The Next Battle in a War on the People

Here is feast of solitude A fiddler grim and tall Plays to dancing kings and wives Assembled in the hall — R.H. Dear Friend and Reader: Once again, we’re being confronted with a mass casualty incident involving firearms. This is on the heels of every other kind of disaster, or the threat of one, in … Read more

Countering Rose-Colored Glasses with Good Communication

Dear Friend and Reader: We’ve been experiencing a week of highly charged, transformational astrology. And whether you’ve been experiencing it in acutely personal, direct ways or mainly watching it play out on the nightly news in frightening and heartbreaking events, chances are you’ve noticed the universe inviting you to pay attention and investigate with your … Read more

Great American Eclipse: Looking Back, Looking Forward

Dear Friend and Reader: Astrology may be the most objective means of studying the world, since it’s inherently meaningless. Every experiment needs a control of some kind, and astrology, removed as it is from any known law of cause and effect, provides the perfect null value. The charts and other tools used by astrologers provide … Read more

Tending New Ground, in a New Way

Dear Friend and Reader: With each new natural disaster that has swept through the news recently (hurricanes, floods, fires, earthquakes…) it feels as though the planet is trying to get our attention: no matter how much technological ‘progress’ we make, it won’t matter until we face the damage we do to the Earth, commit to … Read more

Looking Beyond the Devil in the Details

Dear Friend and Reader: By now, whatever emotional energy peak you may have experienced with the Full Moon should be dissipating. And while you still might feel a little foggy or unsure about certain situations (thanks to Neptune’s lingering influence), at least the mental shenanigans of Mercury are slowly beginning to sort themselves out. ‘Easy … Read more