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New York City to end school mask mandates and indoor vax requirements | added February 28
Read more at The New York Times
Mayor Eric Adams announced on Sunday that New York City was poised to eliminate school mask mandates and vaccine requirements for restaurants, gyms and movie theaters, by March 7, if case numbers remain low.
The rollback of pandemic restrictions, which had served as a crucial weapon in the city’s battle against the coronavirus, is a milestone that many hope will help to restore a sense of normalcy in the city and boost its economic recovery.
Mr. Adams has said for weeks that he is eager to remove virus-related restrictions across the city, including mask mandates in schools. In a statement on Sunday, he promised a final decision by Friday, saying: “I want to thank the millions of New Yorkers who have gotten vaccinated to help stop the spread. New Yorkers stepped up and helped us save lives by reaching unprecedented levels of vaccination.”
South Korea to drop proof of ‘vaccine’ and test mandates indoors | added February 28
Read more at ABC News
SEOUL, South Korea — South Korea will no longer require people to show proof of vaccination or negative tests to enter any indoor space starting Tuesday, removing a key preventive measure during a fast-developing omicron surge that’s elevating hospitalizations and deaths.
The Health Ministry’s announcement on Monday came as the country set another one-day record in covid-19 deaths with 114, breaking the previous high of 112 set on Saturday. More than 710 covid-19 patients were in critical or serious conditions, up from 200-300 in mid-February, while nearly half of the country’s intensive care units designated for covid-19 were occupied.
Park Hyang, a senior health ministry official, said rescinding the “anti-epidemic pass” would free more health workers to help monitor nearly 800,000 virus patients with mild or moderate symptoms who have been asked to isolate at home to save hospital space.
CDC alerts parents and healthcare providers of a “polio-like disease” outbreak in children | added February 28
Read more at Republic World
[Aug. 19, 2021] US has issued an alert to parents and healthcare providers for an expected outbreak of polio-like disease Acute Flaccid Myelitis (AFM) in the next four months.The United States has issued an alert to parents and healthcare providers for an expected outbreak of polio-like disease Acute Flaccid Myelitis (AFM) in the next four months, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) said in a release. Reiterating a warning in CDC’s latest ‘Vital Signs’ report, the release, as per ANI, stated, “Parents and doctors should suspect AFM in patients with sudden limb weakness, especially during August through November. Recent respiratory illness or fever and the presence of neck or back pain or any neurologic symptom should heighten their concern.”
AFM is a medical emergency and patients are advised to seek immediate consultation from medical professionals even in areas where covid-19 cases have increased. CDC said that due to social distancing measures put in place to tackle the covid-19 pandemic, this year’s AFM outbreak could be delayed beyond August in the best-case scenario. It added that AFM cases, which is a neurological disease, could be fewer than expected.
Increase in multi-system inflammation (PIMS) cases in children who contracted ‘omicron’ | added February 28
Read more at Israeli National News
A new report by the IDF’s Military Intelligence Directorate showed that the omicron variant of covid-19 has led to a rise in PIMS cases and neurological symptoms in children.
PIMS is a multi-system inflammation which can cause severe organ damage or death. The report, published Tuesday, showed that around the world, reports are starting to flow in of an increase in PIMs cases and neurological issues among recently-recovered children. In both the US and India, the number of these incidents is higher than in the past, and in the US and Africa, there are increasing numbers of reports of convulsions among children who contracted omicron.
These incidents are described as unusual and such incidents have not been seen until now, especially given the age of the children affected. In addition, there have been reports from around the world of children developing encephalitis while they had omicron, as well as around two weeks after their recovery. These children developed various symptoms, including headaches.
U.S. poison centers warn of sodium azide chemical found in at home ‘covid’ tests | added February 28
Read more at Cincinnati Enquirer
Be aware: That covid-19 test kit in your home could contain a toxic substance that may be harmful to your children and you.
The substance is sodium azide, and Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center’s Drug and Poison Information Center has seen a surge in calls about exposures to the chemical since more people started self-testing for covid-19 at home. Fifty million U.S. households have received some version of the test kits, although it’s not clear how many contain sodium azide. The government has sent 200 million of the kits, with about 85% of initial orders filled, officials said at a White House briefing last week.
“We started getting our first exposures to these test kits around early November,” said Sheila Goertemoeller, pharmacist and clinical toxicologist for the center. “It was, really, all ages.” The calls to the local center mirror what’s been happening nationally.
At doom’s doorstep: 100 minutes to midnight | added Feb. 28
Read more at Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists
Last year’s leadership change in the United States provided hope that what seemed like a global race toward catastrophe might be halted and—with renewed US engagement—even reversed.
Indeed, in 2021 the new American administration changed US policies in some ways that made the world safer: agreeing to an extension of the New START arms control agreement and beginning strategic stability talks with Russia; announcing that the United States would seek to return to the Iran nuclear deal; and rejoining the Paris climate accord.
Perhaps even more heartening was the return of science and evidence to US policy making in general, especially regarding the covid-19 pandemic. A more moderate and predictable approach to leadership and the control of one of the two largest nuclear arsenals of the world marked a welcome change from the previous four years.

“These are the real nazis” says the breakaway republics in Ukraine | added February 28
Watch on Mark Crispin Miller
This is well worth watching to the end, in conjunction with the video from Gonzalo Lira (Coach Red Pill) that I posted earlier today.
These two say much that everybody needs to know; but their most important point is that the Ukrainian military shelling the republics (called “Moscow-backed rebel regions” in Western propaganda) is indeed a Nazi force, and has been since the US coup eight years ago. Only those who haven’t studied the so-called “Maidan revolution” in detail, and who’ve depended on “our free press” to “inform” them about it, don’t know that this is a key aspect of the conflict raging now.
“The People’s Convoy” in protest to end mandates everywhere passes through New Mexico | added February 28
Editor’s Note: Over the weekend ‘The People’s Convoy’ passed successfully through Texas and Oklahoma gaining support all along the way. Updates are made daily on the convoy’s social media channels i.e Instagram @thepeoplesconvoyusa channel and website. — mmd
Read more at KRQUE
ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. (KRQE) – It’s a convoy of truckers heading from California to Washington D.C. to protest against pandemic restrictions. Friday morning it traveled through Albuquerque.
Protesters along I-40 could be seen waving flags, holding signs, and cheering as they show their support for truckers. “The truckers are very important to all of us and we’re here to support them and show that we’re on their side,” says one protester.
But the hundreds of people protesting lining the interstate with their cars created backups along I-40. Sky News 13 shows people even standing on the side of the interstate. Some overpasses were so crowded with people that supporters had to find a different spot to protest. Joel Grieshaber explains, “For me I ended up on this bridge because I couldn’t fit on any of the other bridges.”
Congress lifts mask mandate for Biden’s ‘State of The Union Address’ on Tuesday | added February 28
Read more at USA Today
The new CDC guidelines regarding covid-19 came just in time for the State of the Union address.
All 535 members of Congress will be able to attend Tuesday’s address by President Joe Biden without wearing masks after the requirement was removed in the House, ABC reporter Ben Siegel said on Twitter Sunday. The tweet added that the Office of the Attending Physician made the rules change based on the CDC’s new metrics to determine community risk of covid-19, released Friday.
Washington, D.C., and its surrounding areas are currently at the green community level, the safest according to the agency’s new color-coded chart, so indoor masking is not mandated. This will be Biden’s first State of the Union speech and it’s expected to address the crisis in Ukraine after the Russian invasion, along with the nation’s pandemic recovery, among other topics.
All Along The Watchtower — for world peace | added Feb. 28
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It’s funny how we forget the healing power of music. This video with over 9 million views of All Along The Watchtower (Bob Dylan) featuring Warren Haynes shows communities around the world singing and dancing for peaceful change.
“If there is something to be changed in this world, then it can only happen with music.” — Jimi Hendrix
Our fragile world, with an update from Ukraine | added Feb. 26
Listen on Planet Waves FM
We are tracking many issues here in the week of the U.S. Pluto return, and have a summary tonight. However, our greatest concern is for Cate Ryzhenko, who has fled inner-Kiev where she lives, works and goes to school, to get to the outskirts of the city with a friend of her late father. We have been in touch all week, and by show time we will have a report from her.
We were able to record this video earlier in the week. We are fast approaching the March 2-3 singularity point at the Pisces New Moon. I’ll leave out more details about the program; I’ve got that covered, though I will say this. While in some ways it may serve that purpose, I don’t intend Planet Waves as an information source; I primarily intend Planet Waves as a place of refuge, where you may learn, about yourself and the world.
How is Patrick Lancaster the only reporter on the ground in Donetsk? | added February 26
Read more at Celia Farber
“Where do you need to put the borders of the DPR?” “Well, it’s a tricky question.” Patrick Lancaster truly appears to be the only western reporter on the ground in Donetsk, talking to people, finding out why men in their late 60s are enlisting, to “defend their fatherland,” against (their words) “Ukrainian fascists,” and put an end to an 8 year war Americans don’t know about. Amazing. He’s been reporting on War in Dombass since the very beginning eight years ago.
The story he is telling is not something we see reflected in the mass media. This morning I took this photo of the cover of the NY Post. It’s propaganda at its finest, and I felt punched in the face.
Mark Crispin Miller has spoken of propaganda as being designed to make you so angry you can’t see or hear anymore. (Maybe that last part is my embellishment.) But certainly, it plays on human outrage, and utter elimination of nuance and complexity. Human voices are of no interest to the propagandist.
Advocates for medical freedom clash with Ukrainian war protestors in Wellington | added February 26
Read more at RNZ
The presence of two different protest groups at Wellington’s Civic Square today produced an uncomfortable situation, as supporters of Ukraine and the Destiny Church-backed anti-covid-19 mandate Freedom and Rights Coalition group found their timing had clashed.
Some of the Ukrainian protest supporters were offended when asked to merge protests with the much smaller coalition group and march to Parliament together. It was the group’s second protest in the capital in as many days, as they oppose Russia’s invasion of the eastern European nation.
Only about 100 people were at the anti-vaccine coalition’s protest today, despite more than 1000 people attending their previous two marches in the capital late last year. This march had been planned to start at the square at 11am, and the Ukrainian protest was advertised for midday, but the coalition march did not vacate until about 12.15pm.
New Zealand’s High Court rules vax mandate is not “demonstrably justified” | added February 26
Read more at Human Resources Director NZ
The High Court has upheld a group of police and defence force workers’ bid to show that a covid-19 vaccine mandate unjustifiably infringes on the country’s Bill of Rights, in a decision handed down on 25 February 2022.
The judgment concerned a mandate introduced by the Minister for Workplace Relations and Safety, which requires all defence force personnel, police constables, recruits and authorised officers to receive two doses of the covid-19 vaccine by 1 March 2022. A group of employees took to the High Court to suggest that the mandate limits the right to refuse medical treatment and the right to manifest religious beliefs under New Zealand’s Bill of Rights.
Specifically, the group referenced its objection to receiving the Pfizer vaccine on the basis that it was tested on cells derived from a human foetus. Justice Cooke was tasked with finding whether the limitation on fundamental rights brought on by the mandate was reasonable and “demonstrably justified in a free and democratic society”.
Glyphosate contamination found in top grocery stores: Whole Foods, Amazon, Walmart and Target | added February 26
Read more at The Defender
The results of the most comprehensive glyphosate testing of food products ever conducted in the U.S. were released by The Detox Project on Tuesday, in a detailed report that shows the true levels of weedkiller contamination in essential foods sold by some of the top grocery stores in the country.
The world’s most used weedkiller, glyphosate, was discovered in a wide range of essential food products including bread, pulses and grains from top grocery stores such as Hy-Vee, Whole Foods Market, Amazon, Walmart and Target.
Glyphosate, the active ingredient in the weedkiller Roundup, is a probable human carcinogen according to World Health Organization’s International Agency for Research on Cancer and has led to the manufacturers of Roundup, Bayer/Monsanto, being forced to pay over $10 Billion in damages to gardeners, groundskeepers and farmers who are suffering with blood cancer (non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma).
CA Gov. Newsom lifts 95 percent of ‘covid’ related executive actions | added February 26
Read more at ABC 10
SACRAMENTO, Calif. — Gov. Gavin Newsom has lifted a majority of the state’s overall emergency declaration set in place during the covid-19 pandemic, but is keeping measures to continue testing and vaccinating Californians.
Since the start of the pandemic, Newsom has issued about 70 executive orders containing 561 provisions. Now, Newsom’s office says just 30 will remain in effect. According to the governor’s office, those that will remain are critical to the state’s SMARTER plan.
“California’s early and decisive measures to combat covid-19 have saved countless lives throughout the pandemic, and as the recent omicron surge made clear, we must remain prepared to quickly and effectively respond to changing conditions in real time,” said Governor Newsom in a press release.
Rare multi-system inflammatory syndrome found in young people ages 12-20 after ‘covid’ inoculation | added February 26
Read more at FOX News
Young people between the ages of 12-20 have reported several cases of a multi-system inflammatory syndrome, otherwise known as MIS-C, where the immune system goes on overdrive after being vaccinated for covid-19, according to a recent Lancet report.
The report noted MIS-C is a rare condition that can happen two to six weeks after covid-19 infection with patients complaining of fever and showing signs and symptoms of multi-organ involvement with systemic inflammation. “Patients with MIS-C usually present with persistent fever, abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhea, skin rash, mucocutaneous lesions and, in severe cases, with hypotension and shock,” the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) said on their website.
The agency added the illness “may begin weeks after a child is infected with SARS-CoV-2. The child may have been infected from an asymptomatic contact and, in some cases, the child and their caregivers may not even know they had been infected.”
Ukrainians flee from Russian invasion | added February 26
Read more at The Washington Post
As sirens rang out amid Russia’s assault on Ukrainian cities Thursday, scores were forced to flee their homes. Some held their children in their arms, while others clutched their beloved pets — the cats and dogs they could not leave behind amid the barrage of attacks coming from Russia.
Countries around the world swiftly condemned Russian President Vladimir Putin’s “brutal act of war,” with President Biden vowing “consequences” and other leaders announcing harsh sanctions. For those fleeing the capital of Kyiv by car, roads were congested with traffic that stretched for miles. Those on foot rushed to local subway stations and bus routes, holding their pets in carriers.
Amid the shelling, people gathered in underground subway stations, dragging their luggage behind them, while others embraced loved ones in the street. Some travelers hurrying to buy tickets told Washington Post correspondent Siobhán O’Grady, who is on the ground in Kyiv, that they did not know where they were heading — they just wanted to get out.
What is really going on in Ukraine? | added February 26
Read more at Off Guardian
Ukraine is historically a part of the Russian heartland. Going all the way back to Russia’s progenitor state of Kievan Rus of the 10th century, founded by the Rurikid dynasty originating among Swedish vikings, Ukraine has been a part of, or closely connected to, the continuous political entity that we now call “Russia”.
Sure, there were periods where statelets on the contemporary Ukrainian territory were independent from formal Russian control, e.g. the Grand Principality of Kiev was under Lithuania for a century, a suzerain of the Golden Horde for a while, and there were various tribes occupying the contemporary territory in what’s a rather complex history. However, what’s now Ukraine was really never outside of “Russian” hegemony and culture since the 1000s, and was formally a part of the Russian Empire since the 18th century.
This is not to say that Russia prima facie “has a right” to the territory in any legal or moral sense, my point here is just that they in many ways are intimately connected, and until very recently actually were part of the same political entity.
When the pandemic is finally over | added February 26
Watch on YouTube
Since if there’s one thing we learn from history, it’s that we don’t learn from history…

UPDATE: “People’s Convoy” to Washington | added Feb. 25
Watch live on CHD TV
Children’s Health Defense’s CHD.TV will be covering the convoy –and the activists on the ground and across the country –with live updates every day at 10 am EST on CHD TV.
The official press release also mentions: Newsmax and Eric Bolling have indicated they will do a ride along and live daily updates from the convoy with Maureen Steele. The Epoch Times and a variety of other journalists, media outlets and podcasters will also be embedding.
Ukraine’s capital prepares for Russian invasion | added Feb. 25
Read more at AP News
KYIV, Ukraine (AP) — Russian troops bore down on Ukraine’s capital Friday, with gunfire and explosions resonating ever closer to the government quarter, in an invasion of a democratic country that has fueled fears of wider war in Europe and triggered worldwide efforts to make Russia stop.
Amid growing casualties from the deadly warfare — including shelling that sliced through the facade of a Kyiv apartment building, bridges and schools — the Kremlin said Russia was ready to talk with Ukrainian officials. That came even as there were also increasing signs that Vladimir Putin’s Russia may be seeking to overthrow Ukraine’s government, in his boldest effort yet to redraw the world map and revive Moscow’s Cold War-era influence.
The U.S. and other global powers slapped ever-tougher sanctions on Russia as the invasion reverberated through the world’s economy and energy supplies, threatening to further squeeze ordinary households. U.N. officials said they were preparing for millions to flee Ukraine. Sporting authorities sought to punish Russia on global playing fields.
New Zealand police exposed for false allegations against medical freedom protestors | added February 25
Read more at The Daily Telegraph
A clear pattern is emerging of Police manipulation, with them more focused on ‘PR wins’ in the media than actual policing. The depths they are stooping to will shock New Zealanders.
Today, Police threatened protest leaders with blocking service vehicles from emptying portaloos. Taking a leaf out of Trevor Mallard’s widely mocked playbook, Police threatened denying toileting to get protestors to meet their demands to move cars within the agreed protest area.
This was in full knowledge the action would create a public health issue. Police know approximately 20 percent of people on site are young children and those aged 60 plus. Fifty-five percent are women. On Tuesday, Police told media that protestors had sprayed an ‘unknown substance’ into the faces of three officers. Media bought the line, jumping to the conclusion it was acid.
CDC announces easing of face mask guidelines | added Feb. 25
Read more at FOX News
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is planning to announce changes to the metrics that the agency uses in recommending facial mask coverings.
The change will move from focusing on covid-19 case counts to taking a more holistic view about a community’s risk from the coronavirus. Current guidelines advise face coverings for individuals in communities that have substantial or high transmission.
Around 95% of U.S. counties meet the criteria for substantial or high transmission, according to the Associated Press. The agency will announce the changes on Friday.
CDC recommends longer interval between ‘covid’ jabs due to increased risk of heart inflammation | added February 25
Read more at The Guardian
Some people getting Pfizer or Moderna covid vaccines should consider waiting up to eight weeks between the first and second doses, instead of the three or four weeks previously recommended, US health officials said.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on Tuesday quietly changed its advice on spacing the shots. CDC officials said they were reacting to research showing that the longer interval can provide more enduring protection against the coronavirus. Research suggests that 12- to 64-year-olds – especially males ages 12 to 39 – can benefit from the longer spacing, the CDC said.
They also say the longer wait may help diminish an already rare vaccination side effect: a form of heart inflammation seen in some young men. The change won’t affect many people, coming 14 months after the beginning of the US vaccination campaign. The CDC says 73% of people 12 and older already have had two doses of vaccine.
Nearly half a million cases of ‘covid’ vax injuries reported by German health insurer | added February 25
Read more at The Defender
A German health insurance company this week said an analysis of data collected from more than 10 million people suggests covid vaccine side effects are “significantly” underreported. The company, BKK ProVita (BKK), said its analysis revealed a “significant alarm signal” and that “a risk to human life cannot be ruled out.”
Based on the data collected, BKK said the number of vaccine side effects is many times higher than the number officially announced by the Paul Ehrlich Institute (PEI), Germany’s federal health agency that monitors the safety of vaccines and biomedicines.
The PEI announced in a press release there were 244,576 suspected cases of vaccine side effects reported in 2021 following covid vaccination, but BKK said its analysis revealed more than 400,000 cases.
Canadian government authorizes first use of plant-based ‘covid’ drug shot | added February 25
Read more at ABC News
Canada has become the first country to authorize use of a plant-based covid-19 vaccine. Canadian regulators said Thursday Medicago’s two-dose vaccine can be given to adults ages 18 to 64, but said there’s too little data on the shots in people 65 and older.
The decision was based on a study of 24,000 adults that found the vaccine was 71% effective at preventing covid-19 — although that was before the omicron variant emerged. Side effects were mild, including fever and fatigue.
Medicago uses plants as living factories to grow virus-like particles, which mimic the spike protein that coats the coronavirus. The particles are removed from the plants’ leaves and purified. Another ingredient, an immune-boosting chemical called an adjuvant that is made by British partner GlaxoSmithKline, is added to the shots.
Health experts say a fourth ‘covid’ booster jab may not be necessary | added February 25
Read more at Deseret News
The coronavirus pandemic isn’t over. But it doesn’t sound like you’ll need another covid-19 vaccine booster shot just yet. New research suggests that vaccinated individuals may not need another round of booster shots for years.
The three-dose regimen — or simply two shots — can protect people from severe covid-19 and death for years to come, experts told The New York Times.
“We’re starting to see now diminishing returns on the number of additional doses,” John Wherry, director of the Institute for immunology at the University of Pennsylvania, told The New York Times.
Keeping a watchful eye on war propaganda | added February 25
Watch the video on Mark Crispin Miller
On a Left Forum panel in 2017, I made made this point about the US propaganda over Syria—and a professor in the audience flipped out, and thereby proved me right.
Now that the covid propaganda has been suddenly displaced by the (war) propaganda over Russia and Ukraine, I feel it’s relevant to share this video of my attempted talk on propaganda some five years ago, and its furious interruption by a New-York-Times-deluded academic in the audience.
Three Journalists and one media studies professor (Mark Crispin Miller) describe the illegal US intervention in Syria and the justifying propaganda.
Folk songs of the “far right wing” | added February 25
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Now that we are all on the “far right wing,” here are some songs.
Trudeau revokes the Emergencies Act | added February 24
Read more at Politico
OTTAWA, Ont. — Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is revoking the Emergencies Act, but divisive debate about his government’s decision to use it is just getting started.
“The situation is no longer an emergency,” Trudeau said Wednesday on Parliament Hill. “We are confident that existing laws and bylaws are sufficient to keep people safe.” Trudeau said meetings with police and public safety experts during the past two days “reassured” his government that existing policing tools could prevent future occupations.
The decision comes two days after Trudeau’s government won a confidence vote over its use of the Act. The emergency measures brought police to Ottawa from around the country to dislodge “Freedom Convoy” occupiers who seized control of streets in the downtown core.
Trudeau backs off frozen bank accounts so World Economic Forum could roll out digital ID | added February 24
Read more at Mark Crispin Miller
So, just as “covid” screeches to a halt, its globalist authors start to lure us into digital-financial serfdom, via the Canadian banking system.
But since the covid scam is coming to an end, why exactly do we now need digital IDs? Because it’s so “convenient”? Here’s hoping Trudeau’s dictatorial overreach has heightened public wariness of this “fast, easy and secure way to bank.”
Sunlight is the best disinfectant. A promotional video from the Canadian Bankers Association (CBA) helps to neatly connect all the dots about why the Canadian government made such a quick reversal in their bank asset seizures in the last 24 hours. And yes, as we suspected, it was almost certainly contact from the World Economic Forum to Canadian Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland that triggered the change in position.
Russian troops invade Ukraine: explosions heard throughout the country | added February 24
Read more at CNBC News
Explosions and military assaults have been reported across Ukraine after Russian President Vladimir Putin announced an attack on the country during the early hours of Thursday morning.
In the capital of Kyiv, air raid sirens have sounded and a stay-at-home order has been issued. Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has been widely condemned by governments all over the world, with western countries expected to ratchet up economic sanctions on Moscow in response to the attack.
President Joe Biden is meeting virtually Thursday morning with leaders of the G-7 countries to discuss Russia’s predawn invasion of Ukraine. The meeting with the leaders of Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan and the United Kingdom is set for 9 a.m. ET.
Google drops vax mandates for remote employees, retains requirement for on-site | added February 24
Read more at The Verge
Google is no longer requiring its US-based workers to be vaccinated against covid-19, according to CNBC. However, a policy that requires staffers to be vaccinated to return to the office is still in place, according to The New York Times.
“We’re not enforcing vaccination requirements as a condition of employment for US office workers at this time,” Google spokesperson Lora Lee Erickson said in a statement to The Verge after we first published this article. “We’re continuing to implement our vaccination policy requiring covid-19 vaccinations or approved accommodations for any individuals accessing our sites, because it’s one of the most important ways we can keep our workforce safe and keep our services running.” In addition, only employees at Google’s Santa Clara County facilities will have to wear masks in the office, Erickson says.
CNBC also shared details from a memo sent to staff by David Radcliffe, Google’s VP of real estate and workplace services. Google is lifting a policy that required anyone entering a Google facility, even vaccinated staffers, to have a negative covid-19 molecular test.
The myth of vaccine efficacy | added February 24
Read more at 21st Century Wire
If we dare to express doubt about vaccine efficacy, or raise concerns for safety, we are sharply rebutted and reminded of smallpox as a solid testament to the power of immunisation to combat disease.
For generations, we have been conditioned to believe that smallpox is a highly contagious, indiscriminate, and deadly virus — that it killed many millions worldwide, and that we were only saved from its ghastly ravages by the development of vaccinations. However, upon closer examination, this popular narrative is belied by the facts and historical reporting. What is commonly assumed as settled history may be the result of modern medical propaganda.
There is another story: that vaccines did not eradicate smallpox, but actually made the problem worse. Like many other diseases, cases were already decreasing by the time vaccinations were introduced, but then began to rise again with the rollout of mass immunisation. Smallpox was at its peak during the 1700s, though it was often confused and conflated with other illnesses with similar symptoms, including chicken pox, measles, shingles, scarlet fever, and secondary syphilis.
Testing for global governance by Klaus Schwab and the World Economic Forum | added February 24
Read more at Jon Rappoport
Knowing my regular readers can handle more than one major point in an article, I start with this: Justin Trudeau is not serving the interests of Canadians; he is loyal to the World Economic Forum (WEF) and the brand of Globalism it represents.
Meaning: global governance; the submerging of nations in a scheme of external top-down control; the expansion of poverty; wall to wall surveillance; a currency reset; and other totalitarian transformations. If you watch these two brief videos (here and here), you’ll see Klaus Schwab confirm, in Trudeau’s presence, the prime minister’s loyalty to the WEF, as well as the penetration of Trudeau’s cabinet with WEF agents.
Schwab, the head of WEF, also mentions a new dawn of entrepreneurs who lead corporations dedicated to social responsibility. And THAT is a test for Schwab. Because he certainly backs major pharmaceutical companies. Do those businesses display social responsibility?
Experts urge U.S. government to acknowledge natural immunity for fighting ‘covid’ | added February 24
Read more at Epoch Times
A growing number of experts are urging the U.S. government to formally recognize natural immunity, or the protection given by recovering from covid-19.
More experts are arguing that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) recommended vaccination schedule should feature fewer doses—or none at all—for people who have contracted covid-19 and survived. “Natural infection should count as two doses,” Dr. Paul Offit, professor of pediatrics at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, and an adviser to the Food and Drug Administration on vaccines, told The Epoch Times.
Under current CDC guidance, all Americans 12 and older are advised to get three doses of the Moderna or Pfizer covid-19 vaccines. The CDC defines fully vaccinated as people who get two shots of the Moderna or Pfizer covid-19 vaccines, or the single-shot Johnson & Johnson jab.
Timeline of Ukrainian crisis: genuine grassroots revolution or NATO backed coup? | added February 24
Read more at Off Guardian
As Russia actually do launch an invasion or “special operation” in Ukraine, we thought now was a good time to recap on how we got here.
The historical, political and ethnic divisions in Ukraine go back decades, if not centuries, but we don’t have the space for that kind of deep-dive. For now, we’ll be keeping it to three simple parts: The fall of Viktor Yanukovych, the Crimean referendum, and the ensuing civil war which puts the region in a direct path to the events of today.
Much like our 30 Facts on c ovid, this piece is intended as a quick reference guide to help get friends and family up to speed on the recent history of Ukraine, a handy index of contemporary sources, or a refresher course for those who’ve forgotten the details. Anyway, let’s get to it.
The Amazing Johnathan, magician and stand-up comedian, dies at 63 with heart disease | added February 24
Read more at Entertainment Weekly
The Amazing Jonathan, the audacious magician and stand-up comedian who was a longtime headliner on the Las Vegas Strip and a fixture on late-night TV, died Tuesday following a long battle with heart disease. He was 63.
His wife, stuntwoman and fellow magician Anastasia Synn, confirmed the news to the Las Vegas Review-Journal. His sister Gail McGuire also paid tribute to him on Facebook, writing, “Our hearts are broken. John lived life as he wanted and brought so many laughs to thousands with his brand of humor… The world is a little less funny today.”
Johnathan Edward Szeles was born Sept. 9, 1958, in Detroit. The self-described “Freddy Krueger of comedy” got his start as a street magician in San Francisco and became known for shocking stunts like (seemingly) spiking his own tongue and sucking on his own dangling eyeball.
The Amazing Johnathan — just for laughs 1995 | added Feb. 24
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Remembering American magician and comedian John Edward Szeles, better known as ‘The Amazing Johnathan’. His acts were composed of hijinks, interaction with one specific audience member, and a few legitimate magic tricks. From 2001 to 2014, he was a year-round headliner in Las Vegas.
“The People’s Convoy” of America embarks for Washington, D.C. in the name of freedom | added February 23
Editor’s Note: To learn more about ‘The People’s Convoy’ freedom movement and some ways to get involved, you can visit their website. — mmd
Read more at The New York Post
Canadian truckers captivated headlines and drove Prime Minister Justin Trudeau mad. American truckers could do the same to President Joe Biden with a convoy departing Wednesday. Organizers report more than 1,000 trucks signed up to travel cross-country from California to Washington, DC, and anticipate the convoy will grow as it heads east.
Inspired by our neighbors to the north, organizers say, the convoy is going to the capital to seek an end to the federal emergency declaration.
The potent Tea Party made its mark in America’s 2010 midterm elections fighting bloated taxation. Could truckers fighting covid mandates and restrictions spark a movement as powerful in November’s midterms? Polling is on their side, with heavy-handed rules steadily losing support. Think of it this way: Tea Party = no taxation without representation. Truckers = no vaccination without self-authorization.
Canadian government begins to release frozen bank account of “Freedom Convoy” protestors | added February 23
Read more at Forbes
Canadian authorities instructed banks to release the financial accounts of people whose accounts had been frozen when the country’s federal government used emergency powers to crack down on protesters who occupied the area in front of country’s parliament in Ottawa for several weeks.
Isabelle Jacques, Canada’s assistant deputy minister of finance, told lawmakers on Tuesday that a vast majority of the locked accounts are now in the process of being released. Jacques told a parliamentary committee that up to 210 bank accounts linked to the protestors—with cumulative holdings of C$7.8 million ($6.12 million)—had been frozen under the country’s emergencies act.
The minister noted that even though more than 200 accounts were frozen, it did not necessarily add up to the number of people affected as many of the targeted individuals may have held multiple accounts. While the Canadian government has defended the move as part of an effort to disrupt illegal activity, it has come under criticism from opposition members and financial experts who have warned that people unaffiliated with the protest may have been affected.
Supreme Court rejects health care workers bid to uphold religious exemption from ‘covid’ drug jabs | added February 23
Read more at Epoch Times
Supreme Court justices on Feb. 22 rejected a bid by health care workers in Maine to block the state’s covid-19 vaccine mandate. Justices declined to hear arguments for and against an appeals court decision that left the mandate, which affects all health care workers in Maine, intact.
At least six justices rejected the writ of certiorari, or request to review the lower court decision denying a preliminary injunction. How each justice voted wasn’t made public.
“It’s very disappointing to see the court ignoring this clear injustice,” Mathew Staver, chairman of Liberty Counsel, the legal group representing the petitioners, told The Epoch Times. “We thought it was a great case for the court to take. There’s a clear conflict and a clear violation of federal law.”
New Zealand protestors against ‘covid’ restrictions clash with police | added February 23
Read more at Yahoo News
New Zealand anti-vaccine protesters pelted police with a “stinging substance” sending three to hospital with injuries Tuesday, as tensions spilled over in an angry weeks-long protest.
Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern decried “absolutely disgraceful” scenes after the suspected acid attack, and a startling incident that saw one protester speed a car toward police lines before coming to a quick halt just centimetres away.
The brief but intense confrontations erupted near New Zealand’s parliament early Tuesday, as police moved roadblocks used to contain a protest camp that has clogged downtown Wellington for two weeks. The Wellington protest began as a movement against vaccine mandates — inspired by similar protests in the Canadian capital Ottawa
Hong Kong to require mandatory ‘covid’ tests for entire population of 7.5 million residents | added February 23
Read more at CNBC News
Hong Kong will test its entire population of 7.5 million people for covid-19 in March, the city’s leader said Tuesday, as it grapples with its worst outbreak driven by the omicron variant.
The population will be tested three times in March, Hong Kong Chief Executive Carrie Lam said. She said testing capacity will be boosted to 1 million a day or more. “Since we have a population of some 7 million people, testing will take about seven days,” she said.
Hong Kong has reported about 5,000 new daily infections since Feb. 15, with the cases threatening to overwhelm its healthcare system. Since the current surge began at the beginning of the year, the city has recorded nearly 54,000 cases and 145 deaths.
Mitigations against electromagnetic field (EMF) exposure | added February 23
Read more at The Defender
The negative effects of electromagnetic fields (EMFs) continue to ignite conversations and controversy worldwide. The most dangerous pollution affecting you is the invisible sea of EMFs your body swims in daily.
You are exposed to EMFs all day long, not only in public but inside your home, too. Most of the radiation emits from cellphones, cell towers, computers, smart meters and Wi-Fi, to name just a few of the culprits. While it’s nearly impossible to avoid EMF exposure completely, there are practical ways to limit it. Given the number of EMFs that bombard you all day long, getting educated about the negative effects of EMFs is imperative to your well-being.
Particularly if you are dealing with a serious illness, it is well worth your time to reduce your EMF exposure as much as possible. If you have been told EMFs are safe and not a danger to humans, you may want to consider: The telecommunication industry has manipulated federal regulatory agencies, public health authorities and professionals through powerful and sophisticated lobbying efforts leaving consumers confused and unaware of the health risks associated with EMFs.
California lawmakers push ‘covid’ censorship bills to penalize doctors for sharing ‘misinformation’ | added February 23
Read more at The Sacramento Bee
Two California lawmakers are pushing measures to help prevent the spread of harmful covid-19 misinformation people gather online and from medical providers. Sen. Richard Pan, D-Sacramento, and Assemblyman Evan Low, D-Campbell, on Tuesday announced Senate and Assembly bills that would require tech companies to disclose the algorithms they use to gather users’ personal information and would penalize doctors for sharing covid misinformation with patients.
Pan’s legislation, Senate Bill 1018, would build on a 2014 state law that requires websites to post a privacy policy that identifies the kinds of personal information they collect from users. SB 1018 would change that law to require online platforms like Facebook and Google to disclose the algorithms that determine which content users see.
The platforms would also need to share their data with researchers. Pan said these disclosures would provide information that would allow lawmakers better understand why covidmisinformation is so prevalent and how to prevent its spread. “Transparency will allow the public to make informed decisions,” Pan said. “And lawmakers and researchers need necessary information so we can hold online platforms accountable and also set standards.
Dutch Member of Parliament confronts Prime Minister Mark Rutte about globalist ties | added February 23
Editor’s Note: The video was published on July 14, 2021 and an article was written about the encounter that can be read on Europe Reloaded. — mmd
Watch the video on Rumble
Dutch MP Gideon van Meijeren confronts globalist PM Rutte for his World Economic Forum connections. Gideon van Meijeren reveals globalist PM Rutte to be a correspondent for the World Economic Forum and the infamous Klaus Schwab.
In memory of all those who “died suddenly” in the past week | added February 23
Read more at Mark Crispin Miller
This past week, as grimly documented here, still more people of all ages, all around the world, have suddenly dropped dead, either with no cause reported, or because of “unexpected” heart attacks, strokes, blood clots or cardiac arrest; or they have been felled before their time by very sudden cases of aggressive cancer—all “adverse events” now widely recognized (by all disinterested experts) as common “vaccine” injuries.
There’s simply no disputing that this recent global surge in “sudden deaths” has followed hard upon the rollout of the covid “vaccination” program; that more people have “died suddenly” the more injections they’ve received (and that the number of those “dying of covid” this past year is far greater than the number who reportedly “died of covid” throughout 2020); and, therefore, that the propaganda fantasy of “people dropping dead of covid,” in the streets—which, acted out in creepy videos from China, served to drive the whole world into terrified compliance with “emergency” requirements back in early 2020—has now been realized by all those millions of experimental shots.
Because those facts are indisputable, the medical establishment and “our free press” have really not disputed them, inasmuch as “disputation” means “debate” or “argument.”
“Honest inner thoughts” on Rodio Comedy | added February 23
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It can be tempting to sit on our bums all day and be lazy, especially when illegal mandates try to lock us inside behind screens. Let’s try to keep being honest with ourselves and our loved ones about what really matters — like freedom.
‘The People’s Convoy’ of American truckers prepare to ride for medical freedom | added February 22
Read more at The Examiner
Inspired by the Canadian “Freedom Convoy,” a group of truckers and other motorists who are against covid-19 mandates announced they will set out from California for a cross-country protest in America.
The movement, called “The People’s Convoy,” is scheduled to depart from Adelanto Stadium and Event Center near Victorville, California, on Feb. 23 and take 11 days to reach Washington, D.C. “We demand the declaration of National Emergency Concerning the covid-19 pandemic be lifted immediately and our cherished Constitution reign supreme,” the group’s website states.
Mike Landis with The People’s Convoy said government officials have taken away people’s rights under a state of emergency. “We, the people, want our country back — the one that we love, Ole Glory, the America, the beautiful and the brave,” Landis said. “Because that’s who we are, and what we are, and what we want to continue to be. We do not want to be under a dictatorship, communism-style regime.”
Reality honks back: a look at the Canadian truckers protesting against medical tyranny | added February 22
Read more at The Upheaval
[Feb. 16, 2022] Like many, I have spent the last couple of weeks a bit entranced by the trucker protests happening in Canada (and now around the world, from Paris to Wellington). I initially tried to document here every twist and turn of the Freedom Convoy drama, but found it nearly impossible. Events continue to unfold very quickly.As I write this, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has just invoked the Emergencies Act (i.e. martial law), allowing him to suspend civil liberties and basically do whatever he wants (more on that later) to crush the protests. So they may soon be quelled. Or perhaps not. No one can yet say precisely how all this may end.
But in any case news and commentary detailing the protests can now be found everywhere, so I’m just going to assume you already have a familiarity with what’s happening, as I want to try to distill a few more unique thoughts on why I find these protests so striking. Specifically, why all this seems like such a perfect reflection of the Reality War.
Clarity: a post-mortem on the Freedom Convoy’s planted actors | added February 22
Read more at Celia Farber
The Punk Meets The Godfather. If you are like most of us, not on the ground in Ottawa over these past weeks, you were perhaps vaguely aware there were spokespersons for the Freedom Convoy, whom you never thought to question. Until the Amazing Polly drop, on Feb 11, which revealed the bitter reality that the four self-appointed leaders of the Convoy were rotten, unknown, vindictive, and had commandeered the GoFundMe account, whatever remained of it. Who were they? Nobody knew.
The top dog was a husky man who sure looked exactly like a “trucker,” named Benjamin Dichter. He was interviewed far and wide by the non-left mainstream media, including Tucker Carlson, Sean Hannity, both Jordan and Mikhaila Peterson, and many more. He sounded, as my friend Paul Bell put it, “all the right notes.” (How much do Tucker Carlson’s producers earn? Is it too much to ask that they book sources on major stories only following elemental background checks?)
We actually have a subscriber and friend, right here at The Truth Barrier, who has historical context on this fellow Dichter, dating back to 2014. We’ll hear from him shortly—he and I have been developing his story and correcting the text over the past week, during which time, as sometimes happens, the Story Fish actually jumps into the net.
Trudeau holds news conference on ‘Emergency Act’ declaration against freedom convoy | added February 22
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On Parliament Hill, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau holds a news conference and discusses the recent convoy protests and blockades in cities and border crossings throughout the country. He also comments on his government’s declaration of a public-order emergency under the Emergencies Act and the upcoming vote in the House of Commons to confirm the motion.
Responding to questions from reporters, Trudeau reaffirms Canada’s response to the ongoing threat of Russian military action against Ukraine. Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland, as well as ministers David Lametti (justice), Marco Mendicino (public safety), and Bill Blair (emergency preparedness), also take part in the news conference.
Outside of Parliament, city workers are cleaning the streets where thousands of protesters rallying against covid-19 mandates and restrictions occupied the downtown core for more than three weeks.
The naked face of new normal fascism | added February 22
Read more at Off Guardian
I told you this part wasn’t going to be pretty. The collapse of fascist ideological movements and fanatical death cults never is. The New Normal is proving to be no exception.
After three weeks of non-violent civil disobedience outside the Canadian parliament in Ottawa by truckers and other Canadian citizens struggling to uphold their right to not be subjected to forced “vaccination,” Justin Trudeau unleashed the goon squads. Thousands of militarized riot police (and other unidentified heavily-armed operatives) swarmed the area, surrounded the protesters, started breaking into trucks and arresting people, and beating them with batons and the butts of their rifles.
In one particularly ugly episode, the New Normal stormtroopers rode their horses directly into a crowd of non-violent protesters, trampling an elderly lady with a walker. She had just finished saying something to the police along the lines of “you break my heart … this is about peace, and love, and happiness.” Then they knocked her down and rode their horses over her.
Autopsies show Pfizer shots caused the ‘heartbreaking’ death of two teenage boys | added February 22
Read more at The Defender
Pathologists who examined the autopsies of two teenage boys who died days after receiving Pfizer’s covid-19 vaccine concluded the vaccine caused the teens’ deaths.
The three pathologists, two of whom are medical examiners, published their findings Feb. 14 in an early online release article, “Autopsy Histopathologic Cardiac Findings in Two Adolescents Following the Second Covid-19 Vaccine Dose,” in the Archives of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine. The authors’ findings were conclusive. Two teenage boys were pronounced dead in their homes three and four days after receiving the second Pfizer-BioNTech covid-19 dose.
There was no evidence of active or previous covid-19 infection. The teens had negative toxicology screens (i.e. no drugs or poisons were present in their bodies). These boys died from the vaccine.
Former NIH director Francis Collins blames ‘misinformation’ of ‘covid’ for ongoing pandemic | added February 22
Read more at Time Magazine
[Feb. 4, 2022] Before he stepped down on Dec. 19, Dr. Francis Collins was the longest-serving director of the National Institutes of Health since presidents began to appoint them. Installed by President Obama in 2009, he served under three administrations and during his tenure the budget of the NIH, the leading funder of research related to the health of Americans, grew from $30 billion to $43 billion.He is that rare bureaucrat who is also a career scientist; he was instrumental in decoding the genome and will continue to work at the National Human Genome Research Institute lab at the NIH, which has already had some success in the search for genetically-informed solutions to such health issues as cystic fibrosis, type 2 diabetes and progeria. He is also that rare scientist who is a devout Christian; he describes DNA as the ‘language of God.’
Is the fact that you’re willing to leave the National Institutes of Health a sign that the covid-19 crisis is over? Oh, I only wish. Science has been amazingly responsive to that challenge. But we’ve had other problems that got in the way, some induced by this virus’s remarkable ability to develop new variants and a lot of it induced by our failure to convince everybody to take advantage of the tools that could have helped them.
The power of corporate propaganda with Mark Crispin Miller | added February 22
Editor’s Note: NYU professor of film and communications, Mark Crispin Miller also appeared on an episode of Planet Waves FM where Miller discusses how the recent false claims of misconduct were dropped against him after asking students to critically think and research the efficacy of mask mandates. — mmd
Watch the video on Odysee
Host Doug McKenty discusses the overwhelming evidence that Americans are inundated with powerful corporate propaganda with New York University professor Dr. Mark Crispin Miller. Dr. Miller began a decades-long journey after writing Fooled Again in 2004. This scathing expose of election fraud was met with disinterest and even accusations of “conspiracy theory” raising a red flag that something was seriously wrong with the contemporary media landscape.
These experiences led him down the rabbit hole of uncovering mass disinformation campaigns on a variety of issues designed to mold the American mind in ways favorable to wealthy corporate owners, not the general body politic. The once-prominent figure of the academic left now finds himself at the forefront of the battle for academic freedom.
Vaxed Fox anchor Neil Cavuto says second case of ‘covid’ nearly killed him, praises drug jabs | added February 22
Editor’s Note: Cavuto supposedly got vaccinated and yet had a worse case of ‘covd’ after receiving the jab. This instance completely contradicts the Center for Disease Control’s advertisement that ‘covid’ drug shots protect against severe illness, hospitalization, and death. So, why is everyone being mandated to receive an experimental drug? — mmd
Read more at CNN Business
Neil Cavuto, an immunocompromised Fox anchor who has dissented from the loudest voices at the right-wing network and spoken out in favor of covid-19 vaccines, revealed on Monday that he had been hospitalized for weeks with a serious case of coronavirus and nearly died.
Cavuto, who is vaccinated, had previously contracted the virus in October. But the anchor, a cancer survivor who has been public about his decades-long battle with multiple sclerosis, had a more mild case back then. This time, Cavuto said he had a “far, far more serious strand” because his “very compromised immune system” simply hasn’t benefited in the same way from the vaccines as those with healthy immune systems.
Cavuto said that his most recent case of covid-19 had led to pneumonia and landed him “in intensive care for quite a while.” “It was really touch and go,” Cavuto said on his Fox Business show on Monday after a leave of absence. “Some of you who’ve wanted to put me out of my misery darn near got what you wished for! So sorry to disappoint you!”
Science class in 2022 | added February 22
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This is what a ‘science’ class in 2022 sounds like. Students learn about how men have babies and natural immunity doesn’t exist even though the science says this is impossible. Yes, we understand that modern ‘science’ contradicts all we have learned thus far as human beings. This is why when main stream propaganda media and health officials state people shouldn’t “question the science” – it really doesn’t make much sense.
Biden extends U.S. national emergency due to ‘covid public health risk’ | added February 21
Read more at Yahoo News
President Joe Biden said on Friday the U.S. national emergency declared in March 2020 due to the covid-19 pandemic will be extended beyond March 1 due to the ongoing risk to public health posed by the coronavirus.
Biden said the deaths of more than 900,000 Americans from covid-19 emphasized the need to respond to the pandemic with “the full capacity” of the federal government. Former President Donald Trump had declared a national emergency almost two years ago to free up $50 billion in federal aid.
“There remains a need to continue this national emergency,” Biden said in a letter on Friday to the speaker of the House of Representatives and the president of the Senate.
Ursula von der Leyen’s resignation demanded by Members of the European Parliament | added February 21
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A group of Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) demanded the immediate resignation of European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen who failed to disclose communication with the CEO of Pfizer. They also called for an ending of imposition of EU’s Digital Covid Certificate which is useless, unnecessary and discriminatory. One MEP also called for a compensation fund for the covid vaccine-injured and they all ended with encouragement to the freedom loving truckers of Canada. (Press conference – Strasbourg, 16 February 2022)
Toxic pollution from face masks raises major environmental concerns| added February 21
Eric’s comments: We have been watching the issue of toxic masks since the beginning. My previous understanding was that there is both graphene and C8 (Teflon) in disposable “masks.” C8 would serve as a surfactant to make the thing seem dry when it is not. The graphene is even advertised as a benefit by some mask manufacturers. Of course there will be plastic particles, phthalates and a diversity of other “normal” crud in plastics. Now this.
Read more at Business Insider
As we enter our third year of covid-19, research not only supports environmentalists’ early fears surrounding mask pollution in waterways but has introduced new concerns.
Sarper Sarp, a professor of chemical engineering at Swansea University in Wales, led a contamination study that tested nine readily available single-use masks. After submerging the masks in water and letting them sit, Sarp and his team discovered both micro- and nanoplastic particles released from every single one. The leachate from those masks — that is, the particles they emitted into fluid — amounted to a sort of toxic tea.
The masks were also found to expel nanoparticles of silicon and heavy metals like lead, cadmium, copper, and even arsenic. Sarp says that he was astonished by what he and the team found after a relatively brief period of submersion, and by the quantity of particles released by each mask. The masks released hundreds, and sometimes thousands, of toxic particles — particles that can potentially disrupt entire marine food chains and contaminate drinking water.
NY Gov. Hochul releases statement to boost cybersecurity readiness and preparations | added February 21
Read more at New York Government
“In light of current geopolitical uncertainty, earlier today I convened cabinet members from relevant areas to review our ongoing cybersecurity preparedness efforts and make sure that New Yorkers, our institutions, and our critical infrastructure are protected from cyber-facilitated disruptions. We are in regular touch with the White House and the U.S. Department of Homeland Security to ensure coordination.
“The reality is that because New York State is a leader in the finance, healthcare, energy, and transportation sectors, our state is an attractive target for cyber criminals and foreign adversaries.
“My Administration has taken significant steps to prepare for what have become increasingly sophisticated cyberattacks, including my recent budget proposal to invest $62 million in our cybersecurity protections, which is more than double from last year. Cabinet leaders will continue reviewing their cyber-risk management readiness and communicate with relevant industry and government partners to ensure threat intelligence is being relayed as quickly as possible.
American truckers prepare to launch freedom convoy from southern California this week| added February 21
Read more at Review Journal
A group of truckers and other motorists opposed to covid-19-related government policies announced this weekend that they would start a cross-country protest about three hours from Las Vegas.
After departing Wednesday from Adelanto Stadium and Event Center near Victorville, California, the 11-day event, dubbed the “The People’s Convoy,” is scheduled to stop in Kingman, Arizona, which is about a 100-mile drive from Las Vegas.
The movement is scheduled to end March 5 in Washington, D.C. “END MANDATES EVERYWHERE,” the group wrote on its website a little more than a week after Nevada’s mask mandate was lifted. Similar mandates across the country have also been eased or lifted in recent weeks.
Analysis: reporter Alexa Lavoie shot by Ottawa police | added February 21
Read more at Mark Miller Crispin Substack
The question that she asked at the press conference in this video might explain why she was beaten yesterday by the (ostensible) police, and shot at point-blank range with a rubber bullet: https://www.bitchute.com/video/NQBorDtC3RbI/
A friend tells me that, according to Ezra Levant, Alexa’s colleague at Rebel News, Trudeau has had it in for her since the debates leading up to last year’s election, and that he tried, and failed, to bar her from that press conference.
Here is a meticulous analysis of the video in which we see the cops (or whatever they are) attacking her. I know this footage is not fun to watch. (One subscriber asked to stop receiving this Substack because of it.) But I think that we should not avert our eyes, because what happened to Alexa Lavoie was criminal, and will surely figure in whatever tribunal is eventually established to make Justin Trudeau, and his overlords and instruments, accountable.
NYC Department of Education investigates ‘covid’ play that discriminates against unjabbed kids | added February 21
Read more at The New York Post
To jab or not to jab, that is the question. An Upper West Side middle school is facing a tempest from parents after staging a play which warned unvaccinated kids would not have friends.
The December holiday show at MS 243 Center School on 84th Street and Columbus Avenue featured around 10 fifth- to eighth-graders swaying back and forth while belting out lyrics to the tune of ’80s hit “The Safety Dance,” including: “It’s safe to vax/and if your friends don’t vax/then they ain’t no friends of mine.”
The performance was more PSA than play, hammering home the importance of vaccines through dance numbers, songs, and skits that ridiculed anyone not falling in line.
Chemical giant 3M allegedly hiding files that disclose effect of toxic chemicals on U.S. population | added February 21
Read more at The Defender
Chemical manufacturer 3M is allegedly hiding files that could shed light on the role that former 3M CEO and Chairman Lewis Lehr played years ago as the company was struggling internally to figure out how to deal with growing evidence that its toxic chemical compound PFOS was widespread in the blood of the general U.S. population.
According to a motion to compel filed Feb. 15 with the U.S. District Court in South Carolina by plaintiffs’ lawyers in sweeping multidistrict litigation, 3M has repeatedly failed to turn over Lehr’s files to the plaintiffs’ legal team despite multiple requests as part of court-ordered discovery.
Lehr “played a central role in business decisions related to investigating and reporting potential effects” associated with 3M’s PFOS products, the motion states. Lehr was CEO of 3M from 1979 to 1986 and was a member of its board of directors from 1974 to 1991.
Ukraine: war or merely the appearance of war? | added February 21
Read more at Off Guardian
Experienced foreign policy analysts such as Ray McGovern, Scott Ritter, and Pepe Escobar, while agreeing that the Biden administration is clearly guilty of provoking Russia over Ukraine, are divided over whether it will lead to war.
All agree that Russia has no intention of invading Ukraine and that it is clearly justified in demanding safe borders by insisting US/NATO withdraw troops and missiles from the countries surrounding it, stop NATO’s “open door” policy, stop putting nuclear weapons in Europe, etc.
Clearly such demands are consonant with the US’s own historical demands for safe borders, evidenced most clearly in the Cuban Missile Crisis of October 1962 when the world nearly suffered a nuclear war over Soviet missiles in Cuba. And equally obvious is the fact that the American posture today is hypocritical in the extreme and can only be accepted by propagandists and those ignorant of history.
Why is this even necessary? Nobody has to offer me $100 to not jump off a bridge. I’ll not do that for free. But seriously, if the vaccines were really “safe, free, easy,” then why are governments pushing so hard with bribes and incentives for people to get inoculated with an experimental drug? Recent VAERS data shows nearly 24,000 deaths and over 1 million adverse reactions reported due to the ‘covid’ drug jabs.
Freedom convoy “holds the line” for medical freedom as Canadian police make arrests | added February 19
Read more at BBC
Police have clashed with demonstrators in Canada’s capital, Ottawa, as they move to end a three-week anti-vaccine mandate protest, with 100 arrests made. The operation started early on Friday, with some officers on horseback, after the government invoked the Emergencies Act to crack down on the protest. Some protesters who resisted were thrown to the ground and had their hands zip-tied behind their backs.
Police have also accused protesters of using children as a shield. A group of protesters have remained in the city in defiance of orders to leave. Footage from the scene showed hundreds of police officers advancing into the heart of the protest zone, next to Parliament Hill.
Some of the remaining protesters formed a line in front of approaching officers, linking arms and singing O Canada – the national anthem. Ottawa police have set up almost 100 police check-points around the main protest site as well as a large business and residential district in the city centre to prevent more protesters from entering the area.
Biden extends U.S. national emergency due to ‘covid’ public health risk | added February 21
Read more at Yahoo News
President Joe Biden said on Friday the U.S. national emergency declared in March 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic will be extended beyond March 1 due to the ongoing risk to public health posed by the coronavirus.
Biden said the deaths of more than 900,000 Americans from COVID-19 emphasized the need to respond to the pandemic with “the full capacity” of the federal government. Former President Donald Trump had declared a national emergency almost two years ago to free up $50 billion in federal aid.
“There remains a need to continue this national emergency,” Biden said in a letter on Friday to the speaker of the House of Representatives and the president of the Senate.
Ursula von der Leyen’s resignation demanded by freedom-fighting MEPs at recent press conference | added February 21
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Freedom loving MEPs demanded the immediate resignation of European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen who failed to disclose communication with the CEO of Pfizer. They also called for an ending of imposition of EU’s Digital Covid Certificate which is useless, unnecessary and discriminatory. One MEP also called for a compensation fund for the COVID vaccine injured and they all ended with a rising encouragement to the freedom loving truckers of Canada. (Press conference – Strasbourg, 16 February 2022)
Neglected microplastic pollution of face masks raising environmental concerns of toxic waste | added February 21
Eric’s comments: We have been watching the issue of toxic masks since the beginning. My previous understanding was that there is both graphene and C8 (Teflon) in disposable “masks.” C8 would serve as a surfactant to make the thing seem dry when it is not. The graphene is even advertised as a benefit by some mask manufacturers. Of course there will be plastic particles, phthalates and a diversity of other “normal” crud in plastics. Now this.
Read more at Business Insider
As we enter our third year of COVID-19, research not only supports environmentalists’ early fears surrounding mask pollution in waterways but has introduced new concerns.
Sarper Sarp, a professor of chemical engineering at Swansea University in Wales, led a contamination study that tested nine readily available single-use masks. After submerging the masks in water and letting them sit, Sarp and his team discovered both micro- and nanoplastic particles released from every single one. The leachate from those masks — that is, the particles they emitted into fluid — amounted to a sort of toxic tea.
The masks were also found to expel nanoparticles of silicon and heavy metals like lead, cadmium, copper, and even arsenic. Sarp says that he was astonished by what he and the team found after a relatively brief period of submersion, and by the quantity of particles released by each mask. The masks released hundreds, and sometimes thousands, of toxic particles — particles that can potentially disrupt entire marine food chains and contaminate drinking water.
NY Gov. Hochul releases statement to boost cybersecurity readiness and preparations | added February 21
Read more at New York Government
“In light of current geopolitical uncertainty, earlier today I convened cabinet members from relevant areas to review our ongoing cybersecurity preparedness efforts and make sure that New Yorkers, our institutions, and our critical infrastructure are protected from cyber-facilitated disruptions. We are in regular touch with the White House and the U.S. Department of Homeland Security to ensure coordination.
“The reality is that because New York State is a leader in the finance, healthcare, energy, and transportation sectors, our state is an attractive target for cyber criminals and foreign adversaries.
“My Administration has taken significant steps to prepare for what have become increasingly sophisticated cyberattacks, including my recent budget proposal to invest $62 million in our cybersecurity protections, which is more than double from last year. Cabinet leaders will continue reviewing their cyber-risk management readiness and communicate with relevant industry and government partners to ensure threat intelligence is being relayed as quickly as possible.
American truckers prepare to launch ‘covid’ freedom protest convoy this week from southern California | added February 21
Read more at Review Journal
A group of truckers and other motorists opposed to COVID-19-related government policies announced this weekend that they would start a cross-country protest about three hours from Las Vegas.
After departing Wednesday from Adelanto Stadium and Event Center near Victorville, California, the 11-day event, dubbed the “The People’s Convoy,” is scheduled to stop in Kingman, Arizona, which is about a 100-mile drive from Las Vegas.
The movement is scheduled to end March 5 in Washington, D.C. “END MANDATES EVERYWHERE,” the group wrote on its website a little more than a week after Nevada’s mask mandate was lifted. Similar mandates across the country have also been eased or lifted in recent weeks.
Breakdown: reporter Alexa Lavoie shot by Ottawa police | added February 21
Read more at Mark Miller Crispin Substack
The question that she asked at the press conference in this video might explain why she was beaten yesterday by the (ostensible) police, and shot at point-black range with a rubber bullet: https://www.bitchute.com/video/NQBorDtC3RbI/
A friend tells me that, according to Ezra Levant, Alexa’s colleague at Rebel News, Trudeau has had it in for her since the debates leading up to last year’s election, and that he tried, and failed, to bar her from that press conference.
Here is a meticulous analysis of the video in which we see the cops (or whatever they are) attacking her. I know this footage is not fun to watch. (One subscriber asked to stop receiving this Substack because of it.) But I think that we should not avert our eyes, because what happened to Alexa Lavoie was criminal, and will surely figure in whatever tribunal is eventually established to make Justin Trudeau, and his overlords and instruments, accountable
NYC department of education investigates ‘covid’ play that discriminates against unjabbed kids | added February 21
Read more at The New York Post
To jab or not to jab, that is the question. An Upper West Side middle school is facing a tempest from parents after staging a play which warned unvaccinated kids would not have friends.
The December holiday show at MS 243 Center School on 84th Street and Columbus Avenue featured around 10 fifth- to eighth-graders swaying back and forth while belting out lyrics to the tune of ’80s hit “The Safety Dance,” including: “It’s safe to vax/and if your friends don’t vax/then they ain’t no friends of mine.”
The performance was more PSA than play, hammering home the importance of vaccines through dance numbers, songs, and skits that ridiculed anyone not falling in line.
Chemical giant, 3M hiding files that disclose toxic effect on U.S. population blood, plaintiffs allege | added February 21
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Chemical manufacturer 3M is allegedly hiding files that could shed light on the role that former 3M CEO and Chairman Lewis Lehr played years ago as the company was struggling internally to figure out how to deal with growing evidence that its toxic chemical compound PFOS was widespread in the blood of the general U.S. population.
According to a motion to compel filed Feb. 15 with the U.S. District Court in South Carolina by plaintiffs’ lawyers in sweeping multidistrict litigation, 3M has repeatedly failed to turn over Lehr’s files to the plaintiffs’ legal team despite multiple requests as part of court-ordered discovery.
Lehr “played a central role in business decisions related to investigating and reporting potential effects” associated with 3M’s PFOS products, the motion states. Lehr was CEO of 3M from 1979 to 1986 and was a member of its board of directors from 1974 to 1991.
Analysis on war and ‘images of war’ | added February 21
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Experienced foreign policy analysts such as Ray McGovern, Scott Ritter, and Pepe Escobar, while agreeing that the Biden administration is clearly guilty of provoking Russia over Ukraine, are divided over whether it will lead to war.
All agree that Russia has no intention of invading Ukraine and that it is clearly justified in demanding safe borders by insisting US/NATO withdraw troops and missiles from the countries surrounding it, stop NATO’s “open door” policy, stop putting nuclear weapons in Europe, etc.
Clearly such demands are consonant with the US’s own historical demands for safe borders, evidenced most clearly in the Cuban Missile Crisis of October 1962 when the world nearly suffered a nuclear war over Soviet missiles in Cuba. And equally obvious is the fact that the American posture today is hypocritical in the extreme and can only be accepted by propagandists and those ignorant of history.
And why is this even necessary? Nobody has to offer me $100 not to jump off of a bridge. I’ll not do that for free. But seriously, if the vaccines were really “safe, free, easy” then why are governments pushing so hard for people to get inoculated with bribes and incentives of an experimental drug? Recent VAERS data shows nearly 24,000 deaths and over 1 million adverse reactions to the ‘covid’ drug jabs.
Truckers in Ottawa stand for freedom| added February 19
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Live footage of the Freedom Convoy mission for medical freedom on Friday showing protesters not backing down regardless of the recent Emergency Act invoked by Trudeau.
Spiritual crisis of the U.S. Pluto return. Reports from Ukraine and Canada. Tantra Studio. | added February 19
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Thank you to those who responded so generously to our recent appeal for listener involvement, and who expressed their gratitude for the work we have been doing since March 2020 and before.
The astrology is hot hot hot right now, with major conjunctions brewing in Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces. I covered those in Thursday night’s article Pisces and the Abyss and will have more details tonight. If you want instant gratification, check out the current STARCAST, where I go over the astrology in detail.
On tonight’s program, we will begin with reports from Ukraine and Canada about what is developing in those countries. Ukraine seems to be facing the threat of invasion by Russia. Planet Waves has a Kiev office where our video is edited; our person there is film student Kateryna Ryzhenko, and she will be telling us what she witnessed on a journalistic reconnaissance mission today.
Billionaire mogul Bill Gates warns of a new pandemic as ‘covid’ infections drop | added February 19
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Microsoft founder and philanthropist Bill Gates said that the risk of severe covid-19 infection has reduced dramatically, but warned that another pandemic caused by a different pathogen could be around the corner.
In an interview with CNBC’s Hadley Gamble at Germany’s annual Munich Security Conference, the billionaire said the novel coronavirus has spread to enough of the population that the “risks are dramatically reduced because of that exposure.”
The omicron variant, first discovered in South Africa, spread like wildfire in the United States after it was detected around the holiday season. Gates said that the strain, which is known to cause less severe disease but remains highly transmissible, has beat out health officials administering vaccines to the public, and infected individuals.
Fully ‘vaxed’ U.S. Surgeon General Vivek Murthy and family test positive for ‘covid’ | added February 19
Read more at CBS News
U.S. Surgeon General Vivek Murthy and the rest of his immediate family have tested positive for covid-19, the nation’s top doctor shared on Twitter.
He, his wife and his 5-year-old son tested positive, after his 4-year-old daughter tested positive last weekend. They are all vaccinated, with the exception of the 4-year-old, who is too young to be eligible for any vaccine. Murthy said his son has a runny nose and low-grade fever but is otherwise fine. He didn’t say whether he’s experiencing symptoms.
“Whether you’ve had covid or not, whatever your beliefs may be, I wish for you the love of family & friends,” Murthy posted. “I know it feels like we’re in endless conflict. But we are brothers and sisters first with common hopes and common concerns. May we all find healing in the days ahead.”
Alleged BA.2 ‘omicron’ variant appears to thwart key treatments against ‘covid’ | added February 19
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The BA.2 virus — a subvariant of the omicron coronavirus variant — isn’t just spreading faster than its distant cousin, it may also cause more severe disease and appears capable of thwarting some of the key weapons we have against covid-19, new research suggests.
New lab experiments from Japan show that BA.2 may have features that make it as capable of causing serious illness as older variants of covid-19, including delta. And like omicron, it appears to largely escape the immunity created by vaccines. A booster shot restores protection, making illness after infection about 74% less likely.
BA.2 is also resistant to some treatments, including sotrovimab, the monoclonal antibody that’s currently being used against omicron. The findings were posted Wednesday as a preprint study on the bioRxiv server, before peer review.
Ottawa freedom convoy tears down the illusion of democracy | added February 19
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Who would have thought that Canada would ever be a spark plug for a freedom movement against tyranny? As the editor of a Canadian geopolitical magazine for over 10 years and author of four books on Canadian History, I am a bit embarrassed to say that I certainly didn’t think that Canadians had this in them.
The “monarchy of the north” certainly isn’t something that exudes revolutionary sentiment- having been founded on such non-revolutionary principles as “Peace, Order and Good Governance” which have stood in stark contrast to the significantly more inspiring “Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness” enshrined in the founding documents of our southern cousins.
No, there is a limit to the tyrant’s power!
When the oppressed man finds no justice,
When the burden grows unbearable, he appeals
With fearless heart to Heaven,
And thence brings down his everlasting rights,
Which there abide, inalienably his,
And indestructible as stars themselves.
— Friedrich Schiller, Wilhelm Tell’s Rutli Oath
CDC releases new VAERS data: nearly 24,000 deaths reported from ‘covid’ drug shots | added February 19
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The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) today released new data showing a total of 1,119,063 reports of adverse events following covid vaccines were submitted between Dec. 14, 2020, and Feb. 11, 2022, to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS). VAERS is the primary government-funded system for reporting adverse vaccine reactions in the U.S.
The data included a total of 23,990 reports of deaths — an increase of 375 over the previous week — and 192,517 reports of serious injuries, including deaths, during the same time period — up 4,382 compared with the previous week.
Excluding “foreign reports” to VAERS, 760,102 adverse events, including 10,909 deaths and 79,111 serious injuries, were reported in the U.S. between Dec. 14, 2020, and Feb. 11, 2022.
Queen’s former doctor calls for investigation into Big Pharma’s “murky” practices| added February 19
Read more at The Daily Mail
[Feb. 23, 2016] The Queen’s former doctor has called for an urgent public enquiry into drugs firms’ ‘murky’ practices. Sir Richard Thompson, former-president of the Royal College of Physicians and personal doctor to the Queen for 21 years, warned tonight that many medicines are less effective than thought.The physician is one of a group of six eminent doctors who today warn about the influence of pharmaceutical companies on drugs prescribing. The experts, led by NHS cardiologist Dr Aseem Malhotra, claim that too often patients are given useless – and sometimes harmful – drugs that they do not need.
They maintain drugs companies are developing medicines they can profit from, rather than those which are likely to be the most beneficial. And they accuse the NHS of failing to stand up to the pharmaceutical giants.
The “Pure Blooded” Song | added February 19
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Here’s a weekend song for all the ‘pure blooded’ out there. Enjoy.
American truckers organize freedom convoy in protest of medical tyranny | added February 18
Read more at The New York Post
A group of US trucker convoys — inspired by the weeks-long demonstrations north of the border — are joining protests against covid-19 restrictions and mandates in several cities.
The Great American Patriot Project started the American Truckers Freedom Fund on Wednesday and urged truck drivers to join three convoys to Washington, DC, next month.
The political action committee said it was launching the motorcades in the first month of March. One would travel from California through the Southwest and Deep South to DC. Two others would originate in Ohio and end in the capital.
Canadian Freedom convoy leader arrested by police, truckers will “hold the line” | added February 18
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CBC News reporter David Cochrane wrote in a tweet: “Convoy organizer Tamara Lich was arrested Thursday evening by Ottawa police and also remains in police custody. Both she and Chris Barber – who was arrested earlier – are expected to be charged criminally, according to sources.”
A clip showing Lich being detained by Ottawa police was also shared on social media by an account which is seemingly associated with the convoy. “Tamara Lich has been arrested, but we will continue to #holdtheline,” the tweet containing the footage read.
Lich, who started the GoFundMe account which raised millions for those participating in the convoy protest and was later halted, said in a tearful clip shared to social media on Wednesday that she was anticipating the arrest. Thanking those who stood alongside her, Lich said she is “ready” and “not afraid.”
Australian police admit to using sonic weapon against peaceful protestors | added February 18
Read more at The Epoch Times
Australian Capital Territory (ACT) Policing have confirmed the use of a Long Range Acoustic Device (LRAD)—often regarded as a sonic weapon—at the massive protest against vaccine mandates in Canberra on Feb. 12, despite the Australian Federal Police (AFP) commissioner describing the crowd as “well behaved.”
“ACT Policing has deployed several types of loudspeakers and amplification devices to quickly and effectively convey voice messages to large, and often loud, crowds of people during the recent protest activity in Canberra,” an ACT Policing spokesperson said in a statement to The Epoch Times on Feb. 16.
“The [LRADs] were only used to convey spoken-word messages. The ‘alert’ function was not used.” LRADs, also known as acoustic weapons or sound cannons, are used to project very loud sounds over long distances. While the voice function can be helpful to communicate in loud settings, the device’s most dangerous setting, the alert function, can cause brain damage, permanent hearing loss, tinnitus (ringing in the ears), dizziness, and disorientation.
Pisces and the Abyss: the 12th house nature of ‘covid’ virus origins | added February 18
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There is compelling evidence that viruses do not exist, and that they have not been proven to exist. So far as I can tell from two years of intensive research into covid and the history of viruses and vaccines (which for me actually dates to the 1990s, when I was investigating AIDS and HIV), this is a real question.
When you look closely at the issues, viruses seem like 12th house phantoms, with the rules changing every few months or less. The only evidence of their existence is by inference — genetic fragments and nonspecific antibodies. There is no direct test for a virus, nor tangible proof that viruses specifically cause the diseases they are said to cause. You may not have heard of this, but it’s a highly evolved discussion.
For the past two months or so, the issue has gone off like a bomb inside the entire covid truth community. Many top scientists and doctors who assert that covid is overblown, that the test is not valid and that the injection is not a vaccine, still claim that there is a virus — though their arguments are being easily torn down by those taking the other view.
Sanders slams Congress for serving billionaires instead of the American people | added February 18
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Less than 24 hours before his Senate Budget Committee hearing about Wall Street greed and oligarchy in the U.S., Sen. Bernie Sanders on Wednesday delivered a sweeping and impassioned speech — reminiscent of his two presidential runs — railing against Congress for serving corporate interests and failing to actually address the needs of the American people.
Speaking on the Senate floor for nearly half an hour, the Vermont Independent highlighted that the ongoing covid-19 pandemic “has had a devastating and horrific impact,” from “severely” disrupting the education of younger generations to killing over 900,000 people in the U.S. alone, including essential employees forced to work in dangerous conditions.
“While the vast majority of people in our country are hurting emotionally, they’re hurting economically, these are not difficult times for everybody,” he explained. “If you are a billionaire in this country or a CEO of a large corporation … these times have not been bad — they have, in fact, have been very, very good.”
Four key Senate Republicans absent for vote on amendment to defund Biden’s ‘vaccine’ mandates | added February 18
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The Senate voted on Sen. Mike Lee’s (R-UT) amendment to the continuing resolution (CR), which would defund Biden’s remaining vaccine mandates. The measure failed 46-47, with Sens. Mitt Romney (R-UT), Jim Inhofe (R-OK), Lindsey Graham (R-SC), and Richard Burr (R-NC) failing to show up, depriving Senate Republicans of a potential majority to pass the amendment to the CR.
Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) set the vote threshold to a majority, and it remains possible that he could have set the threshold to 60 if Republicans had enough votes to pass with a majority; however, Democrats broke and voted to defund Biden’s private employer mandate the last time they voted on vaccine mandates. This could have put more pressure on Democrats to support the defunding of Biden’s vaccine mandates.
Sens. Joe Manchin (D-WV) and Jon Tester (D-MT) voted in December for a Congressional Review Act (CRA) resolution to defund the private employer vaccine mandate. Manchin and Tester voted no on Lee’s amendment.
The “left” attacks working class as “fascists” and supports mandatory injections for the poor | added February 18
Read more at Mark Crispin Miller Substack
While all eyes have been on Canada, there also have been massive Freedom Convoys, and joyous multitudes applauding them, and turning out to help them, all around the world.
We’re seeing it (despite the usual blackout by the quisling media) in Australia, where 1.4 million vehicles, and between one and two million protestors, have taken over Canberra, Australia’s capital, the people calling for an end to all restrictions, and the ouster of that once-free country’s quisling politicians.
There, too, the biggest protest in that nation’s history has been just as peaceful as it is diverse—a wondrous mass display of solidarity, to re-assert our fundamental human rights, spontaneously led by many thousands of real workers. So where’s “the left”? Australia’s “left” is on the other side—just like “the left” in the United States and Canada, there being no diversity among them, as they’re all one in their boiling hatred of that mass resistance, and in fanatical support of the state/corporate juggernaut coercing universal “vaccination.”
CDC admits ‘covid’ nose swabs being used in lab for genomic sequencing analysis | added February 18
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If you took a covid-19 PCR test, there’s a chance your swab may have been sent to scientists around the globe for genomic sequencing analysis, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says.
In a tweet, the CDC said five to 10 percent of covid PCR tests are sent to labs for mapping “genomic sequencing.” Genomic sequencing is a process used to analyze the genetic makeup of viruses. However, the announcement made by the CDC has sparked human DNA privacy questions.
Another person alleged that conspiracy theories surrounding government DNA harvesting are true. “OMG they’re admitting they stole your DNA using the nose swabs & it’s now being used in labs to study genome sequencing,” @USRising1776 wrote on Twitter. “Yet another “conspiracy theory” that was 1000% true. Class-action lawsuit there for the taking of labs using your genes without your consent or compensation.”
US actor Rockmond Dunbar sues Disney for discrimination over ‘covid’ inoculation status | added February 18
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US actor Rockmond Dunbar is suing the makers of TV drama 9-1-1, saying he was fired after claiming exemption from having a covid-19 vaccination.
Dunbar played Michael in seasons 1-5 of the police show. He says he was denied medical and religious exemptions and faced racial discrimination when 20th Television stipulated actors had to be vaccinated.
The Disney-owned company says it complied with its legal obligations and denied making decisions based on race. Dunbar, who has appeared on the show since it began on the Fox network in 2018, requested exemptions based on his beliefs as a member of the Church of Universal Wisdom and an undisclosed disability, according to his legal case.
Breaking News: future Gov. Carpinelli discovers secret Chinese camp in Kingston | added February 18
Confucius says, “A picture is worth a thousand words”. Confused yet?
Federal judge blocks U.S. Air Force from punishing unjabbed officer | added February 17
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A federal judge in Georgia on Tuesday temporarily blocked the U.S. Air Force from punishing an officer who objected to receiving a covid vaccine for religious reasons but was denied an exemption from the military’s vaccine mandate.
U.S. District Court Judge Tillman E. Self III issued a preliminary injunction for the unnamed Air Force Reserve officer and called the service’s process for granting a religious exemption to the mandate “illusory and insincere.”
The judge ordered the Air Force to refrain from taking “any adverse action” against the officer on the basis of “this lawsuit or her request for religious accommodation, specifically including forcing her to retire.”
Israel cancels ‘covid’ green pass in wake of government debates on restrictions | added February 17
Read more at The Jerusalem Post
Israel’s Green Pass system will no longer be extended after March 1 when the current system is set to expire, Prime Minister Naftali Bennett announced at a discussion on the future of coronavirus restrictions in Israel on Thursday morning.
The discussion focused on the steps Israel will take now that the omicron wave has passed its peak, in order to maintain a normal sense of life while also remaining alert in preparation for any future covid-19 waves.
“We were the first country to close its borders to omicron, so it is now time to start lessening [the restrictions] gradually. As far as I’m concerned, we need to prepare for the end of the restrictions soon,” said Bennett in his remarks at the start of the session.
Ontario Premier Doug Ford on ‘covid’ and restrictions: ‘We are done with it’ | added February 17
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Ontario Premier Doug Ford says he strongly discouraged the idea of any new covid-19 restrictions or retooling of the vaccine passport system after next month, saying the public is “done with this,” alluding to his doubts about the efficacy of third doses and the rift vaccination has caused within his own family.
Yesterday, Ford and Chief Medical Officer Dr. Kieran Moore announced an end to capacity limits in most indoor settings this week and the dismantling of the vaccine passport system on March 1.
Speaking Tuesday, Ford said the public needs to move on when asked what businesses considering keeping vaccine passports in place after March 1 to boost consumer confidence should do.
Fauci says future booster drug jab requirements for ‘covid’ are being “monitored” | added February 17
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White House chief medical adviser and director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Dr. Anthony Fauci on Wednesday said that future requirements for additional boosters or shots are being monitored, just days after he suggested that annual covid-19 booster shots may not be needed for every American.
“The potential future requirement for an additional boost or a fourth shot for mRNA or a third shot for J&J is being very carefully monitored in real time. And recommendations, if needed, will be updated according to the data as it evolves,” Fauci said during a press briefing by the White House covid-19 response team.
Fauci showed hospitalization data he said indicated booster shots are “safe and well-tolerated.” He cited multiple studies of vaccine effectiveness which showed that, for those with a normal immune response, “a single booster shot continues to provide high levels of protection against severe disease caused by omicron,” he added.
Texas sues Biden administration over unlawful mask mandates on airplanes | added February 17
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Texas has sued the Biden administration over its federal mask mandate on airplanes and in airports.
“The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) mandate was unlawfully issued. It was not authorized by Congress, and the CDC did not put the mandate up for notice and comment, which is ordinarily required for regulations like this,” a statement from Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton, the Texas Public Policy Foundation and its head legal counsel Rob Henneke, and Rep. Beth Van Duyne reads.
“Yet a person’s failure to comply with the Administration’s mask mandate carries criminal penalties.” Paxton has successfully sued the Biden administration numerous times over coronavirus mandates and was issued an injunction in December against Biden’s plan to mandate federal healthcare workers submit to coronavirus vaccinations.
Woman allegedly becomes 3rd person cured from HIV, experts warn treatment is not for everyone | added February 17
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Researchers revealed on Tuesday that an American, described as a middle-aged woman of mixed race, has likely been cured of HIV after undergoing a new transplant procedure using donated umbilical cord blood.
The patient, who needed a stem cell transplant for leukemia, reportedly developed a new HIV-resistant immune system following a breakthrough procedure in which she was genetically matched with umbilical cord stem cells that contained an HIV-resistant mutation.
She was part of a study that began in 2015 designed to monitor outcomes of 25 people with HIV in the U.S. who underwent a transplant, according to the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases. Dr. Yvonne Bryson, an infectious disease physician at UCLA, who led the study, discussed their team’s finding along with the patient’s condition at the Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections this week.
Freedom convoy persists as Ottawa police threaten to arrest truckers blocking roads | added February 17
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With demonstrations in the Canadian capital in their third week, Ottawa Police sent a message Wednesday to protesters, saying, “You must leave the area now.”
Protests clogging downtown streets began in late January as truckers blocked roads and irritated residents with honking horns. This week, they agreed to move out of residential areas and stick to streets directly in front of Canada’s national parliament. But supporters have called for the “Freedom Convoy” to persist until vaccine mandates and other covid-19 measures in the country are rescinded.
In a flyer handed out Wednesday in Ottawa, police said they may arrest anyone blocking streets or assisting someone who is doing so. “You must immediately cease further unlawful activity, or you will face charges,” the statement says.
Ed Dowd, former Blackrock portfolio manager exposes Pfizer fraud as cover for financial scam | added February 17
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Replay of LIVE interview with former Blackrock portfolio manager. Ed Dowd exposes the Pfizer fraud and how all of these ‘covid’ plays by the globalists threaten our investments.
Novak Djokovic willing to miss tournaments over unlawful ‘covid’ drug jab mandates | added February 17
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Novak Djokovic has said he would rather miss out on future tennis trophies than be forced to get a covid vaccine. Speaking exclusively to the BBC, he said missing competitions, such as the French Open, over his jab status was “the price that I’m willing to pay”.
The 20-time Grand Slam winner was deported from Australia last month after the government cancelled his visa in a row over his vaccine status. Djokovic described the conditions while he was detained as “very hard”.
He said he had not spoken out in the media at the time – despite wanting to – as he wanted to respect the legal process and the Australian Open. The world’s number one men’s tennis player also said he should not be associated with the anti-vax movement, but supported an individual’s right to choose.
A quick word from rapper Samson | added February 17
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In a time when there’s so much talk about drugs and popping pills, let’s remember the love from above, within and around us always. Let’s also maybe get some sun, zinc and open up a few windows to let the fresh air blow in.
CDC publishes early release on alleged effectiveness of maternal drug inoculations for ‘covid’ | added February 16
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Covid-19 vaccination is recommended for persons who are pregnant, breastfeeding, trying to get pregnant now, or who might become pregnant in the future, to protect them from covid-19.§ Infants are at risk for life-threatening complications from covid-19, including acute respiratory failure (1).
Evidence from other vaccine-preventable diseases suggests that maternal immunization can provide protection to infants, especially during the high-risk first 6 months of life, through passive transplacental antibody transfer (2). Recent studies of covid-19 vaccination during pregnancy suggest the possibility of transplacental transfer of SARS-CoV-2–specific antibodies that might provide protection to infants (3–5); however, no epidemiologic evidence currently exists for the protective benefits of maternal immunization during pregnancy against covid-19 in infants.
The Overcoming Covid-19 network conducted a test-negative, case-control study at 20 pediatric hospitals in 17 states during July 1, 2021–January 17, 2022, to assess effectiveness of maternal completion of a 2-dose primary mRNA covid-19 vaccination series during pregnancy against covid-19 hospitalization in infants.
Biden wants as many people inoculated as possible: FDA executive officer reveals on hidden camera | added February 16
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Food and Drug Administration [FDA] Executive Officer, Christopher Cole, inadvertently revealed that his agency will eventually announce that annual covid-19 vaccinations will become policy.
Cole is an Executive Officer heading up the agency’s Countermeasures Initiatives, which plays a critical role in ensuring that drugs, vaccines, and other measures to counter infectious diseases and viruses are safe. He made the revelations on a hidden camera to an undercover Project Veritas reporter.
Cole indicates that annual covid-19 shots isn’t probable — but certain. When pushed on how he knows an annual shot will become policy, Cole states, “Just from everything I’ve heard, they [FDA] are not going to not approve it.”
Xi urges Hong Kong to contain worst ‘covid’ outbreak since pandemic origin | added February 16
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HONG KONG (AP) — Hospitals in Hong Kong were struggling Wednesday to keep up with an influx of new coronavirus patients amid record numbers of new infections as the city doggedly adheres to its “zero-covid” strategy, and China’s leader Xi Jinping said the local government’s “overriding task” was to control the situation.
Hong Kong is facing its worst outbreak of the pandemic, topping 2,000 new covid-19 cases each day this week. The city government has already instituted strict rules banning gatherings of more than two households.
But health care facilities are beginning to overflow, forcing the city’s Caritas Medical Center on Wednesday to treat some patients in beds outside the building.
Psaki blames ‘hate-filled rhetoric’ of ‘covid’ origins for hate crimes against Asian Americans | added February 16
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White House press secretary Jen Psaki on Tuesday blamed “hate-filled rhetoric and language” around the origins of the covid-19 pandemic as a driving force behind an uptick in hate crimes against Asian Americans.
Psaki’s remarks came in response to a reporter who questioned the White House’s response to a rise in crime against Asian Americans and recent statements from Olympic snowboarder Chloe Kim, who, according to the Associated Press, said she faced daily torment online and fears for the safety of her parents when she learns of assaults on Asians in America.
“The president has put into place a task force. He has hired a senior level staffer to be a representative and speak to these threats, the concerns and these fears felt by the Asian American community,” Psaki said. “There’s a number of steps we need to take, and continue to take, to address.”
They all “died suddenly” this past week | added February 16
Read more at Mark Miller Crispin Substack
Before we note all those whose “sudden deaths” made news just this past week—“unexpected deaths” with no reported cause, or due to heart attacks, strokes, blood clots, cardiac arrest or swift, aggressive cancers (all known to be “adverse events” post-“vaccination”)—let’s review how this unprecedented global spike in sudden death has been deliberately obscured by “our free press.”
While honest doctors, nurses, cops, EMTs, nuns and undertakers have attested to this horror, which they have seen, with their own eyes, unfolding daily since the “vaccinations” started, and even though it’s been statistically confirmed, beyond a shadow of a doubt, by official figures from the life insurance industry and the Department of Defense, the media, both corporate and “alternative,” has not just blacked it out, but keeps on struggling to “explain” it all away, with claims that would be laughable, if they were not engaged in systematic Holocaust denial.
Since people always pay attention when celebrities drop dead, especially when they die before their time, the media jumped to spread the (fake) news, based on a statement from his family, who based it on an iffy coroner’s report, that Bob Saget died because he (somehow) hit his head, and, instead of going to the ER, figured he would sleep it off, and died that night—as happens all the time, “our free press” blared in unison.
Canada invokes Emergencies Act to seize convoy funding, what exactly does this mean? | added February 16
Read more at Off Guardian
[Feb. 15, 2022] Last night Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland held a joint press conference where they announced their decision to invoke the Emergencies Act in response to the Freedom Convoy protests.But what is the Emergencies Act? And what new powers does is Trudeau government claiming? The Emergencies Act 1988 is exactly what it sounds like – a piece of legislation designed to grant the government special powers in the event of an emergency.
By officially declaring the Freedom Convoy an emergency under part 2 of the act, “Public Order Emergencies”, they claim the convoy comprises…
“an emergency that arises from threats to the security of Canada and that is so serious as to be a national emergency”
Gov. Hochul praises drug jabbed residents for drop in ‘covid’ cases, urges public to maintain “vigilance” | added February 16
Read more at Hudson Valley Post
On Tuesday, Gov. Kathy Hochul announced a substantial drop in covid cases in New York state. The state has seen a 97 percent drop in covid cases since the peak on Jan, 7, according to Hochul.
“Wow. Since the omicron wave peaked on January 7, we’ve had a 97% drop in cases. To every New Yorker who masked up, got vaccinated and got boosted: Thank you,” Hochul tweeted. “Because of you, New Yorkers are so much safer than we were just one month ago.” Hochul also announced the state has made major progress in terms of covid hospitalizations.
“As cases and hospitalizations continue to drop, it is critical that New Yorkers continue to maintain their vigilance — this is no time to let up,” Hochul said. “Please continue using the tools at our disposal that have kept us safe thus far. Get yourself, friends, family, and your children vaccinated, get boosted if you’re eligible, and stay home if you’re not feeling well.”
Ottawa police chief resigns in wake of Emergencies Act against truckers protesting for medical freedom | added February 16
Read more at The New York Post
Ottawa’s top cop resigned Tuesday after an onslaught of criticism for his department’s handling of the trucking protests that crippled Canada’s capital for the past two weeks.
A Canadian federal government official told the Associated Press anonymously that the Police Chief Peter Sloly’s resignation is due to his terrible handling of the “Freedom Convoy” protests against covid-19 vaccine mandates, which left many in the city and country wondering why police hadn’t done more to intervene.
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said Monday he will employ rare emergency powers to attempt to stop the protests, which are not even guaranteed to work. Canada’s public safety minister has said police will start taking a much harder stance against protesters, and will ban blockades at border crossings, airports, and in the entire city of Ottawa.
How ‘covid’ patients are being over treated with inappropriate protocols in American hospitals | added February 16
Editor’s Note: Free speech is fleeting and this content will most likely be deleted within the next 48 hours. The article with accompanying video testimonies show how ‘covid’ reporting on case numbers are not only incentivized, but dangerous. — mmd
Read more at Mercola
Something truly unthinkable is happening in America’s hospitals. Around the country, covid-19 patients are being killed by inappropriate medical protocols, and they have no say-so in the treatment they receive. They’ve literally been stripped of their patient rights.
They’re refused basic drugs like antibiotics and steroids. They’re even denied basic nutrition and fluids, which amounts to a war crime under Rules 531 and 1182 of the Geneva Convention, which state you may not starve a person and you must provide basic necessities even to prisoners.
Instead, covid patients are over-treated with dangerous and ineffective therapies like remdesivir, narcotics and mechanical ventilation, a combination that more often than not results in death. Many doctors who understand the importance of early and appropriate treatment are perplexed and horrified by what they’re seeing, and for good reason. It’s truly beyond comprehension at this point.
Top 10 ‘covid’ moments from South Park | added February 16
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Tune in and listen to how Mr. Mackey learns about Zoom calls and his favorite setting, muting people out. This is sort of like how the mainstream media and governments are trying to censor freedom of speech when highly credible doctors and scientists tell their sides of the ‘covid’ pandemic. Let’s keep vigilantly doing our research.
Canadian Government invokes the Emergencies Act to address “fringe” impact of freedom convoy protest | added February 15
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The Canadian government is invoking the Emergencies Act for the first time to address the impact of continued protests across the country over covid-19 health measures, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau told reporters Monday.
The Emergencies Act can provide for the use of the military, but may not necessarily lead to that, and Trudeau said the government is not bringing them in. But it can temporarily suspend citizens’ rights to free movement or assembly. And the government is taking steps to stop financial support of illegal protests.
The trucker-inspired protests have for weeks disturbed residents in Ottawa’s downtown and recently impeded traffic flow at crossings at the US border. “This is about keeping Canadians safe, protecting peoples’ jobs and restoring faith in our institutions,” Trudeau said during a news conference in Ottawa, adding that the law will be limited geographically, in scope and in time.
Multiple Canadian premiers stand against Trudeau invoking the Emergencies Act | added February 15
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Saskatchewan Premier Scott Moe has been making headlines recently, first for standing in support of the truckers convoy, then for being the first premier in Canada to announce an end to vaccine passports in their province.
A few other Canadian premiers followed shortly after, with Progressive Conservative Premier Heather Stefanson announcing the planned loosening of restrictions in Manitoba as well.
Now, both premiers, followed perhaps somewhat surprisingly by Quebec Premier Francois Legault, are taking a strong stance on the recent news that Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is likely to invoke the Emergencies Act as a response to the Freedom Convoy in Ottawa and supportive protests happening across the country along the Canada-U.S. border.
Philadelphia firefighters union sues city over illegal ‘covid’ drug shot mandates | added February 15
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PHILADELPHIA (WPVI) — The union representing Philadelphia firefighters sued the city on Monday over the newly implemented covid-19 vaccine mandate.
Local 22 IAFF represents the city’s 2,600 firefighters and paramedics. The union says the mandate would lead to the suspension of 30% of its members, exacerbating a staffing shortage and therefore risk public safety.
“We’re one of the busiest fire departments in the country and we’re short-handed already, especially paramedics and EMS personnel,” said Mike Bresnan, president of IAFF Local 22. “With the violent crime epidemic in the city, why would you get rid of people we need dearly?”
A tyrannical Canadian government warns it will freeze trucker bank accounts apart of freedom convoy | added February 15
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The Canadian government has warned that it will freeze the bank accounts and suspend the vehicle insurance of truckers who continue to form blockades in protest of vaccine mandates, as the country declares a national emergency to quell the resulting gridlock.
“This is about following the money. This is about stopping the financing of these illegal blockades,” said Canadian Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland at a press conference on Monday.
“We are today serving notice if your truck is being used in these illegal blockades, your corporate accounts will be frozen. The insurance on your vehicle will be suspended,” she continued, adding at another point in the conference that personal financial accounts would be included in the order.
China: Xi’an lock down after a sharp rise of ‘covid’, hemorrhagic fever hit city | added February 15
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[Dec. 23, 2021] Authorities in the northern Chinese city of Xi’an have placed the city of 13 million under lockdown, amid a sharp rise in the number of covid-19 cases and fears over a recent outbreak of epidemic hemorrhagic fever, local residents told RFA.A resident of Xi’an’s Xixian New District surnamed Wang said her community had been placed under lockdown on Wednesday evening. “I am guessing that the latest wave of cases in Xi’an must be higher than the original wave in Wuhan,” Wang told RFA, saying there are rumors that the city is going to be “the next Wuhan.”
The move comes after dozens of covid-19 cases were reported by authorities in Xi’an over several consecutive days, with mass PCR testing already under way across the city.
Dr. Li-Meng Yan reveals CCP plans to spread hemorrhagic fever at Olympics | added February 15
Read more at JD Rucker Substack
After doing over 350 interviews in my career, I rarely get shaken by a guest. That rare event occurred today when I interviewed Dr. Li-Meng Yan. She told me things from her various sources, many of which are in China with direct knowledge, that blew my mind. Is the CCP developing another bioweapon? The answer to that is almost certainly yes, but Dr. Yan went a step further.
She explained that they are already unleashing one onto the world through the Olympic games in Beijing today. Before I get into the details, it’s important to understand that she and her sources are highly credible.
There have been concerted efforts to discredit her, but her claims as far back as early 2020 have invariably been proven accurate. The powers-that-be attempted to debunk her claims that covid-19 was developed in a lab
What is really happening in Ukraine? | added February 15
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For weeks now we have heard the US (and, to a lesser extent) the UK screeching about the (allegedly) imminent Russian invasion of Ukraine. Russia has denied any intention to invade Ukraine whatsoever, repeatedly and at length. Most recently Putin described the US attitude as “peak hysteria”.
The governments of both France and Germany have downplayed any Russian threat to Ukraine, leading the US media to dub Germany a “bad ally”. Even more unusual, the President of Ukraine has suggested the threats are overblown, and has called on the West to stop “creating panic”.
The US does not seem inclined to stop, and is dispersing panic like an untested vaccine. They continually refer to Russian troops standing stock-still on Russian soil as “aggression”. They refer to the “build up” of (allegedly) 130,000 troops as if it is new, but it’s not.

Attorney Renz speaks on Moderna CEO running for cover: sells stock, deletes Twitter account | added February 15
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Attorney Thomas Renz met with Senator Ron Johnson a few weeks ago to discuss verified whistleblower data on harmful vaccine side effects. Listen to the testimony here. In this video, Renz talks about the recent economic and social change behaviors of Moderna’s CEO.
Israel approves AstraZeneca’s antibody drug cocktail Evusheld for immune compromised | added February 15
Read more at The Jerusalem Post
Israel will start offering AstraZeneca’s antibody cocktail Evusheld, used to prevent covid-19, to people with compromised immune systems who did not get a sufficient antibody boost from vaccines, the Health Ministry said on Tuesday.
Evusheld has been approved by the US Food and Drug Administration and has proven to be 83% effective in preventing serious illness and death from covid-19.
It is not a treatment for those already sick or a prevention for those already exposed to the virus, it said. Evusheld will be made available for people aged 12 or older who weigh more than 40 kg, tested negative for covid-19 and did not come into contact with a coronavirus patient in the days prior to getting the vaccine.

Message to truckers protesting for freedom | added February 15
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Man who lives in Ottawa expresses his frustration with people being kind, coming together to fight for freedom and using politically incorrect jargon. The “fringe” language is another smokescreen term to hide what is really going on. This is why it is crucial that we listen to all sides and do our research so that we aren’t misled into tyranny. Kindness matters.
Scientists working on an artificial womb | added February 14
Editor’s Note: This sort of artificial intelligence is where billions of dollars (if not more) are being spent. Meanwhile, according to the Save the Children website, there are an estimated 17 million children hungry in America alone and this statistic is 6 million more than before the ‘covid’ pandemic. — mmd
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The idea of human ectogenesis – growing a baby in an artificial environment outside of the human body – has always been considered in the realms of science fiction, however it may not be for much longer.
Scientific developments in this field have been taking big steps forward in recent years, particularly in our ability to care for extremely preterm babies. However, just how close are we to being able to create human life entirely outside of the human body? And in a potential future, where women no longer had to give birth, what societal impacts might that have on gender equality and our conceptions of what it means to be a mother?
EU medical agencies investigate reports of heavy menstrual bleeding after ‘covid’ drug shots | added February 14
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The European Medicines Agency’s safety committee said on Friday it was reviewing reports of heavy menstrual bleeding and absence of menstruation from women who had received covid-19 vaccines from Pfizer/BioNTech and Moderna.
The assessment was in view of reports of menstrual disorders after receiving either of the two vaccines, both based on messenger RNA technology, and it was not yet clear whether there was a causal link, the agency said.
Menstrual disorders can occur due to a range of underlying medical conditions as well as from stress and tiredness, the EMA said, adding that cases of such disorders had also been reported following covid-19 infection.
Cops and truckers protesting against medical tyranny tell us which way the wind blowing in Ottawa | added February 14
Read more at Mark Miller Crispin Substack
To see which way the wind is blowing in Ottawa, start by watching these reports on Global National, its employees struggling to maintain Trudeau’s propaganda picture of the truckers as disruptive hotheads “putting everyone at risk,” and the police as their firm adversaries, doing their best to “clear the clog” and get things moving, blah blah blah.
Now watch these other videos—the first two by police who sympathize completely with the truckers. (If there are any videos by cops who see the truckers as Trudeau does, I would like to see them.) Then watch trucker Gordon McGill’s clear-eyed analysis of what the media’s been doing to smear the protesters as “terrorists,” in concert with Trudeau and all the other propaganda choristers attacking those who won’t comply.
And there is more to watch, and read, below. Let me close by noting that the only way for Trudeau, and his backers, to prevail (for now) would be through a false flag operation “proving” that the truckers are as brutally fascistic as Trudeau has said they are (and as he is). Could such a trick succeed, as it did with “January 6”?
Hong Kong to inoculate 3 year olds as ‘covid’ infections rage through city | added February 14
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Hong Kong plans to offer covid-19 vaccines to children as young as 3 as infections rage through the semi-autonomous Chinese city. The announcement late Sunday came ahead of another surge in cases. The city reported a record 2,071 new cases on Monday, with that number expected to double the next day with more than 4,500 preliminary positives identified.
The wave blamed on the omicron variant has already prompted new restrictions limiting in-person gatherings to no more than two households. Hong Kong residents have been rushing to grocery stories to stock up on vegetables and to hair salons to get haircuts.
Authorities have imposed lockdowns on residential buildings wherever clusters of infections are identified, and have already banned public dining after 6 p.m. Only vaccinated people will be permitted in shopping malls and supermarkets, while places of worship, hair salons and other businesses have been ordered to close.
NY employment in shambles as lawmakers threaten return to pre-‘covid’ levels | added February 14
Read more at The New York Post
For many states, the pandemic’s economic toll is now history. But New York’s just keeps rolling along. Thank Albany’s endless hostility to business for that — and cross your fingers lawmakers don’t make matters even worse this year.
In a new report, state Comptroller Tom DiNapoli suggests Gov. Kathy Hochul’s budget folks are being optimistic in saying it’ll take another full year before employment returns to pre-pandemic levels. Independent forecasters, he notes, predict it’ll take far longer — with IHS Markit saying not until 2027, i.e., another five years.
Meanwhile, lucky Texas, Arizona, Utah and Idaho have already recovered all the jobs they lost, per Fitch Ratings. The virus is no longer dragging down their economies. Indeed, the median US jobs-recovery rate hit 77% in November, a clear sign covid is no longer strangling the national economy. Yet New York’s rate trailed, at 60%.
Paris police fire tear gas against protestors who showed up in support of medical freedom | added February 14
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PARIS — Paris police fired tear gas Saturday against a handful of demonstrators on the Champs-Elysees Avenue who defied a police order by taking part in a vehicle protest against virus restrictions inspired by Canada’s horn-honking truckers.
In the Netherlands, dozens of trucks and other vehicles — ranging from tractors to a car towing a camping van — arrived in The Hague for a similar virus-related protest Saturday, blocking an entrance to the historic Dutch parliamentary complex.
But a threatened blockade of Paris failed to materialize Saturday, despite days of online organizing efforts. Police set up checkpoints into the French capital on key roads and said they successfully stopped at least 500 vehicles from heading to the banned protest, but a few dozen vehicles were able to slip in and disrupt traffic on the boutique-lined Champs-Elysees.
Liberal Americans didn’t always trust the FDA and CDC, what changed with ‘covid’? | added February 14
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Until recently, most Americans had little trust in the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). But when covid arrived in early 2020, a scared nation deepened in tribal identity and then turned its faith and trust over to FDA and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
Interestingly, during covid, medical professionals’ trust in the FDA and CDC plummeted. Let’s explore how American perceptions of the FDA have changed and what this faith has delivered to our nation.
In 2008 I obtained a letter written by an FDA official, which was sent to a competitor of Nutiva (the organic foods brand I founded in 1999). It warned firms to remove any reference to “non-GMO” (genetically modified organism) on food labels. Virtually every natural food brand quickly changed their labels.
The covert victory of ‘science’ | added February 14
Read more at Off Guardian
Two weeks to flatten the curve will have to come to an end one year or another, and now, as certain covid policies are loosening, some people worry that we may be failing to follow the Science.
I want to reassure the followers of Science that, temporary setbacks notwithstanding, Science has done remarkably well. Two years of lockdowns, mandatory masks, mandatory vaccines, and all of this at a global scale, is no small feat. It is an impressive accomplishment deserving of commemoration.
I have painted two pictures of Science. I will also share two quotes from the previous two centuries. These two quotes and the past two years should provide ample context for the paintings.
New Zealanders use Barry Manilow and sprinklers to drown out protestors against ‘covid’ mandates | added February 14
Read more at The Oregonian
WELLINGTON, New Zealand — Some countries might send in a riot squad to disperse trespassing coronavirus protesters. In New Zealand, authorities turned on the sprinklers and Barry Manilow.
Initial moves to try and flush out several hundred protesters who have been camped on Parliament’s grassy grounds since Tuesday had little effect.
The protesters, who have been voicing their opposition to coronavirus vaccine mandates, responded to the soaking from the sprinklers by digging trenches and installing makeshift drainpipes to divert the water.
Winning! Freedom convoy update | added February 14
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The truckers protesting the mandates in Canada have been at it and are making a difference. Beloved Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is doing his best to shut down the dangerous trucker protests. Will Trudeau’s government win, or will the Truckers For Freedom win? Let’s find out in this video.
Attorney Tricia Lindsay delivers powerful speech on injustice | added February 12
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Tricia Lindsay gives a very powerful speech to the public about how the US government and governments around the world are violating human rights by imposing mandates and discriminating against the unvaccinated population.
The speech given on January 19, 2022 is right up there with Martin Luther King Jr.’s famous “I have a dream” speech given in 1963. May Lindsay’s words reverberate on through the echo chambers of every heart near and far so that we can ultimately stand together as we always have for freedom and justice. Please listen.
FDA delays ‘covid’ vax authorization for children 6 months to 5 years old | added February 12
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Parents will have to keep waiting to find out when their youngest children can get a covid-19 vaccine.
Pfizer and BioNTech filed a request with the US Food and Drug Administration in the first week of February for an emergency use authorization of their vaccine in children 6 months to 5 years old.
The FDA’s Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee was scheduled to meet February 15 to go over data from vaccine trials and make a recommendation and whether a two-dose vaccine regimen should be authorized.
But the FDA announced Friday that it had postponed the meeting because “new data have recently emerged.”
Pfizer postpones application for children ages 6 months to 4 years old ‘covid’ shot | added February 12
Read more NBC News
Pfizer-BioNTech is postponing its rolling application to the Food and Drug Administration to expand the use of its two-dose covid-19 vaccine for children ages 6 months to 4 years.
The move means that vaccines for this age group will not be available in the coming weeks, a setback for parents eager to vaccinate their young children.
Pfizer said on Friday that it will wait for its data on a three-dose series of the vaccine, because it believes three doses “may provide a higher level of protection in this age group.” Data on the third dose is expected in early April, the company said.
Freedom convoy withstands protest after judge grants injunction to end trade blockade | added February 12
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WINDSOR, Ontario/WASHINGTON, Feb 12 (Reuters) – Protesters opposing pandemic restrictions flouted a court order and emergency rules, continuing to occupy a vital Canada-U.S. trade corridor early on Saturday, hours after a judge granted an injunction to end the blockade that has crippled North America’s well-knitted auto industry.
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has promised President Joe Biden quick action to end the crisis, and on Friday a Canadian judge ordered an end to the four-day-long blockade of the Ambassador Bridge, North America’s busiest land border crossing.
The order came into effect at 7 p.m. Eastern Time (0000 GMT), but five hours after the deadline, some 100 protesters were milling around the entrance to the bridge, waving Canadian flags. While the number of protesters and police dropped as the night progressed, demonstrators continued to block the bridge with trucks and pick-up vans, preventing any flow of traffic in either direction.
A warning to truckers | added February 12
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Amazing Polly raises some concerning questions about that dubious quartet: B.J. Dichter, Tamara Lich, Chris Barber and Dagny Pawlak—four Liberal and Conservative operatives, who seem to be more interested in raising money for themselves than in the protesters, or the Freedom movement; and who, so far, have also drawn attention from the truckers, and that movement.
Those four are operating separately from—and, it would seem, against—Maxime Bernier, Randy Hillier, Tom Marrazzo and the righteous doctors who’ve been standing with the truckers. Those of us who want that protest to succeed must watch what’s happening very carefully.
Two NYC laws may leave up to 4,000 municipal works and 700 educators unemployed | added February 12
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Two court cases are poised to take on New York City’s covid vaccine mandates that may leave up to 4,000 municipal workers and 700 educators without jobs.
New York City’s mayor plans to fire thousands of municipal workers today for refusing to comply with the city’s covid vaccine mandates, in what will arguably be the nation’s most extreme example of a workforce reduction tied to a vaccine requirement.
A motion for a preliminary injunction and temporary restraining order were filed today asking a federal district court to intervene and prohibit the enforcement of the mandates while a lawsuit — alleging the city violated the constitutional rights of workers by denying them religious exemptions to the vaccine requirement — is before the U.S. Supreme Court on an emergency petition.
Harvard professor and CNN analyst calls for violence and vandalism against freedom convoy truckers | added Feb. 12
Read more at Zero Hedge
Harvard professor, CNN analyst and former Obama admin undersecretary of Homeland Security Juliette Kayyem has called for violence and vandalism against Freedom Convoy protesters who have amassed on the bridge that connects Detroit, Michigan to Windsor, Ontario.
“The Ambassador Bridge link constitutes 28% of annual trade movement between US and Canada,” tweeted Kayyem. “Slash the tires, empty gas tanks, arrest the drivers, and move the trucks.”
In addition to a monumentally stupid idea considering the logistics of moving trucks with no fuel and slashed tires, one has to wonder if Kayyem is saying the quiet part out loud when it comes to how Democrats respond to non-BLM protests.
While ‘covid’ crumbles, what plandemic narrative awaits? | added February 12
Read more at Off Guardian
The covid19 narrative is broken, that battle is over. Yes, there are still pockets of token resistance, little embattled squares who aren’t ready to give up the ghost just yet, but for the most part the establishment are letting it go.
Country after country after country are “relaxing” their covid restrictions, abandoning vaccine passport plans and attempting to “get back to normal”.
It seems every week some new “expert” who spent the last two years predicting we’re all gonna die turns up on the news claiming we should “treat covid like the flu”.
Fitness influencer, Lexi Reed hospitalized for organ failure | added February 12
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Fitness influencer Lexi Reed is in the hospital “working on recovery” after she was placed in a medically induced coma and on a ventilator after her organs began to fail, according to her husband.
Reed, 31, who grew her social media following after she began documenting her 312lb-weight-loss journey alongside her husband Danny in 2016, has been in the hospital for a month, according to Danny, who shared a health update on her Instagram Thursday.
In the post, which shows Reed in a hospital bed, Danny said that “a few weeks ago” the fitness influencer had been getting sick and was struggling to keep food down. According to Danny, after Reed started “acting differently,” he brought her to the hospital, where she was placed in a medically induced coma and put on a ventilator.
Visiting your relatives as a kid | added February 12
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The contradicting narrative of this storyline sounds a lot like what we have been hearing in mainstream propaganda news since the start of the ‘covid’ plandemic. Doomed if you do and doomed if you don’t comply. This is why it is important to keep on critical thinking and making decisions that make sense.
Convoy reaches critical moment in Canada against medical tyranny | added February 11
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Due to the Canadian truckers’ Freedom Convoy, many people around the world are beginning to feel that we may conceivably rip this horrible Globalist monkey off our backs.
There are actually people out there who are deciding not to commit suicide because of the truckers.
Who better to give us a read on what’s happening in Canada than Amazing Polly – who’s not only Amazing – she’s Canadian.
What a hoot: desperate Trudeau tries hard to undermine truckers | added February 11
Editor’s Note: This above tweet is an exact opposite moral standing of what Trudeau says in an interview with CBC before becoming prime minister. Listen at the 5 minute, 8 second mark to hear how Trudeau talks about how dangerous it is to have a political system that divides people and doesn’t work together to solve the big challenges. — mmd
On February 1, 2022, Justin Trudaeu tweets cheap and ridiculous lies about the truckers in protest of ‘covid’ passports and medical mandates. This is an example of the deception some politicians create on order to segregate instead of unify people.
NY Gov. Kathy Hochul’s daughter-in-law is top pharma lobbyist trying to influence lawmakers | added February 11
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[Aug. 24, 2021] New York Gov. Kathy Hochul’s daughter-in-law is a top lobbyist at a pharmaceutical firm that has been actively trying to influence state and federal lawmakers.Hochul took over as governor Tuesday following Andrew Cuomo’s resignation over a sexual harassment scandal. During her first address as governor Tuesday, Hochul said her administration would address ethics issues.
“Today, I’m directing an overhaul of state government policies on sexual harassment and ethics, starting with requiring that all training be done live, instead of allowing people to click their way through a class,” Hochul said in the speech, which she delivered soon after this story was first published.
‘Covid’ infections can increase risk for heart failure and stroke, according to massive new study | added February 11
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Even a mild case of covid-19 can increase a person’s risk of cardiovascular problems for at least a year after diagnosis, a new study shows. Researchers found that rates of many conditions, such as heart failure and stroke, were substantially higher in people who had recovered from covid-19 than in similar people who hadn’t had the disease.
What’s more, the risk was elevated even for those who were under 65 years of age and lacked risk factors, such as obesity or diabetes.
“It doesn’t matter if you are young or old, it doesn’t matter if you smoked, or you didn’t,” says study co-author Ziyad Al-Aly at Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri, and the chief of research and development for the Veterans Affairs (VA) St. Louis Health Care System. “The risk was there.”
‘Covid’ positive Bob Saget’s autopsy report says cause of death was “blunt head trauma” | added February 11
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Actor and comedian Bob Saget had covid-19 but died as a result of “blunt head trauma,” according to the autopsy report released today by the Orange County Medical Examiner’s Office.
“It is in my opinion that the death of Robert Saget, a 65-year-old white male found unresponsive in a hotel room, is the result of blunt head trauma. It is the most probable that the decedent suffered an unwitnessed fall backwards and struck the posterior aspect of his head.
The manner of death is accident,” the statement from Chief Medical Examiner Dr. Joshua D. Stephany said in his report.The official findings echo what was said in a statement released by Saget’s family on Wednesday, in which they cited head trauma as his cause of death.
Macron refuses Russian ‘covid’ test to prevent DNA theft | added February 11
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French President Emmanuel Macron refused a Kremlin request that he take a Russian covid-19 test when he arrived to see President Vladimir Putin this week, to prevent Russia getting hold of Macron’s DNA, two sources in Macron’s entourage told Reuters.
As a result, the visiting French head of state was kept at a distance from the Russian leader during lengthy talks on the Ukraine crisis in Moscow.
They were photographed at opposite ends of a table so long that it provoked satirical comment on social media and speculation, including by diplomats, that Putin might be using it to send a message.
Illinois Supreme Court rules employer violated woman’s privacy rights with illegal fingerprint scan | added February 11
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The Illinois Supreme Court last week said a Chicago-area long-term care facility violated the rights of a former employee when, without initially notifying her or obtaining written consent, the company collected the individual’s biometric information when scanning her fingerprints as part of the company’s timekeeping system.
The court’s Feb. 3 unanimous 7-0 decision in McDonald v. Symphony Bronzeville Park LLC upheld a previous ruling by the Illinois Appellate Court that the Illinois Workers’ Compensation Act (IWCA) does not prevent claims for statutory damages under the state’s pioneering biometric privacy law, the Biometric Information Privacy Act (BIPA).
The ruling opens the door for plaintiffs seeking to bring claims under BIPA, which gives consumers and employees rights over how their voices, fingerprints, facial scans, and the like are collected and shared by companies, Bloomberg Law reported.
South African doctor pressured to announce omicron was a ‘dangerous’ variant | added February 11
Read more at Daily Mail UK
The South African doctor who discovered the omicron strain has revealed she was ‘pressured’ into describing the variant as more dangerous than it really is.
Dr Angelique Coetzee was one of the first to report the new variant in November last year and said it caused ‘mild’ symptoms for those in her country. But she claims she was told by scientists and politicians from around the globe that her description was wrong.
Because of all of covid’s mutations, all of these scientists and politicians who aren’t from South Africa were contacting me telling me I was wrong when I spoke out, that it was a serious disease … they were telling me I had no idea what I was talking about, they kept attacking me,’ Dr Coetzee told The Daily Telegraph.
Remembering Luc Montagnier: Nobel Prize winner in physiology or medicine | added February 11
Read more at US Day News
First, it needs to be mentioned that the US Day News does not confirm nor reject any of this information. Make sure to check back regularly for the latest updates.
Born on 18 August 1932, Luc grew up to become a well-known French virologist who was later joint recipient, with Françoise Barré-Sinoussi and Harald zur Hausen, of the 2008 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for his discovery of the human immunodeficiency virus.
He used to work as a researcher at the Pasteur Institute in Paris. He was also a full-time professor at Shanghai Jiao Tong University in China. Mr. Luc has received the 2008 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine and Françoise Barré-Sinoussi for the discovery of HIV.
Walter is cranky from the ‘covid’ pandemic | added February 11
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Walter says he is “playing it safe” with wearing a mask, but he is fed up with them so he has Jeff take it off his face. This is because it is hard to breathe and no one, especially children should be required to wear one. Hypoxia is a real thing and getting enough oxygen is important in carrying out healthy cellular function.

Autopsy reveals Kansas woman died from allergic reaction to Moderna drug shot | added February 10
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Jeanie Evans died of “anaphylaxis due to covid-19 vaccination,” according to her autopsy report acquired by the Topeka Capital-Journal.
Evans, 68, of Effingham, Kansas, died March 24, 2021, one day after receiving Moderna’s covid vaccine in Jefferson County. According to the autopsy report, obtained from the Shawnee County coroner’s office through a Kansas Open Records Act request, Evans said her airway felt blocked about 15 to 20 minutes after she received her first dose on March 23, 2021.
She was taken by ground ambulance at 5:21 p.m. to Stormont-Vail hospital, where she died at 11:55 a.m. the next day.
Gov. Hochul eases off ‘covid’ restrictions for businesses, but illegally mandates children stay masked | added February 10
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ALBANY, N.Y. (AP) — New York Gov. Kathy Hochul announced Wednesday that the state will end a covid-19 mandate requiring face coverings in most indoor public settings, but will keep masking rules in place in schools for now.
The mask mandate for places like grocery stores, shops and offices was put in place Dec. 10 as the omicron variant began infecting huge numbers of New Yorkers. It was set to expire Thursday unless the Democrat’s administration extended it.
Hochul said infection rates and hospitalizations have declined to a level where it is safe to rescind the order. “This fight is not over, we’re not surrendering. This is not disarmament,” she told reporters at her New York City office, “but again the trends are very, very positive.”
Oscars will not require proof of any ‘covid’ inoculations for attendees | added February 10
Read more at The Hollywood Reporter
The Oscars will be back at the Dolby Theatre on March 27, less than a year after the pandemic forced Hollywood’s biggest night to be held as a scaled-down affair at Los Angeles’ Union Station with strict covid testing requirements.
In the time since, safe and free covid vaccines have become widely available and mandated for everything from dining out to attending sporting events. But, The Hollywood Reporter has learned, the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences is planning not to mandate proof of vaccination (with or without a booster) in order to attend this year’s ceremony.
Instead, it intends to require a negative PCR test or a negative rapid antigen test on the day of the event. The Academy, which requires its own employees to be vaccinated (with rare medical exemptions), declined to comment for this piece.
CDC weighs an interval delay of ‘covid’ shots due to rise in myocarditis | added February 10
Read more at NBC News
[Feb. 4, 2022] A wider gap between the first two doses of the mRNA covid-19 vaccines could improve the shots’ effectiveness and help reduce the risk of a rare type of heart inflammation called myocarditis, experts told a Centers for Disease Control and Prevention advisory committee on Friday.Members of the group, the CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices, largely supported extending the recommended interval between the first two doses of both the Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna vaccines to eight weeks.
Though there was no vote on officially extending the timing of the shots, Dr. Grace Lee, who chairs the committee, said it would look into whether it could incorporate the comments into simple guidance for the agency.
Covid shows a serious risk to heart inflammation, according to a new study | added February 10
Read more at Science
From very early in the pandemic, it was clear that SARS-CoV-2 can damage the heart and blood vessels while people are acutely ill. Patients developed clots, heart inflammation, arrythmias, and heart failure.
Now, the first large study to assess cardiovascular outcomes 1 year after SARS-CoV-2 infection has demonstrated that the virus’ impact is often lasting. In an analysis of more than 11 million U.S. veterans’ health records, researchers found the risk of 20 different heart and vessel maladies was substantially increased in veterans who had covid-19 1 year earlier, compared with those who didn’t.
The risk rose with severity of initial disease and extended to every outcome the team examined, including heart attacks, arrhythmias, strokes, cardiac arrest, and more. Even people who never went to the hospital had more cardiovascular disease than those who were never infected.
Freedom convoy gains steam and support across the globe against unlawful medical mandates | added February 10
Read more at USA Today
A protest at a major border crossing by Canadian truckers critical of vaccine mandates could head to a fourth day on Thursday, shutting down traffic on one international gateway and backing it up at another.
The protest has heightened concerns about commerce and what comes next. It also has added pressure – and wait times – at another international bridge, the Blue Water Bridge in Port Huron, Michigan, where traffic is backing up. The bridge carries 25% of all trade between the U.S. and Canada, and Canadian authorities expressed increasing worry about the economic effects.
Truckers calling themselves the Freedom Convoy are opposing a Canadian mandate requiring drivers entering the country to be fully vaccinated or face testing and quarantine requirements.
South Korea plans to roll out experimental Novavax drug next week | added February 10
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SEOUL, South Korea — South Korea will begin offering Novavax Inc.’s covid-19 vaccine at hospitals, nursing homes and public health centers next week, officials said, adding another tool to fight a fast-developing omicron surge.
The country reported a record 54,122 new coronavirus cases on Thursday, according to the Korea Disease Control and Prevention Agency, a 12-fold increase from daily levels seen in mid-January, when omicron first became the country’s dominant strain.
But officials are expressing cautious hope that the country’s high vaccination rate will prevent an explosion in serious illnesses and deaths. As of Thursday, 86% of South Koreans were fully vaccinated and 56% had received booster shots under a mass immunization program that has been mainly dependent on Pfizer and Moderna’s mRNA vaccines.
U.S. plans to inoculate 10 million children, 6 months to 5 years-old pending FDA approval of EUA | added February 10
Read more at CNN
If the Pfizer/BioNTech coronavirus vaccine receives emergency use authorization from the US Food and Drug Administration for children 6 months to 5 years old, the tentative plan is to roll out about 10 million vaccine doses initially, according to a US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention document posted online.
The document, an updated pediatric covid-19 vaccination planning guide, notes that “planning is for a sequenced rollout involving an initial total of approximately 10 million doses” and that providers and facilities that have ordered doses “must be able to receive vaccine shipment on Monday February 21.”
The FDA’s vaccine advisory committee will meet February 15 to discuss Pfizer and BioNTech’s request for an emergency use authorization of their vaccine for children as young as 6 months. The virtual meeting will give scientists a chance to go over the available trial data and make a recommendation on whether the vaccine would be appropriate for this age group.
A letter to Justin Trudeau in hiding from the “fringe” freedom convoy | added February 10
Read more at Off Guardian
Hey, Justin*
Here is some unsolicited advice that may just salvage your legacy from the legendary humiliation you are presently hurtling toward at 105 kilometers per hour.
I know it’s cozy in your bunker and it’s easier to sustain your delusions about the Canadian people from your propaganda-lined womb, but you can only feign covid for so long—especially since you’ve partaken in the exceedingly safe and effective injections you’re so adamant about foisting on your subjects.
The jig is up, Justin. It’s time to stop hiding.
It’s time to stop lying to the public. It’s time to stop lying through the press. It’s time to stop lying to yourself.
Keep on trucking against tyranny | added February 10
Listen on Bitchute
It’s funny how the mainstream media is not reporting on just how peaceful the freedom convoy 2022 in Canada really is. People coming together to sing, cook, dance, and stand up against medical tyranny doesn’t sound much like a violent event. It sounds more like a search for justice that is golden.
Isn’t that what Neil Young sang about in his song, ‘Heart of Gold’. What are we searching for exactly? Where is the love that lights us up? It’s evident that this love is all around and within us. Love is our God given right and it’s always free.
NY drops mask mandate for businesses, still unclear about schools | added February 9
Read more at Daily Mail
New York Gov. Kathy Hochul will drop the state’s strict indoor mask mandate on Wednesday as coronavirus cases continue to fall in New York and across the nation.
The mask mandate, which sparked heated debate throughout the state, required businesses to ask customers for proof of full vaccination or require mask-wearing indoors at all times.
The mandate was supposed to be under review come its expiration on Thursday, but people briefed on the matter told The New York Times that Hochul will let the mandate lapse as other Democratic-led states like New Jersey, California, Connecticut, Delaware and Oregon have announced an end to similar mandates.
Fauci says U.S. is almost past the “full blown” pandemic phase of ‘covid’ | added February 9
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Dr. Anthony Fauci, the chief medical adviser for President Biden, said in an interview published Tuesday that the U.S. is almost past the “full-blown” pandemic phase of the coronavirus and said he hopes that all virus-related restrictions could wind down in a few months.
Fauci discussed his idea of the virus’ trajectory with the Financial Times. He told the paper that the government response to the disease will eventually be handled on a local level and not federal.
He did not mention a specific month or season, but told the paper that these restrictions—including mask mandates—could end “soon.”
John Hopkins study proves ‘covid’ lockdowns ineffective: only reduced mortality by .02% | added February 9
Editor’s Note: Interestingly enough, CNN, The New York Times, MSNBC, and The Washington Post all chose to not publish the Johns Hopkins study. It appears that Fauci’s slogan, “stay home, save lives” was misinformation, according to “the science.” — mmd
Read more at ABC Action News
[Feb. 4, 2022] A new study by researchers at Johns Hopkins University reveals covid lockdowns prevented only a small number of deaths caused by the virus.The authors reviewed 24 separate studies and broke them into three groups: Lockdown Stringency Index Studies, Shelter-In-Place Order Studies, and Specific Non-Pharmaceutical Intervention Studies.
An analysis of each found “that lockdowns have had little to no effect on covid-19 mortality.” The numbers suggest lockdowns in Europe and the United States reduced the covid-19 mortality rate by only an average of 0.2%.
Unmasking children and dropping ‘covid’ restrictions is still too early, says CDC director | added February 9
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The head of the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is standing by the agency’s mask guidelines, emphasizing Tuesday that now is not the time to change the recommendations or loosen restrictions aimed at preventing covid-19.
The CDC “still recommends that all schools encourage students to wear well-fitting masks consistently and while indoors. And that’s consistent with our guidance that still also recommends that people mask in public indoor settings in areas of high or substantial transmission,” CDC Director Dr. Rochelle Walensky said in a radio interview with WYPR’s Tom Hall on Tuesday’s edition of the show “Midday.”
“Right now, we still have about 290,000 cases every single day, and our hospitalization rates now are higher than they even were at the peak of our Delta surge,” Walensky said. A growing number of states, from California to Delaware, have announced this week their intentions to drop indoor mask mandates in the coming days. Some others, like Connecticut and New Jersey, are eliminating mask mandates in schools.
J&J halts production of single-dose ‘covid’ vax: makes room for a new unrelated experimental drug | added February 9
Read more at CBS News
Drugmaker Johnson & Johnson has halted production of its single-dose covid-19 vaccine, according to a New York Times report.
The pharmaceutical company last year quietly shut down production at a plant in Leiden, Netherlands, which was the only facility where usable doses of the vaccine were manufactured, catching some of its customers off guard, including developing nations that prefer the single-dose J&J drug over two-dose alternatives, the report states.
Johnson & Johnson has instead been using the plant to work on an experimental and potentially more profitable drug that could protect against an unrelated respiratory virus, according to the report.
Dispelling the myth of ‘covid’ as “the pandemic of the unvaccinated” | added February 9
Watch the video on Canadian Covid Care Alliance
It’s time to stop the mandates, the passports, the inoculation of children, all of it.
In our latest video “Dispelling the Myth of A Pandemic of the Unvaccinated” we reveal shocking truths using Ontario’s own public health data. A proper analysis of this data shows that the vaccine mandates have completely failed to control covid-19 case growth and that the fully vaccinated are contracting covid-19 at higher rates than the unvaccinated.
Even more, it shows that hospital capacity is being stretched by the vaccinated and not the unvaccinated. And to top it all off it provides definitive proof that the pandemic has been over since early March 2021 when the death counts due to covid-19 became negligible.
Twitter bans freedom convoy account while Ottawa police plan to “freeze or starve” truckers out | added February 9
Read more at The Defender
Ezra Levant, journalist and founder of Canada’s Rebel News, on Monday told Tucker Carlson Canadian police forces are hoping to “starve or freeze the truckers out.”
“I don’t think it’s going to work though,” Levant said. Levant questioned the legality of police confiscating diesel fuel from protesters:
“Taking away the diesel fuel is a low blow [because] it’s very cold in Ottawa and most of these truckers are living in the little cab in their truck so they need diesel fuel for heat. So by taking away their diesel fuel [Trudeau] is really freezing them out … I don’t know what legal justifications they have. The fuel is not illegal. Selling it, owning it, having it, is not illegal.”
Eyewitness reports: funeral directors, nuns, and former police on ‘covid’ vax deaths | added February 9
Watch the videos on Real Covid Research
[Jan. 16, 2022] Nun reports that in her entire history of being a nun, she has only seen one vaccine death (in 2015), but since the covid vaccine rollout, she’s seen over 50.Also posted is a devastating statement by former NSW police sergeant, Stephen Kelly who has assisted coroners. British funeral director, John O’Looney reports an update: “Unnatural large number of deaths”.
UK “reforming” human rights law with emphasis on “duties to the wider society” | added February 9
Editor’s Note: On a recent episode of RFK Jr.’s podcast, Dr. Mattias Desmet talks about mass formation also known as mob psychology or crowd psychology. The psychological study shows how individual behavior is influenced by large groups of people. When this happens, an individual’s power and moral conscience is diminished. — mmd
Read more at Off Guardian
The UK government is planning to re-work its human rights law to put an increased emphasis on “personal responsibility” and “duties to the wider society”, as well as preventing people “abusing” their rights. Sounds pretty awful, doesn’t it? But let’s go back to the beginning.
In December 2020 the UK government announced they would be looking into Human Rights reform in the near future. These announcements became more concrete a year later on December 14th 2021, when the government began a “consultation” on restructuring the Human Rights Act.
The plan is to replace current rights legislation with a so-called “UK Bill of Rights”, a policy dating from the Cameron administration. The new “bill of rights” would update and replace the Human Rights Act.

Heather McDonald suddenly collapses on stage during comedy show | added February 9
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Right after delivering a joke on being double vaxed, boosted, and still having her period, Heather McDonald collapsed to everyone’s surprise at a recent show in Tempe, AZ. Audience members thought it was a part of her comedy sketch. This mysterious collapsing is being reported around the world of many people who received the drug shots.
Regardless of Heather’s stance on receiving covid inoculations, we hope she feels better really soon. Fainting on stage or anywhere is no joke and neither are blood clots and myocarditis.
Dozens of athletes locked in isolation at Winter Olympics after testing positive for ‘covid’ | added February 8
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Less than a week since the 2022 Winter Olympics began, officials announced on Monday that 32 athletes in Beijing are in isolation after testing positive for covid-19.
Brian McCloskey, chairman of the medical expert panel for the Beijing Games, said Monday that 50 other athletes have been discharged from isolation. “The number of cases inside the closed loop is going down and the number of cases at the airport is zero at the moment,” McCloskey said.
The closed loop also known as “the bubble,” is an area of the Olympics that helps separate athletes from the general public, with buses to and from athletic venues, hotels and workspaces. On Monday alone, more than 70,500 PCR tests were conducted in the closed loop, with five athletes and team officials testing positive, according to organizers.
NYC woman exposed to deadly levels of pulsed-modulated microwave radiation on East 4th street | added February 8
Read more at West View News
On November 15, 2021 I visited with Teresa Mazur in her apartment at 155 East 4th Street which is owned by Village View Housing Corporation. She had called me to explain that she was suffering from several symptoms that are typical for exposure to high levels of pulsed-modulated microwave radiation (RF-EMR) that so many people around the country have been reporting.
She was having trouble sleeping, fatigue, blurred vision, trouble concentrating, anxiety, and very high blood pressure. I could tell from the distress in her voice that she was in a desperate state of mind. I arrived around 8:30 pm, since she felt evenings were the worst.
I took measurements with a meter that is calibrated by the Building Biology Institute to determine levels of radio frequency intensity. The frequencies being measured are in the 4G to low and mid-band 5G range. The average exposure level considesred safe for sleeping areas is zero to 10.
Israeli study links vitamin D deficiency to severe ‘covid’ illnesses | added February 8
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Israeli scientists said they found “striking” differences in the chances of getting seriously ill from covid-19 when they compared patients who had sufficient vitamin D levels prior to contracting the disease with those who didn’t.
A study published on Thursday in the research journal PLOS One found that about half of people who were vitamin D
deficient before getting covid-19 developed severe illness, compared to less than 10% of people who had sufficient levels of the vitamin in their blood.
We know vitamin D is vital for bone health, but its role in protecting against severe covid-19 is less well established.
In memory of those who “mysteriously died” all of a sudden from February 1-7, 2022: | added February 8
Read more at Mark Crispin Miller Substack
We now know, from the statistics, that all-cause mortality has been skyrocketing in countries with the highest covid “vaccination” rates. Such numbers also tell us that more people all around the world have “died of covid” than did (reportedly) in all of 2020. (396,837 Americans reportedly “died of covid” under Trump, while 528,379 have so far “died of covid” under Biden, whose term started with the US “vaccination” drive.)
We also know, from the statistics, that children have been dying in greater numbers since they started getting “vaccinated”—as have professional (and non-professional) athletes the world over, and US military personnel.
Meanwhile, honest witnesses in medicine and the mortuary business, and also first responders, have been telling us they’ve seen a huge increase in sudden and untimely deaths, especially from heart attack, blood clot(s), stroke and cardiac arrest.
NY high school cheerleaders protest covid vax mandate for upcoming state championships | added February 8
Read more at FOX News
Cheerleaders from Sachem North and Sachem East high schools are joining fellow cheerleaders in New York protesting a covid-19 vaccine requirement for the 2022 New York State Cheerleading Championships at the Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT).
Emma Silberman, a varsity cheerleader at Sachem East, wrote to Patch about their concerns about the championships scheduled for March 5.
“I have been cheering my whole life and have wished to compete at both nationals and states my whole life,” she wrote. “My team is able to go to nationals this year and I am very thankful, although we got the news we were not allowed to attend states since we all must be vaccinated. I am a senior this year, meaning it is my last year. I’ve never competed at states and I really would love that experience.”
Sixteen states file new lawsuit over drug inoculation mandates for health care workers | added February 8
Read more at The Defender
Attorneys general from 16 states, led by Louisiana, filed a new legal challenge to covid-19 vaccine mandates for U.S. healthcare workers.
The amended lawsuit was filed Feb. 4 in the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Louisiana against the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) and Chiquita Brooks-Lasure, administrator of CMS.
The suit seeks to block the mandate for healthcare workers in the 25 states that previously challenged it and where it is set to take effect beginning this month. The revised lawsuit puts forth a series of new arguments, including that the CMS mandate was designed in response to the Delta variant and is therefore now obsolete.
U.S. figure skater Vincent Zhou forced out of Olympics after testing positive for ‘covid’ twice | added February 8
Read more at NPR
U.S. figure skater Vincent Zhou won’t get a chance to compete for an individual medal at the Beijing Winter Olympics, after a second test came back positive for covid-19.
Zhou had been slated to compete in the men’s short program, which begins Tuesday. But he tested positive in a regular covid-19 screening — a result that was confirmed Monday by a second test. Zhou, 21, announced the end of his 2022 Olympic campaign in an emotional video posted to Instagram.
Zhou, 21, announced the end of his 2022 Olympic campaign in an emotional video posted to Instagram. “It seems pretty unreal” to test positive for the coronavirus, Zhou said. “I have been doing everything in my power to stay free of covid since the start of the pandemic,” he added, citing the isolation and loneliness he’s endured.
Canada now prescribes time in nature as a way to heal disease | added February 8
Read more at Eco Watch
Many of us may have become reacquainted with the healing power of nature during the pandemic. After a long day spent indoors, we step outside, go for a walk and catch the smell of pine trees, flowers or even snow and feel the sunshine on our faces.
Health care providers in four Canadian provinces — British Columbia (BC), Saskatchewan, Manitoba and Ontario — can now prescribe time in nature, and even a Parks Canada Discovery Pass, to their patients to help improve their physical and mental health through the country’s national nature prescription program, A Prescription for Nature (PaRx). The passes are being offered through a partnership between Parks Canada and the British Columbia Parks Foundation.
According to the PaRx website, spending at least two hours in nature every week can lead to greatly improved health and wellbeing.
New Zealand protesters for medical freedom block streets outside of parliament | added February 8
Read more at Reuters
Hundreds of people protesting vaccine mandates and pandemic restrictions blocked streets outside New Zealand’s parliament on Tuesday with trucks and campervans, inspired by similar demonstrations in Canada.
The “convoy for freedom” protesters arrived from all corners of New Zealand and gathered outside the parliament building in the capital Wellington, called the Beehive, ahead of the first speech for the year by Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern.
The protesters were largely unmasked, held placards calling for “freedom” and vowed to camp outside parliament until the covid-19 curbs are lifted. The protests, which may run for days, is inspired by the ongoing truckers blockade in the Canadian capital Ottawa against strict government measures to fight the pandemic.

Man takes Amazon vax found on Craig’s List | added Feb. 8
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When it’s your turn to get the coronavirus covid vaccine, remember that they all have a high death-toll and no clinical benefits, according to widely published reports and admission of public health officials. But please, don’t inject some random stuff you found on Amazon; it might be safer, it might be worse. You don’t want to be in this game at all.
Unelected NY Gov. Kathy Hochul attempts to bypass legislature and enforce new dictatorial powers | added February 7
Read more at The Defender
Unelected New York Governor Kathy Hochul is attempting to bypass the New York legislature and the most basic democratic processes by creating regulations that give her permanent dictatorial powers. She has written regulations that will allow her to arrest and imprison suspected public health threats, give her the power to impose at will mandatory masks, and expand the number of healthcare workers who must get the covid injections.
Regulations are supposed to be minor rules devised by the bureaucracies to implement a law passed by the legislature and signed by Governor. But Hochul is attempting to give herself entirely new powers through the regulatory back door. Cuomo used to do this all the time. If he could not get a bill he wanted passed in the legislature he would simply write regulations that did the same thing, and our feckless legislature never did anything to stop him or to protect their responsibilities as lawmakers.
Hochul wants the following:
Seizure and imprisonment of suspected public health risks, Amendment of Part 2, Section 405.3 and Addition of Section 58-1.14 to Title 10 NYCRR (Investigation of Communicable Disease; Isolation and Quarantine)
NY school districts call on Hochul to remove all mask mandates for children | added February 7
Read more at 2 WGRZ
ERIE COUNTY, N.Y. — Nearly 40 superintendents across the Erie-Niagara region have joined forces in an effort to get Gov. Kathy Hochul to expire mask mandates, statewide, on the previously scheduled date, Feb 21.
Members of the Erie-Niagara School Superintendents Association put pen to paper in a formal request to Governor Hochul to “close the chapter on open-ended covid-19 related mandates and restrictions established by the New York State Department of Health.
Michael Cornell is the president of Erie-Niagara School Superintendents Association and the superintendent of the Hamburg Central School District. He says “there’s a growing chorus of school leaders asking when does the mask mandate come off the books and also recommending that it come off the books in unison across the state on February 21, when the mandate expires.”

Ottawa declares state of emergency for unprecedented protest over medical mandates | added February 7
Read more at NBC News
The mayor of Canada’s capital declared a state of emergency Sunday to deal with an unprecedented protest that has seen truckers shut down Ottawa’s core for more than a week over covid-19 rules.
Dubbed the “Freedom Convoy,” the demonstration has seen hundreds of truckers block city streets, blaring their horns and disrupting traffic. But the protest has also drawn backlash over alleged harassment as well as the presence of Confederate flags and flags bearing swastikas.
While the protest began in opposition to vaccination mandates for truckers crossing the U.S.-Canada border, it quickly evolved into a rallying point for opposition to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s government and the coronavirus measures it has imposed. And it has drawn support from Republican politicians in the United States, too.
CDC launches new study to track ‘covid’ in waste water samples across the country | added February 7
Read more at ABC News
[Feb. 4, 2022] The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention launched a new dashboard Friday that tracks covid-19 in wastewater samples across the country.The data comes from the federal agency’s National Wastewater Surveillance System, which connects more than 400 sites across 28 states and the District of Columbia.
More than 34,000 samples have been collected representing 53 million Americans, Dr. Ann Kirby, program lead for the CDC’s National Wastewater Surveillance System, said during a media briefing. Over the last 15 days, the dashboard shows that 98% of treatment facilities have detected the virus in all of their samples.
“Vaccination” is no joke: Fully vaxed Chelsea Handler and Heather McDonald suddenly collapse | added February 7
Read more at Mark Crispin Miller Substack
Two young and healthy, “fully vaccinated” female comics suddenly collapse within 24 hours. How many such “coincidences” will it take to get “our free press” to report such oddities? Probably no number will suffice, since “our free press” belongs to Pfizer, Dr. Fauci, Bill Gates and the WEF—just to name a few of the exalted predators controlling what we read and see and hear as “news.” Only if they felt obliged to us, the people, would they tell the awful truth about this democidal “vaccination” drive; and since they don’t, they won’t.
I wish both women quick and full recovery, despite their (some might argue) criminal complicity in the injection propaganda. Nor do I wish ill to any member of the media, though all of them are accomplices in this unprecedented crime against humanity.
Comedy and journalism are supposed to tell the truth. Would Lenny Bruce, Dick Gregory and George Carlin have been “vaccinated”? Would George Seldes, I.F. Stone, Edward R. Murrow and Joan Rivers have pushed the public to get jabbed with experimental gene-editing “vaccines”? I like to think that they all wouldn’t, but who knows?
Texas-filed crimes against humanity case has more “teeth” than ICC, says Jeffrey Prather | added February 7
Read more at Natural News
[Feb. 3, 2022] The crimes against humanity complaint filed in Texas against individuals behind the Wuhan coronavirus (covid-19) vaccines has more “teeth” compared to the case filed before the International Criminal Court (ICC) at The Hague.“The Prather Point” host Jeffrey Prather stated this opinion during the January 28 episode of his show on Brighteon.TV.
“So there’s been a lot made of Nuremberg 2.0 and the International Criminal Court, and a lot of folks are very excited about that. And I have never been excited about that. The International Criminal Court at The Hague has no authority, it has no teeth. It’s not a state court,” Prather said.
Ottawa police joins feds to use digital surveillance of freedom convoy protesters, supporters, and donors | added February 7
Read more at Reclaim The Net
The Ottawa Police Service has announced a new operation where it is partnering with federal intelligence agencies to create “enhanced intelligence operations and investigations” that will target individuals who are taking part in and supporting the Canadian Truckers Freedom Convoy.
The Ottawa police said that it’s partnering with the US’s FBI and the Department of Homeland Security to investigate “online threats.”
[According to] Ottawa police the “enhanced investigation” will start with focusing on those who were involved in organizing the protest convoy and will use surveillance to “identify and target protestors who are funding/supporting/enabling unlawful and harmful activity by protesters.”Navy seal candidate dies after completing “Hell Week” training | added February 7
Read more at CNN
A Navy SEAL candidate died Friday and another was hospitalized in San Diego after completing a training phase known as “Hell Week.”
The Navy said in a statement Sunday that Kyle Mullen, 24, of Manalapan, New Jersey, died at a California hospital following the training.
The cause of Mullen’s death is currently unknown and is under investigation, according to the statement. The injured candidate is in stable condition at Naval Medical Center San Diego.
Neither Mullen nor the injured sailor, who has not been named, were “actively” training when they began suffering symptoms, according to the Navy.
German hospital denies 3 year-old toddler care for parents being unvacccinated | added February 7
Read more at Off Guardian
[Feb. 3, 2022] A hospital in Germany has denied care to a toddler because his parents are not vaccinated.The young Cypriot has a heart condition that requires specialist surgery not available in Cyprus, and as such was to be flown to Frankfurt, but on finding out the child’s parents were unvaccinated the German hospital reversed its decision and refused to treat the boy. According to reports from Politico and Breitbart, the boy was also refused treatment in the UK and Israel.
Luckily, a hospital in Athens has agreed to operate on the child, but this is still a worrying development. To be clear, children under five are not required to be vaccinated in Germany, and there is no law stating unvaccinated parents are not allowed inside hospitals. Rather, according to a German health ministry spokesman, it is left up to hospitals to decide their own policies.
Founder of Memphis BLM chapter sentenced to six years in prison for illegal voting | added February 7
Read more at The New York Post
The founder of the Black Lives Matter chapter in Memphis has been sentenced to prison for six years for illegally registering to vote in Tennessee, prosecutors said.
Pamela Moses, the 44-year-old activist, was ordered to spend six years and one day behind bars Monday for registering to vote despite felony convictions in 2015 that made her ineligible to do so, Shelby County District Attorney General Amy Weirich said.
In handing down the sentence, Judge Michael Ward accused her of deceiving the probation department to obtain the right to vote, “You tricked the probation department into giving you documents saying you were off probation,” Ward said in court, the Washington Post reported.
Update from Justin Trudaeu’s hideout | added February 7
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After getting sick with a 200 degree fever and testing positive for all three variants (including a touch of polio), Trudaeu has been briefed the “fringe” freedom convoy does still in fact only consist of about 8 truckers, most of which are station wagons…
She’s so fine! Amazing Polly on #honkhonk movement

On the Shores of Transhumanism. The Neil Young vs. Joe Rogan Controversy. Conversation with Celia Farber.
Dear Friend and Listener:
You will hear if you can stand to listen that long that an essential theme of the program involves whether someone named Robert Malone is an honest guy. On this program, both my guest Celia Farber and I affirm that whether or not that’s true, his influence is positive. However, I just got a new article from Celia’s Substack feed, which goes to the essence of the problem.
Here is See No Evil by Vicki Monks, exposing New York Times fraud on the dioxin issue.
First player is the program at full res. Celia comes in at about 2 hours 15 minutes. If anyone needs the file cut in two, I’ll do that Saturday. The second player will be mono with maximum compression (smallest possible file).
Audio PlayerMono, fully compressed | Zip file
Audio PlayerDear Friends and Readers,
How are you? Power turned on late yesterday afternoon for the town of Woodstock and some of the surrounding streets. I was at the community center charging my phone when the Red Cross made an announcement.

Yes! They called in the Red Cross and the Army was also there handing out food, coffee and tea. I was curious to see the set up so I headed over and charged my phone although I was able to charge at my neighbor’s (who has a generator) and in my car. Of course I started conversations about the Freedom Truck Convoy 2022 and medical freedom…
It was really comforting to see the community come together even with all the obsessive restrictions for ‘covid’. All in all, people, whether on Woodstock Facebook groups or at Sunflower market were kind and supportive.
Central Hudson has been working incredibly hard in dangerous conditions to restore power for the 50,000 plus people who lost it in Ulster county. Temperatures are well below freezing.
Honestly, it was nice to have a couple days to not check computers and headlines. To wake up with sun and light candles when it sets. Somehow, the lack of blue light overload made the stars shine a little brighter at night.
In any case, BACK AT IT. There is much to catch up on. Here is a photo I snapped of a grandfather pine tree at sunrise on Saturday morning. I hope he makes it with the weight of the ice on his crown.
“Into each life some rain must fall…” — Ella Fitzgerald
Happy Sunday,
P.S. I harvested a bunch of fallen pine tree branches for ointments and pine needle leaf tea. The air is filled with fresh pine sap.
Freedom convoy 2022 for medical freedom expands across Canada: truckers won’t back down | added February 6
Read more at The New York Times
OTTAWA — Protesters in Ottawa and other cities across Canada took to the streets on Saturday for the second weekend in a row to continue demonstrations against pandemic restrictions. The demonstrations that began with truckers critical of vaccine mandates have grown to include a range of other political causes, including opposition to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.
While the police and officials braced for rowdy crowds and potential violence, the atmosphere of the demonstrations by midday Saturday, though loud, remained mostly peaceful and festive.
In Ottawa, despite frigid temperatures, a band performed on the street in front of Parliament Hill underneath a Canadian flag dangling from a large construction crane. Nearby, several inflatable bouncy castles were set up, and makeshift canteens throughout downtown dispensed food. At a municipal baseball stadium parking lot that truckers were using for staging and camping, three saunas were brought in.
Olympians in quarantine hotels face poor conditions: bad food, no training equipment | added February 6
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BEIJING — Olympic athletes who test positive for covid-19 and forced to isolate in Beijing are reporting serious issues with their quarantine conditions.
Team officials from Germany, Belgium, and Russia said their athletes are facing nightmarish situations, like poor to no internet connection, bad food, and no training equipment, in the so-called quarantine hotels set up by Chinese officials. No access to fitness equipment or struggling to communicate with their teams are especially problematic for athletes trying to stay in tip-top shape before they compete.
“My stomach hurts, I’m very pale and I have huge black circles around my eyes. I want all this to end. I cry every day. I’m very tired,” Russian biathlon competitor Valeria Vasnetsova posted on Instagram.
Gov. Kathy Hochul appears to soften “mask or vax” stance as unlawful mandate expires | added February 6
Read more The New York Post
Gov. Kathy Hochul appeared to soften her “mask-or-vax” stance Friday and hinted the edict could be lifted or altered for New York businesses next week amid plummeting covid-19 infection rates. The current mask order for businesses expires on Feb. 10. The mask mandate for schools expires on Feb. 21.
“We’ll be making some announcements in the short term as we see the numbers progressing,” Hochul said during a press briefing in Kingston.
That means a decision could come next week. The covid-19 positivity rate plunged to 4.4 percent as of Thursday, down from a high of 23 percent in early January as the highly contagious omicron variant invaded New York.
Gov. Ron DeSantis to investigate with Florida AG “deceptive practices” of GoFundMe for trucker campaign | added Feb. 6
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Gov. Ron DeSantis said he would work with Florida Attorney General Ashley Moody to investigate GoFundMe for “deceptive practices” after the company said it would send remaining funds from the “Freedom Convoy” campaign to charities picked by organizers.
On Friday, the platform blocked $10 million in donations that were meant to go to the Canadian trucker vaccine protest. The protests began last weekend over mandates that truckers working across the US-Canada border must be vaccinated.
In a statement, GoFundMe said $1 million was released earlier this week and that fundraising organizers said the funds would be used for people who were traveling to Ottawa to participate in peaceful protests.
Moderna’s new drug ‘spikevax’ wins CDC approval for 18 and older as vax injuries rise | added February 6
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The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) today released new data showing a total of 1,088,560 reports of adverse events following covid vaccines were submitted between Dec. 14, 2020, and Jan. 28, 2022, to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS). VAERS is the primary government-funded system for reporting adverse vaccine reactions in the U.S.
The data included a total of 23,149 reports of deaths — an increase of 542 over the previous week — and 183,311 reports of serious injuries, including deaths, during the same time period — up 4,317 compared with the previous week.
Excluding “foreign reports” to VAERS, 747,760 adverse events, including 10,527 deaths and 69,089 serious injuries, were reported in the U.S. between Dec. 14, 2020, and Jan. 28, 2022.
Israel faces record breaking ‘covid’ cases since the start of pandemic | added February 6
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Israel recorded the highest number of serious covid-19 cases since the start of the pandemic over the weekend, with 1,213 people reported to be in serious condition. The previous record was 1,193 serious cases on January 17, 2021.
A total of 37,977 new covid-19 cases were recorded in Israel on Friday, according to a Saturday evening Health Ministry update, bringing the total number of active cases in Israel to 370,798.
The 1,213 serious cases include 270 intubated patients. Of the 148,988 tests taken, both PCR and antigen, there was a positive return rate of 25.5%. Of some 5,800 people currently hospitalized with covid-19, some 84% are over the age of 60. The haredi (ultra-Orthodox) sector comprised 8% of all serious and critical cases, while the Arab sector comprised 20%. The remainder are from the general population.
Mainstream media ordered to ignore medical data from US DOD and DMED database on vax injuries | added February 6
Read more at Steve Kirsch Substack
On February 1, 2022, US Senator Ron Johnson sent a letter to Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin on February 1 highlighting the dramatic rise in adverse events reported in the Defense Medical Epidemiology Database (DMED) after the vaccines were rolled out to the military. If the vaccines are truly “safe and effective,” these increases are difficult to explain.
For a quick intro to the database, I highly recommend you watch this 2 minute video of Dr. Robert Malone talking about the DMED database: DR. MALONE STATES DOD IS DELETING DATA FROM IT’S DATABASE TO COVER UP DAMAGES DONE BY THE “VACCINES”.
The individual doctors themselves realize that the vaccines are causing the harm documented in the DMED database. According to an insider I spoke to, around 40% of military docs realize what is going on, but doctors in the military can’t speak out against the vaccine because they are ordered not to say anything. So all these doctors have to remain silent. The data in DMED is their voice.
Prime Minister Scott Morrison declares businesses should decide ‘covid’ policy | added February 6
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Scott Morrison believes unvaccinated Australians should be able to go into a cafe for a coffee. The prime minister panned vaccine mandates on Thursday, saying they should only be enforced in settings where health workers deal with vulnerable people, adding that he considers limiting entry to retail and hospitality venues an overreach.
The prime minister took aim at Queensland’s plan to ban unvaccinated people from venues that will be reopened once 80 per cent of eligible residents are fully vaccinated. “They should be able to go and get a cup of coffee in Brisbane when you’re over 80 per cent, regardless of whether you’ve had the vaccine or not,” Morrison told reporters in Sydney on Thursday.
The prime minister indicated the only mandatory vaccines he supported were for healthcare workers. “As we get above 80 per cent in particular, when the scientific advice shows us and the research shows us, that means Australians can have their lives back,” he said.
Nostalgic for a future when presence is forgotten | added Feb. 6
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Despite its pedigree as a fundamental element in civilization’s greatest stories, nostalgia has come to be associated with treacly sentimentality, defeatism, and spurious spiritual inclinations.
Homer, Vergil, Dante, the Biblical writers, and their ilk would demur, of course, but they have been dead for a few years, so progress’s mantra urges us to get on with it. This is now.
But now is always, and like its twin – exile – nostalgia is perpetual. The aching for “home” – from Greek algos, pain + nostos, homecoming – is not simply a desire for the past, whether in reality or imagination, time or place, but a passionate yearning for the best from the past to be brought into the future.
Justin Trudeau hides from truck convoy | added February 6
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The Canadian truckers can’t be stopped! A “fringe” freedom convoy of over 50,000 truckers are protesting Prime Minister Justin Trudeau‘s mandates. The truckers are crusading for their Nation’s freedom and have gained worldwide support. Will they succeed? Here is everything you need to know from We Lie To You News.

NIH spent $2.3 million tax payer dollars injecting dogs in drug overdose experiment | added February 3
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The National Institutes of Health (NIH) spent about $2.3 million between 2020 and 2021 on an experiment that involved injecting beagle dogs with cocaine, according to a new report.
The White Coat Waste Project (WCWP), a watchdog group aiming to stop certain taxpayer-funded experiments on animals, on Monday published documents they obtained through a Freedom of Information Act request showing the research agency disbursed $2.3 million to the project.
“The objective of this study is to evaluate the potential adverse cardiovascular effects that may result when [redacted] (test article) and cocaine (interaction article) are administered together to male Beagle dogs,” the study obtained by White Coat Waste states. It also explains the experiment was designed to show how the effects of cocaine in the body can be altered with medication.
Call to action: FDA wants to approve Pfizer’s drug shot for 19 million children ages 6 months to 4 years old | added Feb. 3
Read more at Toby Rogers
This news came out last night but it is so horrifying that I could not write about it until now. Pfizer wants their disastrous mRNA shot added to the official schedule for children so that they can have liability protection forever.
The Pfizer mRNA shot in children 2- to 4-years old failed in the clinical trial. Acting FDA Commissioner, Janet Woodcock, following orders from the Biden administration said, (I’m paraphrasing here) ‘don’t worry about the fact that the shot does not work, we’ve got a drug to sell, submit an Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) application anyway.’
So today Pfizer submitted an EUA application for children six-months to four-years old. Neither the FDA nor Pfizer have any idea how many shots they will recommend. Pfizer says maybe three shots will work when two did not. There is no data to support that hypothesis.
U.S. Army begins to discharge soldiers who refuse ‘covid’ drug jabs | added February 3
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U.S. Army soldiers who refuse to be vaccinated for covid-19 will soon be discharged, the military branch announced Wednesday. The Army said it will “immediately begin separating Soldiers from the service” who refuse to be vaccinated or who don’t have an approved or pending request for exemption.
“Army readiness depends on Soldiers who are prepared to train, deploy, fight and win our nation’s wars,” said Secretary of the Army Christine Wormuth. “Unvaccinated Soldiers present risk to the force and jeopardize readiness.”
Soldiers who are discharged for refusing to be vaccinated “will not be eligible for involuntary separation pay” and may have to return any unearned special or incentive pay, the Army said.
Drug-related suicides on the rise among teen americans and seniors | added February 3
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Suicides by drug overdose have increased among teens, young adults and seniors, even as they declined for the overall population, U.S. federal researchers say. Drug-related suicides declined for Americans in general during the latter part of the 2010s, researchers from the U.S. National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) found.
But rates of suicide by overdose among 15- to 24-year-olds rose, as did those for 75- to 84-year-olds. These deaths fall into the same pattern of “deaths of despair” also linked to accidental overdoses and suicide by other means, said study co-author and NIDA director Dr. Nora Volkow.
“Both of them are likely driven by the same isolation and lack of mission,” she said. The study only looked at drug-related overdoses between 1999 and 2019, but Volkow said it’s likely the covid-19 pandemic has added to the problem.
CNN president Jeff Zucker resigns over sexual misconduct with closest colleague | added February 3
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CNN Worldwide president Jeff Zucker, the influential news executive who reshaped the iconic network, announced Wednesday morning that he has resigned from his position effective immediately.
Zucker’s stunning announcement came less than two months after he fired prime time anchor Chris Cuomo for improperly advising his brother, then-New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo, about how to address sexual misconduct allegations.
“As part of the investigation into Chris Cuomo’s tenure at CNN, I was asked about a consensual relationship with my closest colleague, someone I have worked with for more than 20 years,” Zucker told employees in a memo. “I acknowledged the relationship evolved in recent years. I was required to disclose it when it began but I didn’t. I was wrong. As a result, I am resigning today.”
CDC admits natural immunity surpasses drug induced — 5 months after claiming jabs superior | added February 3
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A Jan. 19 report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) showed natural immunity against covid was at least three times as effective as vaccination alone at preventing people from becoming infected with the delta variant.
Overall, the study showed natural immunity outperformed vaccine immunity when it came to preventing infection and hospitalization from delta.
The results contradicted a previous CDC study, published in August 2021, which concluded vaccination was better than natural immunity. The CDC issued a media statement about the August study, which was widely covered by mainstream press.
Whoopi Goldberg “livid” over suspension for view on the inhumane Holocaust | added February 3
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Whoopi Goldberg is “livid” after she was suspended from “The View” over her claim that the Holocaust was “not about race” — and is telling co-workers she is going to quit the show, according to a source.
Goldberg, 66, feels “humiliated” at being disciplined by ABC execs after she followed their advice to apologize for the ill-conceived comments, a well-placed insider told The Post.
“She feels ABC executives mishandled this. She followed their playbook. She went on ‘The Late Show With Stephen Colbert’ and then apologized again on ‘The View’ the next day,” a source said.
Open letter to the Archbishop of Canterbury: are all these ‘anti-vaxers’ really “immoral” murderers? | added February 3
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Dear Bishop Welby,
I recently heard an interview you gave in the run-up to Christmas (2021) in which you said you couldn’t understand people who don’t want the covid 19 vaccine and that people declining the vaccine are “immoral.”
I couldn’t agree more.
In fact, I would say that “immoral” isn’t strong enough.
So what if they’ve had medications that made them dangerously ill in the past, or they had an aunt who took it and snuffed it, or they’ve looked at the data and are concerned that the covid vaccines have killed more people than all vaccines combined over the last 30 years?
New Zealand rolls out a phased reopening of borders: jabbed citizens home first | added February 3
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New Zealand has announced a phased reopening of its borders, as the country starts to ease some of the world’s toughest covid restrictions. Vaccinated citizens in Australia can go home from 27 February without needing to undergo state mandatory hotel quarantine.
Jabbed citizens elsewhere will be allowed in from 13 March, said PM Jacinda Ardern. People will still have to self-isolate for 10 days but can do so at home. The announcement comes after growing criticism of Wellington’s controversial closed-border policy to keep out the coronavirus.
New Zealand’s borders have been shut for nearly two years due to the pandemic. In that period, the country of five million people has recorded 53 deaths and about 17,000 covid cases – very low numbers compared to the rest of the world. But while the closed border policy has been popular domestically, New Zealanders overseas said it had made it near impossible to go home.
The truth about Joe Rogan spreading misinformation on Spotify | added February 3
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With all the controversy surrounding Joe Rogan and his podcast, Spotify, misinformation, and the attempts to get Spotify to de-platform him, there’s a lot to keep track of. What’s true and what’s false? In this video, find out the truth about Joe Rogan, Spotify, and misinformation!
New York nurse whistleblower: recordings show possible botched administration of vax to children | added February 2
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Whistleblower recordings obtained by Project Veritas appear to show medical staff and supervisors admitting they used the wrong dilutant in giving the covid-19 vaccine to children, lower income, and homeless adults, and confirming the error “could cancel out [the protection of the vaccine] or have adverse effects.” The company, DocGo and their subsidiary Ambulnz, failed to disclose the incidents. It is also unclear if any affected patients were ever notified.
The recordings, which come from a whistleblower employed through DocGo/Ambulnz, show nurses and other staff admitting they improperly mixed the covid-19 vaccine with bacteriostatic water instead of saline solution.
Pfizer, the CDC, and the FDA give clear instructions about diluents saying bacteriostatic water is not to be used. Audio and video recordings, however, show nurses admitting that the erroneous mixture “could cancel out [the protection of the vaccine] or have adverse effects.”
Japanese pharmaceutical company finds ivermectin has anti-viral effect against ‘covid’ variants | added February 2
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Japan’s trading and pharmaceutical company Kowa Co Ltd said on Monday that anti-parasitic drug ivermectin has an “anti-viral” effect against the omicron variant of the coronavirus.
The firm has been working with Kitasato University, a medical university in Tokyo, on testing the drug as a potential covid-19 treatment. In a press release the company said that phase three non-clinical trial of the drug has shown anti-viral effect against omicron as well as other coronavirus variants, reported Reuters.
The company did not, however, share any further details. Ivermectin has been controversially touted as a potential treatment for covid since the earliest stages of the pandemic.
Pfizer and BioNTech request emergency use of drug shots for children 6 months to 5 years old | added February 2
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Pfizer and BioNTech are requesting emergency use authorization for their two-dose covid-19 vaccine for children age 6 months up to 5 years, the companies said Tuesday.
Pfizer and BioNTech said they have initiated a rolling submission of data to the US Food and Drug Administration after a request from the agency. They expect to complete the EUA submission in the coming days and say they will also submit clinical trial data to the European Medicines Agency and other agencies around the world. The FDA’s vaccine advisory committee will meet February 15 to discuss the submission.
Safety and effectiveness are key, said Dr. Paul Offit, a member of the committee and director of the Vaccine Education Center at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia.
British Medical Journal article exposes ‘fact-checking’ as politicized agenda | added February 2
Read more at Matt Taibbi
In February of 2010, the New York Times released a front-page story entitled, “Research Ties Diabetes Drug to Heart Woes.” The lede read:
Hundreds of people taking Avandia, a controversial diabetes medicine, needlessly suffer heart attacks and heart failure each month, according to confidential government reports that recommend the drug be removed from the market.
The Times piece quoted an internal F.D.A. report that said the GlaxoSmithKline diabetes drug Avandia, also known as Rosiglitazone, was “linked” to 304 deaths in 2009, adding the conclusion of the two doctors who authored the report: “Rosiglitazone should be removed from the market.”
The story was released in advance of a Senate Finance Committee study that produced a series of damning internal documents, including one in which an FDA safety officer expressed concern that Avandia presented such serious cardiovascular risks that “the safety of the study itself cannot be assured, and is not acceptable.”
WA state AG sues ‘covid’ control center for improper handling of tests | added February 2
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Attorney General Bob Ferguson filed a lawsuit against the Center for COVID Control, alleging the embattled company improperly handled tests and provided fake results.
Ferguson’s office announced the lawsuit Monday, saying the company “failed to deliver prompt, valid and accurate results,” made deceptive promises of results within 48 hours, and reportedly instructed its employees to “lie to patients on a daily basis.”
The lawsuit asserts the company also improperly stored covid-19 tests, keeping them in garbage bags for weeks before processing them, instead of refrigerating them as is required. The company paused nationwide operations after their testing site was shut down in Lakewood.
Fauci well aware of CCP virus lab leak, pushes alternate narrative | added February 2
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Dr. Anthony Fauci was told in a secret teleconference that the CCP virus had very likely leaked from a laboratory in China, yet still pushed the alternate narrative that it had originated naturally, new evidence allegedly shows.
Redacted emails that were recently made public suggest that Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), initiated efforts to cover up evidence pointing to a laboratory leak as the origin of the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) virus, which causes covid-19.
Evidence suggests that Fauci also actively shaped a highly influential academic paper first published on Feb. 16, 2020, before later being printed in the prominent science journal Nature which excluded such a possibility.
Colleges struggle to find mental health therapists as students seek counsel “in droves” | added February 2
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Early in his first quarter at the University of California-Davis, Ryan Manriquez realized he needed help. A combination of pressures — avoiding covid-19, enduring a breakup, dealing with a disability, trying to keep up with a tough slate of classes — hit him hard. “I felt the impact right away,” said Manriquez, 21.
After learning of UC-Davis’ free counseling services, Manriquez showed up at the student health center and lined up an emergency Zoom session the same day. He was referred to other resources within days and eventually settled into weekly group therapy.
That was September 2020. Manriquez, now president of the student union, considers himself lucky. It can take up to a month to get a counseling appointment, he said, and that’s “at a school that’s trying really hard to make services available.”
The agriculture cartel: genetic modifications are seeds of suicide | added February 2
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Every day we consume food grown in the toxic chemicals produced by the global agriculture conglomerates, who, like their pharmaceutical compatriots, may be described as profit-hungry monstrosities, well versed in the art of killing.
As explained by Dr Vandana Shiva in her book Oneness vs the 1%, the agrichemical industry we know today is nothing more than a continuation of the toxic tools and poisons from the post World World 2 labs of IG Farben.
A century ago, the money and oil of the Robber Barons came together with the finances and toxic technologies from the labs of IG Farben to form the Toxic Cartel that evolved the tools of killing. This is how a century of ecocide and genocide through poisons and toxic chemicals began. Chemicals developed to kill people in Hitler’s concentration camps during WWII became the agrichemicals for industrial agriculture when the war ended. This industrial agriculture was then forced on people everywhere.”[1]
Freedom convoy holds blockade at Alberta border crossing in protest over unlawful medical mandates | added February 2
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The demonstration is tied to the ongoing nationwide “Freedom Convoy” protests over Canada’s new restrictions on unvaccinated cross-border truckers. Some motorists and local residents have reportedly been stuck in standstill since the protest began on Saturday.
The Royal Canadian Mounted Police in Alberta said the event was “unlawful”. They said “extensive efforts” to negotiate with protest organisers had failed and the force has tapped “additional resources” to make arrests or tow trucks if needed.
“While we thought we had a path to resolve this, the protesters chose not to comply,” a statement said. The Freedom Convoy began as a call to end a federal vaccine mandate that would require unvaccinated Canadian truckers returning from across the US border to quarantine and get tested once they are home.
New rule: how the left was lost in real time | added February 2
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Bill slams this ridiculous new era of mind-numbing partisanship, where simply speaking truth to your own party can make you an instant hero to the other side. What’s next? Mr. Potato Head is now gender neutral. Ted Cruz is a real “stiff” but at least he believes in the concept of shopping with money. It’s not Bill’s fault the party of FDR and JFK is turning into the party of ‘lol’ and ‘wtf’.
Vax induced myocarditis injuring young people at record numbers. Will jabs bankrupt families? | added February 1
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For decades, families have been learning bitter lessons about the financial impact of vaccine injuries. In an estimated 18% to 26% of consumer bankruptcies or more, medical debt is the “predominant causal factor” — with medical debt often triggered by “sudden adverse events.”
Consider autism — by now indisputably linked to vaccines as well as other toxic exposures — which can saddle families with lifetime care costs of $1.4 to $2.4 million, setting up a contentious battleground between parents and entities like insurance companies and school systems that don’t want to “pick up that big tab.”
The government’s National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (NVICP), too, has gone to great lengths to avoid compensating autism and other childhood vaccine injuries, helped along by the well-known dysfunctions of the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS).
Denmark scraps most ‘covid’ mandate restrictions for now: no longer “a socially critical disease” | added February 1
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COPENHAGEN, Denmark — Denmark on Tuesday became one of the first European Union countries to scrap most pandemic restrictions as the Scandinavian country no longer considers the covid-19 outbreak “a socially critical disease.”
The reason for that is that while the omicron variant is surging in Denmark, it’s not placing a heavy burden on the health system and the country has a high vaccination rate, officials have said.
Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen told Danish radio it’s too early to know if measures may have to make a comeback. “I dare not say that it is a final goodbye to restrictions,” she said. “We do not know what will happen in the fall. Whether there will be a new variant.”
Participants receive first dose of Moderna’s experimental HIV drug with mRNA technology | added February 1
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The first participants have been vaccinated in a Phase 1 clinical trial of an experimental HIV vaccine that utilizes Moderna’s mRNA technology, the company announced last week.
The trial, titled IAVI G002, is being conducted in partnership IAVI, a nonprofit scientific research organization. It is testing a vaccine that delivers HIV-specific antigens to the body with the goal of inducing an immune response. These antigens were initially developed by researchers at IAVI and Scripps Research, led by Dr. William Schief.
In a “proof-of-concept” trial last year, the research team found the HIV antigens produced the desired immune response in 97% of participants. The current trial builds on the previous one by testing the primary version of the vaccine and also a booster version, and by employing Moderna’s mRNA technology, which was previously used to create a successful covid-19 vaccine.
‘Covid’ infected HIV patient develops at least 21 mutations, according to a new study | added February 1
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A South African woman suffering from inadequately treated HIV, and who harbored covid-19 for nine months saw the respiratory virus develop at least 21 mutations while in her body, according to a study.
Once the 22-year-old adhered to the anti-retroviral medication used to treat HIV and her immune system strengthened she was able to overcome the covid-19 infection within six to nine weeks, the study, led by scientists from Stellenbosch and the University of KwaZulu-Natal showed. The research has not been peer reviewed.
The study adds to evidence that covid-19 may mutate rapidly when harbored by immunosuppressed individuals, such as those not taking medication to treat HIV, and this may lead to the development of new variants. The beta variant, which the patient in the study was infected with, was discovered in South Africa, as was omicron.
Piedmont school attorneys win to remove medical mandates | added February 1
Read more at California Globe
Attorneys for Children’s Health Defense, California Chapter and Protection for the Educational Rights of Kids recently filed a lawsuit against Piedmont Unified School District over the district’s adoption of “an illegal covid-19 vaccine mandate for students aged 5 and older.” The lawsuit said the “mandate requires every ‘eligible’ student in the District to get the controversial and not FDA approved vaccines or be forced into distance learning and/or independent study.”
Facing charges of illegal segregation and discrimination, last evening the Piedmont School District Board voted to approve a revision of the covid-19 vaccination requirement, now allowing students to attend classes in person without the vaccination.
“The Piedmont USD Board is vacating the entire covid-19 vaccine mandate — and all associated discriminatory conditions that went along with it, such as arbitrarily discriminating against the unvaccinated in terms of extracurricular activities or other educational benefits, which is key,” Attorney Rita Barnett Rose told the Globe Thursday.
Moderna’s ‘covid’ jab receives full FDA approval | added Feb 1
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Moderna’s covid-19 vaccine has received full approval from the US Food and Drug Administration, according to news releases from the FDA and Moderna.
The vaccine, named Spikevax, is now approved for use in people ages 18 and older. It is not approved or authorized for use in younger individuals. There’s no difference between the approved vaccine and the vaccine previously available through emergency use authorization.
Moderna’s is the second covid-19 vaccine to receive full approval from the FDA. Pfizer’s covid-19 vaccine, Comirnaty, was approved for use in people age 16 and older in August. The Pfizer vaccine is also authorized for use in individuals ages 5 to 15.
Bret Weinstein, vax injury coverups “a monster” | added Feb 1
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“It’s a monster. It is willing to actually harm people with a vaccine, and then gaslight them over whether they have been harmed.” — Bret Weinstein
In a video posted on Farber’s substack, Weinstein discusses how vax injured people should be taken care of as heroes who underwent a medical procedure that was made to ‘protect us’. Instead, these people are immorally ignored and we are seeing how therapies that don’t have a profit and actually work are withdrawn.
Blind compliance and commitment to freedom | added Feb 1
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There are many things we can do to liberate ourselves, and each other, from the tyranny of government. Unfortunately, for generations, we have been educated to believe we are powerless.
Supposedly our voice can only be heard through the ballot box, our extremely limited ability to lobby and whatever protests we are allowed.
This is a deception. We have all the power, government has none and we can change the world whenever we choose.
All we need to do is realise our collective agency and strength. The good news is that, if we consistently work toward freedom, achieving it is a nailed on certainty. The bad news is that very few of us are even aware of the need to change our behaviour and fewer still know how to do it.
Pandemic of “sudden deaths” from January 25-31, 2022 | added February 1
Read more at Mark Crispin Miller
As I noted in my first necrology, “died suddenly” no longer pops up in obituaries only now and then, as a tactful way of indicating suicide, or fatal overdose on an illegal drug.
It’s only since the rollout of the covid “vaccination” drive that “died suddenly,” or “died unexpectedly,” has become a commonplace in obits, all around the world, as it now tends to mean exactly what it says: that a given death was not a suicide or overdose, but simply unexpected, and, more often than not, premature.
As the media continues to promote those lethal shots—even for children, and pregnant women—and therefore either looks away from what those shots are really doing, or actively (and unsuccessfully) “debunks” it, we will keep looking closely into what those unforgivable accomplices want us all not to see.
So, what exactly are white people superior at? | added Feb 1
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This is the same exact video “what are white people superior at,” but with the races switched. Find out which race smells the funkiest, plays the victim best, and cooks the blandest food. Note: you may find some commonalities and contradictions among the various human species. It’s okay since at the end of the day, we are only one: human race.