“We’re still at risk of this pandemic generating a variant that would be even more transmissive and even more fatal,” he said, adding that longer-lasting vaccines which block infection are urgently required.
Tourists rejoice as Italy and Greece ease ‘covid’ restrictions before Europe’s peak travel season | added May 2
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ROME (AP) — For travelers heading to Europe, summer vacations just got a whole lot easier. Italy and Greece relaxed some covid-19 restrictions on Sunday before Europe’s peak summer tourist season, in a sign that life was increasingly returning to normal.
Greece’s civil aviation authority announced that it was lifting all covid-19 rules for international and domestic flights except for the wearing of face masks during flights and at airports. Previously, air travelers were required to show proof of vaccination, a negative test or a recent recovery from the disease.
As of Sunday, visitors to Italy no longer have to fill out the EU passenger locator form, a complicated online ordeal required at airport check-in.
U.S. should prepare for a summer surge of ‘covid’, according to former White House health coordinator Dr. Birx | added May 2
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The US should prepare for a possible summer surge of covid-19 cases across Southern states, former White House Coronavirus Response Task Force coordinator Dr. Deborah Birx told CBS on Sunday morning.
It’s now predictable that the South will see surges in the summer and Northern states will see surges in the winter — especially around the holidays, Birx said. Birx said she closely follows data out of South Africa, which has recently seen a rise in new covid-19 cases.
“Each of these surges are about four to six months apart. That tells me that natural immunity wanes enough in the general population after four to six months — that a significant surge is going to occur again,” Birx told “Face the Nation.”
CDC published new quarantine and isolation rule during last days of Obama administration | added May 2
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On the last day of the Obama administration, the CDC quietly published a new set of rules that can force travelers into quarantine or isolation if they are suspected of contracting a contagious disease.
The rules were released under the Federal Registrar on the last day of the Obama Administration, 1/19/2017, and took effect on February 21, 2017. Despite public concern that the new rules would introduce forced vaccination practices, the CDC insisted it would not “compel vaccination or medical treatment.”
Many public comments expressed concern that these updated regulations sought to compel medical treatment or vaccination without patient consent…HHS/CDC does not seek to compel vaccination or medical treatment. In keeping with current practice, HHS/CDC recommends certain vaccines for post-exposure prophylaxis and individuals may choose to follow these recommendations as they deem appropriate.
China’s strict no ‘covid’ policy hits economy hard from Teslas to tacos | added May 2
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When Tesla’s Shanghai plant and other auto factories were shut over the last two months by emergency measures to control China’s biggest covid-19 outbreak, the burning question was how quickly they could restart to meet surging demand.
But with the Shanghai lockdown grinding into its fourth week, and similar measures imposed in dozens of smaller cities, the world’s largest boom market for electric cars has gone bust. Other companies from luxury goods makers to fast-food restaurants have also offered a first read on the lost sales and shaken confidence of recent weeks, even as Beijing rolls out measures to help covid-hit industries and stimulate demand.
Joey Wat, CEO of Yum China which owns KFC and Taco Bell, said in a letter to investors that April sales had been “significantly impacted” by covid controls. In response, the company simplified its menu, streamlined staffing and promoted bulk orders for locked-down communities, she said.
Corporations reap record breaking profits as inflation prices continue to rise | added May 2
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As inflationary pressure drives up costs throughout the economy, a new analysis out Wednesday reveals that corporations are raking in record profits by jacking up prices at the grocery store, gas pump and beyond — hurting consumers while rewarding investors.
The Guardian, which examined Securities and Exchange Commission filings for 100 U.S. companies, found that net profits increased by a median of 49% from the first quarter of 2020 to the first quarter of this year. Over the same time period, workers’ wages grew by just 1.6%.
These corporations have boosted their profit margins over the past two years by charging more for food, fuel, housing and other basics — using inflation as a pretext to raise prices, negating the modest wage gains that workers made during the coronavirus pandemic. All but 10 have engaged in stock buybacks or dividend bumps to enrich shareholders.
It’s all about the fruits | added May 2
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Let’s make sure we keeping checking that apples and bananas are still what we think they are…