Something is Rotten in Washington

Dear Friend and Reader: In its official history, as told on its website, the United States Secret Service leaves out the fact that President Lincoln signed the legislation creating the agency several hours before he was assassinated. The intended purpose of the Secret Service had nothing to do with protecting the president or his family. Its initial … Read more

Inner Space Monthly Horoscope for October 2014

Inner Space Monthly Horoscope for October 2014 | By Eric FrancisIn October there are two eclipses and a Mercury retrograde — many people will feel put through the paces, but if you psych yourself up, you can put the intensity to good use. Mercury retrograde says review, rethink and revise. Eclipses say transition. So the … Read more

Eclipses of October

Dear Friend and Reader: Astrological events love to come in clusters. Watching the sky for a while, you can get the feeling you do when you’re waiting for a city bus — why can’t they spread out and come every 15 minutes instead of four busses showing up at the same time? Well, a lot … Read more

Makemake and the Equinox

Dear Friend and Reader: Today is the equinox — the Sun arrived in Libra overnight Monday to Tuesday in most time zones where our readers live. What distinguishes this equinox from any other is that a planet called Makemake is right in that first degree of Libra, and the Sun is now aligned with it. … Read more