Planet Waves for February

Aries (March 20-April 19) Compelling events and turning points, particularly involving your established social circle, are boldly announcing that a long phase of your life is drawing to a close. But the new phase will not begin immediately; it is still taking form in ways that you cannot see. We can, however, sum up the ending … Read more

The STFU Address

EVERY ASTROLOGER on the planet is wondering how the Bush administration has lasted this long. The more you know, the more astonishing it is; the more impossible it seems. Not that the ship of state is doing particularly well these days, adrift as it is in sundered and stormy seas — but it really is … Read more

Weekly Horoscope

Dear Friend and Reader: I have a horoscope for you this week, but everything else is on hold until the Spiral Door is finished. Aquarius birthdays part one will be distributed with the February monthly horoscope on Monday. I will send an announcement when The Spiral Door annual edition of Planet Waves is ready. Thank you.   … Read more

The President’s Speech (About Iran)

Wednesday night, we saw and heard the image of a different George Bush, one who I suspected for a moment or two might have had Botox injections in the corners of his mouth (it wore off, however). The speech was given from the White House library, a new place, suggesting that Bush, now presented as … Read more

Planet Waves for January

Hello Friends and Readers, Tonight we’re publishing the January monthly horoscope, which is a shorter edition of The Spiral Door Annual Horoscope. In truth, the horoscope below bears little resemblance to the 12 articles by the same title, one per sign, that are now taking shape and which will comprise the astrology section of the annual … Read more