We’ll be keeping track of what we determine to be the most relevant updates on the coronavirus situation. New items will go at the top. If you have something to report — news, science news, or a check-in from your local area — please send to editors@planetwaves.net. Stay in touch and help us out by sharing this resource with others. This blog is published by Chiron Return, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation, which is an affiliate of the Pacifica Radio Network.
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This is an archive of the May 2021 entries for the Covid19 news feed. You may return to the current page here.
Over 100 staff sue Houston Methodist over COVID-19 vaccine requirement | Added May 31
Thank you, Loreen Costa.
[Regarding the hospital’s claim that the injection is not experimental:]It’s a battle for rhetorical dominance. Truth doesn’t matter; it only matters how one wields the performance of truthiness as a weapon.
The lawsuit cited that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration issued its first emergency use authorization for COVID-19 in December 2020, but the vaccines are awaiting full FDA approval and licensing, which will likely take months for the agency to review additional data.
The complaint cited that forcing employees to get the vaccine violates Nuremberg Code, a medical ethics code which bans forced medical experiments and mandates voluntary consent.
When asked about alternative options for employees who did not want to get the COVID vaccine, Houston Methodist told ABC News that it offered “religious and medical exemptions, as well as deferrals for pregnant women.”
The Equal Opportunity Employment Commission, a federal government agency that protects workers from discrimination, issued a new guidance Friday that said employers can legally require COVID-19 vaccines to re-enter a physical workplace as long as they follow requirements to find alternative arrangements for employees unable to get vaccinated for medical reasons or religious beliefs.
Houston Methodist CEO Boom released a statement in response to the lawsuit Friday, saying 99% of the network’s employees have been vaccinated.
“It is unfortunate that the few remaining employees who refuse to get vaccinated and put our patients first are responding in this way,” he said in the statement sent to ABC News. “It is legal for health care institutions to mandate vaccines, as we have done with the flu vaccine since 2009. The COVID-19 vaccines have proven through rigorous trials to be very safe and very effective and are not experimental.”
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A family member’s ‘vaccine hesitancy’ from the perspective of an injection enthusiast | Added May 31
I have been celebrating since February, when I got my first shot of the Moderna vaccine at a San Fernando Valley park. My sister Anita in Cleveland has spent the months since then worrying about me.
Ever since COVID-19 vaccines became a reality, she’s been poring over articles and social media posts about hypothetical harms that most scientists debunk. That left her determined to shun the vaccine — and afraid for me to get my next shot.
“I love my sister the way she is,” she emailed me three months ago. “And I shudder to think of you having some long-term reaction to this vaccine that could have been avoided. While you are well, I say stay well!”
She followed up with research on natural immune boosters, such as vitamin D. I added that to my health regimen, but refused to even consider skipping my final dose of the vaccine.
“I appreciate the sentiment and respect your skepticism,” I wrote back. “But living here in Los Angeles, I’m more likely to die of COVID than to wind up with some weird vaccine reaction.”
At that point, I hadn’t done the math to know if that was actually true. But my fear of needing a ventilator to breathe was stronger than whatever apprehension I felt about the vaccines.
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Biological females reported to have stronger immune response to vaccines, resulting in more side effects | Added May 31
Because everyone’s immune system differs depending on multiple factors including genetics, age, biological sex, existing illnesses, and even our microbiome, it responds differently to vaccines. For example, an aged immune system has a good memory for dealing with pathogens it’s seen before, but it isn’t as good at dealing with novel diseases like COVID-19.
Similarly, biological females have two X chromosomes compared to one for biological males. Many genes on the X chromosome are known to play a role in immunity, and marked differences between the sexes are being increasingly seen, with biological females having stronger immune responses. This translates to more side effects in women and fewer in the elderly.
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The Corbett Report: Antiganda | Added May 31
Today James continues the discussion on “positive propaganda” by looking at some examples of #antiganda. Activists around the world are creating eye-catching messages designed to get people to question their conditioning. Here’s how you can join them.
James Corbett: There are many people out there that are trying to do this, and I think some of these images and some of the statements are quite brilliant and well-constructed — and designed to get people thinking, which I think really is the only hope we have left. To the extent that critical faculties still exist on this planet, they need to be activated, engaged, and those muscles — those brain muscles — flexed at this particular time because it does not get any easier from here. The people who have been indocrinated by the Covid cult conditioning are very far under the spell by this point, and it’s getting harder and harder to reach those people.
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Check-in with Dr. Reiner Fullmich | Added May 30
Here is a new video interview with Reiner Fullmich, the German consumer affairs attorney also admitted in California, who is leading the movement to get class-action lawsuits going and stop the Cvid insanity. I am familiar with all that he says; his positions are factually accurate. — Eric F. Coppolino
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Dialog between investigative reporter Jon Rapport and biochemist David Rasnick | Added May 30
Editor’s Note: Here is a glimpse inside of the highest level of the Covid truth movement. It’s a conversation from this morning between biochemist David Rasnick and investigative reporter Jon Rappoport, working out how to cut the issues involving the vxx. Both men helped me figure out the situation with the PCR device, at different times and different ways. (Rasnick also introduced me to the work of Steve Bustin.) This is a dialog happening on a small but public list, and the two authors are working out how to describe the seriousness of the situation and which issues are the most relevant to present to the public. Here is the thread in order. Raz is David Rasnick’s nickname. — Eric F. Coppolino
Coronavirus (real or not) is irrelevant. It is the excuse for the injection. Deadly injections was always the goal.
The route of how a poison enters the body can make all the difference to its toxicity. The innate immune system is extremely efficient at blocking, inactivating, destroying, and removing harmful materials and microorganisms if inhaled, ingested etc. For example, many toxic proteins such as snake venom must be injected (snake bite) to be lethal. If snake venom is taken orally it is destroyed by the digestive system.
The spike protein (which is part of the coronavirus family) was specifically engineered for the injections. Of course, the injections don’t contain actual spike protein but the mRNA (or DNA if Adenovirus is used) instructions for your cells to make the actual spike protein. This is incredibly evil—the injections turn your body against itself.
Did the virus escape from a lab, will vaccines lead to more deadly strains etc. is a distraction to keep the focus and discussion on the virus and away from the deadly injections.
I understand that the spike protein is the kill shot, via the RNA. Whether or not the virus exists is quite relevant. As I’ve been posting here, a non-existent virus means the protein is a stand-alone weapon. SARS-CoV-2, as far as I’m concerned, doesn’t exist at all. I see no reason to believe SARS1 exists, either. Quite probably, because of the way virologists claim to isolate and sequence new viruses, the whole coronavirus family is a fiction. Other harmful proteins, which are alleged to belong to coronaviruses, and which could be kill shots in upcoming COVID vaccines, are also stand-alone weapons. The fake discovery of new viruses—in this age of genetic vaxxes—are the pretexts for a cascade of coming protein kill shots. That’s why I believe exposing the fake discovery of new viruses is important. At the same time, I recognize that any factual strategy that wakes people up to the danger of the current RNA shots is legit and vital. The history of virology is the history of a crime. It underpins the fake theory of vaccination. It needs to be exposed.
I agree with you. There is NO SARS virus!
The whole virus thing is very likely pure fiction. But that’s a completely different battle. The criminals are using the virus fiction very effectively.
You have to pick your battles. My first battle was the PCR test. I think our side won that one.
Now it’s the injections. People can engage with this because it’s happening to them right now.
The existence or non-existence of virus is of little interest or concern to most people (it’s too academic).
Once we’ve won the battle against the injections, I think we should go after each and ever BS thing the bastards have laid on us over the years!
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Effective May 28, New Jersey lifts its statewide indoor mask mandate | Added May 29
Just in time for the unofficial start of summer at the Jersey Shore, people can remove face masks indoors in many places and get closer to each other as COVID-19 cases drop and vaccinations continue to slowly increase.
Gov. Phil Murphy said Monday that he would sign an executive order lifting New Jersey’s statewide COVID-19 indoor mask mandate on Friday, allowing people less restrictions over Memorial Day weekend and beyond.
The move puts New Jersey in line with Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) guidance that fully vaccinated people can remove their masks indoors and outside.
People who have yet to have two weeks pass since their second dose of the Moderna and Pfizer coronavirus vaccines or the one-dose Johnson & Johnson vaccine are urged to still wear a face covering indoors. Murphy said they are putting the responsibility of masking on individuals.
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WSJ: Covid-19 Is Killing Hundreds of Pregnant Women and Babies in Brazil | Added May 29
Editor’s Note: This article in The Wall Street Journal is written from within the science fiction universe wherein a virus exists and has been proven to be malignant or lethal. None of this has been done. No country has an actual sample of SARS-CoV-2. No lab in any country has purified isolate, so it can never have been subjected to Koch’s or Rivers’ postulates, which are the scientific method for microbiology. No country has sequenced a wild live virion.
The PCR test is primed with an in-silico virus: a theoretical, nonexistent, custom-edited sequence. The CDC here in the United States calls this a “mimicked human specimen.” If you test “positive,” then your result matched the in-silico theoretical virus, not a virus that actually exists in nature. Therefore, it is impossible for scientists to make an honest statement about variants because nobody has a copy of the original. If something new or unusual is killing people, it is not SARS-CoV-2 or any “variant.” It is something else, and we should find out what it is. — Eric F. Coppolino
PS — The population of Brazil is 210 million people, most of them impoverished. While 50 extra deaths a month is spiritually significant, it is statistically insignificant because it is within the margin of error and therefore unmeasurable. There are many ways to account for such an increase, including attention leading to added reporting. —efc
Excerpted from The Wall Street Journal:
More than a hundred pregnant women are dying from Covid-19 every month in Brazil, more than twice the rate last year, according to government figures—a tragedy researchers largely blame on the P.1 variant of the virus that first emerged in the Amazon and overwhelmed hospitals. In total, more than 800 expectant and postpartum mothers in Brazil have died from the disease since the pandemic began.
At least 1,000 pregnant women have died from complications related to Covid-19 in the Americas, according to an estimate from the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) Tuesday, based on data from 24 countries. Pregnant women in Brazil face the highest risk of dying from the disease in the region, it said.
“Pregnancy and newborn care have been disrupted in nearly half of the countries in the Americas, leaving expectant and new mothers at risk,” said PAHO Director Carissa F. Etienne at a news briefing, warning the pandemic could erase more than two decades of progress in tackling maternal deaths in the region.
At least 579 babies under the age of 1 have died from Covid-19 in Brazil since the start of the pandemic. Hundreds of babies are being delivered prematurely to save their sick mothers. Others perish in the womb, starved of oxygen as their mothers gasp for air, or contract the disease and die in the first months of life.
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Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis signs Big Tech anti-censorship bill | Added May 29
Published on May 24, from Florida Gov:
Today, Governor Ron DeSantis signed Senate Bill 7072 to hold Big Tech accountable by driving transparency and safeguarding Floridians’ ability to access and participate in online platforms.
“This session, we took action to ensure that ‘We the People’ — real Floridians across the Sunshine State — are guaranteed protection against the Silicon Valley elites,” said Governor Ron DeSantis. “Many in our state have experienced censorship and other tyrannical behavior firsthand in Cuba and Venezuela. If Big Tech censors enforce rules inconsistently, to discriminate in favor of the dominant Silicon Valley ideology, they will now be held accountable.”
And a few details from the bill:
Under SB 7072:
- All Floridians treated unfairly by Big Tech platforms will have the right to sue companies that violate this law — and win monetary damages. This reform safeguards the rights of every Floridian by requiring social media companies to be transparent about their content moderation practices and give users proper notice of changes to those policies, which prevents Big Tech bureaucrats from “moving the goalposts” to silence viewpoints they don’t like.
- The Attorney General of Florida can bring action against technology companies that violate this law, under Florida’s Unfair and Deceptive Trade Practices Act. If social media platforms are found to have violated antitrust law, they will be restricted from contracting with any public entity. That “antitrust violator” blacklist imposes real consequences for Big Tech oligopolies’ bottom line.
- Big Tech is prohibited from de-platforming Floridian political candidates. The Florida Election Commission will impose fines of $250,000 per day on any social media company that de-platforms any candidate for statewide office, and $25,000 per day for de-platforming candidates for non-statewide offices. Any Floridian can block any candidate they don’t want to hear from, and that is a right that belongs to each citizen — it’s not for Big Tech companies to decide.
The full text of Senate Bill 7072 is available here.
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Coronavirus immunity now said to ‘last years, possibly a lifetime’ | Added May 29
Immunity to the coronavirus lasts at least a year, possibly a lifetime, improving over time especially after vaccination, according to two new studies. The findings may help put to rest lingering fears that protection against the virus will be short-lived.
Together, the studies suggest that most people who have recovered from Covid-19 and who were later immunized will not need boosters. Vaccinated people who were never infected most likely will need the shots, however, as will a minority who were infected but did not produce a robust immune response.
Both reports looked at people who had been exposed to the coronavirus about a year earlier. Cells that retain a memory of the virus persist in the bone marrow and may churn out antibodies whenever needed, according to one of the studies, published on Monday in the journal Nature.
The other study, which is also under review for publication in Nature, found that these so-called memory B cells continue to mature and strengthen for at least 12 months after the initial infection.
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Telegraph: Use of fear to control behaviour in Covid crisis was ‘totalitarian’, admit scientists | Added May 28
Scientists on a committee that encouraged the use of fear to control people’s behaviour during the Covid pandemic have admitted its work was “unethical” and “totalitarian”.
Members of the Scientific Pandemic Influenza Group on Behaviour (SPI-B) expressed regret about the tactics in a new book about the role of psychology in the Government’s Covid-19 response.
SPI-B warned in March last year that ministers needed to increase “the perceived level of personal threat” from Covid-19 because “a substantial number of people still do not feel sufficiently personally threatened”.
Gavin Morgan, a psychologist on the team, said: “Clearly, using fear as a means of control is not ethical. Using fear smacks of totalitarianism. It’s not an ethical stance for any modern government. By nature I am an optimistic person, but all this has given me a more pessimistic view of people.”
Mr Morgan spoke to author Laura Dodsworth, who has spent a year investigating the Government’s tactics for her book A State of Fear, published on Monday.
Ministers have faced repeated accusations that they ramped up the threat from the pandemic to justify lockdowns and coerce the public into abiding by them – a claim that will be examined by the forthcoming public inquiry into the pandemic response.
SPI-B is one of the sub-committees that advises the Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies (Sage), led by Sir Patrick Vallance, the chief scientific adviser.
One SPI-B scientist told Ms Dodsworth: “In March [2020] the Government was very worried about compliance and they thought people wouldn’t want to be locked down. There were discussions about fear being needed to encourage compliance, and decisions were made about how to ramp up the fear. The way we have used fear is dystopian.
“The use of fear has definitely been ethically questionable. It’s been like a weird experiment. Ultimately, it backfired because people became too scared.”
Another SPI-B member said: “You could call psychology ‘mind control’. That’s what we do… clearly we try and go about it in a positive way, but it has been used nefariously in the past.”
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Politico: Facebook no longer treating ‘man-made’ Covid as a crackpot idea | Added May 28
Facebook will no longer take down posts claiming that Covid-19 was man-made or manufactured, a company spokesperson told POLITICO on Wednesday, a move that acknowledges the renewed debate about the virus’ origins.
A narrative in flux: Facebook’s policy tweak arrives as support surges in Washington for a fuller investigation into the origins of Covid-19 after the Wall Street Journal reported that three scientists at the Wuhan Institute of Virology were hospitalized in late 2019 with symptoms consistent with the virus. The findings have reinvigorated the debate about the so-called Wuhan lab-leak theory, once dismissed as a fringe conspiracy theory.
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Intelligence community uncertain regarding origins of SARS-CoV-2; Biden to share report | Added May 28
President Biden said Thursday he expected to release the results of an intelligence report on the origins of the coronavirus pandemic, even as administration officials said the inquiry was likely to extend beyond the initial 90-day deadline.
Mr. Biden on Wednesday announced that he had ordered the intelligence community to undertake a renewed examination of where the coronavirus came from and said that some intelligence agencies believe it was most likely created naturally, while at least one other favored the theory that it leaked accidentally from a lab in China.
Some intelligence officials say it is scientists, not spies or analysts, who are likely to draw definitive conclusions on the origins of the virus. Collecting information from China and working with intelligence partners could help that scientific effort, but it is unlikely to uncover some sort of smoking gun.
So far, according to three officials, there has been no intercepted Chinese communications that provide any strong evidence of a lab leak. Collecting so-called signals intelligence — electronic communications or phone calls — is notoriously difficult in China.
The effort to uncover the origins of the coronavirus began more than a year ago during the Trump administration. But some officials were wary of President Donald J. Trump’s motives, arguing that his interest in the origins of the pandemic was either to deflect blame from his administration’s handling of the epidemic or to punish China.
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California announces ‘Vax for the Win’, largest campaign yet in US to incentivize injections against Covid-19 | Added May 28
In the latest and most extraordinary effort yet to boost California’s flagging COVID-19 vaccination rates, state officials on Thursday announced what appears to be the largest inoculation incentive in the nation: the chance for 10 residents to win $1.5 million apiece.
To date, providers statewide have administered more than 36.2 million COVID-19 vaccines,according to data compiled by The Times.
But despite that overall progress, California’s vaccination pace has slowed. The average number of doses being administered statewide has dropped from a peak of about 400,000 per day to closer to 200,000.
More troubling still is that many recent doses were second shots, Newsom said, which has somewhat masked the erosion in the number of people who are beginning their vaccine regimens.
Although the $116.5 million pales in comparison to California’s estimated $267.8-billion budgetfor the upcoming fiscal year, it’s still a sizable amount — roughly three times as much as Newsom’s budget proposes to spend on surge capacity for the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection during this year’s wildfire season and far more than his budget’s $3-million plan to study the needs of public health departments, even as those local agenciesinsist their needs are well-known.
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Huffington Post: No Covid cases emerged from The Brits, despite an unmasked audience of 4,000. | Added May 28
Large events like club nights and gigs look likely to go ahead come summer, after a series of pilot events by the government involving 58,000 people resulted in just 15 positive cases of Covid-19.
Since April, the Events Research Programme (ERP) has analysed the Covid risk of several large-scale indoor and outdoor events, including the Brit Awards, the FA Cup Final and a club night in Liverpool.
The events tested a range of interventions – such as altering the layout of the venue, face coverings and ventilation – and all attendees took Covid tests before and after the event.
Culture secretary Oliver Dowden said the events were a “real success” in an interview with the Evening Standard and hopes that by June 21 stadiums will be full and the lights will be back on in the West End.
The indoor gig
The Brit Awards took place on May 11 as part of the government’s live events pilot scheme and was the first large-scale indoor music event of the year.
The ceremony, which included performances by Dua Lipa and Sir Elton John, featured an audience of 4,000 people at the O2 Arena.
No cases emerged from the event where audience members were not socially distanced or required to wear face coverings once seated.
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Cold and flu season predicted to be worse this year, as medical professionals and researchers continue to ignore questions about PCR testing in 2020 | Added May 28
A curious thing happened during the Covid-19 pandemic: With masks, social distancing, and Purell galore, we kept most other germs at bay.
Flu vanished. Cases of respiratory syncytial virus, or RSV, which in a normal winter puts nearly 60,000 children under age 5 in the hospital, were nonexistent. Most of us appeared to sidestep the soup of bugs that cause colds.
But as masks come off, schools reopen, and some travel resumes, we should expect a resurgence of these viruses — perhaps a big one. Some experts fear we’re in for a nasty cold-and-flu season or two, pointing to a combination of factors that could make for a rough re-entry to the mixed microbes world.
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NYT: Biden calls for U.S. agencies to ‘redouble’ investigative efforts into the origins of the virus. | Added May 27
President Biden on Wednesday ordered U.S. intelligence agencies to investigate the origins of the coronavirus, indicating publicly that his administration takes seriously the possibility that it was accidentally leaked from a lab, as well as the prevailing theory that it was transmitted to humans by an animal.
In a statement, Mr. Biden made clear that the agencies had not reached consensus on how the virus originated. But he directed them to “redouble their efforts” and report back in 90 days.
The president’s statement, his most public and expansive yet on the uncertainty about how the virus spread, came as top health officials renewed their appeals this week for a more rigorous investigation and an earlier report by an international team of experts faced mounting criticism for dismissing the possibility that it had accidentally escaped from a Chinese laboratory.
In the past several days, the White House had downplayed the need for an investigation led by the United States and insisted that the World Health Organization was the proper place for an international inquiry. Mr. Biden’s statement was an abrupt shift, though officials declined to be specific about the shift.
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SCMP: Balancing act for WHO on next phase of investigation into Covid-19 origins | Added May 27
From South China Morning Post:
Questions over what the next steps will be in the search for the origins of Covid-19 hang over an annual meeting of the
World Health Organization’s member countries this week. Answering those will be a steep challenge for the UN body, experts say.
The meeting is the first since the controversial conclusion earlier this year of a WHO-led inquiry into how the virus that causes
Covid-19 first began spreading in the Chinese city of Wuhan, where it was detected in late 2019.
A handful of nations at the time – including the United States, Britain and Japan – said the findings were flawed by a lack of transparency and independence from the Chinese government. WHO director general Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus also cited gaps in data access for the international scientists on the ground, though China has defended its transparency.
Now, a number of countries including the US, Japan, Britain and the European Union member states are calling for the next phase of research to start, into how the new virus began spreading in humans.
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In the UK those fully injected may still have to self-isolate until after June 21 | Added May 27
More than 22 million fully vaccinated Brits may still have to self-isolate for 10 days after coming in close contact with an infected person after June 21, reports say.
The plans could dash hopes for a return to normality next month as a single infection in an office could spark a mass quarantine of staff.
It could also put people off going to crowded places due to the risk of having to self-isolate.
A subsequent negative test would also not be enough to end the quarantine, the Telegraph reports.
Government sources told the paper that the contact tracing system should be here to stay, as there is a risk of catching and spreading Covid even after both jabs.
‘There is still a risk of getting the virus and spreading it on,’ a source said.
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Gov. Cuomo announces new injection incentive: full-ride scholarship to a New York public university | Added May 27
Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo of New York on Wednesday added to the growing list of perks and incentives offered to those getting vaccinated against the coronavirus. He announced that any state resident between the ages of 12 and 17 who gets a first dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine starting on Thursday would be entered into a raffle to win a full-ride scholarship to a New York public university.
The incentive was designed to spur vaccinations among young people. Many younger peopleonly became eligible recently, and the Pfizer vaccine was not made available to 12- to-15-year olds until earlier this month. Moderna said on Tuesday that its vaccine, which is authorized only for use in adults, was powerfully effective in 12- to 17-year-olds, and that it planned to apply for authorization in June.
Still, Mr. Cuomo said overall vaccinations in the state had declined considerably in recent weeks, and young people may feel that they have not been considered a priority age group for vaccination.
“It is an incentive for students,” he said. “You’re planning on going to college. You are wondering about how you’re going to pay for it.”
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OffGuardian report on CDC data manipulation | Added May 27
A new report, published just yesterday, has provided yet more evidence that the CDC is manipulating data to conceal the number of “breakthrough infections”.
A “breakthrough infection” (or “breakthrough case”) is defined as a person who tests positive for Sars-Cov-2 infection, despite already being fully vaccinated. And this new report finds that the CDC’s official record of breakthrough cases is:
likely a substantial undercount.
Going on to explain:
The national surveillance system relies on passive and voluntary reporting, and data might not be complete or representative. Many persons with vaccine breakthrough infections, especially those who are asymptomatic or who experience mild illness, might not seek testing.
Which is partially accurate, but also a pretty major lie by omission.
It is probably true that vaccinated people with no symptoms are unlikely to seek testing, but it is also true that, on March 17th, the CDC updated their advice on testing policy to specifically exclude such people from testing protocols:
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CHD: $3 Billion of Taxpayer Money to Be Used on Ad Campaign to Increase Vaccine Uptake | Added May 27
From Children’s Health Defense:
The White House is pouring taxpayer money into free advertising for a booming and liability-free vaccine industry, which doesn’t seem quite right. Since the beginning of human existence, greed has played a central role in the corruption of man.
The phrase “follow the money” was popularized in the film, “All the President’s Men,” a docudrama about the break-in at the Watergate office building and the subsequent political scandal that ultimately brought down the presidency of Richard Nixon.
The movie, based on the nonfiction book by Carl Bernstein and Bob Woodward, suggests that by following the money, political corruption will be exposed. In the past 18 months, there’s been so much money promised, allocated, provided and spent in relation to the COVID pandemic that it’s difficult to tease out the origins.
The amounts of money reported in the news or announced by government agencies are so large it’s easy to believe the pot of money is endless. Yet, that pot of money is funded through your tax dollars, and those tax dollars have plummeted in the last 18 months as more and more businesses closed, shutting more and more people out of a paycheck.
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And suddenly Fauci ‘Not convinced’ COVID-19 developed naturally outside Wuhan lab
Editor’s Note: After nearly a year of the “lab origin theory” of the origin of the claimed coronavirus being censored, derided and labeled as a bogus conspiracy, the notion has suddenly become plausible in the mainstream news conversation.
Virus czar Anthony Fauci admitted earlier this month that he was “not convinced” that SARS-CoV-2, the alleged “Covid-19 virus,” originated naturally, meaning, somewhere other than the Wuhan Institute of Virology. That is the only other suspect for a not-natural origin. The only suspect for natural origin, the Huanan Wet Market (bat soup theory), has been disproven because cases could not be traced back there. It had to come from somewhere — if it exists. What is known for sure is that at the time of the claimed outbreak, the United States was financing what is called gain-of-function research at the Wuhan virus factory.
The article shared below from CNN references his earlier position as quoted in a National Geographic piece from last May when, according to Fauci, the scientific evidence “very very strongly” leaned toward the virus being naturally occurring. We might ask: Why is the “lab origin theory” suddenly acceptable and getting the endorsement of none other than Fauci? The theory itself did not fade away, and neither will this question. — Spencer and Eric
Anthony Fauci, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, admitted earlier this month that he is no longer convinced that the Covid-19 pandemic originated naturally.
“I am not convinced about that, I think we should continue to investigate what went on in China until we continue to find out to the best of our ability what happened,” Fauci told PolitiFact’s managing editor Katie Sanders.
“Certainly, the people who investigated it say it likely was the emergence from an animal reservoir that then infected individuals, but it could have been something else, and we need to find that out. So, you know, that’s the reason why I said I’m perfectly in favor of any investigation that looks into the origin of the virus,” he continued.
Which is, quite clearly, a change from Fauci’s previous view that the disease very likely came about after animal to human transmission. Here’s Fauci in an interview with National Geographic last May:
“If you look at the evolution of the virus in bats and what’s out there now, [the scientific evidence] is very, very strongly leaning toward this could not have been artificially or deliberately manipulated … Everything about the stepwise evolution over time strongly indicates that [this virus] evolved in nature and then jumped species.”
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As of Tuesday, 50% of US adults have received complete dosage of Covid-19 injections | Added May 26
The U.S. is pushing to add millions more people to the ranks of the vaccinated. President Biden said this month that his new goal is to administer at least one dose of a COVID-19 vaccine to70% of U.S. adults by the Fourth of July.
Nine states have given at least one vaccine shot to 70% of their adult population, Slavitt said at Tuesday’s briefing. Acknowledging the welcome return to a more normal life taking place around the country, he urged more people to get the vaccine: “Unless you’re vaccinated, you’re at risk.”
An increasing number of states, businesses and organizations are offering incentives for people to get vaccinated, from free doughnuts to free airline flights. One of the best-known programs is in Ohio, where people who get vaccinated are entered into a $1 million lottery called the Ohio Vax-a-Million.
“Gov. Mike DeWine has unlocked a secret,” Slavitt said, noting that Ohio’s vaccination rate went up 55% among young adults in the days after unveiling the program. Other states have since announced similar plans.
The stunning speed of the vaccines’ development and rollout has helped tame COVID-19 in the U.S., which remains the worst-hit country in the world, despite having less than 5% of the world’s population. The U.S. has reported more than 33 million COVID-19 cases, and more than 590,000 people have died from the disease.
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Masks and vaccinations are optional starting June 5, 2021, votes Pennsylvania school board | Added May 26
Mask mandates at Cumberland Valley are not sitting well with parents.
Hundreds signing a petition to lift the mask mandate.
Parents stepped to the podium, comparing mask-wearing to child abuse, neglect, and even some children complaining about suffocating in their masks.
Other parents asking for vaccinations to be optional and not have to fear their children being shamed for choosing not to get the shot.
“Most kids don’t wear their masks properly and most parents have purchased a one-layer breathable mask just to play the game. We are done playing the game. I am here fighting not only for my children who are here but the children who want to run free on the soccer field, for the kid who wants to belt out a tune in chorus,” said Ashley Rashid, a parent.
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USA Today: ‘Massive increases’ in cases of eating disorders during pandemic | Added May 26
Months of isolation and anxiety brought on by the pandemic have led to a spike in eating disorders, which under normal circumstances cause an estimated 10,000 deaths a year in the U.S.
“We are absolutely seeing massive increases,’’ said Jennifer Wildes, an associate psychiatry professor and director of an outpatient eating disorders program at the University of Chicago Medicine. She said some patients have to wait four to five months for treatment or medication, about quadruple the previous wait time.
An analysis of electronic medical records data from about 80 U.S. hospitals found a 30% increase in cases of eating disorders starting after March 2020.
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Moderna seeks FDA authorization after announcing its vaccine is effective for adolescents | Added May 26
The Moderna results, which the company announced in a statement, are based on a clinical trial that enrolled 3,732 people ages 12 to 17, two-thirds of whom received two vaccine doses. There were no cases of symptomatic Covid-19 in fully vaccinated adolescents, the company reported. That translates to an efficacy of 100 percent, the same figure that Pfizer and BioNTech reported in a trial of their vaccine in 12- to 15-year-olds.
“These look like promising results,” said Dr. Kristin Oliver, a pediatrician and vaccine expert at Mount Sinai Hospital in New York. “The more vaccines we have to protect adolescents from Covid, the better.”
Moderna also reported that a single dose of its vaccine had 93 percent efficacy against symptomatic disease.
The results were announced in a news release that did not contain detailed data from the clinical trial. And Dr. Angela Rasmussen, virologist at the Vaccine and Infectious Disease Organization at the University of Saskatchewan, said that the vaccines’ efficacy can be trickier to evaluate in children, who are less likely to develop symptomatic disease than adults.
Nevertheless, she said, the results are in line with what scientists expected and suggest “that adolescents respond to the vaccine comparably to adults who receive it.”
Moderna said it planned to submit the data for publication in a peer-reviewed journal.
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FDA coverup led to the approval of the Pfizer genetic modification injection | Added May 25, by Jon Rappoport
Editor’s Note: Jon Rappoport has been one of the stellar luminaries of the Covid crisis. His investigative reporting has been impeccable, and he has been a helpful collaborator with me on the most important issues: whether the PCR test is valid, and whether the virus exists. Today, Rappoport has published an article documenting the FDA coverup that led to the approval of a “vaccine” that does not work and only seems to make matters worse. — Eric Francis
Here is a sample and a link to the full article:
The document, posted on the FDA website, is titled, “Vaccines and Related Biological Products; Advisory Committee Meeting; FDA Briefing Document Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine.” [1]
It is dated December 10, 2020. The date tells us that all the information in the document is taken from the Pfizer clinical trial, based on which the FDA authorized the vaccine for public use.
A key quote is buried on page 42: “Among 3410 total cases of suspected but unconfirmed COVID-19 in the overall study population, 1594 occurred in the vaccine group vs. 1816 in the placebo group [who received a saltwater shot].”
Those shocking numbers have never seen the light of day in news media.
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Previously undisclosed report says Wuhan Lab researchers sought hospital care in Nov. 2019 | Added May 25
Editor’s Note: The lab release story has legs, even if they cannot quite walk. Despite being shot at for the past year as some wild hallucination of Q-Anon, it’s not so savage of a concept. My freshman anthropology professor, David Banks, said in class one day that researchers always catch the disease they are working on.
Prof. Richard Ebright at Rutgers University has made a career of documenting and warning about lab releases. And other intelligent people see release of the virus from the Wuhan Institute of Virology — funded bu the U.S. federal government — the only plausible explanation of what happened. Except for one thing. The lab release of a virus would have to be confirmed by having some of that virus. To this day, nobody has a sample.
Nobody has a full genetic sequence made from wild, live virion. Nobody has purified isolate. No country in the world can produce any quantity of the presumed virus. This is another way of saying that the lab release is a convenient cover story for the absence of a virus, and the potential presence of some other killer. See story above about why Fauci is suddenly all warm and cozy with the lab release theory. — Eric Francis
Three researchers from China’s Wuhan Institute of Virology became sick enough in November 2019 that they sought hospital care, according to a previously undisclosed U.S. intelligence report that could add weight to growing calls for a fuller probe of whether the Covid-19 virus may have escaped from the laboratory.
The details of the reporting go beyond a State Department fact sheet, issued during the final days of the Trump administration, which said that several researchers at the lab, a center for the study of coronaviruses and other pathogens, became sick in autumn 2019 “with symptoms consistent with both Covid-19 and common seasonal illness.”
The disclosure of the number of researchers, the timing of their illnesses and their hospital visits come on the eve of a meeting of the World Health Organization’s decision-making body, which is expected to discuss the next phase of an investigation into Covid-19’s origins.Current and former officials familiar with the intelligence about the lab researchers expressed differing views about the strength of the supporting evidence for the assessment. One person said that it was provided by an international partner and was potentially significant but still in need of further investigation and additional corroboration.
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CNN: How feasible is it for businesses to require proof of vaccination? Experts are split | Added May 25
After a year of wearing masks, physical distancing and only small outdoor gatherings, a world of possibilities is finally beginning to open up for the vaccinated.
More states are easing coronavirus restrictions as per the latest Centers for Disease Control and Prevention guidance, meaning vaccinated people are now permitted to go maskless in many settings.
Because loosening those rules would otherwise largely hinge on the honor system, though, some businesses and organizations have announced that they’ll require proof of vaccination for entry — either because they want to ensure a safer environment or because their state or local government mandates it.
It’s an interim solution that allows vaccinated people to regain a sense of normalcy, while establishments ramp up operations after an economically devastating year. But requiring proof of vaccination also raises challenges around logistics and enforcement, as well as concerns about forgery and privacy.
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NYC plans to move toward fully reopening schools this fall — remote learning to be no longer offered as an option | Added May 25
New York City will no longer have a remote schooling option come fall, Mayor Bill de Blasio said Monday, a major step toward fully reopening the nation’s largest school system and a crucial marker in the city’s economic recovery after more than a year of disruptions caused by the pandemic.
The announcement represents the single most important decision the city was facing on school reopening, and means that all students and staff members will be back in buildings full time. Many parents will also be able to return to work without supervising their children’s online classes, which could prompt the revitalization of entire industries and neighborhoods.
“You can’t have a full recovery without full-strength schools,” Mr. de Blasio said during an appearance on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe.”
New York is one of the first big cities in the country to remove the option of remote learning altogether for the next school year. Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo said on Monday that he expected all schools in the state to reopen full-time in the fall.
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NBC: Faced with anti-vaccination parents, teens are helping one another get Covid shots | Added May 25
The Gen Zer from Ohio who made a splash two years ago for defying his mother to get his childhood immunizations has a message for teenagers seeking Covid-19 vaccinations and getting pushback from their parents — get one if you can.
Ethan Lindenberger, 20, got his first dose three weeks ago and said doing so “could save someone’s life.”
“Teens faced with this have to weigh things like ‘I know vaccines are lifesaving, but I don’t want to become homeless,’” he said. “So I tell them if you can’t have that loving conversation with your parents and you’re of age, weigh those consequences seriously.
“Don’t get yourself kicked out or seriously in trouble … but, if you’re able to have that conversation, please get your shots as soon as possible,” he said.
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NYMag: New Research Suggests Number of Kids Hospitalized for COVID Is Overcounted | Added May 24
The reported number of COVID-19 hospitalizations, one of the primary metrics for tracking the severity of the coronavirus pandemic, was grossly inflated for children in California hospitals, two research papers published Wednesday concluded. The papers, both published in the journal Hospital Pediatrics, found that pediatric hospitalizations for COVID-19 were overcounted by at least 40 percent, carrying potential implications for nationwide figures.
Dr. Monica Gandhi, an infectious-diseases specialist at the University of California, San Francisco, and Amy Beck, an associate professor of pediatrics, also at UCSF, wrote acommentary for Hospital Pediatrics that accompanied the two studies. They wrote, “Taken together, these studies underscore the importance of clearly distinguishing between children hospitalized with SARS-CoV-2 found on universal testing versus those hospitalized for COVID-19 disease.” The studies demonstrate, they said, that reported hospitalization rates “greatly overestimate the true burden of COVID-19 disease in children.” Gandhi told Intelligencer that while the studies were both conducted with data from California hospitals, “there is no reason to think these findings would be exclusive to California. This sort of retrospective chart review will likely reveal the same findings across the country.”
Explaining why the official tallies were found to be so far off, Baral said the electronic databases that hospitals use are administrative in purpose, meant for billing, resource management, et cetera. “They were not designed to infer the prevalence and severity of an infectious virus.” We have a desire for instant, accurate data, he said, but validation takes time.
“It is critical that the risks of COVID-19 to children be portrayed accurately,” Gandhi and Beck wrote. “Scientific and media reports that inaccurately portray the risk of COVID-19 to children can do harm by alarming parents and providing justification for ongoing restrictions to in-person education and other programming. Via these studies, parents and policy-makers should be reassured that pediatric hospitalization for severe COVID-19 disease is indeed rare.”
Neither paper addressed the accuracy of pediatric mortality rates attributed to COVID-19, nor that of adult patients categorized as COVID-19 hospitalizations. But, Gandhi and Baral both noted, these findings clearly illustrate the need to perform similar retrospective chart reviews for COVID-19-coded adult hospitalizations and overall mortality.
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Internal report obtained through FOIA reveals CDC’s release of faulty coronavirus test kits was due to inconsistent quality control procedures | Added May 24
Editor’s Note: This article is set within the universe where it is possible to test for a virus that has not been isolated, purified or sequenced from wild live virion. None of these things have ever happened. Covid19 News followed the issue closely, determining from multiple sources that the PCR is capable of delivering 100% false positives. It is then little wonder that the test was not reliable: there was, and is, nothing to test for except for dead nucleotides that may have nothing to do with an actual SARS virus or infection in any form.
A flawed coronavirus test distributed by government scientists early in the pandemic was poorly designed and came with erroneous instructions that made it doubly difficult for labs to rely on the test’s results, new records show. The shortcomings of the test kits cost the nation precious weeks as officials sought to detect virus hot spots and manage the outbreak.
The new details are in an internal report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention that explored why the agency’s original coronavirus test kit failed. Some of the initial tests sent to the nation’s labs back in February 2020 delivered “inconclusive” readings — further delaying the ability for the nation to identify COVID-19 cases. The kits were developed so states could conduct their own testing and get test results faster than shipping samples to the CDC in Atlanta.
NPR obtained a copy of the report after suing the CDC under the Freedom of Information Act. The initial review, known as a “root-cause analysis,” was conducted by the agency in March 2020 to determine why an early coronavirus test didn’t work properly. The review was updated in October with new details of what the investigation found.
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CDC guidelines continue to invite contradiction: ‘The science is sound. The science is confusing.’ | Added May 24
As Fauci chides the public for interpreting CDC’s new guidelines too liberally, the media doesn’t get the memo, and insists the science supports unmasking for those vaccinated.
There are a lot of fair arguments circulating that these guidelines were issued prematurely and lacking some nuance. And it’s hard to know how unvaccinated people, and those who never intend to be vaccinated, will respond, particularly as local communities and businesses grow laxer when it comes to enforcing masking. The guidelines also neglect the reality that the absolute risk for Covid-19 infections among the vaccinated is dependent on the level of Covid-19 spread in a community. Plus, there’s still uncertainty about what to do about children under the age of 12, who currently cannot be vaccinated.
These arguments are worthy of discussion. But they also can distract us from something important at the core of the CDC’s guidelines: There’s good science to indicate that, in an ideal world where everyone does follow these guidelines, fully vaccinated people really can feel comfortable taking their masks off. These vaccines are really good. They prevent disease, infection, and transmission the majority of the time. And the best thing an individual can do to help end the pandemic is to get vaccinated.
“The return to normal activities is safe for vaccinated people, there is no debate about this fact,” Jeffrey Duchin, a physician with the Infectious Diseases Society of America, told reporters in a news briefing on Thursday. “However, the announcement led to widespread confusion and frustration because it was unexpected and needed context.”
Before we get to the confusion, let’s talk about why scientists and the CDC are so confident that most fully vaccinated people can go maskless.
The CDC’s new guidelines are highly simplified. But they are also not wrong. And again, they were issued because “these vaccines are astounding,” Gandhi says. They’re the most powerful pathway to return life to normal.
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California to fully reopen June 15 | Added May 24
State officials on Friday unveiled perhaps their most eagerly anticipated pandemic-related guidelines, which will steer California into a new, fully reopened age.
Come June 15, Californians will wake up to a world that looks nothing like the last year-plus — one where businesses can open their doors without COVID-19 constraints on capacity or requirements for physical distancing, and where people who are fully vaccinated no longer need to wear masks in most situations.
California also will align with recommendations from the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention when it comes to travel, according to Dr. Mark Ghaly, the state’s Health and Human Services secretary.
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After Pennsylvania citizens restrict government power, state drops lawsuits against 46 restaurants | Added May 22
Editor’s Note: As draconian covid restrictions and abuse of state power unravel, we are going to see the true colors of this whole incident. One of the reasons that mandates and fear tactics were perpetuated so long was to prevent people from seeing through them. Pennsylvania was a real crime scene. This among other things demonstrates that resistance is not futile. This is an important time to observe the “news” and also human behavior. Here are some new developments. — Eric F. Coppolino

The state on Friday dropped two lawsuits against 46 restaurants – including six from Lancaster County ‑ that stayed open during a three-week winter holiday ban on indoor dining, a move that ends the Wolf administration’s most aggressive enforcement of restrictions meant to slow the spread of COVID-19.
Filed in Commonwealth Court Dec. 23 and Jan. 5, the suits by the Department of Health sought, among other things, money the restaurants made by keeping their dining rooms open during the ban as well “punitive damages for the willful and wanton violation of the orders.”
The petition to drop the suits referenced a “decline in new cases and hospitalizations from COVID-19 as well as continued increase in vaccinations” in addition to the May 31 lifting of most mitigation orders, except masking.
“Additionally, the majority of respondents have come into compliance with the Secretary’s orders,” read the petition filed by Mary Abbegael Giunta, deputy general counsel with the Office of General Counsel, which in mid-April took over the cases which had initially been filed by the Attorney General’s office.
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‘Vax & Scratch’ program announced by Governor Cuomo
Free donuts, free Mets and Yankees tickets, and now the next gimmick to subject yourself to experimental, potentially deadly genetic modification: free lottery tickets. It’s the perfect metaphor: “You Bet Your Life.”
On May 20 Gov. Andrew Cuomo of New York announced New York state’s new ‘Vax and Scratch’ vaccination program where individuals who are 18 and over are provided with free $20 scratch-off lottery tickets with a grand prize of up to $5 million. 10 vaccination sites throughout the state are included and will be open from May 24 to May 28.
Governor Cuomo is quoted as saying “We’re doing everything we can to make getting a vaccine as quick and easy as possible, but as vaccination rates slow across the state, we’re going to have to get creative to put even more shots in arms. This new pilot program will offer a greater incentive for New Yorkers to get vaccinated by offering a free scratch-off ticket for a chance to win up to $5 million.
Bloomberg: What Happens When Vaccine Incentives Aren’t Enough? | Added May 22
When much of the world is still desperate for Covid-19 vaccinations, a handful of wealthy places are beginning to have the opposite problem. Hong Kong is one. Despite a free and easily accessible program open to all adults since April, only just over 10% of the population of 7.5 million has had both injections, with low rates even among the oldest. Hesitancy is so high that only half of residents say they intend to get vaccinated.
The combination of political upheaval, distrust in government and success in keeping caseloads low makes Hong Kong an unusual, even extreme, example of reluctance, as seen in studies of attitudes to other control measures, compared to Singapore and Malaysia. But the territory is far from alone as the rich world shifts from shortages to indifference, well before enough people have been inoculated to allow a safe reopening. The question arises of how governments push populations if — or probably when — hints, cash, free burgers and even the prospect ofinternational travel prove insufficient to reach herd immunity, the vaccination rate of roughly 70% or more that’s necessary to protect everyone.
It’s uncomfortable to argue for obligatory jabs, even in a pandemic that has devastated families globally. Yet if we don’t get to better levels once vaccines are fully and freely available, some degree of compulsion may well be necessary. The benefit is too great, and the risk and sacrifice asked of citizens too small, to ignore. Authorities in England estimate that by the end of April, vaccines had averted at least 11,700 deaths among those aged 60 or over. Globally, of course, it’s many times that.
Public health usually operates on a sliding scale of state involvement. The Nuffield Council on Bioethics in the U.K. calls it an intervention ladder, ranging from “do nothing” (the sort of minimal intervention many people prefer) to “eliminate choice.” We remain somewhere around the lower rungs when it comes to Covid-19 vaccines, which are still rolling out. Information is being provided, citizens persuaded, access facilitated. But we’re already rapidly moving up toward the point where officials are beginning to guide choices with incentives in cash and kind.
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Ventilation and surveillance testing can help keep U.S. schools open in the fall, new studies suggest | Added May 22
Several Covid-19 mitigation measures — including improving ventilation, requiring adults to wear face masks and conducting frequent surveillance testing — can help schools stay open and students remain safe, two new studies suggest.
The studies, published on Friday, come as many school districts are drawing up their plans for the fall. They also follow the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention guidance that all schools teaching students from kindergarten through grade 12 should continue to implement mask-wearing policies through the end of the 2020-2021 school year, after the agency’s recent move to allow for vaccinated people to forego masks indoors. The agency also kept in place its suggestions to observe physical distancing and to test for coronavirus infections.
In one of the new studies, researchers from the C.D.C. and the Georgia Department of Public Health surveyed 169 elementary schools in Georgia that offered in-person learning last fall. The group asked the schools about their pandemic responses and collected data on the coronavirus cases detected between Nov. 16 and Dec. 11, before vaccines were in use in the United States.
The researchers found that the incidence of the virus was 35 percent lower in schools that had improved their ventilation — by opening windows or doors, or using fans — than in schools that did not adopt these practices. In schools that combined better ventilation with air filtration — through the use of HEPA filters, for instance — case rates were 48 percent lower.
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OffGuardian: ‘No Irish, No Blacks, No Dogs, No Unvaxxed’ | Added May 22
The government is pressing ahead with its Vaccine Passport and plans for a two-tier society are afoot. The effrontery of those leading the charge beggar’s belief.
When they said ‘there were no plans for ‘discriminatory’ Covid vaccine passports’, they were quietly funding at least eight different vaccine passport schemes since last year.
And that’s just the half of it. We are midway through a Europe-wide feasibility study for the development of a common vaccine passport, launched by the European Commission in 2018.
They would have you believe – they were caught with their trousers down, their policies are proportionate to the emergency as it unfolds, and at all times they operate according to a system of informed consent.
But hang on a minute. Since the onset of SARS-CoV-2, they have played the most astonishing game of deception and manipulation. Cooking the books and fiddling the tills.
They have deliberately plunged society into two camps – skeptics and adherents, compliant and non-conformists.
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Futurism: Scientists Say a New Coronavirus Jumped From Dogs to Humans | Added May 22
Researchers have found a new canine coronavirus that appears to have jumped from a dog to a child.
A new study, published in the journal Clinical Infectious Diseases, examines a child who was hospitalized with pneumonia in Malaysia back in 2018.
If confirmed, according to The New York Times, it would be the eighth known coronavirus to infect humans and the first to do so from dogs — as well as yet another example of the danger of new pathogens that jump from animals to humans.
Plenty of questions remain, however. We don’t know how much of a threat, if any, the canine coronavirus poses to humans. We also don’t know if it can be transmitted from human to human, like COVID-19.
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According to Dr. Fauci, the American public is ‘misinterpreting’ the CDC’s new mask guidance | Added May 22
Anthony S. Fauci, the government’s leading infectious-disease expert, told Axios that the public is misinterpreting the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s announcement last weekthat fully vaccinated people can go without masks indoors.
“I think people are misinterpreting, thinking that this is a removal of a mask mandate for everyone. It’s not,” he told Axios. “It’s an assurance to those who are vaccinated that they can feel safe, be they outdoors or indoors.”
Fauci emphasized that the health agency did not explicitly tell unvaccinated people to go without masks but instead communicated to vaccinated individuals that they will not get infected indoors or outdoors.
“People either read them quickly, or listen and hear half of it. They are feeling that we’re saying: ‘You don’t need the mask anymore.’ That’s not what the CDC said,” he told the news outlet.
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CBS report covering booster shots | Added May 22
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Pennsylvania voters approve constitutional amendment to impose limit on Governor’s powers
Pennsylvania voters became the first in the nation to curb their governor’s emergency powers, approving constitutional amendments proposed by Republican lawmakers angry over Democratic Gov. Tom Wolf’s handling of the COVID-19 outbreak.
The vote on Tuesday’s statewide primary ballot came as Republican lawmakers across the country have sought to roll back the emergency powers governors wielded during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Republicans see the referendum as a victory with strong political overtones, as the state gears up for a wide-open governor’s race in 2022 and Wolf leaving office after two terms.
Vaccine boosters may be necessary by fall, according to word on the street — originating with Pfizer CEO | Added May 21
The first Americans to be vaccinated against the coronavirus could require a third “booster” shot as early as September, the CEOs of Pfizer and Moderna told Axios.
Driving the news: “The data that I see coming, they are supporting the notion that likely there will be a need for a booster somewhere between eight and 12 months,” Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla said yesterday during an Axios event.
That means some Americans could need a booster as soon as September or October, he added.
State of play: Only time will tell how long protection from the first two vaccine doses will last, but there’s no evidence yet that it’s fading. Even if protection does begin to fade — which is common among vaccines — it won’t happen overnight.
- And as the virus continues to spread around the world, it’s possible that vaccine-resistant variants could eventually emerge. (The existing vaccines are highly effective against the variants currently circulating in the U.S.)
The other side: Experts caution to consider the drug companies’ predictions in context with their broader business goals.
- “It’s not proven that we need boosters yet. Whereas it’s appropriate to plan for boosters, you’ve got to look at whether there’s a corporate agenda behind this,” said Cornell professor and virologist John Moore.
- “As of now, we don’t have any evidence that protective immunity has dropped to a troubling point, and certainly not for people immunized in December, January, February,” he added. “It’s hard to say where we will be in November because right now it’s May.”
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OffGuardian: Leave Our Kids Alone | Added May 21
Does a degree in PPE qualify Matt Hancock to indefatigably state the rewards of the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine outweigh the risks for children?
Does a Political Science and History degree qualify Biden to state irrefutably that experimental COVID vaccines with no long-term safety data are safe? Could he name a single vaccine ingredient – even with the aid of an auto-cue? Has he even read the FDA report?
Has Prince Harry? Has the Pope?
According to an FDA report of Dec 12 2020 on the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine, while the more common reported adverse events following vaccination were injection site reactions (84.1%), fatigue (62.9%), headache (55.1%), muscle pain (38.3%), chills (31.9%), joint pain (23.6%) and fever (14.2%) – 0.5% reported at least one serious adverse event (i.e. life threatening injury, inpatient hospitalisation, persistent disability/incapacity or death). For children adverse events were higher – 4.6% compared to 2.8% in the older trial participants.
Yet in spite of the elevated risks associated with vaccinating the young, everybody it seems is in on the act of getting them vaccinated, including 100 US colleges who now require students to be vaccinated in order to attend in-person classes.
In fact, there is truly no low to which US states won’t sink in order to drag every child and adolescent into the largest vaccine trial in history.
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July onward, monthly stimulus payments will be sent to households qualifying for parental tax credit | Added May 21
A poverty-fighting measure included in the COVID-19 relief bill passed this year will deliver monthly payments to households including 88% of children in the United States, starting in July, Biden administration officials said on Monday.
The Democratic-backed American Rescue Plan, signed into law by President Joe Biden in March as a response to the coronavirus pandemic, expanded a tax credit available to most parents.
Those people will get up to $3,000 per child, or $3,600 for each child under the age of 6, in 2021, subject to income restrictions. The benefit will reach 39 million households, many automatically and by direct deposit every month, starting on July 15.
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Worse Than the Disease? Reviewing Some Possible Unintended Consequences of the mRNA Vaccines Against COVID — from Stephanie Seneff and Greg Nigh | Added May 21
From International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice, and Research:
Operation Warp Speed brought to market in the United States two mRNA vaccines, produced by Pfizer and Moderna. Interim data suggested high efficacy for both of these vaccines, which helped legitimize Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) by the FDA. However, the exceptionally rapid movement of these vaccines through controlled trials and into mass deployment raises multiple safety concerns.
In this review we first describe the technology underlying these vaccines in detail. We then review both components of and the intended biological response to these vaccines, including production of the spike protein itself, and their potential relationship to a wide range of both acute and long-term induced pathologies, such as blood disorders, neurodegenerative diseases and autoimmune diseases. Among these potential induced pathologies, we discuss the relevance of prion-protein-related amino acid sequences within the spike protein.
We also present a brief review of studies supporting the potential for spike protein “shedding”, transmission of the protein from a vaccinated to an unvaccinated person, resulting in symptoms induced in the latter. We finish by addressing a common point of debate, namely, whether or not these vaccines could modify the DNA of those receiving the vaccination.
While there are no studies demonstrating definitively that this is happening, we provide a plausible scenario, supported by previously established pathways for transformation and transport of genetic material, whereby injected mRNA could ultimately be incorporated into germ cell DNA for transgenerational transmission.
We conclude with our recommendations regarding surveillance that will help to clarify the long-term effects of these experimental drugs and allow us to better assess the true risk/benefit ratio of these novel technologies.
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National Records of Scotland reports three deaths linked to Covid injections | Added May 20
Three “extremely rare” deaths in Scotland have been linked to adverse effects from Covid-19 vaccines.
National Records of Scotland (NRS) said the effects had been recorded as the “underlying cause” in each of the three deaths, which were before 30 April.
More than 2.8 million people had received at least a first dose of the vaccine by that date.
Public health expert Prof Linda Bauld said the “vast, vast majority” of Covid vaccine side effects were very mild.
The professor of public health at the University of Edinburgh told BBC Scotland that serious adverse effects from any vaccine were extremely unusual.
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As of today New York City’s reopening begins | Added May 20
New York City’s reopening — a milestone longed for over the last 14 months — arrived at last on Wednesday. It was less a grand gala than a soft opening, a finish line at the end of a long race that no one wanted to be the first to cross.
Four hundred and twenty three days since the city shut down, on a Sunday in March 2020, when it accounted for half the nation’s coronavirus cases, its first day fully back in business was messy and inconsistent and confusing. In short, it was New York City, and a single set of new rules statewide was widely superseded by the personal comfort levels of the city’s millions of residents.
Although masks are no longer required in most situations for those who have been vaccinated, the majority of people, whether in the big-box stores and tiny boutiques of Manhattan or the shaded paths of Prospect Park in Brooklyn, seemed to have kept them firmly in place.
“It’s still store policy,” said Raj Lalbatchan, 23, a worker at Victoria, a store selling clothing in the Bronx. Nearby, Elisabeth Ocasio, 51, a server at the restaurant La Isla, said it is standing firm with the status quo. “We don’t know who’s vaccinated and who’s not,” she said. “We’re doing everything the same here.”
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NJ dishes out incentives to get injected: wine, state park passes, and dinner with the governor | Added May 20
New Jersey will offer wine, state park season passes and dinner with the governor and his wife as incentives to get people vaccinated against coronavirus.
The incentives form part of “Operation Jersey Summer,” with Gov. Phil Murphy looking to get as many people aged 12 and older vaccinated as quickly as possible. He has previously said he wants 70% of the state’s adult population fully vaccinated by June.
The wine giveaway – nicknamed “Uncork the Vaccination – applies to people who receive their first dose of vaccine in the month of May. By showing their vaccine card, people will be able to receive a free glass of wine at one of nine participating wineries throughout the state. It’s similar to the state’s “Shot and a Beer” program.
The “Vax and Visit” program will see the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection offer a free season state parks pass – good for entrance to any state park from Memorial Day weekend to the end of the calendar year – to anyone who has received at least one shot by July 4. Passes normally cost $50, and anyone who has already been vaccinated and bought a pass can apply to get their money reimbursed.
People who get vaccinated before the end of May, including anyone who has received their shots in the preceding five-plus months, will also be eligible to have dinner with Murphy and first lady Tammy Snyder Murphy. The winner will be able to bring a guest and have dinner with the couple at their choice of Drumthwacket, the official governor’s residence in Princeton, or at the governor’s shore home at Island Beach State Park.
The dinner will also include a private tour of the house and the grounds.
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NYT: The E.U. agrees to reopen to vaccinated visitors and those from Covid-safe countries | Added May 20
The European Union agreed on Wednesday to reopen its borders to visitors who have been fully vaccinated with an approved shot and to those coming from a list of countries considered safe from a coronavirus perspective, permitting broader travel just in time for the summer tourism season.
Ambassadors from the 27 member states of the European Union endorsed a plan that would allow visits from tourists and other nonessential travelers, who have been mostly barred from entering the bloc for more than a year.
The move has been seen as an economic imperative for tourism-dependent countries such as Greece and Spain, and it has been months in the works. Other E.U. nations that are less reliant on tourists for jobs and income, particularly in northern Europe, had been eager to maintain higher barriers for nonessential visitors to keep the coronavirus at bay. But they relented as vaccinations advanced and after they were promised the ability to reverse course if cases surge again.
The new rules are set to become formal policy next week after clearing some bureaucratic hurdles, and, depending on how well each country has prepared to welcome tourists, could be implemented immediately. Some countries, like Greece, have already said that they will remove testing and quarantine requirements for vaccinated visitors. But most countries are likely to implement such changes more slowly and conservatively.
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Euronews: In Bulgaria, even doctors aren’t sure COVID-19 vaccines are a good idea | Added May 20
When Plamen Radomirsky, 68, had his first COVID vaccine dose in Canada early this year he was shocked to be told he’d have to wait two months for the second one. Keen to make sure he was 100% protected, he got on a plane for his native Bulgaria.
After ten minutes of queuing at a vaccination centre in Sofia, Radomirsky said, he had received his second dose.
“The rumours that elderly people have not been able to get vaccinated in Bulgaria are not true,” he told Euronews.
“As you see, it was fast, easy, and well organised. Canada’s strategy is to immunise as many people as possible with the first dose and this lengthens the whole process,” he said.
The statistics, however, might suggest otherwise.
Only 6% of over-80s in Bulgaria have received both doses of the COVID-19 vaccine, according to the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control. It’s around 10% in the 60-69 and 70-79 categories. The small Balkan country is one of the EU’s worst countries when it comes to vaccination rates, with just 13.5 % of the population immunised.
Much of the reason for that, experts say, is scepticism about vaccines, particularly amongst older, more conservative Bulgarians.
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Wheels officially come off of mask jackwagon as Walmart and other major retailers drop requirement to cover your face
After 13 months of gaslighting and suffocating the public, CDC has advised that fully vaccinated people no longer need to cover their faces. In response, Walmart and other major retailers have dropped the mask requirement for fully vaccinated people. Whether one was injected with the genetic mod potion is on the honor system as nobody will be requiring proof.

So ends more than a year of one of the most absurd events in American history, where in an old bandanna was claimed by the government to stop the spread of a deadly virus that it does not have a sample of.
This development comes five months after Johns Hopkins University admitted that there were no excess deaths in 2020.
And long after the journal Nature reported in a peer reviewed study (i.e., science) that there was no asymptomatic spread in Whuan, a city of 9.5 million (both of these are covered here, along with other critical issues from late last year).
And it comes five months after the New York State Department of Health — respected on many issues a bellwether for the whole world — admitted in a Freedom of Information Act response letter that it has no data whatsoever establishing that masks or cloth face coveringscan prevent a virus.
And while we are at it, dropping the mask requirement comes fifteen months after Anthony Fauci, the United States’ virus czar, told 60 Minutes that masks are useless in video that we have all seen but which has been scrubbed from YouTube.
Retailers will still be required to follow local laws and health department regulations. Good luck with that.
A growing number of major retailers are lifting mask requirements for those who are fully inoculated after new federal guidance, largely moving to an honor system in which they trust that only vaccinated people will bare their faces.

The guidance lifts the masking requirement for fully vaccinated people in most settings — though not on transit, in health care facilities or in certain crowded areas — while affirming that local regulations should still be respected.
Fully vaccinated, according to the guidance, means two weeks after receiving a second dose of Pfizer-BioNTech’s or Moderna’s vaccine, or the single dose of Johnson & Johnson’s.
However, and this should come as a huge shock to everyone…
Some public health experts expressed concerns that unvaccinated people may also choose to shed their masks.
“CDC is betting that by giving wide freedom to vaccinated people it’ll encourage the hesitant,” Lawrence Gostin, director of Georgetown University’s O’Neill Institute for National and Global Health Law, wrote on Twitter on Thursday. “But there’s no behavioral evidence for that. What’s more likely to happen is that both vaccinated AND unvaccinated people will take off their masks.”
Union leaders have also pointed to the health risks that workers could face.
“Today’s C.D.C. guidance is confusing and fails to consider how it will impact essential workers who face frequent exposure to individuals who are not vaccinated and refuse to wear masks,” Marc Perrone, president of the United Food and Commercial Workers International Union, said in a statement on Thursday.
Reuters: Texas governor bars mask mandates for schools, other government entities | Added May 19
Texas Governor Greg Abbott on Tuesday ordered all government entities in the state, including school districts, to lift mask mandates by week’s end, though existing guidelines for face-coverings in schools may remain in effect through June 4.
Abbott’s executive order puts Texas at odds with the latest guidance from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommending that students in schools across the United States wear masks for the 2020-2021 academic year because not all will be inoculated against the coronavirus.
Abbott said Texas was making strides against the COVID-19 pandemic through vaccinations, antibody therapeutics and voluntary health-safety practices “utilized by Texans in our communities,” leaving government mask requirements no longer necessary.
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Scientific opinion dismissing natural herd immunity, in favor of vaccination, continues to be amplified | May 19
The end of this pandemic sometimes gets boiled down to two words: herd immunity. But now, as an academic debate swirls over when or even if America can get to a high enough percentage of people with immunity to reach that goal, some scientists say it’s time for the public to stop worrying about it.
“I think we’re focusing too much of our time, our effort, on quibbling over a number,” saysLauren Ancel Meyers, a professor at the University of Texas at Austin and head of the university’s COVID-19 Modeling Consortium. Instead, Meyers and others say the public should follow one simple piece of advice: Get vaccinated.
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New CDC protocol manipulates data to show supposed efficacy of Covid-19 injections | Added May 19
The US Center for Disease Control (CDC) is altering its practices of data logging and testing for “Covid19” in order to make it seem the experimental gene-therapy “vaccines” are effective at preventing the alleged disease.
They made no secret of this, announcing the policy changes on their website in late April/early May, (though naturally without admitting the fairly obvious motivation behind the change).
The trick is in their reporting of what they call “breakthrough infections” – that is people who are fully “vaccinated” against Sars-Cov-2 infection, but get infected anyway.
Essentially, Covid19 has long been shown – to those willing to pay attention – to be an entirely created pandemic narrative built on two key factors:
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‘Diverging’ economies of rich and poor nations draw attention after more than a year of Covid-19 policies | Added May 19
Covid-19 is reopening a rift between economies in the world’s richest and poorest nations,driven by growth rates that are moving firmly in opposite directions.
In the U.S., economists are forecasting a return to boomtime growth levels of the “roaring 20s”; China’s economy expanded at a record 18.3% in the first quarter; and the U.K. is growing faster than at any time since the end of World War II.
Yet across the developing world, where people are largely unvaccinated and governments are unable to afford sustained stimulus measures, economies are falling further behind, struggling to rebound from last year’s record contraction.
The middle class in developing countries, a key engine of economic, educational and political development, is contracting rapidly, but it has barely been dented in the U.S. and China, according to the Pew Research Center. While the rapid U.S. rebound has already catapulted its economy back to growth, lower income countries will take years to return to 2019 levels.
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Target, Costco, and Starbucks among retailers allowing uninjected to shop without a mask | Added May 18
Shopping for a new outfit or enjoying a cup of coffee outside of one’s home is about to start resembling life before the COVID-19 pandemic.
Last week, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) surprised corporate America (and reportedly President Joe Biden) by saying those who are fully vaccinated are allowed to go maskless in most places. That includes indoors.
The CDC has put America’s biggest companies in a tough spot seeing as the decision does not override state and local rules on masks. So, it’s either companies say masks could be removed in their stores or stay with protocols enacted during the pandemic and risk upsetting customers (among other unfortunate byproducts of the highly politicized mask issue).
Nonetheless, some of the country’s most well-known retailers have stepped up quickly to change their stances on masks following the CDC’s decision. Yahoo Finance takes a quick look at the most prominent retailers.
Target said Monday that it “will no longer require fully vaccinate guests and team members to wear face coverings in its stores, except where it’s required by local ordinances.” The retailer added that it still recommends face coverings for guests and team members who are not fully vaccinated.
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Article from Mercola: Are We Being Set Up for Mass Depopulation? | Added May 18
Video referenced in the article below may be found at the link. From Dr. Joseph Mercola:
How do you market and implement a financial system that nobody would want if they understood its full ramifications — a change so huge that it not only would mean the end of currency as we know it, but a total revision of sovereignty and individual rights?
In the interview above, which is part of the full-length documentary “Planet Lockdown,”1 Michael Yeadon, Ph.D., a life science researcher and former vice-president and chief scientist of allergy and respiratory research at Pfizer, shares his views on the COVID-19 pandemic, fast-tracked COVID-19 “vaccines,” the issue of mutated virus variants and the need for booster shots, and how this manufactured crisis is being used to strip us of our civil liberties.
Are You Putting the Pieces Together?
Yeadon has a degree in biochemistry and toxicology and a research-based Ph.D. in respiratory pharmacology. He’s spent 32 years of his career working for large pharmaceutical companies, and 10 years in the biotechnology sector.
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California plans to wait and adopt the new CDC mask guidelines on June 15 | Added May 18
Californians fully vaccinated against COVID-19 can go mask-free in most indoor settings starting June 15 — which also is the target date for reopening the state’s economy, officials announced Monday.
Next month’s change will bring the state into alignment with recently released guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Federal health officials said last week that available evidence demonstrated it was safe for fully vaccinated people to go without masks in most places, whether outdoors or inside.
That was only a recommendation, though, and the final call was largely left to state and local governments — one exception being public transportation, such as trains, buses and airplanes, and at airports and other transit hubs.
Dr. Mark Ghaly, California’s Health and Human Services secretary, said state officials were opting to wait a bit before implementing the new guidelines to give residents more time to receive their vaccine shots and businesses and workers time to prepare for the change.
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Biden plans to share more injections globally: ‘Our nation is going to be the arsenal of vaccines’ | Added May 18
President Joe Biden said Monday his administration would share millions more doses of Covid-19 vaccines with other countries in addition to the 60 million doses of the AstraZeneca vaccinehe has already committed to sharing by July 4.
Biden said the US would share at least 20 million doses of Covid-19 vaccines by the end of next month, totaling 80 million doses that are set to be sent abroad. Those additional 20 million doses will consist of Moderna, Pfizer and Johnson & Johnson vaccines as well as AstraZeneca, which has to be approved by federal regulators before being shipped overseas. That effort is underway.
“We need to help fight the disease around the world to keep us safe here at home and to do the right thing helping other people. It’s the right thing to do, it’s the smart thing to do, it’s the strong thing to do,” Biden said in remarks delivered at the White House.
The President said: “We want to lead the world with our values, with this demonstration of our innovation and ingenuity, and the fundamental decency of the American people.”
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CBS News: Delta first major U.S. airline to require new hires be vaccinated | Added May 18
Delta Air Lines will require all new hires in the U.S. to be immunized against COVID-19, the carrier announced Friday, calling vaccines “safe, effective and essential to the future of the airline and our world.”
The Atlanta-based airline noted its progress toward herd immunity within its own workforce, with 60% of its roughly 74,000 employees already vaccinated, the company said. To help maintain that trajectory, Delta will mandate that those joining the company be vaccinated unless they qualify for an accommodation, the company said in a statement. The policy starts Monday.
“Approximately two out of 10 Americans have been infected by COVID-19, and one out of 1,000 Americans has died from the virus. The vaccines are not only extremely effective in preventing illness and symptoms from COVID-19, but they are also nearly 100 percent effective in preventing hospitalization and death,” Delta stated.
Delta “will not be implementing a company-wide mandate to require current employees to be vaccinated,” a spokesperson told CBS MoneyWatch in an email.
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OffGuardian: How Bill Gates & Big Pharma used children as “guinea pigs”…and got away with it. | Added May 18
In 2009, a Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF) funded NGO carried out unauthorised clinical trials of a vaccine on some of the poorest, most vulnerable children in the world. It did so without providing information about the risks involved, without the informed consent of the children or their parents and without even declaring that it was conducting a clinical trial.
After vaccination, many of the participating children became ill and seven of them died. Such were the findings of a parliamentary committee charged with investigating this wretched affair. The committee accused the NGO of “child abuse” and produced a raft of evidence to back up its claim. This entire incident barely registered on the radar of Western media.
PATH (formerly the Program for Appropriate Technology in Health) is a Seattle based NGO, heavily funded by BMGF but which also receives significant grants from the US government. Between 1995 and the time of writing (May 2021), PATH had received more than $2.5bn from BMGF.
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Revealing the Mysteries interview
Eric Francis Coppolino, co-editor of Covid19 News and editor of Planet Waves, appears this this week on Revealing the Mysteries radio with Isaac George. Eric talks about how he went from investigative journalism to writing horoscopes back to investigative journalism. This is part one of two. Listen here.
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With new allegations surfacing, Bill Gates’ mainstream appeal continues to erode in wake of divorce | Added May 17
For decades, Bill Gates has crafted the public persona of a nerdy but pleasant philanthropist. In contrast with the likes of Tesla’s Elon Musk and Twitter’s Jack Dorsey, Gates was likable, relatable, nonthreatening.
Gates continued to cultivate this personality – pledging to give away half his wealth throughThe Giving Pledge and investing heavily in healthcare and addressing the climate crisis through the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation – as his money multiplied.
But new reports about the tech founder in the wake of his pending divorce from his wife of 27 years offer a less flattering picture of the man. Reports from The New York Times and The Wall Street Journal indicate Gates, at times, treated the workplace like a pickup spot, making advances toward women who worked for him.
Several employees told The Times he engaged in “clumsy” and “questionable” workplace behavior. They also said he could be “dismissive” of his wife and overly “dominant” in Gates Foundation meetings, even though the organization was working on several women’s-empowerment initiatives.
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A Primer for the Propagandized: Fear Is the Mind-Killer — read from OffGuardian | Added May 17
The recipe is simple. Take a naturally occurring phenomenon, say a seasonal virus, and exaggerate its threat far beyond every imagining—despite exhaustive evidence to the contrary. Suppress, silence, ostracize, and demonize every individual who dares present facts that expose the false mono-narrative.
Whip up a witches’ brew of anger, envy, and, most importantly, fear, escalating emotions to a boil so as to short-circuit our faculties of reason and logic.
Isolate us from one another, supplant real-world interactions with virtual feuds, label nonconformists as a threat to the group, and pump the public with a disinformation campaign designed to confuse and atomize. In essence, foster a cultlike mentality that shuts down thought to guarantee assent.
Cultivate and wield our cognitive biases—especially ingroup bias, conformity bias, andauthority bias—against us in a comprehensive divide-and-conquer policy that keeps us too busy squabbling amongst each other to recognize and unite against those corralling us into aMatrix-like collective delusion that enables the powerful to extract our resources for their own gain.
This ideological mass psychosis is religion—not science. If this were about science, the Media–Pharmaceutical–Big-Tech complex would not be memory-holing every dissenting voice, vilifying every thought criminal, and censoring every legitimate inquiry in quest of the truth.
NOTE – This originated as a response to a Nextdoor.com post titled, “So many people think these Covid rules are for our safety but it’s really about control.” By the time I finished writing it, the post had vanished.
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Conditions in US resulting from lockdowns contribute to women’s anxieties about having children | Added May 17
Economists Phillip Levine and Melissa Kearney previously predicted that a “baby bust,” driven by the dual economic and public health crises of the past year, would occur in 2021, forecasting that some 300,000 fewer children would be born next year. Levine told the PBS NewsHour that the decline in births is indicative of a “much larger childbearing problem” going on in the U.S. that is likely to extend well beyond the pandemic. “In the long-term, COVID is going to be a blip,” in this much broader cycle, he said.
But for families who were deciding whether or not to have children over the past year, the coronavirus pandemic felt like more than a blip, and uncertainty surrounding the economy as well as conditions in hospitals spurred many Americans to put off starting or expanding their families.
Even as the U.S. economy turns a corner, several women told the PBS NewsHour that the pandemic exacerbated already-existing anxieties they had about raising children in America, and they’re not certain when they’ll feel equipped to support a family.
“A baby would be a joy in our life,” said Lyssa Uchida, a massage therapist who was out of work for a number of months during the pandemic. “But at 35, I don’t know how much time I have, and I don’t know how much faith I have in being able to provide just basics for a child with what we make.”
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CDC Data Show 4,000+ Reported Deaths Following COVID Vaccines as Kids 12 and Older Now Eligible — read from CHD | Added May 17
From Children’s Health Defense:
In the U.S., 254.8 million COVID vaccine doses had been administered as of May 7. This includes 110 million doses of Moderna’s vaccine, 136 million doses of Pfizer and 9 million doses of the Johnson & Johnson (J&J) COVID vaccine.
Of the 4,057 deaths reported as of May 7, 24% occurred within 48 hours of vaccination, 16% occurred within 24 hours and 38% occurred in people who became ill within 48 hours of being vaccinated.
This week’s VAERS data show:
- 21% of deaths were related to cardiac disorders.
- 54% of those who died were male, 44% were female and the remaining death reports did not include gender of the deceased.
- The average age of death was 74.8 and the youngest deaths reported include two 15-year-olds (VAERS I.D. 1187918 and 1242573 ) and a 16-year-old (VAERS I.D. 1225942). There were other reported deaths in children under 16 that could not be confirmed or contained obvious errors.
- As of May 7, 987 pregnant women reported adverse events related to COVID vaccines, including 297 reports of miscarriage or premature birth.
- Of the 1,950 cases of Bell’s Palsy reported, 50% were reported after Pfizer-BioNTechvaccinations, 42% following vaccination with the Moderna vaccine and 192 cases, or 10%, of Bell’s Palsy cases were reported in conjunction with J&J.
- There were 181 reports of Guillain-Barré Syndrome with 40% of cases attributed to Pfizer, 41% to Moderna and 23% to J&J.
- There were 55,220 reports of anaphylaxis with 38% of cases attributed to Pfizer’s vaccine, 49% to Moderna and 12% to J&J.
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Citing ‘omission bias’ is newest way of claiming conscientious objection to Covid-19 shots is ignorance | Added May 17
As other adverse events are reported for Covid-19 vaccines, Americans should be particularly vigilant about omission bias – the tendency to perceive consequences as being worse when they result from action rather than inaction (i.e., omission). Objectively speaking, people should view a bad outcome the same regardless of why it occurs. But omission bias explains why the same bad outcomes can feel worse when they happen because of something we did, compared to something we didn’t do.
Omission bias can potentially influence vaccine decisions. In a survey study dating back three decades, researchers asked participants to imagine a scenario in which a child faced risks of dying, either from a flu infection or from a rare flu vaccine complication. Though the risk of dying from vaccine complication was only half the risk of dying from flu itself, many participants still declined vaccination. This is evidence that they perceived the consequences of omission (the inaction of declining vaccination and dying from flu) as more acceptable than the consequences of commission (the action of accepting vaccination and dying from vaccine complication). Subsequent studies have shown similar dynamics with different vaccine types.
Americans can take several steps to mitigate their natural omission bias about Covid-19 vaccines. First, as with other cognitive biases, the first step is recognition. We can’t address what we don’t recognize, so the first step to avoiding distortions from omission bias is to acknowledge that it can exist.
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MIT researchers infiltrate ‘anti-maskers,’ but find they ‘practice a form of data literacy in spades’ | Added May 15
Editor’s Note: This is the new Crisis of Democracy: so-called “anti maskers” (a term that in this article means Covid truthers and resistors of mandates) far from ignoring the data, are obsessed by it. This is according to a new study out of MIT, where researchers lurked in internet areas and groups where such people hang out. The article asserts that the problem is that they have their own analysis of the data, which weakens trust in government authority. How effing brilliant! They figured it out.
Gov. Henry McMaster of South Carolina signed an executive order on Tuesday banning“vaccine passports” and prohibiting local officials and school districts from issuing mask mandates. McMaster’s order also allows parents to opt out of mandatory masking for their children at school.
“We have known for months that our schools are some of the safest places when it comes to COVID-19,” McMaster said. “Whether a child wears a mask in school is a decision that should be left only to a student’s parents.” He added that “we must move past the time of governments dictating when and where South Carolinians are required to wear a mask.”
Gov. McMaster has not imposed a mask mandate during the COVID-19 crisis, instead allowing local governments to determine masking rules. The state Department of Education has requiredstudents and employees to use masks when entering school buildings and in hallways. McMaster called mask mandates for students “ridiculous” two weeks ago.
The education department nevertheless announced that it will continue to enforce masking requirements for children on school buses, in accordance with guidelines by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC).
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After CDC announces masks no longer necessary, media rushes to produce ‘the science’ to quell confusion | Added May 15
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on Thursday said masks and social distancing are no longer necessary for people who have been fully vaccinated against Covid-19. It’s a move the agency said was driven by scientific evidence that the vaccines play a major role in curbing both infections and transmission of the virus.
In announcing the agency’s updated guidelines, CDC Director Dr. Rochelle Walensky said there are “numerous reports in the literature” to demonstrate the safety and real-world effectiveness of Covid-19 vaccines.
Walensky highlighted, in particular, three recent studies that demonstrated the impact of the vaccines on symptomatic and asymptomatic infections and one study published just last week on the effectiveness of Covid-19 vaccines against two variants that are known to be circulating in the United States.
The findings all add to a growing body of evidence that the vaccines are effective at preventing severe illness and death from Covid-19 and that they help prevent people from spreading the virus to others.
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Talk of the ‘end of the pandemic’ now allowed into the mainstream narrative | Added May 15
For more than a year, everyone has wondered when this dreadful pandemic will end. The answer has always been “not for a long time.” That answer, however, has been overtaken by events — at least in the United States.
The end of the pandemic may not be near, exactly, but it’s no longer rash, impolitic or scientifically dubious to broach the topic.
New coronavirus infections in the United States have dropped to their lowest rate since mid-September and, if trends continue, will within days be lower than they have been in nearly 11 months. The numbers are good across the coronavirus data dashboard. More than half of adults have had at least one shot of vaccine, and the shots are remarkably effective at preventing severe illness and death.
The federal government has looked at those trends and on Thursday revised the guidelines for vaccinated people, telling them they can stop wearing masks under most circumstances, indoors as well as outdoors. Coast to coast, communities are flinging wide-open the doors to their restaurants, businesses and stadiums.
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WHO urges countries to donate injection doses to COVAX instead of administering to children | Added May 15
The World Health Organization (WHO) urged rich countries on Friday to consider donating COVID-19 vaccine shots to the COVAX distribution scheme before vaccinating children.
“I understand why some countries want to vaccinate their children and adolescents, but right now I urge them to reconsider and to instead donate vaccines to COVAX,” said WHO head Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus during a virtual meeting in Vienna, Austria.
Ghebreyesus said the second year of the pandemic will likely be more deadly than the first, with India becoming a major concern.
“In low and lower-middle income countries, COVID-19 vaccine supply has not been enough to even immunize healthcare workers, and hospitals are being inundated with people that need lifesaving care urgently,” he added.
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CDC fully relaxes restrictions in most locales for those with Covid-19 shots, incentivizing injections, and inviting criticism for its continued mixed messages | Added May 14
Americans who are fully vaccinated can go without masks or physical distancing in most cases, even when they are indoors or in large groups, federal officials said Thursday, paving the way for a full reopening of society.
The change represents a huge shift symbolically and practically for pandemic-weary Americans, millions of whom have lived with the restrictions for more than a year. A growing number have complained they cannot do more even after being fully vaccinated and criticized the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention for being overly cautious. More than 154 million Americans have had at least one shot and 117 million are fully vaccinated, about 35 percent of the population.
“We have all longed for this moment when we can get back to some sense of normalcy,” CDC Director Rochelle Walensky said at a briefing. “Based on the continuing downward trajectory of cases, the scientific data on the performance of our vaccines and our understanding of how the virus spreads, that moment has come for those who are fully vaccinated.”
She did leave open the possibility that the restrictions could return should the pandemic worsen. “This past year has shown us that this virus can be unpredictable,” she said.
“The science is … very clear about unvaccinated people,” she said. “You remain at risk of mild or severe illness or death or spreading the disease to others. You should still mask and you should get vaccinated right away.”
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Los Angeles County asks residents to wait for state to confirm new CDC guidelines before unmasking | Added May 14
While federal officials said anyone who is fully vaccinated can participate in indoor and outdoor activities, large or small, without wearing masks or physical distancing, L.A. County is asking that all residents continue to adhere to current local guidelines until the California Division of Occupational Safety and Health has had the opportunity to weigh in, which will not happen until at least next week.
The county cannot be less restrictive than the state, Ferrer said, noting that current California regulations require that everyone be fully masked and maintain six feet of distance at work sites, including grocery stores.
“In the interim, I do want to note that fully vaccinated people don’t need to wear a mask when they’re indoors around other fully vaccinated people, or when they’re outside in uncrowded areas,” she said. “However, when at businesses and in crowded venues — both indoors and outdoors — masks are still required to be worn by everyone.”
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OffGuardian: UN report pushes global government to “prevent future pandemics” | Added May 14
A new report, published by the United Nations, has claimed the covid19 “pandemic” would have been prevented had the UN – and specifically the World Health Organizaion – been given more global authority.
The report is titled Covid19: Make it the Last Pandemic and are the published findings of the Independent Panel on Pandemic Preparedness and Response, which focuses on how the world can look to prevent “pandemics” in the future.
This “independent” panel is chaired by ex-New Zealand Prime Minister Helen Clark, ex-President of Liberia Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, and other political figures (including noted globalist David Miliband), and was established last May by WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus. (How a report commissioned by the WHO, calling to give more money and power to the WHO can be called “independent” I don’t know.)
You can read all about it on the reports own website. (Why a single report from the WHO needs an entire website of its own, again, I don’t know).
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Amid bids for Hart Island, trucks in Brooklyn hold hundreds of bodies classified as Covid-19 deaths | Added May 14
The city still has the bodies of about 750 New Yorkers who died during the pandemic in refrigerated trucks at Brooklyn’s 39th Street Pier, with no timetable for when their remains will be moved to Hart Island or elsewhere, officials disclosed this week.
The city will try to reduce the number of bodies being held on the Sunset Park pier “in the near future” and let families know about the transfers, Dina Maniotis, a deputy commissioner with the Office of Chief Medical Examiner, told a City Council committee Wednesday.
“Why do we have these temporary storage facilities?” asked City Councilmember Mark Gjonaj, a Democrat whose largely Bronx district includes Hart Island. “If there is capacity and those families have already expressed the willingness to have their loved ones buried in a public burial at Hart Island, why are we delaying that any longer than we have to?”
The city’s Human Resources Administration is evaluating bids to operate Hart Island through the Department of Parks and Recreation, after years of stewardship by the Department of Correction.
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New York Case Numbers as of May 13, 2021: 1 per 10,000 hospitalized, or if you correct for PCR error, 1 per 100,000. | Added May 13
By Eric F. Coppolino
Here are New York’s “case” numbers and hospitalization rate as of May 13, 2021. Remember that if we are to believe the New York State Wadsworth Laboratory, the official lab, and reporting that contacted many such labs by The New York Times (which is consistent with our research) the positivity rate is inflated by 10-fold.
Still, according to the state’s official numbers, sourced from Gov. Cuomo’s press team, just 1 per 10,000 New Yorkers is said to be in the hospital for Covid. This sounds like a rare childhood illness, not a pandemic. In one region, the number is statistically zero. In all other regions, if we factor the 10-fold inflation rate, the number of hospitalized is 1 per 100,000 New Yorkers.
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CHD: Vaccine Passports Have Arrived in New York. Here’s How to Fight Back. | Added May 13
From Children’s Health Defense:
On March 26, New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo announced the state had partnered with IBM to launch Excelsior Pass, a digital health pass billed by state officials as part of New York’s “safe reopening” plan.
The pass is designed to provide a “free, fast and secure” way for New Yorkers to show proof of COVID-19 vaccination in order to gain entry to major sporting events, theatre and arts performances, concert halls and wedding venues.
How does Excelsior Pass work?
Excelsior Pass is a free app that can be downloaded on phones. It allows users to display a QR code verifying either proof of COVID vaccination or proof of a negative COVID test result.
Venues use a companion app to scan the user’s QR code which then generates either a green checkmark or a red X, depending on vaccination status or COVID test result. Users have to show a photo ID with their name and birth date to verify the pass belongs to them.
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Model prepared for UK government anticipates third wave will be fault of children and unvaccinated | Added May 13
The document which will undoubtedly be followed to the letter by the UK Government due to their constant admission that they are being “guided by the science”, uses two models to predict the outcome of the easing of restrictions alongside the vaccination programme throughout the year. One of the models has been collated by the infamous Imperial College, whilst the other model has been collated by Warwick University.
Imperial College with the assistance of the notoriously wrong Professor Neil Ferguson were the ones who produced the extremely over exaggerated model used by the UK and the US to justify imposing draconian restrictions back in March 2020. However strangely this time their model is slightly more optimistic than the one produced by Warwick University.
But whilst the numbers and dates slightly differ everything else remains the same, and that’s where things get slightly strange.
Section 31 of the document states that both models are based on extremely high uptake of the Covid-19 vaccines and haven’t factored in any waning immunity or “escape variant” (this is a card not played enough and we can expect to see it played by the end of Summer 2021). But both models still predict a significantly damaging third wave despite using a best case scenario within the model, and guess who they’re going to blame? – Children and the Unvaccinated.
The document states that “The resurgence is a result of some people (mostly children) being ineligible for vaccination; others choosing not to receive the vaccine; and others being vaccinated but not perfectly protected.”
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OffGuardian: 10 Things We Have Learned During the Covid Coup | Added May 13
One potential positive from the whole Covid-19 debacle is that we have learned an incredible amount about the society in which we live. This will be crucial if we manage to stave off a descent into a nightmare future of techno-fascist slavery.
We will have a new understanding of what our world has become and what we would like it to be in the decades and centuries to come. And “we” means we. While the majority have, apparently, learnt nothing at all from what has happened, they will eventually catch up.
There is no way that knowledge gained by a wide-awake 15% or 20% of the population will not end up being shared by almost everyone. Once the truth is out, it tends to stay out. As H.R. Haldeman so wisely put it, “you can’t put the toothpaste back in the tube”.
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Ohio Gov. announces weekly state lottery offering five $1 million prizes for those who get the shot | Added May 13
To the many inducements that governments have used to try to bolster slumping demand for the coronavirus vaccine, Gov. Mike DeWine of Ohio raised the ante considerably on Wednesday, announcing a weekly state lottery that would give five people $1 million each in return for having been vaccinated.
The lottery, whose legality could raise questions, will be paid for with federal coronavirus relief funds, Mr. DeWine, a Republican, said during a statewide televised address.
The first of five weekly drawings will be conducted by the Ohio Lottery on May 26, he said.
“I know that some may say, ‘DeWine, you’re crazy!’ ” the governor posted on Twitter. “‘This million-dollar drawing idea of yours is a waste of money.’ But truly, the real waste at this point in the pandemic — when the vaccine is readily available to anyone who wants it — is a life lost to COVID-19.”
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USA Today: Three college students suspended, lose $16,000 in tuition after attending party unmasked | Added May 13
Three University of Massachusetts Amherst students were suspended after a photo of the trio was posted online showing them attending an off-campus party unmasked and breaking the campus’ COVID-related policies, the Washington Post reported.
The families of the students pledged to fight the school’s decision after each freshman was kicked out of school, forfeiting the entire academic semester and $16,000 in nonrefundable tuition, the parents told CBS Boston.
The photo was sent to school officials by another student after the March 6 gathering. The three female students were immediately kicked out of campus housing and attended virtual classes while the case was under review.
After the appeals were lost, each student was cut off from virtual learning and not allowed to take their finals, CBS Boston reported.
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BBC: AstraZeneca Covid protests target Cambridge, Oxford and Macclesfield | Added May 13
Protests are taking place at AstraZeneca sites to demand the pharmaceutical firm shares its Covid-19 vaccine technology.
The Global Justice Now group has been at sites in Cambridge and Macclesfield, with another protest in Oxford.
They are calling for the company to openly license its vaccine and commit to sharing the technology with the World Health Organisation (WHO).
The firm said it had produced the vaccine at cost and shared “know-how”.
Global Justice Now planned the action to coincide with the British-Swedish firm’s annual general meeting.
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Back in 2018 MIT researchers announced ingestible, electronic pills that can be controlled wirelessly | Added May 13
Originally published Dec. 13, 2018. From MIT:
Researchers at MIT, Draper, and Brigham and Women’s Hospital have designed an ingestible capsule that can be controlled using Bluetooth wireless technology. The capsule, which can be customized to deliver drugs, sense environmental conditions, or both, can reside in the stomach for at least a month, transmitting information and responding to instructions from a user’s smartphone.
The capsules, manufactured using 3-D-printing technology, could be deployed to deliver drugs to treat a variety of diseases, particularly in cases where drugs must be taken over a long period of time. They could also be designed to sense infections, allergic reactions, or other events, and then release a drug in response.
“Our system could provide closed-loop monitoring and treatment, whereby a signal can help guide the delivery of a drug or tuning the dose of a drug,” says Giovanni Traverso, a visiting scientist in MIT’s Department of Mechanical Engineering, where he will be joining the faculty in 2019.
These devices could also be used to communicate with other wearable and implantable medical devices, which could pool information to be communicated to the patient’s or doctor’s smartphone.
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Starting next week, National Health Service app in England can be used as vaccine passport | Added May 12
England’s NHS app will be available to use as a vaccine passport from Monday, the government has said – but only for those who have had both doses of the jab.
A paper version will also be available – by calling 119 but not through a GP.
Both will be available from Monday, 17 May, when the ban on foreign travel is eased.
European officials have announced plans for an EU-wide “Green Digital Certificate”.
This would allow anyone vaccinated against Covid or who has tested negative or recently recovered from the virus to travel within the region.
Officials hope the certificate will be in place before the summer.
Several companies have been working on apps to make travel easier, including trade body the International Air Transport Association, who are piloting ‘Travel Pass’.
It said it has been in discussions with government to ensure the pass can read data from the NHS App.
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Californians protest Orange County’s proposal for pilot program of vaccine passports, already paid for | Added May 12
On the same day that Orange County recorded some of its most positive coronavirus statistics to date — nearing the least restrictive yellow tier in the state’s reopening blueprint — hundreds of protesters gathered to blast the Board of Supervisors for a proposal to create “vaccine passports,” or digital records that document COVID-19 vaccination status.
The public backlash began in April after the county announced plans to launch a pilot program for credentialing. Almost immediately, a vocal group of opponents expressed concern that the digital records would be used to “track” people and reveal private healthcare information. Opponents also said it would allow the county to favor residents who chose to get vaccinated.
County officials have repeatedly said the claims are not true.
Supervisor Katrina Foley strongly opposed Do’s proposal to pause the digital record-keeping plan, noting that the county’s economy is highly dependent on tourism, theme parks, sporting events and concert venues — many of which sell tickets online — and that digital proof of vaccination could be key to their ability to operate at maximum capacity. Foley also expressed concern that the county had already paid for the creation of the service.
“This was a convenient, opt-in, voluntary opportunity for individuals to be able to benefit their businesses as well as be able to go about living their lives,” she said. “We are appeasing a very small faction of our community who actually are not going to get vaccinated. They’ve already told us they don’t believe in vaccines.”
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Ontario’s chief medical officer of health announces pause in province’s use of AstraZeneca shot | Added May 12
Ontario will no longer give the AstraZeneca-Oxford COVID-19 vaccine as a first dose due to the risk of rare blood clots.
Dr. David Williams, chief medical officer of health, said on Tuesday that the province made the decision due to an increase in cases of a rare blood clotting syndrome known as Vaccine-Induced Immune Thrombotic Thrombocytopenia (VITT) linked to the AstraZeneca vaccine.
“Effective today, Ontario will be pausing the rollout and administration of first doses of the AstraZeneca vaccine at this time,” Williams told reporters on Tuesday.
Williams said the decision was made out of an abundance of caution. The blood clotting syndrome, while rare, can be fatal.
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Original efforts in US against vaccine hesitancy involved recruiting teens to make polio shots look cool | Added May 12
It was a Saturday night in Albion, a small city just east of Battle Creek, Michigan, and teenagers lined up for a dance at the school gym.
The price of admission? A bared arm.
The year was 1958, and this was no ordinary Saturday night social outing: Billed as a “Salk Hop,” it was only open to young people willing to receive a jab of the polio vaccine developed by Jonas Salk, or show proof of vaccination.
The dance was part of a five-year war on polio vaccine hesitancy, a campaign that brought together the scientific know-how of public health experts with the burgeoning energy, creativity, and even sexuality of a powerful new presence in American society—teenagers.
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Reports out of India of brain-invading ‘black fungus’ | Added May 11
A rare “black fungus” that invades the brain is being increasingly seen in vulnerable patients in India, including those with Covid-19, as the health system continues to struggle in the midst of the pandemic.
The health ministry on Sunday released an advisory on how to treat the infection. In the state of Gujarat, about 300 cases had been reported in four cities, including Ahmedabad, according to data from state-run hospitals.
The infection, called mucormycosis, “is very serious, has a high mortality, and you need surgery and lots of drugs to get on top of it once it takes hold”, said Prof Peter Collignon, who sits on the World Health Organization’s expert committee on antibiotic resistance and infectious diseases.
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F.D.A. authorizes Pfizer-BioNTech injection for children 12 to 15 | Added May 11
The Food and Drug Administration on Monday authorized use of the Pfizer-BioNTech Covid-19 vaccine for 12- to 15-year-olds in the United States, a crucial step in the nation’s steady recovery from the pandemic and a boon to tens of millions of American families eager for a return to normalcy.
The authorization caps weeks of anticipation among parents, who have been grappling with how to conduct their lives when only the adults in a household are immunized. It removes an obstacle to school reopenings by reducing the threat of transmission in classrooms, and affords millions of adolescents the opportunity to attend summer camps, sleepovers and get-togethers with friends.
“This is great news,” said Dr. Kristin Oliver, a pediatrician and vaccine expert at Mount Sinai Hospital in New York. “It feels like we’ve been waiting a long time to start protecting children in this age group.” The Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine is already available to anyone over 16.
The F.D.A.’s go-ahead is not the final hurdle. An advisory committee of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is expected to meet shortly to review the data and make recommendations for the vaccine’s use in 12- to 15-year-olds.
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WSJ: Coronavirus Strain Found in India Is a ‘Variant of Concern,’ WHO Says | Added May 11
Editor’s Note: The issue of ‘strains’ of coronavirus sounds frightening and is confusing. Whenever you hear the word, remember that the virus has never been purified or isolated, it has never been fully sequenced from intact wild virion, there are no patient samples, and the PCR “test” is primed with a computer file, called an “in silico” or theoretical virus for this reason. Government scientists’ claims that SARS-CoV-2 exists are based purely on inference, not on any form of direct evidence. Therefore, the notion of a “strain” of this phantom virus is not just walking on thin ice, it is walking on thin air: not the solid ground that is supposed that scientific proof is based on. Claims of variants are a form of public relations horror designed to make this crisis go on forever. —efc
The World Health Organization on Monday classified a coronavirus variant first spotted in India as a global “variant of concern,” saying preliminary studies showed it may be more transmissible than some other variants.
The WHO didn’t report any evidence suggesting that currently authorized vaccines would be less effective against the variant.
The variant, known as B.1.617, is being studied by scientists around the world as they try to figure out its role in the fast growing Covid-19 surge in India, which reported more than 366,000 new daily cases on Monday. The variant has already spread to more than 30 countries, according to the WHO, including the U.S., the U.K., France and Japan.
The surge in India rose rapidly last month, overwhelming hospitals in the country’s hardest-hit cities. Anecdotally speaking, “the pattern now is that one person in the family gets it, the whole family seems to get it,” said Dr. Soumya Swaminathan, the WHO’s chief scientist, in an interview. “This is unlike the first wave. And so I think what we’re seeing is more transmissible.”
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John Rappoport: COVID vaccine deaths: the numbers point to a catastrophe | Added May 11
A new May 4 report by independent researcher, Virginia Stoner, reveals US vaccine-death figures. The report is titled,“The Deadly Covid-19 Vaccine Coverup.”
Stoner uses the US government’s own numbers.
Here are key quotes from her report:
“There has been a massive increase in deaths reported to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) this year. That’s not a ‘conspiracy theory’, that’s an indisputable fact.”
“We’re talking about a huge and unprecedented increase—so massive that in the last 4 months alone, VAERS has received over 40% of all death reports it has ever received in its entire 30+year history.”
“The increase in VAERS death reports is not due to more vaccination.”
“Most recently, the death count went from 2794 on April 5, to 3005 on April 12, to 3848 on April 26….1054 deaths in 21 days.”
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NYT: W.H.O. approves China’s Sinopharm vaccine for emergency use | Added May 11
The World Health Organization on Friday approved China’s Sinopharm’s Covid-19 vaccine for emergency use, easing the way for poorer nations to get access to another much-needed shot to help end the pandemic.
The approval allows the Sinopharm vaccine to be included in Covax, the World Health Organization’s global initiative that is designed to promote equitable vaccine distribution around the world.
The need is dire.
Rich countries are hoarding doses. India, a major vaccine maker, has stopped exports to address its worsening coronavirus crisis. Questions about safety after exceedingly rare side effects led some countries to briefly pause using AstraZeneca and Johnson & Johnson doses or change their guidance around the use.
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As supply outweighs demand, US gov. turns to doctors to convince their patients to get Covid-19 shots | Added May 10
A particular challenge for many doctors: The vaccines are shipped in huge quantities. Two of the authorized shots — those from Pfizer and Moderna — have cold storage requirements that could be difficult for some physician practices, especially in rural areas where vaccine hesitancy tends to be higher. And depending on the shot, vials can contain between 5 to 15 doses that must be used in the same day once they’re opened, increasing the likelihood that doses could get wasted in small settings like doctors’ offices.
White House officials said they’re working to resolve these issues, promising that physicians will play a major role in President Joe Biden’s new push to vaccinate at least 70 percent of adults by July Fourth. Biden last week said that pediatricians will be key to vaccinating children, as millions of younger teens are expected to soon become eligible for the shot from Pfizer and its German partner BioNTech.
Surveys have often shown physicians are seen as trusted messengers on vaccines, and their relationships with patients could be essential to overcoming hesitancy or skepticism.
“As we’re entering this next phase of our vaccination programs, we are clear that engaging primary care providers is going to be a critical part of this effort,” a senior administration official said.
About 57 percent have received at least one dose, and a Kaiser Family Foundation poll on Thursday found just 9 percent of unvaccinated adults planned to get a shot. About 20 percent of adults have consistently said they are adamantly opposed to the vaccine.
State officials, who now have more vaccine than they can administer, are anxious to try new strategies. Virginia until recently had been telling doctors to only order what they were sure they could distribute that week, which kept many doctors, especially smaller practices, from participating. Now that supply is so far ahead of demand, the state is working to sign up more doctors.
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Pfizer makes deal to sell 1.8 billion doses of Covid-19 injection to European Union | Added May 10
The European Union and Pfizer-BioNTech have signed a deal for up to 1.8 billion doses of the COVID-19 vaccine. The bloc’s biggest contract to date would cover its entire population, marking a significant ramp up in its fight against the coronavirus.
EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen announced the deal in a tweet, writing it is for a ” for guaranteed 900 million doses (+900 million options).”
Von der Leyen says other contracts and vaccines are coming for the 27-member bloc with a population of around 450 million.
The enormous Pfizer-BioNTech contract for the two-dose shot would help cover future unknowns including whether a booster shot will be required and what will happen with circulating variants.
The agreement calls for vaccine production to happen within the EU. Delivery will likely extend into 2023.
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Michael Yeadon: Halt Vaccine Passports! | Added May 8
It is very important that people understand what is happening here. The intention is to introduce vaccine passports everywhere. But this is a disguise. It’s a world’s first digital common-format, globally-interoperable ID system with an editable health flag (vaccinated Y or N).
It makes no one safer. If you’re vaccinated, you’re protected & are not made safer by knowing others immune status.
As in Israel, you will be compelled to present a valid VaxPass in order to access defined facilities or access services. No VaxPass, you’re denied.
This system only needs 50%+ of the adult population to start up because of its huge, coercive power on the unvaccinated.
It’s illegal, medical apartheid.
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NYT: Here’s what it would take to vaccinate the whole world | Added May 8
More than 600 million people worldwide have been at least partly vaccinated against Covid-19 — meaning that more than seven billion have not. It is a striking achievement in the shadow of a staggering challenge.
Half of all the doses have gone into the arms of people in countries with one-seventh of the world’s people, primarily the United States and European nations. Dozens of countries, particularly in Africa, have barely started their inoculation campaigns.
As wealthy countries envision the pandemic retreating within months — while poorer ones face the prospect of years of suffering — frustration has people around the world asking why more vaccine isn’t available.
Nationalism and government actions do much to help explain the stark inequity between the world’s haves and have-nots. So, for that matter, does government inaction. And the power of the pharmaceutical companies, which at times seem to hold all the cards, cannot be ignored.
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NYT: The virus is an airborne threat, the C.D.C. claims, baldly lying to the public | Added May 8
Editor’s Note — This is not true: the “virus” is not an airborne threat or any other threat. It’s not true for 100 reasons we have documented. Those include the fact that no virus has ever been identified or shown to cause whatever “covid” is. It’s not true because there is no asymptomatic spread. It’s not true because CDC is part of the vaccine cartel. It’s not true because The New York Times has gone totally insane, and it was never so good to start with. Right now in New York, one person in 10,000 is said to be in the hospital with “covid.” This is according to Gov Cuomo’s office, direct from his press team to my inbox. But I must be the only reporter who reads those emails (see chart below). The hospitals and ICUs are empty. In Ulster County where I live, between zero and 10 people are said to be hospitalized with “covid” and 90% of those are false positives (according to The New York Times, and this, we have verified). So how is there a very high risk?

Federal health officials on Friday updated public guidance about how the coronavirus spreads, emphasizing that transmission occurs by inhaling very fine respiratory droplets and aerosolized particles, as well as through contact with sprayed droplets or touching contaminated hands to one’s mouth, nose or eyes.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention now states explicitly — in large, bold lettering — that airborne virus can be inhaled even when one is more than six feet away from an infected individual. The new language, posted online, is a change from the agency’s previous position that most infections were acquired through “close contact, not airborne transmission.”
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Pfizer injection is authorized for adolescents in Canada; meanwhile, just nine of 24,400 deaths attributed to Covid-19 in Canada were of people under age 19 | Added May 7
Canada on Wednesday authorized the use of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine for children ages 12 to 15, a step hailed by officials as a “significant milestone” in the country’s fight against thecoronavirus.
The two-dose vaccine is the first to be greenlighted for use in that age group by Health Canada, the country’s drug regulator. Pfizer has sought authorization for similar use in the United States, which the Food and Drug Administration is expected to do by early next week.
Supriya Sharma, chief medical adviser for Health Canada, said the agency reviewed the data from a Pfizer study in the United States involving more than 2,200 adolescents age 12 to 15. Half received the two-dose regimen administered to adults; the others were given a placebo.
The study found the vaccine was 100 percent effective in preventing infection among participants who received two doses, Sharma said during a news conference in Ottawa. There were 18 cases of covid-19 among those who received a placebo. The participants given the vaccine produced strong antibody responses, similar to those observed in young adults age 16 to 25.
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University of San Diego study suggests Covid-19 is vascular, not respiratory, disease | Added May 7
The study, published in the journal Circulation Research, shows with precision how virus damages the cells of the vascular system.
It was already known that besides the various symptoms of COVID-19 that coincide with respiratory problems, there are other cardiovascular issues that affect other parts of the body.
What’s new is the team conducting the study, which included scientists from the SALK Institute, showed the form in which the virus attacks the vascular or circulatory system.
The discussion in the scientific community is still open, he adds. These problems are recurrent in intensive care units.
Máñez Mendiluce thinks this study does not call into question existing vaccines, although it should be better understood why the AstraZeneca and Johnson & Johnson vaccines have caused some rare cases of blood clotting.
The discovery has caused a stir. Some wonder whether it is dangerous for vaccines to inoculate precisely replicas of the S protein that appears to be capable of causing the disease.
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NYC subway to reopen mid-May, as well as businesses in New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut | Added May 7
New York and its neighbors, New Jersey and Connecticut, will welcome back crowds on May 19, state officials said Monday, a major step for a region that was once a center of the coronavirus pandemic.
Restaurants, offices, retail stores, theaters, museums, barber shops, amusement parks and gyms and fitness centers will all be allowed to operate at full capacity for the first time since restrictions were adopted last year to prevent the spread of the virus.
Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo of New York announced the easing of pandemic restrictions on Monday as part of broader efforts to increase economic activities, including lifting curfews for food and beverage service. New York City will also return to 24-hour subway service on May 17.
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By May 31 in Pennsylvania, masks will be only remaining Covid-19 restriction — not to be lifted until 70% of population has received shots | Added May 7
All statewide coronavirus-related capacity restrictions in Pennsylvania will be lifted in time for Memorial Day — with the exception of mask wearing in public — though Philadelphia health officials said the city would stay with its current plan for lifting restrictions.
The elimination of COVID capacity limits and other restrictions on gatherings, restaurants and other Pennsylvania businesses will go into effect just after midnight on May 31, the Wolf Administration announced Tuesday.
Want to ditch the mask? Get the vaccine.
The lifting of restrictions, which was reached by the Wolf Administration and the COVID-19 Vaccine Joint Task Force, is predicated on the continued vaccination of most adults in the state.
Mandatory mask wearing in indoor and crowded outdoor spaces will remain in place until 70% of the adult population is full vaccinated. People who are fully vaccinated don’t need to wear a mask in all situations, based on Centers for Disease Control and Prevention guidance.
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This autumn in Britain, third Covid-19 shot to be offered to people over 50 | Added May 7
Everyone aged over 50 in Britain will be offered a third COVID-19 vaccination jab in the autumn in an attempt to eradicate the threat from the infection entirely by Christmas, The Times newspaper reported.
Trials of two options are under way, supervised by Chris Whitty, the chief medical officer for England, the newspaper said.
The first involves vaccines specifically modified to tackle new variants. The second is for a third shot of one of the three versions already in use: Pfizer-BioNTech (PFE.N), (22UAy.DE), Oxford-AstraZeneca (AZN.L) or Moderna (MRNA.O), the newspaper reported.
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Singapore seeks to sway citizens wary of Covid-19 shots with celebrity endorsement in music video | Added May 7
“Low cases isn’t no cases,” he cries, after marching through a laboratory and vaccination centre in his trademark yellow boots, where he raps surprisingly detailed medical advice. “Singapore, don’t wait and see. Better get your shot Steady Pom Pi Pi [stay calm]”.
Singapore’s inoculation campaign has run smoothly in recent months, with no disruptions to its supply of Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna doses. Health experts say it is likely that vaccine hesitancy will become a greater problem once a significant proportion of the population has been reached.
The video seeks to dispel concerns that vaccines might not be safe for people with certain health conditions, or for older people.
Prof Dale Fisher, a senior consultant in infectious diseases at Singapore’s National University Hospital, said: “In some countries people will be vocal and march the streets in protest. In Singapore, as this video alludes to, a lot of people are just saying I’d like to wait – I’ll just wait a while.”
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Article removed from Medium — COVID Vaccines: Necessity, Efficacy and Safety | Added May 6
Abstract: COVID-19 vaccine manufacturers have been exempted from legal liability for vaccine-induced harm. It is therefore in the interests of all those authorising, enforcing and administering COVID-19 vaccinations to understand the evidence regarding the risks and benefits of these vaccines, since liability for harm will fall on them.
In short, the available evidence and science indicate that COVID-19 vaccines are unnecessary, ineffective and unsafe.
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CDC deems injection reactions in 5 states to be caused by anxiety | Added May 6
It was anxiety — and not a problem with the shots — that caused reactions in dozens of people at coronavirus vaccine clinics in five states, U.S. health officials have concluded.
Experts say the clusters detailed Friday by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention are an example of a phenomenon that’s been chronicled for decades from a variety of different vaccines. Basically, some people get so freaked out by injections that their anxiety spurs a physical reaction.
“We knew we were going to see this” as mass Covid-19 vaccine clinics were set up around the world, said Dr. Noni MacDonald, a Canadian researcher who has studied similar incidents.
The CDC authors said the reports came in over three days, April 7 to 9, from clinics in California, Colorado, Georgia, Iowa and North Carolina. The investigation was based on interviews with, and reports by, clinic staff.
Many of the 64 people affected either fainted or reported dizziness. Some got nauseous or vomited, and a few had racing hearts, chest pain or other symptoms. None got seriously ill.
All received the Johnson & Johnson vaccine, and four of the the five clinics temporarily shut down as officials tried to sort out what was happening. Health officials at the time said they had no reason to suspect a problem with the vaccine itself.
Of the three Covid-19 vaccines authorized in the U.S., only J&J’s requires just one dose. That probably makes it more appealing to people who are nervous about shots and might leave them “more highly predisposed to anxiety-related events,” the CDC report said.
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Yankees and Mets to offer free tickets to vaccinated — ‘separate sections for unvaccinated guests’ | Added May 6
The Yankees and Mets will offer free tickets to spectators who get vaccinated against COVID-19at sites set up right at the game.
Fully vaccinated spectators will also be able to attend Yankees and Mets games in sections designated for 100% capacity starting this month, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo announced on Wednesday. Separate sections for unvaccinated guests will still enforce six feet of social distancing between parties, at 33% of total capacity.
The changes will go into effect on May 19.
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WSJ: Next Generation of Covid-19 Vaccines Could Be Pill or Spray | Added May 6
The next generation of Covid-19 vaccines in development could come as a pill or a nasal spray and be easier to store and transport than the current handful of shots that form the backbone of the world-wide vaccination effort.
These newer vaccines, from U.S. government labs and companies including Sanofi SA,Altimmune Inc. and Gritstone Oncology Inc., also have the potential to provide longer-lasting immune responses and be more potent against newer and multiple viral variants, possibly helping to head off future pandemics, the companies say.
Vaccines currently authorized for use in the U.S. from Pfizer Inc. and its partner BioNTech SE, as well as Moderna Inc., must be transported and stored at low temperatures and require two doses administered weeks apart.
New vaccines could “constitute some improvement” over those limitations and more easily accommodate vaccination efforts in rural areas, said Gregory Poland, professor and vaccine researcher at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minn. “You will see second-generation, third-generation vaccines,” he said.
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Axios: Federal judge overturns CDC’s eviction moratorium | Added May 6
The Justice Department is appealing a federal judge’s decision to vacate the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s temporary federal eviction moratorium, which had been extended multiple times since being enacted by the Trump administration last fall.
Why it matters: The nationwide halt on most evictions due to the pandemic was seen as atemporary fix for millions of renters put at risk of losing their homes during the coronavirus pandemic.
- The CDC under the Biden administration had sought to extend the eviction moratoriumthrough June 30.
- D.C. District Judge Dabney Friedrich ruled Wednesday on the side of the plaintiffs, who alleged that the CDC overstepped its authority by extending the eviction moratorium — which was first included in the March CARES Act passed by Congress — to all residential properties nationwide.
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We’ve been warning about this for nearly a year | Added May 5
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Come September, Pfizer hopes to have emergency use authorization of Covid-19 shot for kids 2 to 11 | Added May 5
Pfizer expects to file for full US Food and Drug Administration approval for its Covid-19 vaccine for people ages 16 to 85 this month, and will seek emergency use authorization for its vaccine for children ages 2 to 11 in September, the company said during an earnings call on Tuesday.
The company’s vaccine safety and efficacy study in children age 6 months to 11 years old is still going.
“We expect to have definitive readouts and submit for an EUA for two cohorts, including children age 2-5 years of age and 5-11 years of age, in September,” Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla said, adding that the readout and submission for children 6 months to 2 years is expected in the fourth quarter of 2021.
Pfizer has already applied for emergency use authorization for its coronavirus vaccine for teens and children ages 12 to 15. The FDA is poised to authorize Pfizer’s coronavirus vaccine in that age group by early next week, a federal government official told CNN on Monday.
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And in New York, the hospitals are empty and have been since October | Added May 5
As of now, 1 in 10,000 people is in the hospital with “covid,” down from 2 in 10,000 in October. Apparently we are the only reporters who open these emails.
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Data breach in contact-tracing through Insight Global involves information of 70,000 people; separately, Google is sued for contact-tracing tool | Added May 5
But Insight Global said Thursday that some personal information collected by those employees “may have been accessible to persons beyond authorized employees and public health officials.” Neither the company nor the health department is aware of misuse of the information exposed, according to a statement from Insight Global.
The company didn’t disclose how many people’s personal information may have been compromised, but Pittsburgh’s NBC affiliate, WPXI-TV, reported Thursday that 70,000 individuals are affected.
Insight Global said the information involved included names of individuals who may have been exposed to COVID-19, if they experienced symptoms, information about the number of members in their households and their emails and telephone numbers, and information needed for social-support services. Those individuals would’ve been contacted between September 2020 and April 21, 2021, Global Insight said, though it added that only a portion of individuals contacted during that time were affected by the breach.
Also this week, Google LLC washit with a suit over its contract-tracing tool, which consumers claim is exposing unwitting Android users’ sensitive personal information to dozens of third parties due to an alleged “security flaw” that enables diagnoses to be linked to specific individuals.
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OffGuardian: India’s “COVID outbreak” & the need for scientific integrity – not sensationalism | Added May 5
Faulty PCR testing and misdiagnosis, says Tengra, combined with people who want to intervene early with the mildest symptoms, have been filling up the beds, preventing access to those who really need them.
Addressing the much-publicised shortage of oxygen, Tengra implies this too is a result of inept policies, with exports of oxygen having increased in recent times, resulting in inadequate back-up supplies when faced with a surge in demand.
According to Tengra, the case fatality rate for COVID-19 in India was over three per cent last year but has now dropped to below 1.5 per cent. The infection fatality rate is even lower, with serosurvey results showing them to be between 0.05 per cent to 0.1 per cent.
The directors of the All India Institute of Medical Science and the India Council of Medical Research have both come out and said that there is not much difference between the first and second wave and that there are many more asymptomatic cases this time than in the so-called ‘first wave’.
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Biden announces new distribution plan to reallocate Covid-19 shots from states where demand has decreased | Added May 5
The Biden administration said it would begin reallocating some Covid-19 vaccine doses to states with higher demand for shots and direct pharmacies to offer walk-in vaccinations, as the president aims to get 70% of the adult population at least one dose by July 4.
President Biden said Tuesday he also wants 160 million U.S. adults to have the full course of the vaccine by that point, which he said would mean administering about 100 million shots over the next 60 days. The U.S. administered about 220 million shots in Mr. Biden’s first 100 days, but the pace of vaccinations has fallen in recent weeks, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Roughly 56% of U.S. adults had received at least one dose as of Monday, according to the CDC.
The new goals are part of the next phase of the Biden administration’s vaccination campaign, which will focus on addressing vaccine hesitancy and eliminating barriers that make it difficult for some Americans to access the shots, such as not knowing where to get the vaccine or difficulty signing up for appointments. The administration is also preparing to distribute shots to adolescents. The shift in policy regarding states’ allocations is intended to account for the fact that demand is higher in some states than others.
Many states are seeing vaccine appointments go unclaimed. Arkansas, Mississippi and dozens of counties in Iowa recently cut back on vaccination orders because of drops in demand. Iowa declined 75,280 of 105,300 doses offered to its counties for the week of May 10, a spokeswoman for the state’s Department of Public Health said.
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This is Compelling, from CHD: 18 Reasons I Won’t Be Getting a COVID Vaccine | Added May 4
By Christian Elliot via Children’s Health Defense
A few friends have asked my thoughts on the COVID jab(s) so I thought it was time to write an article on the topic.
Knowing how contentious this issue is, part of me would rather just write about something else. But I believe the discussion/news is so one-sided that I should speak up.
As I always strive to do, I promise to do my best to be level-headed and non-hysterical.
I’m not here to pick a fight with anyone, just to walk you through some of what I’ve read, my lingering questions and explain why I can’t make sense of these COVID vaccines.
Three ground rules for discussion:
If you care to engage on this topic with me, excellent. Here are the rules. I am more than happy to correspond with you if:
- You are respectful and treat me the way you would want to be treated.
- You ask genuinely thoughtful questions about what makes sense to you.
- You make your points using sound logic and don’t hide behind links or the word “science.”
If you do respond, and you break any of those rules, your comments will be ignored/deleted.
With that out of the way, let me say this: I don’t know everything, but so far no one has been able to answer the objections below. So here are the reasons I’m opting out of the COVID vaccine:
1. Vaccine makers are immune from liability
The only industry in the world that bears no liability for injuries or deaths resulting from their products are vaccine makers.
As first established in 1986 with the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act, and reinforced by the Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness (PREP) Act, vaccine makers cannot be sued — even if they are shown to be negligent.
Denmark skips out on Johnson & Johnson shot over blood clots | Added May 4
Denmark will not use the Johnson & Johnson vaccine, the Danish Health Authority announced on Monday, saying in a statement that the country could make adequate progress using other vaccines and did not need to run the risk of a rare, dangerous blood clotting condition that may be linked to the Johnson & Johnson vaccine.
The country has halted administering the AstraZeneca vaccine for similar reasons, after two people died of blood clots after being given that vaccine.
Denmark had been planning to use the Johnson & Johnson single-dose vaccine before reports emerged about a possible link to the clotting condition, which seems to mainly affect younger women. Dropping the vaccine from its plans will set back the country’s timetable for vaccinating adults under 40 by about a month, Danish officials said.
The United States temporarily suspended using the Johnson & Johnson vaccine, but the Food and Drug Administration announced on Friday that it would be made available again, with a warning about the possible clotting risk added to its label.
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Futurism: Scientists Hold Mask-Less Rave to Test Whether It’ll Spread COVID | Added May 4
It may sound like an egregious flaunting of COVID-19 rules — but this massive, mask-less rave without social distancing in Liverpool, England, was in fact government sanctioned.
The nightclub event, featuring a crowd of around 3,000 people aged 18 to 20 listening and dancing to live music, was an experiment put on by the UK government’s Events Research Program (ERP).
The program is a scientific effort to understand how nightclubs and live events could make their long-awaited — and safe — return this summer,CNN reports.
“I went in and I was like, oh my goodness, there are people and they’re together and they’re dancing and they’re smiling and this is actually happening,” DJ Jayda G told the BBC. “You can feel it, like big energy.”
“I thought I had my teenage years robbed from me but after that tonight, it was absolutely amazing,” one clubber told BBC Radio 5.
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Moderna has now been paid $6b for injection development by the US gov. | Added May 4
The federal government has now invested about $6 billion in the COVID-19 vaccine from Moderna, the Cambridge biotech that few outside the scientific and investment worlds had heard of a couple of years ago.
Moderna said in a filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission on Wednesday that under a change in its government contract on April 18, it will receive as much as $236 million in additional reimbursement for costs associated with its late-stage vaccine trial on about 30,000 volunteers, including safety monitoring.
The additional money is on top of the $5.75 billion that the government already poured into Moderna to help it develop, test, and manufacture the messenger RNA vaccine ― as well as to secure 300 million doses.
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STAT News highlights doctors criticising the use of ventilators for Covid-19 | Added May 4
Further on in the article, even Dr. Cameron Kyle-Sidell, (whose videos we posted very early on last year), is interviewed on the issue.
Published April 8, From STAT News:
Even as hospitals and governors raise the alarm about a shortage of ventilators, some critical care physicians are questioning the widespread use of the breathing machines for Covid-19 patients, saying that large numbers of patients could instead be treated with less intensive respiratory support.
If the iconoclasts are right, putting coronavirus patients on ventilators could be of little benefit to many and even harmful to some.
What’s driving this reassessment is a baffling observation about Covid-19: Many patients have blood oxygen levels so low they should be dead. But they’re not gasping for air, their hearts aren’t racing, and their brains show no signs of blinking off from lack of oxygen.
That is making critical care physicians suspect that blood levels of oxygen, which for decades have driven decisions about breathing support for patients with pneumonia and acute respiratory distress, might be misleading them about how to care for those with Covid-19. In particular, more and more are concerned about the use of intubation and mechanical ventilators. They argue that more patients could receive simpler, noninvasive respiratory support, such as the breathing masks used in sleep apnea, at least to start with and maybe for the duration of the illness.
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In guidance to test for breakthrough cases of Covid-19, CDC lowers the cycle threshold for people who have received injections | Added May 3
This leaves the cycle threshold higher for people who have not received injections against Covid-19, which could be used as evidence that the “vaccine” works.
Ct 28 will be used for “vaccinated” and Ct 40 for “unvaccinated.”

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CHD: Significant Jump This Week in Reported Injuries, Deaths After COVID Vaccine | Added May 3
From Children’s Health Defense:
Data released today by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) on the number of injuries and deaths reported to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) following COVID vaccines showed a significant jump in reports of injuries and deaths compared with last week’s numbers.
VAERS is the primary government-funded system for reporting adverse vaccine reactions in the U.S. Reports submitted to VAERS require further investigation before a causal relationship can be confirmed.
Every Friday, VAERS makes public all vaccine injury reports received as of a specified date, usually about a week prior to the release date. Today’s data show that between Dec. 14, 2020 and April 23, a total of 118,902 total adverse events were reported to VAERS, including 3,544 deaths — an increase of 358 over the previous week — and 12,619 serious injuries, up 2,467 since last week.
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Mid-April, CDC reported 5,800 ‘breakthrough’ cases of Covid-19 in people with full dosage of shots | Added May 3
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is “keeping a close eye” on Covid-19 cases in fully vaccinated people, agency Director Dr. Rochelle Walensky said Thursday during a hearing before the House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Crisis.
On Thursday morning, the CDC said it had reports of approximately 5,800 so-called breakthrough infections, out of the nearly 77 million individuals in the United States who have been fully vaccinated.
Such cases are not unexpected; no vaccine is 100 percent effective against infection with the coronavirus. Even so, they are rare, and experts tell NBC News the data are largely reassuring.
In an emailed statement, a CDC spokesperson said the majority of people with breakthrough infections were not hospitalized, and 29 percent had asymptomatic infections.
In addition, 65 percent of the cases were in women, and just over 40 percent were in people ages 60 and up. Seven percent of people were hospitalized, and 74 people died.
The data are not publicly available yet, but the CDC expects to start publishing information on breakthrough infections on its website regularly starting Monday. The agency also plans to collect additional data on the cases, including demographics, vaccine type, variant type, location and the amount of time since the individuals had completed their vaccinations.
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TSA face mask requirements extended through September in United States | Added May 3
The Biden administration said on Friday it is extending face mask requirements across all U.S. transportation networks through Sept. 13 to address the spread of COVID-19.
The U.S. Transportation Security Administration (TSA) requirements that took effect on Feb. 1 were to set to expire on May 11. They cover workers and travelers at airports, on board commercial aircraft, on over-the-road buses, and on commuter bus and rail systems through Sept. 13.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) issued the federal mask mandate in nearly all transportation modes in late January, including on ride-share vehicles. The order does not apply to private cars or commercial trucks being driven by a sole operator.
The decision was praised by airlines and airline unions.
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Police departments criticized for officers’ hesitancy to get Covid-19 injections, lack of mandate | Added May 3
“Police touch people,” said Sharona Hoffman, a professor of law and bioethics at Case Western Reserve University. “Imagine having a child in the car who’s not vaccinated. People would want to know if a police officer coming to their window is protected.”
Police ambivalence about immunization finds a parallel among other front-line workers. Just 52 percent of health-care workers surveyed by The Washington Post and the Kaiser Family Foundation between Feb. 11 and March 7 said they had received at least one dose.
One solution is for departments to make vaccination compulsory, according to experts in bioethics and public health, just as some health-care settings and institutions of higher education have begun doing.
But department leaders and union officials said in interviews that such requirements could backfire or lead to lengthy litigation. Of more than 40 major metropolitan police departments contacted by The Post, none had made vaccination compulsory for employees.
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OffGuardian: The Myth of Authority | Added May 3
Humans are incapable of looking after, organising, protecting or ruling themselves. They need someone or something in power to do it for them. This creed emanates from every pore of the owner, the professional, the state, the institution and the egoic, unconscious parent.
Often the message is an explicit exhortation, or order, to respect authority, obey the prince or know your place, but usually, in the highly developed system, The Myth of Authority is implicit, an unspoken assumption that a world which has the power to command you and I, is normal, right and natural.
Obedience is fostered and sustained by rewarding those who submit and by punishing those who rebel. Schools are structured to identify and filter out children who ‘don’t play well with others’, who ‘voice strong opinions’, who are ‘disruptive’, ‘insubordinate’ or have ‘a relaxed attitude’; admission panels of elite universities and interviewers for top jobs are hyper-sensitive to threats from those who might turn out to be intractable; records, references and even whispered reputations, increasingly systematised, follow trouble-makers to their grave; and if, somehow, someone who is resistant to authority finds their way through this minefield to a position of influence, they will be worn down, undermined and, eventually, ejected.
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Perspectives on the Pandemic: “Blood Clots and Beyond” — watch from Journeyman Pictures | Added May 3
In February, 2021, Professor Sucharit Bhakdi, M.D. and a number of his colleagues warned the European Medicines Agency about the potential danger of blood clots and cerebral vein thrombosis in millions of people receiving experimental gene-based injections. Since then, two of the four injections have been suspended or recalled in Europe and the United States for just that reason. In this episode of Perspectives, Professor Bhakdi explains the science behind the problem, why it is not just limited to the products already suspended, and why in the long term we may be creating dangerously overactive immune systems in billions of unwitting subjects.
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Jon Rappoport: Vaccinated people shedding and spreading genetic disaster to unvaccinated women? | Added May 1
MANY women are posting reports of disrupted and unusual menstrual cycles, heavy bleeding, and miscarriages.
What’s more, some of these women haven’t received the COVID vaccine, but they’ve been in close contact with others who have been vaccinated—leading to the question:
Can the COVID vaccine (which is actually an experimental genetic treatment) “shed” something harmful that can be passed from person to person?
Perhaps that sounds impossible, but in the world of genetics, much can go wrong.
In fact, for the past 25 years, we’ve had an illustration of shedding right in front of our eyes: GMO crops.
If you recall, Monsanto assured one and all that these crops—genetically engineered to survive the sprayed herbicide Roundup—would flourish, while weeds would succumb to the chemical.
So what actually happened? The weeds were resistant and became super-giants. And the Monsanto genes drifted from farm to farm, contaminating crops that were never meant to be engineered.
The Monsanto genes were “shed” and they spread.
This spread was not only the result of obvious cross-pollination. Bacteria in the soil, and in human digestive systems, also picked up and incorporated the Monsanto genes.
Why couldn’t “shed and spread” occur with a genetic COVID vaccine?
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WPXI: New concerns about possible side-effects from COVID-19 Vaccine | Added May 1
New concerns are rising about the available COVID-19 vaccines throughout the area.
However, doctors are stating it’s still too early in the vaccination process to know whether the concerning symptoms are direct results of the vaccine or symptoms that would happen naturally in the general population.
Butler County resident John McCool said that he has been dealing with issues on the left side of his body since getting the shot about eight weeks ago.
“In the middle of the night, I woke up, and my arm felt like it was on fire,” McCool explained. “I thought I had a heart attack. I was scared for my life at the time, and I did something I never thought I would do; I had my wife call an ambulance.”