Albion New Moon in Taurus

Read the Horoscope Associated With This Article Saturday, the Moon and Sun form a conjunction with the minor planet Albion, formerly known as 1992 QB1. Dear Friend and Reader: Has anyone heard of the planet Abion? Anyone? Raise your hand if you have. Hmm, not seeing any. Perhaps that’s because its primary discoverer, British astronomer … Read more

Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope for April 28, 2022

Saturday, the Moon and Sun form a conjunction with the minor planet Albion, formerly known as 1992 QB1. Audio Presentation on this Event from STARCAST Dear Friend and Reader: Has anyone heard of the planet Abion? Anyone? Raise your hand if you have. Hmm, not seeing any. Perhaps that’s because its primary discoverer, British … Read more

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Sun in Taurus, Jupiter Entering Aries and More Conjunctions

Dear Friend and Reader: The season deepens as we begin the journey through Taurus time. We are heading for the cross-quarter — the balancing point between equinox and solstice. Today I have the May monthly horoscope for you. This is an overview of the most significant developments of the month as they influence the signs … Read more