Where are the strong, and who are the trusted?

Dear Friend and Reader: Last week the new edition of Chronogram came in. That’s the regional magazine I’ve written for every month since early 1996. Chronogram always has excellent covers which by design are unconnected to any specific article. But they are often timely comments. With one glance my jaw dropped: the artist had summed up the state of … Read more

This is a Test: War of the Worlds

Dear Friend and Reader: For his weekly program on Halloween eve of 1938, a young Orson Welles tried something new. For some months, his Mercury Theater on the Air had run on Columbia Broadcasting System (the CBS Radio Network) with a small listenership. On the evening of Oct. 30, they decided to try doing a science fiction … Read more

A Closer Look at Election Night Astrology

Dear Friend and Reader: Last night, Donald Trump said something that has become the lead story out of the third presidential debate: he might not accept the election results if he loses. All week long he’s been bleating about rigged elections — as if there’s some conspiracy between black people, The New York Times, Hillary Clinton, … Read more

Aries Full Moon: Here Beside the Rising Tide

Dear Friend and Reader: We’re about 48 hours out from the big Full Moon conjunct Uranus-Eris. To recap, Uranus-Eris is the conjunction that’s the sign of our times, associated with electronic media revolutions. First a reminder: I’ll be hosting a community-wide, live edition of Planet Waves FM Friday at 9 pm as the wave is … Read more

A Class, Hillary’s Birth Time Controversy, and some Astrology

Good Evening on Planet Waves: I’m going to lay low this week and let my colleagues handle most writing duties today. I’m planning to prep our class on Saturday — It’s All in the Houses. We’ll email out another round of subscriber discount codes. If you’re trying to read a chart, the houses provide the … Read more