Sagittarius: The Ultimate Misfits, or the Ones Who Get It?

Dear Friend and Reader: Saturday, Nov. 22, is the Sagittarius New Moon exact 7:32 am EST (12:32 UT) — and it got me thinking. Years ago, a Sagittarian ex of mine said to me, “You’re the only person who’s never judged me for being who I am.” He was a creative, sensitive poet-type and was … Read more

This is About Chiron

Dear Friend and Reader: This week something unusual happened: scientists landed a probe on a comet. It took them 10 years to get there, not counting all of the design and preparations, and required many feats of astrophysics. You may have seen some of the astonishing photos that were sent back to Earth recently by … Read more

Party Out Of Bounds

Dear Friend and Reader: One of our researchers, Shelley Stearns, noted in a comment to Monday’s diary that Mars is out of bounds — just as it makes a conjunction to Pluto and Narcissus, and a square to Uranus. The planets in the solar system do not orbit the Sun on a flat geometric plane. Rather, they … Read more

Beneath the Frozen Waters

Dear Friend and Reader: Thursday morning I woke up thinking about the chart of George Lucas. His chart is distinctive because the Moon is his most elevated planet, and most of his other points are either below the horizon or in the 12th house, residing mostly in the dreamtime. His Moon is also in an opposition … Read more

Vote With Your Uterus

Dear Friend and Reader: Today is Election Day in the United States, what is called a midterm election — that is, a non-presidential year. I am reading that this campaign cycle broke all records for spending in a midterm, thanks mainly to the Citizens’ United decision of 2010. Just about everyone is reporting that Republicans are … Read more