Virgo Full Moon Memoir :: By Eric Francis

Spending time in this space for the past four months has been a reminder of what it means to be free. It’s a reminder of what is possible when fear is left behind and where cell phones are left in the car, or at home. And most of all it’s a reminder of how easy … Read more

Until the Equinox | March 2021 Horoscope by Eric Francis

Dear Friend and Reader: When the Sun enters Aries on March 20, it does so in a conjunction to the asteroid Child. Magnified by the Aries Point, this conjunction is a reminder that we live in what poet Robert Bly has called the Sibling Society: a civilization not just without adults, but lacking in commitment. … Read more

Delta of Venus: Pisces and the Virgo Full Moon

Dear Friend and Reader: As we approach the Virgo Full Moon, we move deep into the heart of Pisces. The 12th and most mysterious sign of the zodiac, the Virgo Moon this weekend will reflect that sublime light back to us and maybe it will be easier to see and feel. Or to hear: I’ve … Read more

Planet Waves FM | February 19, 2021 | Mercury Direct in Aquarius

February 19, 2021 | Mercury direct in Aquarius, with Saturn square Uranus. Review: One year into the Covid story. Interview with Tom DiFerdinando about Wilhelm Reich Mobile device | Thank you for sponsoring Planet Waves FM | Live Music Stream by Vision Quest – Fabulous! Interview with Tom starts at about 2 hours right … Read more

The Conspiracy of Wholeness and Healing

Dear Friend and Reader: AM HAVING DIFFICULTY going out of my home and office these days. And I know what it is. When I step outside, I enter a world of people involved in some shade of anxiety, fear or terror. I am feeling pretty good. And then I look around at all these anxious … Read more