They Are Losing It

Dear Friend and Reader: I was having breakfast with a friend in Woodstock this morning, notebook out, pencil in hand, trying to think of an appropriate title to tonight’s article. “They Must Be Fucking Kidding” kept coming to mind. So let’s see, the federal government has been shut down for nearly a month, and people … Read more

In the Nature of a Square

Dear Friend and Reader: The prevailing aspect of our moment is the square. Long misunderstood, this is an aspect of high integrity, of durable structure, and of action — though admittedly, it can be a little stressful. Like, especially if you’re a federal employee who didn’t get paid on Friday. I was doing some research … Read more

Neptune, Nessus and the Government Shutdown

Dear Friend and Reader: Before we get into tonight’s topic — some astrology related to the government shutdown, which I’ve traced back to the beginning of the Trump candidacy — I’m here to check in personally. I know that my role as a reporter is to write about how unusual things are and to document … Read more

How to Surf Like a Goat

Dear Friend and Reader: As you likely know, yesterday (Saturday night) we experienced the Capricorn New Moon, which was also a partial solar eclipse. So that puts us into ‘the eclipse zone’: the two weeks between eclipses that can be especially useful for releasing that which is no longer needed, and for initiating new patterns … Read more

Approaching the Capricorn New Moon and Eclipse

Dear Friend and Reader: Happy New Year! Even though most people try to set their New Year’s resolutions and intentions by Jan. 1, the astrology this year is clearly indicating a wider window for this process — and for beginning to take active steps in accordance. The major event with this theme is Saturday’s New … Read more