Mercury Retrograde: Your Round Tuit

Mercury retrograde is a time to review and complete, and in the process, do some preparation for what you want to happen after Mercury returns to direct motion. It is an invisible condition of the environment that we astrology fans have the ability to use in our favor.

Chiron Return of Roe v. Wade :: The More Things Change

THE EXTRAORDINARY LEAK of a draft decision of the United States Supreme Court is itself a sign of the times. Yet another thing that’s never happened before actually has. We can be sure that the court staff will face something akin to waterboarding as the justices figure out just how that PDF got loose.

Albion New Moon in Taurus

Read the Horoscope Associated With This Article Saturday, the Moon and Sun form a conjunction with the minor planet Albion, formerly known as 1992 QB1. Audio Presentation on this Event from STARCAST Dear Friend and Reader: Has anyone heard of the planet Abion? Anyone? Raise your hand if you have. Hmm, not seeing any. … Read more

Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope for April 28, 2022

Saturday, the Moon and Sun form a conjunction with the minor planet Albion, formerly known as 1992 QB1. Audio Presentation on this Event from STARCAST Dear Friend and Reader: Has anyone heard of the planet Abion? Anyone? Raise your hand if you have. Hmm, not seeing any. Perhaps that’s because its primary discoverer, British … Read more