Moonshine Horoscope for December

Dear Friend and Reader: These horoscopes, written by our global correspondent Genevieve Hathaway (who is now in Australia), are based on your Moon sign. To look that up, enter your birth data into It helps to have your birth time but it’s not necessary in most cases. I suggest you also read your Sun and … Read more

The Mayans, Juno and the Abyss

Link to original Dear Friend and Reader: It’s time for yet another visit with the chart for 12/21/12 before the event itself. Well, maybe ‘event’ is too strong of a word, though this seems to be the conclusion of a 5,125-year span of history that began on Aug. 11, 3113 BCE, day one of the … Read more

The Mayans, Juno and the Abyss

Dear Friend and Reader: It’s time for yet another visit with the chart for 12/21/12 before the event itself. Well, maybe ‘event’ is too strong of a word, though this seems to be the conclusion of a 5,125-year span of history that began on Aug. 11, 3113 BCE, day one of the first baktun of the Mayan … Read more

Onward, Inward, and the Unseen Guide

Dear Friend and Reader: I have been boycotting the news lately, devoting myself entirely to the study of psychological and spiritual astrology for LISTEN, the 2013 annual. I have been studying my annotated 2013 charts, about 100 of them, since early July, and now is when I pull many planets and aspects together into a series … Read more

Deeper than Confetti: An Introspective Year

Link to original Dear Friend and Reader: I’ve been watching the news the past few weeks for signs and symbols of Mercury retrograde in Scorpio, which ended Monday. This and the surrounding astrology (covered in Tuesday’s edition featuring Twin Peaks) caps off a deeply introspective year. I feel confident saying everyone learned a lot about … Read more