Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for October 2024 by Eric Francis

Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — A solar eclipse in your birth sign may come with some pressure, a feeling of fate, and a sense of too-fast movement. Yet there are few better invitations to improving your life in every way. The eclipse is a moment of forgetting and of remembering. There’s a shift in continuity, and an interval of possibility.

Planet Waves Weekly for Sep. 19, 2024 by Eric Francis

Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — The days before the Sun enters your sign can be tense, as if you’re not quite aware that your worst fears might be true. This might be especially challenging with the Full Moon happening on the 17th, conjunct mystical, delusional Neptune in Pisces. Is there a lake, a forest…

Planet Waves Weekly for Sep. 12, 2024 by Eric Francis

Look out the window. What do you see? Go outside and walk around a little. What do you feel? You are a child of the Earth. But Virgo has a strange affinity to technology, which can hold you like a spell and divide you from the natural world. The thing about Virgo is that it stands halfway between a forest…

The Essential Questions of Virgo

Holistic is the adjective form of “holism,” a word a mere century old, coined by J.C. Smuts in his book Holism and Evolution. This is about the integration of seemingly separate parts, from Greek holos, from the older root sol, meaning whole and well kept. Smuts wrote, “This character of ‘wholeness’ meets us…

The Chiron Factor, Part One

A close look at the life and times of Chiron — and its influence on this moment in history. Chiron’s discovery was a watershed moment for astrology, and it’s now a prominent metaphor of our times. Just five months ago, the world experienced a total solar eclipse conjunct Chiron. Exact to the arc minute (1/60th of a degree)…