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The Light in Virgo, and All Those Retrogrades
Dear Friend and Reader:
Virgo sunlight is unusual. I don’t know what it is, though it’s a whole different shade of illumination than even weeks earlier in the summer. Here in the Northern Hemisphere, the days are growing shorter as we approach equinox.
The Sun’s arc across the daytime sky is lower, and the degree of sunrise is creeping south along the horizon. You can watch it day-by-day make its trek along the Catskill Mountains as seen from a reservoir nearby.
The air is thick and still, with the feeling of the last weeks of summer camp. Here in New York, it’s a lush time of year.
Many Planets Retrograde
I’ve seen some commentary about how many retrograde planets there are. The reason for this is that most of the slow-movers are to one side of the Sun. In order, they are Uranus, Jupiter, Eris, Chiron, Neptune, Nessus, Saturn, Pluto and Pholus.
These are all bodies that are retrograde every year for several months; they just happen to be close together at the moment, spanning about 120 degrees of the sky.
The effect may be uncomfortable: a calling to be introspective in a time when we are being sucked out of ourselves and our inner awareness by the digital environment. It may also seem difficult to make progress, in the outer sense. Yet there is plenty of progress to be made on the interior aspects of existence, which are now more important than ever.
There is much inner work to be done — and most people are dismissing it. This was true before the iPhone, but it’s never been easier to avoid yourself, your feelings or the necessities of growth.

Venus Direct, Mercury Interior Conjunction
Your objective at this time is getting both sides of your brain talking to one another in a friendly manner. This is more unusual than it seems; nearly all conflict in the world, and within individuals, stems from conflict between the rational and the intuitive.
Aries (March 20-April 19) — You are getting a look in the cosmic mirror. Do you recognize what is being reflected back to you? Remember that mirrors present a reverse image. It’s not exactly what people see when they look at you; and you are the only one who can see what you look like to yourself. So it will help if you make certain corrections, most of which will involve reversing left and right. This is not about politics; rather, it’s hemispheric. Your objective at this time is getting both sides of your brain talking to one another in a friendly manner. This is more unusual than it seems; nearly all conflict in the world, and within individuals, stems from conflict between the rational and the intuitive; what seems to be provable and what merely seems to be creative. Yet the conflict is not what it seems, especially if you commit yourself to getting your mind and body working as one entity, and not excluding any facet of yourself. This is known as internal integration, and it’s a beautiful thing.
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You tend to get lost in the details, and to turn what could be an easy flow into a head trip… Yet clearly you have something you want to express. Why hold back?
Taurus (April 19-May 20) — It’s essential that you take a bolder, more daring approach to expressing yourself. There is always what seems to be a risk involved in doing so – thus most people don’t dare. Yet usually this is not about a real loss but rather the fear of being perceived as a fool, a faker or incompetent. And those are the very concerns you must burn for fuel. Many times the most creative and interesting developments happen through accident and not expertise. That suggests that experimentation is the way to creativity, rather than some academic formula, or expectation. You tend to get lost in the details, and to turn what could be an easy flow into a head trip. And you also get lost in other responsibilities that distract you from exploring. Yet clearly you have something you want to express. Why hold back?
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It’s not always easy for you to process through emotional material; the presence of Mercury-ruled Virgo on your house of emotions suggests you prefer to think things through. Yet you have feelings, and they are trying to get your attention.
Gemini (May 20-June 21) — Take the next week and work through what seems to be a persistent family issue. The odds are that you’re thinking of this situation in a way so narrow that it does not encompass what is really happening. So therefore, broaden your view, and give the notion of ‘family’ a wide berth. It is anything that involves your relatives, or relates to childhood circumstances, even if indirectly. Then, add in anything of a household nature, even if those other than blood relatives are involved. It’s not always easy for you to process through emotional material; the presence of Mercury-ruled Virgo on your house of emotions suggests you prefer to think things through. Yet you have feelings, and they are trying to get your attention. Within your household environment, there is the necessary condition of kindness. Anything or anyone that departs from this one central condition needs to be addressed.
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The angle to focus on right now is desire rather than need. You can afford to be a little more self-serving, and set aside any obsession you may have with taking care of others. That has its time and its place.
Cancer (June 21-July 22) — Getting your priorities in order has been your cosmic assignment of the past two months, and it will continue for a while. This may involve sorting out necessity from luxury in terms of what you do with your money, but there is much more to the story. Think of all of your resources as one large category — all that you have, know and are capable of. This includes your talents and any knowledge you’ve acquired that is valid and useful. You might ask: what am I going to do with the gifts and assets that I have? Their use is not spoken for. They are your assets, and you can take them with you wherever you go; and do with them whatever you want. The angle to focus on right now is desire rather than need. You can afford to be a little more self-serving, and set aside any obsession you may have with taking care of others. That has its time and its place.
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It is true that as adults with complex lives, it’s not always so easy getting everything else out of the way. But this is not about changing everything; rather, start with the least you can do to connect with yourself and then in some way manifest your personal truth in the physical world.
Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — What is an artist? It’s not about paintbrushes or a sculpting chisel. It is about the person who is what they do, rather than who does what they do. I’ve described this theme many different ways for you through the course of Venus retrograde in your birth sign. I know this may seem like a luxury of circumstance, though there are many who could have it no other way; they cannot present any facet of themselves other than what they are on the cellular level. Perhaps you are one such person and the past few months have come with a reorientation. In some way, large or small, this event has brought you closer to your core talent, which is designed to be expressed through your core mission. They are one and the same. It is true that as adults with complex lives, it’s not always so easy getting everything else out of the way. But this is not about changing everything; rather, start with the least you can do to connect with yourself and then in some way manifest your personal truth in the physical world.
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Mercury stationing direct, followed by the New Moon in your sign, is granting you an opportunity to start over in some significant way. But use these last days of the retrograde, and of the lunar cycle, to get obstacles out of the way.
Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — Mercury stationing direct, followed by the New Moon in your sign, is granting you an opportunity to start over in some significant way. But use these last days of the retrograde, and of the lunar cycle, to get obstacles out of the way. You may not be able to move or resolve everything that is obstructing your path. But you will do well if you address one small matter, and one large one. That’s all you need to do in order to get the momentum going; to get into solutions mode, rather than being stuck in go-round-and-round mode. Think of the issues you work out as being ritual objects. Take care of one important matter, and imagine you are taking care of others in effigy; or in a practical sense, inventing a way to handle all similar issues. You could do something ordinary like sort out all your papers and paper mail; that will help you get a sense of control or mastery.
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Astrology Studio for Libra is now available for preorder.
Take note of what you think must be done at a particular time, and verify whether that is true. Libra possesses a quality unusual among all the signs, which I call the “human blow torch.” You can turn yourself down to a barely-perceptible flame; you can turn yourself up to the level of a rockstar on a moment’s notice.
Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — If Mars in your sign is making you feel unstoppable, then you had better stop. Pace yourself; pause and reflect regularly. Take note of what you think must be done at a particular time, and verify whether that is true. Libra possesses a quality unusual among all the signs, which I call the “human blow torch.” You can turn yourself down to a barely-perceptible flame; you can turn yourself up to the level of a rockstar on a moment’s notice. Mars is pushing you to turn your flame all the way up, when this is not necessary. Your words, deeds and actions have influence and impact beyond what you can perceive. So you don’t need to strive for much; invest your awareness in gently directing the flow of your life rather than ramping it up, or pushing the river. Said another way, conserve energy. You don’t need any extra heat or flame right now.
It may not be easy to take responsibility for how you feel, but it is true: the content of your mind and emotional body are your property. Therefore, be careful what you project onto others, and try to make them responsible for.
Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — Because you tend to be directed by your emotions, it’s sometimes difficult to keep a handle on your fear level. Mars moving through immediately prior sign Libra may be knocking you off balance, and from there, one thing can lead to another. This is a situation that calls for inner awareness. It may not be easy to take responsibility for how you feel, but it is true: the content of your mind and emotional body are your property. Therefore, be careful what you project onto others, and try to make them responsible for. This may seem convenient, though it’s the thing that is preventing you from being at peace with yourself. If, for example, you feel that others have undue influence in your life, and somehow seem to take charge of you, it’s part of the same dynamic. Take back your power: your thoughts, feelings and needs belong to you and no other.
You have the visionary type of personality, and it’s never easy for you to explain what you want to accomplish, or what your motives are. With Mercury moving retrograde in the angle of your chart that addresses your highest ambitions, you at least need to consider these things.
Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — You have the visionary type of personality, and it’s never easy for you to explain what you want to accomplish, or what your motives are. With Mercury moving retrograde in the angle of your chart that addresses your highest ambitions, you at least need to consider these things. The act of explaining them to someone else will help you clarify your thoughts and ideas. I’m not suggesting you discuss your most cherished ideas with people randomly. Choose carefully, and at most, two people you genuinely trust, who take a positive view of who you are and what you do. You’re not approaching them to gain approval, but only clarity within your own mind. To that end, writing your ideas and plans will help, and astrologically, this is the ideal time to review and upgrade your CV or LinkedIn. Speaking as someone who hires people, where the CV is concerned, nobody wants to read more than a page in the first go. Save the long one for when you are asked for details.
You came to the place you finally got to after much work and self-observation; you have taken yourself apart and put yourself back together. So you may not want to do it one last time — though all your efforts have led to this moment.
Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — Pluto will be moving retrograde in your sign for about another month. Then it resumes its journey in the direction of Aquarius. You may be aware that you are nearing the end of an approximately 15 year phase of your life. In that time, you have dug into many aspects of your nature; you’ve been confronted by many things you had no idea existed. And in the process you have decided that the way things really are is different from the way that you thought they were. Yet it would seem that you are reconsidering even these hard-won conclusions and observations. You came to the place you finally got to after much work and self-observation; you have taken yourself apart and put yourself back together. So you may not want to do it one last time — though all your efforts have led to this moment.
Spend your time gathering your facts, and do not argue with those determined never to agree with you. They may seem prepared to push you to the level of a struggle, and I suggest you not fall for that.
Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — The tension in the air feels like you have to negotiate with people who will not budge or see your point of view. However, sooner or later, they are going to figure out that you have a point. Therefore, abide in your time, and do not say too much. There are certain relationships that have to end, so that you can get on with your business. Yet you need to have your timing right. So spend your time gathering your facts, and do not argue with those determined never to agree with you. They may seem prepared to push you to the level of a struggle, and I suggest you not fall for that. Yes, they are in possession of certain facts and a kind of logic. Yet facts and logic may contain elements of truth, but truth itself is something else, and available through different means. So there is no point arguing.
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You have important priorities to address, and thanks to Saturn, you are addressing the bottom line in several aspects of your life. Carry on with that project; do not be deterred by people who invest their lives in distractions, who make excuses or who ask questions that don’t have answers.
Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — You know where certain people are coming from, and you may admit that they are not changing their mind about anything any time soon. You will torment yourself trying to “figure them out,” because there is nothing to figure; they only think they make sense — to themselves. You have important priorities to address, and thanks to Saturn, you are addressing the bottom line in several aspects of your life. Carry on with that project; do not be deterred by people who invest their lives in distractions, who make excuses or who ask questions that don’t have answers. This is also a good time to evaluate who you surround yourself with. It will become obvious over the next week or so who is actually supporting your growth, and who is merely taking your energy. This is the time in your life when you will learn to be your own best friend.
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