Planet Waves Inner Space Horoscope for August 2014

Planet Waves Inner Space Horoscope for August 2014 | By Eric Francis August is characterized by new developments in the sky — Jupiter in Leo for the first time since 2003, and Mars in Scorpio for the first time since late in the summer of 2012. Mars holds a long square to Jupiter well into … Read more

World Without End

Dear Friend and Reader: As Jupiter and the Sun entered Leo this week (their conjunction was exact Thursday afternoon), one event after the next has offered vivid and painful confirmation of a world in crisis. On the personal level, field reports are coming in with a diversity of responses to the current astrology, though I’m … Read more

The Vexing Issue of Self-Esteem

Dear Friend and Reader: Jupiter has taken up residence in Leo for the next year, which in our astrological microcosm is a real change of pace. Mars is now making its way through the last degrees of Libra; it will enter Scorpio next week and then form an exact square to Jupiter on Aug. 1. … Read more

Full Moon Door: Across the Nodal Axis

Dear Friend and Reader: Full Moon events often feel like a threshold, though Saturday’s Full Moon in Capricorn is a psychic gateway to another phase of existence. It’s a transitional event between eight months dominated by planets in all four of the cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn), into a new phase of the … Read more

Supreme Court Rules: No Sex for Fun

Dear Friend and Reader: On one level, people get it. If the Supreme Court can rule that a for-profit corporation can ignore a federal mandate to provide health insurance that includes birth control coverage to women based on an ethical objection, then the government must respect everyone’s ethical values. This is called Equal Protection Under … Read more