Sixties Redux : Correction and Details

IN FRIDAY’S edition I said that Uranus entered Virgo after the assassination of JFK. The more accurate guess would have been, it did not. Rather, Uranus first joined Pluto in Virgo in 1961, at the height of Camelot. This article contains the details of key 1960s events, including the dates of Uranus, Chiron, Neptune and Pluto … Read more

Beautiful Agony & Barak Obama

HERE IS some news: Barack Obama, a senator from Illinois, is the first presidential candidate with Pluto in Virgo. I have written a bit about this placement, usually in the context of discussing Sixties charts. Pluto is one of the planets that distinguishes both a generation and a phase of history, and Virgo was indeed an … Read more

A Large White Dove

THE SATURN-NEPTUNE opposition is in full blossom this week, as the Sun sweeps through the once-per-generation setup, explaining everything from the extraordinary developments in the war in Iraq, to a Kansas City chemical fire involving as yet unnamed “solvents and mineral spirits” (whiff of dioxin, anyone?) to the wig and diaper-wearing Space Shuttle astronaut being charged with … Read more

Flaunt for February

Aries (March 20–April 19) You’re in a fabulous position to conquer the world, and fortunately for you, most people are way too apathetic to bother. The only thing that could possibly stop you is getting involved in the erotic opium dream cult that keeps sending you those alluring emails asking you to spend a Friday evening … Read more

Full Moon over Oceania

AS THE SUN made its annual conjunction to Chiron and the Moon waxed to the full, both the Blair and Bush administrations were revealed to be in deep water. Sun-Chiron is the perfect image of this, though not the only one in the astrology. Other factors include the Saturn-Neptune opposition and Jupiter square Uranus — … Read more