A Moving Point In Time and Space

20 Years of Planet Waves: Dear Friend and Reader: It’s snuck up on me, though later this month is the 20th anniversary of Planet Waves. On Dec. 21, 1998, we published the first version of PlanetWaves.net, with the intention of creating a reader-supported publication. When I leaf through my old notebooks, and look at my … Read more

Daily Horoscope for March 9, 2018 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Aries (March 20-April 19) — The main thing you’re up against is your own insecurities, though you owe yourself a long conversation about where those come from. They may seem like standard equipment, though here is the one bold question to ask: when you doubt yourself, who benefits? That will put things into perspective. Taurus (April 19-May … Read more

Aquarius New Moon: All Together in the Belly

Dear Friend and Reader: Tomorrow’s New Moon — a conjunction of the Sun and Moon — takes place right at the midpoint of Aquarius. This marks the middle of the current season; a time the ancient Pagans celebrated as Imbolc. Although the origin of the word Imbolc is not entirely clear, one common explanation is … Read more

A High-Voltage New Moon, with Options

Dear Friend and Reader: Today there’s a New Moon in Libra that’s just loaded with energy. Chances are you’ve already been feeling it this week. Despite the fact that a Moon waning to its new phase tends to be lower-energy, this one is plugged into a high-voltage outlet. That outlet’s name is “Uranus”: the planet … Read more

Harbinger of the Future: Jupiter in Scorpio

Dear Friend and Reader: Today I’ve got some news for you about Jupiter in Scorpio, a one-year transit that began this week. But first, I have a call to action. The world is in crisis. We are seeing the effects of global warming manifest before our eyes: as successive hurricanes pounding coastlines and inland areas; … Read more