Mercury Opposite Uranus: How to Change Your Mind (Introduction to Epistemology)

Dear Friend and Reader: Sunday, I was contemplating where to begin discussion of this week’s astrology, when I noticed that on Monday, retrograde Mercury is opposite Uranus. Both are in fixed signs: Uranus in Taurus, Mercury in Scorpio. An asteroid is involved, which is Juno. The alignment is pin-perfect. The combination of Mercury and Uranus … Read more

Center of the Cyclone

While politics itself tends toward total neurosis and often psychosis, one thing I have seen work to get a result is public involvement. Politicians are one and all afraid of what they think the public knows, which is why a free press is so crucial.

Mercury Retrograde, New Moon in the Hot Zone

Dear Friend and Reader: This is one of the most interesting astrological weeks of an interesting year — complete with all the implications of the Chinese curse. Before I get into the astrology, I want to repeat my caution that we are, in these weeks and months, setting the pattern of our lives for the … Read more