Aquarius Moon: Out of Place is Where They’re at Home

The Aquarius Moon often presents a puzzle to astrologers. The Moon is a cyclical creature, constantly changing. Aquarius is a fixed sign and tends to crystallize patterns. The Moon is inherently emotional and Aquarius is usually described as being rational and intellectual. Sometimes annoyingly so.

Trust and Vulnerability

Today’s Aquarius Full Moon takes place on the anniversary of the grand cross, total solar eclipse in Leo of Aug. 11, 1999. This event, anticipated for many years prior, was the harbinger of the millennium to come.

Planet Waves Weekly Horoscopes for August 11, 2022

Aries (March 20-April 19) — The world has become a strange place socially, with many people still convinced that breathing is a threat to human life. You might want to take some time and decide for yourself whether that is true. You will benefit from some consistency here.

The Wedge

The curious thing is the rollout of a “gay virus” for the first time since the early 1980s here in woke 2022. This is happening in a time of unprecedented acceptance of queer as folk, as married folk, as respectable parents, good neighbors and purveyors of quality retail.

Planet Waves Weekly Horoscopes for August 4, 2022

Aries (March 20-April 19) — You can do anything you’re not afraid to do. Therefore, don’t let your anxieties get in the way of your desires. See if you can take a ride on your confidence. It will be worth any conscious effort to get through resistance or insecurity, which could manifest as your ruling planet Mars makes a square to Saturn this week.