Jupiter Meets Neptune: Do You Love the Truth?

Dear Friend and Reader: When Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche, the Tibetan buddhist master, spoke at the Woodstock Community Center many years ago, he told his audience, “There are two kinds of love: grandmother love, and the truth.” I offer this idea for your consideration now, as Jupiter and Neptune — the classical and modern planetary rulers … Read more

Planet Waves April Monthly — Part 2, by Eric Francis

DO NOT MISS THE NEW STARCAST The chances are, you are doing a lot better. You also have the potential to take things up a few notches. You have options open, including the ability and the potential to take much better care of yourself. Aries (March 20-April 19) — It’s rare that people recognize their blessings, … Read more

Jupiter Conjunct Neptune: Do You Love the Truth?

The presence of Neptune in any aspect pattern is an indicator to question the difference between perception and reality. That adorable little trident says, “It’s time for a reality check — if you can stand it.” For those who cannot, we certainly have plenty of options open. And with Neptune, the checking of reality must involve one’s commitment to honesty.

Chiron New Moon: Aphelion Dreamland

Friday’s Aries New Moon is conjunct centaur planet Chiron — a special event with the message of ‘it’s time to wake up!’ Dear Friend and Reader: Friday we are up to the Aries New Moon — the conjunction of the Moon and the Sun in Aries. This is an action-packed chart, with most of the … Read more