Mars Stations Retrograde Wednesday at 6:22 pm EDT

Dear Friend and Reader: Today and Thursday I’ll have details about Mars stationing retrograde, which occurs at 6:22 pm EDT (22:22 UTC) on Wednesday, Sept. 9. First, though, let’s consider the movements of Mercury and Venus. This past weekend we’ve had two inner planet sign changes. Mercury entered Libra on Saturday, and Venus entered Leo … Read more

Once in a Lifetime: From Self-Actualization to Soul Retrieval

Dear Friend and Reader:

First, before we get into Mars retrograde, remember: everything is headed for the Jupiter-Saturn conjunction in the first degree of Aquarius. Mars retrograde is preparation for whatever that aspect is about, and whatever that is, it’s something big.

At the same time, Chiron is still early in its trek through Aries; we have a lot to learn from this. The relationship is that the individuation of Chiron in Aries is essential for functioning under the intensified group energy of the forthcoming Aquarius planets.

Whether or not you get assimilated into the Borg and reduced to an IP address has much to do with your response to the conditions on the planet as they are developing now.

We are experiencing once-in-a-lifetime events; the pattern we are in will never repeat itself on any timescale relevant to contemporary history. The choice as always is to wake up or go to sleep, though it’s never been so crucial as it is today. We were in many ways blindsided by Saturn conjunct Pluto back in January. We are now under new astrology of equal magnitude, which is approaching fast. We are on notice to pay attention and to be ready to take action.

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Pisces Full Moon, Conjunct Nessus

Posted on Aug. 31, 2020 | Link to original

Planet Waves
Photo by Lanvi Nguyen.

Dear Friend and Reader:

Overnight Tuesday to Wednesday, the Moon reaches full phase in Pisces. The aspect peaks on Sept. 2, at 1:22 am EDT, which will make for an interesting night of dreaming if anyone can get to sleep.

We finally have an aspect that harmonizes with the rest of the sky rather than bangs into it: the earthy Sun and watery Moon go well with all the activity in the Earth and Fire signs, and sidestep Mars and Eris — though we will be hearing from them again soon enough.

In the background of everything is Mars getting ready to station retrograde on Sept. 9. That is going to stir the pot because the retrograde involves a long conjunction to chaos goddess Eris, as well as squares to everyone in the smoke-filled room of Pallas, Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn. That discussion I will save for the monthly edition, which comes out in a day or two.

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Sun in Virgo: The Sign of Healing | by Eric Francis

Posted on August 24, 2020 | Link to original Dear Friend and Reader: Saturday at 11:45 am ET, the Sun entered the mutable earthy sign Virgo. This begins a disseminating phase of the Sun, moving through the last sign of a season as it leads to the next. Apropos of Virgo, we are in a … Read more

Planet Waves Betty Dodson Archive

Welcome to the Planet Waves Betty Dodson archive Note from Eric: Thanks for visiting our Betty Dodson archive. It’s not quite complete. I’ve written so much about her and done so many presentations it will take a little while. I did find this mini-resource recently, which links to several other articles, including my article written … Read more