Jupiter Conjunct Pluto, Mars Stations Direct

Dear Friend and Reader: Before I get into this week’s astrology, I have a thought about the inner journey of which astrology is rightly a part. The nature of the spiritual path is to question reality. That is, to question what seems to be reality, and to seek some underlying existence, some deeper truth. Once … Read more

November Surprises — The Month You Don’t Forget

Link to Horoscope Dear Friend and Reader: Right now all astrology is heading in the direction of Aquarius. Jupiter and Saturn enter the sign of the Water Bearer and form a conjunction exactly on the solstice. This begins a new era of astrology — what I am calling the Aquarian Era, which we got a … Read more

The Spectacular Halloween Full Moon

Dear Friend and Reader: In the midst of so much other astrology, a rather alive Full Moon takes place on Halloween. To sum up, the Moon will be exactly conjunct the rebellious, electrical planet of surprises, Uranus. It is the perfect aspect for our moment, happening just days before the United States election. Many who … Read more