Moonshine Horoscopes — Taurus Full Moon Edition

By Len Wallick Aries (March 20-April 19) — Posses yourself, and your possessions will be more secure. Accept yourself, and you will find greater acceptance. Empower yourself and your power will grow. Regardless of your proficiency with mathematics, there is a divine form of arithmetic available to you right now. What you add will multiply. Where … Read more

The Saturn Files: Reckoning

Dear Friend and Reader: The Sun, Venus and Pallas Athene have all entered Scorpio, joining up with slow-moving Saturn. Mercury is currently in Libra and will be joining the Scorpio grouping on Nov. 8. That is an unusual influence coming from Scorpio, which represents a new phase of 2014 astrology — what I would call a time … Read more

This Hot Mess

Dear Friend and Reader: If you dare to watch the news, you may get the idea that civilization is unraveling, or at best, that the political situation of the United States is so mired in its own insanity that it’s never going to get out of the swamp. We are watching, silently for the most … Read more

All Roads Lead to Scorpio

Dear Friend and Reader: Next week we have one of the most interesting astrological days I’ve ever seen. On the morning of Thursday, Oct. 23, the Moon, Venus and the Sun are in Libra. By that evening, all three have moved into Scorpio, and then there will be an eclipse of the Sun conjunct Venus. … Read more

Of Small Causes and Big Effects

Dear Friend and Reader: So much is happening. Sometimes it seems like one of our newfangled days is as eventful as an old-fashioned month. Domestic and international news have been as astonishing and infuriating as ever. War and famine still profoundly afflict the human race, which seems far more inventive at creating problems than at … Read more