Working Your Edge: Mars and Uranus

Dear Friend and Reader: As has been mentioned elsewhere — and as you’ve probably been feeling — we’re in a rather ‘edgy’ phase of astrology. This could be coming through several ways — such as needing to express something but never getting the right opportunity; or waiting for key information that feels like it will … Read more

Venus, Mars and the Ongoing Quest

Dear Friend and Reader: We’re approaching the Aquarius New Moon on Monday, which happens at the midpoint of Aquarius — and therefore at the midpoint of the current season (the ancient Pagan cross-quarter celebration known as Imbolc). Yet despite the tone of ‘winding down’ that a waning Moon often brings, we’re in the midst of … Read more

A Bird Flew In

Dear Friend and Reader: This week, both Venus and Mars begin to pass through outer-planet squares. Venus is currently in late Sagittarius, and Mars is in late Aries. While the aspects come into full focus early next week, around the time of the Feb. 4 Aquarius New Moon, we can use the look-ahead ability of … Read more

The Government Shutdown, and the Invisible Environment

Dear Friend and Reader: We are now at the end of day 34 of the federal government shutdown. I am taking this too personally. It’s making me nervous. I feel like the character Tweak in a South Park episode from a couple of years ago, who was freaked out over the Korean nuclear missile thing between Trump … Read more

Seeking Stability in the Time of Madness

Dear Friend and Reader: The current eclipse of the Moon in Leo is another reminder that we need some grounding and stability in our lives. Yet it seems like every new development in society, whether social or political or technological, threatens to up-end everything. I would note, again, that we are having to go through … Read more