Planet Waves Weekly Horoscopes for September 8, 2022

Aries (March 20-April 19) — As it appears in your chart, the upcoming Full Moon is visionary. It is in Pisces, in the house of dreams and visions; an astrological event of mythical proportions. And this is met by the Sun in Virgo, which describes your willingness to do the work to make your ideas into something real. There is a translation process here.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscopes for September

Aries (March 20-April 19) — You cannot really be of two minds, though many people try. Without recognizing it consciously, they hold two competing belief systems, switching from one to the other. Often, this leads to what A Course in Miracles calls “the war against yourself,” which is designed to do one thing only — rob you of your spiritual inheritance.

STARCAST covering the Virgo New Moon and more

Dear Friend and Listener: STARCAST is back after a two-month hiatus. Today’s edition of STARCAST covers the Virgo New Moon, as well as the forthcoming Mercury and Mars retrogrades. I cover a diversity of minor planets, two hypothetical points, and introduce the new planet Gongong. Below is the chart that I read on the program. … Read more

The History of the Nuclear Crisis, and Nuclear Astrology

Dear Friend and Reader: As you probably know, there is a crisis being created at the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant, the largest in Europe. Many are wondering what is going to happen. One of my areas of study is the world nuclear crisis. My best summary is in the article Notes from Downwind where I … Read more

Reminder: Mars Enters Gemini Saturday

This is a week off from astrology for me. I will be back next week with the September monthly horoscope. To those who depend on the horoscope, thank you — it’s important that I give my mind a rest from reading charts. I will also be taking a week off from Planet Waves FM. It is tempting to do a show, but I’m going to give it a rest.