Doing What You Must: Participating With Purpose

Dear Friend and Reader: Although the particulars will vary between individuals and among communities (both in-the-flesh and online), we seem to be in a moment of rich awareness and potential for participating with purpose. Issues like the standoff at Standing Rock and post-election developments are commingling with people’s usual end-of-year charitable giving habits and, of … Read more

Uranus-Eris: Remember, All Bets are Off

Dear Friend and Reader: I’m taking a week off from a big article to focus my efforts on The Book of Your Life annual readings. Thank you to all the people who have pre-ordered. I want to alert you to one vital issue developing in the news: the North Dakota governor has threatened to forcibly … Read more

Your December Horoscopes, and a Message of Thanks

“As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them.” — John F. Kennedy Dear Friend and Reader: When things get as rough as they have this year, and when the world seems turned upside-down like it has this month, gratitude can … Read more

The Chaos Factor

Dear Friend and Reader: We now have our first tangible result of full digital conditions: a Frankenstein monster of every vile or repressive political stance has been designated president-elect. A national Muslim registry? Really? Rounding up Mexicans? This has been an exhausting year. It’s been agonizing enduring the attacks on women, on darker-skinned people, on … Read more

Trigger Warnings

Dear Friend and Reader: The one item I don’t remember including in any of my election coverage is that this is all happening in the midst of the Uranus-Eris conjunction, so anything is possible. Maybe I mentioned it somewhere. Uranus is the god of ‘expect the unexpected’: developments, revolutions, upsets, inventions, breakthroughs. We got one … Read more