
“As I have said, this isn’t the first time your civilization has been at this brink,” God says to Walsch at one point in their dialogue. “I want to repeat this, because it is vital that you hear this. Once before on your planet, the technology you developed was far greater than your ability to use it responsibly.”

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscopes for August 2022

The Sun enters your sign in grand style on Friday, joining Mercury and the powerful asteroid Isis, among other factors. Isis is a wholly appropriate symbol for Leo, whose main job in life is to hold things together — as described by the Sun, around which orbit more than one million planets and various kinds of asteroids.

Detailed Coverage of WHO’s Declaration of Global Monkeypox Pandemic

For those interested, I have coverage of the World Health Organization (WHO) declaring another global pandemic Saturday — this time for monkeypox. That happened Saturday afternoon Geneva time. This is available on a publishing platform called Substack. Everyone may read without logging in. Just bypass login by clicking “Let me read it first.”

Planet Waves Weekly Horoscopes for July 21, 2022

The Sun enters your sign in grand style on Friday, joining Mercury and the powerful asteroid Isis, among other factors. Isis is a wholly appropriate symbol for Leo, whose main job in life is to hold things together — as described by the Sun, around which orbit more than one million planets and various kinds of asteroids.

Leo, Isis and the Royal Star Regulus

The Sun enters the fixed fire sign Leo at 4:07 pm on Friday. It does so in an exact conjunction to asteroid Isis. This is an urgent message that we must do something about the fragmentation of self that we are experiencing under full digital conditions. Countless millions of people are walking around on the planet like confused and wayward souls trapped in Bardo.