Decoroscope from Inner Space

Decoroscope is the annual edition of Inner Space, written for Canadian House and Home. Unlike my usual psychologically oriented horoscopes, and the emphasis in Inner Space on relationships, this column works with mundane images and ideas for one’s actual home environment. Who better to ask for help than a specialist — Ursula Fugger, my friend … Read more

The Hanged Man

In a little hilltop village, they gambled for my clothes I bargained for salvation, but they gave me a lethal dose— DylanNEW YEAR’S weekend, the world was confronted with images of the execution of Saddam Hussein. The official video takes us right up to the point where the noose is placed around the former Iraqi … Read more

Too Rich for Words

WE SEEM to be embarking on the strangest weekend since God knows when, perhaps before the American Revolution. I woke up this morning and clicked on the Planet Waves blog — which someone else is covering for me at the moment — to be informed that today is the day of Pluto conjunct the Galactic … Read more

Global Orgasm Day: Knockin’ on Heaven’s Door

CAN ORGASM create world peace? In our strange but true country known as the Internet, the word is out on the streets that Friday, Dec. 22 is Global Orgasm Day. Being someone who thinks “every day is Global Orgasm Day,” it took some time (and a few reader emails) for me to figure out this … Read more

A Holiday Message from Planet Waves

Dear Friend and Reader: SOL AND LUNA are now in Sagittarius, and we’re very nearly at the Capricorn solstice. This is a natural turning point in the cycle of the seasons and in our lives and, unfortunately, for many people the pressure is on. The origins are every bit as much cosmic as they are … Read more